HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-1-27, Page 3S..
71, .
- -
PUNA las-LA c Jar To ) KUM I illsm• rim astriewed MP..
Who tapeardmi Pease ref grim was warb
Cie Mead are Maras Se She emais-Tlie
Mothi.o. simaritisims.
limn was fussiest remelt, la Now
Yolk a Bait .1 Reform Ammo ion. Seth
•n orgenissition, having f ,r its objem
tee doing a way with the •Iimes coserasei -
eld with funerals slid lentels, lies tern
loogrotritertained •ieh utturkey
Now Yulit'a l'"4""" glerItYstato n•
. fullowtpg plain Wani agreed wpm) I y
Kestrel,lit. tasseling twilling 45.0 j
repreemitaiive mini of eft the ..... it:na-
tions --
This t Ionisation shall lie 1 ISO
the Burial Iteforin Amex irolue.
Its motto shall h. : "Nut to b. *Ivy
as num oakum' the hope for these teat
sleep in Hissi."---1 Thies., ir., 13.
The biome Ask be the committal .4 'II:
Chrlistiasi dead, "Euth to eastb, loom
fur ibis general resurrection at the ei.,
day, and the Mee( the wore to te
through ter Lord Jesus Christ.'
'Ito olrjera shall io mato al. •110
poises and call themselves Chneriaii.
a th FOC 4.11,1 effort :
First- To encourvem burial in pens!. •
able ceffins iu the sample earth.
Sec .nd -To simplify and cheapen fun
ernj sud intiorning Cerennuoals
Third -To secure large and ampler
tracts t,1 eniteble grouted for burial
The association will seek te *dram e
its obj-•cts by amnia the folhostipoepeci-
tie reforms
First -The exercise of economy see
simplicity in everytheig appertainine t.,
the fasten!.
Seceed-The use of plain hearses.
Third-Tbe dims. of crape, coifs,
feathers, velvet trappings mot the like.
Fourth-Tas avoidtne of all un Chtist-
ion and heethen emblems and the use of
any tiara' decorations beyond a fes cet
Fiftli-The discouraging of all aiding
and drinking in connection with fune-
Sixth -The discourseieg any but
immediate members of the tensely accost'.
"As eerie asi tha geld glade
Mow," gesserted • Sew York phybilitia
"I am mien., vita patterns sullerker
from eillapped lips. ha trouble gess
rally nsainfests itself In user wide est
ilea middle tat the hp I seed to t
each Otiose in • latiebing matter •
proem -atm Wein simple emu:limn, sects
¥ta*, ler instance. But I am
found that such legitimism was roily
tesaledary remedy, for atom parts*
Meiling the cut would re -open at t
eighteet intertioo of the bps. The
act et biting anything hard, lateehing
yaws ing would make the nature...as
bust 'with pain. If the patient veld
bon, the chemise were that he woe
hts• s bed lip all through the wine,
ate resemettes fax • mestranent
I rat. across an (ILA traiep printer, ir
had rt.Sbaiii crs oat lb'. rough side lit t
0.41s all Dm life see fir whims eve
moues Ltd bH
eim • cold day. e tel.
,uetusitT irrostigatini the matter
would fled that the people addicted
chipped lips were it the babit of tone
sue them with their tongues. A so
e w e, said he, is to keep your tongue
y tar 'mouth. I halve snits fulli,sul h
sueeestien in my practice and new
knew it to fail. The ruukh akin of tb
tongue 'wretches the lips, end when the
Moor once btoonecappeil the lest co
loci 15 Inf./Ugh to keep the cut opeu."
WitiTeth --
There is no question about it -blood
tv112-etepeciefly if it be an impure
'pond. Bletchcs, eruptions, pimples
.,..1 boils, are all •Tinptonas of an impure
44, dim to the improper action of the
lieer. When this important organ fails
le property perfewca its function of puri-
fyiug and cleansing the. bleed, impuri-
ties are carried te e,11 parts ef the sys-
tem', and the symptoms shove referred
19 aro merely evidences of the 'Armpits
et Nature to throe .ff the pole/noes
c. rine Unless her warning be heeded
n. time, serious results are certain to
eul ... i . rating in liver or kidney
'("'ter, or even in censuntption. Dr
l'rer,o's Golden /Medical Digeovery sill
preoo t and cure these diseases, by re-
etereg the liner t.. • healthy cendition.
Preece Ellimeark's fader Mn Ober.
.1 the Wrench newspapers Pro -
grid Prince flismark shookl
possess an ii`dor brother who lie. in •
comparatutely retired sphere, has
been talked about, and never been push•
ed tete a heavily salaried berth, not-
withstaieline his younger brother's toe
memo indoence This fact intuit also
sh those dielomeeists and states-
panying the body to t. m
the greeen who lay hand's nn al the plunder
Seventh - The dispeiline of the idea they can reach. for themselves first, and
that any elub r society money must le then for those dear friends and connes-
spent un the funeral. tons for whom they are expected to pro-
vide. The great Otto's Integrity on
Eighth -The early interment of tLe ihw score is made much of by the Galin
body in sod stithcient and suitable f. r journalists. and earnestly recommended
Rs resolution to its ultimate eleineets. to the consideration of seine of their
Ninth -The use of such materials for nwn compatriots. -Modern Society,
the euflin as wi3 rapidly decay after I have bee n a sufferer from catarrh for
burnt. the past eight years. Having tried a
Tenth- The substitution of bulled g"h'f'cr 6f relhadiar h414"146d " "sur.
cures without obtaining any 1
plot+, for family vault&
had resolved to take no other patent
Eleventh -The encouragement, on medicines, she. a friend whom!' eke to
sanitary grounds, of the removal is try Ely's Cream Beata 1 did so with
crowded districts of the body to a new- grest reluctance, but can now testify
teary instead of retsicinr it in the rooms
occupied by tha living ; and
Twelfth -The impressing upon abaci
..f public charities and correction the
with pleasure that after usinz it for six
weeks I b•alieve myself cured. It is
most agreeable remedy -an invaluable
Belay. -Joseph Stewart,624 Grand Ave ,
Melleallems *Nev. liket so Uri Ismaware• et
Meg Meg.
Thiel' what it is to eater aloes walla
sad lase that stook, whose Wow pendu-
lum shall beet int -nue seconds, ate -
Mee, hours, days, weeks se nuestbs-
but years of your presious yesith and
sasubood before yce agate see the • orld
which has discarded Tue. Mirk of the
unrelieved round cif toil, succeeded by
the solitary cell and miserable hours of
thinking, what might have been arid what
is !
Huw sl w the boors to him a about
bope, withoet profit in his bitter toil,
without respect in his solitude, without
honor, without comfort, without liberty!
How slow the days make the week, and
the weeks the month, where each is
drearily the same, meson in and season
out, till the dutiful year is told !
To be the comps:lien of the vilest,
cheek by jowl ; to weir the garb of in -
finny; to be driven (rein the cell to lab-
or, and from the labor to the eel! ; to
see on all sides the high walls and the
redoubts, wlsere gleans the rides ready
to kill the insurgent ; to know that how-
ever skillfully the swept, is trimmed,
however bravely intimated, there are
keen scented aud lynx -eyed pursuers to
track and the strung mon of the law t
recover ; to feel that by no power ca
relief come until Inc lung distant ds
appointed, save the power that can bless
an unhappy lite by ending it.
What a record of hotietersness, of de
spair, remorse and gnawing misery the
pitiless striae of those cells could tell
Segall wonder that after years of coufine-
unto every kindly trait •..f nature is
witheted, root and Manch, ard only Intl.
len desperation and hatred et society re-
Leo!' at their laces to reed their story.
Not one in a hundred has the face of
shame, 4.4 auhappineee, but ef stolid re -
'aviation to inevitable privioion and 41.-
r.e.. See that long line of gray tuts-
' ery much:co 1.. its noneday meal -a bu-
aten centipede -a hundred locked to-
gether-- shuffle, *built*, shuttle -the very
*ter la a degradation. Slowly they file
into the cheerless room, and in silence,
and with bowed head, each sits to devour
Ins portion. Not a word, not • whisper,
all wants expressed by signs. Long
lines f keepers, each coldly and keenly
watchful, each ready with pistol to sup -
prem the aliehteet token of revolt, for
this is the time of danger in a State pri-
son. The meal is aeon over. At •
beckon they arise and lock together -
shuttle, Andle, shuffle, skalEs-back to
labur again.
• trausur illmeneed es gesegilliewes•
The masa who &del take the papers
was 85 towis 7. tie beemallit hie
whoae fmaily in bores segue. ki•
mei be serest Testis was PPM'
dent, and mimed to know if Ike"Raitem
tuft's'.* taken Cobs, and if se,
where they had tabus it. fie had sold
his etre fur tem eente-the pries, beteg
11100.*•- -
hems ot interest. ammo rim op al.
The alert purtaat Meeneuts of plant -
feed arw carbonic acid, water, potash,
phoisphurts said and nitrogen -
Lather for cleating widows ! One
part of olive oil, ono part of spent of
Iseausouia, two ot cloak wr andarr,
uoii tit water. Mia to • thick
eighteen and twenty -We OM", 1" da- To make earner lasolui fur Due small
posit hie nausea, they ledd lbw( 11 work, bail olipp4i4s ef brown or white
eras neustly ctmistedelell. tail! hard piper ei water, Lai( I h010.SMU • pule,
poem, mid those setae sharper haill son ,ego oiled
seusey he had wee emote three mat odd glue or gum and sme,111111si preas them
on him fur half disarm.
Oue of the boys west to • blacksmith's
shop to bo measured for • pair 01 &Mee,
and 'nether saisteA the in orlon house
for • church. After hanging hie Loa ida
• meat hook, he piously tuck a seat uu •
butcher's stall, anti listeneci to auc-
tioneer whom he took to be the preacher.
He left bean the "unman' was
mid he bad uo vino optima of the 'Mar -
mint. eh, Fla. 0/1111 two d
Green paint for Venetian blinds which
will staild the heat of the sun without
seed oil varnish, mixeirwith oil et no-
mad 0110 of verdigris with nuteil or lin-
blistering . Rub tem parts oftwhitejead
pintoes, and dilute le,th whirs with or
dreary drying -old
A rattlanake was d:yitonmeerear d‘c.aurrykeening
n 11
One el the gills took • tut "seal It struck bulk animals and both died.
onions to trade them fur • letter." She but the turkey was released uuharmed.
had a baby which she carried 611 a sugar which is proof that snakes do not poisou
trough, stopping at times to rock it en their own feed. The snake killed wits
the sidewalk. %Viten it cried, ebe stuffed 6 feet 7 lochs' lou. led hod fifteen
ite mouth with an old sto.Ming, and sang Istilwi•
"Ruben Aden." The process of fastening ferns to 0
The oldest boy had sold tire coon b sok is very easily accomplished. Wit
skins, and was on • bust. When last a small brush gently touch the back I
seen, he had called fur • glass of soda the fronds here and there with • little
and water, and stood soaking his ginger- C 'amen gum, putting only sufficient ie
bread and making wry faces. The sliep- keep the (needs from turnito up. Mac -
keeper mistaking his MOM lllll g, had giveu • piece of blettiug paper on the top lit
him • mixture of salsoda raid water, and th• fern, and put a weight top uf the
it tamed strongly of soap. But he'd book, and when dry the pr .cess ,is cent -
heard tell of audi au' water and he was pee*.
0 ull' to give it a trial. le ,me town A French physinot has loon making
off's half
n , feller came in and called fur a lemonade remember' iscesitly into the seisms of
y ' with • "dy in it ;” thereupon our soaped caneaugar and treacle on ir.u, and dads
friend turned his back end imietly wiped that they corrode iron with the forma
several dies iiito hie driak. tem of an acetate of the metal. The
We eippreachiellAp old rentlemon and i -fact ie of practical Mility in connection
- tried to get hire to "subscribe,- but he eiib boilers, because ig eappeio "no_
woe'd not listen to it. He sae opposed times that sugar gets into the water
.• to "totarnal improvemeuts, and he supplied to boilers in suotr edineries,
thourcht "laruin' was a wicked invention and consequently tends to deteriorate the
Ayer s Pills cere constipation, impel,*
the aepetite, promote digestion, visitors
healthy ection, and regulate every func-
tion. This medicine ia pleasant to take
sad gentle in it. operation. Ste article
in Ayer's Almanac.
'gnat WSWISA3112i.
claim of the poorest to proper end roves -
e01 busied
-- • January 16th DM
The preeents which bare come pour-
ing in upon tem from .all quarters in-
rbasitsaiske foe the Pope.
That while no rules are laid down as
to the conduct (.1 cnembere funerala,each
member of the asiocistion shad hold him -
@elf bound to the general principles there-
Bishop Potter, of New leek, is Fran-
dsen of the Aseniati.sn, whose aims car-
tain.y merit sympathy and coopers -
tics+ of all whose endeavors an for
social reform in all metiers ; for there
are no abuses which should be sooner
mete away with than those connected
with funerals and burials, as conducted
at present.
gangerseis towaierfrlim
Coateerfeits are always dangerous.
more SO that they always cloudy IIITTATO
NA/IIII. The remarkable success achiev-
ed by Nasal Balm u • positive cure for
Catarrh and Cold in the Head has iii-
duced unprincipled parties to imitate it.
The public are cautioned red to be de-
ceived by nostrums imitating Nasal
Groans, Nasal Belem, eta Ash for
Naomi Balm and do not take knits:los
dealers may erre upon yoo. For sale
by all druggists or sent post-paid ois re-
=pries (50c and $1) by addresaiag
41 Ca, Brookville, Ont.
A Seem tasswasesets May.
T. Joh* Ashworth, aethor and maw
malts Poverty Iota • sore trouble; be
was imasekens.of it. As a boy hie had to
go of belay so aseeesblad company to
mar,* the first prism," and was unhap-
py sad ashamed that he must go op with
hare fest. As he went op to the plat-
form amid the dapping of hands, lei
gels : "I world have gives 130 had I
possessed it for something with which to
foyer any feet." Ami when returning in
triumph to his pisie : • °riled as though
my heart would tweak, bosses I woo
such a poor, poor boy, and I thought
wow of the other boys moored at my
po early.'
Week, an derobt ; hut weakness is
forgiven In the prim& wineer,and John
Ashworth'. WM Wee intimately soonest.
ed with the sem* of the =sew of those
Strange Taloa" for whish it was so
en Woo* to Gm
publisher, bet of whieh of three
million leave been sold, mid whish have
t... timasistad lets Welsh, French.
vetch, Speeilish and Rossioa. John
Ailment\ undsrstood the mon and wo-
woo Amos stories he told. %hen he
died, at en, almost Isis teat raped woo
that all the floaday-sehool Andrew ia
Fachool Mao should have !pied new
en25 and now stook:Wpm The remem.
braes of that sari, pain had not died
Th e• Sigma of Weems an Well knows,
g1 ttts rosoody is not ainove In wall do-
tilusined. Worm Powders win 41eiwry
.„„„, . •
Council met according to statute.
Present, James Johnston. reeve, Robert
, y reeve, os Todd. Jno
elude the liberal provision ef no fewer
L tek hart de .ot Th
Bowers and Alex Stewart, counctllors,
than 50000 lottles of chant oe The
Palt •
Pope himself is tu, lover of champagne,
nor, indeed, of the juice of the grape at
all. A single glue of red wine at the
chief meal of the day is believed to be
the utmost extent of his indulgence in
What will he do with this vast stock
of the juice of the "flaming wraps of
eastern France It may be that the
prelates and inferno clergy will prove
equal to the occasion, or the Pope may
decide to ley it dywn in the cellar of
the Vaticau.
Aym's Sirsaperilla is pen/erased and
recommended by eminent physicians,
and as taken with perfect toasty by old
and young. Its cleansing and vitalism,
effecte are sure and speed,. and it is nat.
vernally cenceded te be the most effec-
tive of all blood purifiers.
William Robbin went to Detroit m
sear Stratford about three weeks ago,
aced settled with his family at 159 C,11 -
Drees street west. On Wednesday lane,
while at home he attempted to kindle a
lire with the aid of kerosene. He sup-
posed the tire out, bat it appears a few
live coals remained. A nsconent after
plating nn the oil an explosion occurred
oad Mr Robbin was enveloped in &mum
The fire attracted Julius, Mr kdabin's
little son, 2 years and 3 ninths old, and
hie came directly to the burning fluid.
The father, notwithstanding hie agony,
shouted to the boy to stay •oay, but be.
ing on Are dared not approach the lad.
The little tole paid no heed sed moan
was • mass of dimes. A servant girl
was sitting in the room et the time,
holding another child, but dared not
have her charge, as it showed a duipolo.
tines to reach the lire. Tee boy Julius
lingered is &pay until 3 o'clock on Fri
day afteraomo when death pot an end
to hie tortoni,. Mr R.bbin himself is
badly burnt about the hands. face and
abdomen, bet the chances are in favor
of his roe:beery.
A mere* of meek ill health is reglad
ed Conatipatiou. The utmost oodles
should bo observed to kelp the bowels
molar. The best regulator of the toiwele
to promote dm& &sterol tenon is Bar
desk Blood Rinse& Try it if troubled
with eorstipatioa. 2
• very stylish bonnet is of dark helio-
trope velvet: trimming of gold rewro-
te mown •14 pile yellow ostrkk hpa
• • 4t/
These after taking the declarations of
qualification and office took their seats :
The minutes of the former two meetings
were read sad signed. Moved by !Jr
Lockhart, seconded by Mr Todd, that
R. K. Millen be appsintel cleric at •
salary of $1$5 per acnuen, it being un-
derstood that he keep a book registering
the receipts acid expenditures, prepare
tbie minutes of the Council of the past
year for publication, if reeored, and
publish the minutes of isogli cogged
od by Mr B mere, that J. (1. Ward be
meeting. Moved by Mr Tx14.1, mooed -
reappointed treasurer at a salary of $90.
C•mtecl. Mewed by Mr Stewart, I
seconded by Mr Lockhart that John
Hickinbuttosit be re -appointed asseisor
at • salary of $80. Cerried. The reeve
appointed Robert Murray. and the
coacicil John Wooster as auditors for
the current year. The aIsirs of the
late uessorer were then discussed. In
view of the unanimous vote peened by
the ratepayer, nn nomination day, seat-
ing the council to take measures to here
the indebtedness of the late treasurer to
the township cancelled. the Reeve and
Deputy-nere were instruoted to take
&dims, to find if the same can be legally
done. The tollewine debentures were
ordered to be paid. Edward praphY,
cedar, gravel and damages, $4.d4 : John
urdoull, Pavel, $T.70; James Welsh.
damage to road and erased pit, .30; J 0
Ward, extra trip to Godericio $2; R Ell
Anderson, trip to Goderieh and bank,
$3.23; tow eship oink, election expellees,
$31.25; John Bailie, culvert biomes.
15 and 16 eon., $2.60. Council adjourn-
ed to duet on Moodier January 33th.
R. K Mutate
Tp. Clerk.
To dream ce • poodennui whalo.
treat o• The tip of Ids tall
1. 15. Mira el • warm
111 the ',nether Is warted.
I 'ohms It should Repeal to hot.
Dreams don't amount to much, soy -
how. Some signs, however, aro infedli.
Me. If you an cionetipatml, with no ap-
petite, tortured erfth emit headache sad
gyintesis, these signs indigene
that ynn need Dr Piense's Pleasant P.r.ativePellets. They will *ore yoe. All
A dark heltotrape velvet bonnet has
bows in front .4- velvet sod Latin in
lighter /diodes, sad ostrich tips to reach.
ohne mem
Amend seek bottle of Dr Oltams's
Liver Core is a medical geoids and mealy
book enntaining metal inforenetson. over
ROO emmipos, sad pronouseed duchies
and dresigiala as worth toed= the
era* of Moe atedatill• 'Sad
soak $1. Itoid by ell droggiota.
and a vi is,,,, None t f his family
ever learned to read but one boy, end
"tescUed school for a while, sod thins
wenn to studying cliwinity."
Me Ion Sentry la Maas ?
We ; fer initence the signs of torpid
Iger are yellow eyes, sallucr °impieties',
pain undo, richt shoulder, irregular
trowels, headache, low spirit* and weari•
nese. All these signs may te removed
by Burdock Blood Bitters which is •
mire cure for all irregulerities of the
lom. 2
- -
The emsbleaabie Glirps Mew Veer.
The new walk is neither graceful nor
pretty. It is a kind of a wadcae. The
woulo-be (*Atonable y .ung lady now
walks., if she had no joints nor firm -
MISS to her. Every pars of her anatomy
seems te shake and wieele as she goes.
8ho comas down bard first on one foot
and then on the other, seeming to rest
Igor body alternately on each of her estrlisoities ad Law.
nether limbs. Her cheeks wohble, and
so do her arras, I don't know an)
better way te describe it than to sty
she waddles like a tat duck. I don't
know who is the originator of this (ash
ion, but it is evidently ening b. be the
thing this winter. All the eirls put it
on with their fall bonnets, and all over
the streets you can we the little dears
trying their best to be ungraceful in
their efforts to be up to the latest "fad."
-S. Y. Evening Sun.
The abolition of resistance is atisolu
rely necessary in connecting a !oil:nine-
°inductor with the earth, an tins is
done, says Professor Tyndall, hy dourly
embedding in the earth 'a plate good
conducting material and • large area.
The largeness of seek makes monetarist,
for the imperfect mmilluctirity a earth.
The plate, in fact, constitutes a wid
doer through which the electricty puss-
es freely int' the earth, disruptive and
damaging effiacta beim( thereby mold-
Mathew Sullivan, of Westover,
was ill with dyspepsia for fnur yarn
Finding doctors did little good tried
Burdock Rood Bitten ; six bottles cured
hint, and he gained in weight to 178
pounds. B. IL B. enree the worst
known cities of chronic dyspepsia after
all else fails. 2
I tenet, tore te saw resat.
Drspeneis is dreadful. Disordered
liver is misery. Indigestion is a fo• to
good nature.
The human digestive apparatus is one
of the most compliceted and wonderful
things in existence. It is easily put out
of order.
Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food,
bad cookery, mental worry, lato hours,
irregular habits, and many other thintm
which ought not to be, have made the
American people a nation of dyspeptics.
But Green's August Flower has done
• wonderful work in reforming this rad
bustuses end making the American
people so healthy that they can enjoy
their meals and be happy.
Remember :-N., happiness without
health. But Greets'. August Flower
brings health and happiness to the
dyspeptic. Ask your druggist for a
bottle. Seventy -fire cent*. eowly
G000 roe Tian Roveti. -National
Pills are a rood blood punfier, liver re•
master and mild purgative for all sea -
N UM. 1111
Never (invoke • friend. When ene-
mies gather arisen], when vie:Anew falls
on the heart, when tho world is dark and
cheerless, is the time to try true friend
ship. Tboy who turn from the scone of
distress, betray their hypocrisy, and
prove that interest only moves them. If
you have a friend who loves you -- who
him studied your interest and happiness
sore to sustain him in adversity.
Iot him feel that his former kindness to
appreciated, and that hie love was not
thrown away. Real fidelity may bei rare,
but existo--in the heart. They only
deny its Werth sad power who have sev-
er loved • friend or labored to make eon
happy. The Rood and the hied, tho af-
feettonat• and the virtuous, see and fool
t he hes vilely influence
Mee • Meek AVM
Mr Goode, druggist, is not a book
&tent, but has the agency in Goderiesh
fur Johnston's Tonic Bitters, which he
eon heartily rocionsmend for any com-
plaint to which a teen medicine hi ap-
plicable. This valuable wiedieise has
Wes with most sietenishingly gond re-
sells it caeca of gentend debility, wea-
sels, irregularities peculiar to females,
estrum* paionoss, impoverishment of thee
blood, dome& and liver troubles, loss
of appetite, arot for that leoninel worn
oat feeling that seedy every one is
trembled with at woos part of the year.
Dnn't f,wy.t the name Johnston's Tonic
adhere 50e. sod gl per b the at Godes
drug store, Albion Wook, Goderich, sole
nirent- a
A REWARD -01 one dome "TIA3ra
aolto soy ION goading the bent four lies-
rkfIlle ea ' mmmy,' Um remarkable
Imo imm for the Teeth and Ka& Aak
.ar mor Whoa
Judge --Stand up.
Prisoner I claim the right under the
law to remain seated, y'r houor.
"Haw an
If yew aro troubled •ith ors
wreak, however light stoma, ler tat
for It, 4. out allow ir to novo nes doe
Imago ; brook *p the anode by loosening
toatugh phlogpt with disused's Pia
Alexander Forma, a they, woe hos.
Mr. Fel..essiseb. "Faorboouthee wow jpast t wont soob:147
lug and remarks. toleneeph Won &loam
Casiad• Needy Balevg from Port
Arthur to rte Roams. Rio
turned to gersiore his family finge
to Wiunipeg, in which leo e Ile
make hui hea 'quartiles for tho futepe.
11. soya •sseksois for she Carel. Pasifia
It .ilsay peas hotter titan fermi.%
- - -
- Want of Sleep
Is motion tho ananally to the
insane asylum ; the doctors say thee
trouble is atarmaiegly ea the teemed%
The usual retadOes, while they mop
e tem library Olaf, are likely*, de 4.
more harm thallitood. What is seedeot•
ei an Alteeeddre shad Bloo.1 Teri nor.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is incomparably
the beet. II recta these disturber:tees
in the t-irculattuatektch cause sleepless -
stores the 'este
nese, gives iucorailyttermainlatty. and 'te-
te a healthful
Rev. T. A. twee, agent of the Mass.
Homo Missionary Society, writes that
his stoma -t, was out of order. his sleep
very often disetarbol. and wine im-
purity of ih• blood manifest ; but that
a perfect rime was obtained by the use
el Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
Frederick W. Pratt. 424 Washington
Street, . writer: " My J.aughsee
was prostrated with nervous debility.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla restored her t•
William F. Bowker,, Erie. Pa eras
curest of nem -eateries' and sleeplesenem
by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for shoat
two months, daring which time but
weight increased over twenty pounds.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
rasztarD ay
Dr, IL 0. dyer Co.. Lowell. Mals,
UStd byall Decadele. Wier St. in bentlakIlli
: •
• •
llaTimieleWrt w
fias- -;
May Ape. Mead
serer WO ens, istreembees .55 1.-
88*. system.
Per tale by -Mines McKay druggist. Dun
gamma Pnee SO irna,.djj
ur ros the lam half century. Not o
"The law says no man can be made to least among ihe wonders of inreetlr• Pro -
criminate himself, and if I stand up I'll E. 7.1,10,,.* ienTioht seadoertinele,,"'It I:mewl
criminate myself." emanating the workers from their bogies.
Pay liberal : any one eada do the (work ; either ...
''That point is well taken and you may *s. Meng or old : no special &betty reead..
remain seated. You are accused of 41;:auritele outne and rettlittoyto ugou lier:I star"s;ill ?ret •
stealing a pair of breeches nom this rp:tai rree'to.rothitalt0.ArTie" YtII:vei tid lal-
men, but I can find no evidence sonnet ne.g.1.):.wwhals1-511 w hring you hi more mosey
you.'' Grand °MOS Ad1=1"4".;:e ;:7;1:-.
A trmite. filfes. VA
"None at all, fr honor "
hes rare
"Thank you, y r honor,•'
"By the way, why were you so unwills Tkailies Frigild
"You are diecharged."
• I
iii to stand up 1 ___..-
oredielle come ter tie Me. Withowt
If I stood up the man would see I tiessoise 01 Tweelite.
had his breeches on, y'r houor.'
The best regulators tor the st 'flitch
and bowels, the beet core for biliousneste
sick heedache, indigestion, and all age --
tions arising from a disordered lives. are
without exception Johnson s TI IWO Liver
Pude Small in size, sugar ceated, mild,
yet effective. 25 cta, per bottle sole by
Goode, druggist, Albion Wool. Oode
rich, sole agent.
- - -
Wealth Iltemielle.
First D weir -Busy
Second Dector--Yes, almost worked
au death.
In I. It will be two months be-
fore the people returning from their
health getting trips will resit sending for
the doctor&
'That's • fact. 11 11 wasn't for them
health resorts we should have to go out
of business.'
reverser .1 Mad.
Presence of mind is geed in can of
accidents and ernergeames, and when
coupled with Hogyard4 Yellow Oil will
often save life. Yellow hl cones ell
;sinful injurin, burns, scalds, bruises,
frost bites, rheumatic nonealgic pants,
and is in fact a handy sad reliable sur-
gical aid. 2
Finery Mareeral to 4 b*Idrrs.
- -
Children are overloaded with fineryole
straying utterly their childish charm and
grace ; for they are either pertly con-
scious 01 "my bee clothes sr they mire
rendered miserable by the necessity of
it comporting themselnis as not to
rumple, tear or mil their tripperies-
this being, with some mothers, the se -
pardonable MIL
Tots Mae bock so sir eagle
per tu in ute. Prieto Mc
Thi sire bakes eigh
11there is no agent in your town. we will
seat you either or U60 abuse by diverts, ised
pay the freight upon receipt or the price.
AOreTil WANT1*1) in every town. Great
inducements tattered, Send for circular.
2123- CI((T itc Ca, Toronto
Chrystil & D1ack'
Menefee were of all kinds of
and CI kinds of Sher? Iron work.
ITIAN •4111 ari ATEA rare inotercas
constantly on hand
0. 5.55, ready far delivery
m U.P %ear areal Illsieler.
1 a M.P. Woos Illsiker.
• Mew isme • Illessieg.
A boon and a blowing to mankind is
Hagyard'a Yellow Oil, the great peke
destroyer and healing remedy for miter -
mil and internal use. Yellow Oil cores
all aches and pains, rheumatism, yore
throat, cmup, deafness. cramps, etre
toasted wird* sod hugeness. Procure it
of your druggigt. 2
Dreamers do far more than the world ,
realises. The day dream of • period'
who may sit for an honr almost un-
coamtions of what is going on aroond
himIs a Lore working nut results in
the warn and mighty kingdom of
0505405, enncerning which we know en
Welo-eoe.01040110SWeleseeilmillikoviao. moo --..-t,-
A gomplete ted-Ipsed Tkresitia; Oitit
gienee. emote.. Repenter. De., all la geod
working order. Will be sold cheap.
Mall orders will novel re prompt attention.
Works 1 Opp. 44.1. IL firalitie.
P.O. BOX 361
Gedertele Mar Ink Mfg
MEATS, TRADE 81111 183 COPIII1S1111
Ololalarcl, mot all business In th ti.:81. Opemst
Ogee attended to at iffrAIPRK_A PIZ%
05, ogee Is opposite the U. test Of
See. met we "tar Cocain patents Ig_ge Usim
thee theme remor• from friftpitancrow.
livid J101)1. OR MIA fl 1NO. W. at
.155.0 to paientalliillty fr.. ef ellen Old
re4 7011.N. g'i.! Rug ''''''' °"
We refer, were, to the rearm tatstr.thme Memo
ct 11401. 4,1451.. er lei ..O�c.. anitplettori.idleilaals al 0 .
Ierms start referesoes to acteartlearia la Tim;
owe 48a1,51 Comity. irritate
4 a. aglow iiti • „
owlet. e l'a',-,t O ., W &el. vim, M.o.