HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-3-16, Page 6URON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. MARCH 1d. 1
• Na.
• ALA -
4 he t'Oet's (oohed.
Leer, *lase
When.. .. t•. wee/ raw., . ,,.(diet
At to • trial. urethan ,•+d
Kerr etre esu slrMlasr ,ata we/
Travel w mad eiggyw•'=
novel •inward wealth *clef,
ell no ttaeerlgir 10, waled
Al the trials 04100 •114 -,•rater",
Leek ahead end arta ,wind.
A N K these coral wog befri.isd les
Whams the trims or satire bard
'world ret,.o to d,, their duty.
Look W heaves as.l asset inlaid.
h'rieodly words are area snot c,
whirr. the Ien•:i-.+a a naafis
rate (Aea for their real talo.•
yeas these oe ase .t.. r atud.
l'aie way th",o ,4 .hinds Bay lower.
`aemtat may
If your trust in .:oI i.
ileo wlu woo r tried.
Kee twirls
T•• A. Han. •. :towtereutille, tom,
say* be teas i::1 fgurdttck Blood Bit
tore to be 2 .1 medicine for Liver
Complaint. +. 1.114. H.•Ad•C11e and
Di•aososi „1 B Bk. improves the
appease., a, i..ritio,• and give* renew-
ed strength .ter wens out system. 2
slat■ -flora* 141 few lark.
Olin , U a .use i idraa cf " plain m-
ama h• uta :'• Nt w York are set forth
by Sitaar Pte ••+tt us the current Amer. -
neve ms„
"I had $ernfris eery bad
far tee Jeers, had tried all t eewthes sad
deters, hu dad met fret arty beep until
I gut • bottle of your Herdest aimed
bitten which muted the .4 it entirely."
Jame* Goch,*.., Fut River, Cuabet-
land Co. , N 8,
Menialel wrisennes ftees»s.
This i. • phase of the drove question
too much overlooked. The eluth..s were
by women are far tou beery ; and, by a
perversity of fash!os, they rewire aw
enormous I.cr-u$rat of weight es this
sareou, in the shay.* of duke or
seethe of sealskin or plush with quilted
Wangs Tie atteutiou of medical
prism knitters unpaid to Id speedily drawn
to this matt'''. 11141 they stay r.mnn-
*trate with their Ione dr t+ittents and
also avoid mesconc.pt1..n a. t.. the ■ctua!
NVength cf sane who co,uplsu, of
fatigue in walktul, whirl, May I.. mis-
takes for a token of weakness, •hureas
it 1. truly natural ezhaaat•,•n f.,•,o e.rry
kV a burden that few s.ron would
blare to bear. There a:n worse
*vile than more fatigue c r n: tet .w
the practice a loading the feminine
body with the "utrweuusly heavy outer
garments now in vuwue. Nut ..ly are
tbe ordinary movements of the Zeus and
arms injuriously impeded, but the waist
is encircled as with • belt or hoop, t
which a load heavier than a felou's chain
is attached, and the shoulder* •ud chest
•,w eoaprMeed by an additional burden.
Breathing is laboriously performed, and
the oomtents of eh. treat and poles, aro
thrust down with • force which, if rr re-
eM ,r.• as follow.: A_v
*tinted in pounds, would oaso,,, con-
s' d io• •tr+Y to marry Arthur Plain sadorable surprise. A. a matter of more
kelt," f! :r.au ..Yid trddly said to Sar Iha.. ewrioslty, medic,: men should ask
*saris tf a -cote sear day. " and 1 Imo.. their female patients to aaeirtalu pre-
terit w,• 'tet people assert that it's nut cicely the total weight of the clothes
a gored .,..rah Kat upon my word I they weer indoors amt •tet Thr m+,ter
shoal, ,r to• know why. 11 Arthur h ler n • mu.na n,ti:n),r,,... N .t A few
Mea a , ,:e.•,r a grr:cer, I could st otic.. of tilt! !nal/aches fr oil which tremens offer
giro ,,+ninon by marrying him *cutely, sud the general weakness and
Aud r ".o••y, papa's promised us depression of the muscular and Detroit*
h* •' n ("•tr t•undrad tb meant' system of which they very committal,
doll +• my thou*..ud a year. Than oumHl*in, will be placed in an entirely
At ',t''Amite ell thousand a rear, new Istbt when the fact', to which we
an. a, tots make twenty--.tz th.u*nud now call very serious attention are fully
N o+•r .•rye w snderful, of count.., but known -
t' t steely poverty when yen
1 .aid that we shalt b. guests ••f as 41 -Ideal Wall..
. . •d ease at code•sys iii the. J. 1) C.t. usrue, of W..µ.lra Ansel.o,
r, '•rr as lung a• we ptttalve. w'e Cape fire'ou, had indsmmatery rho. s
• .. note& a •mall house on Fifth or Midi tum whack, Hagyardd's Yellow O11 cured
rn.t.-.onus, and hare two ..r three ear atter all other treatments bad failed.
,.tors o td about four horses, and a but- Haggard • F.Iluw Od is sold by all defi-
ler besides the cosrhntan and a man to en to mediei.w
east th•let, wbno :.t the *tae time
tng out talo .4 the c dale ill and
s, ) semi se Arthur'. ,•tlet, morning
and ,v„d„g, and a metal Ger me, and The inability t.. comprehend the car -
the:. shoat lire „thee w rvattts. Bat all rows Heads g$ of wow Sngl .h words
the ether ee-vont. neral be women. WOoftew trade f..ceigos peculiar mia
a Mewed" wrist One La•aMte.
een't *treed a chef Arthur and 1 have takes Taus the of
beet* ketene: it all down, arid ear re de- bar of the Dlplumstla
aged that a chef is impossible. It to'•• when calttarg a
grieves me to think of this, hut the lines ""'31111 whose wife
seed be drawn ft wall be plain, gen-
teel Bring, you seat. but it distinctly will
net be poverty, and I sh .11 be very clad
d,,mestic habits, sa :
you have a bei
host, wh -hall
Lase, if you would . •tetradic' any distingsisb her bra
runs*. yes laity hear cir.-til tted ah.,ua which, ho was tree* e,
peP4 '.*vier, •objected to th • marriage, God fur pert) figure, •
aaa bia not intendtog to 1.0y, °a a osrtugs and a chsraieg amiaby�ily.
particle." slatomered in reply ; " Ah, �siiase !
Why, really -de yes know -I
" Yes, lsnocently explained his nasal.
s arnment
for her
minnow ur,
ly eel
f . e• Tie
• pen -
baugeres. fesarerlelt.. ler partly broken English, es, she
l',.uuterfeits are always dangercln. itxy bternatp' : is fact, she stays at horn
More v . that they always closely tan. • till the tine."
MTs. THE "I'1•:(Yt(. /N Al Jilt Alta
.Oil. The remarkable success achieved
hy N,taal Halm as a positive cur* for
Catarrh ..t1 C..:d in the Head hs it
dented unprincipled ay ties to iv.ittte it.
the public are cau' I•.sed not to he de-
r••:.wl oy nostrums imdati::+Nara! Balm
.n vacua and appearance, hearing such
Iranian. Ont. "tl $. w owed It for awe -
aims el tine throil2 colds, etc , 1 lied
1tre osis cors .vane. ♦ Eawtaa- Of etre donee • •Toad �T'
*rest to oerttt7i3 1u
C..,Nrreebs uaterast.r of r..
• Yellow
eadhieg steal to it.
Taw IOW efTbew AU.
As. English renewal in ree,••wiult
corp. u1 cavalry, ruddeuly at.yq.ad tetter*
• aur-tookiug (e.t.a and salted •br*i
-Which is the nest borne in the regi
meta ' '
"Number 40, sir. 'W
"Stint makes you think it is the bee
hoe.e 1"
"He walls, trots and gallops well
u a good juniper ; has no otter, ret
btaad.h ; cattle his heal eel! ; as In h
"And who is the best soldier in the
'1' J"neo, .;v
"li.eute he w ssof, ,t, .r hili.• man, is
.,Ledlant. tidy. t .mfrs �.,..d cafe rot hts
equipment *teal .r k.,rw, and dew his
duty well."
"Arid who is the, rider of the heat
horse t"
"Tom Jones, sir."
"And ell.. Is Tom Jones ? ' -
'•1 am, air.
Tb* general could not help Laughlin'
but he (eve a sovereign'.. nf..r
his im,nt
who received it widow moving •
2 •.s'. ne.aarkabae w. tit, -..
Found al ..•r. what true 1. 1
hu M.,441114 1.
, 1. okitlg .r I uany y.
and that u • uue.L.e
a . altb.
hut lately int o.di y i weds
SY" to any sae sendiag the teal lour )
!rhyme ou ' t the ►w.wrkahgl
t +�
little gem fur the Tooth and 1'.r•
y our "eines/ or address
WWII'• repulatww.
I used.ciue a J. 1,1 r•. ,.te iii,
w114hich • ceej•o•ct1/.0 0•••. J.41.,Tuuo: Liver Pi 1. ha.
1 4.
wast wood.•r(..1 431. • .•
rd -
coat clotted a Ito
and e.,nobed lint,.. ,,
etch headweh.•.
weakrte.a. vee . • , ..Ir
be treated i.. /Iter,. .
cities For to h. (Ir„ • +,..wy•a.
haute block. 1. ttcb y....,.
sr ea Veer Nand
Don't all•.. • colo in the heed t0 slow-
ly and surely run int.. Catarrh, wh..n
you can he curetrfnr '_'.+C by seine Dr.
Chase s Catarrh Cure A few applies'.
times curs iesipient catarrh ; 1 to '3 boxes
cures ordtuary cater: h : 2 to 5 bezels is
guaranteed to cure .Lr.nic catarrh. Try
it. (duly Kc and sure cure. Sold bpf
all drioiste ly
An sartbgnake en the Province of *tan
sae, Chloe. lilted some 10,000 paropkg.
The maplesn.n is only reoderad
nightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and
Yellowness. These it ie well kh..wn are
.aver" Rote at, inactive Liver and bird
blood. Dr C'hase's Liver Cure purifies
the 1 l..nd and whop system. 8.e Re-
cipe I:.•uk 1..r toilet recipes, taints and
eu rest:.w ..n how to preserve the com-
ps. ti.:.. bold ns* all druggist.
o system
leer by Jame', )felts* dr•wnti.t, 1)
abet* mud IN
•,n WILL .Ca
5, ,. p4s
.err. 4 auntie.
ora Ile ada: M
Nay At'ylo Slop
st• �...rthern u..
1) rite county will tote on Scott Act
rei.mg on April
Wen • Rade 4 amatt a old.
A din: yousp n:an in the height ,f
f.vshru.i n a l)Ieleenly eneeeingg in • street
Lar, �.-a. InOafflitteltpang.n remarked, "Aw,
l'ha Salah boy, h ,w d'ye eat:h that
de .1 geld " '•Aw..lealt fellah, lett
t!-lthe bower hall tether day,
1-isty the inn"- handle, est
dastidfyt mild, it chilled me *lomat to
death," If Charles had used Dr. Har-
i Red Pine Cum has cold would not
hits rery much. For ale at J
u's prescript. „n dreg *for.. 11
TO the t ,4$01 ,rause... as all wteas
may remora.
Pliputlane, or Nerve Irooa, $Piro.
ement Lysed upon Scientif[c'
Seta Formulated by Professor Austin,
Ik LoN'e Worn, syrup has n'ulvred' M. P. of Boston, Masa., cures Pulason-
tape worm from 15 t.. 3d feet in length. ' Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner-
It also destrr•yed ell Lind/ at worm. woos Attacks Vertigo, and Neurs�la
1111 and all wasting �n
discusses el the'
*.eater Maatord w e'e+arty, I system. Pbosphatine is sot a Medtrue.
lett a Nutriment, became it contains no nu Ehas mut
!MEAD made .t t:,:• ,
vr.11 1j414 I ,s-. P,:1A.
F se Show. in t»;
Cher .mace bale.. ktve fir
In •ay tint tt .ur;••s.a. any
ever *std bt item.
It nates the ii;rhtnt, s, hi.
see trod, nun. lean . -
buc Meier. e p trokes.
Cara caro astanit
A. these are many lat.w!or
road eorSsd with jou. !
hoop. etc..o*ered and •Ad
PsiKlp ai mandieentsear l-
lee on the reputation et
oar ntpsssme cestatl.n.'
w* warts the ladles alleluia
sank tiwyealtion by .lrov
tee their ware iia to al•+ .'
asoreelty of amine
alum Ditraninjur
110 iDOWt1 NG
n • .tit eV . br
vos Pik hemi ,tee t.•ruse.ttMMees ea l..•It carried on le Oederlob 1,
o ..
•tea essay *min isanee el 1u. ie.. as - that t.. • twee COSI nad w Isle prrdaers.r.
A variety ,.t 144NIT t'fa NLAYY
1140133, ?MIS, Y1LIS131 ROBES, ETC,,
alrsy. to .t el. at loot* petsable prises.
heat rise N•., owl wall lei ph •asrd no saw .11 hie old sestearric
e the At ire S--Haant!ton St., ON) Martai.I et Hotel 111111144ea
ii2IIADgVote.j*T:wtZf3 FOR
ttid P:•,. h6s►ed Boot awl Awe %le., ,4 .ted.•rwtb anti to tie fneet Stal,M..f "la7Lalgts•1
• ,t. the s'.alaMw,e.*.p.tsttits
*' saviNer aTfl('K OF
4a,dies' Fine Goods
het too Anis.Na11a•tral� tr�t�t►: +. octard 1i.. dtlkerest slice. or Kid dl.pp.•:
ir..ns ••,.u. ep .o ear ;Pi.* 'e..0 trl:e, ' , Pitwb. 14ueauw, Centel.
%41/04/at 141•4441li,•hoie :('Riser. IR p
1 n -r, _ •tr.cr`''�.ttl..n ibin t ..f 4'44.7/i •1.a,Kt .#t:r.rbrao Mak,'► 1 *welch.. 0111 :b.. erten.:, .
of FA P:'5 F.ICS W f inv -to.-<yye-tatty euiWde fur them. n,. 1. A,
on Boots in Cali, :gyp and Cowhide,
1 tyro-* tlaoe of
Yue 'l a', s. Nor oleo 10 ,t. •. ,.no. •1•. i.;.•.1 to A• I . 11,-.1 1',•;t ltni, incur
1'at rtlu. l'rvw, thaw! , ... • 1 •! . t:, •. y,I, a.% . •, to
t flyer heAr i her .'A• -t. fn ... - 1 Aare byy tar the .,.sot ascii of It..o• • wad `(bore is.
•nn -n : rhea am.,, [h•• w-. tote.• .,.I .�,l* yntelerelite Ia•'ar(!wade by lbw boot rnan,•t;rturen
, t'u.An* : Aad 1 w.11 -r.4 M .•r .+ • ,•.Y. ler law.•, thew AbyrnM enwb
'ae a.• ..4••• , •., ...r vaw••••••••••16l,4 eteee''obesely aasr.sded eN during -b° pee.
hers. .h -rear_. r t • ., ore. 7yar--z i htal;) ,
is auroral on toner dee et alt Oxalic s cools.
MOW wrbdah and are !.saga.
OraIYs ISo. L. l'.,,. Fran: -,. 41 ..1 emir
=T.= aRvGGxsT.
‘.getable or Mineral Podolia, e. +s i svace lutiorvlrei
,,.,,nes as Nasal I'ream, tad BAlsam, The other troy 1 asked the millionaire (Vides the world during the la.t kali int entire
senator from 1'difornu, ''How would snuttcs, and no Stimulants, bet •ime, least among the wanders of incestflee pro
taco Ass f .r N ,Lal Balm and do 11„t ;y the Phosphatic and Qselric ininwemts gteea lea rnethud sad.item of wort tttarass
tale itndatl•.n dealers n.ay ur4e *coot you ala,'Ish txg: ars* found in our "ail foody A ai le bolt • be peeturnicd all over the cnuntn whAout
you. M'..r sale h all dr„ its or rent ••'Chore u "nly one way,- he said. y 1 panting the Trackers trent their lose,..
y' .• u sufhciont t0 oondlbes, ANn�t•oggiata Pay liberal : ae 000 Cao do tar ,work : either
pint -paid on receipt of ter: -e (alk•and 117
"Dry tri. the s•sure. aMol:eh the confit sell it >jl_Oti-,• hTttle. Lowes _ sax rnung. rolld: nn.p.eral abilirTrrrrgqsiren.
none that make beggars. TO tr to Curr Capital not needed : you ■rr .tart." tree, ,
es* add. rating Fulford A +' _. , Brockville,
AK y
Oat. tf
as a . s*.rptltar titea.ea ! No "hardly etre ' about it. Be had
/ A eater; ar was recently bland on • coodilk him It he would specify the an attack of what people call "balite...
11ridgere.1 • 1n.1 -w-4tH b, • servant, and "Yee," he said. "I van vaguely iadi- neat"and wife was impossible. Yet n
4, her was can fully placed upon the ! este them Int me ay, in the Ant a man may •
'ensile and smile, and be a
villain still, still he a no villain, but a
plain, blunt, honest man, that needed a
remedy sada as Dr Pieces a "Pleasant
Purgative Pellets,'' which never fail to
sere biliousness and diseased or torpid
liver, dyspepsia and *krone) constipe.
tie,. Of druegista.
poverty try 4,1cet charity is like trying 5, cote
to stop a 1•••Ic in your roof by mopping
• the puddles that gather 011 your •. de
for fie Dogamsas, Cut tele out and rigors to us Lad wit will Bead
,%,,roto you free, something of great ,.ala. sed be -
portend to Ton. that will start yogi la MAI -
sew, with,* will bring you in :tore =.1-
amlled /q:a right away. than anyth,nw Hee ■ tae wsrM
Grand uutflt free. .iddtesa ratio s Cb:.
*aceta. *talar.
area wall, where it would be out of ' place, That at is not millionaires that
dat ter. A day ..r so later the lacy of I cause poverty Nuttody as worse off be
the house saw the caterpillar on the case the Vanderbilt ore worth 22(11)•
deo sill, an•: it. ran agate placed ori the 000.000 If they had not the wealth it
wall for safety. This was repeated wov4 not eitat at ell. It Is only in
several time*, the caterpillar finding it. ',hosecommunit,a where millionaires aro
way to the duor-sillertery time. Finally possible that the •cera,te eitizen has
the lady procured a hug, the end of enough t o eat. Now what causes pow -
'winch was left
opelr, and placed the orgy
aterpiller in it. Th. box esu then " 1 ignorance of hew to are money.
. laced os the wall. The caterpillar I found beggar' an Caldera% in 1Hfs0.
•eased to know his home, for, no soya when any man could go out with • ti.
:al occasions, when the lady rerr.oved itpan and earn fire dollars beim Weak -
in the box, and placed it some dist I fait When by working tbtse inter
ante away, at *veld hastily crawl back thy b torsi itosld mato his based and
Lad eater ata old quarter'. When the , clothes thele fuses slay. abthless arise
weather is very cold the box is taken !tures around abed the rest had to sop
.tet.• the house. The caterpillar hes port. It r the ante way now. The
acted, ever since it ems found, as thoughsoil is w0oderfslly fruitful there. Mere=
it knew it and fallen among friends. and 1 ly 20,000 men produce all the sheet of
as though its conduct was governed by i the State and export 1 000,000 ton. of it
reason. every year and yet there are beggars.
We can cut, thresh and sick what at an
!n Great Britain the question of Rome! aspens. of one and • hal, amnia per 100 fr'on't
1; 11e is commanding attention. To the pounds. potato.. .cant only • half a cent
elan with a cold in the head or cheat the and poyM u
there sr want ly An
melee way to ensure Home /tole over a'
t -old is to have no hard a bottle of Dr.
Harvey's fled Pine (Yum. For sal. at
•t %yds s Prescription drug store. tf
DEE.se',1 Wonders exist to there
vends of form., bet are faro
p•a.ed by tee marvel, of 1..noise. Thee
ober* la need of profitable w.,rttbst ata be
dere while living at home should at awe
Bead tWk whirr** to IIat.i.zv Jt'.., P.,tlasd
:fele.. and receive free, full intds.nstioe bow
*Mho, k r. of all ages, ass vern free Mie to $s
day and upwards wher.tver gay hrq.
ea are started free. Capdu not
e have made over /3e in a sittjs M
vhts wort. ABetaaaee,f,
The undersigned, while taaaklag the public for their liberal patrolman* MMe�M�
wpm htm slaw e.saatamelee *.rise... bags to snaoneoe that he les
prices to
aur is unthnft. People do not under
*tend economy or practise at as almost
every nett man has bad to at Dome time
lin his life 1 really believe that there
_ -_ - _ wo.ld be beggars la tho world before
Ike halm.... of Tensaw" ea Resnik 1 •(*ht If $IM*old peeew were to be solve
, broedoa.t every morning, and .o destn-
ttar English contemporary, Capital' babel that every eco, weans Led child
twit Labor, which u generally correct MI
oara cedilla to gel time.
its sssertione, think+ that, while rues- "2 The ode rand nee of liquor. As
sire labor, ezpesere to wet and cold, Inn, a thew* etre leo flows a Liam,
deprivation of sufficient gasntitiss of sdooas in ado ".rites* M tir+ w eof
-d -h ' - beth etstret*s mod Defend., las" they are
meanly suppoufied by the very poor, the
Isere.w et massa are pretty obvious.
A leek of manual trading. Tris'
last need le moat serious. t1 au may
palate cold/ he tangle* trades that the
writer, Sad et tat reached an extreme stet prudent tet thlfs West'"? were
'id age . hat it may he safely doubted doubled nest yes•, rte wages woold b.
whether • single instance can be 1•.wnd "teethed. either M mimeses el mosey re -
•.1 . mon ..t violent and irascible temper, dived or is w smaller Beet of the neere
habitually subject to storms of enrnvern• Aire elf Ms ho he howeht. More eapsbie
able passion. who has arrived at a very skilled 1andw-."bat iv eM d ear greet•
advanced period of life. ft is, the,..
fere, • matter olds. halbert trnprertsmee
to ever ale detainee ofrvin* .. a
slued mind In • 'nand bnly�" to have •
special care, amid alt the vidssitsdm and
trials et life, to maintain s sent ponds
1 .a of In own pint
had lodging, sloth, and intemperate.,
are all deadly enemies to human life,
none of thea are w bed as violent and
stie'yverned pp.ons. Men and wca*a
Mate survived all the f..rtrer, says the
. My treat hope Isis my uni-
eereityy wench 1 while to heli on tall mad
deal, alai l,rnad that the t7diMenta of
eddy useful trade anal oeeaplation may
he tamed Whim everybody knows bow
so d. • .nems delle.lt sed woeful thing
poverty *01 rapidly demonist. -
DTTO V Ferret,
* std wishes parttcularty to call attention :o his
10 ctrl to 76 cts per Ib, Maple Syrup, finest case Prunes,
pure Spices, Lawry celebrated Bacon, cooked Corneae;
Cyt Myrtle, Cavendish rind Club Tobaccos, best
American fine cut chewing Tobacco, fresh
salt and canned Fish, best quality.
12 Bars/Soap for 25c. ' 3 Scrubbing Brushes for 25c.
Oraaee•, ,mese away. A Sal (7heatiate Dtep•, ete...ta. Oew.rel
mu shop u Ilse Wee
veer tierlier drew
too 0r awns Merritt
Weird 1:near/ter
? shine r h s i rs. anal
Lord a journey tats
be:. we are to *
prates 4, do /e1,.r
Mora than hetet 2 -
tally's k Cbyldreh
Natterttlag mad. .
•.deity ea all *ape
xcept Saturday.•
Saxon, and Scuaa..
WS2_ KNw2G13T,
ail f- Waft street. two doors east et P.O.. Ooderfcb
Title greatest Luxury Obtainable flee Impatrri or
V ion is ao[
The CelebrateSd (Axir s Cut Pebbles !
*rhe o
1%e 00111
..1 the e
of the
meas. -
,.f toe
and 5441
rocky It
tine. Te
to Corsi
tier due
rank of
been •
a tic cony
lie pre.
was roan
law. w
t,. prat[
.o Ili.
to the F•
was t•.,'
,lei 111
va a
t.. the 1'
wet its
•4, ,a
1 nicer
leer of
IIs . w
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The bawl; shat hate Jaren perpetrated cn tit,• leetai'le weari:lg
pulhe by most 'rpt-etacle dealers and pe'ti.IIar= tet• dying assume,, aa,;
teary Warn,', to 4)1YIinar3- glao., speaks for tLv i�mirrrlaee of the public
geserally, in the all-important wubjnt't of the preperl•atiop Of .iga
there are only two articles from which the '.peetatele, lenses can he
manufactured. vis' Pebble and glass -call aa. loll any other name,
it akill remain" gIai.. Pel?,le, on the other_ ttan.i 1, from nature .
own rnanufactexy_ it is a natural er ..tae found generally in fret.
atone formation, and is harrier than the ,tenor aa.1 eiueral,i, and near-
ly as harelas the dianiontl. The Pebble not motto or l...s than ra
transparent stone, cut ley aid of diarn,.a.1 ,la.t, and the greate,t
aanont of power in placed immediately 0% e: the ,'entre of the ;;rain
found in all pebble. It will give tat . f4porlaele wearer the ergo!fSeA.,,
freshness and a pleasant feeling that the orrlinar}-
casnot by any posoibility impart. All . e•ka and etspyeglas„ya art.
starrpeei. l3. Land oan 'Ably Is' purehaa. 1 from
Crocei, Glassware Flog, Feed. ems t'
Extreme. Premises an/ Splendid New Steck.
Stu INf.
Ptiee bald termed produce
sayouipipst011it TO C. L. 11[ I24"4"51l. '1
r u:
1pn1to's nook. the
Ocjerloh. Wr•b Sad. deet
vey Man in Business should
his O$iov Stationery Fretted.
�pdaa�sRanilltox Street. Ooderich
Mos,A tAmtrr Me lad, s( of [Iteaea 1Mt1 reess. Dusts* Z..oag
unLeaanss. *baiReta, iofei.nvol.�sad 5s•(da Ned**•eda Iart.saa:Maj
et /de seem.
(sassertwemt *f C*!s•aad 8hr*rde els ids a A•sd afro ilraresa4v 1. ,
Meted reamer • epeeialty---A d ssueise
he was
a teem
a .trate
born In