HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-16, Page 8ser TRE HITRON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 1887, The Season's Compliments. Eys Fru'J Forlrg/ J March Iiilicrc? - w.c.GOODE,Druglist Ihasiklag the people of Uuderich sad vicinity r TO for their liberal Auld cosematly inoreasiag . patronage fur Our pant 'oar. desires to call attientlea to his NEW and BEAUTIFUL Ntot. It of FRASER3PORTER &KAY' -WHIM 1017 WILL 111211 Xmas Presents ! • Young Girls, Old Men, Young Ladies and Babies, Young Boys, Ola' Girls,Young Men ana' Old Ladies. OI'RSiT(S'/• IS NOW COMPLETE. AND WE HAVE 'TUE Largest_and_Best Display 4ifest-o Toronto, - --CONSISTING OF r T31 Leather Goods, which we will sell - Very Cheap 44 61 4 I . - i 4 Silverware Christmas Books " Christmas Cards " Toys, Toys, Toys CC Too Cheap Fancy Cups & Saucers, Vases, &o., Mighty Cheap . EiZiiliCto 43) 311:0 CI XaaLm tWo y 64 It C C it 46 110 Awfull Cheap Very, Very Cheap , So Cheap di (WAX AND CHINA), WHICH MUST BE SOLD THIS SEASON. 117How can you spend a more pick:Ant half hour than coming in and inspecting our Stock -even if you do not buy. Our Two Stores Jammed Full ! One on Cur. North-st. and Square. The other at the Central Telephone Exchange, Xaochoniee's old stand on the Square. FRASER, PORTER & KAY. noliaay Goods. Purism 000D14, DEEMING Otiolki, JEWEL CAN1'..s. , PERFUME CANES, TOILET BUM V4:1; CARD*. and otber Dane too us to natation. QTY.!. 3"...I'Slt TIRIC 13131'1% Prim that Defy Copetitim. A Nice CatinTatas CARS GOWN WMI SAC!' Pl.;CcHAMS 2s.. Ur• W•son Marini CIIRM- 111A, Our main beldame, coutinnes to 1'N -sive CAM - r I. ATYIENTIOX. and our stuck of DRUGS, ete.. will be found full. pure and et:liable. epeeist. Personal Attentim to Prarcelptknus W. O. GOODE, Drugeist, Anima Meek. Dolirrich. :7;31157 7 --.....--..-....-,..--..-e.....4 FINE TAILORT'ITG. I On account of ti:C1:3attStiL.- ut die aleason, • 1 1..!.-... litait'_-.! tln all Inc Cremating* j and Saltine. Buyers in want of an Over- ! coat or Suit should not fail to inepect my Large t;tock before purchasing elseviiiii,e.tre.u. volnu ' ruanshiv and St'" •-ou will unque,tionably 1 comparing Goods, Quality, Trimmings, Work- 1 ', aiscii:re:tcper cent on ally iluotsei..”. elsewhere RenteraLee we when y)I* are in il Ds? odt;plciorh. . B. 31.040orraac. TR! ! Tit? IT ! Big Mill Patent Flour, 2wEAMIC S'1103LiE Maid Manitoba Zara Wheat. The cheapet,t and best article for faiiiiiy use sold. Will give more bread to quantity baked, and best value for your inoley than any offered. SEE THAT YOU GET THE RIGHT ARTICLE. OGILVIES & HUTCHISON. $29000 WANTED AT THE TORONTQ CASH STORT, BY THE FIRST OF FEBRUARY. As / hare determined to held a ChriFtM2F nri Now YPar's G-san.d. Cleariraz Sale *0 room fut prr.g y.11 e itx week, eel, al" my lane 41411 Terribly CheapweII .clected Stock of yr Orem Coeds. Flaeorrisi ilistritsigs. &Smokes.. &milts. Rale aad Isp., Seadymmile (1.I. 105. bathed Mira mad Drawers. aat........`"'",.t"' be Y44:111 it" 4 11 e41-444114 1117 lar" 441/bliasbwrktleoti Malt mem ase.dieilfiryi.oug;4a e to notytwearoom orm ri,-.../ereatos.(ank DERs h AU wan' talvlrea dlagacieotietabrm"usenttis mid at onm. The rash cow:near at onc LOG': delay. bat call immediately at the cS SON' TORONTO CASH STORE. h.ring too mans :Ines to handle. have dectd- Goderich, Deft 111, 1887. 2021- P. O'DEA, Manager• ed to au out alone of them. and until after ttlitttrivoffierI.etirateektt Toys, ra.noy (3-oods, evirellery, la.ted 'Ware, ioturee, eto. /LT Si"0"•• wYr Prices Tht Till Ida Yea Buy. 4rik.04 OYSTERS CALL AND SEE THEM A T = • „1, .• .t.:4 by measure. Special Cates ter alit The °honest House a BOQUETS AND FLORAL DESIGNS NEW FRUITS OP THE BEASON. COICE CONFECTIONERY. Best Brands of &elect and Standard tor say purpose nude to order. at NEWS OF THE WEEK. Latest Intelligence frorn aU Parts 111.o Deem of Interest for People Wb. Want Me News 1. • Merry- lafee. enetion Milled Mews se Mit le..mess. Time. Twenty-two persons were drowned in the recent hurricane uff the Orkney It lands. The corporalicn of Quebec are to pay s'l the costs of the present teat case of the Salvation Army, but will net carry it to any higher court ur pay further es - pen... lime. Patti made her first public sp. 'misrules in Paris since the Franco -Prue - man war Friday night. The occasion was a concert in .id of the French Hoe - Wad in London. The rector of St Patrick's school, Que. b'c, Brother Thus O'Brien, dropped dead in St Patrick'. church, Quebec, Saturday night, shale attending eeryice. Heart &amass was the cause. Benjamin Freer, headmaster of the Kincardine high school, has resigned, to &mope a more lucrative positio.) In Tomato. Mr Freer has been fourteen years in the service ‘f the board, The train bound north over the fit Loots, Arkansas and Toasts railway was stopped by train robbers, ten miles this ad. of Texarkana, Ark., on Friday day night, and the Slimes oar robbed of F40.000. The Fisheries Conference at Washing- ton adjourned aloe Saturday's sitting for the Christmas holidays, to meet on divanwry the 4th. Sir Charles has left lo • Winnipeg to meet Lady Tupper, and w:11 go from there to Ottawa. Mr Dissa&irlais will leave on Monday week 1, visit Lord Lansdowne. Chancellor Boyd and Judo (Islet crave jedgeneat nn Monday in the KAM Nt.rthenaherland Provincial election ease in favor of the petitioner, voiliag the election of Dr Willoughby and or- dering a new election. Their Lordships stated that they would report to the speaker the nausea of seven persona guilty of bribery. Election Notices. c'-- -MOINTRAT:OI MEETING FOR ..11 Mayor sad }neves -The Inooters of the Mum of Oodmieh. wW MOW *4 110 to-wa es Mesider. flenessber nth Mr. at to *Week is UM forontoon. for the purpose of moodool- wit at and prnper perianas for Mayer. Reeve wed III tiny Peeve for the easeleg year ae- 4101111or Le Statute Notainalleo for cowmen lore willtrakaplant r • the same day In the several oes W M. CA =I.. se odlleer. •$srloD.WbI. Streyeb Animals. MAT 111IFIR -CAMS 011 et Oehmarr. a twthyamaintriVi ,ge call& iriniericenemsd le peeve pre ages take *bee. heifer. parte. ear ' • er 1 She People's Column, N The Statutes of Canada 3041 Vicloria. HOT. an sow ready for distribution to qualified Justices of the Peace and other persons en- Utied to the same. IRA LEWIS. Clerk of the Peace. Huron. (Work*. Dec A 1317. 10-11. DERESEURE BOAR FOR SER. LP VICE -A arat-claes be will do service ow the premiers of the subeeriber. Hayfield mg. Oodwrieth Township. 31. to Terms. be at timedeervioe, with privilege of re - teenier, if memeary. Also a shorthorn bull kept or. the premises. It I in ISAAC HALIKELD. !1188L FRASER. ANL will give lessons ea piano to a limited number of pupils. Terms reasonable, and made lumen on application. Lon. ortcan be r:derseltier at residence of pupil or teacher. iset at the bookstore of Fraser, Porter sad Lay will reoeive prompt attention. 1153m. -HEAD TEACHER WANTED. La MALE -Par Apply were Deedllikmaiing salary and experience. to JOHN encwAIRT. Bminsiller P.O. 17.31 NOTICE. - •- All parties bolding accounts against the Township of Colborne are requested to seed them In to my oMoe before the 1641. of Decem- ber. WO J. 11. RICH A RD8. Clerk. - - - - - N up 110 of J. Downing at Co.. are Coreby notified that the book, will be tie posed of after the Arm week In January., sad all amount, not settled by that flute, will hare to be paid to the hoiden of Ow book, anise that date. J. Downing 041. 1131. MR. JAMES 000EE, °ROA HIST AND CHOIR AlletaTER. Knox Cenral. Oode TrACIIKR OF TIIK 01110•I1. roost,. IDIAMING ANL, H•RISOPIT. Rpocial terms to Choral Societies. Choirs And Schools. ea-Piasios and Organs carefully tuned and re- paired. 2114 Legal Bales. • 1 N THE MARITIME COURT OF rintarie. No.17. The sehooner er retard railed the "Norris.- of the Pert of Port Huren.where of Jetties Sheehan now is or Lately wee onvner, her terkle. apparel and furniture mid the cargo now or lately laden therein. tosseher with the freight due for the trans- portation thereof. IN TN/ MAITTIOR COURT OF ONTARIO : No. Ilk The schooner eft vowel called the of the. Port of Port Huwa.where- Of .Motetif."&mseltan view Is or lately wee amater. her tuellaspp.rel mid furniture sell the mime sew or lat.ly boles thereto'. tempthor with the freight due for ik• transportation thereof. Parousat te a wombat of appraimmest and &Jo &pew out et this court is above muse, win emir ter sue by public 'stetter' at my of- fice. at the Teen deck. Ooderieh. on tiatur dajilibt 10th4ay Deciembar. at twelve •meow the schooner or vessel rolled the "Nenit,' of he pert of Pert Hums, 01.bo. 431Nos borders, aad wow Iva. at the Port of Godariali taretlier with Mr tartar. spoors.' sal lereitere. There are two large afteliers with meltable chair.. of extra Magth. • new Airman et eweellette matorloi. a pomp and ether tack I holmium/ te thei said tiehnouer. TER Mrs Twenty per mat in este .01 11.. Misers without Intern* 5, teit dare, W11410 lesistortts.• power's'''. will Ity giros'. title per- fect. For farther perils...Oars apply le the ma- derelopte 1. 11.1.1 fltersailwr 1111.. Isar. THOMAS VANE -VERY, Dspety mazzieb • EDWARD N. Li Hader 4. Masitinee IP It Dentistry. M NICHOLSON, L.D.S. DENTAL R0011S. Eighth door below the Post °Mee. Westot.. OODCKICH. 11122-ly Iv L WOOLVERTON, L. D. 8 T • OMee-Odd Fellows Hail. North At.. Goderich. Charges moderate. All work war- ranted. Gas or Vitalized Air given for extraction of teeth. Domestics ticianteb. Om/oriel, rh... 9 IMT. UNDER Tri 14 IOW West Side auare. E SUN. 1E. BINGHAM'S For Sale or to Lett Loans an insurance. QTORE AND DWELLING H00411 3.3 TO LET at Smith it Hill- • cood educe !or anyone to start in Malatya. Has bees is use as a general store for the past 6 years. sad has a good trade worked up. The dwellinS is In connection with the More. and has rooms.good watcr.garden.stabk itad211 neve- aaccontenr ms on the !and 4 years respect' yl . 1 For portico apply to PATRICK "HOGAN. Callow P.O., Co. Heron, ELIOIBLE FARM FOR SALK-- -fanefle41.14oderich To wiship. h ma. 101, mem good orchard apd buildings. Ilth con.. 0.4 acres consfortaba house ani WANTED -A 000D PLAIN COOKstable , Tonna Of raiment P557. Apply to also hotessmald, by the 2.4 *flea...17. Apply lti ARROW Mot:14'00T. atmedhustr. Cameros M IL Barristers, *4e.._ 121-2'. Dederick. Legal. BRICK HOUSE AND QUARTER OF - - ------- VDWARD N. LEIN IS, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. PROCTOR IN 13ARITIME COURTS. CONVEVAN- MONEY TO LOAN. Straight Loom. Private Funds_ LOWEST I:ATM or INTEREST. Orr Pres :- Corner of Haralltod and Nevripete streets. opp. Colborne Hotel. Goderieh. /II:- EAOER & FIAIU'T, BARRISTERS, ,1,..7 Ile.. Goderich and Clinton. Goderieh of - ace opposite Martin's Hotel. 110 tf R0. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &c. • Office. corner o! tinware and West street. Goderiels, over telegraph Mace. Pei rate Funds to lend at es per rent. GARROW & PROUDFOOT, BA R }MITERS Atteraoye. Sivlielters. ere Goderkh J. T. Garrey. W. Proudfoot. 172 CAMERON, Raiz & CAMERON, Harriette*. lielletteirf is Chancery. loderich. M. C.f.:cc:cm. P. Holt. IL O. Cannons. C C. 1731 - Amusements. GODERH !MECHANICS' INSTI- IG Tent LIBRARY AND READING R0011. oor. 01 East street and Square lee stairs. Open tress to 6 p.m., and from 7 to 10 p.m. ABOUT 2000 VOLS IN LIBRARY Lea.iirsy Daily, Melly end ITlystrafrol Paper -A, Mar,aziees, , on File. granting free use of Library aad MEMBERSHIP TICKET. ONLY 11.011, Room. ApplleatIon for membership neelved by Librarian. In rooms. 8. M A IA '01180N. GEO. STIV EN!. prosisear. secretary. Goderleh. /Jamb MIL ISM. Legal Notices. I NZ$ mon Com ler melt CMANC1*ltiiiiviR1014. betowee Two Warsaw 114WrIATTRIwo Osennier. ildualiedl. gneiss: am behalf of theaterl•es. and all other creditor% 01 110 iletbadants. a.4 P101014f: WILLIAM N. Roan the Misr. RewilaT W. RUED, and AMELIA RIMEL Parensgat e GanV- :Ahaelattd atth&e kh day of Marr 1 rMediae elhas aoanWsm k. Rttle term ship of Ashaeh& Is the Crusty of 17wos. yee aim who are '.1)8.5 55 sem la mid onatti- et I . • Imes Io *loser tab settee are is Ille iiireurle: Tuesday. the Nth= weir. vit...vrrisg, Ai iv rain',. lordnahro bor. Ian a.ttra t Desember. MIT. IrM AI -COMMON. MA Master as Ciediseigh. MONEY TO LOAN -Pit I A TE rtrxi.s. 5 2.---•„; PER CENT. Interest Playable Yearn. E. N. LE11 18. Ornate Corner *pantile kart.'. Hefei. 21115- • 4.PER CENT -ANY AMOUNT OF Old moary to lend 51 :4 per cent prr annum -sr= Mon* -tntorest yearly. We hare tileft CENT. Next door Mouth of etraubel • 40 to 1.04 in oGr or floor, num. at liormess shop. di4At; tit tt IIARI1. 113 -if Dederick. $500•000gRoVN LOA. APPLY TO CAM hitiLT &CAMERON, Gale rich. IMP 1U-ONET TO LEND. -A LARGE .1.r.1. amount et Private rends for lareatmeat PROU t lowest rates ou 0 to °ARROW k rot-nOryroglignons Apply an acre 01 5.01 for sale -The louse is 0a. i • 'tory and a hall high. and coatalna bed - mono. • partor. MOIR; roots. dining room. pantry. kitchen and* good cellar. 0. the lot is • good stable. 16 2i. and other oat Udine". Hard and soft water on the premises There are a number of choice fi alt trees on the lot Lerner of Park et. arid Cambria Road. row par lcularergi on the premiem or by letter to JOHN BILNKrn. 116-3m Port Albert P.O. Two FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR A sale. One in the township of AtIblald. containing 1541 acre. and one In East Wawa - n0.1.. containing 1411k3rres. For particulars aypty to cameras. Holt Cameron, Gado - rick. 21171 FOR SALE. - - West half of lot 11112. Arthur Street. wi small brick cottage thereon. Bcodust; Love, 131. 131. 244. 243. Elgin Street St Andrew. Ward 431. tallier of Heron and Britannia Road. Frame It story house oa Keay, Street, kit and 551 .54. Several Me In Reed's Surrey. oppoelte new Show Grounds, vis.: Nee 22. 11. 10. 311. Sr. All he shore at LOW RATER. Apply to 102-12 DAVISON k JOHNSTON. E IL savant, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. OFFICE opposite Colborne Hotel. Golisrick. Risks takes at LOWEST RATES la the M. lowloar, ant ekes Companies : The Leedom Assurance -Eatablishad 1731. The Nationalet Iretand-incerpeented IML Road -is -Head -The only Company astimele- ed to insure Plate Glass 5.Canada. reddest Life Assurance Co. - IHeasuis Plant.5.11 It RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE Ann th I MONEY LOANING AGENT. I Only Aral -dem Compoetew Ideprronstot Now to Lied ea etraight lama ot the hewed ram of Mores sofas, in say way to .041 1).. oorrower. Air °MCI - Monad deer tram &pare. WINA OWN*. Dederick. $50,000 10ciNDAN AT TZ.)0 PIR TAR TORONTO MINIMAL TRUNTS CO'T are to loan mosey at per cent.. pay ales yearly. es TERMS TO SUIT BORROWERE, ea suet -clam farm seeerity. Apply to CAMERON. HOLT & CAMKRON. Ailoat• for Ow Toronto Goonsivernmri4ra/ meta (Vg. Oodorick Mown. Canselowt, Holm It Canon/in hare also • large amount of private funds to los ea Sento farm security. Oodoriob. 001. 4. ISM 1111142 1LIARM. TOWN AND VILLAGE PROPERTY !OR SALE. The Executers sad Trustees of the 1251ate of the late JOMEPH HIER Ft. telly for '.1. 110 following valuable Property. namely: Building Lots numbers 4311 and W1. ie the Town of Dederick j of an acre mac /bitty 2e0e54, and very deeleatde for building pur- poses. Halt sere Lot frontlast Mill Road. Township et Dedertebbeing part of Lint 8 In the Mait- land coareesim of mid Township. NINO Fragile cottage and Prams Stable. Lot number 1. Month side of Millar street. Benniiller. 1 of an acre. small frame dweal g. Building Law numbers MS sad 1104 50ihe Town of Clime& j an acre soak. u folly ensued ea South side of Rarest street. Fairly fenced. The Kest i of Lot 112, Con. 11. West Maws mob. 140 acres. good Ian& 50 *eves atone C15.0Coed,resaidader timbered. A Soot 4 54 Lnekaew sad 6 Who from Wing Deed nada further partkodars, apply io Z. CAMPION, Barroom Oodoolsh 4. ura lout aas _TORN KNOX, GENERAL AU0- U TiONZER sod Load Valumer. elirat Oat. Harlot had comoiderahle wirportrisit ,P 11:charati with thereto& satteitcHoo_ . no& seetioasering trade. he is in a peen= usisaions te him. Order's left at Cleeeetet . atIsaGoll J 11.1701A am. visSionear. Martin's er sent by mail to my mffisip 4 AnCtiOniefitl. EMLOPEEI GET TOUR PRINTING AT SIGIK $100,000 PRIVATE lorND0 Tit km. esi fans tad townpr.pupty, at low em imaries. Mortgages, :eis..'..oolvrCanada the od waste fortis. "lie e."7 pony. the Loudon ( Lem miaow a= credOoom 010...4,. Weenie e. 44o54 7 per emit. N. a-aorrower-, ma obtain meow la day. *1 10). eatiallsosary. DAVISON tlAreers71.21TON. Sib Glederleh Societies. _ A NCIENT ORDER OF UNITED .4151L WORKMEN MAPLE LEAP LODGE, No. 27, INDOOND A. ,O. U. W..kil:1rLatr %?"'rteLOeeSa7. AND yrfIONDAVI OFSCEuT comma 1111R11,011/1 till/ ALWAYS & P. HALLS, N.A. REIS namserflUaa, M. W. G. W. TWOJEMbor. MOW C�O WI IS UMW I I Huron Lanb Agency. 1 -A RARZ CII ANVIL 1 FOR SALE - 1 GREAT RARRAIR. 1 Ifaitland Platte The emmtry seat et the . :ate Hoe. Richard Hawley. t Ili. •Aleutbir property le situated only ofie Dina ham the boundary .1 11.. Tortosof Oodo- , tit h, is unsurpassed in aatural booty and I llornerY. and sit -or se sot.ti ro arms or TIM OFTATS. II compriseg macre", aline tanning Ism& in wood • Nee. Larne well bode of Mile sinker hrickw lib 05io freemeas leartner's cottage. meriams Imams and tam pie, e. Dow ling alle&rwaMillied testa, km au lawn. &c. three frill:. ot all kinds. Mae a welloltealblirwith .vaget- able I garderLewd Algrortorrtagt f ONZY TO- LOAN AT LOWEST - - 4.1ti rates of latonst. Apply to dons Load Ovary. • VOR SALE --HOUSE Aso LOT ON . _A- Cwwilreldns et- Chsen-1111Lia. ROMS LAOS Agency. VOR SALE -RESIDENCE 01 li 1' Moos. Noil. norm load Ag000l• VOR SALE -3 GOOD LOTS WITH teatime's*. Pnoo SUR Huron Laud agetter• FOR SALE --BLACKSMITH SHOP whb tools otessolate. A meal largant. Hama Lase Agenciit WANTEWANTED TO BUT -20 FT D frames* es the finnere. Maros Loot Agescy. ltA'ONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST LTA Mee .54 00 brio terms. HURON LAND AGENCY. ANTED TO RENT -HOUSE with cellar &Mutable; nnt sheet MUM Apply to Huron Load Agen3y. pOR SALE -000D FRAME A 1 tome, lino alum 000llitios- Sao similar& 3 volumes walk from the Apply to Hero. load AstirA MINTS /OR CANADA OOMPNY -Mem lewd Anew. waatee tor apse, apply tat the 41.441 ell Per flappisr particulars sad UM of Iamb write to H RON I.AND atoutCY. Leek Box ill 11111 Dederick O.L. Cateside W 1Flebical. TAR. W. E. ROBS, LICENTIATE 01; 0LijiwiterisZeilretigt?"' "'Ur= 8.XTjN8UR 0111017. Ost000r e. Ok, sad Brune Stroef. deer weed elf Trier's Str.441)R8.. RHANNON & SHANNON-. flrgeens Aesoutthers. ate. Mass Dr. eon's rendiusee _pear Me gasl iledoellh G. MaArrititt. J. R. "Man nen.5731 Uslattor, Sic. C A. 111110BEIL l..LitItIONT VALUATOR. M A TWIT iratHlonns.""Heatiamilisik brads iftsMmisrlati Hot Water sad 1.41111t 0111111 1114 caber Micw tweis. Agetinaltnead law Ptelegali. Tillashinery PLANS vaxANDATcoRliPpleellerinCLATIONS aasr °Muni fru • . es.