HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-1-27, Page 5• lir VD' "isk hi. P" Scribers lagazill.o. .0,aosaalk. We are platati bejohtga ilkohM.Jai Nichol, el 'bit visa who has aim in for some thus with Wystraa, 1. quffl.s better sad vac ye maim* bor. Is soar We to tstaatt Week. Rey 11. O. Guanoa owned Iik 24- 45.011 usW IllAkkath minims. when be maripter. 111th verse. "Me My was soeasellent sensors from Aoki gime wholly to idolatry,- ea Ike ratt- led elf /tome ovaitgolis.tios. The borsoso this vreisitv ire hooily saratli ia tobiag ;..04, pork, ▪ haY10Ilivitot, Logi/Iwo being ildltors is tire morket hue ; sod Ibar ate oho hooliog ...Iwo to 1154p vattellt svsilI. IR dile rkluiti, Da..- oonitoo eawssille rut.* • gt,..t sham The ammo! ssissioeary mania* el the Presb3rterien *larch, was held la Ire - kin* *hutch hen on last Teeeday iss 11.5 *oath., boiao tavorabk them as it largo atteladaaos. which 'sal pre- aow000d to hot. Imo the legless in the history of Um ecosgregaion. rho per tor, Hoy D. G. Oanseroar presided over the roosting in his aseill allhoctive and tri*( oriatoor, mid is the absence a M. Davidsoa, delegate, spoke brist- ly as the *asps of the Presbyterian chsrelt. The Revs it Lewd end A. McKay, et tit Helene and backnow re- spectively, disowned alapiloot eddresiss on hems and foreign missions. There was deep isiterest awaitootal io the re- ports of the goof wash dose devise past yams. Zaniest rale were made to the eddies's* end i soneerned for their infester* and substantial support of the came. "Whet did yore marry my eon tor r firmly ditaloadott on old grictlen,e'l of a clergyman whir had jest united los runa- way seapegraes bib. holy bonds "Two dollars, sigs7_ starkly replied its &min- is, "to be tboripmi to yea" "What makes you think our new In:ardor is * married man r asked a hoarding -bone* mistress of *se of her servants. "Bemire," nrplied tiro girl, "I noticed that when Ise mine home early in the morning he rem red bis shoes harts going upstairs." Trzzseties Prescrii)lioo Drug Slor. "1001•001EMENIm. PROSPECTUS FOR HISS. Bileattifal Christmas limber boo, =Jim jpiz tzaimutAid tit •••oti. t =der dui Merton 'Waft bag= webers. ard en- perbil=tailems. A meas. th:arisagrareat art=iw = ettalOor during I year. ii. SWIM. octribele • an =3, topics. old trILO P•Vr. Sad la a ay, whiill ch w harm sew • errsidsanship Peewee* the satinwood btbooala4.01 Madam la tke firm pa , 'stilled "A Chapter ea Dreams. o pprarctra tho biatiar7 number. he rebles isesideuts . la coasertios with the ressorsi ntaireeting the ore:ft oil w 'sinew mug. -Strange and Mr Hyde. W h.g FS, by W. 6. Chaplin. will 1 arm of as an eeprelallyt aad latarratios eerie, of papers us nil= their adoluistrations sad commuctioa. including evnet angliseerlarl team famous umbels suN Passes, *ad tetrad. these branches of the subject widish ia tine day eigto the anyo- ne. ,pt doe whole orniatry. flr &lies* fatless which wM aosasspany this seeks' will be very clothesline, origer mon beantilid. Tu. auth- ors arid the ti of the future articles will be Miter. safiller$ pew on Physical Pre - mien( Troising will be ma- ma by several et lacewing inter - eat, with as rich end unique illustration as diem wirwilk have already appeared. rare s01IEtitarriTo.wv levaiktu! itn *Papers by 11411 sem. Iffeettsfing results ef recent MeIflee re- search; *hullo? ertIcis by WM . Ap- thml *enlist% conmeted with recent eeesZbutiou on Wormier. and many ethernet equal Interest, Professor libeler's articles ea the Surfs ie of the 1Larth will be menaced ; sad articles upon two of the mesa interesting Ilrogro• of mateasperszy fforojores writers will be socornpasied by rich a novel por- trait illuseradlose. giacreicin in it* various ameliorations ite • motive power, eta. will be the ash/ern of another maop of illustrated arti- cles of noel practical lutenist by Imam' eat horn lee epee these topics. W.AMLSSOill'S Unfit* aritlra to his hired Moscbeies. at a peening': immvattag time of kia career. wilt turista tho outotas� ot sere- ral art Wes of great istairelt to wiaoimi read- ers, which will iros Blobreted with portraits sad drawlags front Noildbeshab ewe head. , you o Id he straw. •14 way le the wort well-knewa Irritate, bet la Don of DrW anthers, in wariest whams cosiletrattoti the matimine lime brim so fertuaate during its firet year of ibbileation. A einial sovel. "Pima Haryana.- by Frederic J. Stift- mon will be began in the Jaaurity souther. and early Indio year novelettes will be pub- lished by Hoary James sad H. C. Busimr. Tho shert suaries are of noticeable strength sad freshness. ILLUSTIUTIS 9. The Mespidao .111 .5*.. la - (rimes' I.:manic, is its uluotrano s. They will be more abustbant arid ebbe:me than ever. It is thia lausagea of the pnblishois to remotest the best work of the leading artiste. sad to promote and foster the moo skilled methoM 01 0014 eagrairiss. arsPECIAL Nal ICL -To enable readies to wow the Magazine 'rem the first num- ber hiantutry.1887) the following Inducements are offered : A year's subscription and the aansbers for A loses sahiseriPtios and the aumbers tsr lieff.boarid n iwo voluroos.esoth wilt top 55 $3.00 a Year, 26 Cta. a Ntunber. Remit by bask cheek o- money order to CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS. 2128, New York. C.13.1R,33 TIEE.A_T•T=S T1E PIZ:Lai 03F "2"121.TES .A.C1--TMSON having been dissolved by mutual consent, I beg leave to thank the customers of the late tirm for past favors at their hands, and to intimate that the business will hereafter be carried on by me at the old stand. I intend to carry FULL SHELVES OF HARDWARE and in every line in which I deal I will make it hay altn to have a full amortment. New goods constantly arriving, and goods not in stock ordered at short notice. The public's obedient servant, JAMES TATS, 1111/11- .ffk ORANGE Or BUSINESS. W. J. DOWDING THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, J.N. 27, 18t8 1 A' 7' 0 U II/PONDER WHY $1•5° virsvp.lhip so obooh for mei swap I Theassads say this in their letters. It te beeautotl 11 m her om han peopertleastely to 'Mat HUN rop:es Mae MAW taiMirderT lay year( tialstesim ale , • NOTWITHSTANDINO THE RISES INPRICES OF Mr I AM iTILL SELLING 1.5 2.,133 rOR $1.00. 1111111ICAN AGRICHTFRIST 10 LBS. JAPAN TEA FOR he• aborabed twenty fear other aviculturemroa4i..c5y..1,4 conttoo... to kt.. rorstmoised authority en amitultisnal neuters the world uv. r. Will, the o.ld staff of editor • who imhz node it allows,. is both bosaiaohorso. reisforo ery w d with eorm, it swill be toore rat d setae lAM thaa et er.Limn a siatior comet b. remit liandred Grunion Weeny Wee sod wires& KIWI. aftFarm Otirdrisa. Hama' and Household from u. er fifty dilleryin wrikers. Pylon 111.80 • ,.sr; Magi* No 1Se. • CHRIST I'r.* ..ndonly lie"1""1"" .. ON CALVARY. BEFORE PILATE. Them nifigulaenst works of art are m•Ither ro'01 dor :tremor* nor ord,narr rogravhige. but Fpulatte pietersithsecuted lee us by Photheithme and 0.tamp • ir ure pr..-r.05heavy Wiser. 21 a Is Inches. Prim. 111.00 mch. Hid a. OA., Ur. a (hushed Dec. 15171 forwarded tube*. Pon Pal& T.7 FL Ce FL IL A."1" Cy Virgo Et, American Aarieultoriet *Emu or liiira0aikl, eith cluo ,e of ph, urea. and our seer VOiSIIIIC, j published. ratified bee 0.s.*Sew tor Neastify noels. bowlful:, illustrated, befalid is cloth and stold.szeles 0-06 all Poet Wu& for 51.80. th, the O&M!, with both pictures. all pus -paid. for at. $6.1. COO* -TA'S • 131ack, Green and. Japan Tea for 50c. u. leks...it I am saskang • redo,' WU .11 eis a M. es elloatil el 114. nod skyward& Them Ten. cannel bs excelled ilk oueilty al eke iris. 1 • • aidead liee M 7.1 mock/rot reknit I peciresed for seek al is meat eiclire lay C(1010111•-111 Vie location of 11 .1 5 ots. r A trial win osisvhase len FRESH FRUITS, NUTS, CANNED GOODS, etc.. of every 15.4 at lowest Prie,0. tishaol of Heal sad blow Racon. "bt'Uld•lik 0(‘'.• r or•d by Lan ri I Bea Reiniltue. awl itsLeei.. uudsric.b. lidt-FRESEI BUTTER AND EGGS ALWAYS ON HAND-nw I aim wish .0 porch/we • large quantity of Oats, Peast SIC-, dee which 1 ULU poi tr“, trigle-st market verve. 4111111Nead postal 6er Heacinise asiasher, English or G (omen. full deseripilos of New ii,Atks I sr 1. a fen Tom mid frinnner Seta of t104Verbi stns. which ! as offering bolow original grojoicoi. ego wiser wain. meat works, now intro:tom world w.de attestant. log to old sag sow sobecribers and full description of the Pictures, and Portrait of gaislosie•14,wruat 17:1::.10.1111r oltbudA• t0::,17104,ausbei. aildwombel. ba•TaliwpricolotaaraTtblatialisitnreic.fall...-: but may oely hot .very short time. 0 46/srig-Auma xt Et NitY .its.1•T •rxr, 3EV11116-3r-VITIIIiII:t3E- 110111T LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS. Adidas,. owe Don t Forge; the Place--Entranoe oa,11.11.1quatre or Market Streets, DAVID W. JUDD, Pub., 751 Broadway, N.Y. IMPORTANT NOTICE. JOHN R Birs0)11 817003ESESOR "rt__J t.hil'Irfput313, I Blaken Block, the Elquart Ooderich. Pave at present • :.rte mock of liedericts. Jan 17, 18118. 11133 - .0 • GOOD t. J. C. DETLOR & Co.'s Suitable for this maeon of tie year, wh.cli 1 offer at the Lowest Possible FiglAregi. ---GbItE.A.T---- Oata, Pea", Barley. Eggs, Butter and Cordwood taken in ext.hange. for It h.ch the Highest Market Price will he paid. 0. • Full Stock of Fresh Family Groceries, HOLIDAY SALE CURED MEATS. BEST ROLLER FAMILY FLOUR, ALL RINDS OP' FEED, foe. SI 1.-ol'K S , 7...01;67 FELZOIDS 1 0.A.T...i., .AD SIE3E / III A. I•T 'I' L. -E areeetledelivered free. g) ABB CIO OEM 18/101/ G .. I, Orem Simla. each We. 2127 ti R. PROUDFOOT. COME AND SEE THEM. 500 HORSES WANTED J. C. DETLOR & CO. Gooderich, Dec. M., T9 oar, off the lwrge and wel:-assorted stock of Fnisr-Chass irdRXESS at REDUCED ritn.rs at ZETE INT WM._A_CIECUS CDN'S Mammoth Harness Depot. Revise secured • large stock of Harness Mountings, Pubes and Blankets sit wholeaMe masufactuters prices, 1 om costedent 1 -.I* supply all in need of Harness, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Valise., Whips, Sleigh Belle, and everything to be found in • first-class shop, s pri:es never before offered in thr C,ounte. Playlet datertniaed to sell eff the whole of my :arse stock. parties havong Cash eau buy at prices that will lourtorise everyone. so come along and try the Mammoth Harness Depot and pen will save money. Remember the stand WM. ACHESON'S HARNESS DEPOT, Hamilton Horeet. tioderich. Beek Accounts must leltleilMall at once by c mit or Note. 21M-3ia hew 5 sommoos that ho bag pereisseed tbe Harness Lut.tas• •• ban cenied s.10 (Warrick liky 0. Still:t.A.-0-13M riI wed. ask a sostioauwo ot the revers that save been costarred Oa bi• predecease?. • variety et LIGHT AND HILAVY HIRIESS, TRIMS, VALISES, ROBES, ITO., always hi stock. at beret peselble price*. Mr. C. F. Stranbel will be at the sham and will be pleased to ipee ba old customers. Note the Addrees Hamilton Bt.. Opp. Martin's Hotel. 21343. TRY IT! TIM IT! Big Mill Patent Flour AJD 3PP.024 rr lam r-INms-r MILLINERY! -CAN BE HAD AT THE- 'W'EST STREET EMPORIUM. ees Price &I Son In returning thanks to the public generally for the very liberal pair lage tendered them during the p beg to call attention to another large • • 1 ,consignment of fresh Black, Green ,and Japan Teas, excelled by no other 'house in the Dominion. Our blend of Coffee is also an established fac ,our stock of Fruit, Mince Meat, lange, Lemon and Citron Peel,Esse ces, Canned Goods and Genera 'Groceries are complete, to which.we A. J. WILKINSON invite special attention. REES PRICE & SON BOOTS 86 SHOES A Large Assortment of Tall and Winter Goods ast arrived at H. CUEST'S 0331=4.A.15 C.A.„0= STORE SELECTED MANITOBA HARD WHEAT. The cheapest and best article for family use sold. Win give more bread to quantity baked, and best value for year money than any offered. SEE THAT YOU GET THE RIGHT ARNIM& INPNOTE As reports are current that our beet lour 51 01* shipped to foreign markets. and aueatly sot obtainable More. we big *0slate that the very beet flour manufactured being - tent. os* bs had from to at the Iowan possible prices. Persona who are not sure of the IllreOclass articie from retailere ran have orders Itheel direct trews the mill. OGILVIES & HUTCHISON. Gederke, Dee. IL nem Me wry best amaufactory in Cimada. LADIES FINE BOOTS A SPECIALTY, Rt11133/318, OVILIMHOEP. FELT BOOTS, ac. Store on the Equate, Between B. Downing's and Goderich. Der. IS. 18 7. 56- $2,000 WANTED AT ?FIE TORONTO CASH STORE, BY THE' FIRST OF FEBRUARY. - As I have determiner, to hold • G-raxIdt. Clearixa.g. Sale to make room fot Spring Purchase. 1 sill dur:nor the next s..t weeks ictal orost my lance and well 'elevated stook of Dry Goods, connsting of Obeys Geode. If lassels, Soblestwors. Ittasken. Mottos, Moss wag cage, itesib.okag• nosy. kented sestns a.d bruescres. Ind everythintene to be found in a first Clare Dry Goods establishinert. This is no fakir exhibit eh ta nume Clearitis Sale to e BIG DRIVE IN SUPPERS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. stl.r.wattnr vion,T.renriliLouseobt.s.:nnetur. inCui't Ina, and if you purchase your teci;dreat'4thelroljsystiot (Aye All Cheap for Cash. 2117 GUEST est _, wSide Square, Goderich. TO FARMERS .A.14; rt THE PUBLIC GENERALLY! As 1 have commene- to buy HOGS fee curing in the factory, I will pay All ouostasdine accounts must be osid at one.. The rush comma:tees at once. Don't dzlity, but cafl Insmediedelv 5t, TORONTO CASH ST De:. IG, 1887. 2111- P. O'DEA., • N im PoRTANT CLUB OFFER NEW FRUITS or THR RiA60/4. obtainable for LIGHT Hos, and also Mr.h. rm. Heavy hog. are not in ..4) good de, - wand, but .1 will buy them for what they are worth, and take 2 lbsper hundred off v_qa Ca riiiidet% titeratuee of buittitit I -est otta vatue.it is fully n4 ibeautl niustrated and has already; Pahl Itculatiaor saicicacliagr =OW intitithe6. "42/0& da 4 A. PRICE/ 25 CENTS. A NUMBER' 3399 !OIC[ CONFECTIONERY. Beet arm& ef asieet sad iitaadard OYSTERS .454 by Ismeguri•varsis. a= tie 55 7 BOQUETS AND L FLORA:. DESIGNS E. BINc:;.ty.AM'S, - Witt Sidsithiars541a5*. Dss.. Rem require ta he opened right three.% the breast, and not shoulder Meet. 1 alive sluars ea hood hi serrioa • Meek of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Pork Rams -sugar cured and smoked,' Breakfast Bacon, Spiced Rolle, Corned Beef, Poultry, Game in Season, Tenderloin, Spare Ribs, Pickled Tongue, Pigs Head and Peet, Sausage, &c. Irieta=z, 3E3e8coxL, WROLLP ALI AND ARTA IL. its I Ma,IMO% rowan ay dreg relined. mid getting ready for Christina& f would invite - all to call sad impeet ney Wee foul prime beerre 'urethane. elsewhere. flashing elm be ton Ahearn aaa selleitine year parreassn. I remain. retire reepeetlefly. Qvules ibners-fons ithe- Pu itcy offer /SCRIBNER'S MA HURON SIGN t amlerich, Nee,:110t1 1107. ROBT. McLEAN, FAS( Si& ( 5100.0 bensinr, Geeerith. 1310-3isi Every Man in rin:din sik,shou 111"" sped& • 2 -+ his Ofitco OrkiwrIPiirow•* ,