HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1888-1-6, Page 1• vir • silos ouNrf NEWS s thehe s.. eatOo rlo• 4' NIII1MORPRIOtzNt. M• e -•s•.• •88ANO !ENEAL j GODERICIONT.. FRIDAY. IAN. 6, L8 itirE LLiGE N Isemrts . • _ ...._ i.......ii-w-1...11.di... to "lise FROM THE ' corrAL 1"••• amd "my "1 '''•••• is • l'4161.- COUNTY CURRENCY wih and child wen M 6114 boon rbo' 1510 I live Connell a. "Prosperity's the very 'Wet. As Mr- is P'•' pon times at peeteni ; but if, 'spoil the - bled of Ives.° anaiverearr in the Presnyterien eliensb„. . °pieties of floosie, it he proved that the tionse,t. :make anicoa,,took tea fright fi th.„ Latest Political end Gelbelle m a is nog 4 MIN 4...10111111Nult. PIPZICUlintra ficinisolitaga frOOD a short dietaaos, sad upset tu. image e, News from Ottawa. I ain able to announce on the atithori• Exchange.. web the oacuparits, the amount of injury duty of the cosi,eil to mill, no looser beiog that the cutter was somewhat met bet W 00400.4- •he 1.tor at 40 011,11 • dine as oft....1 •..rk 'ill allow. The C. P. R. will IA matter of illameet to 44*. I -rich during the eosin law. sad It lltilinoves seer), (.Ili Of OS 10 ilk. Wee 161111116.tit to (bIt scheme, ton. 11.4416,10 1, ban • very rivet recollection of the goo:mown to flee the albino 0 the W 0 & B. R. exam - ea or what's op Mt tire mail north frosts Guelph, of IS "tilt - e tandem sphere. or weeds limOs line" insei Ten -min. op to Tees- . My Christmas carol was osasr. „„d 1. H. g g R. front LIM- Mit, by advertising preemie' Emu wino.... know some- time, but as the esimatioas temp alas about the manner in which ,sousd friend Joe plepweed, ethl hie dew ro.de were brooeht from place to oo-laborer Webster Brows.tomither with alai hg ths old-timers, and I hope to the takeriad scribe from "Sweet star sydris of enterprise ezbi- *born," sad the swill chrooieler trap the members of the citizens' Saratoga were either missing or trite, and the t-alway committee fully abbreviated that worm I .r41,04. council before many moons aa bore die crowding oat peo.-s.-eillo amd waned. bide Inas, confident the& iis vies 1110,4 having made refer- distaot future the 'Jaw woold ease- of tee things that might ins • Morin gals itt direinion, mid fee drawn attention to some also in the direction of mom execrikai tea he, I look forward to • co-wockers, in the food hope that we pimpernels year. For my - would again fill • tomb felt want la the t o that the efforts of one colonies of his well -reed jos. I Om directed toward the W- ear) eogalgaind twbnik _Or Man Sis owidition of the town is circasselanfille by *Mal Kitt tbe Mae • e, and with all sal-Timel of good einit etenties hem aide- wish Godspeed in the ous labor was upon as- Hoodoo of tur- key tad grauherry saner Pees padding ead swanneate park I always had a sweet tooth in ay head. despite the feet tire niv nomad' has away • lime ad oft reproved me for iedulgeoce in Sea ties, and vibes ink a thing omen ny mentality takes agent in the far-off eons, for the tintebesug, ay veuerable gape - quill taketh a reak sad yours truly lass vecaties fee a taros. 'Ti... ever thug, and Ws likely to be too to the gad of the chapter. -Bat while I kave natal, Um great bit world and the folk who live os it Ilan waned along faet sad, is elms eases, tori.iusiy. Chrinmes and the emnisa tins have pegged mid gone, and New Yeera and the elections followed mit at racmhorme speed. 014 7.110, Tom est down 1887.1 12 Valid last Saturday, aad 1888 naiads, apse the seen as or about die tine hoer. ayeekieg about the oomnatiewa, bee minered to me that by this tins the itibrie penally lm spavined that some of the bake that I bead apnea the ems- eil of 18117 early ia the senor, sad elan I genie tied to slide teatdilkisit times. were stot, aftwei itt. :•114erelee .1 • dissedered imagiustioe, so hi at I time egseerned. I always. pay my Mies ea time, m a been, lawaimiihig mei- bet @bold& sod sad IBY aoffibboat are muck soassesed about UM moose sim WWI= taxes are spent. Them an dm that ken impelled me to 55 110 ItnieprIMS that our matey was bang frittered away ia • men Garel IrSOMalf, did ass so-eelled waterworks dans wee an items fangs ge- ts. tint amid allege he meet km the ilisteass, but ewer armed terigihts shaper ad 41m1 nen a thee nein et the ariedtwral park ed seedy Ine prime hael been paid. It was therstere *OF raasfolliorY to ub° 10 have mg statement. baked by the Editor Tws PIOSAL os the umaicipal 05 anninatioe de?, ad to el the crooked paths of the made airtight in et the free mid isitelfigen may regret I IA was that more arse was an afforded be this disson of the sabjeot,for the asere the deli. el the emend of 1887 is disesened, the OWN it will be sees that ea am agsbm ef the aims ot die teem Imo bus ark However. I'm an now Oki er7 over spilt milk, be I mere k must to my that dosing Use emoted year 1 intend to give dm egotasil a fair show, that I will give than every est- imeuraiteuseat to do goad work ;mid thew, if they deep foto ths old rat, moat fail in give them the gad, ea I lid their prea demesoms. - 111811 poetess Is he psiguset.1 treat things 10f Ooderlsk, sid if the lova areusil Its eingilat body under itt mien of tempensihility, I hive at idea that egt aid lune will name .p pity tet gad aids before She gime el the year. With 4k6 imps& ism of pest yeses, ad sow Will era the head, the cantemplatsd Ida improve- senis sand either be lieelltat te eompletlas st ow, ft thio animal sheald be ebsedand bigantleahla If the appropriation shed, nada am, 1/Sis fleeting ell Taritnowisi Tile lellidIegiee alsemoso reopened teeming Mali *relit., Soles by Cho May, Rem our ems tarrespoadeat. trrevars, Jan. 3, ldeff. Parliament having hewn called for the list, the meal seemoesl activity is emit. ed. A few of the hundreds who Gebel& for the entire year on their sessional earnings are beginning to come iu. The minister of finance has already got the, Estimates in haada. Eeeryone says this etasion be short. The business of the nationel legislature has grins No great, however, that three inunths would be &short sitting su that May Day will tweak on prorogation yet ahead. With two exceptions the meeting cf 01 meat this year is the earliest stun cos - federation. Tat CASIMIR. It is evident the Government will meet the House unchanged in its prrsotawel, the contemplated reconstruction' of the Cahoot having been postponed until after (los House rime. That Mr Dowell will be the new Minister of Trade and Commerce is generally believed, as he is the beat fitted for the position. Who will be made Solicitor General is an mpea ituestioci. The name of Mr Girou- mink the member for Jacques Cartier, has been most frequently mentioned. hare no grist to go to the The Ontario hat presents such DM.' AA mill, so Iiihifry, no ate to grind, or Daiwa McCarthy and George A Kirk- " 111$ a Nam in this aloe, sad ass a Patrick - 71111 rtsiicligs .TION. In° 'ad isilligeodent advocate of the *Math hare that oaf, ak1 Sad all Samstraid strike kids mad wort ...sii2 if 'ingressive ofrart at aba Fosishertbst""nami ‘18:athninwitolin. Mont d the county town of Hu • plain statement of the point gat which ros i• to mediae to lead tho proems- the negotiation broke off kat month will Moo- No*, an all kaow my sima and be of vans. It mums that at the out- set the American Commissioners place, iddit" want you all to join nutted • protocol requesting the ad- mission of full commercial rights to American resod, in Canada, and the placing of all American .54 Canadian vessels on an equal footing as to the savigation of the harbors of both the Dominion and the States. This was met by the British representatives with • propoeition to sot csly commode the o ntostricted navigatios but also to con- sent to permit Amerieens to enjoy tho cashore fisheries, provided the Maori - ens maid approve a now treaty of re- ciprocity based upon the lines of the treaty of 1854. To this the Ansevicas Commissioners deinurred, sontending dot they had rights sod should not be asked to WI them. To amble the British Comesisaioaere to study the 011 - station further at Ottawa an adjourn- ment took place. Of course the proceed- ings of the Commission being aeon* there no authority for the above, bat it a genersily believed, and ea • matter of fact Mr Chamberlatu and Sir Charles Tepper did rinfer together here and w ith the Government. wah me in a red-lsi ter liana And voriog make 1888 in the history of the 's my hand, "with gawky to all, sad malice toward neess.'• AJ•X. Miss Crab, of Chnton, vatted here lea week. J. R. Rapers from Constance, Hallett 10501141f), spent Iset week hen with hinds. Mies Lollies and Mr 1". Hillier of Ogden& ems the game 01thew erni- ass, the Kam Hortoa, hist week. Aachen Cook a sow of Holetewille old hada lest wen. heias eagle resident here ilium smog still up- J w liene, 10. beta appease* of No 5, ,socher of Charles_______ semi if r - sleek, simatiastioa .ith l..astree here wee bipty shaded. Tb ic"rtis• fer No 5, an M.u. Hetheriartoe, J Kirkpatrick aad 11 th• hater b anon tend. is resiVed. The annual No. 213,.um.oli neaten lam. The dressed in well idea abbe shies hoard by wore seated the of green hens Iwo Oarienl. the good thaw sped cia diagram( 50 Liahlator, halt se 1888 at itt. G. T. • Friday tenetelly , ad two choice eat - of ciphers. • a number .nlop, Kin- perWting of t, addresses van, viz : J. nThe Pro - ty of Hon List bchult.: himself that he vita III May next amain. the i•thoe of Lima 0 -osmium of Mau.t..ba. ii. i • ith. Steam Owen alit over Noma reamer'. Maned stamJing tho donnas in 1mu, I&rtwr. 1 11101104 $ d iroodea.ed rI ao4 liontor Schein a now in °Pima. Hs represented Liegar until IOW, when /Wag Ilse Her et rim Of G he we, defeated aud has beer In the tress *ow Itemoorma. Senate for live years. Dr Senelts took a Thos Elan, Brussels, *hipped two ear prominent part in IAA's first retiellion toads of pork 60,000 lam week of 111/0-70, mid was condemned to death by Itiel at Few Garry, but escaped. to • buyer in Toronto. gl„ii„h„.. nem 0,,„eri„,r 1 a num, us The hoe new establishment of Messrs Amherst burg, Out , and was 44 years Broadfoot & Box, at Seaforth, is sow old two days ago. *bout Oompeoted, and in • few days it 0. i. likely to b. succeeded ,ke will be rummest et full blast. It Will be Senate by Mr R Hardie,. who is in. one of the heat equipped and must cogs dies agent at Calgary. He was a de_ piste furnitoris manufactories in Canada. fasted candidate for the representation Part of • window is Itattenbery tit 0 Alberta in the Commons at the last Church. Cliston, ism blown to during general election. Wednesday night a gale, sud when the OINItitel. NM& cesteker went there in the morning be I ' f-inid • pole of MON deep enough to Sir flector laineerin hoe /oat c")a- kor kicases in. 11 James, Sea a Jas. Dooglas, 16th con., eluded his thirtieth year of rtrblic Grey, arrived boom trim Calitornia, . The Government hoe advised the A _ 11 %Sri SAO, after an absence of about British authorities that there is • steady • eight years, looking hrle and hearty. demand it. Canada for etricultural labor- He has proepered there sin: likes the iri and domestic servants. country well, and ititesids going back in At a New Year's reception yesterday a sport tun& the Geb.rst b&d "Tem' bus Clinton Si(, Er : Rev R Tart, tired callers. ! late f Atlanta. Ga., stopped o8 at Clio- Tat or VOTLES. Sir Charles Tupper will leave Winni- ton station the other day, lorm enough tag fur Wmaington on the :Kb. to say, "How -do -you -do, to Iowa Wednesday 4th inst., at •.; o'clock p. Sir John Macdonald having elected friends. He has returned to Canada to Dungannon anneteer to sit for Kingston it will be mal. itt. occasion for • demonstration there. The Grand Trunk, Caned* Southerei, &ad London Pot Stanley railways w ill ask parliament to confirm their agreemeot. A company ia &eking power to toe- etruct a tunuel under the Detroit river from Winder fur railway purposes. ing with a sore foot for the past seven Sir Thoe Esmond, hcp teetered, munths, went to Tomato recently to am some a the doctors there, and the con- kere last night on Irish affairs. By misrepresenting what Mr Chamb- erlain said of Ersatus Wiman. the tnta- wa oorrestmudent of the New York Herold has -got into serious trouble. The fun cf it was that the Herald man n ever saw Mr Chamberlain at all. sympathy of doss eormounity, as he is _ highly respected by all whu know him. ow, of ordinary shape. The ocespaides Imre abundant reason to he thankful lilt their tamp*. • A meeting of the directors of the Wawanosh sad aehlield A Society, was held in Tuesday is tier Coon room. Chas. Girvis, President. m the chair. Annual mooting will loo held in the SKIDS place on 17th inc. A lecture was given :Tuesday meting of last week in the Methodist church by Rev. Mr Roger., portraying • aeons ea Ingersolisin ty Rev Dr TILIONIFS, OIL which occasion there was good wind - &nee, the audience was apparently men entertained. The proceeds were for dim benefit of the church. We are sorry to have to state that smv other our settlers is q000 kw lona home Mr. Wm thothen, relict of the late Win *others, died on Monday - morning after • weeks' illness, aged 70 years. She was hichly respected by all who knew her. A good fond mother leaves behind her • larye family, all grown up, and among *hots se Mrs McKay wife of Dr McKay, of this vill- age, and at whom residence she deport- ed this life. The sympathy of the com- munity in this and surrounding locality is extended to the surviving relatives and friends. The funeral took plaoe oft hie owa sad his country& good, 4.‘" AO/TATFON. Illtd it is possible that he will supply The railway question is occupying the Galt Methodic appointment until next attention of the public here. and alms& sneering of conies:once, when ha expects Ib. line front Witigham to Albert. to be sent to take charge :if Dublin -St. • distance of about '20 air Hopes church. Guelph. ,are entertained, that before long, an concession of4 „, „ .11 . East Wawainah, who km been suffer- .11".1" twCP. c°1411 - bete to the life and husinese prosperity of our town. Our geographical position is almost u "adept. line from Wing - Kant to veivI Albert, and a railway elusion they MIAS to MIS that the foot would have to be taken Plif as the how, tradethroogliwiththasas aitnyagr, must op.in up a soultural meant usa decayed' °Pitfall°. wM t" 10 of country as can be found is West performed at his residmice Tuesday Osumi° thw tasoucopo wren now me morning by Dve. McDonald, Young and Chisholm. Mr. Coad hae the heartfelt Piet' offalcilitdala liwieem°41r • SOIllatarla,alt branchss be greatly stiaoulated. Our timber, of which there is a large quaotity and et seperior quality, would find an outlet, &ad the vales of rest estate would IOU doubt be considerably increased. All along the line the people ars able sad willing to exert themselves in every legitimate way itt order to oscura od- vawages se much needed. The physi- cal features of the country from Wing - ham to Port Albert offer no neat ob- structions to the building of a railway, and all parties are agreed chid it le a cheep line Os build. Peri Albert lake Horn is the terminus of the posed line, and we are posed to be to claim that in taking' a survey 4 port, one is forcibly struck;.witbrellos The Zion Sabbath school tea meeting hoJrnooh,ohafist_rauesgehseed, of tahev_3rdfioonna _lot ti-te; was a decided nooses in every pectin- Durham broil from mesers'" 0. &r.4",.. 6. tar. Mr Stephenson occupied the Altair tiowth, at • handsome pews. Tut siti_ in en ellicOnt manner. The Pretreat mai wail sired by imported .Beterpriee," "'misted .1 matlitag.' recttatt...' .4. .nd his grand sire was that noted page drsa".' T°°.1 ititd Watrugaental °mat ull imported Karl of Mar.- Kr The choir renewed soma beautiful Wm - floss fee the occasion. The proceeds which ho resides, is to he cowireatokted Strang, as well as the neighborhood in sesesnted to $37. The entertainment and Christmas tree !on this parches,. ea so good an animal in connection with S. S. No. 5. wag • ethict upon the modt of that district. cannot fail to have • highly beneficial was filled with an arpreciative audience. of We hope Mr Strang will hays Use beet grand name The Methodist &loch Th. Prngvani was lengthy and "I"; Si- Ri°°d'us Mf‘ertianDougalle wit, hGbretyisiL, was oonvicted selections for the occasion. Reige"... argoa before A Hunter, J.P., last structive. The choir gave mos r„,„, imairman; and fin" pesi_ week, andcom.mitted. forsiesktriel. Ths)... sown was tne tiornoril of aot tion very efficiently. Messrs. Usti/area, tad an unused aviafisa. The ire wan McKenzie, McDonagh, Hackett aed miss Hunter, pro spirited mamboss o_ oat before the Ione wee ensionsd. sewn he boy who ie shout 17 peers The return to the Government recently and 'dr." fact that nature has dolga quite soot ow interest, sad 1. is. us in this. in faeltiosing thoralooltro to stsshiss that no other port as L. Huron would afford as good a shelter to tlio4tpping of saes a umnionissise on this, and Ws also skim this for the port from omit tied shows that there are in Caned& The pupils of S. 8. No. 5. preeentod does net 40 it from soy evil disvesitios. aguid ,,,,,timmts. Tim busmen ma intarada at doublet the teak 983,914 voters, ss menus, over 1A82 of • their teacher, R. E. Brown, with an ad- bat ityr,th* „wog tb, buss Qoebec than in any other province. At token of their esteem and appreciation ' very foncr. He should be pined io temeas," of which his 190,327. The Menem was lam in ;drew and a beautiful sofa chair, as Slor minima" *** the last general election in February of his genies*. The address was read _„hrre *h_ 10 me he trest. 725,056 votes were polled, or 70 per not by Miss Mary Webster, and was replied :7 bus 07Thew things ;,av; (Tao emu. of the total number. The total Govern- to by the teacher in a suitable manner i SODS TOSS SI given se 370.342 ad tint Th. examination 018.S. No. 5., took Th. Hr.ek.il!s Standard ear of the Opposition at 354,714, hot in this pine ou the 24th of Dor- There was • west, ws referee' te the her ot Dr. letter coos the exact figures are for laege attendant+. of visitors and teachers Nosbosub being in the Brockville jell obvious reasons such as acclamations and plurialigy of candidates, very dilficiat to get at. OCEAN NAIL Starlet. alive to their lateresta, ad s are is done itt 1145 village. The mill, ailed .p with the very but ~Maim ad modern improvemeedia, is the inam building, and we can my, is not mooed to any cab*/ ouustry mill ia thin meaty. b view of the that gallon !Ilk from ad paning sections, who ezpreesod ass souison "wont 71,,, &woe af- great heath to a themselves well pleased both with ate /weal with pular* 'high ass 1 meeting was held,* 105*1011, dem ties Wont this 111. deportment and efficiency of tbe pupils. the eaves of kieeteeth. wes one agoing a leoni- ne pupils were examined by SO, few the Mows- to the BrochvilW jail the 12th ofilt ing emetittir Tbe mmistmee mew. McKenzie CAsseredi Hackett and Mies A new °outrage, calling for a very fast ! Runts„ 'Th sessiter. E. -re pug pa Fasts ;" " sal* and its good 'orris.'" of the snails, is about to be engaged for the sorsoriag yesr. 1/11111614 n wn, is green of Omega weilerhe for the service to Europe and return in the 1 -• . Urea," by H. Mites , -IT stay at the awarded by the Governmont, the choke! Model Farem," by Y. D Ildeld • "Edo- lying between the Allan Line and the ,g!giossi iteeeeeer,” by 0„. A. iliattri ; froOmmadiaitt.Pasellat The sexrptd tendpaernyig 1 Mime Jackson, of Bay City. Mieh , goat of Mn A Allan at New ma, The staircase, IL P. Williams. but it k known aud the C. P. R. and vius itt. eeseese el ever feeigre, brosibt on by crwaidis, Nag, offs,. ,,,,,,y swift 110ur arohttoet's shooting was not two dere asstisiusus issupiag whas oat steamers, bet the Alkas have a , gnaw (*womb's- Two day's etesaY tremPing anode% mg mega to Im present. cargo capacity sod they also offer to se- with the musket has resulted in hie skim for repairs from A. Osition, made all i weed sis sajeable time A siderton AND •ArANT IMAM est, via Add beg ser roe • time west by acclamation. The following 1 3Peace to 131"6"14 friattabiP• volfretted le setae that D. Onamisig, cm Orient hazed to work together. The Yelita• tVomend inetnementi ..sic. with a roes their .p.& being put in the hands of the sick eons- raltSOr AL. --VIM A. A. William = reteee &oars te kakis toe Since the last general elections there h seraorward *slim ix ,,,..ttener seats an now recant : -Dorchester Que.,• enining court on the school the New . Years with Kr Chas pub, up the our por, wood it to ma have bow 14 elections held, two of theTh m ; gm" will be held own a e• te • Kent, Out. Carleton Ost., Russoll, tqasetion will be held in Goderich the now members, sea tor sow eke wool Out and (ions N B., of thus three! 14010111100insath.osidAl:11titluifevorrhoteeethewhone, "w take • lengthy pledge eirfor • epee* at thew (10 Friday the Ilth, the int .4 the series will be W °tut $ es. A eseestiee 'AU ht taboo up to the miankag espies. sod lbws presen that Ske be help with ib• gram mai& .1 11. eneibel cm oo by *fag la tian5isames 4•11. ..- Iftersegar0 Aiworkeeso er Wooers oio eerie. The nasal connutio of thee shove will be held in the tows eI is the lith, 12th and ugh Says of Joann ant. Dairymen, and all inevested Istay prodesta ere ur- gently bend to ansed. Parties at- thei ererreatie• sm. timed to parlesea return tieing. Se the' 1".1, "'O- gee haws heretofore failed in woes eor aniefeatory isivaaremente eltk rsif way eseapossieg tee reiselies et low Ry ardor, seeretati 061! 011iArneg, F4Wft I firmly believe, ineellicien for the Tagersoll, 1Dre. INK were held by Conservatives last meason, sad two Kent and Russell, by Re- formers. la Dorchester, polling sia the 14111, sod in goemos on the 22.4. 'Tie writ for Remelt will doubtless isms se that the election can be held this monk. The Reform msjority in Rus- sell was 156 over Mr Mseistosh ez M.P. The Oaaservative majority in Donbas - tor wee 476. the eleventh hour signed agaiest its establishment, will be ready we bope to hold up their views why Dunlop *koala sot have it, sod be ready to debate with those ia favor of it. Rise early and be is time, is the watchword. COUTICS AND LOT& The epooisinseet of Mr Brass, shoe mannfacearer, to the Qmasse Legislative Onsancil in the plan of Hon Kr (Ho- rne, remind resale a Hide TOINS11011. Same time ego Mr Magma who Me bees a shipboilder, fell be love with • pretty girl who perhaps did stet fully reapretiam Ida howers pee- sion, hen she expressed her willinages in mono Mr Miens on °oriole eta - Akin -a esetanary on- aid the mat in the Omega far the amines of the Lea- rned* eon sewed br $10,000 to may risk tuba Mks tevend tim henna- Mr Clalstirlt Towishill. Isaac Selkeld, has a heavy draught colt, rising 2 years old which brought 1 A nowise was held a the lamina* down the smiles Saterdav last at 1.460. / elittreh ow alloa$16* Itea is.t, int " He %kiosks the ook weighs well, and aol bora of atil *Jobb,'" oilanf slo we. He has sign • =tag (twelv The enwlveg hilr me 1. ....ra 0 teeb of the Ian heard, Memo erekhart hell that tips the 1165 lbs. lapose broary kat, and at the eapiratios of lie la* eat in Matial. (Qatar a mut tRy three months' imprisonnseat he preens- of geotleaso frost Pali ed a pm from the mayor to mown WM preempt. Capt. Ilalkagh AsUNZied1. to his brother in Arspelik. In a, ft the elmis. mad W Lane nisi la days he returned, and on J lab- tary. -,C was again inoartorated u Az A numbs, of months' committal for v Wednesday, Nov. 30th. The oc meas. tes employ am watt to' emencil made a grant of $20 to eon . Mtn to hie brother • home in llainikon. • Mond by B J seseaffsit.;: Bet he was so mach worse that II wee by W lialloogh, tkst the wing graft tionsidend isadviesble to move Iowa Wean be appointed.ess set as • weghisig, lie sosaineed to grow worse sad eine eciassittas, with power to adff Ng fillpelik Weelimenday morning he apparentl had they think nonessary • Ikon 4 mot remermasel seyeme. or midi Lean. W Stewart, Dr Coes, J ir0.44 t • was passing arond him, and he nigher, J 4 Ralorte. J Botiasel..0 into a wmatoos data. Ms deo* ft- Therein, D Oirvia, 0 Harris, .) Whig*. stirred in the jail on Fria*, at iffi p.te. 11 Olivia, Wm Dare, ,j Ore* W An impost well add ; the jeer meetrig. dilrlirkiNsitra beelefile period of imprisonnsent editing ime derived from theesEspg, amts= J Kapstrisit, J Ward, J Malloogh,ra ia a verdict of death frogs ant me. 00.ford, .1 Marra 0 J Ladorson. , se. The late Janie. latiaboadt IL ., ii°"'d by Chi* Ka110811X legoodOn was a grad Gate of McGill °allege, sod iff by 0 Ofeviii. that .1 M Kettgrek be AM* a few years enjoyed • fair mere of the eeemeitiee. • 7, Ciietes. When he we. Keyed lay J M Ilebal6,463= for further servo-, bri. J Ward. that W Lfige011et paralysis, it appears thep 11111 hie Ski ememiliem . deserted kiln, and rellilied to mailer hist Mond itg B J Crooked, eased my assistance. 0 Oirsin aid J Ward he Weimer. • .2 - Wend' 100 Oinks, mended %It 2111211Witaiaffie swaths' old) thoroggl shorthorn arr. -Owe of the trosterik" mosicipia °Skop of tie entity of Hans sisparwmrtnedof tvih !stimuli,* mouccoolrhon44. 31,1st,eisricht loathe unsure, Teckersesith. Demand twesebh:Piall Olouree eeheeqesetty rot the tree of has sally es j#. the Teeth sad Seib. Ask leer * Are ismer seerseuseemmos • • - ,tbrierieb letes. k 'tram ' iniumemayr - mew -VA or album avelllietee 11*01. hoot Todd sod tams newly fleeted vie Megan las Johositoss, reeve, led lila Satinet and Jobs Homes, antemillen Then was a more lively interne bikes 10 11. meat efiestion, than Ime Imes tor seem Hose as a large number of votes was polled in the different pond* pines. favorably ben" to the Whet might have tensed est to be • II west sod. wils Illitror- I serious) ambition took piaci en 'Mader I the Ifitit, but fueteestely se ems Wm PISCES REAS9111111LE IT. SIGNAL t XL. VP tbst Use amities sediDe 41. p ttetsgrhasa at an early Irv, le is. tursteer interested parties, MI6 flisb maitino be Wiest by the easkiems, meet • mart of their work at Wailers Imm-a• from Pert Albert will oeosespee= WA begun the setassittee .1 lk Robeets sod Dr Osee to Werkshere A rite .1 thank. tree toodeeed eo tee Pert Albert Mead.. J *bah not eiperitiled briefly. Tha wonting adjwiread., , Oran 'ribbon have Males the b 4o Staphos Rollie, whisk pee hettLehrtmo • 5%.41i1. from tfift sionetory at vale, Oat. *