HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-3-16, Page 7e _ "WAYS AND YFAN&' THE COMMITTEE THAT FORMULAIC() 7 HE Net TARIFF SILL. ,geeewita of amverwl stf as. Thin«a as.m- nalq as4 *weteh.. .0*0. Aho A reeated tar the Malik t~"..•tit the ,tesaen o Tk a Paper. The tariff all, which ha* been agitating the oouutry so mush of late, is the result of the efforts of the Democratic member* .1 the house committee on ways dal Meats. We give below pictures of some 1,1 the members of the committee, to- gether aitb Wugraphlcal sketches. auger Q Mills, chairman of the way* and tarsus committee, was bore 171 Kew tLathy to 1841. He stutt:rtl law 6s Pales- tine, Tex., and when he was 20 was admitted to the bar. IIe afterward moved to Corsicana. 1}e was a Confederate eel tier during the war, and retired with the rankuf lieutenant Moue' He has always teen a Democrat, and a naetnber of all lee ouoareseee from the Verty-tblyd up to • be present time. Heaton McMillin, of Carthage, Tens. was horn 1n Kentucky In 1846 Restudied law, was admitted W the bur, and began mita DTCUlt. tr, pract ire at. rellna,Tenn., eeLtth. .a 11471. In w•xitu%. llc111 he was :Doren elector off the Tilden and Hendricks ticket He was ekarted 10 the Forty -sleet Party- Ken r'elitb. Forty-eighth sad Forty-ninth :nogre-..ea, and re-elected to the Faftieth t'UnCrwta• a+ a llrinocrtt. Clifton H. Hnxkteri tae, SII--l►t amus, was tarn in Leziujtoo, Ky., In 1846. Ila received a erotatraon school edtscaziou and entered the war as a private 1a the Con- federate aro y. He was afterward a Oar): in commercial homes and then at- tended Washington college, mow Wash- ,r:gton and Lee university. la 1f170 he t.e(•ame & cotton planter in Arkansas". He ass a member of the Forty-eighth and }',rt y-ninth congreases, and was re-elected t.• the Fiftieth congress as a.lkemocrat. William C. P. Breckinridge (Dem.). of Lexington, Ky., was born u Ittt; He Wu graduated at Center callow. Danville, ria , assn 1n the law deperttaent of the 1'n1Terstty of Louisville. lie was a mem- ,••r tan the Forty-ninth congress, dad was re-electedto his present Maw Henry C. Turner 'Dem ', aid Quitman. (;o . was born In North Catdina in iR39. Hr was a member of the Forty-seventh, Forty-eighth and Forty-a/nth mimeses. and was re-elcetad to 1.15 present term wtthout opposition. hi i ilism L. Vl ileum, of C7urleiton, W. V a. was barn In Vir inla in 1843. }1e W ow graduated from Colombia college. D c'.. and from the U&Jversity of Vir,;.nia He arrant in the Confederate army. and after the war wad a professor in Columbia cvlle.T. He afterward practiced Lw H. was elected to him Forty.,ijhtb, Forty _nth sed Fiftieth oongreses as a Demo- , rat Hill+am L. Scott, of Erle, Pa., siva ern m Washington, D. C., in 1898. He received a common school education and served an a page in the book of repro .rnt„t f v t -i for six yews Be was after- ward ,t clerk in the shipping bodiless, and n : Al h,• engaged In the coal and ship - paw. trade. He afterward because Maar- rated in the manufacture of Iron and oral mining. an.1 in the cosastruetinn and oper- atkon of railroad& He was elected mayor of Erle to 18116 and in 187L 11e wad • elected to the Forty ninth anal re-elected t., the Fiftieth congress as a Democrat. William 11 Bynum. of Indianapolnt was born in Newberry, Ind . In 1.441. He was graduated at flat State University of Indiana, and was admitted to practiceI Low in 1969. Ile was a Democratic elector in I876. was a member of the state legis- lature of Indiana in IDM, and elected ..peabrr of the hotter In 1883. He was a member of the Forty-ninth cora:cress, and was reelected to the Fiftieth cuugress as a Democrat Wf111am D. galley, of Pennsylvania, was born to Philadelphia in 1814. Hr was torr ten years judge of the court of (ammm pleas err Philadelphia In 1867 he was a delegate lo the naLlosal Repub- hcan convention at Chicago. He has been a "member of every congress from the TMr- ty-seventh, std was r. -elected to the Fiftieth 000pwd u a Republican. He le a strong prdacties tet. Thnnna M. Browne. of Indiana, wee torn in New Paris, 0., In 1829. Hr moved l Indiana la 1844, received aeommonrrhonl edur*:ins and was admitted to the her in IWy. He entered the war as lieutenant • ulonel and was aubeegnently commis- sioned brigadier general. In 1860 be was appointed "'aired States attorney for In - wtLow. le' WILLIS. I. was a member of the *Nate b nice 01're'p. "'mutates' in 1t1118-40. and nae att�t� .oma of mails In 1870, 1'd:1 and 1 11. He bas hero a ltepub&town ossabseet thefully occupied w thinking about the un- Fw`) 1Ah, Field sixth, Fort -eri�, real"disease, at $2 per "Mete once 1 eighth,mat 6•ort)-h dudes Fiftieth a� melejtreated a boahly *sumptuosity' sty' inns fur a1U+•aa n *yea. Jr., of Olde, was chrome u*rvo&s afteatlun of a very pate - a, O., In 1844. He entered cul character. Under the glussug lx,.. the Ws' a private ami was mustered mor of a apredy recovery which the m out alire .,, . He was elected 141 m healer rd., flea man came merry day 10 sn 1 t11 ,,. tyaixth, Forty-seventh tet bah ff- a..rt h of'bought on the non- ' tlw•I 1 .r', ,., 1 eo.gnasass as w its a pubbcni., lent" 1* r` *ba met se.ef0u ut mxrt.rwe of leu rumpPlatut, and all west 1 the lanrr her wad ren the well fur aee.eal week& At tat en 1 of neat. 11.• oras yr el Ass the 111lMletb that ties, the pais eouuwmng with • cleave -5. tb.:r(ul aowduity that mild n. t be dis- Jldi:a Rurrows, ur of Kalaaarw, r gard.dpa , tLe lest stew restless, ar.d Mach , was horn In Erle Monty, Pa., 11, i laminated that, •tth.,*Rh he had Lail 18N7 li.• rtr••.etd a c.,•••••1eche. 1 ural out 111-10, there wits tut a c• .t * leu isain acadc -5i .I,11aleu, stud wad a.hnittrd to than b. tote. Ili & s respectfully sub- f the Iry Ile art _freer in the l-idoa mittsd that a clear statement of lust army di:r,w:C the• war. Ile woo elected a &but ...thee the amelioratius wad repnsr:u:uite 0s the Forty -"bird, Forty- petted ht hl satisfac rixt!1 .usd Mor•tr s.erenth es ingresses. la `(s fa,(iily, mho arse Bratorym t o t puil y the ; 1t18/ he esu uPlsl oil too of tie daily depletive of their funds. Then Uuitnl sot:.m5 urusdntatury by I'reetdrnt the Chris' !Ian teieul st waxed wroth and Arthur. 11e a.. o delegate at large to the nation, ha -publican convention at mid ' "08, you of t11t!e pith ! Know (phic*,,•t.,w I+'y 411' e -aa ciecto.l to the that you woul.l *ira'dy base teen cured llxt) ull,tll noel or.elected to the FtfUeth 1f yon bad believed as whoa I toil you congress as a Rs-pnblican. that anis pain was net real. Pain and suffeflne do lith exist ; thay�. ars mortal, JUDGE M•CUE•4 SUCCESSOR. faotas.ns of the beam . There a no such thing as matter, enutioed he, with so notch emphasis' that it rattled some silver dollars 111 tits 'rocket, "none what- ever ; the tufa real thing is thought. All dein is tou subtitle fur your cummuu- miod, and hence I an d., nothing 'more her yun ; yt•u 8.4 better to and 611 your duces, unappreciative systesi with drugs." Then a wisi•..0 et E40 that had vanillsed, sad of past that lid vanished not, cadm before the trued if :he loug- tatteritig use, and he spam and he took the Christie& seieut.at, sad he swopped the Lour with. hist, senting flim aur.. +ar- on the head and back, s.. that whew he, was throwgb,cuOgestiuns, al,r.141ms, DeCrane, incipient*, ecchyeoeia and eptstaxia, were anises* the plikoon.ena presented by kw Cbt+stian countenance. "There is w.. real suffering," said the un- appreciative r*au, web withering *cont.! "The bruise' on your alleged head are; entirely hypothetical ; the pain which you (eel is merely an intellectual fan I they, and year nus. -bleed se one ..f the ideal coeceptiens of the Oershed masa. }tette,. these things met to exist and they vat.ah. Geed dep. sir. And the petit." departed. THE 11 URON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, MAIM t61 tr«wtms wine a rtwb Cuss.' Hoa, fha.te. 11 ver), the sew sleseeaef .1 owe Vetted Matas Treasury. The 11011 c'i,,rlee 3 Cary, of Olean, Cattaraugus "' 151 r, N. Y., who was I. evenly apptwted l 1>r.e*ulent Cleveland Se the pusitt.w of 1141C1tor of the United States treasury, vine Judge Alexander V4.4 -.0 e. Promoted Ie he assistant treasurer, was burn at Asd.pott, Steuben ouuuty, N. Y., ju't sixty lar,.Ru Holy In Ble b studio~( l*w w'uh areronl pruminent 1a ilrn(s in wect(tu New York, anal thirty seven year', nip, '.steel at Olean, where bells. practiced his pm ssl.,j since. Mr. Cary iwe+etl. perttrn.au with a pleasant but thuuchtAll fuer, Wormed with *brown mosteche ,nightly tinged nub gre.v�. }es is said to bear a Wrong r'e.etrs- blance to Presi- dent rlerelaiel, alt!songb n trifle taller. Iie has a gents a.a.eia1 man- ner .and makes Metall reedit y. His tunny coo data of a vire aced otedengbtcr, whc married to hi, law partner Mr. Cary Is 001 a teat.- 4. wary, wealthy man. but hus by tarefnI*,...np- meat accumulated a moderate dertuse. I4c has been a member of the i1. socratie state committee several terms. Sos'er'al years ago he ran lar 00$ - Wass, but ass defeated In 1tl82 he was elected member ot sesem- bly, and nt nano because the leader of the Democratic side of the husk and Um warm personal friend of (wrert,r.r neve- bawd. 8o intimate did they become that he was dubbed ••Bosotn Friend" Cary, a title which bas stunt to him ever afnce. la 1StC1 be *ata candidate for judge a Use vupreMe ewurt. UP wet not elected, although be raa far ahead d his ticket. The cul' national pant -ion be has ever fll1cd was that of relined rntenasaiofl.y ae pt»erble 1 to examine the Union Pacific railroad, & Have rote comfort and less show Dace to "'bleb he win appointed by the Have the household articles and utensil. president The only peculiarity about the that bookkeeping requiraai. Talc goodw Inc.new solicitor is hie wnwierful handwrit- are d them after they are procured. which to something maculae to bidb5- and u u ul puzzle Ilia awaaanta at dove • a„ pvenirnt ',lace fur each one, u. . ashingn to decipher it and see "Not the, Ire avail*f(wud there. TRACHEOTOMY. fit out the ketches" with a taw little Iarta Abwt asetnelpewwi.e twishhihs pr.r oparsttw rade", �` tug gees teenferoaClogee thaterselfii K uid- h torment on 18. Crosse Ria•.. The operations of timeheotomy. I.rently stout cs•da hang a qr rod'sizes puts- performed on the etoern prince of Ger- iauard boa upon the wall r twilling a many, le & much Imre i little beard wadded and covered with m..ssm.a_ Crwav rsa.aa e. Wekaewthat it isys.ssable for people to get aieog wilt very kw necessenes ; but at cases* a Rood deal of Inc0nvenien0., 11 ie have &meetly pitied those who were detia. their test with west they tan to dor with, when thea might have made it en smell easier and pleasanter for them- oa!oes if they had only known how, BA and made • little different calculation. MITA TNM" fAl rt3 IS Obtained, wed_*8 bom2s''s 1w J✓ n. Pa e headed to at MOURBd T L•� Uwe slice Is eyelike the U. S. re seta weak �.bbttsallwa Pat'n'a la less time thea these remote thaw 11•I xif{NUTON. beteg ASODX i. OR D1t-4 WI'* U. v1 e .4 - Oat sa to patestaMltty� late Of dare' :sad we teak. AO (•HAaaz U NL6ffa1 wit Oa T.1 f.% Yl TINT. (ala.eer.ibr Saw We ref r. here t0 the Pae O Muer) Order �liv.. sod to (Metals oft e U. S. Patent O1teo. Fu- circular. adeke. terms dad refrreaces t0 "saheb "'clients i. your own State ur (-ounty, writ• l0 t' •. 'Now t CO.. OpMdt. lamest OfBr•+. W mei n aittoa. D. C. A Christie. s•isatiet, wheat tate try" PA T IF ll�'e See. 7 NEW FFWTJ'ITS 04 '111". N V. \ . C,f010E CONFEC1iONERY. Iw-seats - .'act sad .•ann•••d OYSTERS ...sold by meemire. "p, .el 5.... t.., guy qs 1t7 tie er , BOQetTS AND FLORAL DESIGNS &aj I,uris.e8 n,.Nir to unfar. at THE KEY TO HEALTH, E. BIS GHA�Q'S, - 188t Side c ware. mom - Weeks alltho STAINS 41I lire Bcreir.ja, =.dlyl'*l 00U1 � the 8u or off'It`N°�js.aeaAim,� Atha s.�ei. ►ttmcee car flet the time Oat'1edN>og or "lis I.OmaYt 'Uiaitaf �}i�000ea�th� - Virility Joi=1:1mattbsulte the [asbtHStlwoomkees eget (; e. oral ty, .11 {t�h�e�me and malty elm similar glEpti has( lssyR y inPOmare o AITPZR& III. Sliasx a ce.. Iresetsons. Trerel . HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AK9 INVESTMENT COMP' T This Cas.p.ump i. Leustir.y ]tune ea AIM &merit? et Louvd Arks of iw4oed MORTGAGES PURCHASER. SAViNGS BANK BRANCH. S, 4 end 5 per Croat. Int rent Allowed ea Depsils, amoebae fu few est - awl time left. OiFICS:-Cor 01 stat Square and North HOi[A('F. HORTON. •a mason Gearricl Ana. Orb Itttt',. ION DUNN'S KIQ R IEIn Very law men deity themselves of a&}thrnq *at is attalaable if it n.II be POWD adasautarroe to theta abet their work. Then, why should nil women d.. lake - wise, and lighten their own Tabor a far THE COOK'SKST Dederick Dew. UR tai. a e. NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOOD- _ 5 �T aN STV'RLY'S People's Groce�,y. TFROM 15e. Ur. &o old Stock to work off, but all Frcah and New at Prices to suit. /"f ed e'aab rotes roe awgrr .14 1451. Remember 11.D snail 00 the Salwn•, 5515 to Blrytl.a..s's ftedauraut. 1.ICT=N► Rees Price & So7t In returning thanks to ..the ptiblir. generally for the very liberal pa:. • n - (age tendered them during the- pL =t, ll to cat.! attention -te another- her >r, consignment of fresh Black, Grp_- Japan Teas, excelled by no other house in the Dominion. Our blernti of Coffee is also an established fact ; our stock of Fruit, Mince Meat,- (V- ane, ane, Lemon and Citron Peel,Essen- ce' ,Canned Goods and General Groct:ries are complete, to which we invjfe special attention. REES PRICE & Buit: Store on the Square, Bilttween H. Dennis *s hind O. Wed*. D*t u. is ; . e �aOm"rsatt• thanis��tiwn white, for ironing chart -!),some unAM . 4laesd- a lase pocket m the back of the Forex iei Nor a u� her- rw GODERICH BOILER 'ORBS'; LTEW 000DS ARRIVING D.6.ILT nus, except in the the fiat -iron stand and holders, room for case ut children. the ironing sheet cad all that is necessary In di • or laundry nagit n nam oenta F or '1'ITAltl.t_ utt ,erwlR fs f 1nil) ; u 18371188? �� The subscribe whine. to lN*Oar all loyal suloccia of Her )lost Oration* Meiretr. knead it•twia, that I ht al) utle�t to levy my atw�k re�l(•te with everything new tees ua� fel iD all deteelim often t8ti-ed W plain. "111"("11 Mope; Barg a teaks"Chrystal Blacks tient is aehild is catch the shower of gloves and mittens, STATIONERY. 111111111111E. U11111CNT AND TUtULAI •Qre.r- If wet, they veil quickly dry( BOILERS. and where the pa- .. .nsalaacturers of a:I kinds of alrnost a3ways fa- that fall from the childrru a hands t 'the, hal but in the case of artetta ft Is there. nearO always successful. lades • The beet regulators Mr the at unach London hospital i eq it t+ Haid haat :and bowels, the best cure for biliousness, A..ITnIY .If- 11'151• there were nine'' sick headache, indigestion, and all affec- *och r,p.rationa In parr to any patent • Trncheotoany s+ .hroat becomes so, c ;annot breathe. A in the windpipe a called the Adam's ver tube is Meet - ed, and so caned as to meth down Into the air pas - age in the throat. It projects outside the throat, and M held into position by tapas The tube, of course, Is liable to become choked with mil - 1 cons, hence there are really two tubes I:venal. one fitting closely imide the ' ether. The interior tube can be removed. gleaned and put hack in its place Since the operation is below the coral chords, the patient cannot talk without stopping the projecting mouth of the tote, stitch may wily he done with the finger. Bat 81s sentences must he necessarily short. for while the tube is so stopped he cannot breathe through It. The operation Y Often a great relief to a patient whose throat requires it. And the relief is te- .4...esetanode. one week, wttbont in - operated upon practiced when the boked that the patient small incision u ,rade little below what is apple, and a snarl LARYNX r EITERNAL (1RIFN'r_ eaoTT. dare. 1a 1821 be was the Repoihik•ai aadidate for governor and was d.ieated. Hs h.s berm o Republica. saeusber of all the eMparh ._e. from o /tarty -fifth to the Fl"us"h. 1Lrwnas B. RMI, of Portland, M., was brim in that silty In 11AIt. He wad brad out«I frown Rowdoln °allege, .tndfed Lw sad was admitted Mae bar M lead. lie thins arising from a disordered liver. are withyut exception Johnson s Tonic Liver I Pia& Small in size• sugar coated, mild, tet effective. 25 eta, per bottle sole by Goode, druggist, Albion block. Code rich, sole tweet. [161 Alatrsaeeey air a Parfaits,. (rat., dslrnomy ie oat of the latest (Mxe Mous fuhiunnhle French laellem. There to a rnn npon hooks of astronomy. and the Parisian dealers In telescope,' are doing a brisk bnoines'. 8 onw'M the fair enthn- glaats are so captivate) by the charms of their new study tial they are having Mall observatories built In their gardens. It, Is whiskered by the profane that It is sot an much astlsonany as aetr dory that the ladies are studying: and that they ars More maims to admiral* their oven as - deities and aaeertaftathe mlaf rtafee that the In store for their frim dm than to des - cover seer stars or to elucidate the geog- raphy of the m000. The Mack arts are Is high furor just now In London M well M la Paris; anti perhaps when "advarawd•• English women have had eneagh of the- neepty they will tura their acts tlen to tb. inneb mon erosional and entertalelng purran which the IllnmtrInes 7.adtlel W so Marg adorned. Astrology Is not so 1Teepy as physl•al reeeerrh: bmt H yon will enitivat, It diligently It win provide you with plenty of rooming proph.elea-- Howie Joernal. EN4VELOPE S. WINTER WEAR. The Correct Thing in Dross Goods, Buttons and Trimmings to Match, Ribbons, Frillings and Fine Laces, New Shades .?ALT PANS. SMOKPJ STACKS in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, with and 4.1 kinds of Sheet iron work. ]Smbroiderlee to Match. *Tr tit l\V wATrtL ry►i. Fir" Ka:eI am nob ad%ertisioagoodsatcost •.r under. thank. 10 my numerous customer.. f�s�e ao o. restock o1 any nor 11ne, and glut assaying a ,;neat deal when we hear so nimbi.bgr eon/tautly em band. bus r,em depression. hard time', kr. Oa bawl. -.,1* for delivery 1 :. a.r. Sew Neel Manner. t s a.r. new Skier. A goheplete 2nd-hlip4 ThreOleg Outfit M'ZTNRO ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES AND STRICTLONE PR!C holler, t ne.se «e. emh. Ana. IOM. IOM'. P erbon in p. Giet , 30e1Driver and lla sh«r. working urAer, vrtn cLra Mao order. will receive prompt attention. Wort" a •p. f:. T. Z. atatle.. P.O. BOX 310 (loderlcb \;sr 34th, IYI& M is ai 0 J J a 2 0 Sole Agent, Goderich, Ont. DRUGS, PERFUIERY AID FANCY El1011S Jest Received at the ]Medical Halt by T. JORDAX. rad *ill 1M said tit Priem /to el Hard Tiead& Canoed sae them bel8,o wattles year piirebaese F. JORDI.N, Medical Hill, Goderich. - -- T7`eY rt! TRY 1T I Big Mill Patent Flour ]Is�JD7o W OM SELECTED MANITOBA HARD WHEAT. The elteapes► mod beet art4as for family use sold. Wilt give more bread to quantity baked. and best value for your money than any offered. eamwl B� Tet�lHta�hdAT' YOU GNAT THS RIGHT ABTICLE. tj ,t Che wtet.eiaas .w�iale` e`.ssss s��sihm�aa Nettie yueap Ysei tv� t�o1a eOsl OGILVIES & HUTOH180N.