HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-16, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. _18 , 1887. 7 fashion's Fancies. Te, i•uo3oei and youthfel preens, popular 1t.r Lust season's ...L. -s, will b• La mato the pretty shades wore with I.rideernaid's dresses ul white gossamer Iabrioe. T.. blouse waist or Garibaldi is a fashion fur Tum, ladies *hick is pretty and pictureeges for hot.N rear either in silks or bright o .lurod cashmere, A Parisian idea is to have the warp to atoh th r cuolwme items -ably, partici laxly dillieg stratums', or those los dress oeeaioce. They ars short, with long tablier suds. The fashions is furaishiegs are as yet Andy from Fsaaes, aid white awl gold frames with braided upholstery will be the leading style in parlor turntables& A WIRk t'atueatk.d. "If fliers w.a only one bottle of Ha: yards's Yellow Oil in lllsrittobs I would give MN bemired dollars for it," writes P1i1ip ld Erma, of Muateith, Manitoba, having seed it for a sowers wound for fr. are G.pis. with, as he saps, "ad erais►ieg flood resents. 2 The prettiest fashioos fur bridesmaids at early tall weddings is to wear a broad brimmed hat of either 1.e, or shirred mulL This English habit is • pretty fashion as welL Theta i, no prettier head eoveriug than the open jetted (ream over which may be interwoven any sort of appro- priate tali fricassee ea trait is the wee- terfei. A IVet,asas Amaeraasw. Who i, there that isnot frequently an- n oyed by distressing headaches 1 Suf- ferers from sick or wrrvous headache will Gad a perfect cure in Burdock Blood Hitters. Sold by all dealers in modi- cum. 2 The "Oiled dishiness are an eu. t r* novelty, "ad will be generally used this MMsetr instead of light woollens of rough testers. The gay colors are pretty and load • pigmancy to the costume. The tsstsaer in which the skirt is hung in tine days c f simple drapery is of great impo tacos. Tb. tuuroure is nut eneessive is these days, but it should be mads so as to May in place eerily. A tlaast*w of a Ceesary. For more tweetl-Gve years lies Hag. yard • Yellow Oil been sold by druggist, and It has sever yet failed to give satis- faction as a bo.eehold remedy fur pain, lameness wad sortsea of the flush. for xtersed ioterual nae is all painful "The fors and aft," of English shoot - ng cap, will still be worn by young girls or mehod but. and .Aber peptises. They to be foetid in cheviots and in plea as well The colors is vogue for the Doming bate no more character than the tabes ,o fa.hiu.able in the re- and they have much les. rest .a dm Frew.,.. Psbhe mealier, sued singers ars often bled with sure threat and hoarseness age liable to severe brodchial attacks lab Haight be prevented and cured by ase of Haryard's Pectoral Balsam -- best thrust and ling remedy Al • Map es a rases. k is my impression that a fern with t a buy would very soon tome to ¢Fief. What a boy does is the life of • farm Ila is the fsotots's, always in demised, and always expelled to do the thousand and come things that nobody else will do. 1 -pose kilo falls tie odds sad mads. the moat difical& things. Aft., everybody .lam is through be is to finish •p. His work is like a woman's-- gerpetoallr waiting es other. Everybody knows how mesh easier it is to cock a Rood dieser time to wma the dithts after- wards. Consider what a boy ea • fags is re- quired to do -things that most be dorso, or hie would setally step. It is under- stood, is the firs place, that he is to do all the .....sue, to go to the dor., to the poel,tdd. std to tarry all sorts of massages. It he W se wimpy 1•Fs as the es10lpS1er they would tiro before OW R. lie the ewe who spreads the ails es the nem eat it ; he stows it swat' is the bars ; he rides the here* to mai.. vete the sore up sad dews the hot, wear? rows ; he piolts up the potatoes whoa they ere deg ; he twinge wood and is kindling; M get• np the tarns tat the hem.. Whether hl in the house ur out of the hoes., there is always something to do. Just before leiool in the winter he shovels paths ; in the .amlosr Ito terms the grimnesas And yet, with his mind fell of .eb.ses of what he would like to do, and his basin full of occupation, be is an idle boy who has nothing to busy himself with Mit schools and chores. He would gladly do .11 the work if now body dee world do all the shoe... he thiske ;and yet, 1 do.bt if any boy ever amounted to anything in the world, CT war of winch use as a an who did not joy the advantages of a liberal ed. .allow so the way of chores. -Charles Dedly Warner. Hay fever is • type of catarrh barter peculiar glopinese. It is attended by in 1nRssa.d aw.ditioe of the fining sum brans of the nostrils. tear duets ass/ throat, ereetieg the tang.. As sen mweous wsesr t d,the discharge i seei.i ponied with • burning seenatson. Then are savers spa.ma of t..I.sing, fregn.n attacks of headache, watery and falem edtries. 110 Cream Bslns is • MOP dy that can 1.. d.p.aded *porn. east. st druggists ; by Mil, regietor.d, e01w Fly Brothers , Demists, Owego. Re York. 1!y A clear head is iudiesti. a of food health et.d nasslar halite. When the Ludy is lesguid. •ud Os* rend trucks a:P/gis.'ily, Ayer's Cathartic Pills will ass -at is the recovery a physics! buuy- •acy and meets' vire. r.n Wtii le Merit Fu ♦t rut is 'br...v is as exceedingly tri ts:noise dieser, as A rube the aril - nisi affected of its flesh sod decreases its va!ue, though out always, by any ewto•, fatal. The gsueral uupreesiun is that fu it rut is ountagiuss. TLe editor of the Jlaw:husette Plougliouoi says un the abject : "Perhaps the ordloaf y foot rout u out ct.ntagiut:e, bll the "spistutuc tout rot," ur murrain, is es- ine'ttly s... The foul rot is Lund only 0.1 low or moist grounds, ani p robatly arises funs :Le howl mit seating d.,wn, as a does co stony ground, but grow - e1 to an unusual length because of the w.rmtb and moisture of the soil. In Madascheeetts the sheep are kept opus dry, rocky pastor's, which aro hest fur the sleep ; so that cases of the (tat rut are very rare, if any exists..' A Cayreo Bou.-Ohdldr.n are often fr•ttsl add i11 when worms are the mute. Dr L.w's Worm Syrup safely expels and Worms. lm L_ Tier. are k.ia of editors like minded with that one oat West, who, having heard that persons 111 drowning in- . 'ani,oeowly reoulleotud all the trainee tions of all their lives, wished that sum. of Lis subscriber would take to bathing in .i.ep water. We ea Tear $sad. Don't allow • tole in the head to slow - 1r and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured for 25c. by using Dr. Chas's Catarrh Cure. A few appliea- tioua sure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 buttes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to L boxes is guarantied to care uhr.oie catarrh. Try it. Only 2;c sod sore cure. Sold by all Arapgists lis Sweet cream better, though better Savored, does n -it keep as well as that from slightly acid cream. memo tee. Is great Britain the question of Hone Rule is twmmanding attention. To the mon with • cold to the head or chest the safer' way to ensure Howe K.'s over a cold is to have ..n hand a bottle of Dr. Harvey's Red Pine Glum. For sale at J. w date's Proscription drug store. tI Do not make jelly to damp ur cloudy weather Fra p ult t y liberally at this wasoe, especially with bone atiog material. Merchants ma wet their Boil Heads. Letter Heads. toe.. Ste. printed at this °glee fyr very IOU. mere than tans generally p. Nr th. rso. and It bolas to advMiw their CW sad see faindies and Ret prim. =my thee/lade od NMol sad1ur rieas= pe all ls,tlprle, sdMM experience=Imo afforded a met y adapt - g emrat'roman's monger thoroughly hr r. Maries waved,* georgette= a the outgrowth, or remit, of this great and valuable experience. 'rborrsasds oflestimo- Man teoelred from patients and from physi- cians who have t.,ted k In the more riggya- rated .ad obstin.ite eases which bad tom their *NI. prove it to be the poet wonderful remedy ever davi.wi for the resat sad cum of stttferirtg women. it r nem at a "curr+►II," tut as a mast ep.Nac for woman's peculiar ailment.. Asa poorer IsI Invigorating tont*, K Imparts et mntt& to vas whole system. od4 to the womb and &prndeges to .aw�.0lar For overwo worn - out," rrsn.doira.-de alit ted =Wines.mothers. sad hespers. onuses aamesMrs 'a aa Flotion aWbumve=so lv.gaaS 'seittoiYis. ZI a invaluablPTVe s merest proaraasion hyes,�,,, and Meal �u/tgassr tune haat fob" eeti- desmins taw weft. f it waiidacmal tae deIiiep aid mimes .esnt l sazlet7rr u ► Mr. i ti Fay swim Premeriptle le a 1 Mutate es.dlel.o, emotivity mQ.ah�on by an er and skillful Mynician and adsp to woman's dolkwp organisation. It b purely vegetable In ib oonsoonuoe and perfectly harmless to IN aged, In any eoedltne of the system. Fee taaroldo e °'oa' tress whatever mme airdweak tlonelk1.IM/Igttewus.n aaMrerPrvsyr4 no lea pool. siva ogre for the meet complicated and ob. M� came frea.A briosVtral peaor WM, et Y. womb. wk bacbpmg,weisasaa. essSiv 4O., r•trovesileo. beartnr natio. rind uL*rst oolnoffitt. pain and tenderness la marks, Maternal hest - regulator wpromoter of eb= mat great a aw best cr�Kfo ed ' Pttweds.o Teb- mat . am( go emirate,ean tab t Y vhrbt In Its en for dleormes and mats *nekton eaWtao stuheM�a sweay.ry 1as. d/mooed= Dewsrgah. e,lfapa"Mes elaeMYtwtm • 'Iavn esknew. nM^ fate." ennne5Wa emMN ��es MaraloMaMtie ✓ eriduay. owellotoo _ate, hod •' Y 10. "mb aws- saes. regi, rhes ve witwill be g4v eM < 7 is 4..' , �.•riw meso planed on the ens hMV aero_ eat Our loamy barrio rwr t area VIAND.' e1 virrie large, ps «•� : mai M atenw.a iw_.aa.. tat,.............. M.A...A ---- Lm aims la ZMarul rw.ap07. "Yes, Tummy," said the teacher of 1L. 1 drat dans, "that is sight ; regeteW. s end) from the ground ; and now see Win Wall.. tell us where meat sense toss f" "Yastrow," reepo:ided Willie, with 11. air of owe ferr.liar with the wiriest, "meat comes from the l.elnber'a." ' Potatoes which grow nearest the sets face are rust subjoin to rot FEW Pointers If Teo Watt a DINNER SETT, Look at NAIRN'S Stock If To. Watt a BEDROOM SETT, NAIRN has them at all pricey If Toe Watt a TEA SETT, NAIRN has a full assortment If Ti. Wait 1061Il SBiNA, CM UPON I NEW GOODS, I.t s1'a ea`h. FRESH GOODS, tr. ICidnei•sad I :BLOOD CHEAP GOODS, BLOOD SYtJP $SIW w the system. Nor' is!e V Jnes McKay druggist. W iu eau WIIL CVmd limmareo . er Compliant. Illeadmies tatettr. pt May Alone !steed etrsa0/h4$S sad In- sA001i leuis a•d •L iErauetting Suiae. _ -- URAVO TRUNK YT. Ex Mixed. Id1zed. ie' 4 I e'. 7.0 ant I `i:tev o I r"7o .. w Mixed. Mixed. Express. Stratford Lv.*SeI:la p.m lp.m U.d•rick I •r. 1mon 1020a.a I l:lb p.m 1it 1:at p.m NAIRN has the finest display It Te. Watt Atyhiag IR SUSS, Try NAIRN'S before purchas- ing elsewhere. For Pure, L'eaddslt._rated FRESH GROCERIES! vasa A. -HAS THEM - E\'ZRTTMINO WARRANTED. YOUR TRADE SOLICITED O.deet b. • di MM. MIL DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER rcm t�ewrsers THE MAN Mhos plug to do tie sect by the people 111(`alaeMam will do oke beet trade with lbws. eat in this Wier I bare dew mined esQwritatrdaaver to wort WITH their •pprob•tlea la the dt.pe.el et goads is nullities which I have the honor to •Ter to the public. My alto Y to try and passe, and thus far I have met with THE mast wst.aldsd success. Josh Billings bee trod, "ro stay ilto win.- and I have made up my mind to HAMMER away until I knock AO bottom mit of Ugh pri in 1)ry.Ooods of every description. an bong dose Groceries to hard pea Give one • call and I'll guarantee ssttsLtc- tlea all the way round. P_ 0==.A., spat- Manager .t the Toro.te Hasa 1688. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Hannam WusaLT Iles a well-e•taui.tt d place as the 1sad1.R Ulestret d se 1. Amen•.. The fairness of its edltoei.l mar memo on current politico has earned for It the teepee and e.M.a.s of ail hapart W read- ers, sad the variety mad excellence of Its omwete which lndede serial sad by the beet and mot persist w•ettette. St a Ike e the r.of pee$ of the widest ramp of taster sad marmite. Supple - meats ata fropeatly prOTWed and no pa- s, is a sosd to brim" the highest order of artistic abWtp ti to bear upon the ills sett a< the .hangeful OAa••• of home and foreign Watery a a• Mat.res Hanrma'. WEIR - y& le aim adapted to be a welcome aunt la every hosre0Md. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. pan TEAM: fIARP1tR'd WEEKLY M 11ARPER'S M.AOAZINC HARPEK't MAGAZINE i a HA RPM'S YOUNG POOPLE 1 N �y. Re, N erl 0ArnrMber M to UMW traado, or Marius. The Tali.. et the Wamtt.T bel'tn wt i tb• first Number ter hussar, et year. as the Y sseatlo.,dA it will he understood that the .sh.ertber *Memis em.mades with ordertise tier earns* at the time of the roosts llewmd Volumes of Hammen Weeny for throe years bock. 1e treat cloth bindles. will f wt x�povey. ontIl . lr a express • awe met f Mid t[ frper ►. rtalier e M per Web ��.,�. for meltravine ..n.tilo ter hg f aseat by sell, posfpald, oe r e IDs b evade by Peet chaes a1 linear er •dt, tont this cher. of my Mitral ..mas. tae awl rear, of Hamm t Address RPU • 11F0'TIQ*A New York M rooftop Free t` •nbeeriben Is the tltat- FANNING MILL ASD PUMP FACTORY, GODERICH, ON T. FANNING 8111 $t►AIIT10IT. MINING MILLS, 510.00 EACH, -ONLY A Fgw tlr �RM8pI oe la'1B Pat. Grain and Seed Cleaner for thoroughly er -at!ag to. one (leaning Cockle. Chess, Wild lees. Mus.ard !teed. Tbietle aced; tux Tall, .nn other ob..xtous seeds and refute grain, from Wheat or may grwlo. cleaning and saving all gram Beed at the mute thee. Cleans Grass and Cl.rer Bend. or separates them. MA NI r•urx IEZMo •Nit. IMO ANY raltllxc MILL Exol.slve territory .13.. A Is good arrearsWins horse, wasreoa and i BAQ HOLDERS for mats or boy to 411 bags alone. Fanning Mill Steres and Screens for any MU 014 Mills Repaired and Resieved. PORP afPARTRENT. S'I rt EST -CT -trace WELL tt CISTERN PQIPS, Drainage and S.ctius Piping e.. te. r. Wholesale and item.). 1edler% S..pplled et !nitres that Fey. THE ARMSTRONG 'Assist: VILt. a\a rant *.Wats. 13ODEP.ICH_ 2110-1m GODERICH BOILER WORKS Chrystal & Black Manu factnrers of all kind• of STAT $IUT, NUM, UPRISNT 11110 TUNYLAI BOILERS. SALT PANS, SMOKE STACKS and all kladc of Sheet iron work. /TIAN Aso MATES MPS riTrutas constantly on band. Oa hand. ready tr delivery : 1111 W.F. sew steel Weiler. t e W.F. mew WMIer. A Eopplde gird -bald Tbnabit! Oatit Boiler. Engine, Separator. he.. all n good working order. W111 be wild cheap. Mall orders will receive prompt attention. Werk. i Opp. G. T. B. 14.1... P.O. BOX 381 O.dorLck Xay nth. 11111. LIME The subscribers Aare Jost completed their large limekiln. which can turn out BOO bush. No every twesty-fo.i hours. and aro sow prepared to envois all customers with a Roe easlt'y of good frnh lime daily. It will be to the advantage of every sus no. gearing lame to call or correspond with *r. a we are prepared to deal liberally with par- ties washing to porches,. The kiln le situated ms the Ooderieb side of the ?alb Reserve. BACHLEB & BICKEB, I'HOPRIETOR8. JON 17th. till. 110:06ae PATENTS CAVEATS. TIM RAMIS AN CS►NNNTS Obtained. sod all Moines, In the L'.S. Patent 011ies attended to at MODRRA FAS PRES. Owr office le opposite the U. S. Paton Ot- gee and we oat: aeras. Putouts in Inas dose than those remote from WAININOT01'. Send MOD/IL OR PRA H 1 VO. W. ad- iseas bpatentability free of charge and wsmoke ake NOCIfAlr0Z UNLESS WAiOR- rWIN PATEN?. e refer, to the Poetonatter.tbe Supt. of Money Orderv, and to oliktab of the V. S. Patonoaoo, For circular. ad; tea tonne and retenaoa to actual cheats in roar awn State or Comity. write to tE A. *SOW •r .. Opteelte Oates. Wasbteate . D. C. ADYA"-'11!. 0.'it.. BALSA I i.fRFsCoucws Co i ,> 000 F.!'ENf f' HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT SOAPANT («spay is Lo.wisg Money on F.rw• Security at Lowest Rotes of interest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS HANK BRANCH. V, 4 5 pert /Lott. hatred Allowed en IMysosits, 44 -cordial to nnsow.t sad fiwu left. 0r1!CZ : -Car. of Market Square tad North Street. OMsrlob. NOR ACK tractus. autgAsse 0eeerteh A mw. 5115 1/gt lest ALT NIXON STVRDY'S People's Grocery. FROM 15o. UP. No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New at Prices to suit. g/Rtmmeai e'..0 Fetes For Wafter sae Rep. ttaftembr oke dread --Os the So ware. sett to Blsalust'. Restaurant. READ THIS. FOR ONI! MONTH. FOB ONR MONTH. 20 PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH ! An Felt and Straw Hats Done Over at Reasonable Rates. Apprentice Wanted ii the Straw Hat Line. MRS. C. H. GIRVIN. MRS. SAL10ELD'8 FALL MILLINERYI LADIES' FELT HATS, Plain and Fancy, PLUSHE8, FR.JZETTES MOUNTS, WINGS, Etc., Together with a large assortment of PLAIN AND FANCY RiBBONS. Also argent for the PARKER DYE WORKS, Toronto. D.RS_ SALKELD At the old mead oa the tifume. 0ederiek. 118 WILSON PRos., GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS, ST. DAVID -ST., GODERICH, 7 so Doers East of t% hitely's Hotel I Manufacturers of Marble Monuments, Headstones, Mantlepiece., and all kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and American Marble; also Window and Door Bills, and House Trimmings of all kinds in Ohio Stone. All work designed and executed in best style. a/ W ILSON BROe. deal largely in all kiosks of European and Canadian Oraaaite, which specie attention Is called. It will pay to call before ordering elsewhere. Oodench. Jane 22th. INET. WIZ -BOW $Rf)g. Ileum DANIEL GORDON, ABINET MAKER AND LEADING advertise. Aiyeas can show the Steck. I have entre stock on hand than aay le,. houses is town to select from. FUR/4 T_T I bare now as hand 10 dl1Nerent styles of Bedatnan 8sites, t different styli. of smile boards. 3 Parte Suites, and almost anything is the Foruiture line. ell of whkh will be •cid AS CHEAP A8 THE CHEAPEST. AND DONT YOU FORMAT 1T. in the L'NDERTAKiNO i gine personal martins, ant the beselt now of near!y 1.1 years experience. I think 1 have the beet Hearses In the Comity of Horan I will leave the panto to Judge. 1 hare everything nasally kept In • first -dame eetablieheteat, such as Coasts. Co ns. Shrouds. Habits. Gloves. Cispee !e. Embalming done w ben rigaired. art Guarantee to give atiehctios la every ears. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. O. AND BANK OF MONTREAL Oedertok. Sept. Mk, 11.M. somas 1837 VIVAT REGINA! The subscriber wishes N Worm all loyal subjects of Her Mat ammo,. Majesty. t''Iot.la. that 1 am doi.g say utmost to keep my stock replete with ever fat Is all departments everything uaw atsd ttsa- 1 x 4 ttI NEW GOODS t A'U IQING D 6 ILY SUITABLE FOR WINTER EAR. The Correct Thing in Dressa�, Buttons and Trimmings to Match, Ribbon*, Frillingeand Fine Laces, New Shades in Plain and Fancy Opera Embroideries to Match. with so titer.tock of i am not oil remising goods at coot w ander. thinks to my mute nue ea.tanonsa my one Ilne, and that is saline& great deal wheat we Mom m mtt.b business dopreosloo. hard times, he. ALL GOODS MANNED IN PLAIN FIGURES AND STRICTLY ONE MACE MZtTNRO, au- Ooderich. Aug. 10th. 111. DRUG,PR FIIIRY AND FANCY Colli Ja.• R.Mtvel al the Medie.�Hal! dy F.if1RDA!4. a.d will be mss at Wore Me wit tis -