HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-1-6, Page 24
T j!)Lir Tli
L 44 N E
CEIAPTIER 1I—Oemeinone.
Thom was eseseibing bible tese which
esylmil her to infuse* little assemed
estrolissome Yoko hers Is she replied,
"With rery NW. deseer,if ass stud-
ies the med.& little, sod Noakes dr al -
besets for their posher shifting ober-
Foe a mossest be did sot .peak, awn
he said,
"I shook% never have a nioneest's
poses, I should sever be able to beer yoo
oat Wary sight if I thought It possible
yes meld attempt to do such a titian
Reis. Prentiss was that you Dom
He wished partly in asking this to
limbs a bead blastula them, so that if
e ke refused that other request there
would still b. that promise between
Awn. Wbss she warded to do one
thisshe mita kayo to think
sod des, herself b his tacit in -
loose* over her os that ose poiat.
Her voids hod been wiry caramel as he
made his "'quest, and he looked straight
info bee face as he waited for her reply.
It it after a short passe.
"Why should I do so 1 I do sot like
making provokes."
There was swim a little defiance in her
tom She bed as instinctive wish to do
whatever Percival told her, sod promise
all he asked. It wart to resist this tempt-
atioa, a kat attempt to keep her freedom
sod be her own law that mode bur eek
the question.
Perhaps Percival guessed that It was
mt. Theis was no jesting io his voice or
swum as hs said—
. "Boeings whim pm 00 thee* things
you risk your own safety, and your safe-
ty is very dear to me."
She did not weak. She had when
asking her question summoned .11 her
resolution to bee aid and lifted her eyes
to his. Now she lowered them,and there
Cagle an almost imperceptible catch in
her breath.
"I wool, try to tell you," he west on,
"what I fele when I hoard where you
had gone last night. 1 *mild not pit it
into words ; one feels more than talks
shout such things, I think. But when
I tiered and almost, thought 1 had Met
you-- when it kept looming across me
that, perhaps, I had seen you and heard
you spool for the last time—then 1 knew
how dear you were to me, and bow I
love ycu. When I found you,and know
that you were alive and safe—when 1
held you in my wino and saw what a
small creature you are, wanting some
out to take care ti Toe, and see you
don't got burt, I felt—so, I can't toll
you what I felt. But I made up my
mind to wait DO longer, bet to speak at
once, and ask you to be my wife."
She did not answer ; she lay still upon
the couch, her hoe turned from him, her
odour coming ard going, and trembling
has head to fool.
Her silence lasted so long that Moors
lmgas to speak again, saying —
"Helen, say something, or I shall
think you are angry."
She pot out her hand, and he clasped
it firmly in his, u though to give her
"Tell toe something, he said again,
"I am waiting to hear your voice.
"I cannot speak.- she said. coasting
aside bit .raps. as though they weighed
upon tier, and 'odd's', sitting up.
"You said yourself just now that people
cannot talk about such things, and I
minuet tell you what I feel."
"Won't poo try ? Not everything,
jest a little to give me an idea. -
He was smiling and speaking softly
tad persuasively. Helen went ou—
"I have boss so unhappy here, and I
think 1 was like • princess io a fairy
tile, always looking for a deliverer. I
thought woutisses someone would be
o we to emu, most Come; it could tiot
go on for ever. Sometimes things wen
BO bad 1 feared that if they went on I
should become hard and reckless, and
take the first person who came, whether
1 cared for Minor not, just to get away
from here. But 1 oould not. Last
summer • aim same and wanted to
marry ate, sad I tried to accept him, but
I could not. When it came to the point
my mem. failed, I could not do it,
thoub both papa and mamma were an-
gry with me. Then it was worse ho.
Owes I kasw that, unless some
Win ter whom I oared enough, I should
ituftleglkaway. and it 'meld hot all
1111/1110. • All the hiss w ho came here
111111114lies best, though neither did 1
elosi for them I began to think it woad
Gluey" be ego Mud—
She pawed. her lips trembling, bee
oiomeheseirsir. Peraival, who had kept
kid kohl rei her hand. pressed it gently
te sumer* bet. avail' ho otill sad
gietdise. He wasted km to asy GU that
was in her misisti. OM els mid nethism
end 10 .1 last repesheil
"Asa ..,r
But AS ems Idlellti Ills WI let.
lowed her first impales and spoken out
of the 'slues of au overeumise heart ;
sow she was sehanied and redcoat She
woad lay no more, though as Percival
emationed lo urge her she turned away,
"1 don't koow. '
"Well, 1 SDI going to imagist,; you
must StopsIS d I am nosing 'moss. 1
shall suppose that after the rejection of
that unwelcome suitor, who, I daresay,
wee an exceedingly worthy yens( nasa—
1 us going wrong already r be sair
Heion's Ims trembling into a smile,
"He was not young, ' she whispered.
"As I was saying, • very estimable
elderly gentleman, you het all bops
until fate throw is your way an indi-
vidual who. thotigh oeithee handsome
nor brilliant, nor In any way • favorite
with nature, was fortunate enough to
possess something in cowmen with your-
self - eomettnag which harmonized with
your own nature. That will do, will it
not, unless you cars to add anything
yourself r
"Only that this earns person was
original elmegh to prefer • girl for
whoa& noose else oared. I 01171 hardly
believe my owe good fortune. -
"Is it so very great r'
"Issniuma I ain only twenty. How
am I to behove that to the end of my
life, which may be • very long one, I am
gulag to be perfectly happy? '
"Don't say that, Helen. When you
0.7 yoo moil believe it, it seems to im-
ply that your put unhappiness has been
eis great se to kill in you all belief in a
beigbter future. I asset bear to thisk
of it. You must consider that you have
aright to hairpieces,"
"I thought we agreed only the ther
clay that people's righte were very limit-
ed, sad that happiness was altogether a
matter of cooquest. However some
people get what they bare no right to
and why shoold sot we T
"That is bet ter." Never in all Helen's after life did she
They were silent for some time, sod forget the month following the day cm
thou Helen spoke, slowly and hesitating- which she had promised to be Percivai's
ly. wife. Each day formed a separated
"I am afraid, after all, we have been item in her memory, and yet the whole
rather hasty. ' month seemed like • long, happy dream
"How hasty ?" from which she acircely wished to wake.
"You have not seen Alice. Suppose, No one could fail to notice the change is
when you do see her, you like her better 1 her now. Some attributed it to her ac-
bie is. - a basely
WI Sas may mg,
whisk does out miry
IIIMe attsselliews
limps of itself,
to admire.
very muck
as, streueeetromme, oboist ebbe 1
amid be maul has bees sold, sod which
has hoes looked spurs by ol1 eyes and
witesseed by all magus ; or • beau,
whisk I myself have called forth, which
bebop to tn. alone, sod whisk so cue
er. perhaps woold evw autism became
it would isie waist for them—whisk
beauty du yore suppose I should value
-num 1"
She was coaqsarod, 10 'meld sot
doebt it, Wary feature is her hips show-
ed it. Ellie weld resist au Wager, she
w as 5411 proof against such e dully. Hee
whole being west out is rumour* to
hiss. Her love was parrot as the sae in
the clear September sky.
°Will you trust SIs ouw I" be asked
after • posse.
"With my whole life," she replied,
He had boot down and kissed her
gently, and she received and returned
kis kiss gladly and proudly.
"When may I speak to year father 1
"Nut yet, please. Let it have •
little time to ourselves, before people
begin to oongratulate us and watch how
we behave to one another in public.
Acid then, I wool anytkiog inure
about Alice eines you hate it so, bot I
should like her to here whoa it is to be
made known ; it is a little bit of femi-
n ine weakest's, whish you must allow
OHL Promise you will my nothing
about it till I tell yea."
He promised. but they agreed that
Haslitt ought to be told.
So Percival told him on his way back
to Brantwood, and the old gentleman
received the news just as Percival had
expected he would. He did not say
much ; little more than—
" You have woo • tremors, lad, and
see you keep it. Trust Helms entirely.
She is se true as time, and will never
fail you, '
And to Helen he said-- -
"It is not to every man by a long way
that I would have let yeu go; but pie
may trust Moore. He will oever
any woman but yourself."
than IDS.'
Percival' face was both grave sod •
little WT4111144 he mid —
"You speak without reflection, Helen.
Do you suppose I do not know my own
mind, or that I have no More respect
for yoe than to ask you to be my wife
before 1 ans certain if I love yo.? If
you do not trust me it is a different
thing, only you should have spoke be-
fore you told me you accepted and re-
turned my love.
Her cheeks were crimson as she re -
"You say hard things, and you think
you hare a richt to say them. You
think I ant jealous, and I am only
speaking from experience. You have
sever seen people pay roe attention, and
ss soon as Alice cruse into the room,
make sumo excuse for leaving me to go
eident, which they mid, by keeping ber
• prisoner in the house for • fortnight,
helped her complexion to recover from
Its summer tan. Others said she was at
last learning to be reaeonable, and to
take pings as they were meant.. No
one pot it down to the right cause, of
course. As before said, Helen was uot
strictly beautiful, and with reputation
for posseesing an• uncomfortable temper
was not likely to he accredited with a
e uperluity of lovers, and,as for Percival,
it was not generally supposed that a man
of Mr Lafone•s pride of birth would
allow bis daughters to marry the sons of
wealthy manufacturers, though he might
make them welcome to his house. Be-
sides, Percival ani Helen were discre-
tion itaelf. Never, in the preseoce et
oven the most insignificant third person,
they fall into the familiarity of emplor-
to bor. I do not grade, Alice b many ing their Christian names. It would
lovers. She may have a World full, so have been impossible to detect in their
loom u she leaves me my one. Bet I manner anything warmer than a dose
could never Lear to hear the words that friendship.
had once been said to me repeated to Heleu was happy perfectly happy.
another woman. Rather than that, I
would go through life without having •
single such w .rd spoken to me You
cannot understand it of course; you
have newer seen hog ; you do rot know
how, sooner or later, *very sum falls in
love with her.'
Paneled 104 .10. from his cher, and
was milking ep sad down the room.
All that liaise said showed so clearly
what her trails; and Ids had been,
sod beer bar doubts and fears of her
Her happiness overshadowed, ..allowed
up all the daily worries of house life.
They or; longer existed for her. She
saw them not; her eyes were fixed upon
an object so bathed and Brooded in golden
light that they were blind to rose* earth-
ly things. She was accustoming herself
to look up, and the first result of her up -
laced gaze was that she lost sight of
these kw impediments to her content
which had formerly occupied all her at
tention. If dm had newer before been
eat had hese created and fostered. His really beautiful, she was so now. There
Nue imbed for hor, ; how he could seemed a glory and splendour in the soft
getwoos to her that her fears were un- fire of her glance and the haunting
founded. Elie herself opened the way sweetness of her smile. Percival saw
for him.
"tithe i.io beautiful, she s.jd, hair
10 herself ; "and 1 know you admire
orlid one over call you beautiful r forth st his call, and at the all of DO
he ask abruptly, pausing in front of ons else. They had not been engaged •
bar week bef no he thanked Helen fur bee
disking her head, with a wisdom in keeping tbe engagement a li-
"I have been called "niee look- ere between themselves.
Isitereaid "essentially ladyhks." and • During this month, ton, Helen's
yovotheer 'binge ot the same kind, but doubts and fears seemed to vanish. Oho
besailieL" obeyed Dr. Huhn and he own instinct
ou ere quits ser.; never even late- and trusted Percival. la the warmth of
ly his love and the pesos of the thought
really sow yes isestion it, I that bit life at „home might be ended
rellieseber two Of three potpie bate told whenever she shoes. she grey to have
Res that I sm ..proves,; 11 sassed me emsfidence la Imola It was impossible
the beauty and rejoiced in it ; beauty
created by him, born of the power of his
being, kept alive by the attraction of his
individuality , beauty which flashed
piry assek."
"Well, dotal you know whet Monett
the taper/women! sheet I Deal you
to feel Pereira" depesdenes on her in
many Clomp sad the peitieet syeagiath,
between them without entskag to • sense
saw it tame hawses you were hopper. that else, too, bed I Plisse is her world
and you were happier hewers Feu had s she owls fagot Jibes or Ifi zhe:tholieht
Fe" wafts he all•I .s1 Now age of her it wee as apart hem herself; the
our aim juagweat. Whisk do you seemed la believe that Allae would have
uMd .14—
s.10 pleas se partway, he grew to
foil every day Wale depseassi eyes
her. Her Welle•Se• wit wines is so oftes
jest where hes solid sesames wow
• ; her lemelit este Ammeter was eo
balsa, he felt he might &leaps trust bit
imiguteat livery de, 10 1011 atom ems -
rinsed tbat winsing Heise he had
woo a treeoure. mad ono day atter • long
dismission me sumo point es whisk they
had thoaght differwitly Percival m4,
half gravely, holt jestingly
"Did it ever moor to you, Helen, 1)
look Wow the surface of the utd myths
sod fairy tales, sod to seek for their real
meaning 1"
"1 don't sobers they had any. You
are bitten with the spirit of the nine-
teenth century, Percival, you want to
bad a meaning in everything. You are
Oyler to auks out that thou sample
minded ancients were just as mash both-
ered sad worried as we latter day sta-
men. You will Deese do it."
"W. will keep the diseession cf that
problem until we are marriorL It will
do nicely to fill up ooe of the long twis-
ter evenings when we are beginning to
grow tired of ooe soother, and hav• ex-
hausted all oar subjects oat converts -
"I We convinced they had no mean-
ing," persisted Helm'. "Tbey were
simply petty fancies, invented to while
away the mooing hours, when people
wore too tired or too laxy to think of
anything mild or serious. I shall al-
ways look at them in that light."
"One at any rate had more titan sur-
face weaning," mid Percival, '•and that
was *10 001 aboot the Water of Life.
nibs* do you suppose they meant by
the Water of Life, of which whoa you
had mice token a draught, yoe never
ffeW old, or ugly or illdempered r
"An impossibility, I should think,"
said Bit.., who chose at that mossest
to appear unsympathetic and matter of
"No," replied her companion. "they
; they sessotibussan love, Lis-
, and I will tell you a fairy tale.
Imagine that soinewhere—Do one louvre
where, but somewhere—is a toaataia
containing the Water of Life, an stersel
spring that DeWitt' fails. It W quite s
small fountain to look .t, bet deeper
that. the imagination coo picture ; it con-
tains • whole • whole ocean of the Water
of 14o—nay, it is infinite ; its depth
cannot be sounded. Whoever lioda the
Water of Life and drinks of it, knows
after that no real sorrow or troubles
whatever disasters threaten to over-
whelm him, hs can defy them all : he is
possessed of a strength which will pre-
vail against everything. Now, it is a
fact that onos every man sod woman
feels a desire to drink of the Water of
Life and sooner or later everyone goes in
search of it. It is rather a dangerous
search, for it may only be undertakes
once, and if anyone fails to fiod it he
must abandon the search for ever; and
very few people do find it. For one
thing, no one knows exactly where it
is, and it happen" sometimes that those
who set out haphazard, or don't set out
at all, stumble upon it straight away;
while others who have elaborately ex-
plored the ground and made particulsr
ioquiry of others who have been success-
ful in the search never find it at all.
Now than two people, • man and • wo-
man, nowt .t the fountain, and if only
Ib. impulse to stoop down and drink
moves them at the same moment, from
that time their souls are bound together,
and they live happily every afterwards,
for they hav• drunk of the Water of
Life, and the strength which it gives
shall never fail them."
"How come so few to find it r asked
Helen thoughtfully.
"For macy maroons. thus is that them
are other fountains scattered up and
down ao closely resembling die real one
that only thou whose instincts are true
sod pure can distinguiah the right from
the wrong. Most people drink at these
fountains, the water of which is neither
so pare nor so cold as that or the true
on.; but their taste is vitiated—they
don't know the difference. Some knew
from the very first that they were wrosig,
and console themselves by trying to be-
lieve that the real fountain le a myth,
and that those who goin search of It are
wasting their lives in running after the
rainbow. Others drink is good faith,
and only biter find out their mistake,
and feel that their lives u• spoilt be-
cause they may not sot not in their
search again; they usual abide by their
fint choice. Others, again, go cm to the
end of their lives and never Lid it out—
sever to find it oat; they are content
with what they have got -say, they soot
at those who seek the tree fountain.
The pure, odd water hos no taste for
"Asa these are the worst off of
mad He10 rather dreamily, as he paused
ageia, "basses thole natness must be
wane sad law. lib. better to die with
louring for heaves, Insole* we aro es
the mirth, than to rest stupidly cestest
with earth frees inability to raise we
g usto house."
"taiti kers potpie WOW hal you
"LM1' VW
be to the lest*
see miss • few Nisi
"Not ealy d"•
"like everribbil I
cod*, thus Who
Water of Lobito*
iag • merits* i gh
some pmt really or
seemed te erase as if 1
ins their whole Walt,/
ethers it come eMto -
mums. No us smog j
i„,„„ top who tied Uos 1 --
the very asters of the aelli
parent sod best is their na
their Worm are not so strusg,
everybody 0.500* stake this
iog to remain unchanged they De
the tree tousdation."
Toe, were both silest whom be
iniabed "peaking, mail he said,
"Now .bat do you think of my tub
tale f'
"It is true enough." she asewersill.
smiling, "very tom."
Tim," were oo the island. They had
rowed across the by jest alms the Wit
tamed, sod nue ha/ te wait for it t•
sorry them beer gala. It 1/1111 • still,
autumn day, really satswa, with a
pita rent smell d faded leaves mil frost,
ant • teepees in the air which boosted
1 as 0010‘ late Holies abseils. lad ow
sowosted brilliancy int* hat eyes.
They were silent for soros time. Ev-
scything amend them owned to limits
them to silence. Th. sir was so edit
there was scarcely s rustle among the
trees; the son was shining softly throe*
• golden has., mart lay all storied es
the horizon, only above their head" nu
the sky dear and blue. The retreeligg
ass ha i left the sands wet and glistening.
and their twat lay there heiples unclip
ths tide SIMS up again. Al kat Pies.
sal iyek0.."
Nubs NB 1 Womb tet yssi labor,
"Nst yet,- die said, "do De/ weak
yet. We are au happy in this way, at
least I ant; what about you r'
"I .m right enough, too, oak this
privacy doss not *ad my vulg. I
want erseyone to know of my gull foto
tune and oongratulate BO epos b."
"Do not build upon Wax °mewl:aim-
ed with congratuletions. I .1011 151 far
more than you. People will wonder
what has made you choose me set of all
t is "iris in the place.
"We mast rionsole ourselves With the
Ithought of the unhappy posit* of the
prophet in his own countryg but, ser-
iously, Helen. I do expect .111
envy me, and 1 want to b%
"I will not be fiattwdl iato act*
tattiest my jedgenent," she said, frows-
ier. "I will those my own time."
''Have you any maroon for septiosiel
he will not cement !"
"Oh, no, don't have any fears on that
head, they are quite groundless. Papa
will be glad enough and mamma will
be delighted. By the way, she beard
from Alice this morning. She is semis(
home the day after tomorrow."
"la not that rather sweet them you
r •
expected ?"
"Yea, we did notbier kw a
weak, but Mrs HerturrCeraunt, was
to come boom wooer ; they will get to
London tomorrow, and Mr Horford 100
bring Alice Imre the any atter."
Percival said not g ; perhaps neith-
er h. nor Helen w prepared to rive
Alice s very warm w4o.s when Immo
"You will gee a
after Alice COMM,
gently, "she cannot
at home with just
marry people will oo
the whole house
peace and qui•tness
"I did not know
alt -
"1 am not a hermit mow people I
like, but unfortunately I assmoi get ow
with everybody. 1 newer oen rot os
with Altos's (needs."
roo es coirmooto.)
N. Y.;
have walisea
Ism " Armes
aligifeastsd. They
sad t sod
that tis mem esestal
dears. They Mt*
Pilis Image" pspolor ben.
it mest be long blame say
he made test will Mal
then. Those who buy yew yills
ball value for their messy.*
elfish, pleasant, sad emit is
that" adios," is the comets*
of Dr. George Z. Walker, of
411e, Virginia.
"Ayer's 7111. outsell all assilsr
matter. The radio harms once
them. will have as eslises." —
Yamaha. lb Collier. Alstlasta. Gs.
Ayer's Pills
Nome erewagakier
at change at home
nt on Helen pre -
odors to be *lose
-selves- A groat
to stay with ms,
be upset, and
I10 at an end."
were each • her -
nappy Mimes
Much has been written sed said &beet
how to make home happy The moralist
and the preacher have liacknerid this
thease until it would weft moth mere
remained to be said. Bit the
photo have gone far oat of their way to
amoont for the 5elsoo of ill-mowod
couples and us
!mines, and hue
overlooked the la". mod of
the unhappiness of 'married life can be
traced directly bo atone functional de-
magementa 10 abash Imam 51. ashjeot.
In nine eases eia of ten the irritable,
damnified and soberer wile is • issiwar
from some "female complaint." A trial
of Dr Pierce'. Favorite Proseriptins wdi
produce monologs'/Mk hagpinese than •
million winnow or philotophield trem
nese It cores all those peoraire wish -
swim sod atlateatt Imeidast hs wawa.
It is the only asediskee add by dintegiers,
soder • .a4.• •guarantee treat the
isessfaeturen, that it .111 give atiedse-
am in every ewe, it lewdly will be re-
funded. au issimatee printed on
wrapper oississing holthe.
A dimly in a elothes-weariag seas. As
ethers dress to lira, he liras to dress —
Worms Ohm some aeries. Mmes. !km
swo is De foie Wens Syrup. It aw
Way sad 'spar Weems ellowiesily. 10
Mad Ile di lenellom
travelling CAR*.
Godertelt 1 Lv. latTro. I ILIA p.m
teratierd 1 Ar. 1 $Saan 1 113p..
Mized. lithrod. K
emerfard l.v.1 IMO a.m.' IUp.
Cloderleb 1 Ar. 1 MU a.= 1 LIS raw
Osnaseven. mums rAL.
May Init. MR.
My wire *Awed ter eve yes*
that dietrrealsa diesase, catarrh,
ewe was see it the wont kaowa la
parte. She tried all of the earant
disc I ever saw advertioetl. bet they
.1 a• me. 1 easily premed • bank
Masai Palm Mie bee woad ss as.
el It, sad now reels like a sew perms.
tad ft sty duty to fay that Nasal
emote be TOO EMELT reeseemesed
ter estarrh treses. .54 5. plimsed
have an owl seilbren know througb
use they soil receive hosesst
CRAM 3110111111.1.
Eighty -Jonoentratedl, plement.ellheleal.
.A..81= VOIR
Take es *herr. 11141 Everywhere.
U weer per bead*
DP... ITO 733DECEV*3
SIM everywhere. Price. 116 ata eind as rt
per bet*. Proprietors and reasera.rureos.
UM- Taoism Orso
Maargers Yor10 lessailiposoPetioui Magnets an
riebdrisetat mazielestier septrieri
4211.1 It mina lisessil Mew
stashes papers 411I edlietie..2=gbr re
=t1=m,...set.,.....W.01111 was -
trekker are wwwwes aud °ova-
Vtleh a el the
410ee weakly sinews. Remy 71111.2
riareaszetweeistereaer turessimszet trizsam
swy ewer Ns milermie.
1alti;eshee pus:
riskand:.roasedevery7flyidhit fle.4
111111111s : Pewees termed& ht le Per yew.
Yet. tr. eessweimeas eirreasber 1.115.
Elpeolowe Ofipp simeee unwept dif ign-Wag
Nereus avoremes. rare Cents sash.
M=Zseeral=se= =VW
=waft "Pr."
Adiairsta t aseramat. sow Yen%