HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-3-23, Page 2.",
• r •ie
create • any imp/tent ilitelorrovio-I silesectra d that emsgratios k rows 1 *es
•"4° \
trade. Teat ie a „moo m who& n- statimi simply a linen! Lem whoa 1 riny towns and iwt000llres- hy. me.
to sem a lotto men Jbacussio. thou it tit o is • gnat unimeel prologues thig tend truisms of Wale hist Year. 0 ',Pt ma Mollie the etorktrer or the world- It Smola- o
re iits roe to ester upon at the primes,. Omuta'. the vony mok arid lower of ear eighty millers. and, ose-hal:, sod Omit is quite clear. 111 ender OsItalia at ant Gime 1 It is knows to every seas that
iseutiott, sod here &twits 1 ea ..7 nooulattors .nd the kind of "sea stens the must profitable half, is trasematood rate, that gram peoduoties is, te say the , uniettwerti twemsethe of the populattou .4
r *intim* Previoom. gams doors to emoio to Obb0000, Were to the weed* a the United &atm It least of it, os tlie woos. n. oily them tie.. Pr' VI*' is loon -60 withie
le Ma notesesting quinsfAms, but 1060 Ca Olirlai 1/11 Onn denied epee as likely log tee hours' ride. On the •••01140, floret the
white I badly darn or oar mia opsaiou, assume to be named in tale quantities American locator. Then rionsidar the
is hartry, fur whist" we hare arg market advantages of such • market. lle.
hat tuber that this to orm of the moat
oast we ben done in the .,*j,u1gi;steal lore ID prestos'', thot then has been $ am going to take the eusratry I -gem MP the Assent" PsiSsidatow was Old'
tonal alfellitos sa oeir posima beet. Ohl Camas, from Qualms to thirty militom , to 4.7 41 le Mill so.
ID misters diets'. maty-orber minims& Jades. thew. fer
yeomen.« which -of 1r. immeistrass,
, 10005 ru 500 w bee the DOW Deanes to fostiriblete fur our pustious mash ea that et
the isforguation of the House their views seed to obtain between Seelimmol and
ss to the mosses w hien has attended oar Seiglited. 1 would nut oursolais ma mush,
ojoeteto .ss.n impurtmlit trade is beaten if the same rule applied Wore«
t ist dile limn, er, will I dwell jest versales* sod the U ioted States as be-
t' or further ea the hoseerable failure of tweets Etiglend and novo/sad we would
mat *ammeters of over 100 'millions of laid kayos the sans's« toe of looming
p Aug a„,aggi pride« any adequate
• ittlecueutis the Northwest. Bet 1
•fla.y word or two se to the failure
t• °boos gay siege/40 elltilco for the
"poultices on
if Willi sil the« obstacles *a year way
«eh is the force of eaters that it will
uvorrlay all abode artelleial bends and
«sere us a trade of 80 minims of dol.
ei hat might we miot obtain if parfait
that when our foetid* left a they west Unrestricted itempreeite Vended
calla til.F.1". 'Com: WORKS.
Ihri people of this oonotry have et
,iendo.d 200 doll«s in the
, ,natruction railways and caul* and
divers other unto.% lament& Time wits
when we hood this expenditure would
brie* en nde,uste rooters, but those ex-
patiations have bees vary bitterly disap-
1. Anted. N..•, how stands the asset 1
take the Public Accounts f,e1Sa. I tiod,
WI told, a char:e of $3,970,4810 for the
moonset of oorating those public work*,
and that, so is the nominal change. The
real charge, if ,ur accounts were kept as
iu every othiq country us earth accounts
lore kept. w .uld be &&&&& four and • half
motions, What do we est in retorts 1
We est a 1.ital income of $3,270,000.
Not only do we tot receive one farthing
of interest for the outlay of $200,000,-
000, Out there is a has on capital ea
eount at the legit of $70(1,000, not to
speak of iarious other totems which
under .ar moat vicious system of book-
tre charted to capital sootiest.
Aram I piss from the question of oar
failure to keep emigrants said frees the
quest: why it is that we in Canada
comp.! Seep our owe people is mar coun-
try, 1,it I have the right, and the House
and the country nave the right, to link
why 16 this 1 Is it because a the fault
of our climate I think not. The di-
m tht of the country in parts may be
•Or.proa, bet it is eminently capof
derelopitegoo rigorous and thrifty a-
1. it the fault of our soil 1-!Fhy,
n :he House familiar with the da
,.iiiratira of the learned gentleman op -
that nu country on earth prawns-
eil such unexampled, such unexhausti-
41, ;ertility as we in Canada possess 1
• iTpeition cheers.) I agree with them
in this to a very 'ergo extent, snd 1 ask
e the fault the people 1 Well sir,
,n part it is the fault .4 the people in
tout( too credulous told trusting to p10-
.505of repentance oo the part of the
treatment which were never carried t e
tpposition cheers Anybody they will do, eaglet
•h 'heroes h our people conduct them. (roan the trade fetter, is which they winces of this 1:1
s.lvse when they leave aur snres, who . have boon twollit feeineklIf liP10411 Up.! enrol( regird-oas moll try to make
. very unprofitable
I . , L.
' hat distinguished position an I may be said that is a hese e remedy. If workV
' it *8. 50, never is the history „ of the „t,suolguttici the tact* show I
sod- gam., iaPia""'ba. u00.0111:11rt:ictsbOt.
SO aWiloll tlas ationgth of the D•ollalatusi„..14 ,Hipar, home.) I advise ‚..*bets to look
otherwise, as the case aright be, to some at the .2piort of Mr. Nuncio for 1884 ue
other part , Out here they are timidly lost trade And Davigetion, iu which he treats
the value of the United Strome intoned
' nada
ID us bee ns they go to sere
strength of oer reerwo, rival, neiirbbor
and competitor. (Cheers.) That brings
me to • consideration which perhaps is
more ies It than sIL What possi-
bleremedies are then foe such • state
of thiegst As far as I can Ilee
TUNIS V.1111113411s AOL
In the first 1 think thet a very
arrest improvement might be effected by
enftirgnIng 0,61 prODOOl nod most oppres-
sive and unjust system .4 taxation.
Anothee enamel«, improvement might
be made by revising our coatitistin,
as the imenthere on this aide of the Hoses
have premed time sod again, sod snor-
ing the constitution that all the con-
stant rateremithihng oo the part olf Fed-
eral authorities with the rights and pri-
vileges of Israel Legislatures should be
pet an wad to brewer. (Cheers.) And
on the other head it is equally important
that the system of bribes, of perpetual
and incessant forages by the Provincial
Clowereatests on the Dominion creamery,
whomever they have been extraverniat
and got into • serape, may be likewise
put a stop to. In the third plaos it is
neoeseary that the ssierbievous systems
of railway imoisopoly, which, up to the
presest time has barred eettleinent and
prosperity is the Northwest Temtones,
grad Matittohis shook' likewise be «dad.
((heer& ) Lest sea tweet important of
Jig I believe the smseassful remedy
would be the «trying lite effect id the
I sib the Governingiut to
trade on my hyputhista
would share an equal part according to
her capital. Sir, it is au esteems',
canoes thing tluit Mr. Nigneso, who is •
high authority .m theirs insttets, moo
mated the interest and inter Suite trade
of the United States at am tor seven
titan the total volume .4 their eopoet
sad import trade. Mr. Nimes° estimate*
the inter -State trade of the (jutted Stain
at ton billions of dollars. That is his cal.
out mine. But, sir, if that
were the case in 1881, when Mr. Ninon('
wrote, you may depend 'sputa it toter
State trade ia vastly larger to.day, and if
there be any tort of foundation fur the
@Astrologic he rakes, I. air, is saran/
300 millions as the parsaible tigers of the
trade 01 Cased* and the Unites States,
may cleats that I ate justified in seeking
that asauteption. Sir, it appears to nos
that the House in its Millet, to promote
outgun nionufacturio at home has moire-
ly lost sight of the elociremooss extent to
which under • bettor system the export
mud import trade ha, e grown elsewhees.
I took the opportunity the other day to
elle how our export and import trade
compared with that of Amanita sad
New Zeslead. The facts are worthy of
the particular attention .4 the Homes.
Whereas we have a popelation of 4,800,-
000 boons, which was net however • «a-
recalculation,Australasia has 3,421,000
souls. I end the total import said ex-
port trade of Australaais amounted last
Tear to E1011,000.000 sterling, equal te
$525 000 000. tebeers. Now. air. it,
'seep' in the U totes.
is true of barley is trim in a Wither de- I rapidly growing inarket• it, the wor . in
gree of the more importaat of ...or •.thef 1 Within it. lam east, ors years the sias4b.oit o• betou • mow selinose, tee
aggioultural 'peoadeetioes. with perhaps American market, ..., ttelet °lull Speaker ladled Ma **slosh and loft the
the solitary exception of the important I tailbone to Mats ortriosits ea, 1 th‘ir.
«note a chases. Now, air, 1 ountand !sowers, and se out stopped ,:rowieg. After noises Sir Richard C.artwright
that f,e almoort everytlitag which our lo all tomes robistoloy, belorim II.° u." oceinksit or moms vet that Uarestrieted
farmers berets seliaMge Ursited State% mous« no takes it 1690 the American Oy *mild seposesoeut greatest
if we had eggistrietria tree*, is abileW .' " .7111 have 000! 1" '''''''1111"1 emmosay III tho Adelluistrat NM a pets-
tely OW 'best market. I colitend, ik• IRV% 1U1 or siaty-eve 'einem or
lic edam • summary oaf ism remarks
follows and the full report will les Mesa
hereafter. He admitted that Vise
Trade would
e specially they ege ag lately
to he el the ggesipte4ram lie Cosiadien.
Thoseph leaked Skeen oniseles.
of aie sitenock, as Sir Richard Cori • right
had speak toe another hoer Wager sod
try to obrain ie the tesonition tn your
hands providing for: I is, I believe, acairoely necempary for me to
PSItfn'T FREI TRADE instanes the enormous advantage unre-
sinned trade with the United States
with the people of the United States.
would be. Who does not know that for
i Give us that and railway
monopolies will cease to vex and harass an immense number of the products of
Oise us 'list and the Fedelial relations 1 the ProPle of ibis nuuntri the United
Ives, as , States is not merely the heat market,
further, that Wend« being the best, it , people. Int.re than that, the populetion,
ile luerellY tho uoly lasokto fur • greet , sod espo-tally the population of the greet
011.1111 tere 'important articles whish we I cities to w Nicht I hate referred.. is ate of
prettiest. (Cheers ) In spite of ail I the richest populiittoos vio tee «rib.
ert160111 "tentrades. • hues percentage of 1 There is tot pcpulation in the world with
our total trade Se transacted with the 1 which it ot eis dintrabe to est•otoo trede
Ilnited States. Of • iota! volume .3 relations foe the atericuaurioe ot • coun-
202 millioes, the Uuited States supplied ' try ma with the population of the greet
83 millionth Out of 81 millions of ex American «ties. It is well sworn to
ports of illi own produce, we sold to the ib.,. who 511 familiar with those t%t"...
Visited Stites legit year over 30 willlions. that there .tis no pia« oi, eartlim wItsch
or nearly eme-half. Of those goods On- the men Wall a first-class articor to soil
tend tor etutauseption, amounting to 106 is half so sure id obi &lulus
andielml, Ili bought 43 millions from the • IIIIIT-CLASO 3•111LiT
United Stabs. And, sir, to come to tie -
as in the United States. Nowhere have
tails whit:Ott is .1 811°u" wi" 11 kno•o men who spend so lavishly ou
in order ton lay till:enrairly bef ire the their pers.rual comfort as the ...;rest ted•
._ vast !honer«, and for that matter the groat
Haase, what do we find as to the
majority 44 articles produeoi by toe irate bulk of the people of the American
That is one remota that make&
eulturiste ! Sir, these Genres arot In -
11,774 -,___'.in • eir, 111_,.,aglt 4.11,. rrw.,' ...A''' it more desirable for us to obtatu free
'''''''' uer.'"'' whieb gel "`""' t". '' al.- trade interoouna with them, so that we
443,000 sheep the United States bought resyitiou:e_ithe_ ea for
fac_,ilitti...e. werihthwthimpoitiber
States *ugh% 18,22n. W. bed that of
363,004 Of 116,000 cattle. in spite of t"."..__. ,,....."';'_!_"" ,,____":7;_"4, .,___ ___ ..,
tarid imstrictions, the United States :Tr *tec3,"'"Toot. 17. do ltd
s'i't*: 70
will speedily adjust t
Federal relations ouottt 1104rto
that and the sting mit
the combos's, more
United States, as t is rod
ire es
n tem . scievrAvyt•us ONL1 KW 1
1 a-, not blame the Government much in
r, (hot they have tried at .11 hazards to
• futce on trade bet, ton the various Pro -
'on. 1 have always
hwtightt4h'000haat °11516-1°0 worth make loog journeys to becionie aceuaint-
of poeltry. the Usited States Insught
ed with oar American customers, A few
$99,080- 411 81.822,900 "rib "1 air"' hours' journey by rail will bring us face
the Vatted States bought all. Of $1327,- feat otto owe,. We have 110 middle
with trusts tied minibus«. would hurt
the basin.« ot the practical politician
sod would reduce the manufacturers'
ow./ ributios• 'r.,f y (eeds.
H• avid it would have been easy fur an
intalinpiest Adutienstratioe to keep down
the •Iinual samindituie $2G 0)0,000
He emphasised the omens ot the Mac-
kenzie 0..vernmitist 111 keepiug down
taxvtion. awl showed there Wee great
room tor reilueigig the expellees of Our.
remnant.. Ile wooed that it would not
be „,..c,,,aary to resort to direct taxation,
which, after all, it . , wa. the Wrote
system of toostiou, nut amply to poste
tics • ressouable economy. He showed
that the mew and industrious were sour-
usouely overtaxed, and the well -to -4o
chose* relieved of • it rood u( what
they should pay. He showed, amid
great 'potato«, how free trade with the
Visited States would benefit tbe farmers,
the lumbermen, the miners, the bother -
men and
ALL Tilt T11000.13 cLISSIDI
of the country. He argued that we
could not du England • greater werviee
then by forming a close &throw with the
United State., and for the meson that
she bas nut a feat friend asloog the
hrst-clase powers of Europe- Ho
culed the both, cry and claimed to be
I al as the occupants vf the Govern
of bah, the Coiled States were to give themselves ID........- trouble. silent but he did not know that
el 111 OEM SSW morrow -sato I remember, and I daresay many other we were under any great obligation to
tlemen here r eintor, what cardio- England. Ho thought rather that the
1 hi' lion wets oil the other side. He
pointed out that in the Fisheries Tres
ty we had sacrificed Our outwitted legal
rights fur the beneCt of England root
that this is a wee in which we esti fair-
ly ask England to sacrifice orme of her
admitted legal rights fur the benefit of
Canada. He quoted Prmident Cleve-
land, Mr. Bayard, Mr. Butterworth and
Mr. Hill to prove the willingness of the
U uind States to enter into nettotisnons
.1. Free Trade rotations between the
two countroo. He said he wasted
s fair and just arrangement that
would he mutually beneficial to both
°misrules- He liuntod from the mini:o-
pal stat.stica of ()uteri° to show how un-
satisfactory was our growth in impala -
°°° filmth °I °cid' kh. "'tad States men, to fees is dealing with them. We
b°81fibe tt4°4,"). $148,°°° worth 01 can understand the market, cr it is our
Pennine the Visited States bought all.
own fault If we doMt. Any man of
all ; of salt, the Usited Stem bought
11 11 to arty country that the men sellout
utmt1141011 knows the enormous advautage
Of iran ore, the Uoited States tempt
°1 st"wa sod lwarhhil• tit. r.wh"' should understane thoroughly what the
names. penasotage of the minions of
Conadons whose absence I deplore have
oitsined in the tieithboring Republic.
who knows whet they have done -that
hey have is right and beat
the Ainericstas with their own weapons
go my it is
HARDLY T113 l's. -LT Of TUB multi
county was • hero" r
ed. r Cheers.) sow aeon to
come godfotber, if I 017 Poi
this resolutioa
to 'how that it is UR
advantageous to both
very sorry for seatiti,
Minister of Finance
1 Canada if theo, things are so. I tn-,117. WM 1 dolga/
tic ant , t ,
about a rise awes,* to
tnink then, if it ta :.ot the fault the 1 e1restherrassellter
cninate, the soil or the people, we may
ask when fault ean at le 1 (Hear, hese)
West ant I to say of the threatened col-
let*, of our Federal constitution which
ha. gentle's'
there is
wt.. end
1104 prac#
deetarl thlSk it ***dr
emirate thie
the w
,ch trade between chi-
untries you have one
test, for the climate
Akins of life are the
test is tee intermixture
one between Tarboro polo -
together. Noir, rate I lisere
census returns of 18131,
ye to call ihe attention this
to a few remarkable facts which
eturns disclose. I find that in
ear menu. mod there 105 natives
tario settled in Prince Edward
310 in New Brunswick, and 333
Scotia, in all 748 natives of On -
the Maritime Provinces. I took
"unto to frO bra.tk a few 'sari. and
nd that 27 years ego,: in 1861, he -
Confederation, when there was no
disputes •od taus, of $0,876000 worth gibuarcibiteavenr4awand bits tousansabuy ry1.1.4d.o, nuott pekone,.:
States bought ; and, ia spite of bribery
and liought $2,717,000 worth. Of $20,-
arily took place under the o!.1 recipro
bought as nearly as possible onedialf, city treaty, when Canada pr »period more
800,800 of lumber, the United States
.9.363,000. Of $1,416,000 a wool, the thaw she has at." done am"' Thar.
units4 states bomb, $1.300.000. of was this peculiarity, that the buyer tiniA
9i millions of barley, the United States tile "why° wr't sell.r. It 0" a
hits been made potent and manifest in
1 hese later years ,
'enItI 01
almost within only date, the very fui.da-
niental agreements K..11 which Tedera. for dollar ee, Rare
Hare IF, not been length, but I will co
inn lunazare 116:1::::r avrtrA Lax,
. 1 do
to in depends turn into fragments and
afterwards pinned to -tether with bribes. to the cadge sister .4.1 we
as in the ems of Nova Scotia ' Jim' ! to ides to. (mew
hoar ',, Do we rvo. know, and 41'.. th should** so. 14- noirhve t
First Minister not know, that .A this position .og any other "vita
oak If he persists in the moirse he Los itaimelliknist°114ediewalliebeebilece".• to g:,.'e aa
very trioment he rune a most imnorolut
hitherto pursued towards the young , as taa 010 get ; en say that h
'is, I suppose, there leers 0 • ,-
"""c Pn'viu" ,d Ita.. yit"b" ' Pe._ __1lw this would undoubtedly, in my judge
the aeries *Berea to am to temato WOMB meet, enrich four or fivs rptlii4aa of found there. The number.
II *I toyranny and cos« t hat Manttobans comedian., co.' aponahlettut would 0 en rootn.teot.e ow *oncost,.
be ' ht h
b.iught ell Of $743.000 01 hay the matter of every day 3o -current -ea, especial -
O 00
e arl
I he
11 0*
• DI
01 $438,000 w„reb 4 potiat0.1 the uottad that treaty to be intervieved daily sun
United States bought $670,000 ootob. ly is Ontario, for our farnete duties(
States bought $328,000. Of $264,000 of alleuet hourly by Othrttrlenn Perehererr
who Were ready to boy the apples on the
miseelleitecus agricultural produots the
united butes bounbt $24,,000. And, tree -the crop it, the field - melt the un-
epeekinn et the great aerial. whose, it born foal -if the farmer was willing to
sell. Sir, I have been taken to task
the let, were removed DO ewe who has
upon more titan one occasion for venter -
United States "weld be oar beat cam ing to say, ss I have said, and as I now
been in Menitobe could doubt that the
toms fur high class wheat. In articles of "Pest. that in gay judgment ore nativ
manufactureoet of $3.079.000 the United horn Caserhan was worth more to this
state, laniaaht $1,280,000 0orth. of country than any half-dozen imported
miewediet-wie-1 „tease awl totaght ow.- immierants, and I said that without auy non, and argued at leneth the moor-
CO0 worthenot of a total of $844,000. desire to reflect oo the many industrume tanoe of the promised trade alliance and
oleo who bare cast in their lot with us. 041 right tag make our own treaties anol
eseel""nisti:141tin"to 41the61A""devellaaloprebrenent lib.filto. our
lie sold he was not an Annozat. ist
There artewo tibiae* to which I deers
to call thertattentioa of the House. Otio
is that f obvious reagens our exports to
country, one native born Canadian eras a i bed Ito desire itt . ..- t°11 -
at vale country
valu The figures do out accurate', II.?rth half • &sett of an other Dawn. "'
the U States are largely under -
Y should hecutne part of the United States.
tertiont tito emenne we sea. 8.. Iona Bitty. In the saute way I say ens Unit-
ed States catmint- is worth to es in Cs- He did not belt...tee tire United States
had any such desire Ms sail head yr
",..t11111,hriniuterestaintlialthttarcsagAig Itiai: IbTeir- nada half a dozen English customers el and reeovieter: grummet° h b:t he
Z7idereeeireeste the nao. Of the atti. and half a dozen of any other nationali- hot ittle regard for 35 per oerintl..orotect-
l7, awd, what 18 Ira' °I.,11"0""Uo_11. to e.1 loyetty or 35 1 mot pro. water'
siontly done. 1st soother respect, it is et" °` tit to theru. z."1.• '1 al/ t't t° loyalists. Ile cluseriPe with a strong ap.
01.11, and this everybody knows is eon-
itell-knowo that in the case of an owe -
mous number of the articles to whicib I
tbs United Siit.00 peel 10 the HoOSO to accept tiae proposal
THE fltAtol OTeANADA be was &intuit to ea•ko, which would mve
,colonial railway, there were 7,000 "Aare cab.% specific attention, there te is worth • great deal more than the mere . prospertty to the immure a our people
" "1 the Manua"' rr"'"As will' room fur almost sulimited expansion of present numbers would tedieste. It'. and would knit in a cheer &Blanes the
d taken iip their resides« in Oa•ario, trade, were the duties removed. These worth the trade of many times such* people of Canada, tf the United States
bot to 1881, after fifties years of Con- • Id be well to bear in mind whim 1 population as that which the Americans one of Ensiond, and closed lay mowing
fedention, after known, more &Moat
are trying to) open up tra.ie relations the resolution .4 which he hod given
' Its .ft rd resumed his seat
«sera their jest rights at auy cost, ie he come to four or hoe, or 1 y
will probably oe ten millions of Americans. Sir, the
advantages to ciliada are very obvious,
neon attortnit i ESIILLION
but 1 shall come to those presently.
• here. Sir I trust fowl hope and believe
Meantime, I take this opportunity of
9ust whatever his fault may be, the first
Maoist. r • II avoid that terrible sod
mos* it ' ((heers.) Sir, to001) a
Atir extent, as the enormous na-
tettast, ,,or !hoes, li• lifloine. der -
lag ill Ow .nt, been living*, our 0594-
5 88(1 a roischtevous policy it is
u mei ite: temporary advantage mid
frees it, but Wiry luso kno•e,
goon Berea. wigs who have stud -
el tha littlin-it--thr I toted States
koow, • young ,ot.otry in our ;maims
eari coma:* ne too" vital fault than to
al ow ita deb$ to be increased with on -
scowled rsoidoy, as ours has been dur-
ing lb* period 1 have alluded to.
(Cherie., Now, what shall I my ot the
ernichtion ad that crest interest on which
all oilier iiderests, or almost all other
interests, timpeeds I Who does not know
there hie been within the last four yam.
an inurease fall in the protite of our
f.rmers amid at the same tone a very
greet increase is the hurdems laid upon
our formers 1 (Hear hear And oh('
dioi not keter--oho has studied the his-
tory of the wield that at the self-saine
moment you are horning burdens upon
r Is opuo 'hon. they an subjected
t.. • wholly unerperled and Intense MAU-
wool Ur the market they have hither-
to c introiled 1 1 do not believe this aye -
h Free Trade with Canada
would give t,i the l-nited States an ex-
trenoely valuable market at their very
door, would open up to American enter-
prise • vast end new area, equal at least
to • dozen new States, and sit, is such a
ease I have no doubt whatever the
growth of Corset's would be se rapid that
she would become in all probability in a
veru short tint* the most valuable cue
tomer the -United Steles poasemed.
(Hear, hear.,
Mr ilesson-Hewers of wood and
drawers of water.
Sir Richard Cartwright Sir, 1 have a
better opinion, and American erionommos
have • better opinion, of the ability and
espasity of our fellow-aotaatrentan.
(Oppeition cheers Doss set my Imo.
friend moons, whims heart is still bet-
ter than his head in these matters, know
of his own ezpenence that the Caaadians
who, unfortunately for we, leave this
coestry. do nor subesde rate hewers of
wood and drawers of water on the other
aide of the bordew-(eheers)-bet, on the
aistrary, take the highs« *sea *mon
the beet citizens of the Galled SWAM
Theers.) So, wit have, to way the least
of it, mnst enofmolle warms Of raw
material of enormOus valise tie their in-
dustries. These an appreeisted by
tem can Lot serf krill. liw ttrwwq 70.15 Anievican economists to a vein high tie
we h•v• trebled ow debt mod our taxes pea 10 aw.,0,..„ 01 that stir genitord
r nd added 30 per cent_ to our populetion. I noted lattraair'i0 the Hoe. mat& A.
Sapp 'se we go on for another twenty 1 -ells. in which he speaks highly of the
pare cr for ten. Why, ear, in tersely Dommion of Canada and ealogimes highly
Plata tw" thw °am. ID's"' "f "41' the peeinsula of Ontario.) •' Now,
tips, the 'arse increase in debt and
mesa, we would find ourselves with a
populattos cis millions and an annual
taxation of 90 minium of dollars, and if
we did Beet we would have dose ri. thing
mom thee es messeied 1* doing in the
tweet, yeses betimes" 1867 and len.
Ens wen the Government hoerietly,
dupmed110 mend their wises, it woo,
sir, ' proceeded Sir Richard, " is all that
yes will find nothing of the vast and
veg. wheat fividis of Manitoba ; yea
will fled nothing of the vast treasure
Stems who« still exist, seareely semitelo
OS, ea the *lopes of the Rusty Moue
"MS. 11/101t and 'meth of ow side el bake
!tepees, mil in the gorges .1 Settiek
C &Habit. Sir, I wield modem alms -
Take these onuses returns.
Province of Qmibec and you will see that
in '81 there were lenge and populous
counties in whit* not one representa-
tive of ley frieswis from the Maritime
Provinces seemed
to be able to masks a
living. (Cheers and laughter.) It is
almost phenomenal. A curious fact is
that it appears from the census that
there was far more immigration in the
decade from 1861 to 11 than in the
twenty years from 81 to '81. le it
not idle to deny such facts as these 1. 11
not idle 1, 4(14* against them 1 Mast we
out admit that no matter how the pee.
please/ strive, no matter how the Go.-
egnment may strire,you cannot establish
any great inter-Provineiel **de from
which any great profit. can redound to
th. people to the country. Whet is the
history ot the Intercolosiel railway? It
is worth noting. On the 30th June,
1887, the Intereolonial stood as an meet
in the lotoks of the Dominion for $46,-
431,000. The total expenses ef the
road for the year wore $2,828.000 and
the receipts $2,598,000. Not only dtd
the Interoolonial net pay interest on
its cost. but there was an admitted loas
of irt31,000,or a real loss, if the avanonts
had been properly @barged. a $400,000
Of $500,090. Aod, Is addition to that,
mery jeer a million es so is added on to
the capital expeeilltere. Remember
that fax this curvet year the Interco, -
Ionia' has ext $340,000 more than we
reeeived croon it. Aod as if this were
001 enough, we recently been com
rolled to subsid orocalled short line
for the express a minute the
threat and amenity( the value of this
same Interoolon• railorsy, which has
17 Pasibla 104*1050 "1"1•• "dia." "1' daat testimony lire thie, hem Alemeesies
ouniesssees tit pet a stop to
este ritaortes 01 INSANE ItITINDIT111
Mors than that they will do well he re
moral« that if 1 en correct in the state -
omits 1 have maile-sed Maltese' this
rarest serottey----that if maims or
°wads have 'ogee homes einewlisee, °hi)", .01001211 ass Prolownimallirte
thereehoots of the motive pagelatirm 01 161.7 Dam 111004018°_,_
they west reniestalMr the Modem, of it ie.
that is to go ea iseressieg eiterume aesumerr mea TIM/Oree
Who are the mem who have left us I sentakisi re* *ego Ilbegeglpd MOM
Ang eres whe hie paid ellissitioll le the tweet thin tare 114410.1*
who kocra. the vales al Needs tit the
Americas peripl• is support el my ems-
teatioe that Canada most essettest
be able to eve Mir ertivalenth aS
t a`. seder my plevseillise Garda is
likely to ask the Hailed Shies, te gimp to
exist us nearly
peobably doable
sow «rata (
hon. gentleman
shown «molest'
will, trade will
Who dose era
the trade of
Hestets, the
Tor*, that of
reentry t
Visterk San
the Rads
pm& taa t
sod tree sayi
Seg. het it le
%weeks peopi
met mit sheet
two at
einitivele f
die United
AOC air
love said
y millions, and thus
ilUle deficit which
) I think every
admit that 1 have
that, do what yea
ira Natural merket.
, who dares den y, that
fax naterially seeks
of Toronto omits Neer
tees St Paul and the
th .4 it, and that of
and tea sod al
and to their mutual
) There is an old
that trade fellows the
1 more tree *14.1 1* fel-
and we have esilhappUr
ccnsidering the benefit of our Amerman
trade. Now, not only have I shows
that, as it is, oar trade with ib. United
States forms an mimeo« proportioa
our total trade, but I ask the Hones to
consider what Dort of a market that cues -
try is for um hy, sir, look at the host
of great and growing cities which stud
the southern frontier alone. Look at
Chicago, Detroit, Chrtelatici, Boston,
New York. These cities alma, with
their moires', contain a population of
something like five millions, tlis vet7
best custotners on the face of the earth.
And consider how well they are satiated
to be our market. Not one of them a
more than twelve hours from .Canadian
source of supply. The Canadian se/ler
might literelly
OF reemeartime
y made relations trit11
(Leughler.) Move
is well le remember, m
TALI 01111 TUB Tg1.01.11111013
to his American hoyegT11111111111 every
any I have named. Look at oar railway
system --I speak more particallarly of the
railway system of Osten' 504 temple«.
Look at the huge sums we have gamed
ed sed the small return that our outlay
has brought. I have here tbe retinas
white oboe that we barn two thoonind
miles of railway all over the Domissom,
of which a very large percentage is
Ontario and Quebec. These are alleged
to barn anal $663,000,000, sod endwise'
I believe a considerable pert .1 1101 w
" water," as it is technically callel. 1
• oar system of railways tospresslate
an °easy, or would be wrath, at may
rat*. about $500,000,000. The
eatniege o( the roads lara year weft all•
000.000. the exposes@ of ipmeting
$24,090,000. snit it is well hares that
i10fimmast glean es the eat el repermAlegn
does not laded* many items while it
Meek' include. Se ea the 1014,000010
whisk the roods nomisally wed the ni-
ters wee only per eent Oive es ea-
restristai trade with the cellon Steles
and so far es the meted Piesieens MOO
essearned you will
50,11 Tile Wolin loiLIMLO*010
of the railways and q
fits, benefittitig not
lavested their eapitidaat
ea, set the people of
Artother poiet Lei el
popelatigm is distribete&
the impediments wide!
Proctorial trade vie
ventootly the" potpie it
PrOolegobe, 1. Itimenhe ge4 1.
Coliftithia me attested fde
the Delta States, Bed
hotly they ate toe
detest Previews
so rinthisaa es
peeltieg, *it
raretleem, illeettobs
west esembleasil trade be
peel eswasnii *ft. 11"1114
with in 31exico. South AtuellM ot . •
countries which stand indoor tLem Mt!. amid tum.iltuoie• Opposition cheering.
especially tf we prosper largely. It . -
is • curious thing -I don't know wheth rastissatoifetilllallaben.
er has attracted the attenti,•n of mem- "I have great ;demure In eertifyiag
berg of thio Hoe« -that after all we the usefulness of tfaireard's Yellow Oil."
bay. said about the desirability of el. writes D. Kavanarth, Postmaster of Ups-
tanding our trade with foretgn countries, fraville, Ont. "Hat ino used it for 5010-
1101 nine trade remains so malt that It ansa the throat. colds, etc., 1 find
may he fairly said we hare practically nothing equal to it." 2
only two euer°tuent. gyne of lb*" en1" The only toile pennissilsie is Leat this
Mears is the people of Eagland sad her . ow belle
Colonies sod the oeeee
ther the people of the ---"/ are 6"
United States. Sir, I don t know that rerhois 0.. keel disease has puzzled
hongentlemen have looked Otto the and battled the medlest Profession more
.atter quite as mach as it te desirable, than nasal catarrh. While not 'same -
but if they wilt look at the retures for diately 1.414 it is stn.,- th. most di..
1887 they will see that of cur own pro
duce Canada exported $60,960,000
worth, and of this 835.250,000 went
to Great Briteis, V8,760.000 worth ta-
lk* United *stew, three million* to the
'reefing. ....11100,14 end itiegneting ills the
Moll ',heir to, soil the records
eltn• very fewor ewe of «di-
rge emelt of ehroukrotorrh hy any
of the m Atituel• of ni vim of too«
British Colonies and In all the not of m.o.' mod the tnrod 0 ion of Sly I
the world only $3,800,000. That is to Cres-'. the few yeas nvo. The
say, seventy-seven millions to the Unit- SW etes offthie prep -re Itt hes bean meat
ed States, (Irmo Britain and British gratoyine toed !teeming.
Colonies and lees than lour millions to . - -
ell the rear of the world put together
idiotic& state a things Prevailed- Then year hair became tide and
mere sonident, I found that an anion raup-on't W.7a=it:
And in 1873, to show that. this is not a -11
our total exports amounted to Vie mil- gra wore onus (be auesmos seeded
lions, of wheel the United States betieht 10 preserve its bosomy
36.000, Gne.t ItrifritailLALLAI'4212°°,; Keerp on your traleseable a woo 01
-°"." 11".' a"Ay... Nmlr Vleger-the dembet
the reel of t10workl together $4 800,-
dypoil:requiresei. to asidpreservetersass.thattir-andimenrcelore 1100..ed
Thome Mesilar, Shame Breve, Ie..
writes: "Several seess hs age my hair
sioenneeeed falfteg 001, oral low
weeks my heed was ahem* Uhl.
tried sissy r -esu but skier did so
astvicorfinla. all:hod.eirtiatiert mime hettheoatial Asyerro's
Mmumnasint‘s114 ayourhascosia teiothopeigerawayrowthea, werwi
boas. pc easels are mat witlout wo the 11g;abl05110 a.et 10r-
itegay, ITOOM oer chid cestosters
Pearly $117,008000. To nee after using a bottle el Ayer* Nair Vigor
ME. 8o that *re see that fer fifteen
years we have almost literally
Ma01110 TWO Cl 510015*,miab th. United States bed the other the
people of fireat Britain tied her Colonies
/tad what is trim of tile exports
Wise true of the imports. Take 18$7.
We imported • total for comae/optima of
$101i.ti.V,000. We got frown the United
*atm $41007,008, from Ore« Britain
$4.4.9112.000, or oat of the $105,000,000,
$80,000,000 frees oar two chief restos,-
sea 1. 1873, of $127.000,000 we borsht
$4,760.000 frets the United Suites mid
from Grim &Wan 11601.300,000. That
r1st or hindrance. We, with the Ayer's Hair V
the world. hav:erferalfrom Igor
spu te th• llewhart
eh rite f
• the 811410 DelosInIa sat rell
,sies, pertly by ear ewe doing.
by the eaten of the Ittihad &MO, pirivies
ilealftlez owe AIM 11CI4L LORTOICTIOMIR 11511110011111111.1=111
the 4
W* he the Emma iiiapewtast to es
Bet ram ierie 111 tweradered , toasty mg*
inn ores
fray Ddg
see NB 154 eats erne'. 4411•• oe.,*4ts.I ww4 •
- ...,
gas ,,,„„,„r, epos trade whisk *0 mat 1111111
* lit L. -A 111.• 1.1••••• ••••••••••• •••• 7
.01e. pe
illealiest. 04
149 4*'