The Huron Signal, 1888-3-9, Page 34' BERN VETERANS. SOME "CONFEOORATK a711lVtOfllt� Whi0 ARE CONIIP SSMEN. in Artld+ nesp•.•.d1 by Ib. Y•ry 10- .tr.eI$.. awd aeape.tle• Leiter 1)p.e the Were *i.ye.t by t w•ee' ow e,e Aimee (.I. -s.00. Y.rerane er Them. ('oigr.-•amen Amar Cummings rt orally furnished The New York Sun a chapter us the l'unfrder,te brtgadlet's in nou;trews, which In interesting, especially In exalling attention to the feat that the "boys of '61" hese taken the placer of the iron 01 that time, and are taus largely Hiking the plana• d those who thirty years ago were prutdoes& as It• dith.ta,ra How )000$ the present teleran legislator wits in war time is worn -alt. elven vee co neider that of 141 veterans now 1n congress only use or two berates inapt generale, some tecaty or more weer field officers, while r 4 le ;t' THE HURON BIGNAL,F 1 AY, MARCH 9,1888' toes Maj. Talbott Is • a edmaM et the 11ar- .r.1 law school. liesarreadeteol at Ao- liken of boo nue I.ate.e rennet der SW meek p. •..,rllul ItoWlant rose "ourrd M 1 happened t0 • Dana settler's hone Nen idoI'ruts Court ltuuae and was to $ 0 d.y ahs!" a• wase waiting for Iy'wnweed In Text lklaware for s you.. w'welbutl •ad '.Awed the hest volume Jnitnston fel suffers £ruts 1 Iia• I of "Juhesus'• Cyclopedia on the Mien, '-*.i ret seen Hill : each v.4aa* of which work Mose about ut the rept�esentative* (South ' the law of ewe of the unabridged des- l'urullee lis Brost prreriiisent, la Lieut tonsures and very comely panted. I Namur!!flue of the Outunat- 1 •usually stttlgsetiet that It wee a flood to ua pins t1Itt1141aes and gruni*J., thou l., have m the house, or word' w Contrive was severely wounded et Chas- Nat ed.et » meior111s, Mooted !lull stun and Jerico Forel, and finally gave it up ant Ill Appuat- „yes, he replied, „iv. heady. 1 WA. lir ie a tlutd Lawyer sad one el the Iwo gut the 121st souk " bet 'Lahore lu the house- Another el- "Hua dues a hWpeslad you *asiw't C'ntedrraN dekmutt is • wt of Governor I ate wise t" B. F. Fred, and served as a Confederate ' %Chs, you Mer, I got It of •n ennui trf,.,po,t Ticwhoa 1 was 'twin' down iso Iowa. •i e proportion of war men from Texas I 'bum- sox months deer round h. Doses 1r eight to eleven. Asoomg them is • ( rain i.e' knocked at the doer, as. 1 open- ed it auhe says : 'Mister, tire's the moue bu..k of your cyelopdy.' 'Gu out,' says 1 ; 'I ain't Rot the first one rad yet and I made htut go, tau Wy, Jr* think of it, that leas 'sigh "mato tea year ago,, as. 1 siu't more n two third. thauyyoght this ssw, ea' my wife is ally lee- iieely •tared on the •ti's !' O tool!' a pile o' brauw to nuke it, but for all that I deal amid earn' that it • gut dry smsesks lea like selloff hovlu." ties ' colonel, David B. Cultserann, who le eb►trona:. et the committee ou judiciary. Saltine! W T. Lanham saluted w b.0 • ley 1e. a `suu(h C1114Uaa regiment and strctd through We war. lie 1. now chalrin:.0 of the committee ou claim., Then is a tumor, William H. Martin, who Is a* quaint es Davy Crockett. Ile hoe been accused of blowing out the gar of trylno to the bnttone of electric belly ao4 .ifpull ..•enurenot bla watch by dials Is horst' den 1 neer acenral:ons are, boot, ewer. doubtless brought In die spirit sir chaff. I)urlug the war Martin •wt a fellow representative, John H. Maffei, oftosi et the MIany pooemssed by Burdock New York state, at °dines' MM. Marini regiment was striven hack, and Martin & I SS &tiers u that st may los taken at was lett on the field badly wounded. The all amiww ui the year, and by either two vets trequeutly fight the battle over I IeuaR or o11. 111 this way the three again, but with words for weepntu 1t ie I met We ere alum) s at work and doing notated that when Gen !land's danghter I good. 2 visited Wa,htn;eton recently Martin called upon them and tort them to the White Ilou.e, where they were Madly received. end, mueh to the warrior's delight, Mrs. Cleveland returned the visit. A Re)wWiean :rprsetttatice from New York, wbu bad served In the army of the Pot.,tnac, in Pip -' 1(1114 of thimo southern soldier reprceeatrtives, said: 'They are more intelligent and better men than alt the judges ser soon,. to tomgrewe. They hare taken the flak• a the elder men, and I w'.sh we had mon of them here." Moet of them were t cry young when the polidesd events which brought on the war were exciting tbm attention of the coca - try; indeed. they %ere then children. When the struggle cause they knew little or nothing ut the real principles underly - Ing the old slavery regime. They ehoald not be cot:founded with Davis, Toombs, Yancey and other leader, of from a quar- ter to half a eeetslry al:" who paved the way to civil war. They are entirely dif- ferent men -mss who saw the horrors of OWN. •AT5. rot.. Y'CIIRACT. Col- eI:DIRL ' Z5. VOtt.0ST. COL. COW Lan. GL -x. W Ilt:Kt.6i GATT. WISE' cuL DAVIDSON the balance ranked either as captains or below that grade. Tire term brigadier. therefore, which was applied to proml- aeut et oMcrrs of the Confederate army who represented their states noon atter the clew of the war, would hardly apply today, for those Who were generals In 1815, thea its middle life, are now either old nen or have passed to the "eternal camping gnmrd." The present repro- nstat,wes, both of northern end southern Mates, are In some instances deaeenderl from the prominent men of war, rind in use lustanw a representative from Ar - tames is a son of a tomer vice president of the Uafted States -John C. Brerktn- ridge. Of the fifty-eight southern repre- sentatives who were Confederate soldiers thirty-one enlisted as privates, aad of the eighty-three northern veterans forty -ix began alio with a musket. Nisumaippl the home of Jefferson Davie, and one of the neon aggressive of the southern states in the secession move- ment, may be expected to send her sol- diers to congress. She fulfills the expecta- tion. The seven members for Mississippi are Confederate veterans. South Caro- lina, where the war was begun ,Rands, In this respect. nearly by 1GsaiaMppi, Ave of the Seven Of tie repr.Seatothes of the Palmetto State beteg graduates of the school of practical war. Georgia seeds half her representatives from civil lite and half from among the veterans. From the northern states we get a smaller propor- tion of ex -soldiers than from these three 'anthem states. Massachusetts sends two veterans one of eleven representatives; New York, eight out of thirty-four; Penn- eylvala, nine tint of twenty-seven; Ohio, fourteen out of twenty-one; Indiana, seven mei' of thirteen. while Illinois, owe of the 'strongest supporters oe We Union during the war, sends only Ave ex -soldiers out of twenty repreeentati res. Of congressmen who held crnmbeloss in the service of either side during the war, Representative Joseph Wheeler, of Alabama, held the highest rank. He was it major general in the Confederate ser- vice and a distinguished cavalry !soder. Atabama sends a good number of real brigadiers, as Oates and Forney of that state are entitled to be called general. Numbered with the Ai -Imams delegation is a son of John C. Brecktnrtdge Rep- renentative Breckfnr$dge was • midship- man in the Cos/ederste navy. Ile le do- seribsd as • ennui wad studious meeker. Of the two Florida anagrams/in, t1. youngest, Charles Dougherty, was a smut In upper ne.egfa dorlag 8her- tnan'e march through that state. Ile ds one of the quaintest story tellers of the house. Crisp, of Georgia, was • lieuten- ant Camber, one of Crisp's colleagues, rose hoot yrteste to colonel Ia the Con- federate army. Tbe border Nates Show a under . Of the sloven Kentucky members three ere Cohfeederatt. end Moe • margins In the Gibe army. Gas. William J. Stows parted with a leg t• the Confederate ser- vice. Polk iwg•oa► was with Konen dur- ing his raid through Otto. Col. MMeCtieary, another Cowfedsr•te £Swtsekian, has been R.verax of bis Mabe aad United States aewator. Of the Miseourtans. two were In the entlee of the Cuba trawl two In that of the Cew1edeeaag. Tense.se., a state mush divided he seotamest amiss the war, snob twoex-Union .'idlersand three ox-Oo01. rat... Among the latter le Oen. Washington C. Wblttharoa, who le a nal brlgadler, with hair as whitens •mow. The West Vttgtfala *A4gatbn le equally divided. A moo of Gus. Robert ET Lee rSpresewte on Vkglds-W. R. F. lee. Ne sur - nattered whir W tatter at Appomattox. He Wan o Harvard Madeut whoa the war broke ova, and west moan' to jobs the poo- pM of his state. Capt. Nero D. Whoa le • men of Governor Newry A. Win, of sato- believe promf•euos. He le Troy popular. Virglataes were all In the army, and eight not of ten of the Old Dominion deltWittne were soldiers. CAL O' hrrall, at the time fit eb• mlrvmdev est Appomattox, tome mended the Casilalerate novelty to tae veiny of the Y*eseMeeL William Km - ben amines sertawdned to Sberesew with' Gm Joe Jehanes. 1Llastnippk es has been stated, has me representative wits was not to the Can - Wants tservbe. Charles IL Ilookee IoM an arm nth* sue ret Vicksburg. awee as d save', Harvard low edited. HS .►aa eseam. Thaw dAais 'hoots C. (Islsirlgigh who served tbresgboatt the Ws Obi rose SOB Ms tan ef giesural AIMS 'feria![ Mem Maim sat WM*wirl.e11Na desiesOrMe- sed aiewriderserfre t else Out .v CeroUw. dole- • army , .. d m ire is W bead. dassarfim4 with Ike. t.l>tQT DiatLE ulnewlttAN 11111&LI'CIDoL MAJ. ¥LRTilt. ort. wwrrroORNN. CUL. CCU:E aMS. 00x. /TONE. !SWATS LAWMAN. COL ALBBLnT- Ut:t. CATCwtttsa. war and wbo now see the prosperity of the new south. They ars from the bone and sinew and intellect of the south of war time, when, with the fervor of youth, they sprang forward to • cause which they bpd been tatygl» was just. In the hardships of army service they learned melt reliance, and more than all they learned the busing/, of peace. Steele* ser ?nippier arum... The proper method of setting a trap la the woods for bears Is to place it at the Int of a tree near • trail where the bean are neenstomed to pass. Then bang a pima of any kind of meat, .saeptlag that elf UM bear, option the tree, direesy 'ref fie trip mad So high that We bear can any neck it by ung upon his hind fat lie thea cannot get the bait with- out eteppta foto the trap Atter the trap is est the pan and jaws should be lightly covered with dry leaves, and ti then 1s any blood upon alae meat It L well to sprinkle a little upon the trap, after which every object not pertaining to the locality should be removed, mad all tracks obliterated by brashtag or covering with dirt or leaves.-OsAdp De.seNlw >Mewyaae••, The wicked OptiageoLl mea, who fore- told We day when the tombstone and the beedboaed of the ha stead would be bong away Hos tons is MI • the WU" t! N"opbecy esooreplshed, .. , paeelbly be osttgratidated as do fat - t. With berg ts/s vd with bro- cade nod set up ae ror se tempt - sobs for faintly phoMgrenhe. and with snowshoe turned Imo wail pockets, what 1e there whisk ewe 1e not 'notified to CO Transertpt tt..ewtgs slag tib "Tawesb• A Maes Feels wertb baewlai, The sure preventive for cholera IS cleanliness Bathrooms shou:d not open into sleep lag apartments. Antique oak or cherry te the Nitw- its wood fur bedroom seta. Pew pillows are used un library',ting- es s inciting slumber. Keep a separate saucepan for boiling potatoes in if possible. The oftener flour is sifted for spongy take, the lighter the cake will be. The water in which codfish has been soaked is very gc.od fur washing; the zies under the stove. Bathroom accew,riee may be simpleor elegant, but plenty , f water and gasp at. within the roach of all. Dr Los Worm Syrup has removed tape worm from 13 to 30 test to length. It also destroyed all kinds of wuna. lm Take a bucket of fresh water int•, your bedroom every night, and let re- main uncovered. E will absorb all pui- sonous WOWS. Freeman's Worm Powders require n° other Purgative. They are ale and sure to remove all varieties of Worms. lm I Every one should hare eight hours' sleep, and pale, thin, nervous pereous require ten, which timid be takes re- gularly, in a well reotilated room National Pills acts promptly open the Lircr, regulate the Bowels and as • pur- gative ars mill ar.d thorough. lin Paint stains that are dry and old may be removed from cotton or woollen roods with chloroform. First sorer the spot With olive oil or bolter. Prot Low's Sulphur Snap is hi Iv re- commended for the cure of K.Attion, Chafes, Chapped hands, Pimples, Tan, Ho. lea To care warts take an Irish potato and cat a piece off the end and rub on the wart two or three times a day, cutting a slip from the potato each time used. Very often one potato is sufficient for the The issreseed pr+veNace fur • few years, among 'elanof the 'met careful mothers, of dletreesseg rmeiemitiee at rtgbt and but short naps da) oases, e'lesetimse seetspanIed w Lon test Al ng, with • •kio &miser ',enabling etce,na, or a sertui d of the eh two two phyla thousand which our to p wt.slet, order. *loch ate Om brain, has !nought (wueld (bat i< 11,010two the name with • resat» be published everywhere tot SSA& nap to this torture of he tano- s. ''Lod this it i.: The pop•tbr wool and par•tscolarly t1e knit wool skirt*. The trouble is often indicated by • shrugging of the 'Wielders sod by •n t»s1ipstiun to crawl up with bwa out of blankets rad bead beat forward, a sun evidence orf irritated .erwee hawing aSoot - ed the basis. in caw of a child tau youoe cr feeble toe three movewrots, by a persistent lying up..e the book - the pressure thus gained alL,rding relies which alone prevents the child fr•.,a be. oumtng frantic, but surely injuring the brain by heeding, the back q1 the head. Howeeer wit thew little gars»uta tare 1.14g�.•t� toughened band* rod face., tae sa&'a•irt wont for peaenee cowed not ha.. been • greeter torture than the f0Osasu soler little hooks of the wool fibra mess the exquisitely deheale .kin of the infant. And the admired sires - mom second by the intoned knitting is quite sufficient to interfere with the Mr - °elation To:, much Wood and beat ate drawn to the chee by the lineation, and away front the Iimb•. Plainly woven silk skirts, or soft cambric underneath oasis', ars the best. Our ordinary sc- ansion, oontainiag (sere • fou repen- tivs ads) uoly about four percent of wool, Is eomfuetahle alone, if peocorrd mach ton l.rgpy and altered only at the tope of •Neve* 14 d shoulders. But those should be removed at night. If after a good haod-rub the child le put to bed to a eery large, fine, Cantos flannel frown, with the nap and swains outside, closed far bolo. the feet across to bottom with string or iu tions. with sleeve -bands buttoasd at MW-errinWIMa first night toil slow by its new exponents how on Isi+take wisdom has tauaed suffering aim at beyond our comureheusion. An extra aolne rowan? morning, pinned d own at the back, will prevent all don- e -el of taking cold. - I beg mot hers who doubt, 4, fey a snug, all -wool tinderve.t for 000 Myth themselree, and then cooeiier bad y s sensitiveness and inability to help him- self. -- Cur. Rotten Joernal. cure. *Skis Item. Mrs J Thompson, of Elms, Ont.,writes that she suffered froom general weakness and was e, reduced that •t times she became almost unconscions. Three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters com- pletely cured ber, and she now recom- mends B. B. B. to her friends and neigh - hors. 2 t esh: s e utero.. man Myth Trews. A medicine which has slued the test of time t.sr many years •std always vireo the best satiafsution as hes 1tsyerd'. Pectoral 11.lsatu it oertainly yeti worth 1 trying for Cosyfhs, Golds. 1'l',nrienese and all Throat trosoles (or eh 'it is so highly recommended. •,d ': Fuzn P7riyoaa. -Put cold potatoes sliced into hot tatter, add alt and pep- per ; when fried enough, add • hale cream ; thea terve. Litt Casa -Two cups of sugar, two cups of flour. Doe cup of cornstarch, one cop of butter, whites of five eggs. one teaspoon of cream tarter and Dae -toroth of a teaspoon of soda CORN STaaCa CUOTAat`R-Pet • pint et milk in • hying pan, let it Dome to the boiling point, thou add a Finch of salt and two tablespoonfuls of can starch. Serve with sugar and cream. RINI-rm. -Ono qeart of doer with twn large teaepoowfels of baking powder ed into it, add • ta►MepooafuI of bird or I better, a little salt end wags ens to make thedesigh. Bake is abat less twenty minutes. Gorose Searr, - -Boil slowly for Mesa minutes two cape of madmen' add me - half cut of butter, enol andadd twu spoonfuls tot cold water, one heaping teaspoonful of soda, rase teaspoosfsl of eager and 6 ter to roll. num (Ono's --Hare trying pan hat, pot in a good shoed pleas Of bettor (er meat filings after fryers meat), pat is the onion* sliced ; sprinkle with p.ppee and alt, and pour in joie a little hot water, corer closely, let ennk twenty minutes : add a teaspoonful of lour in • little milk and .hes it boils it is reedy to serve. Csaotare Ccsadans -Os.-(mirth of a mks of chocolate, ose pigt cl boiling ttssrr, art •gik. rine quart of milk. toxo gap a.f white •soar, two tntapeoe• Meals. Dissolve the eh.s.late M • iterY little milk, stir, it•tp tfis hailing SOAK and t■ell thew mh.tea. When ssegy�-rr�eadbpm ems. add the bpems, stir ion the k, llaror made js.epee, est lb banes water and Dee- ks e. Ihteme wfamk- limits are 5seiel to add he war kwoo- lmige. lot Icest•s+l .aperion a *e..be• ghat the best remedy 6s .11 drowse elo;ye &poise►, Liven sod I1ae4 is sal be W sod i• Wald d g d 1► Colientetile wrap aro Om rib this mid the frwmislt tailor feted it + en the well at 1•et milosing bt•My mawisable to • winter elemental* eon. In Ilemia.d they se sa•erisb( assess - 'MOW by a e•.eh sieWs sop.f for, tlsgmlaess. It is the easiest thing in the wit11 to be happy, it moo and women could only tbink e'. H.poiness is roily another name for love, for when lure exists in a household then harpioes most also ex• int, even th)n(h It bas +verty f.•r its close coropaeiva ; *here love eal,ts nM, even though it be in a pelmet'. }fay^; it•.eee no never 'One. He wee a cr,ld-ana eel haft being who originated the meter. that "when poverty conte in the dor r. love dtes ou: at the window," and h:s assertion proves conclusively that he had no ksewtedge of love, for unriewriunabty the reverse of the axiom quoted is near- er the troth. When poverty coma in at the door, lure --true love --.a more than ever indeed to tarry,and do battle with tl-s enemy. Let those who beel.inr themselves mos e�bis, before they And fault with their s their hearts for the wards, a little forbee ndinga. search to A few kind , or a kiss, will often open the way to t; Aonl of sun- shine in the hr.use dai'heoed by the scads of discord and unsmiability. lieu'* stiond res. Ron no net in buying medicine, bot try tee greet Kidney and Liter ,y)seula- tor, made by Dr. Chi aa'bor of Cba.e's receipea. Try ('5011'. Liter Core for all diseases of the Liver, Kid- neys, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by all dr 1 utressine paleness so often ob- served to young girls and women. is doe in a great measure to • lack of the red o.rpssclee in the blood. To remedy this requires a medicine which prodeese these neeosary little blood constituents, and the beet yet dnsrsvered is Johnson's Toa» Bitten. Price W cents, and $1 per bottle at Gouge's dint More, Albion block, (loderieh. Sole agent. fb) seams MIMIC'S. 3 welt ash's. a. "1 tea niceuteseed Haase' • Yellow Oil very highly, it oared me of rheostat tem /u my Gagers when I could Not hood them Ida Plank, aratbrey, Gat A tae•icioe fur .:tenial sad ia- torsal no in all painful cospletitts. t Aa .M -fleas t..rs 105.0/aa. Athero iG►) Baanrr • Corn shucking tis' in the South during slavery days was lucked forward to by the farmer sad his Wetly ea one of the beg ergots ut the year, and when tis• runner ecus around W tante all hands to • corn shucking •t John Smith's, or loll t eta% a, or Bill Junes,, it was looked forward to by al I .bo had bred iavited th• sante as we look forward to the eomsne of • nevus. The ea/grew fruw diGereet plantations within lite miles of Jobe Smith s would •tart to the corn sbuckusg team after they had duce their daj'e work and boomed their •tuck The leader, lobo was general) 1Le I•ncr.t wan is the crowd, wird mart up a song asswerrd by all in his party. sod c uld be heard for mile arutted. They would. mets al the cora-pale, sod the one that cou.d halloo the loudest arta sleeted thm captain, and would walk the cora pile and gore out a song uutil the last raw was abutted. After the shucks had been put in • pen the owner of rise cora pied was earned around the house ou the shoulders of several alai mart "legrua. ail ballooitag •t the acne time, Mud canal in Mud put at the head u( the table, and waited as by those who carried him un their shoulders. It era- s happy tome, at,d the jug of old core juice played a pro:mama part in the •luickiug. but it hos all passed away, and the hasten who gate his r:rtt. shuck- ed now has to pay sell for tt Some one .ho has ase advisor deep into Afghan geogr.pbieal figures out that the hard .oar - piled over have definite messing• mon or Ise' descriptive of the places to which they applied. "Ab" f•sr isatance mean river, sad "penj" cr "peel moose five, making Ponjaub refer to the tire treat riven that traverse northwestern Ilind.r sten, Than there is "abed" which e' - .a,» denotes • city. and "doh" which isdiestas a village. Besides Ness immoral. aster isle the names as "rani' 6v., and 'boar," (aur Psnjdea, by this key, is simply • same for a suilM- non of iv villages. liontgoniery A. Ellett is now in the ,.rrie. o1 David Str.eh.n. od Oodeviek. a an apprentice. His milling free and joviall ways an greatly nosed is his old neigh ,d. We have er -ry sura to,be•Ii.ve that be i. • promising work - Man. '-here Trimble May be Rip.rled. If you du nut heed the warnings of na- 'tun and at once ply atteatiou to the maintaioanes of your health. How often we see a person pet off from day to da) the purchase of a medicine which if pro- cured at the outattrt of a dons* would haws r.sm.died it almost immediately Now it John•t•'n's Tonic Loves Pills had kern takes when the 6rnt oarauAes$ tasde its appearance the dimes would have been -nipped 1.1 the bud." Juhr - en's T - Mtge' and Liver Pills are decidedly the beet medtetue on the mar- ket for general te•i0 and invigorating properties. Pills t'Jc, per bottle. Bitten �i 50 cents mud $l per 'bottle, sold by plaS Goode the druggist, Albion block. sole g agent. a..tereas e•en act Wow Coenterfeits are slimy* dsneterne, coons en that they alwys closely tin - Tan tree 0MOSNAL Ie aMT/s*1Rri AND meant The resisrtrehis t sser•ss sehiaind hy Neon smug as a positive sen' 10. Oaten* Mrd Odd in die H.ad b. ie - w W s�1gs to imitateit. is. rtl4'.5.wto he tio- asked M apissussis issaadsg Nasal oaks he Emir momma°�ersdlf55.1beam, Oakum, eta ifs i Ilse' Nsml !halm and de well 1112*. imus slw d•sie s trap errs etre yea pt leer ads Mall it eeg,Jm. ow are b g lel.. (fleeted Os. , Nrrboils, N) vide, pat, tf Want of Sleep lb Matt .nw th,u.aoda AO 1,..::)1,,U.. a.) lura , and the doetu:0 soy this Is alermingly on tb. 1w•riter. Yual reeadka, while the) pray doe temporary relied. aro 11ar:* 0, flu m boron than pod. What is needed i. m Aiterative and Stood partner. hp" bsnap•rllla is ir-ampuaby uwi1N• It correct' those disturbances 1• doefeeulattua which cause slsep-ro*. peak sees he -teasel vitality, seal w- eaves** wrvuus s) stem to a healthful coedttMi- gavot O. A. Cobb, Vest of the leans. Home nary $oc.ety, er::e; that his sem out of order Its s very :41,14.J. and ewe ism•, purity bleed teauitest : loon that • perfect was oboe:med uy tbs ems el Ayer's 1i� Frederick Pratt. 14 Worthington writes: fir .!auk's •r with ner0ma &bony% ilia teatereoi Mr to street, WW1 Ayer's health." - Wiliaf>itj' eared M Wtaiitag two months. weight lucre ker. Erie. Pa., was r, aad deeplse..es riaparttfsltlr-x mein--- whid Luse his crooner pomade. Ayer's Slrsaparilla, rowan ns Dr. J. 0. Ayer &to., Lowell, Mass lined twin Pr•:wen Lit • mstegss 0.111. 01100.. ORrXFIJL-CO [l A Pewee Threatened. A story is teld of Wash Connor, Jay Gould'. old partner in the stock broker- age Wanes., who is .ell -known to Chi- ng), which illustrates the proclivity of the Wall street than to play pranks in solemn plana. Coen- r, during a so- journ it. London, ; resented a ! i5 Sauk of England Aute -which, like our own corn.sey, is newly a promise to pay -to the hawk forefedomption in gold. The bank's outwits oe thea occasions is to require the Orson presenting the note to endorse. Endorse it !" said Connor, when the rule was read to hem, "I don't know about that I -m • little careful what 1 endorse. This Is a It`te of herd." The utorilahtneet of the official could sot cosily be depicted in word& "I don't believe 1'11 endorse it at all. I don't know you. Besides, it ain't necessary. Give me tie gold and take foot paper • "But, air, itour rule -- "I don't care anything about your rule. isn't the paper good ' "Coed ! good ! Is a bank of Ecglaad note good ! Are you mad. man t" "Well, it it's good I want the money on it" "Who are you t' You crust be an Amerman. Quit your funning, teas, rod indorse it " The odcial gasped nearly purple in the faos. Cosnera munt.csnce did stet change a mtsele. "I'll ant indorse it," he srtd. "And se it's • Remain* note, if you don't pay it l'11 proton it" "Protest it ! Protest the Bank of Eor- la•d ! Owed heavens I" Y ea. pretest et, and before night." The clerk climbed down from his stool and ran into • back rood. Ile tetorwed immediately with two elderly officials, ail three /really excited. Connor calm- ly reduced the new comers to • panic by repeating his throat, and after esjoyinu the spectacle teigeed • sudden under- standing d the ass, and indorsed the note and got his gold-Ohiaago Nee. Wore fiem.esa 01. 50551. Found at I.et, what the true pablie has boos looking for these many years and thea is • medicine whisk although but lonely iatroduc.d, has nude for heel( • reputation second to nose, the m.dsoi.e m Johnson's Truths t�B�i�t�tn �e which in .oejuaetion win johlseoo's Toni. Liver Pills k.a perfoessed some atom wooderf al sires impute we 1e1- paveriuhett Mood soon bemuses periled sad 'swished. &lfiousaem. imitipsRi/q, statism's/he. liver mei faint, isspesr, weakens. era • soon 1i.eptpear i whip wrested by these eteeib.t tests age Mew For Sete by Good, disapi4r di- llies blush. Ooderi.h, role ogees, fd SUD • f NU*1: t0 abaft. ems 'S CO VIA %I::ad ''Sy a amazed& knowledge of IJ we abide aevrrn tMeup-tmtu.ns and •utrltloa. and by a careful ■ the tine properties of weleselect•d Sees has provided our herniation tattle delicately :Livered beverage wbM* 1 es as aural y doerors hills. d et t�at • oes *11 sae s mai tt Rr ofirU d Molt up wool strove enough to Meat tendency to d.wxte. Hundred. of m.Mddnare Samna around es Wady to tack wherever Were jot tt weak psi t may escape many • fatal shaft b se• eurmel vas fortified with euro blood property aeutiabed flame'- ilrt! O.-eae." Made simply with bonier water or Jose J A only la peones amens. ld'+kkLoo55thor ism. London. Knotand. 2 Ramillies that old emeses go halo the ragbag aka that rag been empty iwte the paper male. Posh • ion roa nde yea that "the very espy .1 the paper that yen hold in pose band.. and whisk rots ata esjetpieg es ea esalilttef, may possible ease hos e•eireid elm waist of your wife or dnsgpie t" 8OMETHMDT°. NSW W1&IT FOR T8=22 STEEL WHEEL BABY CARPILGES! Hay fewer lea type tit` mitarlh howls' pee.liar symptoms it is attended by ilei renewed .oediM.a of the liaise; mem- bearrs of the Meerils, tail-de.s and throat, •ffeetira` w •e amid MI.ehgs m a erisset`a leeaeer gamble! wash a Wridella ati -s. 'fame It>w lassos spa&of al�Osi�li�/ M� _ eilt Of wow? lrlsi vee/12- sep�g� 'BO Onllia Salto me ,s . mem- he depended epos. Mets. ere digitate be mail, irmpetered. 'Dew lily lgtntherw , DropMss, Owego. New P . Frons t: he laetebrsted 8endron Nano to ting Co. SAUNDERS stir. 801NT stars Tar -- SOLE AGENCY. The finest Reed Work anti Up- holstering in the country will arrive about 1st of March. •r Don't bur befuee pea see themes Tke CicalestibegUiiirlit S1E. Ooderie►. ler. •. Vi! 11 "OREGOA" TWENTY FIVE 25 Toilet Setts NEW PATTERNS. NEW SHAPES. trim to Suit 1fferjbody. 0*1iib AID ARS TWA AT �$- A• NAIRN'S: Odri.k tent 111 54'. • ir