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GQDERICH. ONT., FRIDAY FEB. 10, 1888. mitest
; s �°N ADT tK
W H ATrS UP? t•wk tuIt is ki.dly what ww. yn11114 1 TORO N TO I ET1'E R
Thieigu That Are Happening
'round CT•
skew tie Tahnsstus aldose, was U. to
twayaset - The Tatum. Oiled. et
II loth ea- UWpettee the 411••••
ilea es Ma .i/ertle NM -
enures Ur/rt.,
--Before tte next Leg's of Tea Stu
VIAL, Vaientioe'• D ty f .r the y to of grace
Eighteen Hundred and Eighty Eigh
will have gone to rent with its fathers,
and uangbt will be left of it tat the re-
membrance of the tinted missives that
spoke of love's youusr dream, or the hid-
eous caricatures that stared nut at us
from the shop windows during the pre-
ceding week. And while I'.n on this
subject, who of us, lookini beck, does
net sometimes feel the pears of regret
for the died peat. The years that have
gone by 'tad their pleasures as well as
their puns, hzhts as well se shadows,
eejoyeseua u well as set'.•cks, and
hope. to counterbalance fevers. Is
the long ego we took a heap of fun out
of trivial things, for our wants were
•mall, and our capacity for sejoys..t
large. Valentines, lang.ync, in the
township of Wayback, were not of most
artistic design, and eanetimes the worst
caricstere made the bast bit. We know
what fen we had selecting, in the store
a: the four corners, the highly colored
misrepresentation of the educationist of
the section, with bleared eyes, red face,
bald head, aess-snd-chin-altstost•to eb•
iLz, with dishevelled fringes of red heir,
bashy eyebrows and a mouth like a de-
serted graveyard. end when half•a-dense
d us had seek boegbt a oopy of the self-
same caricature, what delight we took is
squandering our candy money by sending
the apparition to oar instructor, through
the medians of Her Majesty's mail. And,
as regularly es the day sense around, the
tins -honored ,-Mem was kept op, u.til
the master mowed out, and kis plisse was
takes by • mistress. There was no rause
in the matter, but a eaceiiee had to be
made at the shrine of St. Valentine, and
caricaturists always haying trade vile re-
pr.s.ntatioas of schoolmasters, the boys,
aye, and sometimes the girls, were will -
ung to spend their coppers to show that
there was one day in the year in which
the pupil had his or her inning, in •o'
far is literature and "high art" were
•''ancerned. And whoa the mistress
cams, it didn't matter that she was a
rosy-chesk.d, .wan -voiced, joist -look -
:ng sod pleasant -faced young I dy—
hough firm, withal—whoa the day of
Valentino toms around, the store
owner was raeseeked, and a repress-
ion of a red -famed, wild eyed virago,
with bow hair, groan eyes, sed a yellow
dram with pick ferbelowa, with heavy
mescaline heeds firmly grasping a blue -
beech gad of extraordinary thickness
Ind length, was saleetsd to do her honor
on the occasion. Lad once in • while
ons of the burger boys would let up on
the caricature b.sise•s, get spoony on
the pretty teacher, and would squander
s month's savings in getting a higher -
clam valesMoe, with an imitation of lase
bordering an Antediaa seeks, whets
there was a pluens•t gids, sad a
parting brook, and tell ask, and low-
ing kiss in the dielaase, while a staid.s
fair sad s .way bald ea slterassa
..ettLS ashy frees the berg heists of
man std goaapsg tdomoi--or words
to'hal'Rett. This embtom of Mdelity
sad Weems he mould address to the lady
.dtsasliee-mseWr, u a head whisk he
iw.Oh.teelly e.dsay.rad to disguise ;
sad if the address dye's give him dead
away, the wetting .red spelling of the
doysr.l . ,erre care to, fox el gener-
a">I~ M :
as the young (Olk do now. We dtdeS
stop at school tars or scboclnistressee,
tikes or dislikes, grave or gay, but die
tribnted our favors on both stdms of the
oouoem.lon mid up the sideline, as far a
our nickels went. Det we seldom sent
' even the moist caricature front malicious
motives,—and it often happened that
the must wretched reprseentatiuus were
Isant to our beet friesds. Of late years a
hi;thsr st If ' hes d
y e o are Dome to an stun
j expensive wunenire have become feab-
t Itowable, bot the time-honored old lo.
eltraysgenx.ts, with vermilion, yellow
i 2chr•, indigo an4 gamboge in profusion,
I still occupy large space in the shop
1 windows, and will continue to hold
their place while St Valentine's Diy is
recognized aone for the despatch of
missives that range '(coat grave to gay,
from lively to severe." I always get
my ober, of these tokens of esteem, and
ea lone as then are not too many of use
Ana, 1 masreey that I appreciate them ;
bet 1 never like to get mon than foot
a a kind, of the best quality ; a pair of
the poppy and jessamine variety, with
rippling .treamlets flowing freely into
limpid lak.lets, whose shores were ever
and anon kissed by the wavelets that
moved in response to the gentle zephyr
tb•t ceased vibration in the nodding
boughs and waving grain,or the back hair
of the fair one who reclined gracefully—
but whet's the tail you all know the
gushy kind ; and when the figure on the
valentine represents a lazy old duster,
in all the glory of red shirt, blue pants,
fat face, big now, wall eye, bandy lege
and protruding vest, sitting opus a
herring box is a corner grocery, es fen
of .elf-oonesit as if he were a living
bewthi.g and moving representation of
"Liberty Enlightening the World," and
'rhea at the bottom of the faithful por-
trait, the following verse is rel forth
is all the glory of big type,
Aad see. every week be lsetared his selta-
fa words act of very great werttb,
wile melt la wriaa.
To Wiest astel
Whtlllte wpsrta$Wed the *meth.
why, thea, in that ease, nee of the kind
is 'Rough and to sperm or my mouse
int - AJAX.
�4 to gam. t yea
s' ' "Nelf alta
*a."' itset'M
as Rand use. New
7111•1�b,M-Metas ewer .tel her
f1i�11jnli nerds•. fur •'i • MM
td VI4 ttiMriy.d the sikellok het she
iMilttri leek ..poasulty, when the
epilog slate west up, to tad whisk .f
111110611 Mr14 . Wank 0-i i -..s, sees
tssa3 Mgdl, sew Wow, sold
>alhsthll•eio . `j m eassiiikeiths toned
strelilillie Weak till`.; id IWO te-
1 iI► m res
"Swig I wast shy flip.
41.9404 lbar • mei srdeet end
We de set held .trustvss er•p,aelhlo be the
mink ie Mem Hansel-4als. °satrmba-
sets M mss department mist .safss them
selves to sahib quest ..s, and be hist
war reap Is a deem.
T. the idltor.1the Nara /ttpd.
Sts,—I have remedy ham find by
Mayor Soarer far .o.trave.i.g the bil-
liard -room bylaw, and I think the public
shosld know the eiresm.tsaess, so that I
will mrd stand in the light of a low -Meek-
er before my felbwsl.eiers, Lam year
e n arrangemeat was trade by Mayor
Seeger with Mr Stubbs, whereby the
latter was to pay the billiard Fines., is
iseethty instalment.. Mr 8tebbs, when
he left O.derisb. asked me to run the
basin.ss until Ise ems bask, sod I have
continued to ate as agent for Mr
Stubbs, f.1611iag the oo.dittoo. that had
been rade between him tad the mayor.
About a mouth •r six week. ago Mnste-
ble Yule cpme to use and said that $
eomplaint had bees lodged apiece see
for reania% the billiard -room without s
Mases. I immediately west te the
mayor, and be Mild me es pay the ttaes.y
,f ethe iestalmwt plea agreed with Mt
&abbe). into the head. d Mr Campbell.
Constable Yule afterwards add me ks
Day the �ossy le treeserer f$artoe, pad
I deposited �in that gp.Wrma's
hand.. Oa Jawry 94th I was eked
before his warship for ninnies tables
without • Besse. sod .t, wdw.d.
an of
let week I wReed $s0. lsow, .k, I
haws lived is this tetra for a somber of
years, mid think, teen it I woo the pro -
prime', of the billiard sena, whisk I do
not admit, I sheeld M Inapt r.eeiv* the
treatment that wee asuorded to Mr
&ebb.: and I take thio eppertonily of
*Meg siren right fa the eyes of Mos..
.d my fetlow tows.mes whose good
opisk. I esteem awes than Ido that d
mayor t1.eger.
Teen truly, D. Costar.
Bains see seised few the ersetioe a
• ere me$l -s twu-sbwy parmesans is
e ekeselir wilt Mk Methodist obetnsb.
A swiss of well atMadsd rewind sdi-
viws tett. hese bald in rho ll.HdYt
doss l ses the a esstien at Wes.
Homy nein, the widen. palet. Lw
J. !testy', tleamilter. s Nr lei
Therailayy Misram«+keit iella' ' '
Mae IJainr. Lrtie.ew, fi!'I11111111
Yes& is ado
ars wisfMet/
TM imam of the amok sibs MG
rewind Ise Iheewavietio. of rho poetise
top of firWW1
trar oris Yak r-fi,. Sams
ali' P. P., fila Rea S
4 - !` ....�......T is at mw,
'x ►;;.is.ket hip roseid.re. et taemooy.
444 r
The Agriculturist in Provincial
The %ew 11lalettr Sr. Evver• letelap
Tbe new aerlety Patter-- l Newel Cnetr
la a Sapaew t'ttarel- rhe "Tele
Nissan''' ra.arlr. Ttse Tw•
masa senteares.
Freer ear ewe t'Jerepondeot.
To.oNro, Feb. 8.
The Local Le3islature, now in session,
has not yet got do-rn to the work of big
debate. Sums cf the .p idauner say
that then will be a lively discussion toe
the Iater-Provincial Conference resolu-
tions, and I fussy there will be, too.
The big fight will be upon the rotation
of unrestricted trade with stn United
States, and the farmers' interests will be
championed by both sides, The faro
et is the special object of legiatative use
ttre in the Local Legislature just as the
msadastImet is is the Dominion MOMS
By Ire tap, there is mush interest tai
oageuy ellkaihetcll as to who will get
the seventh portfolio --that of Minister
a Agriculture. At present wntinq the
appointment hu not been made. Then
is a plethora of available moo on the
Government tide, and the difficulty is
ing the best is great. Three camas