HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-4-6, Page 1r
4114 • 004
0Ev oT ED.c
TILE REAsoNs WHY the principle of the "greatest
the greatest number. FROM TUE ITAL
bis east on the sax months limit
• '1.1.1•1 Chand!er uric linti • .'111114 : •
11 -It lives gosi gross exallihraliens I nosa1 -e„„, - • termini. This is the host heal Lawry a 1..4 l•hoot " liy •fireffibi
Ile Scott Act Should Not Be I .
A wetseiBlt - It iuipoulble t. ',�r -
est "%teflool an General'" much d'""""a4 P"iat' A Met About Matters Religion, I " ."`'" • ese,
• lite Om/l-
and scientific errors--
R.epeolai in Huron
reetuteer for Glengarry has LWOW 11.61,04- f TORON TO LET ER '8.4°114' "*"...a•I' a hall. 't '. 'tals' ‘Y
1 T .
ibia . . well
• -
.8,01! : •":,,,y. Pct. Assail
t dt.!V t or U.: IN ADV.% ..1.14
pro:nobly co t• Woo in 014111' 44,11.1.4 COOk OOP ?/•11 'n 'eriget. t‘ ills on t ,,:lt•
rer camilliasideesiledetualertiefiretlehloo.e ,411"anoll'illiestritc"til:e rcirhatatilL:hi ATI.. 'h.
tenet of whIch continues t,' gr 1110
ats.:i. 1:10,..: :181.•:::::coueel.:04,:ern., ledi:::::,elrice.:na,.(..t.c1174,;orepre_H::::-.
vi see .
I ines, tiudhault of Joiiiitt• and t7outimiti uallv , elieflits
The Challenge by Mr 4.4U anal Me awns- ' "lb" 'mut". are. hil arl ''' • '
___ ___ ____
seise" ,,mitts sof Ib e Iia.' Peal- '
re sea t • • •A b eseliest asw a -De- ii
ewe • ., crime Is %reit art 4 torsi .
gm. f, e 1144441. gleseeperser
li• 4 ,ssi Victims Mystresis.
ia ate the evils ot the tr,tho tool aine,,lific • Neves from Ott
inert in cast numbers pronoun ssailiat I _
the 0.4111 44444 n •1611 of alcoholic hevera4es. 1
r mellowest Scala lis arsst
moral itt;d anti-j'hrustoin .ori'd ir'ar.:1• IL:: x.1.44Cit; Illk."" r* ar. 111r"'" Tee
es °I mot Ito be CA •st t
faith in Christiaa!ty awl 115 I'. .:1: 1.0,,e. Matter The Myr-Uri-10
er." neelereielty Whole 401
AllaWRIt -Bar rooms defend C. rest- l'iseriSews.
Unity ! What nazi, ' idwaton. a ..:riist - -
brewer of Ensland, said that tie. eitrugoe
1 .4•11 the teett Bet Herald. between the 03tarch .id school 4,1, thel Irmo, our owe eorrcapondent.
, of one hand and the liquor triadic on the ousel,. Ara 3._ pari.ait L.
' e "eviivi! , term to Canada extended two years
k r le ''ne Ph's* °I 1.1"' "ar l'eteeen had a recess from last Wade 1 lot" I Wager, although he is no longer on the
W leffive hat of the itritish army.
--BM& Vilx4rIt.Oulll l•iltaTIL
The debate on reciprocity wa$ te•Uni-
ell today by Mr Fresousati, of Nova Sco.•
1 gi klelltider 14 tabgt!AB for Ar: .,
$entuteee is HOW pretty well settlad.. -
1 tone a siotieher 441 isetahle West
she oust MILITIA •iitits ANDES. Tomato &eta Ibis MaiittA
I utlerstily IltarePai
article*. De. Illisory Al. Fiehl w
, . , ._ , ,_
Sir Fred Nliddleton hes leased • hind • wove. Ssegas.
smoots 01 111.41,• 1 144041 111111dd 11.1 4, .11411. •
which tends to confirm the rumor that treads hes writhes a pleaseng ironies% ,
reme rills residence 'tear Rideau H411, - -
this gallant Major Genetal has had his rr"a our "ta C'Jrn"P°346.4- of • visit to “Gibealler.' tie dIliscre
Toaosto. April f, 14#111. •3117 troter'="3641131 41*"7 or •11,
D.D . , wt.,' kjtown it•pti.t. pretiener, 04 1.11414".4 11 131* 411 nallual fart
A Ye"' or "" au", Juatl" D. IF1111•°"_; which Ism bow femme feat Militias •
i.j. tine who ass thee forty -hell member ill been in Toronto for i couple of weeks.' is a story of siii,_„1,,ni. Isms a team
Brookins, N. Y., resigned bits charge
•,,,i lecturtng along th• line of I youni Anacetcan ,,,,.. a hero anti e troablit
?rt. LettudIdtertatuaelecipsuporsiteuele „eirri.rtisteraesunfisi.
" .i. Happy Aocid nt"
ease la
im444.-- Shiso:k. It AI too attach to eapeet that aproand erbnitnegred upon the special work of t,/ wistmeoc... be Jahn t.. Rupee, o or
oppeing R.manisen. The D ..:tor bas t4.1eure ii.teeest!
gm the remaining thirty yet to address the his choice, mid his visit Las aroused in- : gen, vie, f„.,r a ia.rot,„,„ ft 6, e whoa,. 11,
opic 11.mas will throw •ny new light on • in many quarters. Koine ..f thelemee „tie e „h a deal „f tote, humor t„
aire please.' 40 call Heaven and Hell. day the week has been a ,
rt is iiteid 4 • 4,r4
interesting letter from Idis *metal
riot depend 011 the Moue of Coin.
why -the intettt refit Airchors--4,1 it "44ignores the Bible grou
tatoi• • .
the e ...sot!' of ill ism sts.41.4 with temperance and total vitc.
them l'hearo reaftens tr• 15144, give. i..riri'114111
immediately f 411....ove2 ere the mend -aad make others cut MI th;eir
Ito ds also -
W101:13,:because WWI 1111,4ingii lig that il-
Instrious body are as duil
answers to t 1 es oirniut your fears t e-
, Chaneery. There is nothieg
Vol 4..01c.tlat P fl"""all' "swIn -Quiet Ren ! smile as the tail end . t,..,
n ,joe.,o, .hei, hey, men, the Bible and your beaten.* kuow ,
Fancy listening to forty-five
11114 little of each other, tarsi are as much day in and day out on
your . 1111011011r 44 ••• p
o posted as light aid darkness, life and It a as had as the atinuear who (
death The loouor men complain that
manuscript in the evening sed repeated
i. -Tbe *mot Act is a ei ere.
be earn -'t with hese& es toe ooserawaity:
Agnew.- The flee erai Asereisay 4.1
the Pri-sbyterian Cher. t Coterie er-
pressoitiog • vase sranomiiiiy ogee elle
hi 1.• isainiort, h 'rose nerefally
the law cuts id the right feud of %nh,:
his discourse (.1 the MU
Thauk you gentlemen for this adonis- Bettie itself might nn martgliocomions be
rton. Time traffic cuts off both hands countad out, so few ntemnas are in their
and fcet, body avid soul. seats. The comfortably Oohs ,n.d chair
•• • hethsr law•hrerlier• or and private desk are 1) •r, fatal 1..
the expediting of pub' ic ma. Here
members can sit conductinditheir corers -
'lenience, or reading theittedistoct pa -
collected inflame. n from th. eras' en of y .n4 II•ing for selling that
each congregation ear : The law kiss lie 1.
awsicof nie)WIF:rrie-rience nor Scripture declares
resulted tn am undstotossel decrease A im4.-
drunkenness. and tri tosdflurs the INagkr Artiswg* --The churches and seines
raffle MAIM mem disreputabi•, .041 Nolen, thte asiere,,,n W... 11 „, the
in the lesseeing sof seism WI tont by
many Jodges as/ Grand Jones throaeh
out the land."
The General Conference of the Metho-
dist Church of Canada, says :--"The
law has largely destroyed the wicked
treating custom," it has "deeressed the
consumptieti of intoxicants,- anti comae-
,lueetly the amount of "poverty, drunk-
enness and crime."
Prom the Report of the Tropector of
prisona of Ontario for 1RAG, it appears
that in the Province of Ontario there are
liquor trattic that robe home of parents,
pers or • laook from the Ithelt deat to
the member for Oshkosh, eh talking
•u..ject so th,troueltly threshed (AIL
oos week must surely witness • divi-
sion In crinaection with tho trade reia-
platform have not gone unchellentzed in
, tem.. from aragonite bY W. Taylor.
it. there ar,ie eieht attrectire illost
islous missionary's assertions en the •
th ress and the lecturer hoe not been whieh hio e been skilfully e:Iratsi. Thee '•
lietice of the following resolution : trot, Dr Fulton addressed an opeo letter • -tisi'ssiiel`... aMhir,"',.,,,tt.„-t.'tialt7s,e"aoonortym,,cts
14.0,4 id C110.1411 Mr AlsCarthy has given slew to answer his critics. On Friday • ..ti or. t
of O.414.eia that such it change should be t, -altar ctralfa;oortirer rhaallhal.001•Pri.01,""oesarn.trli 8i.. 1 01.5tvr.of ,.the In'ititedt,,,S,Otnlytesx.rtc.....in- ',
sought for in the trade relation. netoreen t
the I. toted Kingdom and Ctrs* ais
woulereire to Coned& advantage's id -the
That it would bs in the best interests erlible be gave the following Wallower. ..,,-; Tue. Gel,. ...,t."-%".,•.-.vt,iti.--`,,ely°, ..%tlijailief
otereem .R.:7,7•1.11t.:aoloitte. • tribes, i. valiotoble a d
eft : We're 111PAO•bfallt ll-riallar•-a-a r
--li ,.tr -t etvls""e Tel CbMatilaIr es-atitenosi MA4111.
-rii'''b Of Wi Will '' answerine the esseation, '• When. alt•I
THAI/K `4 1TM tiltEAT BRIT t1N. to Archbishop Lynch, in the course of 45.11454 e,,,:414 Th„, 1 r ,tor
market./ . f the Mother Country set al-
. ,;,,, te, mg for April, 1386. The inirtidal .a.rutiocrele
a c15loopmariouty,
and 1g;
inptly respond- '4.)wn Country,- the editor irt ,
rrialff:05 X
Sis 'Mu la or en
Mu, anderst sortie
batik to 11,,
of mf
it wall
The it
h. 44444 r nod purity ; tie State o i . to the Hansard rejoirters. In a 4.1 1.71 lowed t.. foreign States, Gonads being
try, wealth. fired the lives of meiltitudes the aforesaid member will settees a pry- willing t.. discriminate in fevor of Great
4 her citizens, and of ceder. Peace end ' digious numl.er of Hanmnis ta•ning Britain, regard bijou lied to the Nate, -
literality ; and the chur,th of her mem- . hi• speech, and Mid! them I" r-1414- al Policy awl the financial neoessitiris of
bores. Every civilized community that . ing constituents. the th en. Of course very little dis
does not prohibit places the tratt: under itoo ear. 1,1BATT.S .4411 kir Ei„ cussion • ill ensue 011 41515 motion r been imp -
tee ban of a beanie. The official reporters of the ounonsns Marshall'. "f E'llit Sll'i'lleael! h•• '• Wu' sayisgs, &singes
tut ne•tbode of diminishiss intemperance in ,
;are 111 in number, and are ell skeled Oar notice oa the piper. ._. from perms
which mar.y sensible peop:e could uni..e wirh !sbotehaud writers. There are ihro sniall oovititNIIIINT Or me 7MIve•vv...4. A be' the .
II. "ft prevents' reasonable sea more `•01,1.-
*teen.- I tables on the floor of the Ileummelee. 1 ;
, .t •ransoired in an intereliew bent .. e
.• a
Amewita -The 0°17 "1411' flat'''. . between the Ministerialets mod ----------- the Premer amti the ilelegarig 1
9; tang/
about ow, millinn le under hoes., method of diminishing infemperanc•
Scott Act ts • Cis, ber in " (sees of Lt. minutes correspondense wax cornet
hi position. The reporters week in the t that the relate -a ie.«, 'ea
4 115.
The million people under Itemise in 1486' ,
local prohibitory law. Temperance pea- A timekeeper in the debates WOOm sonde the now Northweig 'stew,
and about the same under the Scott Act by Problbl.'10n-6"
tted 7 923 CT1164111. The million " are w for Pruhtb‘twa' a"' "
satiabIl tO that ono use the Scott Act. the brat oxen in when the Speaker takes consist of 25, all Wien,.
the chair. The entrance of the Speaker. three judoes. the IL
cod b the ringing . Macdonald said the r•JoiVe
1. 1986. 1940 et:Immo-a difference in num-
' ewe.. mad wheat growing is bevel -lag us. a electric bens in en parts rj on build
t ottrower. hypo by the way, is an
people under the Scott Act committei in i .1 ..it an.kaionlviy bar_e,
themselves. , da“111. CUSS off rever.ut. sr.d dtephrea.:e.7 t. ing At the end of-. the bat tan minutes
bin of 5,983 ! These facto speak for 1 timetable. It iciness the importan T
If the Scott Act does not decrease the ; treasury
‘"'haat a5Y cs)511"e5aattag 451‘i. , • second reporter enters and eel down at
Sale of liquor why is it that ovary hutel- 1 Ameese -The barley grower is not re- the second table. The tint reporter
. wenn ,
ble directly ur urlirectly f o the concludes the seztenee he is writing, if
keeper ‚2 .0 anxious fur its repeal 1
. oses to which his grain is put : the Act - it is not too tong, and then leaves his
" " ' rec respectable hotels sod draws
has nothir.g to do with wheat -growing. colleague to take up, or to tette down
1 i of the decourse, retirin4 to
Illen 40 IOW $1100.1 difficult or deteotios_waere
liquors are adulterated. and the combater and
assoalatiese am low and demoralising.-
Ameraa-The barroom with its into: -
totting liquors is not • respectable appea-
ses to any hotel. The bar with its treat -
Int system tends to destroy all respect-
ability, and has ever been • domande
ins institution. It ts *tent to every
ace that is the county the violaters 01
the act are these who hed licenses under .
„i that throe Icw .rom other more useful thtnge. .
the License Lew, 14 oresoac. the Dooley ell wasted on liquors ii now are set up and locked in the forms before
pieties are only Min/Mary er--",,st spent Although the salts of liquors to the concluding speeches are uttered. In
table hotel -keepers- know they materially decreased in Canada lief yrsr. the way the rerlootion report of a long
they should hare so informed the authir- '1
the revence was increasel, hence the sitting is Ind no the tab'e next day tol
I arenmeut is false. two or three o'clock in the afternoon or
item, but they have not dime so because '
the statement e untrue. ! 13. -If the ea' Warne etealiag to ore:taro ' about twelve hours after the Hoonse'ad
3. -It multiplies* alseblienosa3d eh:Antral.* i Ilbroken. thocit evzi• OSP. 1l .104111
14 J0111114. Fifty minutes having now @lam-
bed whiskr while it prsyrista the use CA I
except that if liquor were no s .
tured and sold, more people would be the debates room where his amanuenses
able to purchase flour, and the price of sits at a typewnter. Etch reporter is
wheat would coneequeetly be advanced supplied with an amanuensis. to whom
by the demand. The levier tra.: it ' he reads off his notes, and iti atnon half
consequently a detriment tu our agroul• an hour the typewritten "cipy' is hood
lural intertets. ed to the man whose duty 11 is te pakit
If the Act diminishes the mreeue 'for the priuter. It is deepatched tmaill,
from liquor' it iocreases the revenue dtately to the priaters, oho are setting
• '-fi t all night eo that the early epeechee
west had a boy burtur yes
4overnment, 50 1111:1M W.411
native CouociL To
will sanction all hills
at• Ifosters •
yet printed, test when
Constitution oi tse new
be there set forth.
Sir Charlet Tupper is ehle to
but H .111. Pope is still coed
the house.
The coneines committee will t
row again into the coal rings.
The Govennient has decidel *Is
arid digit* i;hee the use of OIher li.ght dr= 1 elide to (enforce e taw which • large tomer. ra rePorter enter t s
ed nom the fit ed h
1 en. trunlia the irr r 4, hoar car. I. be pos-
were_d.riting.oe: strong (Weer under i tawny the people, including ,,,,y of the her
ie • althea& regard .0 woos" tfreuri'c'l el° so 14 1041 round. The reporter receives
Chamber, his turn has come again, and
Atom -ex -Dees lionise prevent she- veranar year, and each amanuensis $12
hems ' On their own testimeny there otteoems-Law breakers do nnt coo. 82.000 •
that punishes them nett. and a week during the eession. The official
are in Toronto, ander license. two she- ; •ilasr • I'll'
akte o • *if Me -
O mese,
a P.1 ha
„: , shs rote Several e. time toe
. 44 the man Owe full ram,. Uglier the
'a this number •on
itiot There in
I:worsted seemed o
of that oituresque
aid committed tc, .1400451 of 11 41.111: te the re
notion of the nun,: lettles•isiterel Inland ot Calm 11
idled the Mayor of 40164 characteristic migravings
of Dr pettoe. ticle that will attract much int
T,•,„,,.?„ "Coma, the Hermit Nation." Swett more
' led ent ivihottion and the Gospel The tidy
"YesaAsson w:II bo more anis-
'. • itAhar. Ittophe *Er:
rgd's greelll",adier readers than
t ;Lawrence Seetches th uneven 'ev A.
I amid the sorrine a4.1 tragic sce
e • tite Sepio mutiny. at then the quie r4
111 heene 1' is a noble study 0( a
' !• him, A toper ef permanent im
tLer y_LItf. J. Ia. 'Vtairow.,
1If • .•o
°LEI- d c. era
offen.11,__ 005 lyy the Rev J. F. Gerinsa, M.A., on
ea. recently then Japan thrown open to
se rellem`s feeledeitoi. + :ovine of 31actionalers
.144:stogr dry a.
„„7 firenas. In N. Y. „d„ nearly aa laws Wye lacked "mind rip repot is called Hansard, after 4150 man
who inaugurated 40*system in England.
lige" those arse
e w erli„.1 ao
plca. I port' objectiowhen first muscled. so that thn
statistic. lova, that wham hot. taunt.eobjection haa no form. especutlly twe ob„ The efficiel reporters of the Senate are
liin number.
eating drinks are sold, the use of ss.rong 1 it " r•Inemb•ret41 that taw l'••1' H •"
drinks is sten greater than in these ledecstor. and time adds to its strength 1 . Telt MANITOBA MATIER.
pleas where there is prohibition in both, tend bins* its enformecint. : The most important decision come to
4. 'le drunkelmeso is ..,,A7 ",F0 roorvs e'er telt th halter eri, :br the Federal Government in some
elem.." lit. "It coot tbe r ••
Sir iila good cpinton Of the law.' veers is that embodied in the letter from
Sir John Macdonald to Premier Green-
Areswge -The Inland Revalue Report, enforce it in te 1:Atil'i!esce.1"Itthis7Mear/A 0.1°. ;rust"
1486, Appendix A. P V. thong tI•it !above the fines co'1,•cted. l'o4 t:ad to tay way which the lamer takes back with
1,342,089 gallon* of trheky 1ms were l fine:-
1 AN•rw147.1. -Thu statement is mislead-
. him to Manitobe. In it Sir John, in
consumed ia 1986 haa the averae Zgfor behalf of the Government, undett•kas
. And tot the whole I irkg and atone. The whole Provincial that no railway charter granted by the
the five promding
„,..,,,,....,,,,. 4415 ..nsii 10,.,...4 snows that expenditure under the Liceuee laws does , se-
sminitoha Lecislatare will in future be
l'''''''''''''''.. fiss..4144 ple'Vned thus dm , not amount to this sum. In every ''''r`"tt 'disallowed, and he further states that he
umpiss ger oil lid so yews. Is it pea. 1 Aet 04•4115t7 except nun. tte En** wer• will introduce a hill repealing the
name ytint the svie nbc sec clamoring • more than sufficient to pay all expenses monopoly cl.uss ki tie C. P. R. can-
tor 4 tewese bow eke 6,,,i0o, to dliscrasse reelected with enforcing the Act. lo
Heron there was a surplus o' 214-0 tract, thee leavine free trade in railways
drunkenness 1 . . eV i, ever all the Territories. Althoogh this
i. ,. , _ ..______ ... ...nu , to dJanuary in this present license fe•ri I was the ootnome of the negotiations as
yalif:L"ITar'or,,,...-.=7.,47,,.„.. 1 an that men will be greatly increased.
nit I outlined in my het letter it now beers
eausesonore immenutty Uses it seeks to re oek ,,„ Utia y o. , kw, . i a °angle n_e1 ssei;t, the impress ot Almon sanction, and
44-iildiflag. pwriery mod ill Mediae I IT. "The lose in license fora was abo ' flffi- '
owing to the far rehing e
move. 1 one groaner of • million.- ' emffect of the
Ammota-Tilien is 55 010011 perjurT in A• ite oars ofbeeves P
sw -gee 6 • .e. new policy on the Northwest its haply-
ieg the lieense laws, else for case, I nort by the Hon the Prov n el $ecret t MCI Warrants repetition. I will not
a • ' - t cl- - 11"
• to the Lieutenant Governer for 1888. i waste space speculating on the void pro
a under the Scott Act. It is sot the
Scott Act bet the liquor that has de. i
Revenue an 1885-6, $165,135.62. T.- to the C. P R., heaves the terms
bre not known or even hinted at except
h k elor
sums the like St Peter dole. t ue re
lievint tberity of Montreel.
The It ol Society of Comas meets
here in end& selzion, Mel
MVO' no members have been added
to this Lilo Commission.
A batten destine with smuts affect
ing wheat* men issued by tho Exper-
A speci semmittee of the Senate ie
mental Ottawa .
the -einem of the great
ton inqui
rewire nig
hicKensioain country in the North-
A ruin, iwenerent that Mr Curran,
M. joelentreal matte is to be made
a judge. •
Only 51 Winibleton team have
!,„?:_!/..tritpheir readiness to go te
my edi hod.
ed. 4•,toli.o. * been cnn
on, e of the pro
Baptist co
the . ..10
'h On ?mode,
I'Wh'edichneeday 'het week, tolletste
Arts depertmeit . folicMaster gam
is this city will illbegthen its
upon the student youlti of ()nitro. a
the Doininlon. Whether the eempus 9
Ithe Theedemc il has hot --.15041 ''' 10,16161111111
the Arts d apartment will *di. • *hat
al ij {4,4.
aq 44 it
‘Ohivrirr 8"61" Mee
rthrec coesty.
-titi,k; you
file-semo court.
Iloherteon opened the
of the Chancery Di•ision
net of Justice on Wed.
wrist. Ilis lordship re-
rty cengratulations of the
on his promotion to the
tem of ome of Her Majes-
ty's jut'. • Mr M C Cameron, to
whom lode/gated the duty of address-
ing ed felicitously performed
the pees...ivied him. He lordship
acknowle the %Odessa in anitahe
term,. eked the members of the
noderfoi. or the kindly toestiosents
Nelson •
Mr J
sprung so
44 the ez
nesday •
any erent will cost $11‘0,000, e f de
that the coif 'IV' to
out likely. The principle of federation • from tEl pert 4
with the state unirmetty was voted dews k dy, forty arty on
at Guelph by a large maj.prity, although , Seeedir• item
hut a couple of years ago the brethren Wet ths. he
were even more pronounced for &tilos 44 today, "a*
tion with Toronto university. However, frit the eat' ..er
now that the site is fixed for Torovito, with it- :-
there may yet come • time when fedora -
with the state institution may ap- Ter ea-oray Nio
pear aestrable. In the days irrimk eh h eis.M.
On &turd*, the Mayor sent a reply tel and hie Veld ertrirt. T..rinyanit ' von 'IN '
Arohli0 Op Litech • letter. In it the finger on hurninity s /gee, Teinsritell
"In the sprint i y ...le :20,1 A fender
Mayor stated that it bad been lean de& that
the Chief Magiatrsts Ile visit the Rotuma 1,‘III•tlY turn* te thoireoe of !eve." Awl
Ceetholic institutions efdeh receive greats sw"Teee is tt,, wiRnalttch.kriah..: fa.14,01'ythajtlif,
Canadian yOU1.1 ow, 1 oes er
)51* sprihl
for mettle sugar.
time mimes. ecentle Aloes _ HO kenUen
The rtsple leaf is ri•ir ety,Slissi gym,
lest decor still 14 n.spe guirar, eves
ed. Some stlirm r
fb .4t,s
bloke ort
the '-otaf3.41
1.44"1 1,)
treatieg amain license law invitee tempt*. Revenue in 1886-7, 11216,406.76.
by newspaper cnrrespoo en pifTe un.
moralised driakaag Ines. The opea
ties awl develops, nowenliesse and the Report adds that this increese mere than the Cabinet. It's a lam that to., a„,
jury, both of which, Eeriest efforts to 1 was caused by the Act 49. Vie OM 39, the C 1'. E. wanted Manitoha to boy "sorry
enforce law have proem' in 99 per cent.. which imposes fees for the exclesive the Emerson branch for a million Oollen Th. unct
has been on the side of the traffic. benefit of the Prone*** ()MK fled shove but Mr Greenlet, would not offer half • sed tee 1,
sie4 besi- ell ether fees. statutory or inaninpek million, became of the lane* sum M-
itt oe tbe Red River Vidtey
of public money. He AIL role y
so in the mores of hie year of edike. His
visit will not include the coivetite, but
only sisch in.titutions ss the liot
Providence, St Nicholas Home, etc.
The city never was more ttttt
ing T1 the appellation of "Muddy York." The N:: " n°4 1r05 t° "Ira.
leading thoroughfares are being scraped. weep% is recogritssd at the
and the piles ef mud are setonehingly menartek ot.W forest. yet Calidor rely
pals ue that n tbe biggest
„ 'lance. Front and W Amato i a ree .
sap -heed in the log&
• toe business before tee ! where the wholesale house* aii.,und. are , .. alsees tones thimusk the pews
I perfect alosighs, and defy the scrapers. l ..._""
1 tne ceuntry Mr. 1,„ spiky' sej,,,esty
*rags -fn this ems the 1 i oohed , • 'He. sts•;1 ore Pfellatees our
aced the Off. to conre to
THE EDITOR'S TABLES- i Forest. ''' Try nis:1' a ily to
der • promise to leaels his -- I over a slew tire. ani er . et yet warts
is nephew at his drone ems e'er reettereitens peer into heraterocielly *mini ..11. sior
without malting a will, ! e• Weed ar' "Fa a
That Wave tear Ira Ossill. ing in . 01.01 place
brooscht this amston te The lily "rho state 'dewy .1 maple
serer is b eind Is have , ...1 1 mid is
IL 'It makes ..r h• The judgment wee
f A ril is n.
news saes hylporeitlus end dootelefeced." The statement made so to the lees re in favor 4. Pm. ...0• 114) be paid oat HAPPWR 4 11111:1121,4W et p
Th statement io• 1.10, --Tb• revenue is therefore, mintiest, Nee. Parenel 1'064 TO.,. 14 thia t" b5 hArt" . of this es • Seeger fer ME ; Cense- only full nf interesting and instructive tut•
• mind that the constratition of the roe, ilediCovieron for deft. I matter in type and illustrations, se utUal. With the wird% 6f e viti7etom the
"-l1-Thi. ar•• •et sotiera but its tone has a note 44 lightness in it olempkettle ham hoer sespermloi as A
. nther Part 4,f the netit 1,r oieer sesame
Some enterpetaine enefflt:seu ter, hare
*leo demeaned. with Vol trough ani peel,
the aoger. wad 500* the maple tree
It is a very esrl: epreo ee, ei the
wholesale eos-ifeethrone- Nein. gm ahead
of the helmet, .ut -1.0,..b.,i foire, is
handling the nee cr ..,, 4 isre. le sugar.
T ------------ apls t-0,1 sio s s
Vreott het dem tint make respectable sind uk ..tu Hiroo the in„. „ gl Lin an I you
law abiding husimes men, hypocritical sea tom, this is ears taws!. railways in the Northwest le • MOM 114„,‘„,
and doohleefeeed. Bet the stress dn.k 1 41101WET -Not a single menicipelity in natter of floating the bends. There ani for erne, 1
trafti0 WWdOr 11/00841 init, trim to lItTelf the onenty has inereaseol its rate of tat. ' no mechanicial problems for encineering . pg„.
a:nsantle of respeetalsility over these very mime 04 .0000451 of the loss of the Itemise skill to solve. set op 4411
traits of character. It smiles imprimis"- fees, and there has been an scion dm . rem 1111i WI.WITUIWIL , decided th
ty tie its Dens when they show an matt- crease in the county rate fee the past '. Tb. vacant Federal seem are LAs ceed on
tads in dart trial's. Koch a statesmen I two years. tiemption, Iteseell and Kent. In the
is a to libel 00 onr beWeese mmt and HOW TO VOT11. two last the Home hoe ordered the
will be properly resenteri. ' "Against the Petition" meant "Ter Opeeter ta ammo his warranta 1,r the
..,.......7- -111=C•1, in••••14•1* mid •8•••• • the Some Act." Don't make any mite Wee. and no donbt thee was •ill not lie
'fag .-4,iirh•et either jury .. t ey take bet mark your ballet thee . ldelayed. In L. Ageoreptios. p•Iline
' lace today. The modoistes
mie te eopmet withearriared
wtchem • genteel la WOW& taw tee
in the township of lets most pmper for • non
view and one of the isms , The npeniug article is about Algiers, ita
possession, and the court people, its climate, and its easmons, and
ey were entitled to soc- leas written t,. F. A. Bride/man, the
end, and judgment was artist. Tt is profusely Millstream' with
given aer !, without 11011411 to asey of enoreeirots and farmintile reprodureines
the partim tetowrotti Holt A Caserta from Mr Ilndgman's own paintines
her Idg 121104011, wad Oelleuel, Meal of them ire fall pars *twee. and
net artistic from every crawl of
beTsylo;urdl-Tlitemo sin metes Mee. Tile poetry of the number in- f" .4014 141°Ielae l".."` 11"d' dillY
W , 1441tIT
'retire,. llauthier was sleeted at. the I thee are • "hi iiii Wiliald lw. 4 mid," sell the 44 ltnetish sows, •Itemot I neatly doetere44. is chewer and me"
last Mama •teeties over Rather by 211tereee tholive la U "err aided Mmes. I :eddy, my Heart's 'Might.- The for- let•T t" hatodkt *hub genuine mile "IF
majority sad afterwards unseated In Joilypentetwitiven desisstse thei &at 1 msw 6, iiie.tritot hy &Wee 'swedes, le ia dhe has. Vet-fetoi me
to the mese over Behar Comerea• sold, mid weeds paid vies ogee* mid 1 iatt ar htomems non too fee page %beta. , Heiman animal 'petal' Moe mil he
lif mai lest week Maitre was ideated to bie• mdieem. thM tbe prepeety be ;admiring seed sli the frontiephsee ; the
Om by 216 siejetime. Mies the lete that time* a Talmage, to the Master es ,,, ye A A Missy s hoot stow other hole else year on Weeneeday. April' 11.
leoverberettel knitte,ralievir4let;tbes ineaanajmoralyt ofot 110 \ Ionia:least tarinsadfultt:e Iv oottstomi aft" , poestliiseer,ire. eizehAaredfinieBalrt,son:: aarldie•D.het a !ph: tvititlettrerettiLec. wloolgitWitent pea. 11:terve:wet Ih4
Supreme Omert, Ile Paresil, the Las& se. -o. lltima I ;,-valai• There ere tett eneiplete • eat:! , el• -mm s. Rome cel •e•
�.41tare.. oevesnon leree.". or.oil le thg reelemid,
°anthem !Liberal) ..a itneher keressiert i till*si,. ti.7.17,rrhiresorair. aln4".„11 'in ri= , WnerAardst=idli.. "Thf • "WI
d -5,-
ea mmittors 01' 0414.14e4. 11144 11/4114111144
merws-Ithe Parliseiest. Kreiss• gait
people of Oweada, well s* 115.
Zemmol lisitersd. her* pr
the law jest end riastlentional.
I, 'Is lea weasel whirs, mimes Ise Jowl- I
41.4wee tbe •••1 doe premolars east te
stems W 1. heats*? TWO Pigerrtme
Awsw11a-11 is tent • tyranny MOON,
it is s taw 01 the 1124, GOO is justified es
4,42 4
wiA easeem modbeiniss-. Lair AO' ralk&A A
AvalfaCv..7 :411Lit‘