HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-3-23, Page 3•
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1.11011014111 TO $LD(.
Mielime-Itlee 1111Alseli
demedepg 11.11•11110 City. 4
A well& Latham has been given the
buikless etd wimps buLkHft4 uf ULM
OF T HE Eth-
lbsemestile notateeselleris
Illeseanne-A lakes with "illtessIme SeersdL"
1 Dark Vagehaataas el rriare 11,laltsm
ISenonniment for the Late seaseems.
HE domestic r
laUons of the late
emperor of Ger-
maw), in his later
ars, were Des
sapposed to be of
t pleasantest
a•tur•. The
eventful ace n•
through which he
passed as a child
uultod the mem-
ory of his mother
with • greet pur-
pose, and for her
be cherished an
absorbing him.
Tint it is probable that this was largely be
cause her image in his wend was always
revenue V!' of the work Ise had before
ter ironer:Ding about bee "Roastan blood."
Neat to Priene Bismarck, Use crows
Inmew non empires., stands imensineat
he empress due ever 's disregard. Look. -
log forward to a time wheel oust rimy bs
despoeseased is Dever pharisee and Aet-
"ems hed ter Years brooded over the
changes which must weer whey. her
dasuhter-iu law should become empress.
The teld lady has always zusintalned. that
WISHI the emperor died she would leave
Germany and tate up her quarters l•
Boom, averring that the could not eme
tteraharldlit with the alien who has
fro'. her uf the affections id het •r•$
bort. mon.
it he alien asserted that theesspevor him
self shared in them feelingis Med he val
jealous of any of his power pee16116 SIM
Frederick. In the litahmazollern family
Use heed is an autocrat nut unly over bis
subjects, but over those of his own blood,
and Frederick. and Victoria wore never
able te make the best imporant move
',about tbe pernienton of the imperial
fattier and hither -in -kw. prinewWileiree
is not deserlbed as • man of pleadable dis-
position. He was, hoee.r, • fa. orate
with the tild esopertne +thorn he is sup-
posed to reiestible morc than l is father.
This tact has only iterved to abeam* tam
base hie parents.
There must riecessarily he great "pe
hy itb tbo new Empress Victoria. At
him -of tinnshtlaX the power that humbled
mother and uni4444K &be German stows 8 she lett her home in England with ber
in au empire, with Prussia st the head. husband to miter the cold, autocratic
110 wasconspieutinely a man of the early abodes of the Hohenzllern+. She has
part of this century, the military spirit of endnred the IU will of her august.
which, cultivated first by bis ancestor 1•TelviKtia and 0Mo!mt2'117with the GIs -
Frederick the Great, and afterward by
Napolean I, tended to make William a
military despot. In les youth be had
lenrued tbat Implicit obedience was re-
quired of him both as • soldier and as a
subject of the Mug, his father; and after-
ward of his older brother. Fifteen yet+
before hie death he had accomplished the
two purose+. of Me life. Ile had seen
France twice humbied, r.nd haul become
emperor of Germany. But the autocratic
spirit engendered by such a work could I
iwarcely be dropped when that wurk was
accomplished. It waii perhaps One ad-
herence to a dritem which the present
nee has left far behind that in a measure
allenaterl the monarch from his wife and
At the time at hirth in 177,
Ms grandfather was ern& upon the throne
of Prussia. but William'e father soon atter
became king. Tee Ara nima years ot
William's life were among bis happiest.
Queen Louise, his moher, took personal
the child's ducation, and of
DAY, 'LACH 23, 1888.
Te Vissio Aes.
If yes are tAreatened with $4646160,
Coussipin on, bus.mason ur iffeelturfoc
ffewure at 0000 • Watts of lturdeelt
Blood litters sod use a aesserdias to its-
etruettoiss. Prompt soften le neotheerT
re "Wee that your 5eelhee may be
bedlam it bowmen amain)
•-- - -
Ti.. drest prudes in farealtig are
mad. bv Faustus mood stook under good
mngment, aud the greatest knees ar•
suatatited by raising bad stook under
had management.
Irreeuutos Worm Pude", require re
other Purative. They are safe loud SUSI
lo ri&.uvi all varieties of Worm. lei
Inandin breesling is more injurious
she... muscle and spirit are required in
the ellipring thau when hit is ire prime
charee of
that of his eider brother, the Crown
Prince Frederick William, his yonneerbrothCt ,
Carl and his sister Charlotte; I
and it is said that a happier family civet,
could nowhere be toned. Tben cams, in
1t106, Nepoieon: tbe vacillation of the
king of Prussia; the battle* of Jena,
Auerstadt and Sealteni; the queenli
eight with her children before the con-
querdr; the motters injunction LO her
sous 10some day retrieve
their coautry and to emulate the great
Frederick. Fmm that time forward
William bad no thought but to become a
soldier, and before he reached his ma-
jority lie not only saw the conqueror of
his country detbroned end to ex.4111, Ma
wok part in the work himself.
HATTS2 A. "'AUL: • II J. Got -40140.
i4141. G. asswouria /IUD& TliO4i1'l404
country by the berniiig ;if The eprintood
Deily Union other, in +I hiek seven persons
lost their lives Th.' tin tang 444 aliegrd
to have been constructed ig a very im-
proper manoer.
• assess Sews.
"I had Scrofula on my neck very bed
for jest*, 11.4tried all re.riedsea and
doctors, hut did riot eta any help until
I get a bottle of your Burdock Bioed
Bitters which cured ow .4 it entirely.'
James C ehraue, Rorer, Cumber
lend Cu., N. 8. 2
Dont use suimals for hifiediag whith
bat.. ',ruminant d•tects, espeowillv *hail
*are mei dam bare the same defeet•.
Oloner rtnecit WILLI:at
man people. Had not the emperor tar
passed the three ease and ten ;ears Onlie
Ma. llotted to the olden Lien the
might long ago hare reaped her reward,
her triumph over ber eeiee. She Is oaly
per -feted, however, to pay the promised
land a brief "ett. not to fully er.er it.
She may touch the sceptre. but riot re-
tain it. The Westin: with which the las
to cornett herself is the love
ot be% Misbrand and childrn. She may
retire from the gates she haa ro long
waited to open to her, with the tttc of
, bat atter amazing the crown of
eantrrtur a moath she must put ou a
widows weeds.
And Frederik-“Untr Fritz" -on?
Frits, aa the Germans love to ead luta:
what must be tde feelings at release frm
reamer -knee to hit imperial father ma•te.
William -his momentary grasping te a
advirlowy title, only to yield to another ICU-
master-deathf To him the nuns
ads -speed element ot the German people
have long looked with hope, to relieve
them from an atiherence to the system of
past ae, which tbey have outgr on and
which they would gladly cast off se &geld
ritIDLErCie AIM TARTLY C01:011ATL-LAT:71.411
The ceerger.r.on bear: ccopmo's airThier,
Re married the Princess Augusta, fie
Saxe'Weita", In 182. Bee was then a
prince ot Prussia. a yonneer brother. vs
years oh4 and kle bride was 16. It has been
euPPOsed that bp had been in love with
the Princess Rad-Ziwil, Out being directed
by the IrIng, Ms father, tenure, Augusta,
lie obe7ed at ewes like a prince and a
soldier. The earlier years of their mar-
ried life do DU aggear to have been nn -
happy, hut during the loag period they
lived togther. the world missed hearing
ot those incidents ot affection
which tell of • happy doroestic relate:am
far more deinitely than ettolied efforts to
that the man wills. through yeses of
efleet a Ilke impethon. his quite likely
popularity with Promeneth held steadily
in face of all appellate' to Ids podded ad
military pupa" emild sot yiskita
wourian's 11111491.1.1.1., 0) *MOP
domestic bikik--------
rsPeclally &Wel late years,
Nor was daltplaselliste d 1111701114
be col the pleasantest character. sop
peror, at least Etter lec aosumed the tuf
pedal titkr, was not accustomed 10 .8*
much of her. They 4111 not eeenpy the
earns suite a apartments; except on state
comasioas they did mot ut together, aid
never drove out in the salmi carriae. At
10 oclock la the mornteg the eatptfilla
would visit Ow imperial losd-susd, doubtIms to her iliseeennork her 1411140vt se wen
-in his stady. Tbis was the only time
In tbe twentyfour Mari When the pale
met without Witnesses. The empress since
meddled with polities, Met far many years
Mei akeemitaid. thengle possessing her likes
alatistik Oar partienbar Oath* being
Prises Bliamarth. la theeresing the oar
alliteree. so
Ceonterieas are always dangerous,
more en that they always closely lidi•
MAUL The remarkable su4.-cesc achieved
ley Nasal lisliu aa a positive cure nit
=1411 and Cold in the Head I.ss it -
unprincipled winos lo Millets it
The public are cautioned not to be ale -
mired by Mott uses imitating Natal Balm
i name and appearance, heartier such
itainea aa Nasal Cream, Nasal Belsain,
ete. AMC for Neeel Balm end do uot
[alio initiation dealers nsay urge spot.
rm. For sale by all drugeists or Dem
post •paul on receipt oi prim (Mk and $1
7-7 \rev addresseig Fulford& Cu., Brockville
Ont. if
It is Absu
Ili you militia ,11, *Pro 4 outhouse, fl
rd Yee ace easinieff V•th lane eer. doodah
Pie beide,sihchusitc ems%
loos apeeeite, or Ley dm -
For people to eapeet a cure tor ludigeie
titm, utiles' they restraia hum eating
what is unwholesome ; het a anythma
+rid sharpen the appetite and give tone
to the digestive mesas, it tease?. au-
e smerilla. Thousaads all over the Mad
testify to the merits of this medlelese.
Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, al 114A Righth
street, Routh Roston, writes : " bus
band haa takers Aer's PairsapartIla, for
Dyspepsia .ad weed lter, stud ham
bees greatly benefited "
A Confirmed Dyspeptic.
eery oa, Or
WS aridly' from knows t.4 •
Ayer's 'sarsaparilla ----4bo *dee end apat
souvesieful of ell WA • 'ratt -s.
eseu these A I tau...
Cauterbur,. 141 Franklin at.,
Boston, Maas writes, that, suffering
fur years from lademetion, he was at
last induced to try Ayer's Sairsaparilla
and. by its lase. was saurely
Mrs. Joseph Auten. High street.
Holyoke. Maas .•uffered for reef II year
1103114 110 that idle could not
substanual food, became very ef•mi,
and was unable to cam for her famly.
Neither the medicines prescribed by
nor any of the remedtes
set Jor the cure of l'i”pepss,
helped hen, until she eommence.1tic
use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. •• Three
bottles of this medullae," she writes,
cured inc."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Dr. j„ C. Ape & C.. Lowell. Mass.
tries St; ds Nuts.,. Worth di a bottle.
That is to soy, rut 104.1.. Also a1
your breathing 111•0 " 0"4"
lerful tuacionery it 'Mb \olt only 11 •
lar.2.ei sir ',a...j*', hist the thouonds ot
I 1.1 1! tubee and CI'' leedine from
\L.OU thew aro elligeted WI Ch• relied
•4111 matter which *AMOR '54 0', be there,
..ur lungs ca.... bad there mei-
„A ohs% they ao, taey came,' de
Call it °od, geomp,
darrh, 44..y t ii,„
eurly .41 throat mid eels mei ,,,et
4454 54 eerie:wow all are k • I
• aght to be gut reel 01. Tler, it
••• sure t# Ay to vet rid it“.•40
tete Roeettee's reersimi Syrne,
nr drk61110.i MIL yolk se Tt trete 4
400. Ewen emoretliteg has
.led you. you rusy depend ni-
mu two, redly
fl °Asia/En
We give group pommits of several Tie_ A Baptist moister was ones, sake+,
hew it 0 as that be consented to thi
tens. Miss Gertrude Thompson was the
render of tbe paper. She sins 1 marriage of his danchter with a Presby •
Er:rnifed la death. ede, . Hatt . ley,. 1 teiee, .eeWell„ my dear friend, he
as re
4, op
tbe society editor, wkilted 14' tont,: ie•
olI, "a fir aa T have slier beria-sble
trom a seventh story wiudow. miry .1. ei downer, Cul id neer stadia' thec-
Gulding, foreman of Use composing reiint,
was burried to death, and i rad G. Gem
worth,' a Lid employed atoet the place, Is 04.04104.0410.5i.= Fir.
jumped from • fifth story witalow but J. D. Cameron, of Westlake, Ainslie,
still lives. Cep.. Breton, had inlienfuettory flie111110,11.
We oleo give a c-nt a the mined Mid- 1,14505 11.0175114* Yell..w 011 curet,
land hotel, by the !All ot elhich Frank .t..r all ..her t talents had failed.
Eidson was killed. The litll et the build-
Hx..ard‘ Tither Oil is sold by all deal-
ing was caused by lack of proper under-
suuvling of the plans by dm contractors et., in medicine 2
and builders, and a coronerOury severely
and rotten gartilnt. ne
look into the face u depicted in Ins por
traits to see (be getlemsn. the scholar.
Obe busband and rather tiee evidence
a a nature rising far beyond tbe roar of
guns and mttk of mpsketry, a nature that
would eive a golden age to Germany; net
the golden age of Bismarck. but an ap
In which the composer. the scientist, the
artist, would take rank above the field
marshal and the ma,nulacturer id heavy
cannon. But this is not to be. Germany
must exchange the comparative certainty
would flnd in Frits for anabsolute u
certanty in young William. That hnk-
ing tbe reasonir_g thinking German of
today with the uncouth warriors of Fred-
eick the Great, may still be eontinned.
It -deed situated es Germany is in the
midst of jealous rivals, doubtless non
other could have selected a change trona
the Bismarck policy save Uneer Frits.
NNW riel.
L. 0: Ilanann, 10...
says ha has f ',sod It .rd ast I: .1
I .• t.. be s 6)4,
1 7 1.• Pa. 11•••41
D4144,,444 o' 11
appetite, asd•
ed strength to 11."' worn out neaten,
censured those gentlem4:oi r iticompe- Prof L.• • Snl Pion 8 -sit it hlithir re
mace. The architects me in tor a •ornmened fir the cure ..f Feneios,
share of the blame. chappyd 'mods, Pimples,
Ladles set .
llie emnplesees is Hely reed. eed IS
ightly by Pouplee. , 1, at
Yellowness. Mean st is ...'I loony) a•
mound from an hammer Lever mid he
Dr Chases lAser Cure i.orili
the 1.I.od and 'thi. yetent See R
retw Book fr toilet reeves. Itinr•
elf1hIegeilleelee it iv prestr'e the coo.
plosion. Sold an &muted
Chiltirall for hither Catork.
SENATOR SILACNOURN. Nat inal Pala Acts* firremPflY
Liver, reauate the BovfMa and
gat 'Ca are nsilli.od thorweglin
A tuan liviteri near Menet
Ms horse to a head .4 sewn
driving info that village wild*
when informed by • man, wit
that it was Suertay.
Dr Low's Worm Sernp hapti
taps worm fr,m le to 30 feet 401
It also destruyed all 15 'lds se 111,
111,011Ititeky's Seth Waage Alsercr to Sear
tar legal% Hoe Attracted arteuties..
Hon Joseph C. S. Blarikbern. seuator
from Kentucky since March 4, VMS,
whose recent answer to of Senator
Ingalls' speeches has att attntion,
is youag enough to have a t future
before him arid old enough to hare had
twentydeven years of nnoommoutiy active
public life. Born late in 1838. he enlisted
In the Confederate army early in the ,
and in due titne became the idol Atha takl
Ashland district of Kentucky, witch ked
previously idolized Hem y Clay sad John
C. Breckinridge. Life was a very serious
thing with Mr Blackburn tor many
years; but In the better days that leave
lately come to the south his melee
sod talent have warmed into very eat
. sod plearant life.
There is no place where a twin wbo can
"give and take"
In repartee will
oftener be called
ou to "take- than
00 outgrew, as
Mr. Blackburn
has discovred. In
the beginning of
the last session be
came in to tb e
marble room one
morning and
bruits into saitbn-
i Santee raise, to
Use senators pres- 4 /
eat, of a certain SEVATOU IILACIWIllt.
clothing mgr.
, chant, ot whom ke had just horight tbe imit
I he had on for 1116. "I found out after
getting home that there was $3 off for
cash.- said be, "but the suit was so
Hemp that I would not go back tor Gm
'13 it Anterletta rtiel:' ' meted genator
' Warner Miller, of New York.
"KolflelY ea." said Blackburn.
"Then.'• add Mr. Milky,- eit- yon open
year head on tbe tariff question again
this winter, I will call on you to stem! up
and exhibit your clothes as an example of
tbe benefit at protection to American in-
dustries. ''
Everybody lamthed, sued Iliacklinrn de-
clared that he would not dare to make a
kw mat speech tal the bud was worn
fle is a natural parliamestary leader -
probably the readiest man in detests in
the senate. Me is also a prilltician witb-
ut conceals's...Oa, strange as it may seem
--a Man who in an the iatricariee of a
Mike and stets with the truik-
Ines by was skit us gme hew Carlens.
Whoa she woe des cried fee 4. eads.
When ales Weems Was. she dual to Canton*,
When slue wit Craes. ate save tam ceased..
W er Chide
Buffering Miro
I 4% (111111.1/4 1 0 IL rairrIN I
km Sill Ott
We here • large amortm t ja i name
Horse tears to cheese as
doe work at ‘..ry Ile
aide Pekoes.
!Cot Liquid or
A particle esimilithirstraeadi weskit Mod t•
eiteeeeble. 1let ; bY
\regime .60 cede ItYliareDeetsr-
Oath xl Greeneich elieNeee York. Meaty
rauelting ibuibe.
Illorostat MolitthrsT To titernos
'AIWA* aT IsMatM.
7n the midst oe the takbeg off together
sr Mar together of the tire elder members
addle latherial tastily, then arta" amide -
Mr as yet et a very diailao-
tiretzteddiodlif but tem degrees nearer fle
mita. Malse William. thee 01 • K•••••7 h01- We hem* V
7. 41. e Plis
ttle Worn 01 Venallles, Woodford
MN Oubliette ite 110 mina prises, dm
admen POW� liktfith treaded seams of
spasulatios. WUl a. Mu he overcast
With angte demi, er shine mildly Is
ideasent skied WEI tee be 111. 11. vest-
gessdfitthee a dens W'Uteelin, or like lds
muldfsther a beloved Trite wilt Its
law to Idefettfil his aiteas with Germany,
Irthesppear MY 41S410005 .4 reminded
11011M1me *WM OM Idle etidit busses
&ruler. __.ser bith.p=
ove11111 bow*
=41.1mrZermileepaNw ussm=r111Mnietes.
• Aenemeniews.iwermillie
•11114101.M. lam
last tar 4rda eiteesy
du 1
imiersaarvaliesales• was
Ideal sure soureefilli
awl ads • 4r., flipm momiumr*
manly, In tbe issue of the femm. Ken-
tucky blue grass country, a region whirls
is thought to aatarally produce fast
bones, handsome& roues sad large honed,
open hearted 0010
every bargeman wheels route le ia the Coca
ot Huroa tu •DV DitTISE the .
route in the
Aver plaint.
Sick Headache,
14.•sewie Troubles
11 he•imatism.
An Iwwwsolw.
and all
1. ('0(4' of 4(44
Itio.s! from e het-
.- .1 .5.44. sr 504
raele Weal -
•••••An• Mad .er
al awsbilley.
i 'srly Vegetale.
W vr FOR Tiamemz
Rashly 'seven. ied. ple..aant. effect u11. sate.
*AM'. FtDEt
E rim Mixed. Vila& OR. HODDR'S COMPOUND.
Tab. sillet. Yield Every wining.
11.1`,..751)::::1123::14::: ?Cipts.
fiederiele At. ilelea.m 1111*
Stratford I 1.T.1 51114"
Rewarded Nee these
who rend tabs mid
dye met the; will RDA honorable 11114e.r.
SSA Heat will eat est tate tbsei trade trim
Maths, The emits we lame sag
sarbliVeaage userisdestriese perms. litaeLolinte
=seed are ,.w weakling several h n d
adNosoe iSmifPseuolf aistsatleaitlettretiI.rts Iseeeaa%_rew
wonaasae. Willi oUat
fee fa!' paamevid& We fes Ad-
draas mow a Cs- P1 11.10. 1.1e0
mOnrz. nwith=
e wLieber yowlorStal
rasa Ilmellaidit la roma..
Tt ie rebid' fit he Wid, me wash-
lastoo Wed dim, that wpm the aressins
Deus years dune, • neadi gat judgment
what him SW ad*. that ha elidneed
be dida UMW 111111111ds to get ewes
wit). hie 10•011111•044011tantilled ••••tbew
oath* posies Wad& as. WM of sad
worth el
poiscreay willettorpaajrbemo
. rsozvetret
creel %heels
Thoth wow
tad ts
sown assit
bs bad
unfit the
law sitswiat vainm amolant
gm etieille twelve to he
VII •• lead 10 eta*
.1.011k tbe ssa fir tire mak its gas -
OW eels at Ike esilkleinaiftemoseg Pres&
pant dee to Mei MI ifits all
kw Ma %lila sale abet with hie awed bar
atereeperdown leale abst the eiligoese
always eisalltbdold lthislathissetty, and d
the amprom wee eapsolady 111 temperal
would Indy "rug Ms thudding aged sweb
113 mini per betel,
Irrotet the Celebrated
Gendron lanufactaring Do.
llfiedfi even here. Pries. IS ets. arid 30 eta
pee belt ie. Proprietors sad ineaufai t were.
A woo emeefte of II .1Iage
4" edit I peisill stern. koala. an ton
at est MM. et vases.
Can wed •Tee111311 Perehnetest else-
ac uSON
The finest Reed Work art .1 Up-
holstering in the country will
arrive about 1st of March.
SR Don100't bur before To. s 11.40111111
Clout Hose Niter lilt
Gederioa. tree. 6. lin
Via . "OREGOlis
The Canadian
(148 open him sm. r awes
r tees nows% awr
MOM tit Wthessia."-4/111Waillir
1.softall% Nu& If tommal bur
Mid tif the bat howslue Or the evkwarr
=ts=gist a trust it amid wawa
sia the ea:MU doss MI -
Ls 4eCA Mt. ati"*Ittaitube
owl mop
, over
Omsk etathellaleg
reasiMs. dad plitelastd deotees
sad beirOits so worth the Was. the
sett el the maissillea Methane. Ned
lieltk IL MIA Irs driest&
Tee reveries Favorite IWO* between
DETROIT, 01110k00
r. LOMA_
• KANSAS 011-1,
der *h Thu 7'aese. Tatum Ms.
0111M11 .Ws.+ Street. Op ,te 143=eb
Mee beet terra the Mats.
iderk%, 3.. itil, 0.TM
Prices te Slit tverybody.
eledierkek, two