HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-2-10, Page 6• v‘ the Poet's Corner. Mee sass Tlitihrelt-tsuer well remember - 11111 Maims, was be Meat • body Noreelawl wee- elm* lailae la &alai eight. les law respectful IlidelIdit With•kick sada ibreatraieg hews ••••••• all Use house lu alseervkei • tm-fted it upside down. Ile thrum. whim 1 ...certify uttlected• • °basked tittle nu la lay face . 1 had ea °holes but wurreosivr 4,a4 elf* hias charge of the place. Ile keeled so os ri.Pirdoun awl wit• with a oo..queror's right. lie mist in the .sal boar. of toenail( Asidi heed 11% ibs[Diddle of aught Aad oft, to amuse ho laaboe.s Per 'fraught we fe*r.1 as bo fuss $$- W• bleated. and bar...J. awl bellowed. And deuced Ukr rs. us donna. - /*ru,u I(o)ss. , • ')Itsiern Viking:a." No other medieme is so reliable as Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, for the cure of C"iffha, colds, sed all Jerangemeuts uf the reephstory It relieves the asthmatic and coinutoptite, .,tris in ad - Ma" stades of disease. Fashion's Fancies. The muffs brought out this • inter are eartaiely very much smeller than those introduced last year. Cords ad teasels 51 no longer used as trimming, sci ewes the fancy satin edge of lining au !corer .bows, 11,11 III Me Plug. for Ilia fur forming the muff is now faced u far enough to prevent the lining from eh art This going deo4.is.,the lilies tie a bled ot satin ur moire nbb.0 about the metre of the muff This dueurttiou should match the fur lo If a cloth Jacket is worn with • stylish woul dries. fur limy he added to the jacket as huish, it. bis .pe of high cellar acd car& rig a young lady, a mnst becoming outfit runsiles -I a cloth !..cket Atml trimmings .1 the pretty curled gray lamb' a a- ts:f 1.,att:ri the trimming. Doubtless mealy reader will be glut t o know ot a model genuect Lich can be utilized f,r ooih m..rtettig •nd even And such a oar ems b. made o▪ f cashmere, Henrietta us striped Or figured flinnel. A nest model fur them combination suits *boas • round skirt made with • plaited panel down the left aide and full at the back The tunic Upon on tla• Ion aide forms a spasm apron, and then is earned noted the right side t.. the beck, where it is arranged in a grecefui Bladed repery. Tits bodies shows a fulr plas- tron, aud the sleeves are finished with beads of the iuscy fabric. ia rellialift litArratuPe Of laatinit biter- -est .40 value. It is fully km( pirtautifulty Illustrated 15nci has 111re..statte seined a awe siationd clratilatisme taring:diveMAIM !le %et. v -AR 4m As os /PR1C6P25 CENTSrA NLJHBE'$SR Stt,A, FiTWt. RA 5w. Xes5PS. Charicis Scribrterr.fons he' blishcsts amble LA amw1.0 Wert ASCRIBNEWS. MAGAZINE with the. HURON SIGNAL F01 - IDQT:7.A.IITLPPUE5 won .1e1 BO CITS AN /3 'S E. 3 DOWN I NG, • • t 1 DAY. FEB. 10. 1888. s.. seiss be bay by , . Sad Aveuese. These st ke.orts art Owl bout ao tosetive Laves •,td hoe Clutear'• Laver Cure i er't *hole .yuleMoe d Medi kir toilet swipes, hills stay vomitus* us how to preserve the eses 4Jhysftdressiest. hSW $ bode seesmitelilL A shot p;ut.st UMW in the height of dde inoioutly suusting in a Iffte-Q1 . • kW. 4 uouspauseis nimaaked, isnina, dealt boy, hew d'ye eistzb the. cold' "Aw, dealt fetish, lelt in the lows? ban tether day, auckiug the ivory handle, do ..mtlel cold, it chilled ma almost to 11 Charles had used Dr. Hu- y • • ite,i Pinc Own hes cold • "old not oubo hit.. dory emelt Fur sale at J s prese.mi toe drug store. a ,..oe rreseseeeta. axe' ea wham it Mel ..r est- boou, a ri.us- mate Klement belied hem doientitic ...acts, Formulated by Prologue Aosta., 12. LA of Boston, Masa, sures Puluum- try i'.1.4uairstion, Sick Headache, N er- ...as Attacks, VertigoAtnks, and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosplistine is out a Metteoine, "6iii a Nutriment, because It malaise au Vegetable or %littoral l'oislits, Opiates N ircotics, and au Stimulants, but situp ly the Phosphatic awl ilsrtric Element. found in our deify food. A angle bottle is nada:Mot (.. convince. Ali Druggiai. seal it. d I. 0) ;ler b.ittle. Lunam rule agents for the Dominion, 55 From Ftreet List Toronto If tou yogi lips would keep (mat el* d. e things Amery e wfl h este- of *brio Ifero..11 r el it! to sip. &ins ..ita emo tt.o y.su speak, to wh.,in you speak, sad hot,. Sted-k, A:4%.* cae.W,e.eraorrosp-..ieu- ----------- • sod when a ler*. 7 EVERY STYLE, QUALITY, & PRICE. 10.7 :.„:1161411C ST. CX OF Ladies' Fine Goods :1! Matto. a e.'s. 1:11.1nuseal.. t'onarest. O .4 Ties. ti lees& i style§ of E.4 tilisferre Sr -a s.... ups'. &ay p4....7,st ftks. Yeti. 11.1c,h. virinse1le. tater% Wigwam rue. Si...rosin S.tpacr. p. dodo., OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS Of every d.d.. r'eseeitteltla ct-istuie set Amer ,an m's wonid d.. t*IJ 15 si.ennes tit Ots pmet of niy aro...ear eu.,tb:r fjt them- ',we as U-11$030061 iii Calf, Xi; an& Colarlricte Very elegant. is • dress of black silk - warp Henrietta and velvet The round skirt of black velvet is mounted in side plaits. The tunic of Henrietta is made full and plaited round the waist. and al- lowed to bang in graceful f.,!ds The left aids is open to rive space of a point- ed drapery of Henrietta which is tipped with an ornament of jet beads The full bodice of the cloth is hastened across from right to left, and the cuffs are seemingly fastened by jet buzkles to Snitch. Au exemitlingly becomtne hat costs with this suit- It has rather a high, empty crown, with brim rolled on dallierside. This acme is covered with black vehst, and the hat is internee with ostrich tips at.d loops of ribbon, secured by a crescent of jat. • Thoely Pereaudlea. To prevent serious disease, regulate the stomach. liver, bowels, kidneys and blood with Burdock Blnud Bitters. Re- member that prevention is better than Mire. Black silk oombined with striped moire forms a handsome dinner dnies. This stripped skirt is made full. and plaited at the beck. The full half - apron tunic is carried 1T.IlUd the left side to the beak, sad there forma f ull drapery. The pointed bodice is cruamented with a riots, beaded Erin.. Ma sw Tour •..Suaed. lifellet allow s cola ri the head to alert- ly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured for 25c. hy ming Dr. Chase's Cobweb Core. A few applica- tions ours incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 butes cram ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 boxes is gueranteed to cure chronic: catarrh. Try it. Osly 26e and sum cure. Hold by •Itareni•ta ly Pattern robes in plain and decorative - rillatieriels ere just now selling, at Ism Clue half -valets very handsome meek la all wool being marked down to white, last week stem sold at . 1 -_. PELT BOOTS AND MOCCABDiS. I bare a Use of Pelt BMW nee own rmtko, seem we4e- i to be the Best 1.1.,9* mode 1. Canada. erisam• aad 4:4.1 aid aitc.,tion riven to ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. - _ ••• Sae Sever itaitlet Moth r N.) "hardly ever.' about it. He hue an attack of what people all "bilious eess,"iind to ensile sea impossible. Y1 , a man gully -snide and smile, and be • vtliani still. still he wee no villain, bot s plain, blunt, honest MOM, that needed or nansly such as Dr Pierce s Picasso. Purgative Pellets," which seem fail t. curs boeminiess asst diaeased or t. rind liver, dyspepsia and chronic coustipa- teen. Of demists. ODS FaiL and Winter. Ready -Made Clothing and Ends of Cloth MsM brs Clawed Oita at Coat see Seder CoaL 3EITTG-11 JD la - 7 TAILOR, • - West meet sea door to &UAL el Mostritallit Goilarteb. Wept. PETE PARISGREEN, " WLLI/BORE, INSECT POWDER RHYNAS' =RT-731-G-IS'1%. he "GURNEY" NT WATER BEAM. adrPleato bear three facts a ailed : - I have lir tar the Lamar stack of Hoot Ss1 :4:50,11 talon : They are 01 .55 very be* quality pi:anemias.. beluz made by the Mot manufacturers ia Canada . And 1 will Pell at proem a. tow ar tower 'ban as.yone dee. soliciting a continuance a your valued custom. so Ilber.itly accorded me duriez the pug tonrtaen ream t remain. lours (subtlety. mimes aotesison. goo no Me in baying asedisim, but try the greet Kidney and Liver mule - tar, made by Dr. Chase, author fee's reesipes.. Try Chea.'. Liter Our, for .11 dismiss it the Liver. Kid- neys, Stomach tied Bowels. Bold by ell 4714Lal.t& distressing paleness en often ob- ,,,irgn• us young girls and women. is dee is • great immure to a lam of the red earraelea is the blood. To tellititly VilB requires • medicine which modems these aromary little blond eoestitoonts, earl 'be beat yet dimorered is Johnson's leashBittern Prim 50 mate, .4re:.ettle at Geedie's drew More, Albioa s Oalleeisli. meat. Pi] E. DOWNING, Crabb's Btsck. Coe. East et snd Souare- larmetra mamme. Ilkwt amtsbas bays bees made in this wow of tbe treatment of th.gend by &amply ofaliamt• than in many others 01 the meltifariess maditime foe whisk ployses is eeseshed. Aad 'Widths west* barometrie roadies'", lime of seefitearshiwe provabeeea su en for little wises esee • pone weedever sets I MO miles away 1,031) issessesed lemma for familiar faces and mr ...mediates Thew to eoenterbalanee roma leist.' make tap for what bes hem no* Mat _health atanski raebry 'Mara, IDDIMIlli*V41111willdie rem ham thee *OP se• de pat NEW FRUITS OF THF BILASON. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY Best Brands of Select and s'tar.derd OYSTERS Isohl by measure. &Vs -Mal Itatve for any 111111.11tlitY over One ell1011. BOQUETS AND FLORAL DESIGNS fw any purpose made to order. at E. BINGHAM'S, - West Side Spare • Oodericb. Dee. 16. 11117. IMPORTANT NOTICE. 1888. 1888. 1888 WILL CURS OR RELIEVE partmEsa , DROPS I', #M'TTWIO OF THE maltr. ACIDITY OF trHE ST OALACH, MI REM OF THE MR, of ~am artrabahlas, 4fain trUO3SlfI DY SF( luOMESTIOR JAUVOIX r? SHWAS. SALT WWI. HEAR18t, IIEA04E, Aed ewer, losevit distoriberod 1.1 1110WELI3 07=0.• T. Isom "IMwria Adapted for heating ali classes of Public and Private &Ind- ira. It is unsurpassed for simplicity and economy. Send for Illustrated Catalogue THE E. / O. GURNEY OBIPANY (Limited), TORONTO, BE 11A.ra 33erto-La Jas. Saunders & Son, 431-013EIR.I01-1 0 NT . Nev. ird, 10.ILMais. AVII0 RK 1.1. rUkaltelnD abap 55155555. style. pet Is Three sew sarim. mow% rim a Mao themes Meted Rechiister Tittles It sI rs, aad imed • esuswerma Barbet. 44 aro La a WNW's t.4. lialtbar Merit *ea berets laidy'satidnue nine mite • es all ages Ur Our Stock of Printing Stationery, consisting of al; vi the leading grades of Plain and Linen, ruled and un - 1' 0 ruled papers, Cards, Envelope-, &c., is the most com- plete wa have handled, and we guarantee the quality and price to snit all who will favor,na with their Clo orders Call awl see our samples and get:orir prices A-11 1E1 "THE SIGNAL' m.o.* I, is pew alien:we H'Step GODERIefle ." NAV* Yetel fit u"rc.""lakkVbehaswillftniviltir= tae,hce• hie • aver.= 5*sP.ws57a LavdtPalituas ea be anitlia" boa ard eartaia The enquardied encoan Of Dr. Chairs Lim Can Losse longish* noes calmly 001 the Ion dot 1 anspoanded frmaasesen's weil.knosot neer iviabilles Id400ll4111 sae Dateetiolott. cam/abed oak Naar *Iwo leeelleilde 10001, barbs and baba, boars ~weal newt as tS• Seediddle P00& an 51.01. 000.000 501.1i 'ore.sr what/ sesifAins A. Clash Poe* Bode sr.* said its Comm& form Ir• 315 s..•00• mei AK! urnilogritres.M0 ...Aug 5* rey sisle itscalli vowed. OWN& NM lame Dr. algal • • s511& gee (ad aarfai rte. and mirth 0071r TIY N1 .4sas paid* yrnedy. Ilitan Fan. ss err *MA MY 4114.1. 814LALfla T. somassage sew nem wee& likeeles* OF palmed by tbe a NI aro in opal et dose wink Wring M1556, M4z ita. eglirettak ...Owe ow. .1 .11 ago& can rot am Vb.22mariee semerciraaW AC week Allem rain° Sid .51.19/44 sea Sort toms, monsirdesis teeknomaok The Greatest L yObt1Ibabte fbr Impaired or Dimming' :slow is a Pair of' The Celebrates Axis Cut Pebbles! - . perpetrated on Um .V140thig fey nainailla ()K lapieg.slass, speak for the igneranmtiks public generally, in afl-iortauit subject of the pre,ervalisa of sight. there are only two liftWItlb from which tbe spectacles heats can be maanfaelaireit Poliblossol eino;-eall glassby alirater name. itUI1 ronalas glom APIM4, as the other hood, is from nature'e ow% maredlieboy. It is a natural errtal foiled generally in free- stone formation, and is harder than the ruby aad emerald, and near ly as hardas the diamond. The Pebble is not more or less than a tranipsrent stone, mit by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest amount of power is placed immediately over the cent* of the grain found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness, freehnela and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses cannot by 9M7 possibility impart All spectacles and eyeglasses are staled &lot. es only le preleased from JL iJ1144.X- Druggist, Oodstina. 70. 1115. 117 Extensive Promises and Splendid New Stock. ,• 43 140 ^ • 0111401. 13 it, QAI3LNET- MAKER AND UNDERT4411A 011..Illialcd.116. 6°16.10.. amen. yds LOgatra• Oasivamiii: • iiiiaL1.4iiiissiffiloapilimist *slit say. alma a 77.7ro ie.- qv 'Ir risw••••saberve000101a fromi- 110r7 . • orewilot 4r, elif1O11011 1.14 aireiiikese itgrji• .ve Ulitu