HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-16, Page 5�,. VH•sa, ut Qudend, wail Ii. of Ma Alan last .eek. Boma Arent. -Atter a May tit shoot eight memethe b Strut..rd, oat srehitee .si/ Matt rrt.rs.d from the Mamie sig% heeler e.lsrpd it greatly by bedding a kogig isigkig fit Oq;tges t nt ►e tut its WS..10g pip. +I Aa He Meese, Ike Dealrp entrepus- deal •.•bee to all tenders of 'itis Fide sL ei terry and happy Xmas in thole dingiest homes, and to the.e that are tar away trams their busty, cheerful tidings and happy ta....ges trots teem .ear and dear ; work of deep, earnest love and friend- ship to each other to draw their hurts nearer sad .loser than ever, and list rho Donut year will be to a:1 a happy one. Anoraaa Coot. - TL. panties oar sew easel has b... h irk... ed to at the .breatb hour by the mouthy Lathers, and the maim Jodie will hear their objectless os Jan., 10 in bis cham- ber, Goderich M 10 • as. So tar the tow n ship cosset' appuisted D. Leeson with power to fors the section and to bo Id a meeting to sake the necessary ar- rangements required on the 90th of last ..o.th, the petition against it awing op at the meaty council • day or N later, II i., we believe, the intention of the promoters to to ahead, by having • nestles to select their site and un - firmed it by appointing their trustees to mast the oust of the wheel ►jnse, theta to wait the result ut the court. Should it not be favorable, t'i. Minister nt ideestion will have an audience. A.1 should hi tet grant it, the tea.bes spokes u( before, Percy Stewart mad J. M. Williams will go to land with a petition to the Privy Mins l to grant the new sawed Wilkie Bradlaugh will u- tity iebsry that immediately ape. the t1cegemb:inv of Periismeut he will move libm a insa- nities be appointed to ewluire whether or not lewd Salisbury a eel s chino. to Mend fair trade =yeti lig in Tr•taldar Seems in 1tNg. son.. Matbasoa - At Q.dericb. ea Der. 3rd. the wife of A. Math.ese. Lighthouse -rt.. of • sea. (lark -Atli Pasl. Mlatt. os the Oh ins., the wife of K W. Clark. meq_ paymaster el the eldesige. et. Pam. Wiaasapolis as d Casaba raillway..1 a daughter. feta. wa-At Lesknew, ea e 716 lea'.. Tawe. Selma. sea et fth J. N. Brows. aired f7 600nesc.. Dee. la. 1M7. Wheat. Irian shell • boob ...... M a w N M Wit, Wall sew t p hods .... • 7t _• so Wheel. 073• e 70 0 n:r� 11iew•IM11 •M s„r:1Flom �bakerersricwt.••• fawl ee• $M • Te "' •Mt •M os. •MeehImo oas •M• eM 1311 ..:.....•... War 0 * el • 0 ten • ft . e le II us •111 s+ eelr1M e •Woo rhos eM•• w 0 .� three 1......... ..........«e0' 3 * s ......««SM" !11 iskW.....«.... ..«•- •.3 - ells »• a _ Scnbuefs Iapaz!lle. PROSPECTUS FOR MU. B utiial Christmas lumber Tho MOW Wan ready. is romptete to a��M serial matter. Tea mem enaMetaw border primed lapelY ....l• ZS sesta. It t �l raw Noes. amid .u- •,,,ar, wrier; ..d ..- ��.W t to appear dieing ti• r..rIran the tebewisg-bend feefriggel..- ----s • wilt trfbwts nisei.r1°.wii__st am: topics elilli year... w Mwbet ween the the entitled -A d r l IheaM.- tr. tin relates rM. Iswitthtbe Removal elms ha feels esimemaLog ths white el the sew dirt pita. will Keel Diciall and Mr dm" Mit.sss.sre.ee�t M n. Imparteat sad „d.Wl.tegliitloeiess et papers ea t.ilwla s. their midpus. a„d tact of the e1..e•us wYI eagles stratises the atter• ` las wilthe very �beaetllul. The auth- orised a {ate.. M raters entities Physisawin b. Pre- sent be ems- et su-et harrowing wee - sad ..taus Bto.lt+ties a. &MousIlea imam* will p�.-Ilea r.1 Waterloo. >b ma= � 5.11 Z. , is papers b at L. Wia- neals of teelal I pUp. re- ; • article tryea see ossaread witthhmbs reo.F. st tuft=on maser. sod assaethers et :I\skr's srtieles ea 7. er the 'iamb will he ewtiamed • o.tWee apes two of the meet bars•HaR hops Ra writers be i• iuwpPaled by eke .f IA swivel por- ta Its rodeos aptslinsttoss es a we power, Raseslvee, .to.. will be the ea sem el member pew of Illustrated arti- eles eft f equal prattled by d lateraOmaniart\eeltfM neer 111.E trkm tea to his frlard ay writ carom. Sit =lib theta w.g /lase :est is es,ser, WUI r rul.a tin .abeesee 01 neve ..d drnwM IstsO Aral eda Ideddleselsee ewe hand. drown. set will h Ow weer se wan.-kaewa wriwire. bet la teat of few authors. is esearlee whew cooperettas the imenasisent yaw publicans.. beea se "• serial der! —` titled -Ppm Hareems. b Frederic J. sett will be beim' la 1\e Jeauri "• CREAT DISCOUNT SALE I1"012t SIXTY' 7Z0.6. -Y73. DRESS GOOD, SILKS, PLUSHES, MANTLES, M1LLINERY, &e., 6t Clothing, Carpets, Lace Curtains, Oil Cloths. Extraordinary Bargains. In order to reduce our Immense Stock, we have decided for the Next Sixty Days to give on all Cash Purchases of Two Dollars acrd over a Discount of Ten Per Cent. We have over Three Thousand Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS GOODS just arrived, the best value ever shown in Goderich for 124c. a yard. Call and See Them. Grand Opportunity for Securing Great Bargains. C 0, LThis, will: our already well-known Low Prices, is a big thing, and gives a r RO , 65 During the same time we will offer our Entire Stock of Staples, such as RN Grey Flaxxels, Cottons, Shirtings, &c., Nett at the Mill Price. GirODERICH_ T91S IS 1 GENUINE SALE ! STOCK COST 8E REDUCED ! Ten Per Cent. Off Our Prices Means a Big Bargain. H. W. BRETHOUR & CO. Brantford. Dee. lat. UM. BR AI\TTFORD- lIM•Im HAVE YOU SEEN The crowds that congregate on the street corners, not talking Commercial Union, but about PRIDHAM BROS' CHEAP SUITS and the verdict of every one is that Pridhain Bros. "are a wonder," selling those elegant suits, cut and made right in their own establishment, and every one tits like the paper on the wall, FGR $7.00 A SUIT and upwards. They are selling like hot cakes Of Nurse you do not notice them because they are so much like the ordinary ordered clothing yon see every day and what you have been in the habit of pay- ing $16.00 and $114.00 for. If you wish to save money just call and see them. You will be more than pleased. Off= ���'ATMENT_ The needs of our patrons in ordered clothing are various, and they _ uire careful study. It has been ours through long experience, appreciation of a FIRST CLASS TRSE, and careful selection, to create and foster a demand for high-class goods, and we have the satisfaction of knowing that in excel- lence of quality, combined with moderation in price. our patrons are agreed that we maintain the reputa- tion we have earned as the leading tailors in the County of Huron. Our FALL STOCK is now com- plete, which le this season the finest ever imported into Goderich. Elegant Overcoats, Beautiful Trous- erings, Magnificent Suitings. kc. Your early order is solicited. P. az A._ PRIIDHA.3VE- NHW YORK ORSERVERI lrh ATAILISHJfo IN my WHear, J:ams"Ir �lll C. abort ~les are et estimable N•h e,MjjTlg. The Msgsdew wet Skew 14 + rte.nte e la Its 111.wntles.. Thr? win be trine .hoodoos sod eialmeat. tbs. ��m, M we ed Law* I..es . ever. It Y the a of ala edlegpabhebere le 1�eis eemmiMNs. esp? free. ewpresawe the beet were of she leveling ertlels Aid revs. sod%ilnL� sad teeter t1» meet Tin NJW YORK OCN,iRY pspm.e ri.gew.ltig. Me readers 21,21111111" RV 1+.IJ.osar?. 1M f trf M w� are rZeriegl eelpeler ad the r�\ers A 3511l�NbecrOdIt# 0111t�e reeler ran e Oldest and Best Family Newspaper. Six Regular Editors ; Special Acorrespondents at Home and broad; Stories,Reviews,Condens- ed News, Departments for Farm- ers, Merchants, Bankers, Profession - al Yen. Students, Boys and Girls. This year the Ossmevss will publish more than —FIFTY PRIZE STORIES,— and the ablest and most popular writers will contribute to its eol- umns. Poets and prose writers, authors, editors, men of science and women of genius will fill the col - unix of the Ovaritvra, and it will dive fifty-two unexcelled papers in the coming yea$. Price, $300 a year. Clergymen, $2.00 a year. IRFAT INDUIRIENTI FOR liii. ssaa1�..tt MfTerhev IllAW YORK 011180WFIL0 will b. ..bsrlbet. be Ole DOLLAR w•t ran a Umr. Any salerseber assdwag hie ewe Nh. lb. to. e yaw lo advance W • new rib member vim 1..e•, eau lave a of the '9r etBewe lell..e' w Tice Life 01 Jerry Mews' - pal We will amid tie OBa1PRTER ter the e. welds edible and to Tat. lUS. to as met* wbsoelber .medic$ a. kli .ams sad sad $1M la advaaes. T Nee euh- ere will also glue ether the velem* `Ir5wete. Letters- we -The Lite of leery ti••l•T pry t �re1 ■um- 111Mt. 1i , .Yew Isdscsse..s u11.MM 1n. 111.. • M $$ 00 a Tear. IIB Ole. a Plumber. Remelt by bssh e\sek er Mem? ar'd*r to CHARLES SC$1$($ S SONS. Now York. 21 2S - a i'oan"! OM� Ns N US1J(WO OOt.l.Bos. The this t t e Wens re ea le - that of say pre mbar sob imply re.pmus Jammer, 1rut. w.asTarI v a .' R�R. iAad.r.Oat. 13 •s w?i4..iiWt,.. a Rees Price 8r. Son In returning thanks to the public generally for the very liberal patron- age tendered them during the past, beg to call attention toanother Targe consignment of fresh Black, Green and Japan Teas, excelled by no other house in the Dominion. Our blend of Coffee is also an established fact ; our stock of Xmas Fruit, Mince Meat, Orange, Lemon and Citron Peel, Es- sences, Canned Goods and General Groceries are complete, to which we invite special attention. REES PRICE & SON. Store on the Square, Between B. Downings and C. Orebb'a. Oedorleh. Dee. 15. 157. Lath I have ham received • nice aaeortment of Students', Rattan and Children's Chairs. Headquarter. for TOYS awl SANTA CLAUS —HA8 MADE ARRANQILMENTS WITH— C. F. STRAUBEL, to make his headquarters at bis stere on Zest street this teases. NEW YEAR'S awl XMAS GOODS i■ quantity. 1. quality. and 1r att»etiveae.•. The Latest Novelties sal new devices In CHILDREN'S TOYS AND LADIES' TRINKETS et beta American. Eur,pean and ''assdtau make. A ^bo*ce aesortm:nt of CANDI= of the ewes' quality also on. bead. C. F_ STRA t_TBEI. is =ceiling off Ills lsr,te stock of HARNESS. BLANI►KTM. I1OH14. ere., at Ills alert est Nam lion street. and intends ret[risg from that We of trade. Case and sec him fee bargains. Dederick. Dec. e. tM7. The ��coa�r�� IIOP WATER HEATER A Mews t allowed to parties testing op X -MAS TREES ! G. C. ROBERTSON._ CRABS'S BLOC&. Tin will Nm. Money. Time. Peen. and will ewe CATLBR Ib Using TAM RH writ CREAM BALI A partlrlr Is applied late este assergtl sail le agreeable. I retired. N oPelee staay,e alt_Y8:ICNDr ARMBRECHT'S TONIC COCA WINE, P'ATICIUT -or-- MIND and BODY AND - ran . ' SLEEPLESSNESS jr. frizs THE J Adapted for heating all classes of Public and Private Build- ings. /t is unsurpassed for simplicity and economy. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. B. & 8. BUBBBT COIPANI (Limited), TORONTO. as. Nov. ]N. 11w 7. TO r1Y! Z3AD FROM Saunders & Son, GODFR,IO I, ONT. and Getout lac taalsysnveal ha r for nest teak:pleat le IM Verret. Is•11em.- $areal reentes. t ICeeai 1•. 1s a weed. the mew pmwerrsl ef the ckat firers --Dr. &►wad►% h.eeht4 tcm?• tem. tMeglt inn. IMM .ever Constipates hies. Armbrecht, Nelson & Co., / Dub M.. Grosvenor nr . Londe.. R.sla.d For sibs aby lading Ans,rins thmeeirbeet the w=i2ll- P. JORDAN, Goderioh. Cao , to "The Signal" for Good Work. Prcseeijition D?N# Slog. ..