HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-1-27, Page 8y FR bates elevtpe ► THE HURONRON Al.,FRIDAY, JAN. 27, 1888. `$1 i�soerat ,jewel. .0'5 OUP Own C,46Thinpwk lent• Orrw* Jae. 24, 1888. Is Canada to es/weenie to bee made a refuge for public tl i4 private thieves t This is • esortims queen+*, which 1 ss• derstmed w theill►ject of oorreapiedesae petiion Ottawa end 1Veshiogtew a• the presets tame. The A meekest &mete is now ateiseiderine a new ealradiuun treaty with Gnat Britain, to which Canada, having the Ohio( interest, is cousulmrd, This is the stere treaty which for two tare the Senate hes re/raised trout ratt- ing bemuse it cwtains cense dy.acute clsusse said to Le objectionable to those eaters else are suuaitivo oo tbs wb- ect of the Irish ,ote. The object et Lances now in proeresa is to *n- v,•epe of the protruded treaty, so itste We surrender of defaulters p over the border to either cmen- Canada es about tired of furnishing ars for mem whose example is far wholese•wr, end the government hopeful that a treaty will be eroded y the American Senate dw'iur its pre- sent seesivn. Since June. 1880, over fifty persons guilty of embezzlement have escaped te Canada and rested here in safety. Tbsae fifty Yankee boodlers got away s ith $3.850,000. A 000D IZAMVLB. fin the matter of subscribing fur news - pipers the Government sets • good ex- ample to the people. The departments impend • total of !1•'•000 annually f. r this purpose and u.e d..ubt the informa- tie tints brought to thu f•.utstain bead repays the oudry. A story is told one of the sub -heads, exclaiming : !t'A) Iasi I hare found an honest news Rape! mat. Here's t publisher vibe credits us with $2 on a subscription of hick we would have no recollection. e. . .,Taatari, years tits to the Cole Beaton by amoost overpaid ea last account, 1i2 ; balance. 110." The oorrespolidents to whom he spoke quietly got the file of the paper and pointed out that the or- dinary subeeriptioa price of the weekly •sa $l a year ' In all Canada there are ab:int 030 bewttpapsn and periodicals t tf these 72 are daily, 12 tn. weekly, 21 gmi•weekly,43$ weekly,13 semi -month - god 7l muntbly. Ontario has 397, uebec, 113. Aoc.rding to the last con- s returns the printing offices employ 311 hands ; °ether. 5,310 knew more also the editor. During a amnion of Parliament the eewspapi re receive about 6,000,000 words of reports by wire. toTAL 1QI.ITABT (.'OLLa(OL $Qurts ars being made to affiliate the Lawton Military College with the Un- iversities so that the course at Kingston will rout as an arts court and allow each of Hui cadets as desire to study law without undergoing special examination. graduates attended a reunion ban- rday evening in Meows. 'rem w about 11S graduates of •Inas ve entered the British Day. Only of the gradates are said to be is the Rated States ; at present there are over S5 cadets at the college taught by s staff of 17 professors she lost $33,000 fur salaries. The total null eat of the (oliege is 160,000. MS *Aimee commission The Royal Commission arpoinl.d in Matto take evidence in regard to Do- _Jrnwioo raitwa s has just completed its Shore and Mr L•lnergan the secretary was in town yesterday presenting the report to the Secretary of Stats The recommendations made are understood to be important and unanimous, bet they will probably remain • secret tilt the laaetiag ret Parliament. Mr Loner - gen tedd m" yesterday that the report to a matt, .mprehrouve one. Sir A T Galt is Ithairmse. The %metal report of the departmeet cf railways, to be this week, show that there are miles over which traffic passes. " "ne'nment operate 1,190 miles is ell at, -ern Canada which cost =30,000,000, 1 worked at an annual loss of about 000 During last year the Gurnee ,.old • few miles of railway In Columba to the C. P. R. The ecmtsoe-si of the revenue from the Interco - el cerise. eft freight and just now it ,r teeth'. to handle all that is nfered. .re rolling stock is called for. at of xt c• TION MATTfl' . noes. The contest in Carleton county, Ont., art dim interesting ran between two Cort- i. :fretting. Mr Dickineen has got a atter from Cir John wishing Lim sue - ,sot , but Mr Powell has Senator Clemow, ° his brother-in-law, behind him and • geed et unty connection. Polling on the let February. There are eight teats in the Commons vacant, seven in Oe - tare) :-Kmt, Carleton, Priam Edward, Halton, Reusell, Glengarry, B. Mimeo. and Victotia, B, C In the setts of Prince Edward Russell and Oiengarry there are appeals to the Supreme Court. In Helton Mr H•ndereen will again be the Conservative candidate, but it is said Mr Waldie the unseated member will decline the Reform nomination at tb. oonvention tnmorrow. Let me pre- **, however, that Mr ?fiddle will put himself in the hands of the party and that the 6 ht will be betwse• the sense cid two. Pulling on the 7th February. maw P057 omens. The following new pest oiliest have been opened in Ontario : -Anson, Noack Hestia/4 ; Blackwell Station, Lambkin ; &snood., Renfrew ; Perry Statics, Ilene& ; Yonge Mille, South Leeds AT 00v¢*N4slT WOt•aa An OW Christmas tree was lassie the c,ceeies lest week by the Marehionses of ternedowne to settler about 800 Sun- day •ebnnl children al Government How. The large tennis wart was changed to fairy hied where a here mea tree rained gifts oe the little ones pieced Wore it and Her T Aherwsed. end Lanc- ia wife Iheaeelvee handed the deligbtrtd yoeags- CAIU (bOUS Dead Letts the r. .1 wed he eyed by w•taa emepies in D nti$trt. i For Bale or to Trot. ppaart• d to Dominion to ea Inst.da who miser receive the Oahe bemuse to.uflhoesist peats.,es s paid. WeU eerva.ts gaoeeslly have ►w easy, luxurious titre, baa` the Dead Settee siert* tom. ib.40kle ► , NICHOLLSOM. L.D.» ITWO FIRST -CLAW' VAKMS /OR l) t DI T A L Rooms. lI sale. One to ihs Mwaaiip 4t AakMt/, uwutttlaa ler seem :cad meek b IraM tMawa. tk drew betrw 1M t•...t fame, , wwyi,,�y,1y1, oso4tatae 100 worm. Per paitioabrs Uuusate w. }, r,elir to O.s.ree. tlu t Caaeren. 410M rt-. `W(i1 BL8 FAssil RUR SALE-- re/1 ELI lel.l "GMsW Tas•,tebip. U uou. �- we els s, tt t•i1 orchard and aI W lass bels.,'*o., Its acres-c'silortabte house and re1.rs Terre e,K psyt eeiq. Apppply to V kBROW t PROUDPWT. barristers..4ederkb. W71 1 N(►OLV Blt7tilf ♦ c°g1/D1s• u4e0aaa 1 `,/ a onto. Odd Ifelb.ss .. $Il T. C !eater. of Optima hen been U0.eent, . berg..tui* * ens. tees elected President of the Aarrriosn fee' uv" Society o1 Clod Esgiuetiim. Ms Keefer s .-.i a°a at wee bunt a1 Te.ree', Ost, and heil bed charge deicing boa 'douse) of ooh weeks es hitt Cam'', tined Trunk, Montreal watereorks, Hau.iltun Waterworks end many others 11 was a cow miaalwp.r to the Pons E t h i t !use{, mad rs an adept of the Legion ut II .ner, and a C. M. G. He 1'67 years of .• •s. The Kiueardu,r t ?eeswater meleey will ask t'arliamr •' to extend the thee for the comm«ic.•.0sec of the week Qs Saturday a oakatgrees *ivied by Res. Messrs t' 4tipttn and Scott, of Ottawa, was sent tii- Mut O'Brien_ of Inland couplet aaehug brut oa his iv_ less° (roof t The conreutgao,, n all a parcel post sor- vioe has been •NMd ONwws Canada and the States, eat goes into effect March 1st Durant Decessbar the Dominion im- ported g,x•dm to the value ef $6,7L0,000. 'el have forgotten something' said the Minister of Railltrag the Sher day, with Ibis hand to hie bawd. "Yon fungnt to ratm my shave Mr," said an uf8• isl standing l.y who reeeutly spptied for an increase. Mr Pepe merely gave bias a broadside smiles Fred White, eon of the Minister of the Iotsrier, will be married in Ottawa to a daozhtetef Aid Ocrdun on February 8th. During beeember we °sported $4,472,000. The duty collected un December Imports was 11,647,000. The Governor General will donate tee medals for the best 4444)5 on Jacques Carter, Eagle& and French. The o;eas mail contract is not yet awarded Hon Aker Mackenzie will be 643 peen cid on the 213th DRalOP. a• Tee Sew 8 S. Est DoartiD.-D. Cum- ming, ono el the wet settee promoters of the new school, by Saturday's malt received the tidings that the protest against it bad fallen through, weed that the former decision was upheld. The now school will not be opened until Jan• nary, 1189, as Noe. 6 sou 6 have made their atgagem•nts for this year. A big time is ezFected among the interest- ed onetime in selecting the site where the proposed seat of learning s1aU be built this sunireer, and it 1. rumored our board e1 trustees, already named, in- tend to have a secret mestitg to appoint the fairest maiden in her teens in the new ssction to lay the t000dation stone of the mew school hoose, No. 9, of Cul - bores township, Huron. Ontario. er` SlateAL Miss Maggie Dulan,of dolyoke,Man.. ie spending the wiuter with Ler parents. Mea Hannah Austin, of Ooderich, who leas been visiting 1rieeds in this vi- cinity, has returned home. Mra James MoDonald has returned home from an eztended visit to his derter it Buffalo. Taylor is home from Virginia. He Is Wen pleated with the country, and in- tends to go bark in the spring. Our resell people enjoyed a soviet hop at the residence of R. A. Carrick os Thursday evening. We learn that some young men who had spent the previous eight in Authority, were disagreeably earpsised on Doming op to address the ladies present to find them turn away is silent diagwt. Well done, gtrh. Strive to improve, young men, and tamper no more with the cup that inebriate.. OOeDIIIa. LsebIz 1 Mian Frames Maslatosh, el Gt'dwish, is the guest of Mire Healy. Birth -- At Lakeview Farm Lesbians. on the 19th olden 188d, the wife of J. D. MacManne, of a son. A. Morris and D. Wise lent good as- sistance in helpi.g to right a enter that opset when turning in to make • tall at a farmhouse the other day. Tee widows of the weather Frevested the anneal meeting of the Leeburn Presbyterian chureb board of manage- ment to wend op the reeetipptet� and ex - of the pant year on Welnsaday of Clast week. J. and D. McLeod, who have lately become residents here, having under- taken • word contract Lal Broadview farm forest, had a chopping bee last week, in which a number of the lade on commercial street took • part under the leadership of W. 0, Bogie. Since the meek talked al school 'me- tioo about to be formed in Dunlop which will take away a number of scholars of No. 6, the trustees weer grave faces- There ecesThere may he a shortage in the number of .shoisn in the limits proposed in the new testiest wettish hes beat granted, bot the sppeersdse of a little scholar at Iwk.vt.e farm the other morning, re- membered to 611 vacant please what the older 'chokes leave. PatreoNAt..-F. B. Linfield, who M at - Wading a coarse et etedy at the model farm, r5oreed oe T...dsy miter .pend imagg his holidays ceder the pareetli roof. nee social metals, particularly the fair sex, will mise comp d its popular idols and the L O. 0. T. leo, 213, tele 01 its main deem midi trice workers in ad - mashie its latereste it Oiler midst. is hither ieeda” et the Mat meeting of t b .elesi the members for theirwishes to him sad said the Ineteielle of the Loam, rooms bed b«. I .ely there for Mei ems, we amwoeful to him when tar awry. t Pram report. of the resent unease el the media fares that hems& s god reed, hslwg brat in .set. •sheets, wed le pod prea0at.F e. arg est f rNlb� ie est W ler et* • She* .Nils skrisii- Vsril! A -le i err. *1 a e the Week. the setts et WSW W l /s war h. am a today. Jas. t HI William t7w^' avA N years sod to m.etb. Legal piste ,::. - -r' . sHR atom Wei' Ur /UdT- COl/Mete PLOWS DIVISION. 4 of a value:,1. (area is the Toriusbip el viewer we, JAMB. A sh1eld. Perseagt to •edeeieSod .. t Sod mate berets. titers will odd Its rota io a.wtesn, with the approbation of U. Moi'•.a.ir) deputyra e.1 the Crowe. al Star. {4 s H�'.l. .eM In the village of 1 ungt,nuaa, e, J,.aupb M,t lu°tth,as-tlemeet,uu rue Slue day of • *brawn . ISOs. at owe o'clock an Ih.• artern.,.rr, the tib hralac laws aa•l premtaus. .'amid, : iso. Darier.• • ,. to 1L.! fifth uuo, o..d,w. division tot taw•.btp of t•iOneW, to t r e..aal, .. . 'run. assn fd corns es tip, Sault East cera..: tnereu1, containing (1,71 Sores ed 1aad. err t the W., 1. eo 'dtawtr.1 oboe" olable from alai rtlul Air of Iaunaa...w.. ter. ,tn1�'�e.- utile s from the Taw. w aUud nch to 'gee farming wade et *Da tel. awl le retail) ..n erosible to may .if tba atld Nauta 117 gra..•1 rowel. The belldloge lbs. -eon are but and Dun Mt of a at•ry amok • half 41 wit" e house. frame bars west leu frarte a •-ct. stain. and other ortlwIMiaga There le aleo a good ° ea med Golub• 1,y1 of t wo wvsa of tam* well Ka -eked wills ex,xdtet!t fruit trees. Ab .s 115 sores of the salt Ian., are cleared and the hammy. of sad land is um tiered with mewbeech std het.ietk. 7 ke iuU of the land otrrr.,d ie a ;-ravel ctey Loam. good for referee grt.3n. at.d M in • good state of etltevettea. TEi:ltif Or BALE. Ten per. coot down on the da) of sale to tiie Plant Ire 8o!leitors, the 5n1a.:o wishes* es - tercet to be prod into ('eort se the lith day td March A. D. INd, wb.•e the perciaese wall be ent.ti:4 to a tunveyamcr curl to be (et Iain possession. The pureeseeras the timeot sale will be required to sign an sgreemuut for the completion of *tar per. hoar. The pro�at•tis will be pat u,. 9u!ijeet to a raserved mid and sut�ect 4. a ntoraa4' I b••reon, of 41300 ant iutI rest to one. William McFadden. 1 t other itsppeecct. the Cutdltfonaot sale ,,hall be Ilse steadfug cos ditn,n, of sale *tribe said court rather particulars may be obtaini4 from the auctioneer, or T. and W. B. Mao, Brwnepinn. or (tom th • iMaootitrs "'da.eserl. Dived at (7oderieh. the 17th day of Jan A.1'. 1 tela ti LEIROWtPSCLULFI KIT, • P lin t di% Std..:! tors. tel. January. UK W. K. ROSS, LICENTIATE OF D. WOO YALI), O(M Depu.y Clerk. of the Crown, ill tiodcricb. DR. McLEAN, PHYSICIAN, RUR GEOA. Coroner tr. Mlle* area 134 -tau IJ'oit SALE. I, Wee/ half ui . .'s!. Asher Street. with ataa l brt.•t,Otla,.e thrre•oa. 1st. 1,.Dtee !. Pre. Irl, 1116, 2/a, flit. Elate •Slat.1. SI. .tr.dre . Ward, lit. ow •ter cf puma and Britannia Road. .latae 1i s• .y •' Loam ua Rears Street, lot and hJlt lard. Ire ace ;.evrrnl lry :m Iteed's Survey neeoe !thou (Ansonia. tis, : hue cif. 1m. * so. N. M. M. N. W - A11 the above at W W RATES. ,.pI.'y to �►Lc0•IY13ON R JOHNSTON. Legal. t; DWQRD N. LEVI'S, B t Stuns ran 1M)t.0 ITOR PROCTOR til u*Iurta1K oouirrd, CONW'ETAN- lttttrNRY '10 LOAN. titre'• '.• loon*. Private funds. 1.1" baa+r RATES OF INTEREST. Demur- Corner of Hamilton and Newgga•te Nr Ma 099. Colborne Hotel tio4r*lch. 2112- t11AGER R t3 4.RTT, BARRISTERS, Ste.. Uodrriah sad Chablis. t:odertcb of - dire oppttaite Martin'. Hotel. 110 11 1) L, B tYl, SOLICI 1'(11:, &e. Olsen. COem.r 01 Pgs.re agd {teat Mrtet O.rterie•h. over telegraph oAlcc. Pri tate *made to lend ata par cent. t'otu- 1) *I;IIOW & PROUDFO OT, IIA R t.` Rt 4TE!I9 Atteetw.yu. Solicitors. etc• Ooderich .1. T. (h:rew, W '. Prondhwt. 1'5 etAMIKRON, HJLT & CAMERON, L• Bar -,sten, Solicitors In (*an."-' kc , 'oderloh. M. 0. ('amnrcn. Q.('.: 1'. 11e•L. 31. u. gem•ror. C C. Row. CSL 3fteaical. if oT oTPby treieaT Adlebrrree. e on South . N MaaWtoe-d. memo • e.idra Bruce et:eet, second den west of \ '"cot ia Domestics Vtlantesb. Street 1'�t• WANTED -A GOOD GENERAL DRS. SHANNON & SHANNON, Ser.Yt. Apply to Mas STRANG. it Pnysician.. Nargeons. Aecoocbers• kc. office at Ur. Shasgpa •' readmit. near the gaol t;udertuh G. G. ba*lrsot. J. It Seav- She People's Solumn. `°x' 1'al DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP We, James Tates and John T. Acheson. formerly the rneabers of the Brun carrying on busi item as hardware merchants, at the teen of Uodertcb is t)et ooasty d Htas'oe °oder the style of -Yates t Ache's*," do hereby certify that the said pertnerskip was on the filth day of January. MMi, dissolved, Jobe T. Acheson retiring. The business will hene•eforth be conducted by JamesYates at the old "bad. to whom 811amouste due theist. firm will be Wl itseas JA MRS G. 11. Monies 1 JOHN T. ACHESON. !flit: WOOD WANTED. Tendert will be re.:e:red up to February 1st L. by the undcrsignod for the dellrere et i the Goderich public schools, of sixty cords' =from Beech and maple. 4 IL lone. (raw from limb. and bsdk lass. No tenders • accepted for los than 10 cards. Amusements. GODERICH IfECHANIGS•-IASTi- Tt;TR LIBRARY AND READING HOOM. ca. et East street at.,i Sq are sup suers. Open from 1 tog p.m., sod from? to 10 r nr. AL'OIJT 2000 VOL'S IN LIBRARY Le.diny Drily, Weekly and Illustrated Papers, iiarwigr3. dr. , On Fi.`r. NEM BERSHIP TICKET, ONLY *1.40. granting free tae of Lib.ary and Reading Itnon.. Application for memtleral:it received by Librarian. in [•ionise 8. MALC,. MSON. GED. STIW-F-NS. Peestdent. Seeeelary. Ooderteb. March 12th. 1035. Auctionesring. W. MITC HILL - --- - e est. Booty B. B. L. ' JOHN KNOX, GENERAL ACC- , TIONEIR sad Land Va'nator. Goderlab LOOS Si HEADING WANT ED. !(at. Having kid ronaid.rsb4'experi.aeet" ppaared to lOneertqq rade. h. -ii in a D .eU!ow good�llwtoa Rosewood, 't urcisme andquantity 1Pin logs missionof s with ted to h . at.vtO Order's all cam O.T.R. mlesioaa stressed to him. Order's leh at at ) ase m1U, mast the .T.R. Button I8eo jMartin's Hotel, Or neat by mail to my addee5NU5s, Mee old mead) for which I shall pay highest 1 Ooder- h P. 0.. earetaily attended to. JOHN HN )C PINE A:.ILORING me xLer. Cin account O i Iatenuee Ot the reason. I have marked ,'.vel all icy Overcastings and Suiting. Buy-er* in wfM1 of an Over- coat or Suit ahoult� not Basin tO tuistisset da Large etock �b�efto_re pouch TSfi el bean In cou111ariug Goods, Qasblty, Wicings, Work - hip and Stye, you' will unquestionably sae." 20 per cent• on any quotations ,en inn elsewhere:. R'rewul.'rr efts when you are in a'ar_t. Goderich, Dec. 0, 1887. • ABRAHAM SMITH t9 or►CRIKO t+PEC1AL iter-tiAlNe I� CLOTHING. 1 waist you alt to r taw and posit titer. hr. New the boli lays cad eteastoss are twee. we come dowt, to b.Lantos. 1 site orreries to the public the lateen stock sad TIE BEST STOCK OP OLOTEING IN %vt:aTERN CANADA. AT THE LO'W T E'EtIQTB_ The stock gtuat and well kr sold Ont t° tache term far +,1•p Reeds 1 take obs opportamlly .f thanktas tM psWk am Lava t try for past favors, sad solicit • conttne,NM` 3� sad .tartewsales masa caa- Limbarh. Jan. 6. 1330. A. SMITH. }turon Lana l4encQ. j� OR S.tLE-ONE OF THE toNLV 1' building sites on the Squats. Ugter:ch- 41 feet. The Mast situation her a store la town. This is ab,•it the tae, chance fur a place of the kind, Owned by Abraham Stint Apply to Huren.Land Agency. - A RARE CHANCE- ' FOB BALE -A GREAT BARGAIN. Hattlan I Nam -The country scat cd the tarp Hoa. Richard Hawley. MS ramble property is si: ustsd only uta sure -from the emenibey of 4i..- T.w. u: c:.d.- rtck. is unsurpassed In natu,al bane, and scenery. sed neer se root. : o arrTt.► t :• ria pram. It cone:rises CJs vee, o1 ".. g lands in mood order. LAM a fttlllt 1.•,•tae. of )Milwaake* brt.-k.with 0;.... (mesa oat •atamy* c'armer'a cottage. c&rriatte house and karts •r. 1505 Ling ale) billiard t•u.00, tea- •t,mp`„ - There lar: • orchards. way fret!, of ate ktn,L. `o a reel stocked ryrt- abtc garden. ppb 10 r... "° IJ red Armor. or to R. N. Lett-". ■a+ tt HONEY TO WAN AT LOWEST rate -sof itstemrat. Apply to dame Land Agency. E0R SALE -HOUSE este LOT ON Cambridge St. Cheap -tom Hares load Agency. OR SALE -RESIDENCE OF 11 VOR tineas, Esq. Hurt* IoM Agrel. FOR SALE -3 OoOD LOTS WITH ewe houses Price t Hurts Lend Agency. FUR SALE-BLACKSJMITH SHOP with toss omelets. A groat barsata. Heron Lam Adescy. Ile CLEARING >r ^'lt�ir. The Cheapest $o7ue - UNDER THE MC 001140 OC7 OF Pictures, Picture and Room Moulding, Window Shades, Fancy Goods, Jewellery. Bring Along Your Pictures, and Have Them Framed. SAUNDERS . BON. WANTED TO BUY -70 FT. frontage on the Square. Hot Lead BteMt Door to the Pest Ore . Agency. 0ederlah. Dee. o, 130f. MONEY TO WAN AT LOWEST 441. rates esti on hest tonne. HURON LAND AGENCY. WANTED TO RENT -HOUSE h is With cellar sod stable : rent abetu MAII. I Apply to Huron Land Agrs_y. The Canadian Pacific Railway FOR s w L E. -CAN)D FRAME boast. first cues condition- Awe orchard. 3 mLutra welt tie* else suitor*. tinily to Huron Land A so Oder, market price_t . Comity Ataotiotaeer. Irrt� ee y, ls, I aes also prepared to de any quantity of premeds sawing sod .*14 ctori yea' °sO`I ifirS iso made tc eeda.wa For partleulare spot to JOSEPH KIDD. JR . ■ 313-1m Dominion Salt Works. +L/ • BRE.iKFAST. ANNUAL MEETING OF THS II, a thorough kaowled of the caters . •ter *lila govern the overage's of diecattee HtRON AKU BRUCE LOAN AND :.u-1 autritfus.and Dy acandil applicatita INVESTMENT CO. Drop c ye ec cd Corea Mr Tae Pree•ee hyenas Rome between MONTREAL, - TORONTO -1 GENTS FOP. CAN .tDA COMP NT ottJlrts�u GEA fF.r1 L-COxroRT1YG. 1 . Maros Land Agency. OTTAWA, KiNGSTON, For farther BOSTON wanner erect r„rent. J yl,"det Btitto f9e DETROIT, - (5HICACIO ST. LOUIS KANSARD ALL POIN1IEAS D WANT. ?s'S enelil The annual Boron ,u,eting of ILr si.are holders of the rtoron and Ikuce Luat. and 1r.. vestatest Co. will be held at the Company-.. °flee In the Town of Goderich. on T•ie.day. February 7th. next. at the boar of two o'clock p.m.. for the pe of Mec'isg Directors. re- celrteegg FI Btatesett, cad for .11 other gentlest purpose.. Ii0sa3CE UOilTON, Manager. A batt -yearly dl v Wend at the rate of sit per i cent persunoas. ending tl Dec. last. is now 1 due, awl payable at the "face of the r tom traay, HORAC•E HORTON. Manager. I a ', allowed on year{) d.pos:: s. Geokerich. Jan. 1413. 3360. 23-tf •1. Cue reties of w ;; I t t:ppt hal provided o.tr breakfast table with a delicatety Asvored beiersire abtc!e may sere us many heat y doctors' bells. It 1s by the Judicious u.: of each articI of diet ter% a constitution may be mred.ally built up until strong moues 'o rnir even !endem:y to 4i..._,e. Nand:e4. o? snails me;me in are toa!Icg •..rand us ready to at- 'aek wherever there is s moa: tar. w may ewers many a fatal shaft ke•pler Ourself es well reclined nab pure cod and a properly nourished tome; -"Clef! *cress (1., :'fit • Male "Imply with bo:;ir.r water sar� weir - Sola E'ST te eta by rs, labels iii JAMtel Jam k is imrs.Homeopath* Lars. I.ordoa, England. NOTICE. N A t RN S 'Ti. finished. ready fur the rotfrnm after the holidays sad elections. The lectin and I review eared. "1'reytdesce. our?lonitor and Electric Power," by the txcommuni.aied. Partlea. clothed with • little brief authority - ars requested to walob time. place and one,. tor adeilrtlon. 1{ectture, press sod hand tills. References- The Courts of the Presbr'erian I elm Cbnrch le Huron. Hamilton, ism, WCir.nlpeg, Is07. Lecture to be delivered in aid of de-' feasor, the poor• and 110 OOeglish. Bom.n Coi.h• elle and Methodist Chnrebes. Address, JOHN ftCI*'EI.L. Excosi, Goderich. Dec WISH. 2;!- i OST -A SMALL BRASS DOOR! 1A key. Prader will o°ster a favor by Isar.' beat this Deers 30 1188E FRASER. 1 wets glva kse°ns en piano to a Iimtt.4 somber of pupib Terms reaumahte. and made "acme on application. iwtssons ran be `Ives elther a r Imo"k rr of pupil nr tra•-her. Orders I.R st Ole booktmsee of Tracer potter and Kay w111 emotive prompt attention. tot sm. #Etillwright, Ualuator, &c. 1 A. RUM1IElt, WRiORT MA('Hi\ItST, VALCATt3P., AGENT tr.. fescue Made seed Irsrta Taken for (teas HeWsg b the Het water green. H« Water wed !Ream Boilers. Little Giant sad other Water Wheels Agrlcahuret gat pl•sest. Mole 11aebeo•er. PLANK AND SPECIFICATIONS. VALUATIONS MARK. Gam* ' ALIENS MINCE MEAT. PECIA Gee FINE BOSNIA PRUNES. GOLDEN DATES. CALIFORNIA APRICOTS. BAHAMA PINE APPLES. MAPLE SYRUP. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR • The Fines; Brands of CANNED TOMATOES, CORN AND PEAS. roamer t'ITY COl.L4* t, lawnoo. Jaw art, 1 gaatttt Meg, eta 'winery n..r}*us fltilwt, a se tante Haven le *new aed roues are Qeseeslag aware er the ry oe t O K. Lo on Oat �.'r a YORK. T•nndo. flat. Ldtm (Loden. h. 1, r. :, I ct- PRICES REASONABLE IT SIMI Mrmhasts ram wet their 101 R HB . fir etc Meted slya dery t tale .11 paw? and letter 1 all and a ftl.etW to s.tvertess Moir out mmplee and oast prime. 6000 WORK IS DONE IT SIGNAL . wry,: to He RON 1.A14u ,OZNCY. Lock Box 2114 Gud Oat., Denote. Loans anb insurance. -M MONEY TO LOAN -PRIVATE '` rCNfte. / � Wm" &treat. pppo�te OMs* Dent Foram the- nem- Goieetek. Jai. ease. 13C. 11lf- far Napa, THIN Tables. Fares. Ttek5.. ane. apply to R. RADCLIFFE hawse Pay ble Yearly. R DUCT. Vp V 'iCasliL -Corner opposite HartlE. e s H«d $1 X600,000 TO LOAN APPLY TO CAMMRUN HOLT MCANNAION etch. ttN MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE ova caret or Private reads for tnve meas t to lemma1t ea a PRUUO!"O(lr rtitagett A RADCLIFFE, OEIRERAL INSVEANOL, REAL ESTA?E AND MONEY WANING AGENT . -ame.fy b waat Maim d the lancet rate et intes /slag. la coy way 10 suit rte oerrow.r. - OE wept Street. deer5*� 4 $50,000 0 1LC"?. AT ° PER THE TORONTO O/RBRAL MINTS OO'T are abepreps ' to lees mew at s per east. Ml es TERa1111[8 'Iti) SUIT BORROWERS, fe Ors ciese farm security. Atp(��y CAMERON, HOLT trla0131111011. Amato ter the Tee:Fte Dearest T*Mvais Oa'7• Meows. Cori ,efHOLT t Cadman Mire Mao a lamp smogs" private hugs to teat en erst<la., (tela tee trlty. 1111410.4se(eh. Ort.•, tri $200,000 PRIVATE FUNDS To leeo en farm [teal teem pre►sty st los tenonIn ast r"emo reb (:tai pia ritt Credit Osapsn7, Loss Cestlel of Casads. iabeall , sae ?per tent N. B.->lerrowsra me sow r day ,11 title MeiDA asr1'einge fs..41•Esfii 1octetio*. Axel ICIMI ORDER OF U N I T i D WORKi1f1• )[APLB LEAP' LOMB, No. f7, Two ewer. WVfir! tlrT. Ppwat s•s, eg Merg0 AefD gpg Momoers Or va,TT to sefiregnell ALWAYS M. P. RLa, 311.1. RSA 1►tsaMCa•s, 0, W. ?fOMrao , ARMBRECHT'S TONIC COCA WINE, -fOR- FATIG'UE -or- MIND and BODY -A D) - SLEEPLESSNESS ear to law4.vi...moaa. ks. r to "It Kneel la. hia wwer'dd.. w hen powered re waver d the vital whie.t-fpr. welt. ceye"Ei. 1 R lriewr tr. a Armbrecht, Nelson & Co., I Deka St.,westA a 11410 Bile leadtaw dryl•ts tbreaghaudt thewwiby tet- 7. JORDAN, Ood.Aoh. ENVELOPES