The Huron Signal, 1888-1-27, Page 7AMP furl) res. eta Blamer. 846e. wiM.r kaa came m y sheep are A fearful meg i 1 emelt against • buy in sheds, where they will remain till , PIN brols*M to light at Vieeisa, Austria. apmolt. wye a MMiokigaa fareaer fol an el- The wide,, B es Braga, lived w.th a (tbattp. They bars teaks t4 ween - wr:r cat het•, who objected to As em steamy beings tem. with salt. Ooeld 0' Rosa • buy cat twelve years heir• i. ese less La De- a deem. I h".the tetw.sealan e/ the "ad sr' ills same hoses with idea. Tee mother naiad es that the water would aim kicked tie* boy op in • dark room etW- frstel% hat ken" as close to the treating out a bed or any other furniture aid .mist as passible, tt would heat suit me, kept Los these fur more time a jeer, 1f it Weems, meek ou/der than this .tad- when • dwuweiation rgseoet Iver eau Jowly sheep will Dew to dunk Ireely, brought by uetshbor.. The Judge had when they will tall % fl is the aft.oeat of fodder they eat, sad in a few w.aks of estivate cold weather they will ,o, ren down is wad:Lion that they will be but *bedew cat their turaser selves -a bad °tradition lit which to Ret thorn to cuo- tg1Re oar straw stacks. When I firm t'ua them op I gave them plenty of ha. -+-' "bat tau btu e"'_' oats aimed (two petit Tran sad one oat.). they wit: eat up clean. The object of the bra at this tune is to keep their bowels lures cr to allay the fever that a change fovea gates to dry feed often producer. Whoa t'.s sheep get to sating well 1 begiu to drop cff the bay (.ed mead suh.btute to eta pace straw, which le the ugly fodia, lost I five my sheep from two to three !,end's. This 1 feed is rack, 1104them no more thou they sill eat up clean, the same as though it wM hay. Wk.. 1 eo..N•Os teadiag straw 1 add a portion et Born, making the mutter. ooe-to.rtk each eons and oats, and °N - bet bran ; give three-tourths to ote In:t of thio .mixture per head per day. tatter gives at two feeds, and if you have the right kind of sheep they will stater well on straw or fodder. Hu some My that takes much more grain Ts.., but you will hod that you hare go enough more wool to pay the entre cue to grain. Your sheep will be nue larger than ander different Ireelmout. Your straw will he worked into • good bed of manor* to drew out to enrich your fields. Some pasture un. field and mow another to obtain hay to winter their stuck oo. By thie way of dem, tusioem you can pasture her h beide keeping more stock, which will, to s certain gamut, easble us to c•.mpete with ether eom•triee in the rsi.irg of wool. Then when you are handling Your grain crops you are gathering in your fodder crop fur the winter, anti it lessens the work of tutting tl,e one field u( hay. no right by the Iaw .d the land either to 1{..uuL.a the trainee or to take the lar (rule tor, 11. could rely repru. • her and threaten that the boy would be taken frust her it she ret bated the of- fence. A Hosanna •nuts. Tile largest organ, am? one that plays • ountrulling pstt ou the health of the body is the liver. If torpid or ins:tiy the whole systems beanies diseased. Dr. Chase'. Liver Curti is male specially tor Lever mid Kidney dimmer. and 1. g uaranteed to ours. Recipe book and tuediciw $1. Sold by all drupelets. It small quantities of butter, , lard, and beet -fat be separately boiled sad slowly erot.d fur say twenty -fear boun, the re- sulting etystale will show %cry smoked dttmoors seder the miewtcreps. The normal batter (Arleta! is large and t.- Idar. It polarises brilliantly, and fellows a wiry well -marked St. Andrew** Cro.s That of lard shows a stellar form while tt at of beef -tet hes a foliated appet.raece, In mune cat (Hoe, as the bulttr Iousea *la fre.botes, the globular crystals d• - generate, and gradually merge into pe- t t uli•rly rosette -like forma h Of all the means of ruin which do: the steps of lite not one u more prdifle of evil them the inability to may "Nu"at the right Lima.we fee sae UM end rasa. A London despatch says : Nous has j at been received ben of the elopement ..f Mee Jessie Palmer 'for several years • pupil at the HeUmotb Ladies' G,11ege hem; front the browse( her father, Mr. Arch. G. Palmer, one e.1 the wealthiest farmer's of Victoria, Cayuga county, N. 1., with a laborer on her father's farm n oised (leer Hughes She is a hand- s me brunette of 19, and an only daugh- t,r. Her father is a widower. She had t ern home from college about a month Let Jose when Hughes, who had the a %poorance of a tramp, visited the place in search ,4 it irk, and was engazed i y Ar. Palmer. Hughes wu a good horse - aim, and the first attracted the young la.ly'a attention. He tau>dtt her to ride, IA was so much in her society that when the time ams for her rttorn to .11egefehe ;,leaded illneaa, and induct(' her father to ezteod her vacation t II January. Meantime Hittites was instantly in her company, and the .11.ir . ilminated on Friday last, when the c .uple disappeared Sud have not .151 teen heard of. The news Laa created . site • sensation in certain circles hen, Wier the young lady was a seams! .TGrita The Mase. The rose is the most , highly paired, and, nest to 11a geranium, the mist ranerally cultivated flowering plant. These remarks apply to amateur culti- rition. Profeeaioual florists make r ee- growiny a very prominent part of til. it ',cainees, :and immense quantities of "'were are need during We winter reason for cutting. The statement is .nada by a ooespetent authority that la :885 "the trade sold 44,000,000 cut r omea " This indicates, to home &Limit the popularity .f this padladar tower. "They have a htrgct sale is my dis trick," says a well know, druggist, 'than any other pill on the market, and give the beet satiateetion tope sick headache, bdoiownms, indigestion, etc , and whin combined with Johnston's Tonto Bitters, Johnstn•'s T•.nie Lever Pills will per form what no other medicine has done before for *offering humanity.- Pills .'b omits per bottle. Bitten 50 cents and $1 per brittle. Sued by Goode, Druggist, Albion block, Goderich, sole agent. (c] tecerd of Retry t,weda. The hatter teats at the .arioss faits throughout the 000mtry this soon, as ',deed in past years, refute the idea that in any one of the dairy breeds lien all the superiority in milk &Ed better pro - notion. Taking the tents for the pra- t year together, the honor* sppear to very fairly distributed. Fur iseiaare, the New York dairy show, as every - ought to know by this time, • pure Holstein gained the pries ; et the ew England fair the prism wee award - to • erode emir having Desemsy, o ne, .•d Hereford blood : as Ike PrP. mcial fair at Toronto • full Mord Ayr - ire mase one awed ; a1 the lama Hate r a Jersey mewed the reamed (ieroa• scienli.ts who hers turfed the stirs proatablintese of he.ping genre d small eow, giving 1•rgeas quantities. rich milk an the bet. 'rat. r dr. ,wd lamely its bed and milk hoes e ane animal, A Do you know where the .•.,.s.,m of len taking their metriayselle dare,) - in the walm,iwg p'.... o.rq(wee►r1 1 have no ilea A -- ".8. it •lot,•• to the dove of At».h.e1.. Y..•. Dem it was al a well Mat Rebaes fe•tand husband. tet time. The tnatarat of missy tba senile d awls of taw chromic w lea, e •Meat•te peculiar to 1 tatltota at the I n Hotel and husked end autalo, N. V., bas dord,d a ram experience In Dimly adapt. ti/a and thoroughly testing remedies for the caro of woman's peculiar aeaidks. Dr. It•lereeue favorite rrosertptlem Y tie outgrowth, or result, of this snot and valubie etpr* eco. Tbousses:1s of ttetineo- sila recetn.,1 from patients and Irma physi- cians who have test.•l It In the more aarg�grrww-� vatel awd obsiamalo moo which bad WDed their s:,tl. pr..t' t• to be t....- most so nd-rful remedy ever dodged for the relief and cure of it=w..rW:t. It IJ not r•omninend d as a Bort`•t4" but u r. owlet :-rhe t Specific for woman's :• w:.: Ailments Am it powerf' :rat laoratlas tent., at Laporte et v•1tta.i to Mo whole system. and to the mulls and jttaI.endoexe ln part:, abut. Fur orurworbcd. worn -out 'run-down•" ,', •Wiitatcd tuachen, miUlnm, drrssenake rs. sometry:ask •'trop;Iris," house- kaep rs, mureins inua_n, and fer•bie women y. car. Perot: Peewit* Prescription the amu�� �rtitds' bones, tbbeitto, unequaled �i tonic. As a soot Ing( and sarongtbealmg nervine,P-tv..rku Prestvlption" Yt.o. u qual d an4. Invaluable In aIMyIm a and ora duiug nervnw excitability. irritability et- haustk+a prooratlon, hysteria. spasms and other distressing. ner roue •ymptomm tom- moaly attrodant upon functional and organic disease of the womb. It loducn retroskips deep tpn t relieves trental anxiety =el do- Dr.le4r^e+a favorite ProseriptIon is a legitimate 'medicine, tarotully oomp,uaded by au expel k ao al and akilllul physician, and dst.ted to %roman's delicate or>taniasUon. 11 is purely vegetable in Its eompusltk.0 .rad tp fleetly hamlets iu its c4r-ts In any condition of the system. For morni,nr sickcss, or nausea, from wtatetcr causemak stom ade, indigestion. dye - cu and kindred symptomms. Its um, In small a will prate very tr'rred/inl. Favorite Prescription,' Is • poste a1 a for the most ewnplk'.ted and ob- stinate esaesof leueorrbera excessive Bowing. palate menstruation. unnatural suppremeona esolspmss, or falling of the womb. weak hock. female weakness, aut•vetwkm, retrotereon, bearing -down sensations. chronic convention. Inflammation and ulceration of the womb. io- flamtmatinn. pain and tenderness In ovaries, a000rnpanies with " internal twat." As • regulator and pr. muter of tuna - Moue action. at that criil�csi (}period of chaos* from g�i1rlhood to troraanlb00d, "Favorite Pre- �pttun " 4.s p m y sato remedial wig, y good results. I eematlf taAdv orders in its ef*c0, vrien lairs far prpte gordets and Meats fn idest to that Wer and moat known swerb cChangemm of Lee.P• averN rtels 'risen nnlemrkes aamMl Dena. y, and tAtDarl larmtalvywe *t Dr. Pt roe's Purgative Petits Lkti PIIMJ our Lin. Kidney and R45dda r,mam. 'their combined tram ago removes blood taints, and abollebea caomots and ewgitrlow humors frena the em. lraverlte Preeerl tionqu4. the only mediolee for women, mold by druggist*, under a live guartotee, trout the mesa - that it will give sat W aotk,n in every em*e�or murrey will be refunded This guarsm- . tee W beat printed on the bottle -wrapper. and faithfully carried out for many yeses il.arge bottlesno dome. 51.0a, or else bottles toe omPoe tare• Il ups. 1 et tag Wen eta pasta iAttRmM�� , amu to stamps. rtll�g SOS Alain /t. D> WAL•/ L 1L THE NEW PAPER TKO sew OeaseruMve Journal .hoot to be ssartod seg Tomato to In called Vile (Empire, WU1 shake Its s .m.s..e se or about 11.m Lib et D.aaebsr. Igo pales .n bsfaa spared le maks the paper worthy d t7.a.da sod d Ohs Items. party id idiom pommel It will rtte~tthl br Ike um • Staff of Irilliaof Writers, W able lean bub mar era The �s ef mmo MAI Now Brom all smraesera, Algae irewaaln A..m..e Re.5r rode nseaenasala. tRermbao Ooeaeaweanl leev,s. dimeosewmml>atieg Spernet �e w ► tstlsdigwai taba.CarlI sin cobs el re ordi.O.hk► kmseat tttsuaW tpym. bmyiMg Logen Ar L Aa .Mold Road L MITWINKELT mums. pee A-1 apet ..-- �g ik mew �tkr mos se is Toreasa TRS HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, JAN. 27, 1888 Chita Cri it Piickr s Catena. I When mail mem Usk. w gam bar QtiSsna, Wham ails ear • OiIL she nae/ las teesmla, Wham she beer MIs, aha etoss ss Oss mle, wba dr hod Obadaea, she Om Shun pasty 1888. I• all uuder.akiugs let et tiro a aamiuo ear u su stirurth ; the ealerprise ural and t4trdly the poop* atilt abut re Lire to d., , GET the BEST n� WESTERN THE ADYERTISER1 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. OF LOND ►N, ONT. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. . UASTtT1YiW.tfl! iLLuiTI]TEO Af,TIL1Eli All TME NEWS' POPULAR DEPARTMENTS! HAnrrr'e Tut I'aul•La lutereets all 1191: REA3:9; : 12 PAG:; REGULARLY !omit readers b its carefully selected varie- ty ariety of tbcisme sad tbeir wellrwssedered treat - nano. It contains the best serial and short atortaa valuable articlos on *cleat Au suqjcoy egad travel. historical and biographical sketches. pagers as athletic spurts and tamuet, stirring poems, e4•.. contributed by the brlgbtest and most faunous writers. Its MMMos- era e.. are numerous sod excellent. Oeca. •somal Supplements of especat intermit to Porent. and Teachers will br • feature sr Lha furiI.ou ul,a volume. which Iwl!1 e.mpeiwt Shy weekly numbers_ Seery nap in the paper ls subjected to the Mat e/*rid edit• oriel wrutlay is order that nothing ►utahtl may ester its columns. An e, home of evreryt►1trg dor la attractive and desirable i• )ateailo heel•tore. - Rostov A weekly feast of good things to the boys sad girls la every family which It resits - N oo4/ren Union. It is wonderful In Its wealth of pictures. In- formation, and interest- ('$raafiao Adtocutc, N.Y. TEIt1L9: Postage Prepaid. $200 Per Veer. Vol. IX. commences November Specimen Copp seat ow receipt .f a logo era! stamp. 80tutt Itesiaras, Fite ('encs each, . Hewitt/mato should be made byPoet-Officefo. Money Order or Dra,to avd cance of loss. Newspapers an w.4 fo nosy l sir advertise meat s ff Mat the express order of Haarea & Sno•ne kr. Addams RASPSAt &DROTIUIDEL. Sew Teak. Balance of 1887 Free T. all saw subs.ribtar for the Year lata, at the low price of 1pERANNum$1 11•11ausor's and other Serm o na ! Asoedeat Musical S,h.•tious! international Sander 1. Ao.,t !.. erg a. "THE EL Ir. QUEEN" A limit.A nuua.er of th:a beautiful premium pi.:ture is offered subscribers tor Ie coots eatra. /irTbc We .term teverrlrr sad rreeala•A ger etas. Agesua wat.ted everywhere. Tw•,,aty-are valuable pro,. to be awarded over aua above Use tast. unuw cion to the moat successful Melte. linemen .1 letter come at our risk. !.w tree sample ppoaw�eers. tenni to agents. etc.. address. ADV El{TISEE1'Y.INTf- fro., Lev DON. ONT. TOIL L'w" t'Lrttl%l: •Ertel. Y.■ ram lav♦ eke Wewrra .tdvertl.ermid Itwbraoiiral reemstone. iourtker wish Telt. 111 anti sIal$L1r... new smell Jas, 1. 1100, ler eels at.73. by addre.w/ag as fol- low. t b. Itrt:ILLN'1 Nl 111L SIGN•1. 21H' Goderith, Ont. NEW YORK OBSERVER. EST,ARLiSNED IV :..'r. The Oldest and Best Family Newspaper. Six lar Editors ; Special Correspondents at Home and Abroad ; Stories, Rev iews, Condens- ed News, Department_ for Farm- ers, Merchants, Bankers, Profession - al Men, Students, Boys and Girls. This year the OBSERVER will publish wore than -FIFTY PRIZE STORIES t and the ablest and most popular writers will contribute to its col- umns. Poets and pro,e writers, authors, editors,wen of science and women of genius will fill the col- uu.s of the OBSERVER, and it will give fifty-two unexcelled papers in the coming year. Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, *2.00 a y.'ar. %BEAT INDUSEMENTS; FOR 1888. 1. The NEW YORK OBSERVER wail be sent for one year to say clergyman not now • subscriber, for ONE DOLLAR. 10. Any subscirber beading his own subsea -M- ilos tors year in advance and a new sub- scriber with 5350, an have a copy of the '•1r - minus Letter" or -The Life of Jerry McAul- e i We will lead the OBSERVER for the re- assinder of this year sand to Jam 1st, I. to mar new subscriber seeding or his name and address and use in ad vanes To suck sub- scribers we will also give either Ile volume o< "lreawrea Lotion!" or "The Life a Jerry McAullsy.- AgeLta weeded everywhere. Unreal terms. LarOeommirtona Sample cosy free, Address. W YORK OBSKRVER, 12I'R• NEW YORE. 1688_ Ha rper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED, Hamm'. WaSZLT leas • well established piaoe as the leading illustrated newspaper in Awetla. The Adresse of its editorial own - moats on eurrent politics h.s earned for it the respect end eoelb&noe re all Impsr•tlal teed - ors, and the rariet; and exoellenee of Its literary oonteata which incluse serial sect .seem stories by the beat and mat repeater writers. It It for the perusal of people of ilia widest rause est taster and pursuits. Supple- ments aro fregnestly pro• ded. and so ex- pense Is spared to bring the hlgbeee order of artistic ability to boar upon the Innate atlas of tis cb•sgefal passes of home and foreign history In all its features HAart.: W mut- Lr la admirably adapted to be • welcome guest in every household. HARPER'S PERIODICAL& Pen TRAM: HARPERS WEEKLY ... J1, M HARPER'S MAOAZi$E HARPER'* MAGAZINE HARPER'S YOUNO PEOPLE 2 Poster Prat to aft .wbeerfbw. to IA rotted Matra. Oess.d.. N Mees. Me Volumes d ego Wmartm been selfth• Ant Number for Jen of each year. Yrlw ate time ispraatloneLwill be wadmwyd that the subarriltat wishes to eeeaasanse eats the Number ennead at the timed the r.onpi of osdee. Round Volumes Of HA•►p' Warm., 1w three yews bosh. Is east sloth leading. will be mat hr Rossi espouse miltstaid he FiwIger rrr ddoeeerene4 word ems dello, Mr v.ueaol. her gr CO pro 'Nwase. (loth Caine Iger s*aos[h vdwtM, elute tar room* or gt lHMadam eo el ~ tadl ,iystelii a• Ra oluaaees abowld los sande try lMeow On raor Leah, wto avoid eleaace of �y�frg.e*wee swo.4.. of 'er aa* eat narita • otto'tHERII Now Twit Postage sews to an en eroilemo to the Hatt- ed States er (a ..45. 1888. Harper's Bazar. ILLi-� T R{TED. HANrtkl a BAZ1n is a borne journal. It combines choice literature and fine art illus- trations with the latest Intelligence regardlag he fa oblong.. Eaeh number las clever serial end short stories. practical and timely essays. might poe,o. humorous sketches. rte. Its pattern sheet •std fashion -plater supplements will alone help ladies to este many times the bort of the sub.criptiun, and papers on social eligloo te. decontiaeart. housekeeping in all itsbranchea. 'ookery. etc.. make it useful in every Iwesehuhl. grad • true promoter of teeonomy. Its editorials arc marked by good sense. and not a !toe is admitted to its columns that could oletd the most fastidious aste. HARPERS PERIODICALS. I•:.:: TEA* HARPER'S B %ZAR HARPKH'S MAGAZINE. 400 HA00 ltYER'3 NEkKLY 4 els (LiHPER'S l'Ul'NO YEOPLE. 200 Poseattr Fere to all ,rt s.-r:4rs fa tAc United blotto. Ca nail.. or Jft.rico, The Volumes of the B1zAk begin with the Snit Number of January of rash year. When no time isenentiourd, subscriptions will bogie with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound •armee of lIAaretis BA7Att. for three years boot, in neat cloth banding, will be sent by msII. postage paid. or by expt'r.a, One of expense 'provided the freight does not exceed one dulLr per volrmei. fur $7 per volume. Cloth eases for each volume, suitable for bfndlng will be sent by mail, po-pald, un re- ceipt of 2 t 1 each. Remittaaoes should be made by Post -Office 1Mu.. ey Order or Draft. to avoid chance o Newspapers are nor to copy (*is o,f w(ise• meal tett toed the expose order of H Attrzn HaernAddress HARPER BROTHERS, New York. 1888 Earper's Magazine ILLUSTRATED. HaRPta'. IIAG•7.1ri is an organ of pro. irreslve thought and movement in every de- partment of lee. Besides ott.er attractions, it will contain, during the coming year, Import- ant art ides, superbly illustrated, on the Great Nest ; articles on American and foreign in- dustry; beautiful) illustrated on So.U•sd. Norway, ieper� wlturland, Algten• and the West bodies; new novels by William Hick lend W. D. Howells; novelettes, each complete la • single number, by Henry James LaladfoAeorn• and Amelia (tires; short stories by Mies Woolson and ether popular and WUuetra ed papers of ;Editorial artistic and literary Interest. The EditorW Departments are eon.lncted by Debre William Curtis, William Dean How- ells, and Charles Dudley warner. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PIM Tama: HARP ENS MIOAEINS. 4 M HARPRyrR WEEKLY_ 0t sur HARPER'S IAEA R. ...CM HARP PR'S Et)flr77 PlCOPLE... ! 00 Postage Fire Seed! sokerrprrs is the Colt .d Stara. ('owwdo. w Mexico. 11e volumes of the MAoatrra Orrin wig tis Ofambers for June sad December of each year. When no time is speeltlyd. seb,nrla Wm will hurls with the Number morrow at time of rern• t l M order. Sound V elarses et Ha•!mt's Mao An re, for Mese flare bask, la neat cloth deg. w111 he seat by stall, ��en!�old, en esee Rt of p Os per rousse. ()lots 11..afor bindles. ae elute each -by Mail. index to Hawrwa'saoastwm, AIpl�.hab.tk•I Aaalytlos,!, and ULseiM.d, for Volumes 1 to ye Menefee. from Jose, lade, to June. utia. vol.. Be•.. (loll, Ns O4 sew eld be redo by Post-Oeoe lwasy et Brett, se avoid teases of ihr moo=retre sof he from IAL .deotelse 1the o order of Homo II Annews HARP= MOTH KR& New Teri ENVELOPES. THE GLOB '111 OLDEST ESTABLISHED AND THE LEAOINC NEWSPAPER OF CAI* J e ,,, D AILY •LODE , Itl•rwlwg Itditlmm, a 045 APO p , •sealed I r N ISo'e/e5k . L00 r r a .. a.Ao N ,� muutur •Lm. • - 1.00 r mi S ATURDAY DAILY •LOSE, . . '.00 r to The different editi ss of The lob Ny� at p,EOM News pgyq+ ughout Commit. - THE CLOSE SPECIAL FAST TRAIN - - - between Toronto and London, which has beenrunning daily risme yr'd Yam last, will be conwAK throughout K Ilia train arrives at Leedom at 6.4e ad, making connection with all the early trains from that pada!, securing ter The Globe a delivery throughout Western Ontario hours la advance 4 all Tomato pap:n, • - - TO ADVERTISERS - - - As aa andeeniest medium, The Globe Inas no equal 10 Canada. !tl eiree.latioa, which appears at bead of its editorial columna daily,i• tar advance o[ all other Canadian papers, and it is the intention dthe mama ;garment to always keep The Globe in its proud pwitioo as the LustigwEw3/miA U 01 CANADA, both w point of circulation and influence. THE CLOSE POINTING CO. TORONTO HURON AND BRUCE I The Po* 1,.'S Li LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY This Comprwy u Loun...y Ut,.., op on Furl)' &earify eld Lowest Rah, ,,; ),direst. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 1,4 and 5 per aut. lode ,nt .•I'luteed on Deposita, aecarditaq to a...,.„at arid time fejt. Orr10E:-Cor. of &•reit :quare mid Cera I 'the Finest Rigg Street,Gidoricb. AT REASONAMA PRICKS IIORACE HORTON CALL. AND SEK !'r_U lla>,aiote Hae Oodene4. ppO the Cdbor 51141124. AtK.kk 1&tt- JML-y.derich. trek. ti:h 1147 • JOHN KNOI, Proprietor. The abeerIber .. prepared to urmish the pub lic with - NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, AT NIXON STVRDTS People's Grocery.''. TFROM 16e. UP. No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New at Prices to suit. 1Tt/gbe.4 t'asb Pelee Ilea Nater sad bas. Remember elm tlsooad-On the Square, next to Bingham's Restaurant. SIPA'. DANIEL GORDON, BINET MA UNDERTAKER.Anyone con &dornse, bee 1 can show the Htcek. I tare more stock onhan as houses 1a town to wclet from. ! g FURNITUR. i hair now on hand 10 different styles of Bedroom suites, t different styke of Sideboards, 3 Parlor Suites. and almat anything la the Furniture Han all of which will be soli Ars ('HEAP AS THE CHEAPEST, AND DONT YOU FOROICT 1T. In the UNDERTAKING 1 give peraunal attention, 501 the benefit now of nearly 40 experience I think 1 have the best Heenan in the canary of Huron I will lave the p.bik, to udge.Heenana 1 have everythiser tsm•Iy kept in a ern -elms establishment, each as Caskets, Coffins, Ithrotds, Habits, Gloves. Crapes, ell. Emlrlmiss done when required. sari Gusrast', to give natidacties in every case. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. O. AND BANK OF MONTREAL. Gsdericb, Sept. Oth, mlal-Im t 1837 188 RE&I1VA! ter. The subscriber wishes to inform all loyal.mgleete of Her host Gracious Majesty, Victoria, thatIamdoing my mintiest to keep my stock replicas with ererythlres new tel In all departments. NEW GOOD$ ARRIVING DAIL SUITABLE Fon -TINTER WEAR The Correct Thing in Dress Goods, Buttons and Trimmings t0 Match, Ribbons, Frilling* and Fine Laces New Shades in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, with - Bmbroidenee to Match. 1 am not advertising goods .t eat or Tinder. thanks to my nwmeloea customises. 1 hove no of cratock o1 any owe line, and vast ts ayttg a treat teal Rhos we bear ea Miesh about bns.neu depression, hard limes, 4.c. ALL G000S MARKED IN PLAIN FiGURES AND STRICTL ONE PRICE. • Goderiek. Aug. 15th. liF7. ewe. 2\2'LTN1'RO, !groper and W4ed•sher. ellgesumo J 4 • 1 DEIIGS, PEBFIIIEIIY AHD FANCY GOODS just Re,osiv.4 et W • Here Treat sby 1P. end s. those Dhu,Iwrssadi&�r PM •~ sold •'!Yogi - a e the P. JORDAN, Medical Ha11, Goderichm •