HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-3-16, Page 8HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, MARCIII 15,1888- 4 - DIsSOtI1 N ilf PARTNKRSIIIP SAL.1 F ARPORTER Owing to Mr. A. A. KAY retiring from the business, we will sell •de'iis tit P*$CE3 TO SUIT THE TIMES. We would call spatial stts ltio. to the WALL PAPER DRIPA RT>Y1 >®NT. mug ace VP TO $5 PER RO ' Aa" Lego pm n o„ i •'••-. ted from the largest A.erlan and ('aaadian Ho Boris% DadoJt Friezes, Ceiling Papers, etc, /tea, Paper AND PL.AZN_ QOi1Befigi b Wold llltaa .) can be seen at the Big Store (Moor. "e' {penial attention to :school Supplies at the Corner Store, (8hepp,rd'e Old Stood.) Iy happy smnedsd well with ba ddwse�� v o' His paeleemac eta *!.mead greatly, as was .sntf.et from the abundant • end loom men eswutee. Ui Mr, eUs it is hardly •esessery to speak, his ability a. • leader nears no ou.taent. The greet amount of hand shaking with ht., dune before and shy the entertsuutment and at mase mission, plainly showed that the people were 'rushy *leer l to see their old Irse4d, and highly eisti6.d with kis efforts to entertain them. The outer - 'stemma oo the ■lio;e was of • high clam order and was a .plendtd se omen If Mr. Halls and hi, (creeds ever come to sea us again, which .e hope they will, they will teos1v0 a very hearty erkotnc, Miss ;Sands. of flaliforJ, is visiting here, the guest of Mrs J. 1' Brown. We are glad to owe that R i;[a14er, who has been ill for some rooks, is op like mend. Dick Stalker, of Morris. has been visiting friends ill this tiautty during the past week. Mr Itichie, fire insurance arrant, of Wiogham, paid • dying visit to our town last week on business. Miss Hetherington and Miss Carter, of Nile, have heel: the guests of Mrs Jae Carter, of this place during the past Silverware, r tike Good,t, Photograph Albums, deco, &c., atRev Ur Baresah, of 13e1><ra ., ones awa•; .. goods. own Prices. No trouble to showp the Methodist church pulpit in a • .0 F R A S E R An PORmost TER. evening. satisfactory manner last Ssoday _ _ _ throng Deo -Thai' Anderson invited a good number of his chums with their foams last Monday to draw stone The result was, a great heap of large st.,nes. Fc:: Allier;. The aver+_.• .nrt.dat.ce at cur school last week a Mr Tb,s Duncan, '•f (hegen, is the guest of bra c. uau, John Stevenson. 111 lee Man• Y. ung. who has been spending the .inter 111 BO. City, is on a ,leer ter her ',ste .; here. We believe the memners of the church of E..itlsnd intend erecting a church in tho v4Uale darting the coming summer. The nen items eh,ch appe.red in Tile. So•.'.t'.1a t week sh..o'J have been headed Ktagsbr. Its uisteed of Port Albert. Itoey don't apply to this place. 1(,.. Jessie 81.o -einem, .1 Det:. it, who liar soon the greater p.,r'ion of the Winter seth her brothers, J‘1001 and Job.,. of rhwe►y►Nla}le, returned to Detroit on Saturday. R .1 Delotlg, pr 'rietnr -:f the Royal, is at present It Ishpeming, M.ch. We •undentae,1 it is kis intimation, if the *leen" of that part of Ole gi Dee agrees with him, t., either sell or leave his property herr and become a permanent resident of abs 1'. 8. • Ronald t:.od, George Baxter and J. Freed have returned from their wint �r s abdicate in the Braes peniesola. M r pond is Ali,bted with the country armed les's Head, and intends to re- 'n',ve there with kis Wally .1.,.rtly. Cuavatzo rvr. - W. 1'. Pe!low, J.•hn I McBride end Jas. Dunbar, ar., each of w h.na have been hovering on the boundary' lines of the happy hunting mounds during the put munch• are now, we an happy to say, rot of all danger and will soon be tla.Ni.elves again. A meeti:rg of the supporters of tete! Scott Act was held in the Union church here on Taesray evening last, for the parpPsr of rrr.tnizint; for the calming re- peal emoted. The audience, which was largely corn p•.sed of Iadiee,was adares•ed by Ker. Mr Cameron. Is'nt it time Haul ' Antes were beginning to hustle. T. R. li.nwki•u, .'.'_est so•t of our fell,• townsmut T'.os, Hawkins, successfully pawed his final examination in the Iows Medical college last week and is Tor a fully dodge.! M. D. \t .a believe •lo• intends to co+t:mence Lrrctioe in '•r.nbeaplis !'linc•:r ti'. ..cress t, Mite. Illal►a/y is d•ong • pushing busi witi his rilei mill. Cristo are }}, i every .lay cot • n'y from our t' 'v +hip. hut tr •tri Colo• rne, we ms') and Hue. n se Oehl With .4'• •etiA(g of nMfwatt,a M will be kept running night and deg. The preser,t wu.ter was perhaps the toot ever kn••wn hen's for herring fishing. The greater sari of the fishing e..ne has been d •re with hook and line. Capt. Angus Matheson and Jas Young have been (air!y socceseful in salmon trout &Ding1t The herring ars not nearly as oljsl)h.1 at present as they were s week nerd. !let perch are as thick as scares m Vsll•tnbrosa. Orr ro if [rent Monte five years since, Jebel T. Hawkins, eldest sen of Gonne Hawkins, of this village, started 11-A. Manitoba with the honorer!, inter- I Hon of bettering his fortune in that far ' off province. Well, Jacks he is more favorably known here. has made good his intention, he has bettered his fortune., and far beyond hie brightest anticipations. He is now tb. owner in tee simple of 360 acres of the beet farm in,N land near Gleaborn, bas all the necewry agricultural implements for I working it. sold four thousnd three! hundred bushels of wheat, being Hail h proceeds of 10(1 eery, (feriae the past Prominent among thous presage d we noticed Reeves Griffin, Gjt%in acid Stothers of Ashfield, R. Lane township clerk, J. G. Ward, treasurer of Wait Wawanosh, John Bowers councillor of W. Wawanosh, Jahn M. Roberts chair• �m Hugel, carriage builder, of Kin burn, paid a dying visit to our town last week. Will looked hale and hearty. We were all ¢lad to see hien, as he was mw, Dungannon railway committee-- an old Auburn boy at one tome. B. J. Crawford, Thos Dasher, John Jueeph Farrow, formerly of Teeswater, McLean, John Sullivan, Gurdon Ander- row of Guderieb high school, visited sin, A Stewart, John Whitlow, Major the homestead last week. Jos Mallougb and John '1 II..ugh Wm D .e. is, merchant has been r n seated by Messrs Jae Mahaffy, A Ci trouble is a very sore throat. Hawkins and C1aa. (►'Cannot 'The Geo Pathbere, ,.f Hutto!. died last The Pert Albeit Committee was repre- the sick lis: during th5 put week. The ehaaes.n MrIia►bsvta on npw.iDg the Sattadsy.�eey guddenl from inflannua- meetiag, desired to express his erati- tion of the lenge. ;he funeral was tole on behalf of the member. d the largely attended Monday afternoon at railway committees, to the courtajIs of y 0.eisct. Ashfield sod W. Wawanush, w so Tttesliav 'teeing a number of the readily acquiesced to the regent u th- delegates who waited upon theIn szers cf 1►1•itland Lodge Ko. 341, granting the aeee..ary nes:,s (•! defray- wth,stnbcor:cart ran -in derdthe took part d in* the expenses of delegates to Ottawa thetudl;e t that pier. He. hima d& be .aid had been choses to represent W. w'awsnosh, bof if the The (tibl.society meeting. held in the members presser desired to Mede$ Id• ditional delegate be would Him* els at his own private expenses, and sot only ones but a doses times if necessary. Reeve Griffin .:pressed wil!negnese to go to Ottawa ea he had keen •hn.au to represent Ashfield, bet *Mire! the members present to select an .bier mar,, The entire audience were however, op- animous in their choice of Messrs Grif ie and Robtrta. The principal business of the meeting was than gone iotn, via, that of arrso.ing the plan .1 action fur the delegates. So thorough were all the ne' •taeary dirndls of the work of the dele.,tatea gone into and laid nut for ereekthis sunnier. them that we shall be greatly surprised i We've pleased to notice that Mn Methodist church; hetet Friday evening, wag well atter ied. Tiler Alex MGM tl las was . • prestdrut, and the resit at am old • se etre re-e.ected. The ked. egiv y Fre Mr Manly, of T.. reeks, ct . '. reel in Egypt, ' was a NUM n, • divinity student, Pe leant Sunday. ey had • bee last week a 11 one ter • taro. cellar to be omit under a farm kitchen that It. will 8ke leeks terry mesh unproved is health. A somber of the people d w neigh- borhood .see.nl.d et the home of use friend of the hematite' sad hetes, sod enjoyed themselves immensely esti! the roes, Baste heats is t •' the Iliafantastic to the ramie .•f et:iag b•ml. 3111s. Must "f the iuterest h a eaten aboutt ilia Mkt pre- sent. Special .eeviekr have bees carried ea for eight weeks by Rev. H. Irvine, sad the church wacky*. Between seventy Ind etatttty adult, and children, here been forward as seekers. Over tatJ suited with the church last Wed- nesday oath' 111h int., srd twenty more have given 1p their names to join at the receptive rice neat Sunday morning. Rov. J. E. Hotta preached here on the 4th of March. :t Tuesday hs es - pained the scheme College CTonfeders- tioo to a large gregstioo in Nile church. $150 was Wit on Nile circuit by district [nastier, Our the new College, to be erected isoto ; and the entire cum was subsonberbefore the Educt newel mooting seeped. Nile Methodist. church has done Nobly for all church en - Serpens' this ye y. Mrs Dungan aoNtie has bees very sick, bat Su recoveMog. Dorothy Hetherington is home again, Ids Heth.ringtea is visiting her sister. Mite Oarter, of Auburn, w hu is in poor health. safe a.d Toady return boos. Mia Sarab 3(*Whinney, of Goderich. was home on a visit last week. Rickard Firm .tarts West for the summer slot Monday. We will via Richard, sad send our best within for a zsngsbri6se. We WM glad to hear that Mn. Thou.. Sullivans, who has bees suffering from poet health, is steadily recovering. M some of the rupils of 8. 8. No. 2 postured learning according to their trina and ag.s,they would be much learned folks we mould have to resort to some means to make them forfeit • tittle. Whoever orrrected that item that peered from Kingsbridge two weeks ago cannot prove that " greet " was not pro- per. Perhaps the house in ysestaun will be both " great " and •' grout. A concert u to be held in .ebool-house No 2 on the atoning ..t Seturday,Msich 17th. .t number of sp:eudi.l ,anti, dia- logues and recitations are being prepared for the occasion. We expect to see . great turnout, Iliad we are all bot sure that the undertsbisg will prove an en - usual success. Carne one ! Come all ' A young titan Mom • distance drove througn this locality one day last week and returned home again eppsreutly dis- satisfied with his journey. It is supposed he came to vee his sweetheart, bit unfor- tunately could not find her residence, as the barn hag been moved .once his last vital. We should advise this young Ledy to put u;, • si4n ter she will ho likely to Lose the pleasure of her beau's c rnpany. -Zech . if, the sloe little eeheme rf the er''t i Joseph Cook hes ..nae recovered from t.•.derirh bustler. tbs gnrddsddp of the I [!loess et wench at nos time gree lean West Huron pwhytmandor. be n.•t nip*- were eotesrtained by many friends. rad ,the most manlys etinl goochusiast[, which c The err t .i'1 f .r 1P83 made i4 ap nature, broke up about 11 o'clock. ' ixwanra an t;.e farm of .h,h• Horto Jfesars Grifia end Roberts 1.. ;este on Satur ay the 10th inst. This year on their miaow in a few days. were In ib.bunl wheys Dunlop hollow i t Imbibe .tv.ct.d not to curtail their t,:co in thee fist lambs, calve •tri (male capital for lack ..f means, but to stay due- The 'pen meeting of I. 4, et. T., ing the entire session If necessary, v No 2.1...., was well attended kid Friday 1 any further expense they may be put to night A gaud programs was given by wo� d be snide up to theindentindentca , pnrate the n.elnbees with selestioo. rat ini mer•al music. Mise ce Cummings. of Panhop, rendered recitation in a *tossing manner. h won the ap planes tit the audi•s/a The chairman l'nsrrllT. -The people ..f th.s little 8. B. N iilunu appoiahtd tete • eggi salmi, and s':, undisg country enjoyed Weise and Mr Peter Foley ewpt■ina o a rare treat lasfTriday ev-crice., the t'th sides in the spelling match, each aide , inst. it being t4o occasion of • good being tea in uumber chosen from the concert nr.der the auspice.. cf the Mahn- audience, for a time both sides showed ' dist church choir here. It had been an- , ap manfully. but the resold were in nounced 1 revionly by hills and pro favor of Mr Foley's sidle, which woo the gram that Mr. 5 P. Halls, 13. A., contest. Nett Friday 'cuing another ..f C dericb, aoaimby meet" open meeting wattle held and another Wilkins -4i, Graham, firatetan, and Mr. spellins.etrh mar take place. Side•to 1 I Belcher, would contribute the rna;•.r, be chosen from the audience, , portion of the program, and this :t The building committee of the Dank" seers was sufficient guarantee to insure school held their first meeting for di. - a suoossful entertainment. for .t the patch of ba.ineu at the residence of I appointed hour the largo church was well fir John Horton an the evening of the i filled ley an attentive and appreciative :oh inst., J. 0. Stewart in the chair, audience. Besidesthe •l eve talented' John Horton and Robe geoid menthe's 1 performers the following local talent .,f c,mmtttee were present. Plan a ee•isted ►try esatenebl, by reed.wfts and - the new schnntbovse with a ten4ar for recitations, in making the entertainment its erection were presented by D ('um - a decided success, viz : Messrs. P. T ' mitts to the committee, and ..tier doe Halla, T. Andrew, W. Martin and J. ! oonsiderstiott of the govt. wl,och we John. All the ports were so well taken. ! inderetand will be 11575, situ secepted. and every number so •ucceesfully c%r ' This includes the desks, 28 to number tied out, that it is useless to enter into ; Many of those interested have promises particular.. Still, in justice at least to to draw a load of lumber each for the Mr. Halls and his assistants from Gods I contractor. who, once the mooting, has rich, it must be mud that they fairly , already got quite • I..t of lumber an the captivated the audience, as was shown !site. and made areengemonts with bythe repeated eorsRobinson. and hearty •p- I Buchanan, Lawson t Robiof pen are which followed every effort. Miss planing mill (lodenrh,to do up the siding Wilkinson sang several selections in required, with ell heads ..13 the hop at excellent style, and was loudly sip/sad- the job. d. This young lady is the happy pm I -_-- ustleor of a beautiful. clear voice, and the POrtet% Ii U.. nodering rot " Angels ever Bright and , ---- Pair," and " Lullaby,' ailed forth the ; Mr Jna. Cox, le•dar of our town•htp rare mesial talent with which she is , parliament,hs bees over in ('ncle ham's gifted. Her voice was excellent. and ' domains for the pad wok. Wit ander he pathetic character of these songs wee I stand he intends 0 (Kine back • few portrayed in • very touching manosr. head of the renowed Holstein breed of i. Graham, who appeared with Mi. cattle We expo. something Ilse, ea ilkisoos, in "The Master Stood in J-rbn Behr dos int" by halves. • Gerdes," and is all of the quartette Mr Jan E'!' our fat bey, left oa oho and whe p°s�M� Tuesday o: thio fur Washington vei% ass Territory with a Naber ut fine horses tb rosm•ek•bl• • sl presides fad purchased io this vicinity. for kewamlf the *MO. and plaidtt. W FINE TAILORING t f>�avisi.- ('rn ac1-U ol! the lateness of the season, I have t ed down all ral OTercoatinge and SuitillrM Burs* in wort of au Over- t or Suit should not Toil to inspect my Large Etoek before purchasing elsewhere. In odeesenliork- iii htipag andel Style. Goodie Quality, willTrimmings, 1uayu� t o usb y se%.• 1'o per 4�Nmt. 011 any eillututioll' given you 1•I„•where, Reweinb.'r me when you are in (.u•lerich, Dec t)- , B. M,aicCormaC• a.• 1155 Oates. Assignee's Notice. All prows gabs ,4 their sale -.,,lis printed at r _ . this ,e ler wen 5 ' •tr::101:::::: !seemed is E 7,(.411::: Qi this hot sp to tet tt s1HAuet...a w;oofferk, t:wyle.f.J. �stouts,al'u , tl•propertr. K".h.redttketown <eah croaksdHnTsylur,on ahapr• mines1, a suu.s• I NO' Merok•u. Debtor row4.t1'wtt1'.ese.y !:has 1 - Hamtltsw. aucIK'u Sr, tlwumewalur st Tt r a'.rre saved d.bbr eve two u iloek, ea aha algnuwn. w me, leader tet /nv54os R 4p. ,.n T.rrsdsy, • Act n-si, a Aa•tmi•tmeat• ter dad -.1641:0411";7:" March 27th, 1886. Kee Roser. for )ask ;; Creditor+, beton 4e -Vic. (Asp. IA Oster* toren•, du- ICI• reser.., Statue s. Isis," sad •aae.biSW note. A meet Mar of Ike t'redttun el tke said 1 Mbter wldl be Au..in.n .sir ' valwtrle puck .f.ahn belC.t tet olBtx, i. tke lTourt Uouar, is hew Knox, auch.w,err, well 1.11 b uhlb �'7uwa •d e,odrrich, si troche icta•a orae, oa J P ,tre.lay rhe r=eel dn,, of llarcb 1LBt for the •uctlun, up.Plrtlr HIM Coln,rue H•del. I appointment of imam -tom rod ,be v rt G•derich, tie S.t•tedey, 17th of March, ;dig' ttotw with rrfentaw to ibr d of LtlBN, wommn.cu, n e .ni.lr, h.ery p.rsuncl.lstotf to� bo to g aro ,.'clock, p m. ' rioted to conk ua the eddo M r,"iutt'ed to ter (be following raIWbl. prop.rt) : Ti'.w•ial, to ae P•rto:elan of ainhum proved til brood ours, in foal ; 1 , aaidavit tout drrlaraitest.ud.ech s-ocab.r ammo •.f.•.rkori( eslhe.aw'.drnlheN. hones, aged , 1 fir., cls.. horse, i) rah I Huf5Kltn 4, In »('. add ; 1 set d..uble korai,.. ; 1 .st nolle tlernls( llaronw narrows ; 1 mooed-h.•d cutter, rn.1 of her i soleus OSes. articles tis, no..ru;siert o melatNon. tiee� U,s*5rsel. Marek lZ 1! * 4: IL posters for terms, de /�qE MORBOW 1! 4TATE Den�. i :Sealed Tend.rs w ;I be receive I fur the porta/Me steam ew-ene nriusgtag dr the shute J estate. up 1...iat aria, . the tad day of Lerch. t a h preferred. bis. .atutseteev .rtdur.ed {. NiCt3ULeDlf.LDS saes win or tabes 1 _ I:UitltitT l:i Hettt\ s, Ug1fT1L R•n"M!y d4HRotHe � Eijbtb deer boles tee Hoa O 11..r.'tvewa` , t_ It Dewe en. li►LLIy It�T 1. WOlw►L%'t:BP/N. L D.`S.I i,aans and insurance. • i:tlo'--Odd renown Hall. North .1... Gernert,- t; Cham mnAevate. All work war-' .LI. -ti.. ♦l elbedAlredersa ter palm- - e71rs .twit h. Ix►.- tr 4:AYItitOsf twLssC,AMIifOM. - I aide. 1e - _----d1.1 WIRT TO LE1f1D. -A L A R O R. - - -.. -_e went« Private Feeds for (nrtate:ewt DitESSMAKI.N(. wg..,.m eM.a"stab.sll.tgage. Apytf te•4M**OW t 1'HOt&D►Wf Thr sI...., Msekomaie have opened • dr s. -------- -- -- - an4 155011. ttrt.tnlr eatatu,-b.neot u, the i ire RADCLIFFE, Grand Opera Noma Week ere: nwm upaeain. l where they are prepared to .*trait to the i 5•55t. or the ladle. or flateeii..t, and vicisu) GENERAL i.-a'i:AMCA ' in Mt or labelatresas•Itbie prl.-es 4t a. itE.tL ES (.ATE Aap She People's (oiumrt. fl ATCH LOeT-ON '4AT(JitDtY tool between 115130 .' photograph tal- ler)- mod the opera bourse. a hob- 'or south ell. er watch with Noun ant trinket attached. The ander will M suitably reworded on returning at to Ma.$ Motet aro. HoderieA It -n 1( NOR 11ANUIIoF H4(PE will aalet es noturd.y. Ma..k *7. a three o'clock for bushier and prsdkr. All are requested to be present. A. jtsndersoa. t•61r, W OOP ,:'ANTED -A FEW CORDS �� ddry weed wasted 1mempdiatety meets HZRWIT$ *ALS OF VALUABLE MItNEY UTANING AGENT Only ilnrefeu• campaniles Heywesead d SW .Emory to Lend on sonata!! Yeas. i'2 the lowest rated .•tared go.n:; h any way to suit it. nerrawer. NUPFtt'g-Seeotd dem teem Agmer-, west et reel.O.derirb. iititf $«r00,(Ie0 PRIVATE FCNDS Te ars a fara and town R'etertr at low we tittered. 3Herb age• bur. levied. No row memos ebatriarrl aihnts for tbe'e rut and Las., Co.ta•oi/ o(C Canada, the Canada Lande•i Cred,t Comgay. the London leen Ce.pa•i of Canada Doormat. R 4R sad 7tsr cost. N. H -1 .riwwers run oMais neap m day. U;tie etailef,setorr. 2,►YItION * IC HNr'rot. Rsrrnders. we t; -.M -h -`- The metre (iyde.dde beers 1 ewer iM,wh- - 1 r. s %\•esthetiltill vary cold and stormy. The Maitland Presbytery is in session at Lueknow, this week commencing ese Wednesday, lath int. Yr J . W. Ouoke, V. S.. has Ionated o I in this village. A better opening for • professional in hie line could not be selected than this locality. We wish bins good success ; his practice since his arrival is encouraging. Urs 'JlcKey, wife of Dr Mahar, of the village, has been ell 1.,r woe time. . W. sincerely hope that she will suns recover and regain her wonted sotto of health, and be restored to her family. Another pioneer in this locality has g-ne, Mr Joshua Willis, died at his a residence on Sunday afternoon at 3 f o'clock p. m. Some time ago he wee seised with congestion of the brain to which he tin.11y succumbed Ti. widow and family hare the sympathy el this community en their at9ich ,n. subscript r, aeaswl, bseides a large q,sastity of oats, and now, to cap the climax, has captur- ed one of Ashh.ld's fairest daughters, is the person d JCess Harriet Simpson, of alheppardton. Time happy couple were named on 51 edn..day evening last. '1 he c'remone. which took place at the res.deeee of the bride's pannM, was perf.rrta.d by the Rev Mr Carrie, .lack and his bride, accompanied by his 'worker Jame. and Frank Hawkis., of -laeppsrdton, left for him home os Teas- ley He took lour loots with him, several thousand feet of hardwnnd tem- wn5 Kr, baggy, cetlee, hews., robs and . of ;east may other articles ton n t x tb 5 wi the atsAiwce Mi. Treatise, who • are song w .anr,.se. tet d. .esoeopaeid the quartette se •crepes- + *acture of one df ase bet bort, Mr (`eine. Jeidanan, , Hr emu* robe an '' wsnuon. beeidy the beet wishes of an al! hsnld chums in 1 . A. !ill set 11tn.w.r MmrTtsr, AT Di vnawwoW 0 there be any .an alarm you who thinks the radwsy agitation of *Ire teen an skips of Ashfield and W.wanoah, u 00 the decline let him he und.i'.ivsd. east 1•irm and united, Patter and dog.etri aid M te'pedul one confident, i51chutes! •sad "epreetentattve was the meeting r,l the for Ilunxawnrm and Pon Albert railway ..v overnetto.e held in the cower home et D,t"Qennoie ,.n Thunrley everts` last. j D deserves great prates for the excel t manner in which .h. aegaitted her f in that rapoeity, bet is well dear,- ' of spacial mention fee the Arametie power with which ie resited d i ' end " Lees," the latter in no spew to moires and • .pedal r.rs.st .p from the *ediena/. Kies Tree- s ret s was aeeordd west sppiasie err her iplssdtd efforts 11r Richer ease is a great ahem ofpn vee for the mus is which h. resdsed " A Heedred Felbow's Deep.' sad Alone is the Pea -. H is se!sc•io.a ware psretsular Nippy, nip olio hew of him pees - parity goes If yne .oald only see am .s'•wnre fame seem of oar fair one, We Pines, yes weald et testi pity them. Kr K. IrNs, paid es a frnw d• 'm visit price M his redneviBg to Yet week, to staled the High .shoot. His matey Witrefa is the andi.ts wish him •...ase is hie studios Mho Amy Qui retuned home teem Qtd.riell lent Week. when she ked boos solesrais5 1 the pest three .00ths. The Farmer'. Institute meeting, to he held here on Fn.I7y and Saturday, premises to he a successful Katherine, It is expected that in addit to • tsseiunl p105ra., (ut Frsday evenia5, address will ise given by ItIr Jobs Hobson. chairmen .1 the Guelph 0e1 - Ings, Advisory Board, Mr D Mc0illi- caddy, of Goderich, and Mr R. Me Millais, of Hallett, RAILWAY Ma7'r5e4 A meeting el the railway trommittee wee held in the snort -room here on Thursday .,.slag 8th inst., the object benign. ennsult with the guttlemen chosen as delegates M interview the proper authorities os the propetets of a Zine rd railway through this Bastion of country to some point on the lake end to determine upon • enema of action to be pursued by them in said interview. Owing to the lame roma- any, it was decided to hold a *ilia .sting instead of the committee meet - formerly contemplated. After dee dismission •.d deliheration entered in- to by many present, stone advised the" the delegates should proceed homediat- ely to Ottawa to i.terview the Gomm - myth, sow in session, whilst •be eujuvity of there present, havlsl an bousd.d en.6denee in the intelligens' sad discretionary ability of tbe delm�'s and.o..itte. on 115• gosatia5 at too... .zpre••ed a desire that the delegates sell committee obtain front .very ■v.ilable std le ritimste e•erce, proper .ed strew information leading up to the p5sb•bet' grill "fag.: ef .. enernaragsmssrt t,mtstt.m bsleee 50155 to Ottawa, if tossed M M 5omrs eery. Ma ♦ tisk, Me v*f. 51 dr T. 1t ...�` .t n d.tetl'et.r. mom DM Birk Marra, w t hheppordted•Thomas chrletr!r. 7eaas w 6 leo e 1. • r TAs K itrsine w rt. resides, w vr4•lae. Mer,A • et t ,, `pi wligRfm is llstheatioe..e��t.e•n.r 0r4n Mer Neut.040 Is y rto. esise► �+ n. t. le res rose tale. WHIM. Is AMe51d a Meer IYes► . la A emit zudi i rime al. will bealteed for sale Al .ttwrtt.• ,noir!: on weesesear. )larch the Sint Ina . rat It Societies. I O cleric. Pedigree le rewrtered in ',bat Renk. -- _ ___ Nese w beeves en *term..* or Jokes John- Crlfi�iT ORDER OF !f !TED .w loci 1 run SiiOK. BIKAlTUUIMBAON . . 15u4tJ�lI1•N. 41 Sheriff •`ao.. ff i2E'LL FOR SF.RVICI. 1hr the mown of Infra. on tot N. A Mmeh ✓ ues*. known as the Mien Ten Aar► Lel. Terms. el. W be pain at time of ,.molar, wltn privilege of returning if s••raataa-, Ale„ meted to rent a few micros Misses wear !•rwa. A.to McDOt1OSL►, & nt)'A. f11M1m I'reprootus e. 14188 S FRA SEP.. 1,1 wild give lemons on pian to a I i meted' . umbar d pupils. Terrace rwonahle. art made keewa oat apphaUus. Lemons ran be el vee atter as residence of pupil or teacher. Oedws WS at the bookstore of Fraser, Porter MA?tR i.SAF LOD4;E, 3 •. .5. a� ,'r`. jt" )1e• -•a 'a tit -i: ledge (Dem 0454 Ti'. Kit awe. (Afire, Ire,.-.ef., on the SECOND AND tOC'PTH ►masa\.' Of .� • EACH 3.IINTH. YISTT1`',m N!'i^1l" ARk ALWay" er1.l•.verk. 8. P. HALL'. M.A. lie PRICT, M. W. Pbee .ser G. W. THOIE/MION, 5.14, Mtat der a d say will receive oro.pt attention. 11110. Amusements. For Bate or to Let. - VODDRICH MECHANI''w INSTi D noun comer. L01 Let stt street and Naar, ep Few( FOR s1L&-TVA? HIOB- dseireW tees bows ea let N. ass. a• IL 0. Colborn.. eeetai.h r lee news, le of wide* ars cured. w the rest peel Umber. It le situated ea the gravel mead, sad the brick schoolhouse Is a tee comes' the 1et. talus mad terns ami 10 CHAS. u Oer r35OROi SWANSON. of Code - Ash. >< ft WOK SALE -HOUSE AND le IT OF r one ears is the township or .lskl.14. The bow Is las non -class .rate of rep•ir,and e}}ttawl1ssvwwen��iemteptt 7t. church and school. For 1- 1,____dg.. a P.O. Mot JYRZMIAH GRIFFIN. FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR sets. Owe la the township .f *afield, e.ae•fal.5 testers* ; cud one 1n test Weave ass& e.wNihiSs lea arra•.. For par teniers .•elf te Caesarea. Mott k Cameros. God.- eti. 1tC2 ELIOIBLE FARM FOR. 8ALE- "J•setNM."Oodertch Tor mettle .1st ea. USO.,.. gond orchard a•A bnlldlne.. ..•.. Ira scree- eo sfortabie Lome red of M7.rs t sesy- Apply to dAHROW t PR )CDFOoIr, Herrman ere.. 4)OAerkh. iN.e.s r ` BALE. West bar of lot (tel. Arthur Rhee, with ei�sll beget metope thereon. s riattm brew. Irl. I* SN, lit. Hight Cls,' t, St- Andrews Ward. across' et Worms and Rrltannla Real. tl house oe tl.►ersl Ioe.In nerd's Survey. opposite new (Wit iavr,r hadA a' a . ''•ues1A .utsn Ops.fror.[rn6pm..sad trom'to13p.s. ABOUT 2000 VoL S IN k.IBRAAY Lewdior fhri'.t il-r.kfy camel Plte.ttr5fe,f Pupas, ,t%,r. •,, :: neo, de, in ?Co M1i:1lHY1•+HIP TIlK5T. tractus free use r.f I.ilrsr) i'.1 ltea4.•e4 Hoon,. Appli..,✓lon for taambsrsklp rec.••ved by idbranan.:5 rearms. d. 11 A L1 Ltt:+o' . O!il.: FI t -1S s . President. Secretary. Oederlek. March 1110. till3. 3ttitp(irtyht, sluat�W , C A. 111.111111.1:, _ _ )IILi,N t70HT. 5ArHifeita^ \'AJ.CAToIt, AtIliAT !r. Estimates Made .i'4 Contnr'• Taaea for Some !testing !) the Ha Wear 5751.5. Hot Water and Steam Heller. 1.+'•1e Omni end ether Water Wheels. plelne.le, Atli ]tachl.ery. A4lnculti:ra: I. PLANS AND APECiI'K'AT/t)';/r4. T-ALI'ATIONS MADE, M 5 ISiet.•I:oLN r AuctIoneert*, • leery Kray. Motet Ii' j 1 Tfa0 E1mOX, 11RNII:RAL AM - Show Wt land , Isvi R vL .tor 4iemrrlob fde w Qmeads. via.. SC 66�� above s LOW RATKO, eLi[A� iA/11Vteta nAViSO'q a JOHNSTON. RRebicsI. ��r ��tLi0Z1(?IAiZ OF w s..e a of Ham., IIIIl[7LZAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR e. Mos see eta miseeeeserewessd deer ranter riot • Joshua marten eNil.g - At Palms.Mlom'W d• Mn Maws Mamie& tiarammir - and M rears the aaetb.eer,nm trade. 1 ��y In • n'fe ,. Min aret with thnro,rgk sssiBtaetins wt o . mg.ie►,e eatroato4 to him. tee ea a eMue►P. Hotel, w .eat by moil . y.Mot Motown, KNOX Potwar A xs••ded t• 10141'1 L1DWARD x, j MarweitOs tt 8(s.s,,.. Ja�t�I.rSR SEAGRR A ----- - ettr_ rHA asesetch 8TtR�, ere epp.elto Mania es ams "r• s.ar.W.e wSHA ar tae 1 ■ a eg A 811 ` Se.sy. �. Term,t....steTo� c. rMarMk e►Q t�tatrxsw. J. R Ra.•t. ata I van ymri tih.d aaM ecce Prresi I "'----- "at- tette GON woo 1S DONE AT SIGNAL liCy�� aArRGcDroQl, >sAa �eWWWW6WWWI can not urate Hln Irvm� i (--�A� `�h 1" min .�1L t*i. •d r lin tet C naWUI3II R 1 rhea de t MM to.10 eatentllaa��.�gs, tM.r(rh � llii4Lr.T 1! CAM[W)Y, Oat W ire rvMS d (et prft,esO O. Ca M ('. r'arte., sees. ( ( I es, QC.: P. nit M. 1►4t