HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-16, Page 4i
Sew £4vedseentsm This Weer.
Pieale.tiee Meshes -Waw a llahtsU.
la the Maritime Overt et Oetad4 --L 1s -
Christmas pests -0. C. Ret aroma,
l.1Nea--lies. Prise sad Yea.
herkehlse Dear -Maas Wheel,
New York Obs.e..t-Xi , Test
SIM Wawa -P. &D .
Girl We god -Pis D. YcOlflea dy.
Oyster► -ti: Plagues.
Molise --Ina tassels.
&IE fl1.7.i021 SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 18)7.
"Er' MINS* mal Itirog Eno et Hay Tam% Wea nsw.-- wbnrfbed hr. road. sad whim or)ateats
,,,5 H the fJeirei.h Asatear prelmat' a 'with litem oars of My. Hemays
eta es"will b• all ''Ergs!th
ed." from what he saw white dews 1h.r.,.t
P. (4 MM at ((user, Porter a Kies easy el oar I.raere is this thinly
The Y. W. O. T. U. will hold their have yet to foam hew to grow Rood ha
May regular 111s.4taw Dec 42nd, st tt they "Peet to get a market fur their
for .alb latatall Frndal) • sees wee awly
to rum... lestweek
_.•••41 cud.. erneap Sakai' *Mot
A se faith hell viral h.'
Tat !►ss"ser,-('skate's Ss get powders.
tea this rSat sdwn. Atkins'• sad *whin'
yTr.aer((wwms batd. ases. }loth goods
hoettw rte.. at Wtl..a1 to eemetihe. dru
he sutured, M • main's" lel mother
ass's goads, sad M u. • level with •
that/. Yvan faithfully. tJohs Jusepb
Load, Arskbebep.1 Tureen.
Moss( tlo as Maim. --It to said that
dtsM times ere an knows by the agents
lose the great pablWin'g how of George
7,1111 . ms.. ie the library of Kum chunk.
A fell attestiages el the members is re-
quested, as them is important bastions
le be brought bdote the nutettng.
Kann E R Wstaoa and Will Remota
tetoraed from the Bruce peninsula est
weak. when they had been on • bunting
ezpeditios. They brought three deer
trek with them, sod our thanks ors dee
to the former for o fia cut °f vmiroe.
The Seaford" X p.ettor Gaye : Rev Dr
lire. of Oudarich. preached two Ter, able homburg, ria Michigan Central Rut
sormoas in the Pres b Istt&n church Ise( way, with the intention' of beoumiog •
Cbristmaa (alis, New Thr\ seeds..11
belela draws ead
chhssaiods. sad last but w toeless toast.
IJ -east Teo. to abuad sacs M Gee Rhyne&
drag snore
((tenure wM latent m•brog a present to
their usher at Christmas, sewld aY and
tkie w t goods se tinaader s variety
aeeret.r tea• work bores,
fisisso, breams aaa a bvadnd different
3~d rM cheese from. tNteer plate et coat
tlea head•ya. The cheapest house
Tarwatiteroveee•aes. far collars sad cuffs.
h ema"s a`t de better than Wo to e. nod A. I'rid-
7gwte. They makes specialty of styiish and
e,amtart•bte wear lar gestlesen all the year
#e beat artless fn the world are employed
designing' CbFYtame sad -Now Year's cards,
stat emormo u saws of raosey are anauelly
ingest ea these beautiful yoevenirs. The
'•vela Dards shows by Iesaders and des. at
'IgM hew prices surpr s everyone. The
•eho•ps1 Mesa under tie sea.
Tam 'Woman's 1)uamntar emaranases
W ins* will meet regularhj' ter the troawctioe
deloeak,alasKnox!cTuesday hurcch. iTtTT moa e!
t 1. tie work is eargially lavissd W
There is no doubt the dissolving views re-
.e•tly presented by Mr C I . Bolton were
bidhle artistic. and the lecture was also a
treat. but i( you want to see • picture that is
really a poem In ale -1f. o to R. H. Hallow•,
the photographer. and be will set your naiad
at ase os that soere.
empires crepe, eves at the
sew refuel- Timothy hay .hoc be fltisetts t Oa.? of Pottksad.
well saved and entirely tree frost clover, I senses d this oneepaosig eeceses to
w eeds, and Juice Bras.. load is t
Jotr,rp Tse MINT. - The Toroidal the public that which is kewly •ppvpe '++
World says :--Fur abort a ear past dated sod et pries• that all out •mord
Mies Aooie Waddell, from Oodench, I At present we ideretaad, their Nests
Ise bees" assistant is the post office at ore dein woadeA.11y we11 on several
Fort Lrie, but for some reason .he lett sew linea They and Emmy more
her position over a week aaggoo wub.wt agents as all parts of the reentry. Those
any previous warning, ptrl ad .d to 8L who seed profitable work should apply
Thomas sad purchased • ticket to Am- at owes. Woman du se well se meem,
Eaperseres is are .a sesery. for Messrs.
8ttoeos t Co., undertake to show all
w ho are willing to work. not hard but
earnestly, the path to large ,uoo.r.. 1t
should be ressewbared that so aaggeenat
me do a ►•mdsossa biases. .11
beim away from hose over night As
other dvestage--+t mete aotbiag to
give the M.iaess a trial, sad an nest
am demote all his tests, wooly his spare
. teasers to it. Stneom & Oe , 'saran
tee grand •eeeaes be all who smog. mad
follow simple sad plana direstiaaa that
Got Tenni SIgin -The (Noir of schooners Ontario, Norris sad r or'taos the, give. We ham mot apses to ea
Tuesday says : Tb• Go.dench round are au Nomad. the Ontario being the osly plata all hash, bet fall will
experts it religion. They have just de- one worth repairing, and for 'l ick pre- be seat fret to those w address the
tided by a rote of G to 5 that the Sales paretiuus are now befog made. fits : (bale fel) sldr.w is gime above.
tion Army is • religious organization. Ter W $.aiOIa, -A M.tatrcal weather
How the Aray'e heart moat •well with ser has looked •sato the future, sad gives
itelde that it use cot excommanicat- hie ob•ereatio.o as follows : Ia his pre-
'•Lctnrtus."-_The time of year is faro, he:r•idicules the idea that beast ie
drawing nigh, when the business meo of w• had • rer7 warm .sststar that w
Uudericb will be sending out their ee• a°'d lave cold 'inter and givea en
count*. We ha.e a large stock sof bi11
beads, statements, Ac., which we will
print and put in pad• ao gttantitier to
wit, at very res.onable prices at Tse
he fat that they always give
Sabbath. Owing to t • wet weather the
congregation was small in the morales,
but then was a good turn out sen the
To as Hst-u AT Tag Bios Sr:OooL-
Tbe esami••tion for admission to the
high school will be held in the high
school building, as notice has been re-
ceived from inspector Tom that necos
•wry accommodation cannot be obtained
at the oestrs! school.
member d the Eslestiou Army of that
At nsi H A M OM. -The f,J1o.Ine res-
ists are sow winterise u oar harbor :-
Sobuoners Melvin, Jane McLeod, T. N.
Carter. Tudrnan, Annie, Ariel. Pie•lum,
Mary h. Gordon, Evening btar ad Gel
guar. Tuts James Clare, Trdies, W.
H. Siebold sod Dispatch. Be.ides the
above there aro the Baking boats, the
dredge Challenge sad het scows, mod
T. the UMW et tee Hums d N arainag Not+'
Lata Ste. - le reply to
d "Arcus' is tee tease of the Marr of
tbe'Jtb treat r•epsctine the application
te the soused (,r the el:tenon of the
trash at the dock, wool) say that he ie
mt•r.pt.IS$ting the (acts, when be
states the •pplioative was wide by or no
behalf lof the ti T. R., whereas tt was
made un behalf of the Beatty Co., fur
the accuamodatiun of their boats. I
am mires to understand there has bees
emeidereble c•rresp.odence betwee". the
Beatty Co. and the O. T. R , respee:tioe
this but the G T. It hat. not a. let
✓ eported, yeath•r have they consented to
e asede to the r•eq'test. Whet► the matter
was fat menttuned to m* I felt dispos-
ed to recomrmend the favorable cos•ider-
.lien of the application, tbiekiug it
would tend to enc. unite our besting
advantages , chicb are hour at best) out
(biotite( it world conflict with any local
agoutis/te•. But after hearing more o1
it ;.ad ooking ct:•efally tutu it, think
best, and shall re ommme0d that it be
sot entertained uuttl our anticipated
mew Ila r located, and deck •Dooms°•
dotitm increased, ellee their juiut in-
terests cam be fairly and ju.tly cuosidsr-
ed. Your', C. A. Hi.,is a.
Reboot trustees, teachers and ministers.
who purpose stetting up Christmas trema
should call at Flounder's t arae1y store., next
door to the Not Office. and take ad ran of
their large discounts. They have a
show roots filled with goals. They are t
cheapest house under the aur.
Perhaps the largest group ever takes in
Goderiek, was photographed last week by
Cao. Stewart. There were thirty aware, in
The group, and everyone was taken as natural-
ly as if a one -figura piinearraph had been
taken. Call at the fallacy and see the pic-
Saunders and Son have &sway takes the
lead to Christmas and New Year's gifts. sad
this mama su .11 others in elegencc
and variety. The) have a large show roam
and extra clerks. so that everyone will he
well served. The cheapest house under the
Tux END Not 1 -ter. --Tax following goods
arrived this week. vita, cups sad rovers
Saps. usurers and plates In seta. dressing
cases for ladies and Rents, pipes. brier. meet•
mime and cherry. The variety 1. immense.
they were bought for cash. and will be sold
very cheap atButler's.
When you are looking up presents for the
Iroanesters. save yourself • heap of trouble
by calling at Sounder's variety store. next
door to the Post OMee. Trite) have presents
for everyone. old or young. from It to MR
They are the cheapest house under the sun.
Geode the druggist. has & beautiful stock of
Christmas goods. corseting of plush dreading
amass toilet seas&, Christmas cards, etc.. now
ea display. Groat variety sad pries law. it
will Tray You to look then) over. NO trouble
to show geode. Drug Nock full as usual and
ons.A.at personal attention to prescriptions.
W. C. Good. druggist. Albion block.
Trig lltous AND RRl'Cx LOAN Aon INTENT
rgar Corrax1.-Depositors In this c ompeay
have the best erosible security for their mos
ey, .11 be Invested in mortgage on tare Wi ham Teats : Miss Maud Wynn has
Properly. 1)npositun have a first lien in al mg l
the company's' asset.. Rate of Interest paid Ian excellent voice and she proved herself
(rain i to per cent. according to •moon to be • vocalist of no mean calibre. Het
and duration of deposit lent merit having sat i
TOR CegarL+T Mvesison PAPS' 10
CANADA. -The Toronto World is Dow
tie leading paper .1 that city. It is a
bright and newsy sheet and should Ears
widespread patronage. It gives all the
news of the day in concise form.
Write to these for their special terms.
Addrenthe World, Toronto.
"Ge simem" Satomom.-The follow-
ing (tom the Alpena Loges Juur• mal ri-
fess to es aid lacy well and hrorabty
tamers a Godard'. Mn Doyle, mother
d Judge Doyle is her eldest daughter
sad two other daughters, Mn Edward
accordingly the following feseaaet floe Shaman •ud Mrs Geo Campbell, also re -
-January : "A month in whisk esteems side here . -Among all the people who
cold and utseas.mable vendetta will .1- lies it: the thnriog city of Alpena, or
ternate. Attiopt chasges a tempore- m•yh•p, in the enmity es well, the very
tura. Below zero one day sad ai1..ad oldest u Mrs. Susan Shannon. She is •
rainy 24 hours Wee The 'January theism of t •rerbou*e, mad was has,
thaw' will likely be a marked fasten, therefore, ie County Fermanagh, Ire -
very different from 1888. Three or four lend. the date of her berth beioe July
cold 'd p• ' which •lt6os& savers, will 17 179L She remained • resident d
nate 'dips' and 'church steeples.' " WOMAN of 38, sod thea, is 1847, a long eked de Mr J. Scri egwr, tit West
Daws Goods, Shawls, Mantle
Cloths, Ulstorings, Flannels,
Blankets, Cottons, Linens,
Hosier', Gloves, Undereloth-
The anaull teameetiug in connection
with Hackett's Metbodist church will ing, Tweeds and Men's :Iwo:bs hold on 26th wet. A good title u nettings
The musical and literary entertain• J. A. REID & BR.,
metal wader the auspices of list Belfast y,wd... Block.osortieueesstmeeodicb
p.hlis school. takes place on Friday, nth Nor.. Pi*.
30th lost. Miss Murray, cf Locknow,
sad E W Richards, of Paramount, are
aspected to be present and take pact
.long with the local talent. They should
draw • crowd.
AWid- &
he of short duration. A Jmsery of alter the Esseraid Lie email she was • stature Mrs J. Gardtter has rented her home -
Two OLD GOD6RD a Born'. -Rohr rotage of 11 weeks landed bur in the Wswaaab for S'L'A per year.
t • hs" as stalwart se Inst man as ever sought a farm to Mr Smith of West Wawanoek
McNair, formerly if Gudericb r now New Ntorid the Domiely bexam wife of Mc we, CArdner has rented bis
Presbyterian aim • r host• ),, the em -Matilda, Quebec,
A Qt'ANTTTT Leer YET. - W e have county of Grey. The Citywide of that
still • quantity of old paper on Land. It The Re. Mr Mei3iUirny. was their first Lome, bet later, and be-
n tun then were anrailroads. •he travel•
suitable for wrapping paper, puffin who w ably and ,t.scces:ly pleaded the y
soder carpets, cutting patterns, sad pus of the heathen' an the Preshyteriaa d by warns first to Hamilton and thea
I 8' she ed
many other purposes. Iu order to die- church last Sunday, and on Monday to Godes-trio a 1 ,1 seems. to
pose til it as quickly as possible the price evening. is an old college friend (4 Mr Alpena her pretest phew of roidenca
has been placed .t 3c per Ib. Call and McNair'a They wen .odeata •t she enmeshes. the battle of the Wid-
get some .t the StoOAL office. Oudench High School together and at mill at Prescott, perfectly.
Ten child-
Korot Ceram' S. S. -The teacher Ke.,' College, until Mr McGili, sees cell her anther, 48 grandmMber.
at • meeting held on Monday evening, went to Brantford. when he t•sgbt fort and ' 0 grumttraodtaot►•r. When 87 Epccanooat -J Cameron has bets
decided to give the children a treat on three years as clu•ual matter in the leas" 'Id she tell and (woke her ler. but re-engaged in the seam school for 1888
Friday everting, the 30th ,net. The Collegiate. They are two cat wets has entirely recovered, and cow, during at • salary of 5335. Mia Struthers has
work is in the Mode of an 'Anent nom- young men who used to meet Lir prayer Plh'••01 weather u • reviler attendant been engaged as teacher in S. S. No. 16,
mates who will eodeayor to make this every Sunday moraine while .t Kate at church. altboigh she has reached the for Deet year at • salary of $250. R E
entertainment one of the beet ever gives College, and all of them aro now in the se• of 96. Brows remains in No. 5 for .mother
to the Sabbath school. Particulars nest ministry. -
Elsiamot Caa.-The car in Year. W H Joboeon has els° lets re -
week. Jocle•usro•. - Th. R.port.r, d which r stored samples of the products engaged in Cherry Grove school, •t the
HOLIDAY Danu:Ms.--W. have reoeived Ki toe, ane to hand lett week c•f Mastivbe, the Northwest and some salary. We understand that W
f b Willa Tract T1s tory To- and locking British Columbia, arrived by the Grand Hackett. who is teaching in I4omiller
entitled "Our Land Illustrated," the iceporfe° good Ina1 newspaper, and was culled by any people. This trip • rest for a few mouths. The trustees
"Chrtatun t+raoss" and "Canadian Pic- the
eon, Dsck t Deck, have the car is ander the management of Mr. of Soott'• echo' engaged • Mr Ford.
tore, ue Note." The are highly ori ProPn W. M. Wrap, colonisation agent, To. who, it seems. cannot teach for the
q Y eg Y prospered .ince they took hold of the r3nto, striated byMr. Aug.olm. ]Ir. whole year. They have received no
datable in the ager,extreme. Address A. G. concern .bast leo sera ran. TGs p• °g'
Watson, manager, Toronto Vii ilLtd y Wrap was forced to leave Goderach by word direst from him yet It r likely
has accrued I a circnlotion another teacher will be w
Tract Depuitury. over • thousand nodes the preteal the early train Monday, and Mr. Rolm engaged.
The following reference to one of management. Some teed had entire charge during the stay hen, _-
Godench'. leading singers is from the tierce Brother Kerr, of the Brussels The ear is ettraetivs. The produce i.
Loot, enlar ed and improved hr I arranged s3 as to show of the exhibits
K to the best parries advantage- Toe Mr and Mrs Cox, formerly of
to • considerable extent, and sea ate tides are lined with heavy topped bunco. Gcd`neh township, and now of Dakota
eased that h efforts crowd
to ='200 per year.
Mr. Thee. Webster moved too to the
farm lately bought from Mr Fisher, and
the latter has ret orerl to Liteknow.
The Xmas rumination of S. 8. No. 5,
will be bald on Friday, 23rd Mat., coo-
eaemoiog a: 10 a.m. All are cordially
from the Willard post printed from sew type. oc tog
ronto, three handsome holiday design, nit* . with the renovation. Th• Track Railway Saturday evening. It school, 6s.• resigned, and u gnin'g to take
plus a..asehoeld can sad see the manager. yoice is clear and very musical, and bar
Tore Tartosnro.-Overwhelming Mock et I articulation is perfect. She has leh a
Ira -
choice goodrA always to be found at prices 1e'' favorable impression on the musical Irs-
tnateb the goods you buy. No trash er
aboadyT geode but good goods made to wear throaty of Wingbaui.
and sivteall•factinn are the reeds i keep. 1 ANN1TIPUiAgY Seavi a•. -ger J. E.
make no bones of this fart and .without these ' aro a large number of varieties, ape mi-
nute. i claim to give you more value for year mows'', M. A., of Seaforth, will preach know that the old nag Sas still a good I lonely tate in appearance. I kbir kinds
teeny expended, than any home in town. i !the •m°ivers•r sermons morning and lead. So mote it be. ps+
t f ttI of fruit are raised besides that of earth.
p! to see the e ort• t0 are visiting
isitiD relatives in this osetiun,
him out, have only succeeded in Mims- I e. of salsas grw.. wheat, barley, oats. 8
M d Hugh Moreland
latiog him to renewed exertion to bring':'tc , and •long a flange at both mdse d r an Mrs tat o and
out the best paper in East Huron. The the car is spread out to view the di- Miss Smith, at this place wets violas,
verse product. of the great North-west et Kiumrdine last week.
Poeint led the procession for many yuan countr7. The potatoes, of whaeb there It is ex that an entertaiemest
io t6a section and it u s.tWaetory to
will be d in connection with the
church here between now and New
Year's, the object being to obtain funds
to procure an organ to assist in the
some services.
Mr sad Mn Pattison, of Winshaa,
were visiting .t the house of Mr Plea
kelt last week.
R.. ti. F. Salton,of Godench, preach
ed • mission sermon in this church last
Our friend Elijah, of Bloomington, is
busy engaged splitting rails for W. H.
W ileo. of Saratoga.
isvlt. ono and economical buyers costa and .
cearince theusselres of me assertions. It.
Mr Case has been re engaged as priu
cipal of Saltford ssMooL
A number of vagrant. were committed
to the county jail during the pest week.
Miss Maggie Cook has recently re-
turned from • seven weeks, vied to
The Lead Prohibition Lesgoe wil
meet next Tuesday st 710 p.m., in the
Temperance hall.
Hilton Holmes who leaves town short -1
will be auoeeeded by $yd Maloomeon,
in the Bank of Commerce.
Thos Perry was unable to Isere by hi.
meal train on Monday, having received
so injury to one of his arms.
The steamer Ontario is frozen in at
Poet Arthur, conaegnentty all her crew
wen discharged at that place.
-Wee. weather prophets sow begin
To prophesy with all their soul
A winter wild amid warm. pat 1n
On or about vee ton, of nal:-
wl "
John Watson, formerly of Rhyoao'
drug store. who was attending the Col-
lege of Pharmacy, has returned horse
for a few weeks.
Andrew Waddel has returned from the
Northwest, looking as hearty as ever.
Ne has been cletking in the Regina
Surrogate Court.
The achool trustees whose term es-
pptw at end of present year are Messrs.
W. Acheson. H. W. Ball, Joo. But-
ler, and Dr. Nicholson.
The Rev. J. H. Simpson. although
having area, indocemeata offered him
ley the people et( Ooderieh, has decided
to remain in Brumfield
Dr McDonagh will be in G..derioh fog
consultation aro Saturday. the nth d
January, and afterwards on the Ares
Saturday of every month.
Qt Sttnetore - - There were se
criminal cases before the mart. The
erasion adjourned until January 3rd, to
diene rep the basin's. of the year .ed
ads*( jurors for 1888.
it it customary in Sweden to hang
the door key .p outside the house to
thaw that the tastily ie not at bona.. It
koN customary to do that in Ontario,
by • fares majority.
Nominations for mayor and reeve will and author gave his donne lecture in
he held m the Tows. Hall at 10 os. the Grand Opera How on Friday even-
ts*tb 20th d for councillors sea
evening next Sunday in the Victoria
St Church. The following Tuesday
evening there will be • bot supper in the
basement. and afterwards • strain of
song under the euphonious title of
"Chips," will be held in the church. well attended. Sunday four largely at -
The Lucknow Sesti,o'l has the follow- tended meetings were held, which were
ing notice of • former resident of Gods. addressed by Div. Officer Burchell sad
rich : Mr G. W. Berry has again enter- wife and • number of otbcets from ort -
ed the drug basin's., having purchased side points A grand banquet was held
Robt Cop•land's interest in the firm of in the barracks Monday evening at which
Copeland * Days. Mr Berry is • prse- - • large number of people sat down.
S•Lt•*TI00 ARMY BA0Qt"ET ANO J1 IA choice collection of apples is *bowel,
Lm. -Saturday evening the preliminary hush preserved and not preserved. The
meeting in connection with the Sales- British Colombia preserved apples are
tion Army !than at this point, was held very fine-looking specimens, as ere also
in the barracks on North-st.. and was the white grapes and cherries. A has
exhibit of mangolds and turnips is made
in an alcove formed of wheat and barley's
straw. One Greystone turnip weighs
25 pounds and tn. Swedi•b turnip 29.
A few beads of Eyyptain and French
,pang wheat are shown, also wild hops
and wild beans, which grow profusely
on the open pearie. The Kohl Rabi, •
vegetable midway between turnip and
cabbage, vegetable marrows, and choice
the vasitis officers, sed some choice pumpkins are among the novelties in
Bit a 0t•.TLIR. -The Clinton \seer' R vegetables. Soma excellent varieties d
Era says : Rev. G. F. Salton and wife, i singing was rendered The services all Spanish onions were also shown. Th.
of Goderich were in town on Tuesday thrl•sgh were oonducted in a highly d.• climate and soil in which the samples of
tical druggist, and for many years ear- ! After the bengnet the jubilee wees held
reed on • successful business, and hi. i in Victoria Hall, which was crowded to
many friends will be glad to see him to the door. Addresses -rere given by
back in the old stand. I a number of excellent speakers amongst
Rumor connects his name with the pas- torous manner. and re8ece.d credit °puri grain shown were raised seem to have
torte of • certain prosperous church •the officers of the corps who had the get- been well minted to bene them to the
not many miles from hers, for next
year, but he denies any knowledge of it.
To use • somewhat common phrase "he's
• hustler," and the church that secures
his services will have one who will look
well after its interests.
iT Longa RAP. -Most ..f our .ner-
chants get their bill beads, envelopes,
letter and note paper neatly printed, and
we must say it looks like business ; bat
we notice there are some who apparently
urs any scrap of paper they can lay their
hands on to make oat an account or to
do their corresponding on. sod it looks
like a one -bores affair -in fact, you would
not know that it was from • business
man until you rubbed your specs and
tried to decipher the "writing." Call at
Trot S&GGNAT office and ase our samples
and fit our prices
too Comet -nos -At tit. last meeting d
the ol8eial board of North St. church,
Goderich, the question of asking a
minister for next year, ante up, bat
they fared en unfortunately with the
tine op of the celebration. The proceeds f 11d I tot fed I The
exceeded that of any precious year.
The H 5 L.S. fortnightly meetingof
the High School Literary Society was held
last Friday evening. The first brume",
the nossivaticta for ofhos, resulted as
follows For president, Miss Aikenhed
and Messrs Wilscn and McIntosh ; 1st.
.ic•-president Misses Mabel Cameros
and &meloan ; 2nd. vice-president,
Nimes Bella Johnston, F. Willman and
O'Leary ; secretary, Misses H. Andrews
and Porter ; secretary of committee,
Misses Watson ; M. Strachan and Thos
Knechtel, Iihrarian. Misses Strong
and lila Dickenn • tress., Messrs. H.
Robertson and McCloskey ; councillors
(3) Misses N Straitoo,Flo Ball,and Allis
Johseton, and Messrs Hodge, Bailie,
St•watt and &roughen ; *digress, Misses
Carrie Pmatb, O'Leary and McCcnnell.
The election takes place .t next meet-
ing. On account of the lecture by Mr.
Bolton, the programme was cut short so
as to allow the member to attend. The
programme oonsuted of a reading by
last, that they decided not to mak any- r Wilson and •chorus by the m•a-
one, but to lea.. it in the hands of the hers'
Stationing Committee. in this o nneo Pat TR' P tlYsTu t, - - 1 letter from
lion it is rumore'I that Its.. Mr Howell Archbishop Lynch, St Michaele Palma,
will be transferred from Se.fnrth to Toronto, September 30th, 1887.-f3ra-
Ooderteh, notwithatandirg hie great i hare i et& atm pained and astonished
popularity and enema in the former
C. E. Bolton, the well known traveller
• •n ing last. ills •object, "The Land of
.stool trusties in the several w.tds M
none the sages day.
Dv. M. Nicholson, the West street
d.atiat, makes the preservation of the
natural teeth a specialty. Oas •dminia-
tend from 8... to 4 p.m. for the pain-
less •xtreAiom of teeth. view. that iilnslrat• the teeters eseeol
Two of set heal doctors weds. Deed ! be excelled. Taken all in all, the Oleo
to 'Maio a growth from the throat of • . tested listens of Mr. Ilolton an in-
vents sea el J. O. Marriage, Saturday , atreetive sad entertaining and well
sttese.,tte last. Daly a ppfl p of the worthy d tin begot petros.ge that se
pM1t-netima was r.. 'ed; I be Oyes t1ese.
*4.14;A , •ase
the Midnight 8.n," was a troll interest-
ing one, and the lecturer by the aid of
kis excelle.t views fare considerable'
historical sad geogrsphteal iaform.tion.
The matter of the lecture is goad, the
manner of the speaker is seat, and the
at the frequent appeals of editors sad
proprietors of newspapers to their soh
scribers. urging them to pay their just
debts. Oatholias, at lest, eannet be
unaware of their obligelinos in this mat-
ter, and that absolution to • pestilent
heartily lorry for kis sin. does (tot free
him frogs, the obligation of paying hla days of January next. Dairyraes, and
jest debts. The atonement for oblivion all interested in dairy pr)dvets, are Of -
of juetiee in this world will be extracted i revolts invited In attend. Parties at-
m the nest. The edam's and prop•ie lending the rrmrentiow are Welled to
tors of newspapers, on their part, give' purchase return tieweta, se the enamit•
their 1asse, Ate peodect of s high *deem. ; tee My heretofore tailed to make m
lints and elperrenee, together with then stidarany arr.agessents with the Pei
u eve opmem per plumpness. .. e
fullers barley weighs 57 pounds to the
bushel, the Empress barley, 55 pounds
to the bushel, the black oats, 39 pounds
to the bushel, the Red Fife wheat, from
61 to 66 pouuds to the bosh& ; the two
and six rowed barley, 54} pounds to the
bushel, and the white oats 46 pound. to
the bushel. A sample of whit. Egypt-
ian oats which yielded 80 bushels to the
sen was shown in the head. Among
tile other exhibits aro • field quash
weighing 73 pounds, and a mammoth
squash, weighing 117 pounds. Products
of the mine, as well as those of the farm,
are to be seen. A block of soft coal,
weighing 850 pounds, is in the motor
cf the ter. it was got from the Galt
mime, Lethbridge. Samples of copper
or., from the recently di.eover•d mine
at Sudbury, are shown, also a block of
limestone from the Selkirk quarry. A
piece of the bat of a British Colombia
tree, measuring over 25 feet in carcua-
fereed, was placed edgewise in the metro
ref the ear, and looted like • partition.
The beads of ranch cattle serve to d.-
J. H. Moreland, who was visiting
friend. at Stratford, returned last week
accompanied by his cousin Miss Mary
Smith and Miss Wallace, both of that
P. B. Wallace and family I•.ave re-
moved to God*nch where they intend to
reside. They will be much missed to
this neighborhood.
Some of our youthful sportsmen went
out on • ,hooting expedition a few weeks
ago but failed to trig beck any game,
but our Young Nimrod of ('Saratoga
went out recently single-handed on a
crow hunt and unneeded in bringing
back two fine specimens.
Mn Plunkett is the goat of her
daughter, Mn Pattison, of Wingham,
this week. B
Port Albert.
Mw Elizabeth Melfli ian has, we re.
int to my, been very i11 during the
past .eek.
The Christmas tree e.tertsiniaput, we
are informed, will be held in the school
heats os. Tuesday next.
Mn Sanderson, who has spent the
pest few weeks with her brother Ran-
dal Graham, of this village, is paying a
visit to her daughter Mn J. H. Williams
of Goderich.
Messrs. Hamilton and Matheson, who
ham had the cootract of building the
bridge across lbs riser at Pellow'. mill.
eoste the car. Tho manager pointed Completed the work on Tuesday. Mr
oat that nn' of these cattle at the age of Mr R..bt. Hamilton, the senior member
three years poet only e5 for the rasing. of the firm, is • very staunch temper -
The car left by the 3.20 p m., train for ante advocate. At least we would be
Seeforth As an advertisement fur the led to infer as much from his app•eest
western provisoes it is • emcees. fondness for sold water. His panniers
Mr Mathews, ways that daring the lest
eleirgesse's .ta..r .1 winces' M work, the marries of Two mom and 'pea itt
The anneal convention of the above 1 *u'•!se.esey to keep hie frena Plan'
essoeitin. .ill be held in the town d ing tato the water. NMtwitheteadt
Listowel on the nth, 12th and 13th every pennies, Mr Remiltos (stews(&
In taking two dips, noe es Tr..isy
sod another on Monday, amid sworn
whale jogging homewards on Aat.rda7
sight, he tretk a header fete hi. home
sad performed his ablation. in Jobe
Flea a creak. Truly seam mem harm
geese testes.
11 h. faterestine letter of ear wenn
pendent, attest the suedes.' seisms d
driftwewwl at the Port, is wa.oidably
crowded out this week. It will "bob ep
serenely" is dee worse. -lc 1
money for stetirmery, printing end wages
to eapktyea, sad They .(past and .Mould
hers, i. onatiom jetties.. • reeturn, ohm
by no wear111 edequat• for their retie
A seas who will sot pay fora paper be
way companies fur rederates of fares
By order,
C. E Caagw/rs, •telly.
Secretary'. O(♦ee,
iag.noll, Due 1, 1810.
William Vendee, of Michigan, is
visiting in nor midst Will is looking
bale and hearty.
It is expected that Rev. Alex
McMillan will occupy the Methodist
pulpit mat Sabbath swarm* for Res.
Thos, Geo
RrsAw'T.-One day Isar weak while
Mr A. Kt ight was driving his horse o0
the home stretch, owning dews the big
hill across the Maitland, both el the
holdbacks broke, sad the amigos/ started.
Abraham hems os to the ribbomc sad
kept her os the road. She lima a ain
oveth of the village down the hose has,
before he got her stopped. It is said
that Abe lasdle3 her well Very little
damage wen ileac
PB SXTLT$OIL - 0. Thuds last
11.. Alai Mellilles was y sur-
prised, when the young peeple of kis
Smith's HiU congregate m hmieged the
manes and pregsated him with, a Gee
for overcoat accompamted by the IloBow-
a DOnaM :
Rer. Ales. M.J/tl1w.,
Dia. Prison, -A. the said wintry
days hare eons, sod we expo* this to
be n0 sxceptioe to oot Oseadisa wieder
in siTIrity,we, your Smith's Hal people.
wish to present you with this her mats
We hope it may give you joy sad Am(
fort. That it may be received as ea ea-
pre.ion of oar appreciation of poor
servient Mote wean* to ear mid*, Md el
that it may aid to preserve you fres thew' •
inclose* weather to whisk yoe will in
all likelihood by exposed daring the
coming winter is the disshrge of your
duties. May we dwell together is unity
and lo.*. May God bless the onion,
sad sperm you to keg nq.ire she sem-
ens et this anneal is your Shona with
os. Signed da bshdt et the eosgrega-
ting, CLARA Rosam u.ou,
Lues flfmt one.
Mr MoMillaareplied in his germ
happy way, espansi his desire the
the •cntimssta of the .44, s may be
experiuoeed, and finishing that for
their great kindness to him. A very
pleasant 'vexing was spent afterwards.
ae the manse is now a most lstestatwiag
Geo. Fulton' ben retroed frees a week's
visit to friends at Holmegvllie.
Capt. Gibson, of Ooderich, co.dected
divine service here last $..day.
The anneal Lasa tree el the 8.04.7
school will beheld in theism* so the
evening of the Wed is.*, A good pro-
gram. will be gives by the sehebus. Ev-
ery effort is been made to make it an
enjoyable time. A •wYsetisa io aid of
the shoed will be takes ep dtetee the
eve. Presedings to start at half pest
Quite a Butter of happiness le observed
seem* may *oar fair mddiM bseesw
of the obeerfel tidings of all WWI*
swag !best et two d digit sen* haps'
lar knights, who haus bees V the Queen
Oity pursuing their *edam-.sr..lIi.,
Was. H. elation, sod H. G. Herten,*
druggist. The alter, attar a year's ob-
sess, is to take ie the XING 10114.7.,
end will be •aoaged ee the fie* of nest
week. Both will seed with a booby
weirdoes sad perfect o.•tigs. HIM
and Will! Oh, bow happy we urn. Sok
hush ! whimpers a little bird
The Band of sop. in this place held s
meeting on flssorde afternoon. Tim
weather being ismaep iiose did est Elm•
tract from the intermit .punted 1. the
oases by the pssYgst egad sweMhMY
that attended,
The friends of the Methodist Orme*
begs are still oosdsetimg revival earwiera
A great interest is anailested in thews
by the large •tteada.s• every right, Ift
is hoped that a preeti..l est permanent
spiritual good may re.elt term these.
Ws.attofb 1gwraaee Cetep-y bold e
mooting in this place on Tsgdq. Qs8e
• number wee. preewt, a geed deal d
business is that lice was t m essied.
i ha.e been a great egllkier from
catarrh for .ter tea shvery
bad, wield hardly 1004th hod R ame sighN*
i eould net dset-W to walk the floor.
1 porchead Ely s Orono it.lm end an
using i1 ftrly, it is working a eon sore-
ly. 1 here advised et verad friends to
gee it, nod with happy results i.every
ease. la M the ane tsedidM above all
seines mode M ewe eater*, and it if
weeth as weight r g1M. 1 (hast-
i have foes& a rased} I Sas r
safety sad that doer .11
elaiond foe R
tees,- B, W. p- . w•