HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-1-6, Page 7i e tail Of w n- 73. M sad .s. sad Ir be ',meet nmrsd MOM P ewe" sheet it. Bs had what peek esi "Wiese - mane use insatiable. Yet tmails.sol smile, sad be a y'Miff he was so ellels, bot a , blast, buts* aro, that amid a 7 es& as Dr Piero* s "Menest .rpli,• Peisls," wbich sewer h4 w care bilsoweam ani diseased w torpd liver, dyspepsia and ekre.is ooaatipa- ties. Of Eta The Mena Dawes► Rev. A. MOM Paw of Mop, Presbyteries 1*esik. Plidedelphw, t1a. speaks tf the "weed deice": TM ladsrn rouadlogetelle r cereally abhorrent ; Leese. ese. I ell est set w- ool whore I cos estB jsFd seen to look sew it I am ten well segmental with balk its aright sed history to ment.s- anee it ; after wnteiies for twesty-ire e is breakfast. e'11. braws+. Wile-ily deco, you ought Vs, pwMtd mob sot Moguls' elothea It N e.tirely too costly .iw1 meows sad you wrier sly Night ruse it. atiog 11 Nhssd -- 1 tint t hem on eeed- •'&ill wows." 'Bet I bel to h� them. What for r "Tu keep ep my credit- __Omaha World. McAbee (to Bobby) I'm .basked t• bear that Wdlie bRaffl a whipped the pow sot, Hobby My little boy wouldn't do each a thew. Bobo! (, a mecioas moral so- psrtaettr) : No indeed, Ma s stop biro, Mother : W y didn't yo Bobbyt Bobby : I coeldn't, ma ;1 was holding the oat. HUH Ors YOR OESERV ZIT 41 1JSHIO J% 1 . The Oldest and Best Family Newspaper. Six Regular Editors ; S Corceap•Dtbrutes at Howe Aid Abroad; Stories, Reviews, Condens- ed News, Departments for Farm- ers, Merchants, Bankers, Profession - a1 Men, Students, Boys and (Arlx This year the O>rtr-ltt"ss will publish iuore than -FIFTY PRIZE STORIES, - soil the ablest and most Qopular writers will contribute to its col- umna. Poets and prose writers, authors, editors, welt of science and women of genius will fill the col - urns of the Oi1t31CRVER, and it will give tiftj-two unexcelled papers in the owning year. Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, S2.0O a year. CREAT 1NDUQEMENTS; FOR 1888. e• SIthblle Iaaziiio. PROS US FOR 11$$. N ' Christmas Bamber de embargo Imf•Ome se that an appli- 'ation of :mei wow dims to boles made by apple tree borers hes proved effectual in omosine these pests. He who triage sway kis time pere,ir- ttlh nut death who glsod•th opus hie ionWn. He who tails all the truth be knows mast he in the stree He who hath .n i11 taw let hie sell it • +Ina s is the groat hog and turkey - rainier state. Neither swine nor fowl are .steer b"*!'od' They bre. m f1 S /liBlife • tillroe 11107 aaro.Mtlfri% 11s 1h. mark. There are in ewlsie ssigbborhoOds turkey (mindere*, forme farmer thinks of draeaimg his own birds. The profes- yew it. effrd spoa modern eeteiety, 1 Monis, in a busy aeo.00. work to clangs, have set my fees forever spied it, as au ad obey average about bre turkeys an ieepsity and snare. Tr.., it did not .ed Rat fife meta for picking sad Aare its roots is pages idolatry, but it ;Lin a turkey. did have its origin it a weans than pante iasit7 of morals ; ani the hat that pure - mewled persons mg webby eoPes b' it with Nam Omegas@ al wrest; fesi- inm or intent proves nothing as t0 its indorses on society Reneeally. Hay fewer is $ type of catarrh hawing pander symptoms. his attended by an i.Ommed oonditiow of the linin[ mem- brutes of the nostrils, 1.ar-dacta and throat, afbeting oke iter.. Au acrid mwmstm mnsswled,eM diseharlt•uacons- genisd with a bsesimg ess.stiun. There an moon Roam el sassier, fCequent attacks a beds ht, warty nod inflam- ed oyes. hies Cream Balm is s reme- dy that as M depesdad epos. &Oats. .t drugging ; by dnstl, registered. fid'' Ely Brothers , Detmists' X. New York A QrAST1YT Lar YET. - We have sill a quantity of old paper on hand. It is suitable for wrapping paper, petting endereer carpets, cutting patterns, sad way other pommies. In order to dis- pose ivpose a1 it es quickly as possible the price W been plsctid at 3c per Ib. Gn and MI some at the SissAL office. Iofermsties wee .eked in Brockville on Tuesday as to the whereabouts of Mimes Themes and A. M. Bonsai. daughters a the late Jobs Brennan. of Genanoque. Inweediately ole of the sisters, Mrs. W. Osmble, appeared, and ' Theo soots thereafter ;the other sister was ,Lira fogad to be in a Chino telephone Lel aloe. Then the feet was made known la. and to Nem that on uncle, wh2 died seven cure y.ansee is C.lilorni., had left $15,000 for .rob el the girls, and that it was in °tbwa Hank to their credit and draw- ing indent. The windfall was mod un- exploded. ANN T ell. Whet I Never tried Johneton'e Tonic posi- �y t ere do ioniso at ones,c the market. I've often heard of it bat thought that it was to ba placed on tb• list of the many trashy preparation's that flood oar market, bat 'ince you recommend it so higkly 111 give it • trial .& Dohich •finis rood for my complaint jot benefit, and can be taken by me, woman, in child. 60c. end $1 per bole. at Qeothe. Drag store, Allison biotic, Qd•rnb,esle agent • Ipr. Pit is the Rah. Mem was rated and their mil1, remedy et rw,wani Asap se end W fol rertieaer• The heAdal hoer. wow reals. leesmplees Io oWplacI.d b y�oeaieasestatlttrallAtwwier'fisted se p 'IN prim is as mseal. f orate It aril of o Mnraet dell.k,ttd aeries. Nemo. distlageMbed writers, and so• ports Wustrathise. Awing the lepra. m ambles to a dnriee the year tM an the lolwwiae • INUITLOUIS, ii_ -LI Oil BI oeatrtbete re- gularly to wteNeii d the year. He will write pi Mur wptwt, ell sad mow. and is a fasatIOf sad perused way. which wW twin sew Mods of troeadaelp between tee author and hie thousand• of readers. 1n the Ant paper. eatttted "A Chapter ea Itrarne- appesrf a la the Jssa.aarty� number, be mats, iseldea.[ally.la 0M0eetl.awith the general sultject. some 1. 00 Itits oa'a+rwlas the origin of abs woe Now' More. -1001Irefff !-see of Dr. Jekl N0. Mr Hyde." **ILWA/ ACC•OEST1. b W. a Cbapllo. w W belet Ora .t as ou espeatamy Imu.rtst sad la rm/I/off soles of pagan ea railways. Wade .dmlalotratioas wed oeaatrectbo.lsctuals. wrest eogiseertng testataenia ascii passes, aid indeed these of the subtext which 1. this da) engage the atten- tion the 11 occospmaay 1bronnes The iw1uel :1I ber�� elaborate. oriwlaal and Mautdel. The amt. - on and the tlttttlll�eeeaas of the future articles will be annouuted later. 0 11 cA0iT'L ass mutest Pro• ons an el 1s. Ill 1. The NEW YORK OLIAE su: wawwill a scut fur o.)year many o leryritritoo subscriber. for ONE IK/LLA 1 I. Any sehaerber .wading his own se/write tion for 0 ear 1s advance andoast has e a y s new sub- scriber etw 04 Lett . h 0 W "TM lite el Janl McAul- ey.- 3. We will send the OB4KRV IR for their w eirder of "hie year sed w Jae. Le. 1tlls. w eel new .d 0.401 3N r mediae us hie in.4.0. a To .oche sub- scribers will ye elther Ike toluene ser• itirrs we will ease ori of ynoa•ne I.etten or "Tee Lite d JeM McAuley (weite wasted everywhere. Liberal terms. L*r a comsuhwlws. ItaunPle copy free. .&Odra•. NEW YORK OBSERVER, im-a. NIEW YORE. port 1 w be 00.- tlnued by ',corral or lacrrasieg hater- mt. with as rich said askew IU.SU&tios sot 'hostwhich bat. already appeared. MATUTUS 1hTI .t$oteprc 1 ietertst w'11 be tew ea 110( sotpelo� n. of waerlon. John C. Ropes : on "The MNat Arras, . by If ll. Blashee d : two papers by Edward L. Wil- ma, iilu.tntisgs results of recent Egyptian re- search : a fonbef article by Will rot F. Ap- thorp, on a a.ibjeot co.aeeled with his recent contribution on Wagner., and many ',titers oI equal lnl.reet. Professor Shakes alleles on the !Surd e of the 'Meth will b conuw : and articles upon two of the moot Int ors grouts of contemporary European writers will be aeeempao.ed by rich and novel por- trait lllwtratloot. ELECTRICITi i. int Carious ar,lie,tlons as a motive power. Explosives, etc., will be the ewbjects of another eroap of illsstnted 0014. cies of equal prsetical briefed by Wadies authorities upon theme topic',. NOEISONR'$ LETTE wrfuen w his !needMos: a as a p.cub t■leteaime time of his carver. will runtish t substance of seve- ral articles of weed interest to meni=al reod- em which writ be $,lloelrated with portraits and Arawlys from yleddlroshm i own and. %F�' ON will be stroma. not only In the work oto well Nowa writers. but in treat of new authors, le mooing whose cooperation the rnawstlee Itae trees so fortunate durum its Ant year a pedktellon. A serial no. el. en- titled -Find Harvests. by Yrrderir J. sinu- o us will M begun in the January member. avid earl, he the year Dove-tette* will be pub- lished by Heory James sad H. C. Runner. The short stories are of •ottoes1M strength and freshness. oewod vii pianoI. s Is its sur reliao00. Till showiter will be more abundant and elaborate them ever. It M the intention of the pnbltaben to represent the beat work of Ib. ks. ing artists. and to orf and totter the most skilled method'. of wood a TION ers ttolr8 peewee thLe lxss� [ from ou thebdhrennumm- ber'Jaouary. in1I the toiletries inducements arear's sut: ami the numbers A year's saripole for UR7.».......... . ♦ yter 1P',.b�oundd le twwo tvel~imw.cioth gilt top 6 W NIXON STURDY'S People's Oro FOR:1.S r CITY HU SIN ESS COI.LEGIi. tummy.. OPT. The attendance at this4� lotion Moos Oc- tober hes largely 'hat o: est pre view year. t'ore-00001ua e1e re -00001 Januar! Sed. For tee, aside -ea. �RLr is YORIC. Loadaa• est tides THE NEW PAPER. TFROM 15.. UP. No old Stock to store, Lou a. Fresh and New Kwlgsra ram plass M snorer .M new- t �roteeslsM--On the Mases. east to Nasbaar'a Restaartut. EAD THIS. FOR OMB MONTH. FOR ONN MONTH. O r taw Ostsrvathv. Menai .hoes M bo T steased ■ TresIo, is be .ailed r d Mer sheet the 111th 01 are abaeining spared is make party paper the whore vi month,ors It will lethetY errs sine.. It will Mart with a Staff of BMW writers, 20 PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH 1• An W abbe ry eararemest poses nia7 asses las fat ides,. Dees es smm ossa Abe mAMse.ds _ Aewursso ,spaces shims Comm- u breis,. Nmsse•rwas.psestms fsawWionso tad ell ether Depertesseis well seetethed. skeet. ens Riot, ease le„ I.w,bN, lasts kr N. All sheeld Reed s. MUM RIEPHIA WIZILT =PM. 0 per AnnauLL et per Assam Beet l• a.bseripltoes sow•assosrpseie4 ▪ so to somesense wtth the that 08. se D. Mastrear RtvtasH .''/eeoas. d m .7tth �ndds�offowwoess wmNm, et the Iswatds' to 1.stItws.. Buffalo. N. T.. valla experience in nicely adapt - tatting remedies for the r melodies. •:rite Prescription h, or result of this goat and •woe. Thousands or teettwo- from patients nod from physi- ttaad 1t 1n the mm's, rates essee whish hid ata 1t to he the moot wonderful io..1 fee the mid sum ot - li n not tut eo0s.esded as s . moat perfect Speedo lot ailments - n Invtg.rmtlwE tenth, to the whole system, sod Its appendages is overworked, wore -oak" tosearta "sh eat - hour mothie women ers. ro�rite Prescription hly hoop, bring unequaled Mk' and restorative tonic. s ane •trenst\estlas Prescription M uito- ua►lu In allaying std sub- i tr�tfale�nesdI*b/1ity. Mifabilttl, ex - hs nervtw. elm ods nod SW IMAM live a ismare4d years • !hair work hettseses $M D, and m, don't lake wensrablr rey a bssN•ra�r by motive movement i• tliti��� air rhes eat of .eked. In- terned, moy field to the feeling a 1.eei- tode mid .it or lis down in some Mose room, poring over books and often r•- to dregs or .tim.Mwts. There is incl so bestir& as sea • We -- allied with .stare - as that a this "males; "unwrinkled," over -beg tentst.bms ; sot cam better lemons be Wows" Mywhers then tom stedytita it We se wAs iled LIME Felt and Straw Hats Done Over at Reasonable Rates. Apprentice Wanted in the Strew Hat Line. MRS. C. H. GIRVI. di ]LRB. BG7.EEI.ili -4 FALL MILLINERY LADIES' $3.00 s Year, 46 Cts. s Number. Remit by bank check or money order to CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS, 2128- New York. The subscribers hare jest completed their large Iltoekiln. which ems turn out MO bosh - els boon. and are now a. . hysteria. meal mot apes fenctlon.l and organic its ell of the womb. It induces wrestles =and► , ?Hens mental anxiety and 8 lfitree'e Pe•orlte Preerrlpele�■t se a 1�tgmate neeedlle,,mtt•,fir 1utu7 sol by an rit. trod adopted to worm's delimits' it isperpyurely tegetabM In la ectly its :shelf m 4.!condition of the system m For jpk.ee. or non= from cheerer Mee IN nom tow nom to ono 6► Uwe slimate r Mol weorrbs5. exwseive lbwltls. mulles unnatural .ppfessiose elosksew.si of the womb week luck. pis ',terT par red to ..poly .11 cuwtonten with a aseq ..iity of good 1rmh lime daily. 1t will be to the advantage of every wee re - L82AD8 THIS WAT. FELT HATS, VELVETS, Plain and Fanc , PLUSHES, FR1�, MOUNTS, WINGd, Etc., Together with • large assortment of PLAIN AND FANCY RIBBON& Also Attest ten the PARKER DYE WORKS Toronto. 118 Mite_ 8AI. iI_.D, At the old stand es the Square. O.4..teb. WILSON BR0S., GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS, ST. DAVID -ST., GODERICH, Two Loom East of Whitely's Hotel l Manufacturers of Marble Monuments, Headstones, Mantl.pieoes, and all kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and American Marble ; ales Window and Door 8i11s, and House Trimmings of all kinds in Ohio Stone. All work designed and executed in best style. GODEBICR BOILER WOKS „I�LV11� uBRL de larf'ely in all kinds of European sed Canadian anima iltcmd WZL80N BRA 1t .7 1 pa! we call before ordering elsewhere. quaint Ilene to call or c.wrescoa d with ue. ss ties rill we are pprrepared to ., .l 1:beralll with par wlaltf to pnrcbas . The kiln Dr (seat's eesteam-"Loepiteg rooms dry esti wholesomely wen wards of malaris, rhesma.iwy dierrbasss, dram - tory, senralsk --is tree, eiory ward. ComfoeteM* &%hies sad bedding ee with it. Orr ass was developed in the warmest badly el the temperabs seta It del.dr ani denim Is ashy r.Ofsea. ted Ws • pleat, deem Ws wash, limp [growth in se ses.1 hest. Ona el /he �eoi .*0J I dst.ratami.... in prdre n0i /osoi 0* parr .ruetawt N i t that less. its l weds SIAM tors oesweirp .keen •M� ar has It M eessid•'ed s!ost srwts&O diet Terms. will be shuns r aka Md quartette a tb Vie wag -brawl 0 allrbii WAL M measled 0o the O•derirh side of the !ills Reserve. eaters d sat Inca u e . 40 �eems, iia etre. In wrlNli�leM lesion " la a pini• ...,irePrnliras seiriliefifetr MG et thew 1=1 atios. st Met M vontrime peen poo. w Tt ts end the Ley ta1hee�� sed itift firtariligal Valmont seam, • 'j� Dw�•Tlweii et fairer of 'oke womb, in re,M - Godench. Jams 211th. 1Mj. �- Chrystali 8t Black, each -___-- manufacturers of all kinds of STATIONERI MARINE. UPIICNT ANO TUWLAR BOILERS. B�CRLER BA CKEL 1'NOPRIETORS. Jane 174h. i✓le7. 11[s Sits• 1888_ Harper's Weekly ILLUSTRATED. DANIEL GORDON , ERS CABINET GALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and .11 kinds of Sheet Iron work. m m es► m s� s� sbt� eras as ■ , - w SWAMI ARO WATsst sire FITTINGS oonetaatb on hand. Os head, ready tor delivery tae 10.7. New Neel Roller. 1 Star. New Miter. A Complete 281 -ball Tbrtabilg Outit Botley. Engine. Separator. tc.. all n wood working order. will be wild cheap. Mall orders w111 receive prompt attention. Worts t Opp. C. T. P.O. BOX 361 eateries May Ibtk. Mab. DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THE CWMSBEST FRIEND • ' PATENTS CARATS. TIM OILS ANO COPTNICNTS Odor neeededolto at MO BRI TR ivi theF Patina t our oMce is opposite the U. d. Patent Of - hoe. and we tar. obtain Patents 1u legs Was thee throe remote from WASHING TON. send MODEL ()R DRAWING. We ad - else as to ppaatentahilttT7 tree of ch mild we make NO CHARGE UNLESS WE 08- 1,A PATENT. we refer. bere, to the Poatmaster.the Bait n Mosey Order Div.. and to officials of ole U. 8. Poirot Office. Por alrcalu. advice. terms and references to actuallclients in your www State orCount UOR 4tp- OpmOeite Pelmet OAIoe. Wesh/notea. Ds C. tummies Wirmmis has . weliestabliebed place as the ieaAfag iltudrsad .ewepaper Is America. The fairness of Its editorialoorn- meat. out 0urrest politics has messed for it the rearaect read- ers. ..nddthe arielyy nand ieuiellensee eial ( ate literary commute, which include serial and sport stories by the best and most popular wrflern. IR It tor the permed of people of the .rtdest range of taster and ppursuits. Supple- wests are }request), pros -hied. sod so re - peas'. U spared to Aline the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration d the �agef of home and foreign history in ell s features Il aarSle. Wawa. is admirwbll adapted to be u weienue goest In ever, household. tl.t'K win el ea ttmis •1.00a "4".. els larrablibirafea be �� �� AND LEADING • Anyone can advertise. but I wan show ease he teeth Stock. s have v tress.stock oro hand thou sal two FURNITURE• 1 have now on hand 10 different styles of Bedroom Sayles, 8 different styles of Sideboards, 3 Parlor Suites, and almost saythiagen the Furniture line, all of which will be sold AS CHEAP A8 THE CHO:APIST. AND DONT YUt' FORGET IT. In 'Le UNDERTAKING 1 oro personal attesttor. ani the benefit now of needy p experience. I think I lave the beet Hearne. In the County of Huron- 1 will Iepee the to judge. i have eveoythiog useafy kept la • gest-elan estabit.bme.t, sack a Ct� Coffins. shrouds', Halite, Gloves. Crapes, ie. Soba al.g done whets regaled. marl utuntstee to give satistoctlos in every case. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. U. AND BANK OF MONTREAL. Gederlch. dept. gib. MIR 1� H , rot P$ kIOIHaLB. perusibt HARPR:R� wtR[t.T-.........M N HARPER'S )4•0•2TWWE • /� HARPYH'e isAOAZiNR !Os H A R PRR'R YOUNG Dooms pp.ft ear to alt •,Mer#ere Os f h Ussend Worm (1000tto. or sella. with the The venoms et the wtmatr best, Ares Number for Js tissue liar: Wb nn Otse b menti..d Will M that the suhaerther whites M ermm.sie with the !lusher curves' a the timed the reempt of order. Volumes of Hswrsnb WmlXLr ten three bars hackle misage east -_h binding. � sex asst h eetst p mail. petaas� etpaoertr.Mr..L }rye d es a de 1paper v t meth* w dollar '•r venom. w K M per �(lo�h Caere ter mob edema, e.n.Me for htrtrs. will be es�ent by mall. pestpsM, se Remittances M le mole to Poet-Omee rilieelln 81 0 Mone? Order or Dias. » scold abeam) of tem s ere rad M t a(a a treetiee- wenn wifsilst the mesas Order el Haws & SOO MN Ole BilfieSMl fielip ..eats ", 1837 VIVAT REGINA 1 The subscriber wishes to inform all sway .shade et am Most Gracious N...7, 'sew Victoria. that 1 em doing my utmost to Resp my stock replete with everything newts.' use• fray ha nil departoeats. NEW GOODS ARRIVING DAILY BUITABLK FOR - WINTER WEAR. The Correct Thing in Drees Goode, Buttons and Trimmings to Match, Ribbons, Frilling', and Fine Lawes New Shades in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, with Embroideries to Match. i am not advertising Roods at roes it. under. thanks to my numerous cnttomers. I have no os entock of 007 eve line. sad that is myths a crest deal when we hear so much shoed hwlue.s depression. bard those. ave. ALL GOODS MARAEO IN PLAIN FIGURES AND STRICTL ONE PRICE. M'LJZNTRO Goderieb. Alts. isle. Its. lust - Draper aid Haberdasher. HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT IMPART 7%1. Gem ar a Lmnswq Y f /tears Sow Bectsei e•4 Low's,! kers, ostenst MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BA1iK BRANCH. S, 4.n1_ 6 Pe► Ostia harvest Allowed ow Dt1e.f�e.aosseriiiri M emwwt esti tient or •_:-o rartriet tripes. wed Sara O fwRORAC* AORTOBI. ar Go4wieb Asa. kb fain. i450 IEllFllERY AID FAT11OO1L IIRIIGS, Jest Reesivel At tb 11e4teai N -es dr P• std wRl be mM tt PeULRis gob qr array Tt"nsa aW 1M ase twnkftlg,wr i aamewsa F. JORDAN, Medical, Goderioh