HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-3-9, Page 8• s jj!OLUT1ON OP PARTNFSH1P SALE IFRASER�PTE CHARGE OF i1RM A1ND A BREAK 1N PRICES. ddsseies what he terms the "mwa" of the oily reonnrate. which ks should bave paid Aro n -awe oto regular tamps like the out to Ie1t•.far all[wud••w•+e tae toHis Ex;,,illSie-Ater t)uimet wires • darner ..al .•a ry •reuing ne halt+'. rep..rt shows t:uttt�our red a booe,,e +•uotlwr 13 under verament r ars It outs over • ()wing to Mr. A. M. KAY retiring from the business, we wit tiara t•. t.k"mar" ..f tiers, and sell Goods at PRICES r0 SUIT THE TIMES. We would tet ; 108 Yh..•I. in '.writers 101 tnatru. t,• • special attention to the The det•h of Mr Ro,aertson leaves a estrtestine ►i. feet,..depriMiagw t+•the him of the crib, ane d a rapt annted M.glord's body. Tee mese me the surface drew fes the mops, bet sadd ant rescue the eaferteaeb leas, who fa• few gametes was covered is a bele of sheat eight feet. McDosaid succeeded in climbing up the reps to the surface. Every edict that hawse• aid ,oche ve war made to get aw poet Hetford. but aboet.tltree hours elapsed befu.e bis body tete tekes out, whimIifs was satin A. Illi Mwsfurd wet a young man, well knewo and liked. H. lived at Htdme ed's. and leaven a wife sed nue or two ebildr.S who beve the .vmpatby of the enure eeiltbb,rhond. Woad of t e eb4 affair woo,s,vp� st��oo�1lugfurd's father. who licca i -T' ----la le the comity of Vittoria, sod who had only a few days ap returner loo this urighborhood, atter attending the fune- ral of s daughter. WALL PAPE IIi.BATITME 3 T. FROZE 5c. UP TO $b PER ROzz. our Stock has bet.. .<:•d from the Is rifest Amer Borders, Dabs, Friezes, Ceiling awl Cesadttn ^u•:,a.. fro , lVl, Big Store (Moor - GILT AND PL.& Samples or Wall Paper can be Been at hotute's old stand. ) •1r-3pecial attention to School Supplies as a Corner Store, (Sheppard a Old E :and ) Silverware, Fancy Goods, Photograph Atbu*s, &c., &c., at •wily down Prices. No trouble to sh goods. FRASER 8z P0F4.TER. thin FROM THE CAPITAL °0Q pe'w i1a ate eteE „• N .-.t H .sungd which is a 1.11114 ,..• .6 •1•1. •,••T it is expected •h a Mr "err • (' -tat and " H. Biggar , he tile r n . , tttve and Litx•ta: • ,i'date..ovn Tat. t err," pot* 'r.+tv with the States Apt now ie G rm. The 11 .arae c,m:n ttees week t. day. Romerssr,ci,aea a •e-enty tr,r cld 1.• ,,.','r w.ih at, expectant bride of 21 rt. • fl •.ni„iun T. mpwr.rce Ahiacoe is in session here. TH& EDITOR'S TABLIs. A Weed .r ,w. *boat i,w I ubneatteae Tfeas wave cease to Meed. Ltrr.i.'a Llvteu Aur.. -The numbers d 'J".r !.Nine Ave for F.•hroary 23th and eta•, h :fed contain Dirwits's Lite and Letters, and Cabal's Life of Emerge... (,s.enrterry; Personal Experiences of ituigana, and The Evolution of tiu111T, Vatotenl : flow, Rule in Norway /hue wow :34,000 I.c,.tJ ,'''miry; A Jacobean n (:oosilae�t ter, 'yod. • registered leases of which ir.r mu- Pertw.•►+itty , Mary Stuart t married and 31 were stolen by detected Htockeenet ; A Night in the Jungle, tlnrrnilhut ; S , :,.. \Vtccauieal Remt- niarencee, amt The Romance o;f History -R..yeryi, Tempe Bar; Cu.er Frits Tema: Thacker• S Milbton, d4 the Tear Around; with "A Tumbler .el Milk." 'TN- Five Ho;seaboe.." ••,.t pod - try. Stir itomher►ef testy -four large pales• each (ur more than 3.300 pages s year' lite other iption pnce ($8) is low ; wbtle for $10.:,0 the publishers offer to nerd any one of the Ameritta $4 00 monthlies or weeks. a with The Lirini 40, for • year, both postpaid LitteII a Co., Boston, are 'be pubtisb- esa P. U. clerks. Semmes bank deg.,.itoos Latest Politic: 1 and General bare $19,000,000 ie that frank. Ha 1 a mnllit.0 persona took out 'matey orders amounting to $10,300,100. Tile wank IN Tet ROLE • Asa usual, Pariiament takes abs nt-bia days to get steam and thearellagber of '}h lets her go, The report e Judge that corrupt precise.. prevailed cuten- slimly in Keut, Out., was referred to the Privileges and Eiaeti• ns e.unml•- 1 -rote oars own c'0rreipender•. I fes to order 1:05 Premier, said, to decide Oreatvc, Marsh G, 18:18. I whist the legal consrquenoe of oda 4 The (ratters of the H..nse f. r the put week hare been a row ..:er the 'loonies- t 1 tri !st•.re, Sir Richard ('.rte::¢ht's ( nree,rcted Reciprocity ree..!u•r.n, and •y,. Fi•,matei which . re for the first :ons Mi the history .el the House were ?retooled before the Bu3,ej speech was entre. The first named `freir arise Iron the facts that follow. Messrs. Shier sad the two Tremblay, are the 1•reuca translators fist the Coram ins deuces During the recess they write sad spoke against the Msaistrr, especial - r the French Ministers. They bard News fro -u Ottawa. ♦ aveideSStea treformine M eke Mw 4,.► oral melee lie t:�teemes-�a mums we ray fear --T . Wert, is etre Mame Miser fete•. 4 decision was, and not, he sod, to have further inquiry. When the eumoittN reports the House will order the levee of wilt for a new election. In reply, Sia Tupper confirmed the re,r•rt that there were to he no tariff changes. Nutwith• standing this, tt a ue:tered ::hinges beat be made, 1f only to take adew. .1 the offer o1 the Washington Atl*xnn Lion to abolish the duty on s• ti/ er� and wool whish is coiidit1en p►h a like •holitioe by other v+nntris, a d 14 • direct offer to Cenads of redlprueity in those articles. It is generally believed hers that the Govetftneut seance stand Nor t C t' .r6 ,••1 a sundowvry I e•ad 1 .deft t Fli-ate-this, i110 mete Ike a Dallis than A Senttowss.r Sock etre the words rel .roan when s,ld she bad e 1 specious of D,,eble Dead ,iaaper. r. proms* her front yard Una acq•:tinted with this flower (Helian- tbee muitiflacs aM7'. will not he stir \\'m Fulford aprismed his ankle bsully. prised at the old telly's mateke. Cheiriwe A sturdyteam of buys drew hint home ehptMJ feet high cowered with gold- SL's `-�'tThet'► t you to under tloit ore. That'. e ASA A series of *postal, lees are 410111 1 to commence in the sAhedi.t ehurab. The Bible Society meeting w1i be held is the Mat church, Auburn, en Friday event Mar.h 9th, when Rev Mr Manly, fibromata will address ib, sodiecce. On Friday log last Mr Joha M.irdock, hummed of the steam saw mill met with • bad aseident whereby be lost the f.ire8ageret the right hand, and the thumb and, .second finger erre badly lac' rate4. do was sharpening the see, erten "deem got op to running puwar sad the saw in elation, inflicting tee inje above alluded to. Lader skil- ful medical treatment the injured man u now progressing favorably. A saes took plass on the hos here on Thursday of last week, bstwsen Tom Cesasday's great volt "Sows Tt.ntise and • 3 -minute trotter from Blyth. In the fine hest the gases omit came In ahead, in the second the Blyth trotter crossed the liner by • neck, and the third haat war resit no curtest, owing to the" wipe cult get isg excited and breaking do he course. The Aubeeef colt, wb Only recently been broken in, h d d f d experienced FINE TA11,9B,11;01, etTr'�eolA><.. ('+n account oL the late tai of ie *season, bave marked down all my (hercontiltge IPPItaSmit Buyem in walit of an Uver ('o:at �1�'*!ft should not fail to insp.�t In Large .`�.tuek before purchasing elsewhere tow Paring l;uodt, Quality, Trimmings. Work- luartahip enc! Style, you will unquet+tlon(►WY save :.'0 per cent on tiny quotations given 7011 elsewhere. Remember me when you are in wart. 0oderieh, Dec. 9, 1887. B. X. Oar Tort ADC= Loans ants insurance. A valuable colt l',Iongiy to J. J.I T 10 - 3o11iva. happsued with $ bad accident I CIMICII HOLT000 ��O� lately, We hope lie beast has nut Well rich. fatally injured. UNEP TO LEND -A LARGE Our new roller sill d wooing • laity mama. Privau reads tee taveetleeni holiness, and at far it gives entire sato- ! i lowest misses orat.aassMorttfwges Appl7 faction to cuatomeri. to (JARROW It PRODDFOOT Ws are sorry to state that tsar RADCLIFFE, l.. GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE axe MONEY LOANING AGENT May Rest class cesspeeles Repreessied I►I osei to Lead es straight teras. at the Lowest rate or interest gums. taw say a sol[ tt. aorioPICS - . yes frees Square. tI UPIrK:i -dossed WeMStreeet.0.4 bk. 50,WO To LOAN AT 0 PER l'EN•r. THE TORONTO ORNSHAL TRUHTS CO'Y aro prepared to loam 51.01.E at s par Mot.. M7 - •bleb f 'usr17. on TERMS 'h► SUIT BORROWERS, on tntclam taro isoarity. AggiT to CASIERON. HOLT & CAXZJION. burryt�rs, Oederlc•. Attests for the Toronto Remora! Trocar re) dteosrs. taus -note Huts fc (,awwtwo,i has • also • large saloons .ar /swats tett to los oat. !fret --tar farm security. tell-tf G0dericb.Oct. 1. ti,St champion sewer baa bees agple badly beaten to fiatswing match with the tame adversaries es before. Ws are sorry to see that oar jovial Rimed, Tom Brown, the cutter agent, has entirely deserted we W. hope he has ens hese offended, bot we fear be has left with a heavy heart Cotes Tint. -In last week's toes as Wasp appeared Ostia( that s voaig assn was building • "groat" hones, its. It should have been a "great" house. Dentistry. M. N IOHOLSON, L. D. S. DENTAL ROOMS. Eighth door below Ike Poe Ore., weal+!.. W- I. WOOLVERT►N, L. D. S. more - M 4 Eshowe 14AN. None MO-. oodarteh. barges moderate. A11 work wor- 're n Fttn'rA. t:ne or itllteed Air rises mor pain- xi ain- eximetwn of tooth. 5 •.w arm, an horsemeh esent said that there is • heap__-- nf speed in the booty little fellow. that a Ehe Peeple's ttotumr•. limited atisoent of trebling woold readily brtng out. LNbasa Stone is beim; drawn to build a cellar tinder the farm house d Wes Strachan this ecnting wager, and • new dairy h.•use of stone k will be built by E. N. Shaw. Jet Y. White enjoying sports of the play- ground during noel, hour at the school, ettdiog down the ht11 with schoolmates, LOST- ON WEDNIAIDAY. FEB. 29. a long -laded ,,stye else. tante Nee. oldie face. hotly hot lavas. with h .I beck au t 7ellr•'.,h lrtpe. A*ewers is n..aa.• •st'•aratas." A•7 le'rson't•'epii� lam aturr too wetiee'w� b�e�Fru.eta•e1. •1U.r0 UW.14011E11Y, Ridge xowl rano. uowlrrret•. 0-.L 41 1 \] into WANTED -A F1;1'� CuRDtb 1 1 u( dry weed warted tuna...Lot:: air at this our ereyelI,w deuhio ll items simmer the size on • hated sleigh• and nos fair • weekor east out of session Ch elf had liberty rt w of a Dahlia it reoamPIrs that plant very so Willies cheerful form "111 be notated this. Mr l ksplwo thought tither- I making Been turth•r cVuutsr In •o mach. Ti's little is ant shows clear- by his comrade. The local doctor here wise and wrote to Mr Speaker, demand- seer to Mr Perry, Mr Pewter said the ly how importantilittle r, that •,sty one says he will M dud gap fur several weeks .netheir dismissal and deo Speaker aim povernmNst were cocisasally taking aied. L the Hoses rL ,neer held Stepsto a rry out the 11A wninw bailee a garde* or even ven a shrib !a should hookto eon's An op en with •enor program cues yliek. t :hat the Speaker had exceeded ptorthtt continuous I at tuotasand a s in_ match weight .t the Iklthet► Ire -heater. Ii Y price ten authority, as the report at1.' Dabstts tan with Pune, );d. The rnlmittao, rseommebding the appoint- , question of the is d due bid f ,r tea setae worth Temperanos Hall. Collection art aid of agate, an a the Band oChair to W taken of mode sea,mpanitts the ru:df. f Hope. meats had Men •Incited and be- i at reexamax or ranee "eowe a:+or -nes Yat hexa.-Tke at 8 p M', shun?. come the action of the &.us, therefor., lvaotr_-..t F nd a nwlutinn cf the Howe •told was dspored of by the adoption a Mr . fourth volume of .Alden's Manifold T be��tae th 'al bold in e hall Thursday Wallace's ,boli .n w a int a select i t j' to 183 • illusteations on ±islets theta.Voluminous ►n meet ?de C ye r•r_ u run sn\ Pnpwrs' c.•mmit`ce to take smith ro. in the and eftende from Baptitwn to Bilberry decline a pamphlet, were laid on the •matter, after $brief debate had shown -07 pages I„gs type, Mr.denms cloth table and when they are printed the • twocenns ,f pint r,und p .ns JO sear n, eta hints wen., if not illegal, very ntisahier , iion„c„ binding 63 esnta'i L tent that Tel NEW I'St*AL POIICS. - 011$. 1: was during this d:acsesion that ' truly bringing lenowiedge within readied remit lonceehe most the uignsttiportant ion of Mr Blake, political andlH< o�n•'erterAlt Mitchelll,, (whoa was taxed. o . Cy millions ass •Tad great merit v the Cyclopedia is its adaptation to practical u the decisive of the Liberal party to kis feet, silenced his interrupter with the ' we : airing uridee each proper head the adopt Unrestricted Reciprocity u a i t�ji meeded,and polo. The conclusion was reached et s� the Liberal caucus and nett day Sir ltiehsrd Cartwright put a notice of self went on 16 st:ack tae duty no soft 1 curacy,as wow as motion on the paper. Boiled dos. it coal which formed he said three-fourths I of to irformatime Fur actual ase it •bun - .tat.. that nnreetricted reciprocity with of our total cal ec naumption. Mr ;dandy aquifers r he need* d all save ;he United t•:ates a high!) desirable. Kirkisatriek'j bill, to enable American those whose pat* as require eshaustiee n ion that trade con: e - orir. el nt hal! ►esti on will be fought out, remark "stet cote y(� o dou't kuow any. i.formstion ntt:st llkdy it.' Mr Hew,o was right 1 avails thing about g Ila cur etas, easily in his st•tem.at, and Mr Mitchell him- , atammsuee its oro. Careful tie with its •c - remarkable fellness nrestricted recipro:ity means that vessels to coibe into Canadian waters to study of certain aeada will p' .e en the free list of her , render aid to distressed vessel., provide nation of Unal tamsf all the prnducts, ustural end t similar ;privileges aro ggraottd by the 1 Lydopedia is s octal, of the g'sltai States, provide •hat country does the same. Many wonder what is the difference between anrastncted eeeii,•.,mity and commercial union. Well the latter would mean tie Adoption of one tariff for the United states and Canada against the outside world. while under Sir Richard Cart- wright's proposal Canada will mendable her own tutu and the Statue their own amino all oetside countries. The do- nate on this reaolntinn will Inst at least a week. It will be the biggest oratorical display of the session. TMs rtrIMATxa. The total estimated expenditure is $44,186,316 of which $23,343,000 io atmllshle expenditure. The largest dram is *11,879,000 interest on the tk ttaxra'e ManAstss for starch opoev public debt, an increase d $100,301. Priam Edward Island had been in- with the lust of www ertisle•e ow The $(r Jake C. It coots over 11185.000 to massage the I teosilled sad increased by the Govern- Campaign of Waeriosl" by delft Ily. 1. the ordinary depart- cwt's action. Mr McLelen rerlied Ropes, wh•re isotib1e po pole on the per - Manta Civil Government eons $1.304,- that the eonstrectirce of a line to Cape traits of Napoleon. in this Kagiwlser 14, increase 132,262; Jenne $886,070, Tormeetioe had overcome the Rewteet will be remembered. The blither bus lacrosse 114.100; Legislation 6709,000, diSeuIty in the transmission of mail. mode • earshot sed elaborate shady el decrease {1.500; Arta •aM Awricult.tte I He held that an improved system wM the beide of Wig arino. bed d14110 hit, .fs60, demons $101,$33; Immegrs- 1 n.,w in operation. llun $1111,389. deerea*e $113.136: Mi11- I rf res sneaTs tib $1,3138.500, decree's $32.1183: Rasi- treysaad Comae (ise•oel $273,860; io-' the Hsnt• has had an onw.ally „,wee $78,636: Pehh. Wtsvks $1,746,- I lively time for that sedate body. They tijeeta. Th. cosi bi- iLed D:etionary and nderful oonve,rience. U. S. Government, was passed its first !sec`. volume, as i� roods to the reader t reading. It was stated that the •meant ! hinds invariably_ renews the surprise reoeired for Sands in the Northwest in frit that • took /6 wall got up can b 1887 was $450,701. Mr Guillet's I aff•ordod for a i; tee so tow. Vi-ho.ver gesstion relative to Mr Ellis annexation wsntaaeyeirop.Iia-bad who dr,es not f views and what action the government I - would do well to order at least a apse± proposed to take was ruled out of order, air' volume, which may be returned if wad Mr Geille1 will try to put it In not wanted. Reduced prim ars of .rad another form. Io the meantime Mr to early .abscribera fcr complete sets. Ln has a notion that he wi:l ask which are to consist of 30 or wore whehetherther Mr Ellis' conduct will be re -volumes, the volumes beteg issued at brad to a committee composed of Sir intervals of about a month. The work David Masglheeson, Hnn i. J. C. is not sold either by %gssts or LI book - Abbott sadvothor C000erratitea who in Ai *1r111l*1TO5 eaN1rESTO. illie is ono of the genial doetnr's little jukes. Mr Davies in moving for papers declared that the mail inconvenlwr.cu of *ellen, but only by the pe dirs54 whisk in some meteor, accounts for the a end.rfolly low prices. Jobe B. Alden, Publishers, 393 Peen 8'. New York, at 219 Clack St.. Chicago. :3150, decrease $736.140; Fisheries $373 Lott. decrease $25500; Indians $1,005,702, osreaes $6,900; Northwest 4, keep the Inch.is in order, 2748.000; Gastonia $XCc4.430, memos 416,763; Railways sad Canals *3.729,. -16, tomes.e $001,104; Paid nf6ce $2,- 'm;7.620, inereaes $80,e00: Railways and I'aashs capital) $4,240,000, iserees• $1,142,0 0. long Tattrmt era ram Pot. There are some Interesting items ',noise all Goveremest Spasdtewva te seat all divssM jstitiene to seven I'hs Speaker gets $4.000. 14i.,nual Disked senators. 710 motion for a .Inrks.3rsw $7,600 it 'aka* $17,1100 select ane mittee was carried after • de to fay for the •t•tlnsery used aeoaally bate The Renate having little to 4. i•O.,,O .epplles an the Departments toe the year and the 1)sparteeIUe are ant ngwardly. There w soother ehargs amino rnnt.nve.m,.e. for Mie t moors ofes of 130.1601. it is reins 'n mute that the hard worked civil oar - rants mer 11,:140 Immo of mina bed :;,tMt pest., knives last veer. Another sten. rues that lot year $128.0.10 week u • ate mussy was perrhausd and put to stock. atst*TY er-P townie Ltfrrwe, in piece of this late Oen. Eyvel • Doris* the year then ()bard throees General Middletnn reenmmsnda the 4he mitts 74 00°,000 letters •-4 16 000, re-aistnbetion of the Garrison Artillery. slat embrace it Rrat 41.1 ori:ioal eritieiss, M well *e a wilt esb aerate sossssa.f 111 the established hots with mord 4s tree movement of Um op- posingdir• The discussed the Fishery Treaty, bee as "rotshades Mf e j ts ewe bit - that eWhisl 1 that matter will be threshed out in the tL �l Llg.I sod sanies she steep !se- popaler Chamber, I will not review it ward ;4 ' hs,„i of the taseteipp. ane. A lung diecumioo also took pleat ne the proportion to frame new rules is divorce proceeding. Sessile He - Gowan, the mover, reongnized a .anti• meet in the country for reform. Ile stated that there were divorce °sorts io Nets Bootie, New Rrenswi4 and Prism Edward Wood. Minos Cnnbdotstios Nom gentle had gy Med 49 divores, and New Rraoswisk 37. He proposed I/ arliassent, yet as sand! vote of hes adjourned till th• 20h. r mtlJAwswr a•t 7orTrlralt. The Press lase elected Mr Molyetlaa !t. John editor of dm Mnntreel Mansld, es President, Mr Jae Jnbtsloa of the Ottawa / shins, vase President, and ids Onnk of the Empire, lteeretsry. There well he the annual press dieser sed• • group photngrsph of the knights •f the peened. Mr t/woes of this Mn4081111 Oe -.lb, has 1•11en .ppninted tie Asm1d The ill wtraYowa oto from draw*. ie. mostly see Nr W. T. elsdleye she has visited told of Waterloo, setfe- aially elm sed by the Keropaee kr this peeper. ; also from drawings by 7.orbaem mod from ran old Fiats to who eolleotios el lir Ropes To osaai?. . Ban Aire Ma:rruartA •s..A led seise Th• w.... IEd lout lbs- 7ti� 4aiw Arm oath ow • a era ler lir Setlsi7 g ikeerm W ■ j It Sews shat sixty last the Wsissomm Mt toe gibs 11. tim iltttlit este e:.hw4s woo dices* from the o. 1604 sing bras ems gime eke emit same epee the lower one 1t seat lows esideoly, the lento etaa. them A' Sewed between the two woe, Weir don to tie lott000. The wed essaltt heft. bet Mpo►w6ld, etrwftos, oe"'a'a es of last week to finish up for frepasuts left from the tea meeting, sew e 'general tarn oat of the juvenile it lenient of Lisburn and D,selup, with a square attendance of the elderly folk, who all enjoyed a good program irons the local taleet sod choice se:actions of instrumental one. The oral -plus of e dibles which the audtience omit oat punish, were put up for sate, the Duo• lop architect being the auctioneer and iia geuwl postmaster sMy perfornsiee the duties of clerk. The proceeds at th„eeisl cnuated up 110, and with the tee meeting about $66 was suede to weeds the church funds. For the arrest time oily in the roonrd of tesmeetiegs held bees we had good weather. To Mrs A. Horten and Mrs A. Green std the yoamg ladies who satiated in the management of the tea, a special tote of theins is tendered, not forgetting the choir and thus who helped with the program both night& On Sunday at the charas of the serves signatures will be taken from the mem- bers and adberenu in favor of the mill for a en -pastor with the Rev Dr Ura is this parish, end on neat tbtlnday service will be held in the meriting at the same time as before the change ws made. It re the ioteotion of the ategrsgatios Mrs to welcome the new pastor with a Maid. A mammoth trout was drawn gap is Cm nets 4 M. Stuart during beet weak Carlow. Tawrrstaves -A meeting for the per - pour of orgnariog the Meade of the Scott Mit will be held *ugh* Prwb�te!- ia. (*arch hers, on tr oe.day. l*aaatnw�o SIM Let there be a good tsreoeL A nee Vsstww 0. sq he, bet if be tells yew that cap =to the wcvK i• se geed as 111Paisisea Own Etwrmstot trust the dvias imitations ties► New the velniul Pets••. Painless Oslo )<I<• emeses!. ism slafe es asciiMMM e( • a TulsaCue. Ove "Petessee ate WANTSD. smarm of • es1M b 1r tea sopee nage at_ 111 dee et legs Net te Rys. IL Moser it444.4. 7411. say wrier oo .... Zoltan vimtrill Is esemed. T*MQ1 ARATION TO EA%A' 1 �atle 'meow --•sr mat tiMj `t �aEn eseeneet outer Ode f v. to BULL FOR SERVICE. Per the name of I1ss. on lot \o. G South street. hewers as the Allen Ten Atte let. Terms. $i. to be pale at tune of serves), wtth pririlette M resume. J necessary Ales wantteedd to teal a few soros of lam der tows. S. R. MCDOU JALI. t SON. tl whit Proprietor. w� P1tiVATE FUNDS To teal se farm and town propertyat leer set iatere.t. Mortgages peresewsd. No eon suasion charged agents for the Torestp and Loam Company of Canada. the (',riser Landed Prado Company. the Lw.lea luta Company of Cw4a. Intoxtst, l et and 7 per neat. Y. B..-Norrowen can oblate messy V .lay, it title ssi Cofactor's. DAVISON & JCHNSTOli, MIN Ibrrrgers. eta. 011 rteti LUSTATE JOS. KIDD t St)N. 1Thste wilt he sold by *oldie auaw cti. ss Wednes47 March 7th. 1 oppo.ite the ON - bond Rotel NIL : Howes. Moan... swig.. aw the M implsmaots. Carts minim. reeve and Re altaer Has. Bom sad other ANCiENT ORDER OF UNITED WORK hiEN. MAPLE LEAF LODGE, No. 27, A. O. U. W.. Meets In their ledge mood over Tues Max At. Udor. 00d.Licb. as the SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS OF EACH MUNTIL VISITING BItN THIILN ARE ALWAT' W ELWMS. 8 P. HALLS, M.A. KEES PRICE, M. W. liaaociw A. W. TIIOMSON. s1MNw �aemder. Luctioneer ng. alike- a fes a e.U3rTseorotts m mention. --- - MALI TO OSSSL'(CI AT t (TrI.Oc': all tar.f •ale el (Mead ender. roe.: over teat wwwest TKRlIR-Hay deb ; on ea other articles e tl ,susIh ' coda wail be given ug terss.Wsg •ppt'sred )eat bola. E. P. C. CL.►l:l: IAN Tomato. mer ice**PIT Lal its.partlal7 C. A. H(-1iut:1:. TORN KNOX, GENERAL AUC r Tltrm X►a: and Land Taiwter. Oederteh (rat. Marius Iiad ooaetr+ewelis eapeeleoe. t - the moo .enrortng trade. he 1a is • monies discharge with tbu ottg a •atietlgetiue all reef •►rico entra:ad to him. Siwors Wit • Morns** Hotel. or twat by MOO fat or .renes. 'leder+tb P. 0.. cordials attended to. JOHN KNO►R C.,nnt, Ac.'thenar. 155-1 A1138 E FRASER_ ...1.1. will give Icemen♦ on piano to a limed 1 ■ember of pupils. fermis reasonable. said made 1Nwn ea applleation. tower cab be 1 �gt,vdee,setther at reomin.ue avast' or teacher. i loft atr. Porter nod will treceiornsot sttenarbook:wore of l dreceive un. Slam.' *' OT10E I Ms finished. ready ter the re.trnm, after 1 Vas holidays sad Mectleas. The k..ture and review mass. '•1'reviirn':e. our Monitor sad Elessrte Pewter.- by the excommunicated. Parties, clothed wen • little brief authority eta rsse o ed to watch tied. pl.oe bad rice d sat m1m ler. lecture. presad hand t W. Retereaose-Ti. Courts of tie Prober erten Chelob 1a Herar. HaaUtos. ISM Wta•lpett. 1.417, Imam to les Mlivered is aid let de- (rms, •ad the Kngil.b. Roman Cath - ane AddressJOHN R 4$ LL, Sz•oem. Oodenoh. Dee. 1s MM. tHf!- For Sate or to Let. R BALE -ROO= AND LOT OF wen sere is eye Nasde ed eswveadet church niKeee la a tshMhs�Y� Arr aissit Lluatito MRS- J An f Mtii P.O. TWO FIRST -CLANS FARMS FOR sat. One Ile the Iaweobls .4 A..hII Id. eaasppstrlai NOM sores ; aril ,se Hweek osmium, III mares.aat rich pertioders to O•esseee Hen ft Qac. wn LIOIBLE FARM FOR SALE- tle`jt /� �&' 4 o...4eheed �M wait().,.Ink4Gee. s1��e •nslniesee .. xet ams -sent rt bye boos sad Irar*e pt� tM• A 'tq P ROW ! P lbarristeats. MIME Oederfsh. Amusements. GODUEh:n 11ECaA$1c8' 1N811 'MTh Lljtj$AHY AND RSADIft0 14001S. ear. cess RYA street ..4 Sgwra tap Mair. Open nem 1 tell p.m.. sad hem 7 to M p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOLS IN LiBRARY leal+ny I)•rilo, Weedily and Ihufreted Puperi, 1(r�,t:iwra, fir., in Pitt. MEMBERSHIP TICKS?. O31LY N.M. granting tree use M Ubrery rad Readta; Deem. Application for membership reeeived by Libraries. in roans. :1. MAL.0011 ION. ONO. 1411317114P. President. Secretary. Goderich. March 1111. tel. FOR SAUL _ - W _ half .f hat fr. ARher West. 5Mh heist cottage the ase. Illu{{ps11,, trios 1.o7y>lwtio- rrit.-_�M.. Sit. tett ysm, Street. St. lj gager bowie es Ream Street les sedW�fWf lsed sllaa iSOM% Sarno. wap�oMm new �w i te ahem 111it LOW RATA SL DAVIIIIP r t JornarPDII. ars Nona. prug marlinor .Mdse(' tb.dwMh. `i%t musty M nwevmillwf sews um. te .dl+.tLholt trzt 4, diget tin sage twelfair «etre ..r t O -Tri- L , •i -- rue ` toe %ow0 t psen blas ti Pwrar soba at retre- at alea 3laitlwetRht, Usluatot, &c. C. A. HUBRIS,SILLW Ri9HT. mann:112T. YALUATOI:. AellhXT ossa ilmlmstes Made sad Contracts Takeo for Hues Hebron by the Ha Water Hpstets. Hot Water bad !"seaatr•s 13eilers, tittle Went and ether Water *beet. Agrtcsiturel tan pieleeota. M.M Machinery. PLANS AND 8PIDCfTTCATIONS. VALe•'ATIONS If&Da 1.41T STRRaT. • - •ODERICH 111tabn WIS. lat 4-c„;-1..Mau. �A7 MOM91160\8.� Per IL O. nee �he�e ef�r1R «_ YRetsical. OA 3 W. pK.RROSS, LIQ*416 PIAATE OF M 85.15 ids ,e Hsa=11a wr�s • DR. , PHYSICIAN, SUR O Oeoseur art. O31ss est gaadus Brom alm.ma mead dere wart M Vl ii s URS. iSHANNON & SBANWON, Paysietaim . 8wrgeses. hweeo.5ere. Rr. .cue at Dr. S1•a•es's reeM*ees soar th., esml Oed.rleh G. C. Seao.o5. L R.s17ea w Ligala T3DWARD P4. L&WII! BA*RI877IB, Ili �{IMMrY= ibEsaiM dssr to 74 4 L ow�ssls5. r ksa. tL QIIA0ERR* SIARl�T,11�LBSTltt TEReSt, Ades vaejesel0 lisMde's h>Masw. i M1sd D 0. BAYS, SOLICITOR, ik yse5 14sea Woe Goweetle.riM AZROW a TROs IIDDVOOT, B A R ♦ ate **k J. L MswR W.1� IIs etsatuBJLT 444504 WOO WORN IS DONE AT SIGNAL POKES REASONABLE AT SIGNAL UT TOUR PRINTING AT SIGNAL