The Huron Signal, 1888-2-10, Page 2e
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CHAPTER r-Oowrtsvia.
alsttm appeared to ::raider. Her 000- the thick he•rakia rug in front of the
,is Alice, as well as her owe 6ie and let her thoughts wander when
ge moved her in favor of • abort they would. The person who seem per-
Wilagentast, eu she said, with some hoe- siatsstly into her wied wee Dr Hai1Nt,
tall..- and etre had elate* forgotten eve/otiose
"1 should lake it to be soon, too, Per- else to reoollectiose of her old Mead,
Ural. Should you tbiak three months when she was eurpnsed to hear • knock
a *ery short eegsgeleent. at the door, sad bee amoniehniest was i.
"Three he cried, "I had thought of bootee lemosd when Alias game i is
one." answer to bee permission to ester.
omit in absurd, ' with a snide, "I Thosgh it use iso _Maend Heist Imes
llegid net have only a woath's engage- that Alio. had p;ooe upstairs before M.
alio t." self, she was Mil in her white evade,
"Yes ; but you forget we are not b.- dress, even the bracelet, she bad woes
abasing now. " in the evasion Sashed oa her bare white
"Everybody thinks we art No, let
It be three menthe.
So thaw months were eettl.d, .ed
Helen heaved • sigh of relief as she
thought that in three mouths her lids at
The Thwaite would be ended.
After that they oat and laiked of smey
tbiap ; they were not disturbed. lin
Inks. was in ber con room altering
bmm lad bead•ebe, and neither Mr In.
Esse see Alice some sear tem.
Melee found the nest week 'or two
father thing. She had to boar ciili-
oh ms se woo as oOnsnt.dttiem.. People
mere surprised, .ad did sot seem to
Shish it °emissary to conceal their our-
urprim.. There was a geeersl feeling that
Percival ought to have chosen Alice.
11[1 Woos had begs right in saying that
people had noticed bow much they were
together. No ous had expected Helen
to:be married first, at aerate. Alto-
gether the engagement created some
little esseatios in the neighborhood
Mtn Laicise was glad True, when it
mea to the point it was a little annoy-
ing that all the pomp and circumstance
inseparable from a lint wedding in the
family should be for Helen, bat her mar
,log. would lute litre Woos and Alias
so nisi frsmdom sed remove suck as
obstacle from their path that she forgave
Ur stepdaughter the one crumpled leaf
es her couch of roses, and, then, as
she continual* told her friends, it was
midi a comfort to feel she had dons her
Aline stood oomplstely aloof, the seem-
ed te eassidtr that ahe had wither part
ter Int in the engagement AH her pas-
sion bad blazed itself out on the evening
Wheat she and Helen bad had their ea-
plssatior. She was as cold aod distant
as if she had been a stranger ; never
spoke to Helve, sod scarcely ever ad.
some e1 die weddies gouts woes pro.
bowleg their day • 4w days the
event for which they W some to The
Thais.. and oosup.tien wee (mood us
eateet•loieg them. thee pesou at stay
rate woo glad of this esespsikm. Alive
hod berme taeoeff all tbrowaith the tryiag
hoarse, the we.Jdieg day with marve11-
one euerptrere and eslt+oslcol 8b.
had been a tittle paler and bee ergs •
little brigbter tbw areal, perhaps, bet
else W Hied her post of chief beide,-
maid with perfect grace and diguittr.
8b had stood is her white dress beside
Hoke, sad had held her gloves and bou-
quet without is the least betrayiot that
het feeliep oa the subject of the w.dd-
iag were in aty way different trim thugs
with which it was supposed to lupins
every se oho. She had played her part
very well. Helms, with the reco.lsouon
of the previous eight still in her wind,
had bets rather surprised to see how
But when it was over, atter tilo bride
tied bridegroom bad gone away, and
shortly before dinner, those who were
•res. Belem hind( was io beg dress- left behind were allowed to go to their
iso gowa, wits stet het its .mal[ furred rouse and savoy a little rest, the rw.e-
bdro om tiltppsr., and her hair hanging tion come, aad her breakdown was all
is a long loose plait down het book. the more complete in proportion to the
"What is tit„ Aliso r she melted as her
airier emu .leutly eel wcieeleasly for-
`I wasted to speak to you. I did not
o ppose yon woad be is bed yet. I have
bass all this time making up ay mind
to Guam but I thought that after all it
would be only fair to give you dee warm-
Helm frowned. Alias'. words seemed
to point to some eommonimtiem the re-
verse to tranquillising, but she oft*
said -
"I was just going to bad. I eal.'t
aged d to lose my beauty deep, ed I
weff as well leek
tap MR 1�msrw."
ds did her bats to speak cordially,
because she was so tad with Alice for
"Yater beat will be very good. Yoe ere
moth hotter looking then you were a
year seo. Sometimes when you are
with lir Moore you look quite beauti-
ful). I s•ppase it is because ro9 are in
lore. I Goa imagine that if ell gees well
add you are happy sed , prosperous,
everyone will ase you are beautiful by
the tame you are five -and -twenty. I do
sot like you any the better for it, but,
thank heaven, I never needed to rod
down another woman's beauty in order
to briog my own into notion"
"Sit down if you have tome to Wk,"
amid Helen, pushing a chair towards bee.
"We have nut the least thing in com-
mon, either physically or mentally," she
west oa, net taking the chair, "sed for
that very mason I have a better chance
of asoesea,'
"Success in what r' asked Helen, as.
clamed Percival Probably people would Alice did not speak for • mutest.
bats been very muck surprised bad they She hardly seemed to how Helen's
been told that the did not speak of the words, then she west os -
engagement because she dared not, fear- W"I bate come to toll you that I have
frog to betray herweH by saying too much not forgotten all we:said that evening.
11 she spoke at m1 She looked a little You were right. Mr Moon dugs love
paler than usual Lr • day or two, and You. I have watched you very saretolly,
TIM regained her natural Dolor. and should be s fool to deny it ; and I
If she said nothing, boweyer, Dose the want is know whist right you have to so
ler she watched Moore and Helen, not much love, when I am left out in the
a word, or gots, or look pissed un- cold r
Derided sad oocrkieised. Every day "Alia, do be reasonable ! Percival
sift .o.firmed whit Helen had said. •ted I were engaged • month before you
'•Oso dces Not guard against a danger come home. He had not seen you. How
which duet not exist." aro you talk in that way 1 There L
She was obliged to confess that the pigsty of love for you if yes will only
sympathy between three two was mom- take it Sir Cstbbgrt valets to marry
plata She had sever sees such perfect you as Percival wanta to wry sap."
.sderet*ndmg and afeetlos between a "Sir Cuthbert 1 Yes, he is faithful,
tans add a women -they seamed made is be not 1 He has asked me once to he
far one soother. She watched them u his wife, and bo would have asked me
V Molested, with • growing feeling of again toeigbt if I would have let hits.
ttevy mad bitterness at her heart, saying
always to hemp that all this love sight
sad ought to have been ben.
Perdval and Helen were in favor of a
quiet wedding, but they presently toned
they were not to bare any voice in the
emitter. A large and gay company was
as be invited to witness the wedding,
mid ate, partake of the breakfast after-
ward.; mod among the gusts who were
malted sod accepted was Sir Cuthbert
Hies was glad he was coming. She
cherished a secret wish that be might
again ask Alice to marry him, and that
this time his world content. Site felt as
if irritating such • desire she were
wishing for the moon, but she did wish
it , for, thusib she did not attach any
greet i.pnrtaaos to what Alice bad sed
is a geesnent d uncontrollable passion
sad sxeitotment, she bald the opinion
that sh.sismer Alio* was married the
The thaw low by until it was the
might before tbo wedding. There were
several people staying in the hose, iii,
Cuthbert .wean(st these, sad they bad
Wee dancing the greater part of the
wining. sir Oellibst's admiration of
Alios lad bees very marked, but mot
the most aleaderoslilaaia cold have
eww,ted that he SIM with any encourage-
ment. Alias win maw colder thea
ams 1, the awe* deseed at 011, menti
same& muss tmwilling to talk to bila
ides felt way tired as ,he west up
globe le Use room. yet .hats she Ass
thew •11 ream to go to hod hem him
Ilhe pallet sad milked* steed to oat
, tier toile alhuidd le the
H. will find an opportunity before he
"Why will yon not merry him 1 Sore-
ur .1y be lova you enough 1"
' "Because I do not love him. I am
perhaps the o.s woe•e is society who
dogs bdimvo-WWeim,and I do not see why
I should not have day .hare. You my
there was no tho.gbt of nee when you
and Mr Moore were sapped. Joist co.
If be had known um both from the be -
rimming I do not thunk things would have
bees se they are now."
.'Yoe shall sot say such things to
ma," amid Helen, rising. "For your
owe sake it; no more. If that is all
yew come for, please ge sway. 1 wish to
think of other things tosigbt."
"You can dined to despise them now.
Now long you will unties* to do so
after your marriage time will show.
hbintwood is not a thousand melee from
ei neleVie Tax naso loaf ACTION.
The day after the weddisg, life fel
very 6u at Th. 'Avesta Though Ha.
es wee not a favorite. daughter, whose
withdrawal fres the load, woeld leave
a bleak whish meld nous be filled up
she wee seism, She hell always tide
perfect .elf-oostrol she had displa,ed alt
She bad dismissed iter maid. With
her own lands she had taken of het
.bite silk gown, and but for ths feet
that she had to wear it again in the
evening, whew it must appear free from
ctere or crumple would have trampled
it soder foot in her rage and disappoint -
meat. Her's gift -
had beets visited with the fate which
bar of comment had prevented from
falling on beg dress, she had pulled it
is two, tuned and rubbed the lowers
to pietas and snood by teem* the whole
into the fire. She fids i oT (S-aai win
.1.s they were ttagty, meet have an
obiooe upon which to vest their wrath.
Had the Bowers not been ;at band, she
would probably have torn her lace pock-
et h.adkercbief to shreds, and have felt
better for it. Tho expression on her
fees as she dispetehed the ucoffendi•g
Bowen was not pleasant
Bat io time bar rage exhausted itself,
and was followed by • long and bitter fit
of weeping. Tears of disappoiotment,
hsmiliatton, loneliness, weanuess and
weakness were all united as they chased
one ¬ion down her cheek., and for
the time being she felt the most miser-
able and abandoned of women. But
this mood also passed. She remember-
ed that it was not yet night, when .he
could indulge bet Emilio(' for an uslimit-
.1 time. She would soot have to go
down stairs to dinner, and play bar pert.
She dried her eye., .pent some time in
removing all traces of tears from her
cheek., and rang for her maid. By the
time she was ready to go down Wirt
slob ass quite herself waist, the only
rine of her trouble being a dight heavi-
ness of her eyes which was sully se-
plaened u the result of a little head-
Among the guests who stayed on was
Sir Cuthbert Maitland- that is, he stay-
ed oo with his friend, who lived • little
distance from The Thwaite. He spent
the whole of the wedding day at the La -
low's, and on the following day called
is the morning. Alice smiled as she
mw him Dome into the room when she
est. She anew quite well why he had
Goma It was not a pleasant smile. In
total igaoranes of bet feelings, he had
chosen his time badly. She was not one
of thou women whose beetle are to be
sought in the rebound. She had so idea
of ntengiog herself by marriage ; that
would be so revenge at all. Percival
would can nothing for it and it would
no doubt set Hales's mind at ease,wbieh
was nut u all what the desired. No,
oho was not going lo marry Sir Cuth-
bert ; as u she had suffered and was suf-
fering, so he might suffer too. It would
d r him no harm, rather be a useful les -
e on to him, from which he might draw
profit for the tots. So .len Mir Cuth-
bert came into the dra.i.g rocs, where
she sat with the entertai.ment of halt a
doom commonplace people upon bat
hands, the smiled.
"Yoe are thrice welcome.," .he said,
extending her head with an almost regal
grecioeac..s peeeIier to herself. No nee
kasw how elms smaeged that gm/sr.,like
a loose extending her hand te a nab
jabot, mad at the raise time like • greet-
ing from frilled to Trisect. "Here we
are," she said, "penetrate with ewe es.
demon to pass the time mod amuse ems
smoothie. I tbisk we meat hive .,hat-
ed .11 one .it bet sight, for there is not
a speck in the whole patty this morn -
"Hs mut be 1011 kidded she bin
eel led him wit 1. roes premises."
"What a peek* wash I I dashers k
is files s Dittoes be haw yes. If you
May with im half se hear, yes talk laws
rowed e. i Slay with ss, dad yeis
shell say wherever yes will, U only it i.
.smoshing werub SMeska , tweed I kite.
yen "mum her pectate felt in the humsmidI.1- writ .sate your 1 is
lie A
ter* ohm rid hese the press of tweet There woo a Use of smakury V bee
iwpeMwmee he the buil,. Whom all the seise i he P'_'.er .11he site/ he. 1
mato eef eseltener s wed prgmutl.s hie erste INS le M tbesgbl of wjpr..t t
W head their erowsfeg pellet V the LMwrsseek wed se loss as smWeg besp-
wedding day, that over. it was tepees- Md te *suit her thane ie Ws wed
Me seta feel rather loot lbetewate1y MAW of thew ser Lot verde. %KW
a special measieg, She knew what he
W awes W ask, sod elm lower situ
bog ensue woad 10 ; thereto.* his
would be idle. She took • hied of we -
w611 pihmeer•
p the th.urgltl.
IrIniwtsn1etdl r 7641. •ekps,.djed,wka 1.111
are overload, I thick. What
fiertb', afard Fes desk* tilos use
theigM that ywe W entertained es fur
ss how 1 bit today I as ie • gss•roc
aa+d I delige fie es .Y
bv. • hward ltd seglee sty reYw•rde .h•n
at..y. solum you aid stay w
"Wigs oosld I ask more than to be
allowed to speed mon tiles with you
tea I bel vsst.rs4 10 hope r'
1a spite of himself he was Insassed
by her wads. "I ear in a aassros. mood
I dsli+tt 1.w givepsaple," H. dides,ot creIeot
o0. w1. tinge u
the men plasmas of
taking them beet the asst. and he did
not knew that Miss gueteed Irby b W to cane her owe Isis, was
playig with W as a sot plays with
- ▪ "Tell es," went ea Anse. "how yois
think the bride leaked ysete d•r r'
"I fear I teasel tell yo., I amceely
looked at the bide."
"Ok, 6. ! you did not de your daty.
At a wedding, .weryoe• looks .t the
beide, and the beide alone"
Be bowed, sayisg-
"I will try to remember out time"
"Nett time ! You say that edged/
cantly. When do sae suppose 'sat
'My own wedding, I boos."
"COed gracious ! you are on the etc
of merrier', and you never told Ira
Pay repair your ease at ohne, and tell
us all about br--her mgme sal every-
thing. Lit gross I Skew 1 sttwt
tatagtas' chile[ i term•_ *est *Per -
e arly in deep -sherds., "gibe Il tan
pray be."
"Lomita: tell you the Wy's ammo,
became I have not yet obtuoed her ow -
"You .mem am -upon my word, yes
ammo ma You •n the boldest ween I
evdlteur, to make ears of the ldy's
oon.s.t in advance."
"I do not presume to Nuke arm, het
no mea is forbidden to bops."
•'Ob, no, to be sure -hope is cheap
enour,h. It is W be had for the asking,
Perhaps that is the roasoa," with anth-
er tittle laugh, "why it is se seldom of
any use."
•'I hope my hope is of some use."
"Otherwise is would sot be hope at
all. Tithe my advice," she west oo, not
looking .t him, but bending all her.t-
teotioo epos ose of the feathers of bee
screen, whiioh had become loose, "do not
bops It is • weste of time, and acneo
rally turns out disappointment. Make up
your mind at once, without hopes and
fears, and go straight to the point. If
you an .soeaesful, well end good ; if
n ot, resign yourself, and hope for better
luck settme."
•'Cas yetis gave me no better advise
ibm thatr'
"ICs better ! 1e it not very good 1
It is what I should do if I were a nes."
"And your 'next timer Wosld it he
with the same woman or msother r'
"How can I toll," shrugging her
shoulders. "It weeld deposit so much
open the woman. Oa the whole I think
I would prefer it to be with author."
He was going to reply, when eons ow
joined in the eosverestiioa, and soon af-
terwards the gong weeded for luncheon.
After 1usebeos, Sir Cuthbert came to
Abse es she stood in one of the drawee*
room windows, and said,
"Do roe feel inclined for a walk tide
fine attersoon, Kim I.eboos 1"
"Yo. have seriously taken wpm your-
self the task of sne.rhiniegg us, 1 sem"
she said, smiling. •'Yes, a .alk would
be a good thing ; it would brae, us op
and give us an appetite for dimmer. That
is why people 5 walks. is it not 1 I
, for tut Mat, could see any other
advastage to be gained from ploidies
.keg dull eoamtry rods. Who is for a
.alk 1" ab waist oat, torsion to the in-
terior of the roam.
Several people aniseed thensolue for
a .alk, .Nd though this watt Nat .tangly
what Bir Cothbrt hail kneaded whoa
he sogpsted that way of speeding the
afternoon, le e.seoled bewail with the
thought that, pwhapi seas m1; its
weeks God it es our to he dome with
Alice ia that way em say other. The
rest of as pity would probably pair of
among themselves, having them .a le-
t.rbed. He would tenet to foetus*.
'' Is a little while those .he were going
were reedy, tad left the home together.
village In as eases* direeti-.o, sad ho
some chateau us parallel with the hsy.
ala that gado there was cow leak of
beauty ; the water owm apples ep el -
mum to vote's feet at byte ilia, .sol et
lee aster et eras soy w ..estop the leet
mums wall and to matinee one's walk
slug the made. O. the other side the
cuentry was 6.t. The hill snood to
sink down. Worries • wide, open spies of
s aurae attest, divided into .ointeosetieg
pedalo .ed tarsi' Geld. In addttiou to
gbh, the lad wee a badly kept use,
stony and rough ; highly Goateed for
Wer w bo were more accustomed to
drivu.g then walking.
"Tne shore road 1" 'shoed those who
limey it, in dismay. "What • horrid
road to chaos ; we shall a1 cine hoe.
, / lama "
"You are udder no .acedy to anew."
he replied, lacouioally. "S+ far .e 1 no
.ember at was only Mias Lame who
peoseised to abide by my Boise."
"And .1. W no iutbotion of busking
her promise," raid Alice, I.agbing. She
a hod .sen Sit Cutbb.n's intestates from
the int, and had dace bar beat to de-
feat it. The little fraud which he had
pnoteeed epos her to maim hie own ends
tdolled her fussy, .ad she laughed mar
rily at it. 8b hit isoksd to reward
him ler his skill
"Go your ways, good people,.. she
said, lasehieg .ad w•viag her bad to
them/am ab. moved away. "Booed by
so oaths, you min wander when you wi1L
- I me forced to follow a tyraas.•'
Tby walked away, lam* the others
to their own device, ash for • little time
they did sot speak. They went along
the rod le diop from Th. Thwaite to
the village, and through the vtlt.go itself,
is sileooe. It was only when they had
left the last house some d Uwe bellied
them, and eaobasad the high for the
share reed, whisk seretand belle them
in •B its mnroto,p, that their totems
w ere leossseL.
By the lima Alias bad begun tether to
repent her temerity in thus giving Bir
Cuthbert the uppottuaity he had bun
seeking. Her readiness to be aloes with
him might sive bum erroneous ideas as t
the nature of bar answer. However, it
w dose sow ; the Daly thing ams to be
Ina, and not allow herself to be moved
front her original decision by any prayer
sad osmatic&
She began to talk, therefore, about
sub things as first came into her heed.
The tido was out, and she suggested they
should exchange the rough ru.d they
were treading for the gods, which jest
bore, .t •oyesta, were sufficiently bud
and dry for wanting with comfort, thoagb
• little further on they resumed their old
character of treacherous quickness. Sir
Cuthbert did not approve of the guides
"I should be imperilling your safety,"
Its said, "and how could I satisfy my
oonecience and your parents for such foul -
hardiness r
She ,bragged her shoulders and laugh-
ed, saying.
"If then is danger it is all the more
romantic ; emu let us go. You might
be able to rase.e ms from some fearful
peril, and ties you would be a hero in
is; eyes forever afterwards. Would not
that be worth something r
He smiled and mid -
"Jost now I am poor -spirited enongb
to prefer oonvenation to heroic deeds.
Do you remember what we were speak -
iag of balers leach 1"
She heated her delicately -marked eye-
brows i• apparent perplexity.
"Was it not of this walk 1 Ah, two,
that was after leech. No, you tax my
memory so. heavily. I have ger idea."
"L your suweurr so bed r
"Oh, dr.adb.11y. I remember we-
thieg, sepecially nothing disagreeable."
"I hop. I am not going to recall say -
thing very disagreeable. Do you re-
number Int .meter say ..kisg you to
he lay wife T'
She would hats Ai
acrid she have emmwmd welly --
"No. did yes molly t Bow odd ! 1
bad forgott.s all about it."
Bat aha was rather inlaslxed by the
humus ef otbo, .ted as Sir Cuthbert
spoke with perfect airlessness, she an-
swered involuntarily in the erre tote.
"Certainty, I remember that perfect -
y well."
"Do you .leo remember why yoo re-
fereed me r
"That too. It was bums I did set
oars for yoo sough.'
"Yee, het yea amid Bathing of pre-
ferring say ous flea 8o I oonel.ded,
rmasnahly or sot, that Your hart was
free, esti l dNwmhwd if it win to be
dose, to ifs m i1Ntrrmt some treat yes
col. tins. Trow liii ti11 now 1 have
*SW ggua.. yes. 1+ hive pup...4
welded phew when I awe* 1 Weld
nigh tea g Veil ieseieN, while wek-
I�, ,, 'r 1n. b ma
Ar�Mr Agey iii 11d M. 11ks
,Mlig sot to be
IM IMO$, with
ort 'pus„ With yew emg item j
Wail he the hooka of tit p without
pith, hold, wrist rlbawsYI ' Whin I ease
1Ms jl shpt. Mop kibi sties to
"Where 'Amu taw b T' asked Alice,
when they mild the Melt sus% 'fit, 11111 ell yew etpedllbs, pee
swat deed.."'
Bk O.tild et ytigerldi'vtheed
weber a b.wYd4 4. Aida' SF Mr1-�i
walla at Owdethollik `111111110,
wise —
"You swoosh* id tilde `j .4y oar
shies r he serol, Ifieihke Vials* Is
lis& .
"a, Ps." as a_,ILI Var. 'tie.;
Item le will toe who earl Md'
seem titre, Iellesistheteimes MIL*"The due had,* is le tree 1101111
wee las s.s ewe the hooch etMa the r
the seyrbearsei. L led eel dp/ as
--•mow.- -
T" as . iWIMO la illy
__ d.t>~e
▪ rilr VON *Ati Man kWh,
ahsti you hoped per oma **Wag
wadi b the me r 116156 peg weals
go, and said all these ether Wage. I
eboold hardly bats otpi.eted that frost
yew, Sit Cstdbort."
Her manilas showed plainly that she
was scored. Sir Clabbers meds haste
W .Mover.
"Yoe are wet .egry, lob halon 1
its duce 70e net W be awry. I did wt,
I add 001 ass anything to wooed you.
I reverence you tee moth ever to dram
of saying out word with whish yore a'old
lad fault, I beg d yens tit to be menu
"I tidal& I have every sterna to be,"
she said, misieg this pretext for audio(
fault with hon. "Yoe spoke before •
Plods roomful d people we oath • way
that they were sm.sed. I sapper yes
do mut tamales I allow myself to be
ridieoled i* that way."
"Miss Woo*, 1 beg of you to ono
rider what yes es,. How ooald you,
'oppose I should speak of Too in each. a
.ay as jos describe. I am onwvissd
that so one but yourself beard what I
said, and even had they dose, no nae
could have footed fault with it. I feel
it. 1 tour it. It is iesplissible that 2
shook ever speak of yoo ave with re -
speak and in each • way as to eo:oman&
She wee silent, sod after a short
pasty he went an.
"All this cleft you have sot missend
my gwgsuow. 1 have hoped for a bog
Sale. and--"
"If I remember rightly," she inter-
rupted, "when we were talkies before
leash I told you that hope was a very
foolish boohoo is which to imdreiga."
He bit his hp, and his (ace .amt s
etude paler.
"What am i to oonclode from that r
he asked at length.
"I should thi.k yes might draw your
owe ooac tea osa "-
• "Yee leave sae te pteseence my own.
erm%eessitisa," be amid, with some a.o-
alrmal. "Degan meso that you refuse
me .g.i. r'
"Yea I .ill net marry y..."
The words were hard and spoke* in a
bard She seemed, Weed, um.
soeasio.s of the ptia she was 4.lictinS.
She shed no tern ; she made ao pretty
fmlr ire immeshes about the pais it lave
her to new as tau a love ; and while
she spoke she was twirling bar muff in
her hands.
Bir Cuthbert said nothing. He had
hoped. Hope bad stolen e* at Acct •1 -
most is spite of himself, but latterly be
bad taken plumose in u.iakieg roma fur
it in W heart Aliso was yossg, be
awem she liked ham, amyl she kzed it.
one else. Sony b could prevaiL It
was • very bard blow whoa she *newer
at in that short, decided way.
(deo Da CO T1wpaa. )
rt555 five oe
had u •elm—eve fair waters. add each
1 ratwouldtete be • twlee.11. dales :
tAma's select/ea was beets •
taro eared mere ler mem
Aa5. amMtloe., irptred atter wealth
Sensible sass► sought stet for pad
So she took Dr. Pierce'.Ooldoa Medi-
cal Discovery bed gnu healthy •ad
blooming. Cora's beauty quickly faded;
Susne eyesight failed from over steely ;
Flora became nervous and fretfd in
striving after fashion, and a sickly Wai-
1 1s, kept Anna's h.abes d poor. Bet
anstbie Sarah grew daily mon healthy.
! charming and intellilteat, rind .he
married rich.
A liniments newspaper reports one
of toe clearest and quickest Dors hush-
ing jobs on rowed. A prairie Are .est
through at aeree of Dorn in tiro minute',
completely burning away every husk.
laving the .nun ow the stalks clean sed
bngbt. •ted in no way iajursd by the
lire and smoke.
TMeseeda aeosdes-
Tbo.mwda of people are, suffering on -
b1d miseries from eoesiipati.a, head -
solo, biliou.sea. and weakness that
might bo at once relieved sod soon
eared by the use of Burdock Blood
Bitten. Thi. invaluable medicine is
sold by all deaims at Ons Dollar per
bottle. thus rinsing it within itis retrt�
of all. 2
For people to expect • ogre for Imager
thee, oaten they retro. Qom mein(
whet is uw.bdssems g hut If enythtsg
will sieep= the oppellts and glee fess
to the dlgeetlte arsese.It r ApeiMU Om`
espmrkis. Tlawswmds all oval the kelt
testify to the merge of this i♦sdlelse.
Mn. Berm Burroughs, ef fes Elebth
street, Mouth Douce, wttam : "my bus-
load bas takes Ayer'stieasmprpL, for
Dyspepsia sad torpid Nin, sad has
. Dema greatly b.nslted."
A Confirmed Dyspeptic.
c. Casterbtwy, a lap Franklin at..
Destoe, Hem., writes, ties, aefrletrlg
t.' years Rots Piatgootes, be was aft
last es.lead s. try Apia% *aragonite
orad, as 10 ....-Imea..sm6j, Arad, errs
Mrs. Jeuapb Aside. of lough cost.
Holyoke, Ham., w$nnd fit over s rtes
from Dratiopala. le tot Nu sand set
ase sabetesr et hal, lust a every Bash.
mss wee eaddirer liars flu top ,stat
7bltbee she esiAmes prise taa6 by
FyMWese. M My of the ramwllpe
edveekpei ler the esu at
bailed Um. am els` the
WOW of illet g o the wears
«auiM mw.". .... -
A 'tsar: �r111�t.
Or. tilt e. ♦ l eras Mast,
frtpmet •twitheith. Worth p. scut.
A — - w- 11101 -w Ids►
eaawlaa in rara"are
lWrgasy is the motor .0tttthle
o unsuo.
7usnrroih costar, chain are reiters-
tIM to tar"r.
♦ oarved footstool dee its swiss i• em-
bossed hosts
Csbaa.m and toilet tablas of papier
mach. •r..n.o. more im ass
Patio, was& of aid ,lpaes. so two
.like, .re in fa.tuw said in aver.
Desks for odious and rowan are load.
to eouteio • eoscoal.d embeds -d.
laruuure carvers should be carefel sot
to .*ke their estwng too deep.
A hat rack is provided with proemial -
in. *ohoovate of ntokel-plat.ti wire fur
talk hat.
Dwarf book emu, elaborately oore.d
sad gilded. are to be sawn in the most
taabuabl. hu.e.a.
Teale bode are new. They aro ooa-
•ertthl from our' t, the .44.0c readily.
aid may be need as either.
A dressing table bas a double top.
the upper divided of the middle cud
opesiud to right and left out kliegs).
Braes on oabineu are quite Pretty and
titmice .ty! sh ; pillars have G•oraatud sap'
Ws, Pamela of autl•lue d.urgn, taw
Forager, may be painted else stoat
effectively by robbing down .wch cwt,
as is the mos in oarriage patutin g.
frauteeils of the t."u..t quality are
made from locust wood stud up:t..lalered
in pink and blue, with g"l••I.0 !studio.
Jewel caskets of torous .1011, with
four drawers, are neat and espuusiv".
Tb., Mike excetlst Cornet/to' or.s+s'.
urawisg-room tablet of u.s.q 1e•ppsaw-
anceare made from osa'te fru.h sulk.
of light greenish yellow aad board bt
.itbas of red.
A pular area aces ea tiL:e 1•. t!n
uptown store his a drip of 6 .wen in-
-discriminately throw t wenanier maser,
in one corner, with , n n oho le of blu"
lake extending tower 1 the background.
A new actor to stain wood is • rich
violet. and the stain is thee mule :-Tow
wood is heated with • oath of tour and
<'n. -b alt oinees of Wire ed. mire of suds,
ash, and two and one -h.$ Mors of bull-
ing water. It is thou dyed 'lath ma-
Folding beds are setting well shout
the holiday season 'Nero is considera-
ble ingenuity displayed in their con
slrectlun. 0.e house, well ke'we ea
the'oce of a wealthy gautlomau
has • bolding bud in .vie ate•
thus making each room • parlor.
...smeldfs Owns were.
The statue of Liberty entighteniag the
world, winch stands on Realest a Island,
iu the.arbor of :1.. York, is nee 01
the most wbllass •coatis soseeptione d
inodern times The torch of the god employmm
dem lights the canonic of the earth to
peace, prosperity and progress, through
Liberty. Bat "liberty" is an empty
word to the thousand& tat pour .0...
emsaved by phyeicalailmesua hundred- "What i
fold mere tyrannical than any Nero• Wall, 1
To mach &offerers Dr. Psseee'a Favorite wohkeo her
Prescriptive hnlds Girth the promise of
• epsod, cnrv. It u • •pec►tic ea alt wobk twat
tbo.e dersng.m.nta, trove* and it'a tallin'
weakness&. which main. til. • burden to ••Tweet;
so mum woman. The only medisise don't you
sold by druggists, under • Decidua
guarantee from the manefeet.ters, that •'I as itu
it will gave matte facti"n in eter7 cam, 0r twenty -flit
money will be refunded tree guarantee , "How d
printed oa wrapper enclose( bottle. piired the
ago ars ale
Decors 1
la the melt.,
we .he to
The bee
or cometh/
H JI a
dipuit tad
drank;. to
N•• omit
ow (hot was
Wm.lsur w
pies* we it
A good .
thus Witte
eater, au.:
eu.wgh to
Many ve
Lug pow.loo
wire inakit
When h
time, liuel
.:moth with,
holds with'.
Le teat
drawer bail
aura imam
holo you w
this kted.
k'ye a be
CuwsYUa a,
4111 0 ..,+r
thou u brut
with a feat
et it keeps
pa...h ant
pet 1i ,o 1
7.t/atg Pogo
rad I'erfea
Kali Br,
l.wyura d
.Indy beta
• «1*»
lr,.rg. ' • W
ire easy law
I have d
. am in use
found it ah
kind 111 cul
is ly o.
Muffst, Mi
"How d
Eraatus r'
colored ea
"Not ve
"Yee, ss
1., Verm- ont they use rollers, 12 feet iia.„, Iia
long and from five to seven fast in dials- twelve bot
*ter. weighing 2.600 p000da, and draws
by alt horses, to break illy roads after I has to
heavy aoowetorms. The roads are thus I duty, an,'s
kept open at halt the oust of shoveling. over teat,
A Great a...rer.
That person who is afflicted with rhsu
mate= is • great sufferer and greatly to
be pitied if they Gan•ot procure Hag -
yerd's Y.Uew olid. Thu remedy is •
certain our., not only for rheumatism
but foe all eutereat aches end internal
pains. 2
at all, .id
it Dar's t.e
houghs off
time is is
n.stick, I
i Any po
A New E.gland lad, 14 years rid, its complaint
is in shat
reported by the papers to be taking are
of 11 bead • cattle, three horn, 70
sheep, and wands' a mile to school
every day. But overwork, beyond his
years and .trssgth, is not apt to give •
taste for hem life. It will be a weeder
i1 this one diem set duide otos ea ced-
er tarsi.
infriat; are Nab Mesas.
Dy.peosia is dreaibl. Disordered
liver is mwasry. indigestion is a (tae W
go.'d oaten.
The holnaa digestive apparatus is one
of the raoat complicated and ,oadettel
thing& in .Riskiest. It is welly pat oat
of forrdderr.
food,cook feed, loggia food, sloppy ,
bad cry, mental worry, late hosts,
irregular habits, and essay other thie es
which ought tilt to tow, bbver temda tea
American people $ nation of dyspeptics.
Bet Ogees'. August Flower has dos.
a wee ie:f el work in reforming this aid
bemuses gad tusking the Awurleen
retook so Mek1 that they tM eejey
meals thew sd be tippy.
RenaesMr :-Ne harpoons without
health. Bet Or... egged rawer
brings health ash happiest, to the
drepep es. he your druggist for a
bottle. Sensty-lve eases. welt'
Peeked in Cork. -"Why ie it," laked
a seen of a fruit dealer, •`trent bt.Lge
g rapy all some by the way of Ireland 1"
1 never heard that they did." aneweted
Um fruit dealer. 'They ode noised in
hale t. " "Yee, bot they're peeked is
Cork, area's they r
Hay fewer is a typo of slant Myhre
eyespiews. It is wiesdelsa
w▪ hined eesditiesd the liaise sew brm s of the tatateih, teer..Ma and
16611601 lwaik As Geoid
m e o. leasereied.the diesliSrgeilmeliewo
varied with a rua.isg amNmtloe- Thou
are ..tura spasm of enessiogv *gat
ea s.Odra "'
Salsas by stied * meow
418Begllgg1:0 Dritg ld% Olrefa..Scre
is neglect
devoid be
blood kat
A little
bar satin
aided is t
an learn
the lest
whits se c
pease aro
invaded s
oast they
their live
or she p
with that
I0. au
n os -ie riti
has bee.
astr law
and thou
have for
pada that
mama •
Ely's On
Me• als, N
Deist a
met. M
1.y ah.
-411111P- 11"(111111111111111111.111111111111111.