The Huron Signal, 1888-3-16, Page 3TIM HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, M
1 4,1888•
The weed Corsa Orme. ewe the name
..t ta. Osage/Ma there% Where
the Tehiele Was twt
e.aed _= .-
Inciters* Made by Qld Time Attlee.
O. a
�• W
()ACHING for pastime,
a+ It is praetict'd I.y the
wealthier classes talny, is
n far different matter !rum
w hat it was when the coach
was the wily wadi:, coavey-
aree. Now a millionaire, solely for amuse-
ment, will run a cuach frosu some hotel,
over hard, smooth roads. fur a distance
of ten or fifteen miles luto the country,
for the brtufit of a select fashionable
carats, who are properly "booked" before-
hand. It ria) seem singular to those
who are io: vermeil In the expedient& of
people with aburxlant wealth and nothing
to do to less the time that any man
ahuuld voluntarily furnish a coach and
horses, to hire scats to his friends and
drive them himself. But such Is the nae,
and naw aLnuat every targe city in the
United Stater has its coaching club, with
mane roe' of its iut•mLere during; the season
la play the part of driver. Those gentle-
men are usually snoce.nful in Imitating
the coachmeu of the last century In one
particular-lu r•sorting to the warming
cup after handling the whip.
• There is a little village in Iiungary
called hots which 1s summed to he the
bfrthplare of and to have given lea name
to the conch. The Hungarian coach is a
karst, the French cocoa -amour word mash
beteg derive) from France, where car-
riages were weed after they had sprung up
in Germany. The slow growth of the
vehicle from the Fourteenth century to
the time It lactiome a public conveyance In
common ave, or `Shea It gaTO place to the
railroad, is only on a par with the long
time required to develop any method for
facilitating communication in three slow
times. It is probable that the state of the
roads had a gond deal Lode wtth the back-
wardness of the people In developing the
comb. The highways were the only aye -
nuns by which passengers and merchan-
dise could be transported from one place
to another. A highway d a Ane sounding
name. but in early days it was simply a
way for passageover the ordinary ground,
with deep mu and precipitous dt„cents;
in fact, it was tinnily ental to an ordinary
dirt rain of the present day. At night it
was difficult to keep in the road from its
being darkened by the MMelosttng
heath and fen on both sides. The
consequence was that travelers fre-
quently lost their way between the towga
It is singular to us of the present day to
think of a traveling coach being off the
road within a short distance of Landes,
and the coachman arable to And his war
Lack to It, the pesengers every moment
c :pecttag the gentlemanly hlghwaymaa
of the period. Then there were terrible
times when two vehicles met in a portion
of the rasa which wad high end dry, with
a quagmire en each side. One cif eke
methods of settling the right of way was
for the drivers to get down awl hare it one
with the knuckles. It was a common
occurrence for a team to get stuck. and
for the coachman to call in the assistance
of a yoke of oxen before 1:e could be ex-
tricated. One Important dignitary is re-
corded as being Ave hours going fourteen
miles. Between certain points where
the roads were especially hard to get over,
the coach was taken to pieces and carried
from one point to the other. In winter
many of the roads were for a long while
Imputable, and even In snmmer, so
great was the difficulty of transports -
nom that the farmer often allowed kis
product to rot in the ground.
By the middle of the glgbteenth century
the stage coach between London and Bir-
irmingham traversal the route, 114 miles,
In three days, a distance that has bees
passed by a railroad train In lees them
two hours. The first regular coach be-
tween London and Edinburgh was adver-
tised In 17143 as "a two end glans coach
machine hung on steel springs, exceeding
light and easy." ft was to go through
In ten days to summer and twelve to win-
ter, and the patsengers were to stop over
Rntnday on the way. During the latter
part of the last neattay the mail coat&
came in, and was brought to great perffe•
tion daring the early part orf the nest
elllar"lAIMMINIS AT heeds 1 1?.
•pgllrilldr►toeia� Onleade falai J.
1M wan gam plain to
WPM lleadla and ten am
as M� made. Rut the snail
mp.:! Me mans the.sly method
W eeeavaylaAgm. The roads worn foil of
ddfereat Wads of whales. There was
the stag@ wagon, at, as 11 use also e�•.DDoad�,
the Ayteg warns, for hauling Neigh=
"foggiyburyavid may
else l, fMtsprogenitor
bnssay, ether
vertettaM amid other IMsrepr.dmtlsie vehi-
la the pal wey anp of the aall mob. It
eras emoted by the Aaklafg pastellist do.
pMMmaut ter Nn *ahs shouldrill setae
fb'mm the poetellike at the name time. The
amt ae ter head et this weight It a vim el
i ,i
the start, from an old pr*t. Wbm s
tn.aleru uuluu depot In au .tate
Is at the psv.seet day, the oo•se bye
the square tram *bleb these mail
wetted eras at tars hate. There are
Immo pictures, pesasel to celebrated rt.
. at these starts, and et some tie the
rasa Jahn Pollard, the great arch aro
iso redo 'aimed the passesg ere at break -
feet -the •'twisty rnluutes' ahll allowed
tratrler,,...sgai which there was sappcwd
to be time Ilar a toilet, Iicludiug a share,
mot he the t•m11L The ride all might was
sure to give flea paassageesoMeen appe-
tite for breakfast, the hot tea, fresh but
to and mono eggs and toast, awl ootid
tx'"f, were usually eaten with a relish.
In .lmerky, durlug the early part of the
protein orutur•y up to 1840, the ata;,••
coach t..,a the principal mole of oouvey-
arice anal the paaseugrrs were accustomed
to make each other* aoqualnuance and
chat familiarly. ludtxd, many a life long
friendship sprung up, puny a life partner
was met, in a stage coach. Story telling
owl somas, jokes, every expedient, was
resorted to to avoid tato tedium of the slow
progress over tate roads, or the hong up
hill distances in which the horses could
only proteid at a walk. These steges for
years wiled over the All•vshauy incrm^til ts,
the principle method of conveyance b.-
tt:s.0 the east mid writ. Tim stillness of
Coe prairies..( Illinois was often briskets
by the.uug ul some passenger with u voice
rather straw: iau than cultivated. Then,
in America, where there Is less patience
than iu Ex:glsnd It was the custom to
bribe the drivers to matte their "stages,"
or the dLtanceat between the change., In
leas titan the schedule time. The Isabit
hurt a pernicitatr effect, ea feeing otTefais
always has, for the drivers would often
drive at a anaara pass all some restless
passeutter offeree him • dollar to make his
run within a given Uma
Now, In the mute civilised portions of
America, the .take coach 1s entirely an
known to the ri-ing generation. The
coaching of faeitiouable people 1s English,
rot Aniericnn. Arty one starting one of
the old American teaches on Fifth avenue
fa New York to coach for pleasure �►��1
Ret no more sympathy from the s o[
tho metropolis than be would in driving
ha the ferric in a milk wagon. But with
STAG r. W.•,uN.
(Reproduced by T ; .:raphic trees L
the typical English eoarh, painted and
varnished, slack anti span, a dollen
daintily dressed men awl women for
"outsides," no one for '•inside," tat least
only the homely ones!, lackeys in tight
white breaches and top boots, the driver
resplendent with a mammoth boutonniere,
and, above all, a man with a ninglc eye-
glass to toot two yards of brass pipe, who
wouldn't be a "whip!"
Where L the meal Charles Dawbarn Who
Wee Lewy by Behert Morris?
Wbo poisoned Robert Morris is a ques-
tion that hes for some time been puzzling
Brooklyn. it will be remembered that
Mails died from Paris green poisoning
some weeks ago. He was an old man,
and there were
many theories as
to who caused him
death while the
clews were few.
The one looked
upon with the
. roost hopeful ex-
pectations w an
the fact that Mor-
ris often talked est
Cotte Charles Daw-
barn, who han-
dled certain
moneys that were
10 be paid to
Morris from a
legacy left him by English relative•. Dew
barn, Morro said, had not paid the
money, halt would soon do so, and he re-
iterated this statement to his wife many
times. Whoa he died he bad little moony,
sad he left a letter in which there were
reference to Dawbarn and the money.
To And Dawbarn was for a long time the
irk—fibrilla' object of the police, though
they failed to accomplish this. A reporter
finally fauna a Charles Dawbarn. who is
a spiritualist and who answer, Morris'
description of his Dawbarn perfectly.
Rot he sever knew Morris, thongh he
knew his relatives, and le quite {encrust
of anything that will amidst the police Is
solving the mystery d Morrie' death. A
ent Is here given se the Drawbars who has
been found.
CH ARUM Dawned:.
mew Way of Dont elwhln a
The Welcome hook maker, Mr. Perry
lntagernId, boasts that he tm s his ebap-
ters as separate articles In the Maga-
z1ne* before be throws theme hate a book.
In works of history, biography and
travel, this to customary with nearly all
authors, aad le a means of securing
something like adequate remuneration
for what would otherwise be sadly un-
deepahl labor. Zit Mr }itagrrald has
developed tido system with a degree et
sannomy spa which no other writer
JW vuattved. Ilsmotime ago i took op
me of his *owns and came upon a
chapter whick,meteed strangely familiar.
iooklag the mitts r np, 1 found that
the ehapeee farmed an Isolated short
story in one of the iimdon rnagfxtnaa
It was the sante wen with another chow
ter and mother. The whole beet woe
merle op of matter which had done dotty
as dstanb.d storien ti the nescpesinee, wed
yet threw Worm were strung t.geth r an
well that, fe t54Wment of the �prpow.
with which they y4t berm wfmlrt sewn
gime to Her, they forrae.d a oe dfsfcros
morel with a sustained phot.-WM 11.
»mi fa Tbs Cense.
What as Ain CikSr mays
The dtlmrtMm boatmen objtvraamabie
mod ptmlestbls cordite has lw•ea .wypeeted
by a dMdlapsbbed art critic. *be Wel
that the earnests showed as the imps of
mythical belad lhat nosh set b
ail as e{ethM irks alto witelt
the modehave y4masi K°erpetlamodem�!l�►• hal-
dean er, atasam (lt•M alms tlheer
?lot --& en bee bewit jgd.-1
Wti,.'1'.11. ("JLU MN
liana ort.• W rmlaatios •Very baa.wa•er nemesis..
• any one say tom
she was ilusa
uata ! 1u irvo
tong If wedge .Jl not draw build
News Selected by day . praise .4. d
1d be awarded kw. • bee of chips ad heat it.
How w asily impruseed would be her ea- Rap up snd tramp down • .lisHy the
betas of the Order.
reeneese raeamr..•s se she
•e•va. .r Twaprr.awe best tmr.t Ilse
4•Mes spate Nee& Tram. Maeeat-
•d is FMB elee s.
a MU
Is there nut • great deal ..f truth in
Dr Tale, tee's celebrated sa) tog : -• "ba•
su'a throne on earth is a beer barrol,aud
hu had-at,ud a ruts jug, ass h:s chant
brewer's dray
a actuate inc.
Think led •.trey the soon of une ..f
Muutreahts beat kar,.n physictaus, and
•u ' .turday hast in tits pollee court of
ha' city, the young roan * a .entsuced
Lk/ tire years iso the penitentiary.
A w$7551 Bab.
A i uefortuuate luau who has recently
1 red to 11 ruorpeg. and who has a bass h-
• in the I),•mudw. Rouse of Comm•nn,
• A141 foot a to death in a mieeranle shalt
cy in N'u.u.peg, •m Tuesday eight, while
o a state of whale/item.
ALWAYS a scjtiGa.
Whrreoer 11 (pr..hibitwn) has been
fried, it has .uceedsd. Fiiende alto
now claim this. Enrmie4, whu hare
•n for a d.•zen years rum.tng their
teeth by Moue tiler, confess It by ileir
r of argu.,,r..t and lack of facie. -
Wendell Phillips, 1851.
O., the night of Dec• neber 28:h. John
North, of Philadelphia, want h•.me
drunk. He quartelwi with les elle, .ho
• 55 aursiug their three months' old baby,
...d in his rake atte.upted to strike heti
Tne blow telt un the bead of the miser,
crushing its skull, and it died shooed
instantly The murderer was arrested.
A o,rrswpuudeut required is to the
f(r.,wih of temperance sentiment rt) E,lg.
lied. Mr Charsberlatu said the pritai-
p1.t 01 load opttoo hod been thrice afLrot-
ed in 1'o lsameut ; ss emus u a eel:etre of
local Oovsr,.mrot was parfeete.t, be
thottgat the principle would be 1 ra n-
eatly carried tint. He had pr..:huttd
promotes& temperance ads is Euchand �
1 • eoyutre ea to the uofking of the prin-
ciple here, but he had nut tet toad an'
Cornelius Vanderbilt is unit of the un-
eiomprast ismg total abandons met' it
New York. A row of stores is to bas
baslt the summer at • site opposite the
Grand Central Depot.. (if course the
situation makes tito place desirsi, . for
miasmata to at.� travelers, but nc
trim is to be sold t , and young Van-
derbilt has provided in the deeds kr
perpetual prubsbitioaol the liquor traffic
so far as that 200 feet of the street front
is 000cereed, " if there is one *put
where there ought mit to be any
salouae," he said. in answer to an
esgeiry, " it is within sight of a railroad
statues. I hat. observed that men wait-
ing for • base, especially in a strange
city, are pretty sure to wander into a
rugger y if they dee ors ktom the stats
TC'IpCRAK.'a 1] aStitAStt.
polar M ueee lM
tx,idut `r resat
the sarin -1
mit won M4 how savor around the you.g frust trees.
the • of Water, green food ped meat fowls
Britain is t
Out ail ea tht�h nureory sod e.laal.ty to
the world.-Returwer.
Trsea•'s Worm Puwdoa require no
other Purgative. They &resale sod sure
to mauve all varieties .d Wism., 1 m
s eaNYMaea ee She menet.
At • meeting tit the Engineering
M..clety held last week to the tachaol of
Science, Toronto, Mr W. E. Field rued cod 1
a paper upon the besting and ventilat-
ug ui buildings, and alth•auih the sub- hug tine is daily exercise r .r the www
4*u t ie a Very eatwaiw Sane, the esasyet during *50(55.
d cuudenaed tt tsissewk.l and (rougnt
out the oris hoes r chitin l m Take the bridles with you when you gas
o meet inteteeP ug p•,rer. Huherto its. to breakfast, auJ pros near the
ventdatiu0 of rooms seems to have peen •lure *sole you rat.
left mi most cases to take oar* of itself, i ati"ual P.Ils acts prnmpt!y upon the
but 1rmun;g sanitary engineers and Liter, regulate the fl..wrls and u •gear•
actrnt.fic arehiteeu Ne irug,urta::ce of rho g•tire ars mill •rad tltutuugh lin
subject ta becom.n,t better rea,211!zed Sepente the *raker annnala ; they
every day, Mr Field stoke of the very meed extra feed, whereas .s:h the strong •
Vitiating elieet of the gee we burn, wit er &bey get scant feed.
jet a( •hleh twwsum5s mare air than a Pm it iu farming comes from the
Mn w • given time, and in addition to rnaaimcm crops, the products ion winter
this renders the re.ultntr product much thought and *maser *Sark.
mire impure than the air which moot ,
, shales. This ashaltd air contains from 1 rut G.w•a Sulphur t�osp is
highly rc -
four to Gee per woos of carbonic acid counneeded for that cure of Eruption,
gas, •heroes pure air rarely contain. CAeJes, Ckapptd bands, Pimples, Tan,
more than firs parte iu 10.000, aid it lin
has been proves by numerous rxperi- U the chain pimp is clogged up rock
nients that air containing from 3 3 to 4 ice do not give the creak a jerk. I:..eb
per Dent of this Ras, is incapable of sup• wheel and chain lora.' more realty when
porting animal life. Wring to the s 'ry eu'd.
quantity tit air consumed by buruml CASON k i`erllN.
sea, and the extremely puiauarwa staters I have pleasure in saying that Hag -
of the products of cunbuattou,it is nears- yari a Pectoral Balsam cannot be exceil-
pry in provide an calf for obese eases at ed for curing Coughs, Cold. and Goes o f
lie catalog of the nnd, even when an Yoke. It eared my brother completely)
uwtlet for ordinary foal air is situated 1,. hays Ira IbcX.a 1 of f'opler Hill, Get.,
riser tate 11os'r line.A mistake u often regarding this p..pular remedy. _
rissole in supposing that because the ■ r Every farmer may l e the architect of
iseYing from our lamps 1• • higher tem his own fortunes, acrd it is r caw to
prratury than air to the rano, it will fx claw)
therefore rise t.. the ceiling, and should let the job out to luck.
be drawn cif there. The fact is that Hay firer is a type of catarrh having
exhaled air contains so much mole -are peculiar symptoms. It ss attended by an
must here to prusper during the •tutor.
Watch the outle,s of the tilt Braune,
that they do not beama clamed with Ice.
Thom u one part of the fans that to
sot beuebtted by drainage ; the mauurer
Politeness pays in the c... -stable. A
retitle luau reta inure milk than, a earsh
aurae and euro hatter are bast work•
ed into wafture by putting theta through
t corms ..
The beet preventive of trouble at Iamb
and carbonic acid gas that the girths
difference in temperature is Inure thou
counter -balanced by the increase in its
specific gravity, and therefore it flits to
th) door, and while the exit mast always
uiftamed cow:boon of the lining mem-
branes of the nostrils, tear -ducts and
throat, adocttug the lungs. An acrid
mucous uwcr.ted,tbe disehargeisaee. m-
paaied with • burning sensati, n. There
he pieced rear the fl or line, iia vex uco,n are ••vete spume of w esaing, (re"vent
dela oda t•. a cotton r:'.east c west the attacks of hearfwche, watery and indent-
••f besting a..•l. An oven fin • ed eyes. Ely's Cream Balm is a ream-
,11place will draw of all the foul air of • Hattan b* depended upon. S0cta, but u..f..ttaaa:ety it racy often it drugltlsta ; by mail. registered, 61kts.
Tn.luces a dare roma draught from im- Yi i Brothers , Dtuggiata, Oswego. New I Ll e
•eel mate window ra*liee and direr
"Qid n't Know 't was
meg de het a stupid buy's .ee.s.. but
what ea'a he saki fur the parent who
awes kis • h:1d lasso i ak , ng daily and fails
w ,soigne+e the want of • route dad
bluxd♦un11.r' Eonsrti, a courts ref
wombat sulphur sad .*,rices, was the
rule Im wail rsPi4ted tamuses , but now
all i at tore rhdids keep Ayer's
t•' •kirk ,a at our. pleasant
W *b. IgM•, dad the west searching anal
effective blood medkuv r o rr •Itseuvered.
Nati.M A• t' •• rlan,l C t'antua et ,
Boatoa, write• "It daughter. now 11
years 10 pNf5i bealtl, until $
rear age a aka tiger to . uwplain 01
Inti ase. bend.• las, its. alIts ineat.
in,1 t arsb and Was ofspirtite 1r•u.-
vlu. ea that all Ian' originated
in impure bleed. and in•lu• rel bet t,• take.
Arra A•rssfsara.s Th:. mein este 5.5,n
restored her W•..I-ata4,r: ortIM to
health mites.,lu. .w. .rvS.ta',-
lash.•d Iter fortiori hwl, 4 1 r;„1
.torr' •
tnr.aparllla a swot •.lu•1.;•• ,oM)•
the liosIttale and d•fkib'; .r. .14.5.1 to
at.r:u_ 1550.."
J. t'awtrtBnoeklTa purer ,
ptnoktrn, 1t. T.. "' 'Asa !spring
Malo ane, 1 WM a `Headed
for the old -thiel e. rnp.w••la ;u .oyer's
tisraat.arilla. wl a few dews tit etaer'a
Pitta. After ase. I hal fr..F.rr earl
strouger to go thrtiMgh tl* sutaa„•r • •
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rsgP EI ar
C. Ayer L Co.. Lowell, Mata
nose $1: au bemltl M• N „ru gr, s i,uu.
GRATEFUL-r•oi1rORT1 a.
oetf. y
rarn••s : bu1 in any cele it will draw bl-
the room wCn•tent air for its earn hung in the stable is damaged
dnueht. A do*ed stove howerar ass if a5 L the gar..
any slum_. wane tl.A0 the grate, fur with as
..... dampness
Burn by nee.
it m. sir a drawn off' esee;.t that which
It rc•cqutred for the eossbusuen of the
fuel, mid es steam and hot water coils
re 1 sure no such air the ease is oven
worse wr.c•.. they are used% unless a dsi-
tlncr and complete system of ventilation
is dao supplied. II but air is,;ased care
must be taken that the air me so burnt
in tie furnace, and eau t s the
inlet may be Tither at the �tu top
of the room, but the castle subeit a el -
A Imre asst.
Around eel bottle .'1 Dr Chase's
Liver Cure is a medical guide and receip
book contusing useful information, over
900 receipts, and pronounced by doctere
and druggists as worth ten times the
east rd the medicine. medicine and
hook $1. Sold by all druggists.
I °p' ways at the 8 1' J aha 1' be "D that h 1"
o o you see at mar. over ere
1 had my way about it would mru- •'o r toe n
habit sty law the sale oL intoxicants placed in each a position ttat!<it w.:i mot asked the detective with an air mys-
within au eighth of a mile railroad he t. s close to the inset. tery.
atatioa. "-Reptist Weekly.
'vas *'OTT Art emu
Moon sduri has had 51
oo0victiosadurtogthe pert three the. ing the winter months, can.e�fu system
The total amount of tines 1 osed to 1 eeome tilled with impurities. T Sass
mounted to >j3 000.
An excess of animal 1,.
Act tial c!•^sing of the pores of t
••1-e., said the casein. eager "I
t see him. What oil him 1"
4 a par- "That man," said the detective, in s
id. dur- low tone, "that mac is a pr. tensional
forest. •'
Good greeioea'" etclsimed the citixem
in •uprise. "Who world ever hare
A pet theory of those who are ors-
willing to accept total abstinence as the
truest temperance, in the lino of liquor -
drinking, is that pure wines and cadets
are comparatively harmless, in contrast
with adulterated liquors. Yet there is
no form of droakenuens which has mr,re
of brutality in it than that which is a
result of cider -drinking : and from the
days of Noah to the present day, a scan
who has been made drunken by home-
made wise is likely to be as disgracefully
drunken as if it were strychnine whisky
which had broegkt him down. Only a
few days ago a silk weaver in Hebrns.
Connectie.t, mwrderd his wife and two
children, and then set lira to the home.
He was a Swiss immigrant, and believed
in home-made lepers The telegraph
report reads - " Ile had half a dozen
barrels of home-made wine and cider ia
his cellar, and drinking from thee. made
him crazy, anal promoted the mailer."
if the blooi-gained .sites of kis boom -
bold show the sort of home wade by
home -mode wine and cider, total abstin-
ence from those liquors would seem to
be the truest tsmporenoe.-8. 8. Times.
renal' It A °tA5•auOr 1
What is a dram shop 1 Let us have a
1 Jost interpretation of it. It ire a mann-
factory toot may of paupers bat of awes -
diaries, madmen add murderers. h
teach an inatitstiea, if I may dignify the
abominable thing by that respectable
nide, •r'a•psuble with the public safety 1
No. 1 deity that civil government is
faithful to he /rest province while is
gagers the dreamt-ekopto b. in 'Ketones..
ere Meg wilt eetabliebeis and permits it.
The civil 'overawing nt that allows this
enemy to the sefmy of person and pea
pert, is OUWoetky of the name of civil
goorrnmeat.--(larrett Smith.
can he removed and the blood omits(
and •hrigorated by taking Ayer's tiarM-
ptritia Price $..
than alas1a1stg.
kinds rf charity which
are much more llBlpful than money-gt. •
ing• and are frequently practicable by
those who haul least money to give.
There is isdueoss ; the personal trouble
required to write a letter or to make a
call, in order to tind pupils for the poor
visiting governess or more work for that
cobbler, or • hatter position on the MI -
road for the yuaLg fellow across the war
who supports his mother and staters.
There is the marft' carefully eared
and forwarded to thihmhjiRg.etmeagthe
hills who cannot afford a sobacripuon ;
there is these tlimpee of town ggieen to
Lb. country cousins, the furtoight at Ilse
seashore far the seamstress and her pale
little bola. There is the invitation now
and then. and the hearty welcome al-
ways, tt. tita lads aloe* in the great city
who know ..niy cur own family; in sheet,
the giving of trouble and sympathy, trot
money, to those who need help. Some
few women here that witch hese! power
which enables them to find oat the hu-
man nature to their cook or washerwo-
men, as well as in the people they re-
ceive in their drawing -rooms. flitch
lemma are benefactors, though they
should never be worth • dollar of ready
I There are
Ayers Har Vigor stimulates the hair
to • vigorous growth. it emotions all
that eaa be .applied to make the hair
beautiful and aboadset, reean..e dem.
dee f, add renders the hair flexible and
thought it 1 11 by don't you arrest him
then 1"
"Can't," said the i:etertive, wearily.
"It isn't against the law t, make hone
ahs, is it 1 '
UREAtrao.T. .
"era thore*zh knowledge of nailed
laws where graven' the,rperat Ions La
sad aotrittaa. aad by a tenant rip I rte et
Iha so• properties of wellaskot o.. lir
RpW ha. prorided our breakfast table w ,tk •
de twat ely savored breedstR• whir* spy' mei;
.s men )• heavy doctors bills. IL is
the Judicious use of such artistes
lir: that a rooetttution may he
• bath up until strong enough to
2.0rtddaproeey to dl.ease. Ile
maladies are floating aroma .y y bat
tack wherever *bete le a tiles*' Iat. We
1 may escape mate! ■ falai shaft keeping
oureelyee well fortified with pure h had s
proved) souri.hed frame:' -"Lira Seeder
Or* -Air -
Made simply with beillnR water er kilt.
oM unit to packets by ggrnv�oeee.s. i:belledthem
JAMMU EPPS & CO., =pi:
bIt Chew -
iota London. Maitland. fs>b
hes a Beek .*gent
Mr Goode, druggist, is n. -t a book
agent. but has the agencyin Ondertch
for Johnston '• Tonic -Biten, which he
can heartily recommend fur any com-
plaint to which a tonic medicine is ap-
plicable. This valuable medicine has
been with moat astonahingly good re-
sults in cases of general debility, weak -
nos, irregularities peculiar to females,
extreme paleness, impoverishment of the
blood, stomach sod liver troubles, los
of appetite, and for that general worn
oat feeling that swirly every one .4.
troubled with at enMe part of the year.
Don't forget the nameJohnston's Toeie
Bitten 50c, and $1 per bottle at Goode's
drug store, Albion block, Guderich, sole
agent.� .
A•.,Itaire 'gig, some place or other,
about a very wise women, that she told
Sim there were three follies of mets
which :always amused her. " Th. fins
Pee climbing trees to ahak* the fresh
down. whim, if they waited'longpt enough,
the fruit erosld fall itself ; the wooed
was s ding to war to hill une enettrgrs
when if they only waited they world as
natnnlly ; the third was that they
would run after women, when, if they
refrained from doing so, the wegegg
would leaim le rata after them." \\
(kiss?. a Wa.msreVA towns
The Whom fines wood ie aced kw Nei pert a aaatrolli mean, and stns that vett he
g part ata the health of the
of the heat ie absorbed le + arms the body is ow now. if torpid w inactive
Na int. nfsthe whole system betimes diseased.
Dr. Chase's Liver Cline as made specially
for Liver and Kitten diseases, and 1e
guaranteed to rete. Reaps book alba
mediei01. Said by e11 dreetS.
aLAv*LT AWw hmQ('os sow water feel int.
There ran he no dee ing this feet,
that the bgeor-dealer, like the sieve-
bnlder, t. dnvilbe hii. trade the
heathen under our Christie* 0th a
thorourh disregard at every bemoan tie.
Confident in the power Irl his drag to
swbjmcdte all who tape it, he jiss empMy-
demeryery g�_ wen-
for y_y, �!ss/11lNty adnetate.
fiat for the clog* iii r�o�raji eaesiea be
vela wad haw • drenkee world.
prrats ••• r5Re iiwa slaw. holder was
.ally rampant. Mils ship, pad is
s..rr sten, bus minims n every
tweet, hat outraged bernabitee
beams mowed. Rfavgy Viler
Misled. sad flees that time
Navy has hew eraplyod ' h ►
gowns every voslwed/
ars kui i 14adbasng pins
Wore f3tlldm to eemesereially
widow haat as our seeseues widowed
sl i't.y, wgd were herwer-shape le hest
,,.,,,_ — -,,a-...
freer ahem • r*aame.
That r In soy, year lungs. Also all
per breathing machinery. Very won -
aerial maehisery it is Not only the
lamer •ir-pe meet, but the Mrsaeande of
owe tubas and cavities leading from
Whew these are gloried and .hocked
with dm•ttar which ought dot lobe there,
rite Innen oennct hall do there week:
Arai .hat they d.•. they cannot do
ow it cold, en , creep, paeam.eis,
catarrh, eneeempase or ally ..1 the
family of throat sad erre and head aid
long obetreetirs* alt are bad. All
ought to be get rid et. These ie jmti
ose tiete�,.wa�[[ to gas mid of Nem. SIN
tel♦ Palaa•N'• man 'ly:ap. win
any drapist will all you at 73 omen •
bottle, Ewes It ev.rythng she hos
failed ries Toe mop dopiod upon this
far renew.
1 -
Ems ELv's
Gists Relief
of oast old
C(k,1} i. HSA
Hdy fever.
Het Grid,
ern Abeam
deer lwjlbrdess
A eartosis wpfpstAttate neesraaa
'7 -"71go` 11Mgig�V
eO1 T$xN'G 1'J)3,W 11
From the Celebrated
dendron Manntactut*Cu.
eels N � �r
The finest Reed Work and Up-
holstering in the country wiM
arrive about 1st df March.
ifDon't bar b./l5 you see 5hem wf
fl� CleapatYaseDINIBa
Tit Gan
Prices to Suit krerybody.
OHAB: *._
•sant.*. torn* qtr, fie