The Huron Signal, 1888-1-27, Page 6t
?eeew was
rata a
resat* u.' tiiltq _
• IP nee* dee
like me.
"en's Corns'.
4 were as Ne Tease.
...t °rumble Tarsal, wet
"I IM eedd- Y elan as
i:Nrrelt a t.d
Thi esetilr■ arca* b., ,
abed ate
its mirth.
II* lwdid ru.t tot "mat ur the Jlay
rtlUnf berth. r
AIM he tA..Wtbt l M a*-
Ide+wut .n
lte ea w each
it.t nothing twall Ise Ilea* we Paw wieudild
lost eitaulty right ;
fur delmiet.
Me tailed with kings and ladles fair. he din
el la es mete. they rot).
aa• always f seed the p ople dull, and lunged
to get away
To search for t hit ear st eriotilelead o here he
should lake to Kay.
• He wa Mend over ail the opted : r
W W1•110 SS st40111,
„, Be rei,:!ied that gnat bourne at last where
ressetwould you know 1
• ti.o Mops vier* bent.
On late% wee/. in roar: u- found tint
• ' 'ooh hie di •lissetrea with Lim eves: •
where be went.
Fashion's Fancies.
'Many wiu dons are licit...! it.tri•dueed to
supersede ladies' cloth. Theo, are anei-
weather, yet are rev y title ma soft, and
are diagonal lit stove.
lets wah square liuks or aections in the
(-entre of which is set A 1,1t.CLJUS atone.
Most it the desigtis are floral.
Witco linen cotters and en& aro worn
waist flat /oldie of white. cteem or
coloured silk centres are vial,. tract with
White lace fiches are again ia vorme
The ebvp1 .:1 fich, 2.-.1 also the must
effective when lastefittly arranged, is the
Jong oval scarf, It-ord.-red with a frail of
trimming I ice sill inch, s wide.
As a :iruilure for thick silk dresses,
jet has a i.... al its the elaborate gold and
iaarrantal env, and as separate orris-
Althobgli the decoili te -style of bodice
--art ters,lirrarry all .if those furnished 14
American designers •re made with a
high waist, .,I' moderate .rsenii.,rs, either
Wart or V sheped, in the front or at the
Ivey:, marig.ld, yellow, • raspberry,
heliotrope, delicate i;reen and ans:est
pink ire the c.,t urs most favoured fur
anm.g dressy.. ltme, while still worn
:lese to a hi.m at is especially be -
maw, ti hot w, often sten as the other
Snort tr. ellen% are receiving consider -
Atte atteettom and these are com-
bused with plain goods of one (1 the
produced Ited is the Ventilation colour
of many ti these shert fabrics, the
principal c. in bitiat i; u coLurs being
gray, 1-norn, blue and gretn.
Bieck is steadily *a:ginning its former
Tiosition in millinery. Black bonnets
end *hole brurit ed., tars t•tteu appear ID
. the gsrnitu , purse of the mist elegant
bonnets are ntirely LOLA: ( ',rich tips
being united zheir efylstruction.
Strinze are dispensed with upon many
of the new bonnets. The peke is sel-
dom pr.,viiled with them. When they
are used they are ss.rnetitnen tied in a
single knot, 01 one end is twisted
around the mher ender the chin. and
ends being tAiso doubled lengthwise and
fastened with plus. 7%lade bows are
' *till woru by those t, adi,:n they are
When all st called remedies fall, Dr
Sage's Catarrh Remedy ccres.
▪ onsia011-tized eggs weigh
er the size of an eg:
ut of coffee A sugar
trt of sifted II mar well
,AM Post brows sugar thirteen
sugar wet
1. awl &at.m the question of House
Mole a e1lnMttdtrtK Att.•ntion. To ti
man with a weld in tee heed or 'heat t
safest way to ensure Ht u•. 1441.• orae
0..ld w tet bawl. on hand a bottle of Dr
�rewt''a R.d Pule thou. For tale .t
J. W1Moas'a Pttiwetutem drat more., if
Mw M Weeeeeeta WOOL 6w/le. NI .
Muck of the tweeted beef a.d salt k The OOI0${.aw. 1e o.y r��ielr�d w
put op by the farmers beouesee tatastd . htl� b� l i■.yl.e, Lies tltn.te aasd
or a duelne ow wY.11ow.e.e. Thew It i. well 'mown an,
ey se isied,e, 'het oscurred whew Jenny
P. T. Barnum tens • Umtata.% story
Usti way eingrieg is Keaton. "A pm.
the hoods a the ticleL sea. fee • back
'pet in jenny', rt • Ou recei•stor
Wares for Mar but I n.uat hes
that good sierel +me- Jenny's, seen
oily, her cousin, Max li)ortshery, usu.
fo the green room, a!,.1 leo;fhittely told
jumped to her fee: mid exclaimed :
Oh, thts must net be Poor tort she
Mem take this motey:etearch out that
poor creature and pet 11 int I her hand -
found the girl, and witnessed a Land, •
_Irateful Dane (rem thin arrarkkig errs
peculiar symptom- It is attended by
Illealles of the lc •:rils, tear ducts and
throat. titVcting the lungs, Au escri•I
panted wok a 1. truing sensation. There
are 40101d Sp45:1:‘ ancizing, frequent,
fly that can be depended upon. 50eta.
at druggists ; mail, regietered, wet.
Ely Brethers , Druggists, Owego. New
There is something praiseworthy lit tit '
iun of some one; bat to felluw the
ment of such an end is incompatible
w•th the finer feelings and susceptibili-
ties of QM' nature.
we en Weer Lean&
• CO Q III the head to slow-
ly and surely run into Catarrh, when
rou can be cured for 2:4. by (tante Dr.
Chase's Catarrh Care. A few applica-
them :etre incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boles
cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 beers is
guaranteed to Imre chronic catarrh. Try
it Only 25. and sure cure. Sold by
uter astd fall. be injury ,,, caused
hy meow Lou 'mall a leentity of salt.
A• • Rule, mush mere salt se entpluyed
'bee neeemary to preserve tbe guest.
tionnotite•• It mottles eapuritte• that
Geese tlo• meat to out/Aram, • bed Cie.*,
pwr, twit ehould be employed for pet-
eervisigt- %test arid dairy products It
.2..ste but little sours than that which it
impure, rOd IL l• 10101P makelamory in all
reasseces. Meat peeked sMis twine' and
a,,,,ereg with brine becomes !slotted or
swilled lie 0 41004 00U000 Of small p Nik011
it or ewes of the fat or blood it c re-
tsina sinuine to the top of the ortee.
The eig comes in contact with it there
sod eldisiewiewitkin of animal *Outlaw...
Motile havting sit ungile•satil taste and
totals*, awl them-, ihe mete of meat iu a
barrel, ate commueicated to the brine
tied themes to tho mast. Meat falitlited
Its brine be nu pieces •ith a
were sharp knife. This will leave the
•Ig .4 After it has been a few
caused from WI inactive Liver mud had
blood. Dr Cli•se's Laver Cure purities
ths blood and trawls system. Moe Re-
caps Hook for toilet recipes, hints mid
suggestions on how to preserv• the cum
peplum. hold by •Il druggist.
teem • bade taught t old.
A sloe pima* man in the lientlit at
testsion was violently aneesung in • strict
Cltawles, dealt boy, how ti'ye estA that
suy cane in the 10•161 hall *other day,
ard sucking the ivory handle, it.
dreadful cold, it chilled me n!inint to
death." It (initial hail used Dr. Har-
vey's Red Pine Gum his cold would iiitt
tremble hiou eery touch. Yor sato at .1
Wilson.' prescription drug sto tf
Te Illy Illealkoa erete..sois. env all whew
11 rimy .
Ph:elphatine, or Nerve hoods, P. 11'1.'4
ihate Element based upon Scien::!:,
il.• I Q. 1110 htill0 the lie•er ehould he 'acts, Formulated by Praessor Austin.
p 'tired off and b.41sed. Tile botii...t sill M. D. of Horton, Masa., cures l'ulteon- we, it hi.. 61 i blood %till be ettagu- 1,.1.13 Attacks, Vertigo and Neu:taws
sited. These substance's sh•iuld then be and all wasting diseases a the humar
eh ed off and when Cio brine III 0:14 system, Phielpharine is IDA a Modoeine.
il MN be returned to thu toarrel. If the hut a Nutriment, because it contains no
brine doss mit cootinue pure, the opera- Vp4;itable or Mineral Poisons, Oliialcs
'Ion of boiling should be repeated. Nircoties, and no Stimulants, but &imp
81).0,1441 WI" ."'" I'd 01" tu k•OP ly the Phosphatic and Gurtric Elements
the ati-at onIldt Cle 1,11"0 at all tune* fouud in our daily food. A single bottle
(Gone work, should reit Gil the meat and eon La.
be weighed down by means a • clean nn $t tn per 11.,:t!-. L.JIVIIN &
i sti,"°, 11 thew Prec4"1"'" ar• °"'PloY 55 rrout titrect P -tat
ail the liability of spoiling will be Yet,'
If yeu pier lips would keep !.0:11 111;i1
ET.; 1.1.11121101111e11V Willi Col, -of r In ni
Celery is a socialise, and is good ler y,,u tweak, to whore 11.01 spO•k, si.t1 h.,IY.
rhsumatinin and the so-:Alled neuralgia
whisk in often enly another name Iftte it.
Jueumbert cool the getout -when fresh
iid,--rit eemrse. 1.-liatiiiiii not only -No "le: rdly ever" about it. -Bli-.--Ktio
toe, but producLer sleep e.-pecially if the an uttack of what people call "bi it us -
stalk it eaten. Aspatagee puritio the titsa,''aild ti- smile was impossible. Yei
a may “smile and smile, anti Ire a
villain still. still he was uo 0111•LO,1OL •
plain, blunt, honeat man, that meta a a
by farmers when they any that Purgative Pellets,' which never tel t.
i "harden" pie's desh, and that "oats Pesatv; cure biliousness end doemed .•1 1. rpe:
take • horse out, bet beans will bring liver, dyspepsia and chr.soie constilu.
be eaten by thine who are disposed to
get tot) stoat. and many who suffer from4-----
derargettient of the liver eschew them al-
! tteetber
mei when and where.
He levee *easiest *woe r
blood, and eep.,c4ally acts on the kidney*.
Peas, broad beans end ham...tit are posi•
lively strengthening. and contain for
The Old F.stabilahed Bang and Slew Man of ooderiek. still to ths frost lath see et die LWOW
stocks in the Dominion, comprising
Ladies' Fine Goods'
In Buttes Hissas. Balmorala. Conserves. Orford Ths. fifteen different styles of Kid Slippers
tram aSe... up to any prier you like. Felt, Plush. Repp. Pruasila, Calvet.
Wigwam eel Oertusn Slippers in profusion.
e% err description (both of Canadian sad American mskel. I would alio call the attention
ef FARMERS to that part of my stock especially suitable for them, such as
Long Boots in Calf, Kip and Cowhide,
hare aline of FeIt Boots. my own make, acketwledged to be the Bea: Fed Boot tna.lein
Canada. Prompt and careful atteutien Elven to
• rant
Fall and Winter.
Ready -Made Clothing
and Ends of Cloth
Mama he t feared Oat al time said mere cam.
-FT-c3T-Gaa DT:J-1\7-Lp')
SITReasemlier the It eat eart-et, nee doer lo Bank of Muotroallill
Adapted for heating all classes
of Public and Private But/d-
ill fS.
11 IS unsuipassed for simplicity
and economy.
Send for Illustrated Catalogue.
OF THE 17/iT,
disordered t. 'VER. K.O.i.SY8, STOMACIII.
EE 3P14021.41
Saunders & Son,
erlaleme bear three facts la mind :- I have hy far tbe Largest stock of Booty and Shoes's LienrComp'ainh Dyspepiia, indigestion, RI:Somme
town ; They are or the very bets quality procurable. being made by the beet manufacturers in Heade. he. Pais in eie im
Canada; And I will 'ell at pried, as low or lower than anyone else.
Solicit -burs continuance of your valued emitom. so liberally accorded me during :1re pest v., , uaiu c‘aa 6,4ad a saa
fourteen year% I remain. yours faithfully. sad costae :-tmedy.
Liver Compiaint rams tetely waft eie lect that it i
eltlatellia Block. ear. and Sousre. xretpoucied 6 -oftentimes vellreotorn liver revelator
• ve•-erfu::Ife,..t t!-.. Kidney -. Stow -Wt. &roc. sae,
mete. 600.000 SOLO
Immure Itm Comi AWAY Fin
Wrippe0 Or. and every1,4441sof f0. 0104. Liner i-
Book Oa paged, containing oveii; aeiu: recipiet
TRY ClUillE1 UMW COIL A sate sad pinkie
I° TRY Coast I 10 ct. Pet ',or
cups well heiped of coffee A
ne pound.
efts level of granulated sugar
e pound.
cups of suit butter, well pack-
ne pound
• third tints ,,1 powdered 113r
no vmdersd su:ar or
f,11 well rounded of
ne ounce,.
Ten tab
Aese weigh
Oho faM
sort butter we
One pint bee
neighs fourteen
Ten and one h
powdered sugar •
Oes tablespoon well it
heed coffee A or beat brown s
oe• ranee
As a help in the sheens- of any hen
measuring will be fe d *very coo -
ups lore! of
eying meatiness, but
the and Liter versals-
f Dr Chase, suthne of Chase's
Ifttiosis'ry Chase's Liver Core foe
and Bart.:3. &AIN James
117 Our Stock of Printing Stationery, cons,.isting of all
grades of Plain and Linen, rnled and un -
ruled papers, Cards, Envelopes, Sac., is the moat com-
plete we have handled, and we guarantee the quality
and price to mit all who will favor us with their
°Mere ad 41,41.- pee out asiuplcs and get our prices
liavINO RE -
1 -11- FURY: ISHEli
my shop in the late.
style. pet in liwee
new Starner 111dhee..
tweet them theade-
listed Rochester
Tilting Chairs, and
we are la a
peoblee to do Sesser
w fork thaa hereto-
Lady's k Children'
specialty on all day e
egetpt Saturday.
Raton and &WOOF*
Wili\./rne• 33:1713.1-1119
Wog Street. twe doses east of P.O.. Oaderien
The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseases
Vision is a Pair of
The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles !
The frauds that have been perpetrateil on the spectacle wearing
peddlers by giving as.sumed an41
puhlic 11- most spectacle dealers and
fancy names to ordinary glow, speaks for the ignorance of the public
generally, in the all import'mt subject of the preservation of sight.
there are only two articles from which the epectacles lenses can be
manufactured. viz Pebble and glass -call glass by any other name,
it ,till remains gla.s. Pebble, on the other hand, is from nature'-,
own manufactory. It is a natural crystal found generally in free-
stone formation. an.1 is harder than the ruby and emerald, and near-
ly as hardas the .namond. The Pebble is not more or less than a
'ransnarent stone. cut by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest
amount of rower is plowed immediately over the ccntre of the
`tamPeci B. Land can only hz, purchafted from
i found in al cebble. It will rive to the spectacle wearer the eoorefikm",
As thee* sr, many inferior
Mt; Pte.. Offered and sold
as evralitan by arnr.
M0Mhante trot.
snit on the reputroonei
we warn th- home aglv net
iinprow ;GI by .from.
rftw'w45701.•,mos that tee
stensport on Ismer L .1 0.1 in • •001•4
Mess* eruct seas ars esatmr•
who are it. Leed co prated.. work that ran hp .
! wad their 1114div•ym to if •1.1 WV SE If n . l'ortlar,d
i mouse. sad reeei•e free full information how
I elflaer set. el all sera. ram earn fatten go to SS
day and upward* lefurretrer they liye, i
1 is wort. All sect mt.
fib 1ER.
Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock.
CirEO• 33.11Liallairs
Hamilton Street, Goderich
Wes. tames (hair, creme sad weed eseMOS. enntsser5w. Bwr-eteede. Maitre twee Was vas,
N R A neetpleteatwertganat of Celine and @breeds shears es head alio Neer els kill 0
at reasesable maw