The Huron Signal, 1888-1-27, Page 17.4 ••• • I 'r WHOL111 1•11.:MBX rOlITY -111MT Tittt GODERICH. ONT., FRIDAY, JAN. 27, 18 FARMER'S INSTITUTE! The 4uty tne farmer was to educate ere ought to provide feed to soil in thal Cad a Tb."" J. Tates - the so.1 who worked the farm, fully ea, event of etch dry summers as we had layonanen or permenetp_ mine Ache.," th„t elliota existed in byipme years. , saietake to eat pasture too bare. Farm- I ! se* adtemmeweswes Wert. An Oterenlistion Efigotroi West Huron. Vb. Som. fenesnaellooer sof lignenikere $he froths. Prolitsseirs Iler ••••• Ws &epees at Yvereallsgs Moo elf Orelloars - Able Parrs GS Illawilers• MatliMela 1 ttr% Ant IA ented Mrs *rant well am those who left to study kw, f last year. The eccond wiuter put in : 1,11 medics •ai or the kw arta. la additioo I again in good tinainend feed wed if to be . . .1=1,.. 1 11. the eV! .tuit tins! tring aud education I tun over •....11 fattened on the Arai& 1 the (gator • of deirying TO W N 170PICS to Iles obtained at the Guelph College. (Give 0 or 19 lig vf roots in the morning had been taken I with straw, thou at noon give 3 lbs ofhain..oca. • that 4 lasrtment at the college was iire• mad hay et sight. Feed carefully and I _ _w tak i oo Satenlay, and died front the effect., all". T. e`°"*"" ''''''ill‘i el' ...... ..bd a vuld dr ., of 11:1 Sadreas deal- be Dentinal se to tile* 01 reeell'ill• If io!";"ritZti-Zr. el.:tie:T:1w. rum"' 7:4 ftirildly... Leh; adrtc.:771.717 r.c.suit ipainPcuel:SOitieh,04 by W."' 11'1:ea you want to stall feed tw,..-,ear old*, nest i, in .., ate then it blew. •1' then it _ applauee ing fully with thee subject. The hors. L mit hay or straw with about 24 lb; firei-o.tass photo, on the yam around. 1 inliggyi,,:, In the attack that carried him I Mei ;1•21.1" afrOA.n" tBh:41%41:1‘i:!tate. --, "W61111141; v. t .......1,.: ...7'. es t e t at it bad some Miss Ida Wi klusem next favored the meal at noon. Lot out to water only gait niyomun.(..Pnlaii;eurv.- The best Nev Veers I offal* soddenly. . Bryce, Toronto the society novel. Mr Robert Hunter, of Hunter Broa.-,11- TUB HtlaCtitt.'8 TAHLIL bridge builder, Kincardine, was in to•u 0. during the week. Ilia tient has recently ,' 1 wee, eel", 0. „pi., ow r.,„ . „ILL, completed • bridge in Clinton, and hi.' manned meeting was of a profesetuseal i „.0_?Ai•Irsetw4111111ra_ 11111::12:011:::: f sial. . 1 ewittesw:iteiLiemke:rwilithi: ,paerLieeyit.i.„! ems a.pusloyee vill.e Fenu.,.... ries has reackel la, !visit 1.13 n'Idwrwilik during the comity ' I ".°a•aanal r 4 ' the at. cc 1 Anthon and op, a•iel riot. itooection the head of meal and ate with eat hay and straw An• faith Islet prrat it." lien nit rain "rd seat amidst luud I. 0 Di %/Q.! In • 0110111ing CLOW aa tiseLs it tri lak arid it is mutiabl h "1 • Apple to D. 11 agent Ooderich: Dizetott'nom or PA wrNtatAam.-Irsta• I r.-.14 t Burrs:eb,ls, A misting tor the PurPmti of owl‘. with owl,' "lin glad ray tune encugh to get a good drink, then by Frank Barra halting • farmer's Institute for the West hese*, my ow yy! ," rundering it as she feed cut bay and straw, with about .211 11 looks as if the tail end of a Mama WM- * Ache's" lukr• 614°Ived PlirtnetebiP I litith”ra it 'The Crest Hesper.' Biding of Huron was Lelti to tImlutich always does in a urst-slass erre. &ling lb* more meal At night feed turnips I sardbut twhoisiteenhouerwinbgo awrousidirforl! hex. ;midweek.; in the hardware line, an•i the business will hereafter be carried on by Mr I °IT' eatigi.Lnat tat sr ilkolloilettellaz:arr-luThe3()%osee kr 1 to give a la irt Pea I the most prominent agricultunets .4 in th4, Cuen:' te tka evident satiefectims and straw, with 2t lbs more meal Theo, on Tuesday afternoon. A outtoor .4 loudly wowed she name "The Cotra 411144 54' anangolde. ea, 10 llse. then Cid hair overcoats may have les looked tb• fact. If rou want a quarter of beef or a cord of James Yates He is now in Toronto' of the Library Matoittine for Jan. Ol, .. ,ii:riaetoiniortutolt aoclock intlarheolgafceadraiiz., after soir:gt.051.04, ti!heiv,lcorrte:;oolui7ogaut.rerrell.et.mas oraiii:p4:111:ome ,t Inakiag priee4tame of add -tonna! "sock to Tunntaliiii:-Catholicityand R441011 : 1 rye 7- ! plane on his shelves, and intend* to ran km the Spirit.; Coast L so Tolito.'4 breakfast clean beet manure end bed, sante hiceuti,e' nn,„. t t the business at full pressure next sea- "Anna Kuenine ;" Patent 31edicines, and curry either with a card or curry There are quite a number of new tacos at 1•30. Mr Saint...roe'. "Licrine ;" The Oen- comb, as cattle will sot fatten se rapidly Lh_e.tenuntuae tyisirrelboasaat tkiteweek. het there Capt. ire the corner o5 Montreal -et. aliPtilathe IN . ersh,isiecotiii,...ums.d ; Mr K. 13. Washburn.' A 1."Puterre: ! who haveA. be•KnFon ar avni'alith"1, theon Ai; °Lid if itchy. At axon. take out mateuro and Insane in town, left thk in..rning for laber: essin, tlienDaatrioniggliatliptuhtiaba, ,allakietnien- Oeulanno.tataoa :Pada than teedeteriegs.touge:anicathies line of trues. invent . e,C.:e tiruisialve .°tAlbion block. their work in Indiann, ha.i ig Wen sues- John Britoneaw-Corra Faulty. -- with the animals and kindness to toilet articles. i L._ , 554 mooed by telegraph to be in ricidiness to has . 13 .Ahlen, 393APissrl-adtition., NewYork' iost issued • sap e mast be observed in silos.... N.) =SD Specie: perk:mil attention to ureacriptiona. i "'Min operations with the advent of W. '. . h . Chrossieloa of th/ Seluoi44eri-Obita Pitrodeiv; I S . this section were present. Hun A.. M. Roes, Coaunisaiomer Agticialture, Prwident Mille of Guelph Agricultural College, Professor Itobrit of her het eneun____ Prufessior Etoliertaos gave an later:mid :le and inateuci:ue address on "Butter and the Cow," giving full information so eon. superintendent of the dairying de- to the different Causes which result iu partimeat of the Aericulnarai Colleee, Om various grades of better, and also v- end John MottOlan, M.P • fie/teed thy tug fully into the treatment of the meeting with their presence. animal t'snr. :..ives the milk to make the After ex-reere Charles Oirilti, H" •leureted the of Wasrestuit, had bees called to the shair, the best blywds, greet oats ln tendlng, O outalsor of iutereetiss Nipors wet, n-gular sal good feeding actl watortug, teed mai criticised. x stabling well ventilated, and um Preatdent Mill& delivered am alf:ess on the ''Oultiratma of IL* &el," which was thecuseed by J McMillan, M. P., ?oho Washington, Harry Morris, Jai. Linklater. President Mills wing to the late tidence between tha keeper and the aut- J. A. Morton, of Waisigkeni, read au hoer, would not deal on any specific 'sale. When first put in the stabhisome cattle are apt to kick. If they do, never strike or kick id return. The best rem- edy is to curry them and cotnitier by kinidasea About salt. give a little In the feed every time you feed them with cut stuff and meal. I do nct know of any experimeut with beefing coatis, but with inilk cowe Professor Rcbtortamo of the Guelph College, reported that when salt was withheld for 12 days.the shrink- age was 171 per east ; insufficiently or irreeularly salted there was a shriuk - age of 144 per cent, while those that had snit as much as they wanted did not shrink --all being under the sante feed and treatment except in the matter of salt. I think cattle being fatted would alas suffer if salt were withheld. For the last t wo or three years w• buy a lot steers i•th•f•II d duri winter osEht to las allowed *mood cattle that t Geode. fhigaist. Albion loi k. T ' • pring. We wish them every success by Enzabeth Charlet, one of the inalk. famous of histurieel aorels. It is limb presented unabridged, for the prigt_ eghan150.14•6017mtepaclodthinbinTper`...re fwa usios wii: nuAA =Hy zio%f thTeEtlIPEIL710c1 1 wi beat an strt • t ern. The Capt. will be accompanied by two form kind'. . His address was hearti- &Tillman ia considered to be worth telly a hoi:nes, aratyrti.itwon; atennxin ni al eons -in -low. And yet there is no exodus 11 Trealiyed and wernily applauded ene-swenth food whin compared with a doler..:unN.sethssa 1,,:.,41,„, i.,,x: Every Lut weak the President, Mr W. T. throuohoet. poor one When ouothe cattle ought to t3 Iio weta be work "w11111117 Welsh, end Vice-Prmadent Captain A Mr Belcher sang in fond entre "Th! ?tend and aot paq awe: Imes 01.4 tea". _ 11 is .. outset:4.os how 1. e ..eao Saunder• k Son M. McGregor, chose sinks and played Owl." er ; there Gettig to be the utuarkt cis r.r!fraza.og pie.iares. hut they are going out for • bag of flour. The follow.ng is the score. President's rink, E. Martin, Jno. Yule, C. A. Humber ; W. 1'. Welsh. .kip -12, Vies President • rink, Sheriff' Gibbons, D. C. Strachan, A. McD. Allan, Captain McGregor, skip -7. exultant paper on potato where. MrWashincten read • paper on the ''BeW Breeds of Cattle fur Ontario." He was fulk.wed Prot. Roberteou, points, hot mode a ten minute general review of the fanners' needs, hopes and ..pp roselike* which put him in entire syuiputs, with th• audience m an address '• ow to rear Calvea An ezoollent quartet Wee then sung for the Dairy and the Stalls, whtch l•y the ithoir. and after unaninsous votes proved an isnot-totting woo to the farm- of thanks to Mr 8. P. Halls and his eta prosiest, and which showed evades°, choir, and the speakers of the availing. of • thorough knowledge of the sui.ject the meeting ea* treught to a clout with The meeting then adiourned to meet the "National Anthem." wain at 7.30 o'slock. BDIILADA Y , Jan. Y5. DUNNING. At the meeting this warning for the purpose of wielding Akar., and talkiest op unfinished babas's, there was a fur attendar.ce of prominerat county agricul- turists, and the proceedings efts of a highly interesting nature. Tho following offisers were elected for the wetting ear :- Will Ellerd, with Mime Trueman as ac- President, ohn Kernighan, Coax/roe; vice, J.•ho McCallum, Helene° ; 94 conspanist, Mr A. H. Manning, of Clinton was view, itAit Currie. WNW Welwan eh: unanimously milled to the chair, anal secretary treasurer, C J. 8, Neltel ; Directors -Colborne-Hy Morris, Joe opened the meeting with a brief but in• tenanting address. Fater; Aahfield -Hugh Oirvin, W A dee., "The Pilot. Bravo." by &nohow., : W. Womanish -Jae John - Messrs. no. sea Egad was will sang. J.H. Tall" ; E. Hon A. M. Rims, Owtnatesioner of R"wni seeelint" • Hullat-Juhn Agriculture, cm Wing called epon to ad. Cosier, Jas McCallum ; Goderick town drams du meeting, stated that Eas did nut intead te touch upon technical matters. Ile wanted to see an instil** establish - ad in this electoral divisied, because he believed it would be to the interest of the farmers who resided hare. Instit- ute' had been inattioustei in other parts of the Province, and had been found h. HOP had been read by th• 8•Or•tary. • Whet to the good of the fermis" EDO- paper teas read by the President, Kr motibilish.d. It hid Juba kernighao, an "The R.otation of inroity hem freem thee Bps nerkottund wok. Crops.' He advocated the abolition of siostner fallowing, and contended that ties had departed front the primary ob- ject a cultivating the opiwa uming the benefits were not commensurate with the work and loss of time. The paper information, and had become merely so- cieties fur the holding of anneal exhibi- was 'reel! by Pr"l. Mille Ind other prominent agrimeturista, but Hoes mid the distributing of prizes for eittabita. tho.nnuawpm*, it „„ Kernighan held his contention thee:melt- found that mat one of thins had gwie out, on the ground that rotation of crams beyond tbis, or taken up the ntore com• prohibitive abeam of diffusing agricsg. tuna kaogledee by means a tha lecture phatforin or the readiest by members of papers ova special esbraris. idea of ,ond rause steers from them to farmers' inundates. whieh bad now been se the sebject is one of deep importance Marge ran, was eel es original one. bill belt "f th° " lows himself. If he is highly ofteseaful in I la" week. after spending a eouple of • learn that Mr Thum Morris, • former and be Inn swim w thin model hod the E-ig'ielt titmice is a very iloroot imilk it follows that his steers will clot be Mies Cnaalt having recovered from went of Oode h, w made he dee getelity once and close t citizens of that flourishing business a more pereessest character. He "teat. eltPereellY Net ithstandintasthe severe wentber centre, on the ere of his detartems salt oviegained the besedia of agricultural M the "heal "et- U Wm" .li24 tr°1° the rewl•• saimal get toed* the peke of hides and hartiseiteral exlibitiona, bet Canada would pay more attention to the yield of rnilk and treat adoptability to 01 fir..cis. „taws. with*, put on fat ; end to develop either qaalitv per ewt. the tanners now offering only .4 to Pa 'fvull report of the proceedingame sway clown,1 mit to hie old home ie Ooderiels. The using srst eta, requires • Issagth of time, and ears aad gn frO t.6 prove mese the inothod, seri experience a ez.osan'Tensis" for he-o'nainy puryiwnii. w. feeding all centered in the one idea that Dunc hu unneeded in entwining onabtucetwdof tibistrwmgcoilithesethawowt coaketld be_t °""u_ dose h. the suctmegal oreepotiters were not laid stomata: oafs seirasangy tordaibirx,dur erfteramaibredta areafteij. *idiotism aanfoL =clod!. jars rstabeefor a. eat Kir= th„hope wwyn poporn wiy„, fella ar. Only • pore bred male of some There was a good turnout at the even- ing meeting, a large portion of those present being of the fartatne community. After singing of the "Star of Night," by a Auk composed of Misses Ida and B. Waimea, and M. Graham), and Messrs F. P. Halls, IC C. Belcher and p etu.e frame portion of their bustnem. and oat eontioue the low price. until the stock LA cleAred out. They hive • Mock of derioreted oil window shades too. which they will sell cheap to clear on% The cheapest howe under the Sun. TUC HCIIION AND InitTE LOAN AND INrIngTf IltaT COUPANV.--liepo•Dora la this company havoribe best possible security for their mon• ey. all betn 'named in mortgage on farm property. tumors Lave a drat lien in all the company's assets. Rate of interest paid. from 4 to 5 per cer.:. according to *mount ana duration of deposit. Verniers having sur- plus moans al..out4 call and ser manatee. FLUE TAILORING. -Orerarbehning oldr• of choice goods. always to be Mimi at prices to mach the goods you buy. No trash er shrldy goods. but goody -sods made to wear and give satisfac:ion are the copilot keep. I make no bases of this fact and.wahout cam - nuts, I claim to give you m.rre value for your mosey 'spruced. than any houm in town. 1 invite close sal economical buyers to call mad tionvioce them,alves uf toy aSserliarof. 11. MacCornix... Mift Horton is tinting eastward. Mr Jeers Hocking left for n e a an ng • Monaloy. aad feed them on dm gram, gettingt The sleighing the past week has Wag thous ready in the beginning of Jaly. In the fall we do not allow theta to lie iiiilleit- out after very eold, stormy weathw Mrs Sieger has returned from her visit to Hamilton. conies on, but rt them in at nirht and out through the day ontil the ronto, on Saturday. goo, "houg 'tile bey, letting them Prof. Foot lef. for a shoit visit to To. snow falls. Always b° Ili Knox church Band of Hope met I aaid before, to put catt • in o °attune, *harpoon last. c Naito', John ws.hineton and not allow them to fall off in going tioderich township -John Cox, wm.,ill .winter.quatiars.. Ti. -re we are Bowden ; inglutra-Boaj. wawa, j. feeding this winter is: morniao, maw golds, about ten lbs, then straw enough A. Morton. to hare some for beddiag ; at noots, let The regular business was then taken out to dnnk, clean stalls and bed, 6 lbs *Pa Kernixhan in the chair. „weber. cut hay and straw and 2 lbs meal, ,peas, After • statement meneerning barley and bran) mixed and fed dry ; ther. at night, stout 9 lbs of long hay - coating about 111 cents per head per day. In the first place, if you raise se animal, keep it growing fmes its birth until ready for the market. If you bey, buy only the bog ; have good, warm sublet, well ventilated and dry; then feed at the same hour every day, and let the same person hew. charge Mrs. J. H. Ratcliffe, of Baffalo, is the guest of Mrs. Purim...re. Rev Fether West, of St. Au;nstine, ermine town Wednesday last. Meeting of the High whoa.' Literary Society this Friday evening. Captain and Mrs II Merl Rhyme have retunied to their home, Detroit. Mr 11. D. Arnold. of Owen 8)0114, spent • few days in tow Last week. All the children who were suffering front diphtheria we in., convalescent. Mrs G. B. Roheon, of Pstrolia, is the sliest of her sister, Mrs Magnus Sean. SPUD. of the same annuals ail the tints. Professor de Peudty, now a resident wag preferable to summer fallowIng. Let me remark that one cause cif not a Hayti, will return to Goderich the The next paper was by Mr John Mc- "'ring baiter beefing animals and smelt spring. Killen. P , for South HUMS, „ better milkers is that we do not breed Will Ruttion has haci two deer's bends "The Bost Marthoils of Raising wd Fwd. for • defied* purpose. The general stuffed by Nigeria 313, the Ca'Aborne tax - lag Stock for the English Market and fanner keeps a few cows for milking tgermia. i„ogite in this Provisos fur the past to our Huron stook raisers we re the itiell""sald as stockers or fed for bug by I Ilre• Bleck` Weat-st• etheed "me brother. Shake ' Mr and Mrs W. If. Ridley, of Paris, visited our town during the week. We ars pleased to learn that the report that Mr Ridley had been forced to assign is Incorrect. As a matter of fact he is in as solvent a condition tcday as he ever was. He ie not one of the kind of men who world go to the wall without know- ing it, and he is not aware that he has been overtaken by a niisfortune of that kind. Three little orphans, the "Pigott Staten.- ages 9, II, 13, years who are supportio; themselves by giving popular conceal', will girt their excellent enter- tainment in the Victoria-gt. MathAist church on the 7113 of February. As they are the daughters of • deceased Oddfullow, they appear under the auspice& of that Order. Everybody ought t be out that evening in order to hear the best concert of the season. "Ar Howe." -Notwithstanding the H.ARPRIt 11.4“ V .-With • firm grip me literature acd art, the of Harper' 4 ..ilagat,ii• meu login from the great presses Bqoare. Its pages contain t sent effot of ato:11 writen James, William Ltlack. Willis Howells, Charles Dudley Werner, Hon Georgia F E Intends, George Curti*, Poshop Hurst, J H Roomy, F L Hagedorn. thu It. Gen RiandoliA 14 Marcy, LI Fernbson ; new verses by Kies Hutchison, Anuli. Fttrea, and 0 P Cranch ; and the latest artistic work of Frederick Barnard, Kemal!, Heard, Reinhart. C Parsons, Stewart, Welling -4 ton. Howard Pyle, E H Blashfield, Da Maurier, and 4 score of other artiCa ea& engravers. "Wonox."-We have received a copy of the new illustrated monthly magazine, W./WM for January, and • very toter- • mlumy_ it ie. The contents ars : Dinat Matruh The Astor Libnity (illustrated:: Old Winter's Coos (poem illuetratei;; The Swedish Nightingale (illustrated': When the Tide Comes In ,IsottluW; The Doctoes Eldest Dousm• story, illustrated); The Lady uf Lyn inclement weather the "At Home," in over ; To a Vuitton (poem,: Roma Deco - St. Georges church schoolhouse On ration; Woman in the Brahrno onti ; Thursday erening last week, under the The Table; A Clued -burst story); What auspices of the Ladies Guild, was wen to Wear ; For the Mother* ; Our Dumb - attended. A very fine musical program two ; The Household ; scieties for was presented, and excellent refresh. Christian Work ; Temperance and Wo - meets were handed around to the visit- NM Outrage About Woman ; This, ors. A huge number of fanoy articles Pat and Other: fhe World of Today ; were on .ale and many were disposed of. Ewen" of the hannth ; 8'4* E"'•we• A financial telecom was the result, the! front4o, if kept up to iu present font'. OUTLIVED Tall TRIM SC011i AND TIN 141". send entertaining of American maga- net proceeds being over $35. will prove to be oo• of the moat inetruc- Ywite.- We have received a copy of the 011"." 81115rIe neulbers 25z-.; an Halifax .4...v/ist„ Ree„rder. A feature of *2 75' 4"nel" tjuhilsill the anntversary edition is the re -print- Co., 122 Nausea at. New lurk. ing on its pages of a fise simile of the Lirrates Lime° ASSN.. -The numbers initial number of the paper, mint) a tine of The &Mx., Age for January 14 and 21 to imitate the old stationery of 73 years contoin Cmitot Leo Tolstoi, and The beck. and (nen tyres of ancient font. 1haines, Portrrightly kilipehod Engliob, The .1,- ',boo Rene, /r appears to haft Notiintal ; Cai•ser U'irlfint• °Thd %%WA in rather improved with age, and Tun 810- Australia, fgaotiened; Nnultrias Poems, NAL is pleased to observe that fact, as it Ste Stanford Nurthootto .ad Some Expo- haa entered it, forty-first year of pub- riences of an E *phalli -Kraal to Ceylon, lictlion, and is in no way phthisicky. Macmillan ; Beethoven and Two Ilia We congratulate our elder Bluenose of Iliaacluster, Tempi, Bar ; Cyst Murray's Liodley Money, AU the Y Round; Hibernian Imagery, Speetator ; • Panegyne Sir Waiter Scott, Pall MIS; Mares, Stofoisies% with instalmenta of •'Richard ••Jim's iirg,'' "An Episode of the L tug Vaottiosi; Pair,- and "Peter (irent'e.Wooing," and poetry. A new volume baa jiliet oegun 1110W ta • good titne to subscribe. For fifty-two numbers of siaty-four large A. K. Polley in/twins us that he re- the heartstrings of the people of has ad- , Piles each 1.1"r more., 30_°.?„ leek* w hile foe $10 50 the moblishirs ; ler to candy disposed of his Tontine colt to opted horn? *mond his noble wolf. Woe: rissendr)anthyeonsueb7A ItibPea"Aninerii PricuesuwillPgo moat. fotha Jtbaormathana 11 Via Mauilplort. fur Eir'0. H. deities ' don't know the object of his visit to ties or weeklies with .The Grimy Atm fee but from reading a suninsary we F. A. Kest, foreman of the Harbor Ctbsegadelweel' hes made on the oecasion. "there is a woman in 11,7"r' h"tft P°Serreld' biked Co., O WEN., , re the publiabere mill, reterard home last week after a are 1" Where nf weeks in Toronto. Fnen the Milled (Dak.,) fetkeler, we The raising and ZeProg of cattle for having his cows give • large quantity The United States has been copied from, been improved apse, en that the *ducat- beanell 01 the elftort triode of aaada, rat -clam beefino 'mulish'. The sec her reoent illness has assumed charge of " rtc " t re - tag mom wawa a video woo. end to id mid oa. ne that ma be improved to a greet onn testimonoi y of ease of loftg ale No. 4 Central school. cipient of a banquet by the pminment before their lem anocensful fellows in ebe „wane a the p„wws• of the beefing breads should be med. iostitetes had only been three Teen Is 18E13 and 1886 we mem to the Emilia& an widows in „d market from Canada 60,649 head of now there is en Sooting* in nearly every electoral dittriet in Ontario The Pro- fessors bad already attended about forty meetings, and before vasatton aimed they wield probably make the number *By or siate. The small &Hastiest:eat the earlier meetings of lb. day wee not a had omen, for it took some time for the people to understood the steemigke tor the formetioa of isetittitia, bet *Mb the infonsatiost wee riven, there was so difficulty in ewer* a fall aseashrgehip. should be held ia the Adis, dellierfalt The rules ware that at WM fr year, ft diarist point*. The Gowen - bong gave $U, the manly atoned 9115; nesally gam the inanities' • etert. sad Oat with the mem Nee, The erganiation of an his* itr= ed egrioalteriets to Moly. wee win • weientific industry, and heals wee rerptired as well es !Astra. Yee& end staying power were emited, bet as intelligeme as braid es that re- Isima:d for the 'maenad learsed *softw- ood sow be ked by the farmer who wanted to keep is the hest reek. The shagged eesditioss end the did HIM we were so beim able tai gal like grate velem frets the wfaleh were ebtaleed vies Om load wee sew. neemeardy peke oat that other climmele for pre& remit be looked to If gam mob, Et doe mar fitters Hese* ;litt tatreiefq for mperisr gdgeatios 15 settle worth I/4,998.327. twin, • tractile evev SAI 50 per hoed Loot sumeser shipped cattle to the Old Country. Look- ieg over my papers I fogad that the best ti4d for £21 per head, mid • few poor ones 00141 for £14 per head . but I paid jest se such freieht in crafting for the animals worth £14 as I did for animals worth £'21. Besides the small prim, here is • loft aif $6 on the I2100 ia gam in arousing the ma. Now, if ore ate to be aticomafel we onset rain the very but animals The Unit. ed State, took flir,338 head, vela* .133,06d, or • fractift over See pie hest Such cattle rawer pay for faking give new milk say time meatto anti thee taseh them to eat drake tiasfrolii mite 9 grimed peas 1 . and • little bras.) Give all they teili eat eatil three nineties ; theta gift them shout 2 per day seek, eith a bide brae, mad let them te gram, bu feed es mad pet in the melds et night whesever it gots sold arid storey is eke fell. Have everythier raelY asel de aro let them fad is Gash Half • patios of meal seek per day, lay three earls pow, two berfer, sad one of bran, mixed with a little etM feed, mid • few rests sad geed hay estil wising Do est citiez poetise all at ome, bet let set tero wed eve mem hay at night, eel korense the time until they get aseestorsell. This will pretest mesring It ia • great a milkier fetuiiy, keeping the animal fat front birth, bet you cannot get the IMMO result. that you ean get when the adapt- ability to put on beet lift become heredi- tary. Mr J. C. Lotoftel, Colborne, read a *vital paper on "The A pple-tbe Different Varieties, and primer mode of Peeking and Shipping.- A full daises - place on this paper, which wee ably defended by the author agaiset all attires. . "Apple Culture" was the title ef * read by Kr John Rtewerof t, 8..- .111., which elicited • number of queries form several fruit mimes present. It we& unanimously resolved to me - reared with the direetore in the differ - est menteipalities, babes that the t emetic* of the institute would be hall is the nienieipelity whisk ferisiehed the isrct number of mentbeee meeting thee &dimmed. The maw. rooms. while ads* to the aortae* every latest psis. • Amigo of *eft • few degrees made elm didavenee bet wee% orinifort and pets to assay perms*. Plappilf disease sow hold. lees sway. &Mumis enotineally bimtgiet14 forward seer remedies which iSsaseatI, mobs* deems polam's Wervilies -eery* psIa iter•-hee peeved Ike most •OouSNItl pain relieving re- fine ovally ettleteet in all forme et Itseern. he applinetioe wide, pais, whether Weenie' or seismal Tea mi II crate • bottle, et thelgieee. three troika' ramble through the north- It ellee• ern part a Outwit). LacTURI AT ST. PIETaa.14.- A lecture Mies Lane B Hyslop has again re- ' will be delivered in St. Peteri eherch, tented after a very pleasant visit to on the 7th of February, by Rev. Fat hw Walkerton and other places, very much McKerm, of Parkhill. 11....! (011011rdinary popular11141 Dr McDonagh will be in Goderich for Canada's Star Preachers. -(.7hicaso /..- onnsultation no Saturday, the 410 of bat be has already e hie Saturday a every month. ter-(,hoo,i Father McKeon is r• 'mg. February, and afterwards on the first madmurk aa • Pelpat Orator. -.London Reeor,l. Fall:t- ill. Pagentore. wbo Irk bus for the 1 er McKeon is the best reasoner wa use 1 threw years with R B. Smith & I ed ot --Parkhill !feral& As a 13101ITY [ball r OaLRIIIIATLIe WRITILIA,„ -Volume 1V. 1.1 Alden'. Oyellopetbe of Universal Literature represents eighty: eight authors, and gives fumber proof that the work is ftetainly to b 11 e improved in health. oft of are • few testimonials as to his abolity as tor Father McKeon is one of would be very stresses if at ita los, pogo extraointerest, sad t it should not remove an tassomais canto legion. A distinguished matte sap "The fourth volume of this cyclopedia is the richest, ao far..17:114 front 'Cableto "or eons* rea- son, known only to Oalton and tither 'o., will leave in • day or two to attend tmitteien simil Orator, Father McKecis wriam,,k dm, innor c .mm00_ the Detroit Commercial Colleg• .hntfe. oleos in Caned& - Wall". favorable to guise. Here we had he osch poets as .Ootolaioat, Calderon. Celli- noschos, Centrum', Campbell, and Chat- terton we listen to snob pireaahers as chaimeira, Chrysoetuso, and Okapis ; Carlyle and Clarendon diapute for the honors hiabwy ; Csivin weans the although Cheerer. Chillinewurth laurel. •A the invainpareble t I M H. & C. Don h balm Izased hum o r„,e; rather McKeon hp.'- 1)1sFarther partieulars will h44 gives. I ... ' asps the yountront Star 1 mac a - roller risk from Mr C. Harrison, sad enter lobo possession next Monday, ide ___ Brighton ',Mesh. ) Argos despetiet. .11Latabileiawthiemi• prem. e ggs& tomb , lipecisity. tlee okijah__. 1 saateetithemforprttotbete tertheclmeesoalif ollit.pritOurh:r, INS eltanIf44011 of teeth. PALACII lit"LLUa RI Il• The lee° 600 rot regular selling emu. Th• repo*. neighbors, and Cuero bear off the palke. thr:oror oilit-"''''`th. The *tout al this association ie to foster , frna,,,,,,tehee gp.,biniii: "Amine's ntAre tors. e -c. singt.inagnapressrmem,:nwoostanierhiems:e.hancie asi: band will be in attendance st the Palma Roller 211E4 this +Friday eveniat A glum, is stooping at the Ertlieh Ee- 1 moieties of the associaton, Woman 10e. oratOrY. Wh.$1. 0111X0111 Seta op we tired from 9 a. to 4 p.m. for the pain- tie,. by f ern Wiling beAll Mead man* will b• take,' part in. Ma- P Ito esp in t • p ans 0 • wefts chase. illtel, where • will tines as usual on Saturday eltreems, ' to. h I f th ' tion wgit rams. I and orbit* spertmene of the ;publicus- The ensue' gale of pipers, books. and ; toms offered at redeem! rates. The magestnee bank plasm st the Mechanics 1 Home knowledge Amociation ie iodate- Isstitete lest Plods, seesaw. ilea ..1 hy owls prominent adoestionosta ae "so • low attenimece of buyers, th• re ' Mr Thoe. Kirkland of the Normal w elt of erInek was lase widows .4* i,o 41 g41•01, lir Daniel Wile*, Roe Dr nem to the bminees a the leetitele. i Dervish esal ethers. pages after, Cervantes lannehes the i 'mortal 'Don Q Soots.' Thus i• a de- lightful volume, with antsething in it Ivo mit every taste. ' nether &navigation. ate. the poblisher's Imre deauiptive ast slogs* of standard books, "say be be free on apefloation Jobe B Aldo PabliabOr. 1193 read at., Now yolk i 216 Clark St., Chirps.