HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-2-10, Page 440- -1' 81111 till Doiii Pricial fall and Winter Goods at and w cost price for the nsxt kays. Several lines of Di Goods and Tweeds at HALF PRICE. The greatest bargains ewer offered in Gods- . riCh. Call and inspect. 111/647 HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, FEB. Wen, MS. THE RAILWAY QUIRTION. The Dontiaiesi Home will mull eatly, and it la time our sabresrullsoup committee was up and ia the tests of Goderich. &me weeks ap • Meeting was held, and the semetary wee iestractse to correspond withthe mem- hare who lived eking the redo of the O.slpkJemetien & Of/deride R. R., ask- ing that their votes and veins be given toward procuring a Oevernmest subsidy to the sehens, bat up to the pawed we have not been informed that the behest of the committee hes Mem Allotried oet, or tbst replies have hoer Ind from the membra with whose Integoademe was to have been opened. Withia the past week, the secretary pi tha toelltiaillso has bees called to Dea- rer, Defog to the moms illness of a sae - beg of he family, and vre ars not aware that his powers hare been delegated to a sehstitete daring his enforced absence. /a thew McMaster«, we believe another losiong 4 the °flatmate. shoold be held r ,11 towns of tho tom will be kept in eight mare Isatliment moos, oo that the in - at Mee netted meeting of the people's rapreesatatives at the capital. Other piens an moving on this limo, sad it behooves Cloderich to bestir Moll 11Diteardine ham a standing offer of $30,- , DM for the inbringing of • line, Dungan - Ina and Port Albert are in harness and ',lady for • etroog pall; Cream, Psa- lm* BayMild and other points we in the throes of a struggle for a competitive 111114 ; and Goderiah must be up sad doing. The tine for work is short, and the necessity for settee is imperative. To Mild the proposed line, the netted 4201" - time of all the municipalities interested Ist the promotion of the scheme will be iS7. It melting grit mad green- Aliast. ownemsfully push a railway Me, .ad both are neoesiary here amd sew. 00 1 473 notenvir a. At the** meeting et MIM Dolled el MO *boot Trustees H. lased= et the estriblishmeat 01 • Oerightlie too sp for diemesiria. and Ism looked at treat wery meadpetall % the n euebeas resat, but se daddies tellimer was takes. Them see mem el one resign wha ell imbued wI the idea HatAnsense ad& is tans is the ansty, A.. Swank and Oltubsek have ems ft ee frown the impale ad mad tamliss sesesay te came their nth Sobs* te deem lath as Odlegiate Inatitage. thanks' tiodarish, the essay awe, should et ease isendelde • slab. ellanstgend miens TM gains is ea whisk will e nrol disetaina. .54 7. Hit ear esedese ay he ia • patina to mabashan the one hilly, we will pat fronied the ad- , salons ad dionlastages whisk would remelt to ibmiraintster„ is they omen to e s at the thee of writing. The advantages amid of: 1. The pres- tige, wink is without a ilaal sow ressviel value, sad, is an asset es the cant side. masa be &Antal, anesr- tains& 9. • Mar* spesidist in son- artaties ingth the atelf, end Ave tomeen ia an, whish meld allow of a Moor M- alaiseto the miens departamests. & These is • sham et getting a special gag of NIS, Iwit the amen is avow - ads, ase the tagelelless say at any tine be Maim& At Present the re Wiens rowan th4F Ipildailmitino of the past me was* gaga net is fall, earl the wag leaned by the made aster IASI! I.A9-161.1811111111.10900 "Wain, OW hp thweianseb." Ths diatbrustepos age : The ineressed edllell seleguiptim He _gladiolas.. al • gyeresdpiki,11.8 the emit of ad& dowel vgliMfilleiliabs of miseeneo, and ==liee, which would fatal as illbellilitare of tertsimily est lies 111,000. 2. The salary of a modabst, which weld not be M • then 5700, and whit& he an additional sanest tax arm the Adirpsysra. The shove is do question ht as It g pseastis. fie id Ws t sow apes for ilbenesios, sad oar ter- resperidenee iminams are st the will of ptomain or oppenents a/ the scheme. . 7 itswifev Pow rav-r;thess eh Vet& Sep Weiteell-Geovm Settee -Julia 11•013% W Wimpopop. Amdpeek thaw diet Anteaftes wamild- ohm . holm VIM at' telsollan--0. srairieft. •• & Was '!OWN TOPICS. •• • 20:4741arrerp4444. eieenrellillw-lialsdahlsoso ha hhallasheal-A eteeti-Med up .4._ ti•'' POW we 1 .11_11rir • in lit 1. IA. . OMM 001ertch- Cilar4822d= Lbe fregiellral4411 and photos q"1":tomato =1.1,01701rwin astliven'l .5P701ialfrie ars hmetia441151:11:6-reejahlIdlists6h. Parbalceste41864.7": beide OW premedes pad is Whether the wederwerha will he memeeted_ this Mar er apt la a vetted neeenee $tusos5•7 termed we t Urea Wet ewe as emmie• as le L mass% tercet* as nest% emit A ibis. Weak. ibmanew Paw* peivempi seseadowied i.tapOMpreirricillasions. Pitted% Dread* Allots Bieck. Tee Wommes Cunsertag 1WW1411014 Iliso. *01 imtrea ereseTivier thaz.ssaarig horn hatellih""aollend. churh- ay." 11011101 latefOldad la tie wen is medianl eiseig_ ape"..2:w114"rtheashsteter iteadred mho Wit °MY um •toet al pismire mond left. They ore =427 twecanUssz.a. add elle=01357 44 the abeepeet seder the ma. Tea Ilvatot AND Hama LOAN ADD blv55T4 &1813 i-rii ratirlisrImuitijtor their new or. as beim Wrested la weripage es farm Wort/. Depositors have a lee Ow 1. all Ilrosseerterper saw. Sete et tto meoloe wad duratioa at dant. Farmers Melee our. Phis inmate Meta call and see the awn. hen Tinmuott.-ererwhalailag steak of Metes peede. always 1. 8, hated at prime to wawa lb, goods you bay. No trash sr shroady eso4s. hot peed goods made he twist aad t,.mdelbetbse are the mode 1 keep. 1 make se loam 01 1811 boot sad. wittiest chest me. 1 rest to gin roe mere wiles for 74417 WNW MOOMOC than aay house le tows. I levito aloes tied semouileal beyen to call and senvisse remetives 01ier stns.. 11. MacCersese. Tenthly at will be St. Valentine's Day. The Misses MeMicking left Iowa on Ifeeday for Tomato. Dr. Hotehisoe, of Montreal, is openi- ng a few den under parental roof. Thos. Mom.. of Omoksoa, Mina., is visitiog relatives and old friends in term Illr James Hear massiew of the es - tele of Geo. Great, ie writing at Walker- ton. There was a hum meeting of Row cher* Bead of Hope os Saturday after - WOOL Ir Too haven't reamelyour suliscrip- time for Tag 84011M, do it at mar A Loewe, Eng., barber, while asleep, As reported to hoes shamed a cenotner, rad mo w the shop la which he works is besetged with customers who want to be Alined by the Minim Metter. There's a moral for barbers Iseeted wound here * some herr A ORMt deal hes been said and writ - lea about the mat of • Reform policy at Ottawa, bet ep to the time of going to press neither Mr Month* not my al bis supportere have been able to forms - lab, a plant upon which to °merest • Ton porgy for Ontario. Here is a clams for eme Tory contemporary to poblish 5. Wilk heeded, "Wanted--• Leader 654 Pater r Losses the Pig has iserady hese pleased to dopy the tactile el Toronto. The committee which had is hand the nroPolowd t.e.ptime a I ranee in the capital 4 the British Entree, has Mee domed to absadoe the scheme, owing to the fact that • amide hall meld not be obtained for love er army is which to hold the reseptioe. O'Brien's friends 'Iri/A have to weieseas hies ender the 'broad sanopy of Mena, for which se laisillord WM claim rent. Arra day last week the ?erose. Empire sew the hatiderritieg on lee wail, .0 1.7 es the Mowat Government was esoesee- sok become Dadra emote elated Tory lIr Wbasey oar Baleen Dr. Chember- kia. The neat day nines Mr Clarke NNW Tory De. Willoughby ander wham posierity, sad the hemilwriting ss she wall besimes got a set back. The Bompoirs sew alleges that ie the Wier ir- onies the ask Briber stalked through Neettemberland on stilts, se Um his fo Arista =sad not he rasa. TM ergo" dole/ ei well as meld be expend. Ommut Miperrox, in kis Isle= re- port, reemantends that the Curdles militia speed a 'eager period in camp e ach yr; that an increase be made in the permanent force ; and that new and reproved rifles be provided for the mili- tia. lie also urges the importance of pay* &retiree to rifle practice. From white we would infer that General 1414- d1*1m is not in favor of a redaction of Canadian taxes. Orn cherished 14...are getting knock- ed oat all aloes the Ism From oar in- famy op we were led to believe that a "bes-line" was as tu.deviating u • "straightedge," and now the New Or- leans Picayune demolishes the delusion we had hogged to our bosom by saying Everyholy knows what a bee line is. It runs in • circle 'around clover panires, and finally males ita way to a hollow tree, where the homy is deposited. The weather -prophet told us, the' December WOO OD new, That we woos would hear the dripple of the January tbaw, lo Short allowance coal was ort for hoOMINI TWOW - Ws wonted la the Prophet, but ae'or a thaw *5 55*. AM WOW the mat ialt tomer -mere la the desierk elaw- Coed we bot see the peepiiet, we'd mete hi.... jaw. Ise'd yew that liner &gals bVd oM his Was craw, O f is the looter .arty hies Us head eat seek his paw. A mgw prohibitory lama has been started. It saes the Milwaukee brew - as employ non-mion workere,and otos- poi them to work seven days .mob week, without the enjoyment at Maday. Kends of Libor and the America. Federation of Irber have joieed is a boycott against the brewers, and One issued • manifesto that sees of their members shall patreatee Milwaukee loser. If the boyoott were made So extend WWI epiritaties and mit Num the manse 4 latter wash/ be advaneed. MA1041 CLINK 11, WI TOMO* hid. fair to follow ia the kolitage of ge-Mayer Rowland. At the meat T. M. C. A. eanventioe in that (IV he vres pm* daring a poetics of the proesediege, earl rade a address of wawa to the Anima brethren that bed pewee sail map is it. The mod people el Tongs who thoaglit He 0111 1.4 pet book the bade of the ansisltal dee .it10 del elation will dimmer INIO 01 ib... days Het Hey hem been essertainiag as angel anscreers, he des shape of their prams' aids eller. lleelbase Oposes 011des. Mdoren, .1 .1, *111 1... a" bad delta Moir sip it the Yap, insuists se his aid edges" amid Unlade .- W WIDIONOWLY SW Thesedier muse - tag were the oddest of the arra The seerenry &pepped at Ilr boom awe Tawnier norning. Maven help the people of Oda. end other hyperbolas Pointe, waste the noseente is 141145 1. trawl down and eat of tin hada of the thenneasetor. 11* 111.11ndlablus renerenny, and &rm5 • ea the Illge Seam* of nary moan. Qoareely adoring esteem wess 644 )fierta-01. Kenna Monk lleadey is. The poi* wee seespia sioesion osg wean( by In. W. T. Oriastall, silmassed be the entire eandation el dor eriegandies. Mr Dare Mg, a neat le base* is gal in s ay low nate physindly, est iseprovereat. Be hes hem • man.471 we haps to hem of our old Mori' hirer for 50.55 mots shish his nisei Irina 13) 8. very awn. le Issas. Lo-nnui To- Nies:. -Dee% feetol the ben teeters .1the MOMS41 arab this (Priem) geed. The Bey. Jae Shaw. D. D., wM gin his pander Minn swatted, "Aarasemosie,* eked °desk. hinnies 11 meta Protons fer des h..& et the T. P. A. el the Mothediet nun& The New York Olowereee entenellarke iiIS. • is now ready, donned sad anted ie benietifel oda by Mean Ward & Co., el Lades, eamenly 41, the New Teri Obserew. 71minim • aeleakir in the year. list of legal holidays, list 4 Marsh dam rates of gonna sail foreign postage WI loam. n ewspepsre. books, OIL Prior UM Week nosed the dunk thie swing will he arty sad pisseifeL There will 8. 11.5. slam tags 1. WM sad Mash. the Oaten. 10 3*. thoroughly earbaal- ed, hogs amoral other ,us, Hs essmis of the dosed, begs. lg. iM00001•641 /4406111 -a the Otani Trask desk end elevator, and the Omareareat limber improvements and siteratioes. CONcOnT AND Imoraa.-The Prolubi- tioa Lewes will, ea Mmoday, 13th Mt., Rios their OM amen sad Inters .1 11. tomparestee ball Aeldsenass will he gives by Rms. N7t. of Leakam, Hanna. (Presbyteries 4 TM% Weiwie sad Saltee, tows. eag sed 41 „Ha; mega will be teetered by the lost 1.54 131.5* ; also nadirs and mi- ntier A silver eolleetion *DI8.tak op. Doors opee at 7.30, gad chair fa,: er 8 p.a. by Mr A. Robery, pi= oe the 6mtral &hod. Es*,• of , • ,".761.110 '1?" , tOMMILMO ! THE Yam' 1888 -ruse eights is i.e. eson. It is 111 yeses Moe our baron grandfather sad greet gradiethers "riot* throe seessenve stroma, ia the year semeedine that at Asuman inde- pendents. It will be 111 yens before oar mendshildren en4 gnat *mad- obildrea-eood leek to then !-writo three ansisenve ainas. 'Then 293 roue later, if He world nal liver sad U. ma has not yet tembledl, time • ea afsa • band with fuer of a hied- 4eor twos, 2222- somethieg tbst h A aet happeood 4MOO the days al hermit. A Winne Senses or (rwvue- We understand tine, Hind mud., 84'4'. Hitt' book 4 os Fan 81"1" "'mit have its Omelettes larlr*Ifwid..mand its kid a metal - Miss C. Montane* Clieton's agems '7" ly iseressed. It known artist, it the newt of Mrs Hays, College ((bath orol"aere., ant _tage°/aseamialai: Frieton-at. "tiro 4 the bask in 18. Academy, seat We ate pleased to observe that Row. for. % „spy a h. (3. exemieie„ 13 3*. wee Dr. Ur* is recovering from his recent in- 415 ei.,,„„bly iaprs.s4 yid, lea ms,,, dimpositioe. 'that he drew the attention of Messrs. D. A. D. Morrie, of Mine, Dak., ar‘rmi C. Heath & the well known pub- is Goderich on a iisit to relatives Tim, lishing line of Boston. 10 11, .54 01.1.01 nay evening. these to Mee an satin5 of it toe the itt. Tom. of Montreal. 'is in tom_ _.at 8',„„mosaumiliteit' widiribeitkor tr. teati . ioadolmi the nisideoce of her petunia, MT. Man bssn "gnu am*. Mrs. M. Hutchison. S. A. Ainayssecar.-The third anai- There wee a itood attendance at the Band of Hope meeting in Knox church on Saturday aftermon Rev. D. MeGiliivrey, of London, preached seeeptably in Kees church Sunday last 'morning and eyeing. Mr 11. Geist, who has bees mimed, ill for the past six weeks ire* are plena 10hare, resenting from kin hard siege Among those attending the Tomato R. 0. Yacht Club's Ball last nand& week in meting the names of Hot. A M., Mrs , Minos ad Dr. Ross, of Gods - risk. Oaptais sod Ifirs Zimmerman of * Privation A ray, were the Rosen of 11 Isaac Cassaday, during their Way in Ocelerich, at the resew anniversary ger viola. W. 0. Dyment, the lumberman, wh to now temporarily raiding in Barrie, writes that 1. 55054 have Tag Snow. or die of lottesomeness away from thwao toasty town. Dr. M. Micheline, the W street dentist, makes the preservation 44 the @ Mural teeth a specialty. Gas tend from 0 a.m. to 4 p.m. for the pala- te= retraction of teeth. From the Manitoba Gazette d Jae. 1413*, we hare that Mr John Gimbel Owen, formerly of Godeneh, hae been elleally appended depot, -sheriff al Waymire. Coagratelareas. 14, 11. L Franks, of Brampton, while her. last week, is the istenste 01 18. Seething. Quartette, which is to appear its the Grind Opera Hone on Tani* soot, was the pest 01 1. W. P..1. It is osederstood the ormeiller Boller Ihes got out of tooth with his oulleagess en mistime of detail in eneeetion with the waterworks, and has tendered his resignation as . mernber el the mai& pal board. emery ef the estabiteluneat of the Sal- vation Army in Godwin was held here is Seaday sad Monday Mt, Mee sere- ess beteg ben on fleaday sad two a Keeley. The Frosted spenen at various mestiegs were : Capt. Zimmer- man, Div. Vilest Boarehett. Adj't Via Allan, aed Jame Otookr the coevertod - peerage *1 .31 the servess the barracks were crowded, sad the best of feel* y prevailed thromboet. Oar. Ziemer - am at am Um was stationed here for about teostits, and daring that time wea for himself the Mem ef overview with whom 1. 57.. in enter. The " addresem of Div.-Offiser Berithett and r his explanation of the reins of the Army threw =meliorable light mom se4est - whisk has been iamb menaderskia by many wed -meaning oetsiders. 0 Holz Der. -This yew guise *MI 4131 on the is of April -eine days earlier *est lest year. Thos earliest possible dey for Roder is the Med 04 and it fell on that day is 1814 - ler the lest time in abost two lambed AMTS. PliORWITIOMo Maw. -The pro- sentation of tamale to Oar Babb sed the Godwin lifeboat crow, on behalf el the U. 8. Government, will be mails in IM tom hall ea Saturday afternees her &dote. The medals sem be seem he the gala of W. T. Weida AY Has. -The Ladies' 0544 0111 Oearges shorn will held asether of their arise of "At 11s" 41 88 t=1;sehoolbeens, ea the meming 01 . Igeb. lith. • need ad masa refrains eats wille=r- el on the onesien. Arledision. UM. PMA(* Roaaaa torn. -Ms beed 1(iireizessit at the rim mem doh wean the a- lanasesemilt he a than mile Mews, rmee foe • Wine esp. te tin tan The eep ill en deer at Tear. Pease Mag.., Deal fed to take is He deb. .444"3, • '3 Ctrs Cies Snoot.-Following is the near of the Mead nisei of the Goole - rich itun eleb, the team being caressed by the president sad .ism -president pres- ident respectively. The letter won by two birds • Jes. None* 0111110110-7 W. Diem 101000110/-6 0.8..,.,. 1 1 1 0 1 00000-4 F. Pretty. 1011001111-7 F. J. T. Naftel00 0 0000 1 I 1--3 O. Pessuiegton.. 0 1 0 0 0 00 0--1 27 R. Water ... .1 1 1 1 1 1 1 00 1-8 It P. Williamson 4 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-7 W, Rotate 1000001 101-e W Shames 100000414121-2 J.terent . .0001100/10-4 F. Humber.......00 0 0 0 00.10 0-* Toe Maggs fhwinati. - Thad* ermine8.1, Mies Leah Phootile. lit Dethrones. a seednies of the phia fileitool of Oman, lestered is Norn-st. Methda shah ander the morns§ of the W. C. 1. U. Tye dis- arm was a easeptionally g.rd erre aad was replete with argentin 15 fame of pokibitery legidedes. The miesea 4 sperartes portreyed Is strong s. s onion sad the feels MIT; maearthst the meel ga the ail Ile limas* veis was showMo with Mr nespines ef Ws, mil 4. Messighiy passed as ths kiebtet of the Beene qnseties, "sant sed modem She Mid the assiles of her asionee ireagheat, sad venial a hang esto 4 Amin the Mese. The W. 13. T. i. 1.......1.m naps.teellordiellhe Pio eersesedirt ssisa • GIMM Talus -Tb• "IPIlosiesakeidsg. d k...e* 4 eallaitegat rit Ill chew& is drat JN=d Han hong Hales af • Mew, ease andolphe anise" of Masa 14gs L 0. 0. F. lb ow vas tbat age mid =iliesli= bang poid die WM 4 Me kind met gives sulsh. dis 'babe • i3' Mikifigirip emptiest./ men heart 1. osees,os OW was ma 10W 37l=41040wth ken, hes.0 =admen ilanes Nino ea perhaps Ike arsoaset ha .4 13*. somes, as every one roses - sisal ell sae the eke sad pass ef s bily asp, el oar tat The Mae era, m sol oily support thensolurs bus also an Maid nahor, were the *5111. 01 0.. Aslessos and lin 0: Mare. Tin Breconamer fhaosearra Chas - Oa ?assist arena anal the este:Mond Beetheven trastem Oleb saw the theed Opera Homes sad Nies one of their popular amnia reeditiess The n ames 4 the mearbers esastarting the 4.LIIare .t e s pregamfor 1=0:: Ray (1.o) .54 11.. Wuhan. (teeer). . 01 1154.. Hates Mersa *peas* sod &hal Wads (seatrello) ashenneheld weak tharregeon (Maar* se he se sea hal oat is aseareed. Aeother, and • g reet elleselisn, will eke be ramrod ta the pesos of Mr. Jaen Pm, the well- linon • anis eieger. "the 1.01.1 55. in Cases" hy all adds, and me of the meet lairtioprovekiee fellows ea the foot- stool. Doses open M 730, to bogie sheep el eisterk. Telma. Ms., re- served meek Sim. 341. 01 hall .t Frew, Porter & lay's Meastere. liz's • Homes. ALL res Sauk - The young ma referred le an the U- nwise Mai from the Oshawa Vinefietat- or, is a en of antra agent Straiten of this tees: tang dregs canned lest night was preliably tho those erne 1.14 1. Oshawa. The in as is fiee oaditioe sed was throned with skaters in nommen *.slam., lite weds wee good, and dee atIondornoi oof spectators wes the largest 18.1 8.. ever been see. at the risk. The Me enteric light. skitirlii=gbs*::wtihre";:yosseedlenebriallatlizar..• t- n.k and• i Thilmall.thesPesewsw.senerk 1:4461.44;mirek: nst7i; thing is ondasted. The me mile ram for bwadereme Weer cep assured a amber of mann sia& www woo by T. littaitm, dear • hero. row Cuum -Th. me& fat the R. C. nalla beimela Oederich and Brent - 154 mellit (*mho, took plass 5*8101- " J.Alesilay, the 711the „ flab winnieg by 12 points. u• row "mi. th. six" °' Amazes. 111LalfrflOILD. :1 Ana No. L answ no. L ;;AC1. yeirsobstold., Jas. Dams.,, J. H. Scott, M. Hotelmen, J. C. hada, C. A. Haber, D. Jody, Skip 21. Skip 11. era no. 2. anti so. 2. Ospc McGregor, G. W. Brown, ititi.11161611T. Work' Thos. Evens, J. A. Brown. Capt. Danny. J. Brown, Skip 94. Skip 13. 46 33 33 12 Strom Bosse Maanso.-The regu- lar imeathly metier 01 18* &root Board ma Mid cm Monday mais. Ildr S. Malcom= in the *sir. The following trustees were preempt: Mars H. W. Bell, C. Craig), M. Nicholson, Rees Pelee sad G.n. Swatioon. The minutes 01 15.1 mediae were reed and etinarmeil. • priissipal's report for Juror* show- ing as avenge stssodarms of 964 boys, and 117 girls was remind and fled. Au application fee 4 temperers text books, seas aims renewer and repairs is Mir Croak's roma, eased for by the Ceitiwee granted. A complaint by M. Miller &bow the non -promo- tion of her daughter, was referred to Impostor Toss. • ormenicatim from Mr D. Carrie was rewired mad the e serstary instructed to askamledge it. A report from the caretaker asking for • sense for Mime Blair's room sad some repairs me referred to contingeat ease - mutton with power. An .010001 hiss Mr H. Han, 0160 for teaming was ordered to be paid. Amman frost Weller k Metals $1.60; Heal' 512; Her 5132; we". adored to he psi& Prom G. 14. Davis. pips, repairs Ms., MIMI; wm referred to Meese eon - rename with power to pay if found ar- ra. Prom Bestow & Co. $211.12 was eimilarly desk with. The board &dimmed- Oarresity.-We anuses' with dap regret this week the death el Candle ea of ear towasines,itt P. Veered, whisk oesurred at Los Aspires, Southern Oaliletnia, os Thenday lest week. Some three mendis sines Groan who bed sontneeei sosseinp- ties. one ea of s party of enessieniets who left Grodoriela for Sonthare Cali- fornia, .ad his nay Mesas is this see - ties ma of high hope Hat the Mara 4 AM Gana leed add strengthen Lin sad bag him to lin wombed vine. Bet the apes thin formed were &read to ZEIttertimes• 55.01.01a taigas steins 1, for ea 1.14., lest his a the poiseding mast the glen 4 0.op had take. Ste fight. Deems - el, wk. hed foe wee years peel been • ehident du law edges 4 Oanew & Premilfent, me me of oar Mest promis- ing poem nee, said wee gifted with nay grass of rand earl body. These .8. 8... bin Wet liked him roost, aed there were sees in this maim with dhen seta ie ousted to when he 44 not seem himself. 13.41 in die. spes rerlgeien. • pada 'allegros in ode 41noseer, beartai imassy. ad • sodene Aragon young sea. we ean sell to mai am lath 4 ear anasiateme die riarded a - was. plato in He heists ef his ananie team Has George Omni 8. 1. neon bet his hardly time will soon gado how Ihe aremsry ef meet ef es whe ham bin wvistk nod lend dm gib • iwella's bers Mis behd awash it wee, bed snap Waste in it Orr the pprovrias pa& el oar brat Is ineamilled Meth and haw. Median to eh, Obi a& hostisa, end essuserviag aft ; and eves aim Aimee* Ind alai dee, end the Ansel of Dalt *deg V his ode for masths aed MOW" as MOO.' by his 11.a54 4 "1.:e Tthilst•, emi P dAhgd1paeslas e:Iayaa.Thay hoe =huh 4.111.84$41ragt. mohl1 limm1 entleselend.1141 she Wei1. Woe is Mer te inn fignal 01 ressassno ILTIRT FRIDAY MORNING, AT rasa OFIrt,lt moms - Is le a erldemweke Weel4==madovesed • the of me - num ea saammusa • OUP • rear TM, Ow ; ale. three iseettio. isagestois at itte ••••vlintai • yin. ASMIlltlrehtell KAM, meritter dot hmeitioe. eadvithisew 1.1111°- oad other MONO ad hatiparelt=" iftftt4s. illes"Pfeerd Lomat maim' la aeoparld type per Use. Imeal amines Um ordinary reedlog type le pe weed. dolases Garda 01 11. Moo &M.., 11 7. mar. Advertise:emote of Lew lead. Strand bitnatiesa Vessat. 8:tuatara Wasted Illainess Chasms. Wanted, awl norediallel Ilona aoapariel per ineeth. s perb 55501 17 k„, firm nate. Sac u ale and Yams ea leis. eat to OOMMOW Larger &dote is properties. Any epeeist settee. the oldest wt.loh le to ein=the pereniary how* of say o emapaity, to be sciaiddered se ad, vertheneset mid &tweed amerdbiaby. now terms will la .on owes be erietty ta- booed to. ilipostat WOO for larger ad teopetzel414, sr advertiemmatewa ihe eashooreisztebtos line re cattoo- -.-. J01101114 111101111;gm, • folly .q.5 3.' oni„d es Is nanahros fai" oilrh.111""•11. ww. • work is tweed ma st rosseasi,eri,„„„ cies 5. 18. prat.bedose ea the tmmtlese hem aa power to • visitor card. an mainsaicatioss must be add:owed le 8.15.41' lLdttor o Th. SIOOM GoderIch Ost. springtime aed lay *1 .8. rest ie the wady plot with them who have goes beton. Has death maks@ the twelfth ie • family et fourteen childree. His surviving relatives -his aged fathw, sad hie brothers, Themes. of Colborne, and John of Michigan -have the sympathy of the enure massenity. The ice ea the lake has been ia med condition during the pet week. Satur- day last a amber of oar town boys Mat ed up to the Poiat Fates. -Oestrair AID loierrex.-Toesday musing • lance and omens von held 1. 13*. Omni Opwe Boa*, seder the easpine of 8l. Peter's (R. C.) church, w hisk was well attended. The mumeal ponies of the everegre entertaistasent 7.55 the heads of Mime Ida Wilkin- son aad Ball sad Maws IL 0. Belcher and Jae Cooke, .413*111. Cooke sod Mr W. F. Foot at sie pier, and it is ma- aseessaryto my the roam resisted was cartally maimed throughout. "The Lest Rase et Surer," by Miss Waitrons (by special regent) was the mos of the weateg, end hreeibt fortis hood applause. The lemon by Rev. A. McKeon, of Bothwell, was also as ee- 1 real festure. The rev leetwor met tato the subject at great lent!, gad for as boor sad twenty minutes kept his audience in rept attention, He divided his dooming ender bee heeds : The immortality 01 11. octal; the Ms- , teen of a God; film will sad peened - mem ; original sia ; and future puoisluseat. Aa eseb division was taken op, the speaker bromht his argu- mentative powan to bear, and sowed a number 4 strove points against the is - fidelity of the pronot day. The no patleinen makes so protegee. of do eisination or great oratorical Mill, al- though at time he teases straw seeds se the remelt of a rood parestation of his feta He pins Ids faith mon to the strength of his me then to etiological fleerisher sad never fails to keep the interest of Ins audiencs fa connestion with the entertaittewmt, Rev Father Waren desires to express his beet thanks to those wise so kindly 5451.4 15 the tousioal program The Greeting salutation is no great shakes. It is now serge hours and a quarter from London to Paris. Geo Oalbiek sad John Forrest. et Morris, whit went to the Brum Masa last fall. hen relented home looking n em the wane of their trip. Robert Woodrow, who got his leg broken at 8. 8. No. 10, Men* while playing football, 1. 40155 as well as could be expend ender skillfel teseneent. Henn Galbraith, 01 11. Turtle Moue tsin district arrived hom lest week 'pok- ing bale sod hearty, He lase the eosin - try, is doing esti and inns& returning in the sprieg.-flesforth Expositor. Rsatorst. -Oa Friday the liminess nen of Dramas, got as awakener z=eg credit by the Dews that Mr a farmer by in Mortis war 9411•4114. bed eadady deported s taw days Wore be eaknown parts. Ilene plea his liabilities at about 811,000, • pretty good seen for a tenant farmer for two yam. Oes party was so &axiom to Ines to hiss &t. high rate 4 Wen* that now amens the km of 4100 fed lie high lanced. Nos Bra : It may interest Chides - leas persiseintly to knew that the pari- ties of eashist of the err seleinated Central Beak_ el Tereen, was originally tendered to Mir Leigh, 8.. sassoppr air the Mobs.% Binh hunk het for solo anon wr other, was act aseereit bp him. Rad he takes the parties the maregoots rusesliq &mhos been saps - ed lately, would ewer hen mewed, iw he wee one of the most prudent nations sad trastweelby non Het nee hed to de - with the areastaledli d say mastery. On Teindley anemone bet a mutt* of Mv W. Dabney's daeghteni, Meta, met wish • paint assidat. nig bee Ow disuseed the woman elm the tamps dewed to was 014. 54 earried dont both Own& a wire lank Waft He fens et both dad. Lne.7 meet illet =1 01 ea wee derisayed, but dr see OM III Mara Hot enik is al the meal The demean of Ili 0..liegne, robe VW ta• anima. tamales bed me of her lima th• not keelm•s• la siege et 4•'„ •• ge. 4.;.se - '4W • .1" , 244. y;P :" t 5 -"1"460aiararem