HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-16, Page 6Warms 44sea dean y chsWree, 1st Vrseu.ao's W. Powders d.alloy Worm.., and expel theta Irmo the aye. tom lie Wast Wayanosh. .3.41., 15117. Council met this day. Members all present. Minutes of former meeting read and approved, Costnlu-tloutluoi (ruts Carrow h 1'ru.,dlov% reaprctsieg dram aawuwwst to Metes Il..11erson timid Stewart, aid from Kuulttu clerk respecting expenses .•f Juhu H.uhiueni while at L radon hospital. were read and reeeived. C Mown asked to (tate d,i* ata work uft Ito sasessu.er,t, claiming that he did not own the its( nsarsertl eTainst him. No action taken until further prod he raisin. The twwmuoi- cstiva from nitro yr & 1'r •udfoot 4114 vou.ider-d, aid un m.,ti..n their letter was ordered tv be laid before the tow'. ship solicit.., by the neve god deputy reeve. The (ultowing deputy returns. g othcors were appointed for ole e. n,t,. g �aer.;eapal elecuon. J Atm Hawes fur division No 1; (i. a Rutledge for N.. 2; R K Mellor for No 3 and J.•hn (L,rd.•, for No 4. The c•d!ector true :•tant,rd an e xtnutnon . i (ii� 1.•r Tilurnio. his roI: nptil Fubrusry a... 1► wait ea;..c.ed that a sett!ctneut w. old b • u►a0'e v ith the late treasurer, Lir Durgin, lb, cours- ed been; willioe to el'ow `Ir D.:ruin the amount of ening show m by ow auditors' special r. p a t, sir : E7I3 69. out an 0.r r �p",rt t f 11- rations M. tit• tcp it •Lo li,.d CU lit.d glia tr•'e'.urnr's lxooks, ►''owed a holm ce of $1:.70 39 it (sunt ..f the tre..surer, h•, air Dutuin ailed the privilege of eumtuw.icattng wi3Tl Mr P r:u:a..n loeT,ro a:re!.tIuit Thee mach granted t:ntit S,turday, De ce:nhrr 1.'t',, s'' -n i' is expect.d all mliters bet weer' the l..t•_ trt•rrurtr end rho mnnisipahty s"ill he set+!.•d. Astra the issuing( of ,rens! J. b otters, the onus t1 adj ,art id t.. 9,..-(• *Pi S.turday 10th, at 1 o t-I..rw. 1:. K. :1!.:.rl:. flask. National 11 !• are fat.,rite purzalive a td awti•Ll:iuua ..redica.e ; 1111 y ate and tlt•.ro''trh. lot 500 HORSES WANTED To tarry of the lard* sad wellasrarted stook of Pzasr Cze,'ss ff.girl% i ami ss Naw *ferias at ItliDCCRD PRI(CB at Mamtnotb Harems Depot. Haitian secured • large stock of harness Momntltess, ttohes and Blankets .t wholesale manufacturers prices, 1 Stu tuu/d1ut I eau supply all to need of Harness, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Valines, Whips, Sleigh Bolla, :ted ewerrlhlaa to be found in • Brat class shop. at prises never Wore ufrrod la the County. Raving determined to •et1 of the whole of my large stook. smiles basing Cash van buy at prism that vial surprise eter)onr. so come:lung sial try the M..mi.• int Harness Depot and Yen will sate money. Rom. tither the eland WM. ACHESON'S HARNESS DEPOT, 't.mitto•, Street, uoderick. semi Berk Acco'nta must be rented at Miry by ('nth or Nete. rl Ya]u. Toe .o.apleila u i. only reedited un• sightly by Yimpd'e, Liver Spots and 'folio wafts. Three st is well kuuwu are cawed horn an trteetite Liver and tad blood. Dr Chase's Liter Cure purifies the blood and whole system. bee Ne- aipe I3•aok for toilet recipes, hints and saggeatluns on how to preserve the cote plosion. hold by ell druggist. Mew a Shade Casaba fold• A don young man in the height of fashtwt was violently smiting in a atrcet oar, •hen a companion remarked, ''Aw Chrwlrs, deal (soy, how d' • cat:h that dw.adful cold ' •Aw, h fella'', I.ft fey waw in the I over hall 1, time day, and in sucking the ivory handle, se dwradful cold, it chilled vitt almwt to death ' 11 Charles had used Dr. Har- vey • Ik.d Pine 1' his cold soul(' w.l trouble hi... dory much For sal, at J NEW & VERY FASHIONABLE "' `m'' prescript nondrug 't"". tf BHADEs IN DRESS GOODS J. C. DETLOR & CO. I3eliotrope Island Blue 1\2ushroom Brown G-obelin I`�Iineral Frey. T. Ilse !Ledo../ Mtea.s.u, ane ell where II may e Physp{hatiue, or Nerve Pima, a P11.4 - ;that. Moment based up oo Scientific l sits, Martuulated by Professor Austin, �L D. of Boston, Mass., cures Puhuor:- ary Consumption; Kick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, ertig.• and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the hunu.n system. Phtaphatiue is not a Medocine. but a Nutrim••nt, because it C.'ktairu no Vegetable or Mineral Pulsars, 111,iatea Nice 'ilea, and no Stimulants, but siaij' ly the Phosphatic and Cedric Eletnenta found in our daily food. A single bottle is iuficiont to convince. All Druggists sell It. IL 0) pm bltth). 1.,wg. & Co., sole vents fur the t. Miamian, 65 Fruit t?tree East Toronto 87Q.LaQVJ1RTE1%S 34:11311 BOOTS AND SHOES. E. DOWNING, '1'hc Old katabliuhcd Rauf and Shoe Ilan o: (:o lerlch, .t t 11 the front WWI OM of On LOOPS Stocks in the Domiuiun. comprising ---- EVERY EVERY STYLE, QUALITY, & PRICE. . To Save Life PreMUlntly requires prompt action. An hour's delay waiting for the doctor may be attended with serious consequences, especially in cases of Croup. Pueumosia, and other throat and !ting troubles. Hence, no family should tie without a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. N''ich has proved itself. in thousands of cases, the best Emergency Medicine ever discovered. It gives prompt relief and prepares the way for a thorough rum, which is certain to be effected by its continued use. 8. 11. Latimer, M. D., Mt. Vernon. Oa., says: "I have found Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a perfect cure for Croup in all rases. i have known the worst cases refitted in a very short time by its use: and I advise all families to use it in sud- den emergencies, for toughs, croup. ete." A. J. Eidson, M. D., Middletown, Tenn., says : •. i have need Ayer's cherry Pectoral with the best effect in my practice. This w-onderful prepara- tion once saved my iife. I had a con- stant cough. night sweats. w as greatly reduced its deal., and given up by my Pd.yeician. One bottle and a half of the 'ectoral Cured inc'.• i cannot say enough in praise of Ayer's ('berry Pectoral." writes E. Itrag.on. of Palestine. Testas. '•.beliet-- ing NA 1 do that. but for its use. I should long since have died." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, P1IIPAREn nT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mast. bold by all Druggistfreer hl; ua b.tUu,hk. f SOOTHING, CLEANSING, HEALING. 1* titres CATARRH, Cold in Head, HAY FEM. kTOtH Droppings tram Nasal. pea ages EASY TO USE. into tb, throat and excessive sTpeetoratiow canoed by Ca- tarrh. Hold by Druggists. or sent pre -paid on rooelpt of price, 6Oc. and PI. Address FYLFORD A Oo., Brookville, OIs. GET the BEST ! THE WESTERN ADVERTISER OF LONDON, ONT, USTny IMPROVED' ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES! ALL TNF NEWS' POPULAR DEPARTMENTS, 111111:111S113111 ' 12 ►116i i REGULARLY Balance of 1887 'Free To m1) now subscribing far the year 111111. at the low price et $I PER ANNUM $ I Tat= a ori m other theroaa Rrc14 era .Yesieal tasirrtioaa ' yarrwwtfoa.l ?e Relay HTraoof I.rsaew.*! s`TH1ffi DOLLY QUEEN" A limited number a this Iwet{(nl premium pt.•tere 1e offered ,nh.crtMr' for 1S seats term arm* ween s $dv.vil..r and rr.w/wea is, 01.110. Arend* viented perm. who-. Twenty -Are valyhle pe au t,. he •war,te.l .,err Sad *tat•, fie posh .ewnna..ion In 1hr mom sm•rrsM111 wean. R.gl.rerrti lettere ram. .1 our risk. .74 rf...'r. iMAJSM. FHppr1$Et1R -P•INT Ot r l.0-uooa. O1e?... TOR ••a'Ar s L•a- r tS$TrC •Errs. A1aasagew r..t ery neve the Wee advorMarellsisi 1011.0* tarr r.arta al. magan r tarn TIM 'oriel room wow waist Ass. 1. WM , .. , Stalagase aMrertm M IIs1- ►.w. i ■eYdta S RIosta RW a Mosta O ova aAo AN iMMEN-E STOCK OF Ladie' Fine Goods lu Hutton Nuts. Balmoral'. l'ongresa, 01f:,.d Tilt. @:t001111 d:ffcrotit e'y!es of Kid Slippers from •iia. up to nay price you like. Felt. I'1•ish. Hopp. Prcoelia, Carpet, Wigwam teed german z hp;rers in profusion. OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS Of every description iboth of Canadian and American make). 1 would alio ran the atientlon of Fen/At: Ilio that part of my stock especially suitabie for them, 1.1...h as Long Boots in Calf, -gip and Cowhide,' FELT BOOTS AND MOCCASINS. 1 have a line of Felt Manta• my own make. acknowledged to be tote hest Fea Boot made In Canada. Prompt and careful attention given to ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. t?1'Ieane bear three facts in mind - I Farr by far the largest stock of Pats and Short in town ; They are of the very bee, quality procurable. being made by the beet manufacturers in Canada; And 1 will sell at prices as low or lower than anyone else. Soliciting a continuance of your valued custom. so liberally accorded mm daring the past fourteen years, I remain, yours faithfully. E. DOWNING, C'rab', a Block. Cir. East•at. sad soaerw. NEW MILLINERY AS PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED MISS CA1ER0I Has opened out her New Millinery Establishment on HAMILTON STREET (Mrs. Mitchell's old stand* And is now prepared to attend to the Custom of the ladies of Gorier:,:b ked Ladies' Underwealr, Kid Gloves, &c., A SPECIALTY, and a large aaeortn:cr.: will be kept cons:a n::) on Marr. The Latest Novelties in Shapes and Styles Can be Seen. /r -ALL ARE INVITM+ TO CALL AND INSPECT Gt''2117 NbTICE. 1 have decided to continue bnalses for another season. and Inc':et will find my !tock of FALL--MILLINERY--FALL WORTH INBPECTII•7 1 MEAN TO SEI.4L CHEAP 1 sTOCK Iii FILL IN EVERY DYPAi:T31EN r. MISS GRA HA�lll�, THE SQUARE, GODERICH. READ THIS. Sir Our Mock of Printing Stationery, consisting of all vir the leaping grades of Plain and Linen, ruled and 1171- 1,7 ruled papers. Cards, Entelope.,, ire., is the most tom- tit" plete we have handled, and we guarantee the quality £7' and price to suit all who will favor us with their ice' orders Call and see our samples and get our :niece s.211•-1qi• 6Y"LL CURE OR RELIEVE s'_ "Oli tiES* DYBFEP 1A, INNCESi 1O JA J4a1C£. E.?YCIPELA7 £ALT RHEU.l;, HEARTBURN, I . ADACHE, *Q/11INESS, DROPSY, fLG7TERIA't7 OF THE HEART, ACIO?T OF 1'HE STOMACH, De NESS OF THE BK/N, /rd every species ofdls's$. arising from Cisord.r.d LIVER. KIDNEYS, BTOMAG/44 B OWELS OR BLOOD. .a.� 1. m i nu n ii a ce.. `''° ioaorrro T111 ff t[ F-1 ATED .vvID" CHASES � pANDE LiON LIVER CURE HAVE YOU cst Leer Complaint 'ia, India i:o.a., Eirwusaem tattdlce, alael•, tau is the Bath _naiveties., or any ;ham* ar'sin.t from a derange Wet. Dr. Crease's Livia Ccaa will 1•e fwtad a sem ted eerie. 'needy. N ATUIiCS RENCDY '1011". The unratified success of Dr. Chase's liver Care i Liver Complaint rests solely with the fiat tial it i t.,npoanded fro.: sat're's.,e/t.kaowa liver mm latae MasDe Aaa ASO DAAoattoa, combined mai mai other lova:sable room barks and herbs, having .owerfd'Sect an the Kidneys, Stomach. Soweto aa, Blood. *00,000 SOLD _'r... ser -41111 maims of Dr. Chores Rayl Bosh ors, sold in resole short. 14'.:. a1 rrr7 woo *.van.* sed , 8411 irk* Is trosbh. with Lieer Cow ataai to try Mir re.eNrat 'rowdy. Saunas lkw. C.wla Awar Fitt Wrapped arc1nd every bristle/of Dr. (:base's Liter Cs is a valuable Household Medical guide and a.cip Book (!♦ p.ge.l, containing over Soo useful recipes primounced by medical mea and dragCsus as invalue Me, and worth ten times the price of the medicine. TRY Claus CATAa1R Cha. A safe sad poeitiw 1'r • r, ,- tent,. TRT Guest's KIWI' Rot/ trine Plus. •!'Ys. S7LDSY ALL DEALERS as 1.a0YAe*O4 a c.o.. ret. Agana, OraMaA NEW GOODS 7'OTR Fall and Winter. Ready -Made Clothing and Ends of Cloth nest be I naiad not .m ('.e aid later 1s.i. L U G'H D-0 LOP i F.A IONAPLF3 TAILOR, MRemeather lite 1 ,a. c— West street. nos door to Bank of MuSileal.ra Seder -kb. O+tpt. 3/....1 *137. T PURE PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER RHYNAS' ="LTG-'3ISTw NEw FAMILY GROCERY: The nn!er,:geed beg most rre w'etfully to Informs the inlabitaala rf Godsrltb .ed re round inc.roumrys ILar laving bought (' Hit AIt It OH ('Alia to *1.e berg markets of Caka and the l ntta+d Stattw. a very superior atm," of G-ROC=r=S Consisting of FRESH TEAP, of this season's importation, com- prising Young Hysons, Gurpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth- er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or- anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces, Pickles, Jams. Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits, Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicella, Tapioca Sago, Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, and rt:.rr %weft., ar:it:rs usually kept in a nest -class city estald:abaeet av liarp7le{ OW wt C a:OOD% Ii$k.LT aaLta'TTEO. WANT TO BUY A QUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES & POTATOES REES PRICE & SON, Stare on the Square, Between E. Downing's and C. Crabb'*. Galeria-h. April est. 18 :. 21115 - sr HAVISO Rai. FCIINI 1„ • my shop in the style. pat Is Three tem aseberChaim woof them tiveet,- wat.d Itorbest.r (lltfstgChalrs,and tired a journeysman 'we are is a to do Senor Werk Haas hereto- hrs. eretotire, Ladrs* Children' (Llreettiaa wadesociatt •seem( �urday.s all • Ramis sad Scissors W1�/rt. 3 : T=GI-33T, eN West stave. two dews ended PPD. edQldb The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased Vision is a Pair of The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles !, E'fx :!t .47Ail'3 We:2� POWDm.125. Are pleasant to take. Costals that. own Car .ti-.. Ii a oafs, rim. and of rental dsrawyrr or mot=s la CLUdrt. or Adan BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS {Ae Winn are ammy Inferior ar, seeded with Ram. hemp. en�.oftw.4.nd add (Iefaline by some an- Orteadl.d merrhante *od- our the reputation of our ge..1ws Corollate. we warn the ladies against .tseb Impod:.o, by draw- ls" tb.4r atto,rtlom to the monotony of abaft that tit. Mlle* "THE SIGNAL" NORTH—St., GODERICH. CROMPTON CORSET CO.' wbmsedam, alnCMasllsrao.aa . WYdb awe al's-ellydl , iThePeople's Livery JORg DOI, Proprietor. TN rb.erib v Is prepared to aralah tbspeab Ile with The Finest Rigs AT RIA*ONARi.a PRICES CALL. AND RES ('s (laps the Calker Not. Wid.,i..8 OoloNelt. Feb. tato Lel MM The frauds that hare been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing public by most spectacle dealers and peddlers by giving assumed and fancy names to ordinary glass, speaks for the ignorance of the public generally, in the all-importfmt subject of the preservation of sight manufactured. viz : Pebble anti gIavi—call glass by any other there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can nail it still remains glass. Pebble, on the other hand, is from nature's own manufactory. It is a natural crystal found generally in free- stone formation, and is harder th• n the ruby and emerald, and near- ly as hardas the diamond. The Pebble is not more or less than a transparent stone, cut by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest amount of power is placed immediately over the centre of the grain j found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness', freshness and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses cannot by any possibility impart. All cies and eyeglasses are stamped B. Land can aril - be purehasf'(d from '_ 70=wE-N', Druggist, is Oodert:h. nib ifs. SARIS Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. G�. nAlaRY CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Goderieh • se.ertwwt of tltebas. Saltie.. nt '.1 r sad T�t1e� Tortdtnrw •sur► H1 Len1r1r rad weed ttrandk Lla/ksar� S!d et•aas Trattt*we. �l.sb sA Lemnfine seilms Tikes -MMS l.sslIm Olaw.s. u11 bie44 aawrtseet of ( ., sad /three& always's hand alto Heart raters Traw:af a oses(slr.--- • al laiw.itaa 1711