HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-1-6, Page 6• IM Pati Corner. 'Sew laves wakes, r What Mall I wish sheet bemires of alit hone le the in leaflets I Pleswrus sad moult >IlwMee arty pa* wny Skies Byer asset WorddOde Mears thee A hype Niw Year. What ellen' wish thiel e What can be breed thee eatmhbe Anti, rear misfit Wheat bt the treasnee. Leming ani /leer. • That chateau's time Are yNewYear1 Tants that Inereesetb Waling,' 1g, Ilsht; Heps tent abouadetb Happy end bright; Lan that la portent, et ._940,01 wrliolleetialt A WIPP: Ne .i l4ace V the Saviour. 1 Rest at His feet. Smile of bin mounteaauOS, miasma sad sweet, Joy la hie premium Christ ever seer 1 . This will ensure thea A happy New Yeah • A Resnwesabis Case, Frederick Wiese, of Mludon, O,.t , suffered with running sores WI barb which the best cf phyaicteue failed t. curs. Two bottles of Burdock Blood Bitter, cured him ooenpletely. Scrofula always due to bad blos•d, iscurable whet, timely treated with B ti B. :l err iaatly • •.wised. 500 HORSES WANTED Mrs Hawkins—"Well, Mary, is my bath reedy r' Mary -"What is the ..H... -ret----- Wig cia qt. '. mr {:rest EtIlltr. There is no other medicine of such general use -sine's ru the bousehuld aa Ifagyard's Yellow Oil for the cure of rheumatism, neuralitiat, sore throat and all internal and external pains and in- juries. 2 .t - • •. taloa," Te carry of the large gad well-seserted snook id Now Alerted at RKDL C*D PIUOf:y a>< WM A0 F SON'S aeamameth Harness Depot. Haring secured . large week of Hareem Musauap. Robes gad Blankets al whelewl, manufacturers prima, I gas mordent I can supply all to nerd of Mimeos, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Sleigh Ball, end seegtbites te be foetid is a etstclaas stop, at p t. sever borne offered in the Comm y. iiav�etwral taed to sell eta the whole of my large e.;k to. pante. haste' Caame b a bey at prima that will eerpria. everyone..0 Wane along .1 .1 it, tae Yams oth Hareem Dealt and yea will este mosey, Remember the stand WM. ACHESON'S HARNESS DEPOT, Nami.toaO.tdertch. firAf >isb Aseemte mast be settled at ogee by Cash or Nate. LtYim MEM DQLJIl,RTEF8 BOOTS AND SHOES. E. DOWNING, The Old Kataldisbod hot and Mew. Man et Goderich. still to the fro:tt with ono of the Lara at Stocks to the i)ooitnton, comWie:t.g EVERY STYLE, QUALITY, & PRICE AN lMMEN+E STOCK or Ladies' Fine Goods I. Buttes Roots. Balmoral*. t:orgrer. Oxford Tina. flf:era different styles of Kid from die. up to any price you like, Felt. Phr.h. Reim. lrunelI. turret. Wieweni and Oerman Slippers In is ,!.,tion. tit LTie het y 1 '—St Lucia Score Church -members are like rail- road trains—they shed all of their light ahead on their own track, and leave a little old blue light hanging on the rear to the sinners out in the dark.—Sam Jones. Its thousands of cures are the beat d advertisement for Dr Sage'. Catarrh Remedy. There is no danger t f the young man who goes to see his girl striking for shorter hours. Health ie impossil.le when the blood is}impure, thick, and sluggish. or when it is thin and impoverished. Such con- ditions give rise to boils, pimples, head- aches, neuralgia, rheumatism. and other dis,rden. Ayers Sarsaparilla purifies, invigorates, and vitalizes the blood. ••Mere Trouble:May bre Expected. if you do not heed the warnings of na- trree and at once pay attention to the tnaistrlfaante of your health. How often Ire see a person put off from day to day t�,e prlrcu�'! of a medicine which it pro - at the ootataf: cf a disease would remedied it almost ow if Johnston's Toni/ Liver tills been taken when die first uneastees made its appearance the illness would have been "nipped i.i the hod." John - eon's Tonic Bitters and Lirer Pill are deciuedly the best medicine on the mar- ket fol general tonic end invigorating properties. Pills 25c. per bottle. Bitten 50 cents and $1 per bottle, sold by Goode the druggist, Albion block, sole agent. 1bl �7 flea Wonders exist in thou- sands of forma but are sur- passed by the marvelsprodtabk work ton. hat can be whom? is be of Pad done watts ytvlsg at home should at ones .end their address to Ratner rt Cu.. I'ortlaad Mates. ted receive free. full information haw either eel. of altewe. can earn frost $5 to Pa per day and upwards wherever tbey.JIV!. Yee ens started free. Capital not req 1rreedd some have made over IRA In • sin'M day g,1 ski. work. All summed. r `a e _ Sadist Sad . n. .spkatua io only mused M' sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots sad Yellows..a. These It Is well knoll a are mused from an tneettve Lies and bed blood. Dr Chaw+ s Liver Cure I.urt:tea the blood and whole system. line lee- oipe Book for toilet reaps•, hints sod eu sessions on how to preserve the cuo- pleztou. Sol by all druggist. Mew a Dade taught told. A slim young .iso au the height ,I fashion was cn'Iwttly seeee.ing to a street qr. .h.0 • u,mpeut.w rvntarkod, ••Ae. Chawles, dosis toy, how d'ye est:h %Gat dweadlui cold " "Aw, climb fellate, left my cane its the lower hall t.,tlter day, mud its socking the ivory handle, au deesdiul cool, it chilled mo .Rugal to death." II Charles had used Dr. Har- vey's Red Pine limo his (mild would nut trouble hit:. eery much. For sale at J \,,,slaws prescription drug attire. tf IV the lcJle N M• nsober es all ate e. I'h•np{hatine, ur Nerve I'joa, a Pt,w Iwte t' iueut based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Ptlht.%aor Austin, St D. ut licatoo, Maas., cores Puluo n- ary Consumption, Sick /Iced/mho, Net - Attacks, Vertigo. and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the huntar system. rhusphatine ie not a `fedecine, b;tr..a-:Nutr mint, bemuse is curtaiis no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiates N trc,tics, mod no tisimulauta, but gimp; ly the Phosphatic and t;artric llemeuts found in our daily fond. A single bottle u suthcb.nt to convince. All Druggist, Sliveere Belt $1.03 per brttle. L•,wax S Co., role agents for the D.mwuwa fi3 Fruut :"trees hast Toronto OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS nth of C.tna.11an and American make'. 1 souId aim 4%11 the &nestle. of FAI:M Ens to that pert of my s•o.'k espee.iria .nttal.ie for the.:,, such as Of every description Ibrit �•r��yT►`\1j f: Long Boots in Calf, Citi and Cowhide,'`r- FELT BOOTS AND MOCCASINS. I bare • Ilse of Felt Boma. wy own make. acknowledged to be the I:est Feb Boot ma.:e 1. Canada. Prompt and careful attention gal en to ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. YPlesse bear three facta in mind - I have by far the largest erect of Biota sad Skis, in tows • They areof the very bee. quality prurable. being made by the beet utaunbeturcrs .n Canada a• a ; Aad I v..11 .ell at pricer s. lu:. u,- lower than anyone el..,. Soliciting a ooeihmanee or your valued custom. w liberally sa-co:ded me dicing Cie peat fourteen years. I remelts. yours fats mfully, GET the BEST I 1W WESTERI ADVERTISEll OF LONDON, 0117.-* EI:Tlt senna 1 tiatTrrtii ARTICLES, Ali TO ' POMO OEpB �N I SOAK Rill is! IS PAGES IECVLMBr Balance of 1887 Free To all sew wbscrIMat for ttae year oFt se tire Mw prise d PER ANNUM SI traased ether aweaaasNeet Ibierthee /iel ado ad amid ,arae.** l "Tri, TSOLLT QV817DZr" A limited ,.amber of lata beasttfsl pnmltrm OmursN ban for ts eaten. 'Tbe Wears A/er adver end p.ssd.ae Afoot. wanted ..s.rtwbsee. Twenty -d., •linable prises io be awarded dyer sad above Ibe rash gnomon's In the some sirreerral leen Regiefer it lotionsa at our reir free man* �s�ess� Wreak A)v R 9 R PRiXT OO_ Larson. Ow,. vas 'ION Agee t 011 ern& wss pee Me Waseeall OM. Aa hoes wow mm. LSE by add u�g AMA et. E. DOVTNING, C'.a:.b'. lit.., L. t or. Ealtet. sod Swore. NEW MILLINERY ! AS ri'ArtOCSLY ANN(CNI'li.) MISS O AMERON Has opened on: her New Millinery retahl;ehment ae HAMILTON STREET, I Mrs. Mitchell's old eland, And is now prepared ts attend to the Custom of the ladies of Goderleh and vicinity. Ladies' Underwear, Kid Gloves, &c., A SPECIALTY, and a targe assortment v.1:l !' kap' ou.tes•:} on baro!. The Latest Novelties in Shapes and Styles Can be Seen. jte-ALL ARE INVITED TO CALL AND INSPECT t,lNDS.'1S 2217 NOTICE. 1 have deeldedtocontinue business for at..rher .rasun. and Ladies will gni! ny stork Of FALL--MILLINERY--FAGI I MEAN TO SELL CHEAP ! STOCK IS FC LI, IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. MISS GR.Aij THE SQUARE, GODERICH_ IMPORTANT NOTICE. I base at present a large stork- of RY GOODS Suitable for this mason of the year. ehic:, 1 offer at the Lowe.: i'ouihle Ft ,res. aa. $srtet, Butter so Cordwood taken in exchange.. lee which the Highest b r•elists et Price will he w:d. i :a 341u. cuP. s EftIOG3NE* LP' EPst4 1.7DrrlE ST/QT, JAu;IOI ERYSIPEi4& S; Rat NT, H. ARTBURN, HE ADA.:HE NE's Fath an Ready -Made Clothi `ww and e■.t be ebea.,g N./ M Vise g•UGI3 D pgST3IONA13I virt:e,arn, er the Moe—Wept street, tea alor Godericb. m els. -..ad. PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER .AT RHYN.. s' TATE DR4SbT- rhc "GERM" Rif era Hat Jai I.ELIE 'Jc. DROPSY, FLUTTER/NO OFF THE HART, ACIDITY OF 'HE STOMACH, DR' NESS OF THE SKIN, Se/ every epecte. of /teases arieinc fees, .aheru..red LIVER, KIDNEYS, ST LJWEL$ OR 9t.00o, 11. MILBURN & CC. PrwpeMMrOa ra TNF CiltBRATED D" CHASES MAiD°ANDE UON Full StNec of Fresh Family Groceries (;URRD )4K . HRROLLER YAMI1.1' not II. AI I. KI\Its OF FELD, kc. Z, PRIO B I C.►LL JND GIXIC I dolor Mee -B ` — -. THIS. LIVER CURE HAVE YOU is Int/lesion. ITT.ostsaee. LiverPain is the tri iattndicr, IC -mart eist wen aasm, es my dismiss ariuna frees a ds. ,mss, Da. Cswu's Lives CLOS e:.'1 M lased a ser sat arta,. ready. NATUNt'S RE1atDY T1s enquadifimi .errew of Pr. noses Li.w Cele i Liver Complaint ratsm safely eel" the fact ret it i :owpesnded from matures wea.kao.n liver regelator MaaumAem AOD DA,DSL.O., combined lith alar abet invaluable mote, barki and barbs, loess ,toad �" 600.est 0 0 eSOLO se lore mss -hall wuifies of De. t !teals Ratite Bath neer add in Cdaadt ales. ter est! ere., seas s..itma .tad child who is t,es.M r mitt L,srr Com first to try Air .infant .r.e0 ,. Nle. OIVEU Man hes srypad area every bottle of Dr. Char's I.i..r Car i a rateable Homelwld Medical Guide and Raip aeoh rte }ate.), containing over am (reel mama by medical .nee and dregset. u invehee renounced ad worth teatimes tlr prig of tn. wedivae. d.r.e t YMS1 Cssa. A r4 and plaids ea, y. acs. •y seats. TRY emirs lamen antra' ram as era. poi boa SOLD BY ALL DEALERS a T. SINIASSOIS it 00.. set. ag ar., l.adas.t for heating all classes blic and Private Build rsurpassed for srmplicity economy. d for Illustrated Catalogue. THE E. & G. GURNEYr 1' PINI (Limited), TORONTO. lir Our Stock 1ting Stationery, eonsistifg of all 'q 1311 the leading grwle•+ of Pap anti Linen, ruled and un- . -mss Cards, ruled papers, .rd+, Bnvolof+ea' kr., is the most eom- Q plate we have handled, and we r„rrsarantee the quality sir and price to snit all who will favor els withitikeir sr orders. Call and see our •mple' and get put pentons IGNA H E vtE'__ NORTH - GODERIGH Jas. Sau ers & Son, QOD�IrICH, ONT. !Vey. Tri , Hr. 410.3m. II -ATI K(3 Rit- ds. FURNISHED .my shop lathe latee le. pet 10 tare, sew impel them t crated Rochester ! t1titag C to ors. and droll s yeereelmaa earner. we are taxa ,•,,ties m do Mums *orb rias ►.cera +ors. lade at Children • Hai/made, snide • gmeialty on ail dale except ie Mound. eM+ro �2C23T, Kest StrM. two dews east at P.O.. loaded., Obtainable for Impaired � Won is *Pair of tAtsis Cut Pebbles i The ghee test .a The Caleb WORE[ POWDERS. A: a planers: fa tato, to -Amin their awn Psr'etl's. Is a .este, sere, a l .Irretrmi dssonepar et wean• is Children •r Adults BEWARE OF WORf'fLSSS IMiTATIONS as there ars sissy taferior 'swami with jute. et ...affersd and .sod sr (.orailMby lame as- wwebaate Matt- epottation of sees` wo wars the ta&Ns sneh rsped*M br era: their ateswthre M th. ee esoktyd•sola'damnthe name CROIPTO$ CORSET N.' 1e stamped as Weard.oer aUQoelibepe ion IMAM WAY& ter EID11111111aPt The People' v,itsio The frau.,, that bare been perpetrated on the tpectacle wearin: e dealers and peddlars by giving aesn>ned an'i public by mutt lasts, the ignorance :west the pablic fancy natnr•t G, otdtlMtry 8 tp�' �, neral) in the all-important .abject of the pr.aer :on of sight. e tCle. frtm w e� the spectsclee eters lie there are orgy two art other name, manufactured via : Pebble and Ow—ea glss't_ bt .n f v name. it +till remain~ •las• Pebble, 00 tits etb hod, is fro is ore own manufactory. It is s natural crystalandfound emerald,rel and near - stone formation, and is harder than the ruby ly as hardas the diamond- The Pebble is not more or less than a transparent stone, crit by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest amount ofpower is placed immediately over the centre of the 'n It will �e by tie spectacle wearer the neat, found in all p�bMe- lP,� • fre•Whtlaev anal a pleasant feeing that the ordinary cannot by any possibility impart. All A nett and eysgl&I'wx are sat►mltal R. I.gwi �► onurcluised from ,' �►�11e �,Qm . �Druggist, Oodi wioh. 7th Ise. m Noir Extgsil►e Premises and Splendid New Stock. . r oio. r ituiir, CAB - NAM CJI) UN TAKER sumni rn swift, Oodsiiiearb �iA d ��Met>rdt 1my... ����totm' L.siAa Altar., aware M ba/ stwLTtasly lar' ' T~ siesta V t is *Wok 11eSo orttik oil► The Finest Rigs y•� AT SOOM AIMS PR101Na S7t, A /f17>! OW* tele odes i d , Xek t„a ter% t eNt weMr 11011 r 1 i