HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-1-6, Page 5THE OURON SIGN DAY: JAN. 6, 1888 HOP Ti E ONTH of JANUARY WS AY 11011141 TO O>ZR corn teyi BOOTS arid sings AT PRIDES THAT WILL 0011PIIL YOU TO BUT. The public generally accepts advertisements of selling off below regular paces with soount of run goodree+ov for doth.One reasou for running off our stock is unless there are TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR SPRING GOODS, which will commence to arrive by the first of March. Another reason WE MUST HAVE MONEY. It is a matter of goods vs. money, and the former must go at al- most any price. In the manufacturing department we are bound to retain the good reputation of the old firth. No 1 workman only employed. $epairing hotly and Cheaply Dene, Bile 88 a Call, A. MUROOCK & CO.s Dec.t sa ua. NEW GOD .sad ,bat rattly their t ac to ..ad u haw flet, T.,, would In" . e.ri.,r Pm ,Pisa rad c '!rids!,'• C4 at utd an tier Mew o :Iiis �'�'!a ��tia'a t cowultt,tios wie Sea of y, gat o1 ate. We have over Three Thousand - Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS GOODS just arrived, the best value ,t ever shown in Goderich for 124c. a yard. Call and See Them. CLBORNK BRAS.. C3ODERICH- OelliteelL ha. l nit •w 11,,.•••• ,.,i,.. « • 11 • 1• I•`e ria. _ Si :- �e t.wt. M1 N.,t,.�.. 1 • 7tM1 • ewa..:.a S .: $ 1 Maters, • OWL-. t M errla.,..r.... $ s ..is i 4, w • 1111 las se �� ""t���, ��t•• •� tk trews. ii :: s w: • M. ons • ...... • 17 a •. • Vie Canadian Paolo Railny res Pewee's Feweelle $..t. betwee. KONTRIA101640TORONTO, OTTAWA 8��GSTON, BODETROIT, - CHICAGO ST. LO KANSAS arty, AND ALL POINT, EAST AND WEST. re; m.& Thee laboes Fares Tickets. .a. &WO to R. RADCLIFFE, orris`: -et:, e T=1*. ten= data. IW. 114. flea en Iuo. MtoSPECT118 FOR r8$8. Divides limber Ott Milan'"'"' now i. oom°`N. to NMIL e.1 so ••� ?~oosa.e[ border pried! }vamlo.c.sed. fl orate. t deibtlt aeries what* as/ea- r 1 e"1-toas.ts.te4w t trift& a t. •9poa� deeias W teat ars tb. foltewt•s aa�� is wwei0r. 11. Wel'Z.+ Yamwar, wbfeb .in eye ea Demme with _ es t slur, "fitit' al : r....•�7wted `•wit iai.bistt� swine ea rewrap*. t.' their i tacieiinavL ' be Tai: rye pygal Prr .. readsi! Intoe. ewe ell oo sr e. tBs t Jobs : two papers by atArm L. W1!- aes! . p Zap ' e: e.areb ; a 41 tR torp, on as with Ids roerat nes rileetNa a. seem a� ray oilers at .nal e. azt c es 3 .rl otitis* tie r�s eredasei w4at ova attoaa tD oeserrit n it various sp,Ue 1eid q$1 Power. andeolvea. tee.. iiitataT teeZ wre mug itten raliall *Me WWI /}Q}r..jeltt thee sabb�� Of Mae. w /res lalla�••" y "I . :SII r tt e. of lvl authors la :.. wi bs fn {ti ttPaetr. rtes REAT DISCOIINT SALE roma sacxY aa=s_ SS GOODS, SILKS, PLUSHFJS, MANTLES, MILLINERY, &c., &e. omtuine, Carpets, roe assn+, Oil Cloths. traordlnary Bargains. J, C. DETLOR & Co.'s HOLIDAY SAL _ SILKS, MANTLES, DRESS &00DE3 and Faocy Drum Deeds Oreat Kansai.a to earl lice. Ne t l ,order to reduce our Immense Stock, we lave decidedrs and over r ar Dh oNex' Sixty Days to give on all Cask Purchases of Two Dol Ten Per C. T with our already well-known Low Prices, is a big thing, and gives a Grated ,+,' , 'Tinnily for Securing Great Bargains. During the same time we will ofer our Entire Stock of Staples, suck as Grey Flannels, Cottons, Skirtings, &c., Nett al the Mill Price. Tfflfl1 BFIIlllhIE SLE! STOCI IIIST BE Ten Per Cent. Off Our Prices Means a Big Bargain. H. Br.at4ord. Dee. 1st BRETHOUR & CO. BRANTFORD. COME AND SEE THEM. J. C. DETLOR & CO. Uodertett. Dec. U. 11117. Rees Price & Son In returning thanks to the public, generally for the very liberal patron4 age tendered them during the past, beg to call attention to another Targe consignment of fresh Black, Green and Japan Teas, excelled by no other house in the Dominion. Our blend of Coffee is also an established fad; our stock of Fruit, Mince Meat, Or- ange, Lemon and Citron Peel,Essen- ces, Canned Goods and General Groceries are complete, to which we invite special attention. REES PRICE & SON'. Clthstivas FLOR AR wlu n t t .tit• .1 e ♦.. t Trade! TINE ARE What can be more subetan- tial or useful, or more likely to be appreciated by the recip- ient, than a handsome peice of CHINA We do not attempt tls cata- logue our stock, for only - by PERSONAL VISITS of in- spection can the magnitude of our preparations be understood or appreciated. 1$ NAIRN. TRY IT t TRY IT I Big Mill Patent Flour puna raox SELECTED MANITOBA HARD WHEAT. The cheapest and best article for family use sold. Will give more bread to quantity baked, and beat value for your money than any offered. SHE THAT YOU GET THE RIGHT ARTIOLE. /WXOTZ-As reports nee earre.t tbat our beet seer is all skip•.d to t reign eosed"..tly ode ebtoia.bls Yore. we beg to sttattewestitbat the very bbeeett /OW a0f$cttu.d settler/ b. windsd bete Does rsi tiller Dei bans iril%aei Street real ebb. > �e are met OGILVIES &• HUTCHISON. Osderle' . Dee. O. 1187. 1 NEW PR= OT THE SEASON. CHOICE CONFECTIONERY. Batt Brands of Select and Standard OYSTERS sold h t w er M4 w . BOQUETS AND FLORAL DESIGNS E. BIN C HAM'S, West Side, Square, Q.derlel D... i•, tet. Store on the Square, Between E. Downings sad O. Crabb'!. a•derteb. Dee. IS. 1111;. s +A. $2,000 WANTED AT THE TORONTO CASH STORE, BY THE FIRST OF FEBBCARY. As 1 We deteroieed to bold a G --raised. Crlesafizag Sale to make room for Series Pe ebeee. I will daring the nett six weeks sell at coat Dar lance an/ well .elected Moak of Dry O°°ds• cuodetIn[ or areas C..d.. Plummets. Iatnt.P• 1tWketa...t1U. Mass awl Saish teeadsiafe char MMS. knitted ablrt. sod Deaw.n. �errt>.tg tee to 1,e forted in • Mt -cions Dry est fhliebtoe. . Thi. 1* sttakir 1 want awe a l 1.• Atone. both w t.oeiw .Lllou aII but at[es°� gearing :We to room of yy�� jrcesk want harssiaa, aad it you purebassyear tteeda at keTeeee a baseIL is treat be void at one!. i c call isse liatoly at the The rash oMseaoes u ooee. Doe t de,aT. bu TORONTO CASH STORE. Godericb. Dee. 16, 18117. P. O'DEA, 9041• Meet qry. w" 11.e Arae Aso isstsiso dertruss Sewn ' tit* 00 1 . flame I Cur 11* e Y 1' AiIMPORTANT CLUB OFFER 501113NEWS piIgjZ1NE it Or. _-, St�atu�b1�i j �tiC.fu nSind beautifully nlus.erst.d add els allffody `a exc.oxiiPe 12Z -Rog Iw.215CENTS AfNMBE SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS .:., Irwr Saibhers-Joss the, • uhcrs elbble ter' . CRIBNI 19 MAGAZINE with the HURON SIGNAL FOR '„ L`very Man in Business shouldglati,� his Omos Stationery Printed. w 1•