HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-16, Page 3THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 1887. • NEWS OF THE WEEK.I fro= Lt.teet Intsllig.wo. Parts Y's muss. the My. "Didn't 1 tell you ao T' said a gemlle as to an aalwtutsnOS wham he cheery All ' .d to meet ow the street ; '.It's always the way." "What's always the way i" inquired a toutu.l friend of the two wee who, happened atw.X Just their. 'Why, lust this," replied the first op.aker: "you mos Stuith,lier.,thc last owe I were him he had ons of the wont coughs You over beard. Ile aosuplain.t'_ of a loss of ap petite, of Right sweats, of low spirits and other unwutakable presto uita.ry symptoms of a...sutuplt,n. I told him to Lott • supp v of Dr Pilo..'Golden Medical Dieoyery at once. He did so, and hook at him no ! Did you ever sea a healthier looking nun t Th. L. c..v.ry' hat *Hatched thousands from oon- sumpti$rs' graves. 1 knew it would cure South. lt's aleeys the say. CYAN Wafts et lateress for noels Mi. Mast the •.w• la • Carry - 1ater- swallee filler Iberia to mals •ar .hater. Time. The oditor of a health F.uroal in Eng hied rweeutly died. lles sid.* says that the aeuse of hi• death was his attempt to lire in •oeurtlauee .uh the health pewee - pie. advoeat.4 to his paper. lie ate every bud of health (..tad advertised, sed ar eaob variety of fowl was uatet,d• ad for people if certain temperaments, the resuk when true perm, ate there •11, was fatal. The Anarchist S•n,Ierfeet C,.mmittue of Chicago, called up.t. the Mayor W plead for per.ntiuou to supply beer at the Battery D d..uortsteet:un of this day week. His Hou.•r lac..to•cally declined to alter hi. pr.'s' HMS diens, n. Piubsequeutly they utf_•re.l to detail fifty of their suwt,•r to see that ereryb .dy was char, but the Mayor dia.nime.J them by impairing who was t•• keep the fifty st bee. Tire deputation then left. At 2 *'cluck Saturday morning fare was dtacuvrrrd ton the first door "f the Cumtaeeci.l Hotel. G.elph, one of the largest hotels in the city. It hit mule such headway when the guests and hrardurs were awakened, that escape by the stairway was impossible, and all had to pimp from the einduwa in thole right clothe. to sale their liras. Huu,;h, the proprietor of the hotel. was seriously burned in rescuing his family. The third and futitlh moires of the batlding are c.ioplete'y gutted, »d the hotel will hexa to be euure!y rebuilt The b.ldy of Charles !take was found in the ruins. He was rep.vrted safe at flet arid afterwards miming. We ought not t . be ton motions to en- courage untried innovation, in Piste of doubtful improvement. For • quarter of s century Dr Sore's Catarrh Hewedy has been before the public and passed through the severest test and it pro- nounced the most reliable remedy for that dw,reesble malady. Thousands .4 testimonials of its virtues. 50 cents per bottle. By druggists. It is stated that the town of Hugo, C:1 , is overrun with rata. .1. 11. Humphrey has received a letter from there stating that rate hare collected in the town by the million, and asking him to gath it all the cats he can find and ez- pre.. them there. As s result 11 imph rey collected from owners who were glad to give them •way, 230 cats in his own town, put them in cages and expressed this to Hoerr. The next day he went to Milian., twenty miles ditant, sod there collected 300 tom cats and express- ed them also Yesterday he visited Mount Hope and gathered ap 100 mon and sent them forward. H. intends to finish out 100J cats and then await farther orders The cold weather has +nassd the rats to come in from the re iris in peat numbers and they are ying sad havoc with residences and haniise of all kinds. Seanfelona humors, erysipelas, canker, end catarrh, can be cured by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "1 have owed this medicine in my family, for aerufela, and know, if it is taken persistently, it will eradicate this terrible dices..." -W F Foster, 14. D., Greenville, Tenn. The high joint Fisheries Commission hare been hobnobbing all the past week, and sharpening the wits for the diplo- matic d.liberatio.e that are at prevent engaging their attention. These n.go. tioaa are being conducted after the man- ner of star chamber proceedings, and, in .onsegenee, not even a syllable of the utterances of the diplomatists escape from the walls of the State Department. We can only wait and hope that the result will be of a character to be scoop - table both to Britain and America. for it seems fitting that two great Englseh *parkin* peoples of the earth should set the noble example of peaceably adjusting their.e.tl.versies, "for ponce bath her wisterias, not lies r..owaed than war." $be Beene w Bllnmisesens becalm she saw that he bed erased to love her. Her beauty bad fkded, her former high spirits had given place to a dull lassitude. What had caused this ebsnge t Fdriotionsl derangement ; she wassefferiog from throw •itmeets pecu- liar to bee sex. And so their two young lives drifted apart. How needless, how creel ! Had die taken Dr Piro.. Fa- vorite Proscription she might have been rostered to health aad happiness. If asp lady reader of these lines is similar- ly afflicted, let her tom no tense in pro- curing the "Favorite Prescription." It will give her a now hoses of his. Sold h &apnea, ender a positive guarantee imus th. usanufaoterers, of perfect aata- ilgetiee in *very seem, or money refund- • NIL Ilea guarantee of bottle wrapper. - wears - be M.iiaer la Wbkb a 1'.u.. team ('beeeei bis girlie ear. Mer, are so loud of speaking atirica'- 1y •bout the Ienjth of lime which woman consume so effecting small pur- chases- a pair of gloves or a yard ad ribbon -that one would surpass the masculine wind write above such tr,dsog, but iu that caw abet are we to make of incidents like the following : A broad•ahouldered young man, six feet tall, approaches the necktie counter. "Cao 1 show you anything in ileci- wear i" arks the clerk. "Well, ges, here you anything new 1" replies the young man, running his ryes over the silk and satin coutente of the show -cases. "Show sun the latest thing you have." The "latest things" are spread before hits. Ile hand! ,4a there all, looks at them in different lights holds them at ares s length, lays them on the sleeve of his coat, and a!tugeti:er is as "fumy" as can wall be imagined. "Here is eousething I think will please you," say! the clack. "No ; I don't like a decided "Here is a broken plaid." "It has blue in it, and I am to wear blue.' Stripes are very y.ar. " "Are they 1 Let me tie some newest .tyles." •'1r. what colors." "Well. I hardly know." "How about black or cardinal." "I don't just fancy a eticided c.rrdi- check. " too dark fashionable this cf the "Wouldn't you like a scarf tie 1' "I think not. It is w difficult to tie it neatly. Let me see that brown and white satin tie-" "Ah, yes ; that's something new, and very stylish." "That shape is well .rough but that shade of brown never look. well on me." "We have the same thing in black and white. ' "Nu ; I bars no suit to match bla:k and white. On the whole, 1 think I''1 wait till your spring styles are in. 1 can probably suit myself better then." The Toronto league team has no^r .Ierer men under contract for next sew .on, and in • few days they septet to eaters two additionalit.pitchers. have .gu•d s catcher ; Diskey, eateler and SentreB.ld ; E. L. Thayer, eatgbar sad .entte8eld : Hsst- nett, first bass • Bear's, second base ; g,ekley, third bass ; IL, D. Burke, left field ; Connors, right field ; Lally, pitch- er and Atkinson, pitcher. Wive Thema A Cbauer. That u to say, your loner. Also ail your breathing machinery. Very won• derful machinery it is Not only the larger air -passages, bot the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading fru*, them. When these are clogged and chocked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do there work. And what they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and noes and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All o.ght to be got rid uf. There is jest one sure way to get rid of thous. that is take Roschi.. German Syrup, which any druggist will Dell you at 75 oasts a bottle. Even if everythng else has failed you. yoe may depend upon this Cot certain. eowly A REwaan-Of one dozen "T.Auia RT" to any one sending the beat four lits - rhyme on ''raABsraY, ' the remarkable little gem for the Teeth and Batt.. Ask your druggest or Address A Worrier/SI Tbeee.Tee• Old. Den'* sesewMi.. Ran no nee in buying medicine, but try Sts great Kidney and Liver mauls- ' taw, made Ly Dr. Chase, su' hor of Chase's ruc.ip.s. Try Ctuw's Liver Cure for .11 diseases ..t the Liver. Kid - imps, Stomach and B 'weld. +;o .1 by .11 druggists. 1'ba distress:ng palrncas ao often tib. *erred i.1 young yirla and women. is du5 111 a treat waasuie to a leek of the red ourpwciea to the bloc.'. T.. remedy this rt./puree • medicine which prudooi these stceawry little oluu.t constituents, and this twit yet discovered is Johnson's Ttntic Hitters. Price 50 cents, and /1 per bt•tile at Goole $ drug store, Albion block, God.rich. Bole agent. (bj To Ratlovs DaNnnt'rr.-C'oMe the sap wi h Pr. 1 Low • Mimic Sulphur S.obp. A deli,ht(nl mrdirat.d welt for the toilet. 1tu A rr.CeabIr Life. Few men hav u ao eomphaliod tae same amount of ...ik and good in this world as the celrbrat. 1 Dr Chrome. Over 500 000 of hu works have Item bold iu Cusada 41..00. We wait *Arty person troubled with Liver C..m1.laint, D1rs- p.psia, Headache, Kidney or Cliny Troubles, to bur a bottle ci I)r Chasm Liver Cu,., it will euro you. Medici.. and R. -clips Book 81. Sold by all druggists. TIIE NEW PAPER. • Ws* Ileweark.1e MW. Found at last, what the true public has been looking for theca many years and that is • madiwW wbte► although but lately introduced, has made for itself • reputation a.euod to none, the medicine is Jt hosuu's Tomo Batten which an On. uocttots with Johnson's Tonic Liver 1'i la has performed woe Menet wonderful Duces Impure or Imo posembed Wood soots becomes purified slid enriched. lldlwuaww, indigestion, elek headache, lover complaint, leuguor, weakness, 'etc , soon disappear when teemed hy thew excellent tunic medi- eils s. For Sale by Gucci, druggist, Al- bion block, t;uderia.h, tole ageut. (d) The Canadian Pacific Railway The People's Favorite Route between MONTREAL, - TORONTO, QUEBEC, OTTAWA, - KINGSTON, BOSTON DETROIT, 6HICAGO ST. LOUIS KANSAS CITY, AND ALL 1'u1)TS t.t,'1' ANI, WEST. Fest Maps. Time Tables. Fares. Tickets, J. apply w R. RADCLIFFE --- Agent. TILL sew Co s.naM yawing / :Dg spew, to b OFFICE :--Wtm st Stt. Opposite Tele/maple started & 'Toronto, a be called (Slice. lh ,s t F'or -t the: Pine. (loderteh, Jan. Ittb: i/a;. MS- tiie Tinpirt WW mak. tri .ppearaa abo t the llb Tile Ladles Pr!eM ! .1 Deoe.ib.r ?lo p.4a. aro mine pored make Use piper worthy of Canada. and of ib. `riddle l'aYt-. tear the !!!flew ve Dhow.treat party of whom views it wi11 be the ss- •este or Trwstb11 ponen nt. 1t w111 siert with • Staff of Brilliant Writers, ern And able Journalists b every sat. TbD public may .zpcci Foil liew. Loma an euaer.r., Abse lEdisorlal.. Lo..,..e Repents. Wade Commutes. IIte5.M. f.mamaeseiel !sews. loterwetben IlIp•rslaaa Iw .iItg.orw tad all other Departments well sustained Is short, Tait Reiman will 1.s • Bright, Readable, and Reliable raper. Ivsvybedy Looks for ft. Au should Rad at. )GILT EMPIRE. I WEEKLY EMPIRE, 511 per Annum. N per Annum. need In your Subsariptloos now, accompanied 7 the mash so as to eomwoee with lbs $rid arae. Addr.sy D. CItAIGR?u . Manager Leman. Tomah* C t'it E S ver Complaint. Dyspepsia. Itllionanras. Kick Headache. Kidner Troubles. Rheumatism. Skin Diseases.: and all Impurities of the ttiood from what- .% er cause arising Female Weadk- r. sad Reue- 1 MnaM/pry- rangy Vegetable. Highly _uoceatraled l.;cn.aot, eKectial safe. et33E FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Take ae ether. t..ld Fiery where. rrtrr. Ii real. per bNate. DR_ HODID 'S Our little 3 -year old Is very fond of oranges. One day when he had eaten a large one he came to mamma and want- ed mord. "How many are there in the duh 1" asked mamma. He counted them. "Jost three," N said. "•Yggg well," waa the reply, ''there is one for paps and one for mamma and one for you. Yon car have one." He ate it and wanted another. "How many are left r' said mamma. "Jest two," he replied, "ons for papa and one for me." "But where is mine t" .Haid the astonished norther. "Oh," he replied w.akly, "1 have Men 1t." Meat MMBa... That pure blood le the life nourish- ment of the body, sad means perfect health .o o,i eau deny. Clewes the Med Imam all iuspwt'ities with I3. B. B., Ma heat blued purifier known. 2 tie .e T.. noose. bet if you are eeeetipated. or hare sick - headache. had taste to thecomplaint, h of blond /n the bead, m pl*a or any similar difficulty, you should go at one. to year druggist for Dr. Pieros'a "Pieaasnt Purgative Pellets," the most efficient saes for eradicating it, hy fe- r.atimg all dieordals of the liver, stoma* .ltd bowels. soma, esser-orated, ears► Bible intake, sad same ao pais or grtp- I . Ry drtsglIAe COUGH AND LUNG CURB. Sold everywhere. Price. 25 eta. and 50 ell per bottle. Proprietors and awnutaa-turers. THE UNION MEDICINE Co.. 1121- Toronto. Ont. Yew mea should beeautions about attcsd- fna Cpayiag railway fare. givi ig cheap= or any iadncereent but a' thus .,gb averse. Writs for our catalogue. WESTER V LLT & YORK. London. O5t. 15 int 1888. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. I(ARrtoiD Vot::su PIot•t.E Interests •Il rouser readers by Its carefully aelrcted varie- ty of themes and their well -considered trad- ition', 1t contains the beet serial and short 'Scrim. valuable articles on scientult subjects and travel. historical and biographical sketches, patient ow athkt ie sports and Kanter. stirring poems, etc.. contnbnted by the brightest and most fatuous writers. Its atm- *rationsare numerous and excellent. Occa- Mfoaal lteppkrweats of especial Interest to Parents and Teachers will be • feature of the forthcoming vnlnsne. which .will comprise fifty-three weekly nwa►ers. Ever Zine in the paper U sultjected to the meet r*gtd mitt- ens! scrutiny 1n order that soothers hardifal may enterics colorant& '•1111.Ye TrembNylay be Esp.si.d. if you do not heed the warnings of na- ture and at once pay attention to the maintainance of your health. How often we ses a person pot off from day to day the purchase of a medicine which if pro- cured at the outtdart of • disease would have remedied it almost immediately Now if Jubostna a Tonle Liver rills had been taken when the first uneasiness made its appeatamse tho illne.s world have been "nipped Li this bed." John- son's Tonic Bitten sad Liver Pills are decidedly the bed usaii.i.te on tb. mar- ket for general took slid invigvnwtisg properties Pills elle. per bottle. Hitters 50 coots and $1 per bottle, .old by Oes& the drsggint, Albion block, sobs offs!~ fel An epitome of overythiag that Is attractive and desirable la divans literature. -fleetest (Varier. A weekly feast of need things to the boys cad girls In every family which It visits.- Hrwsilprs U.:.t. It Is wonderful in its wealth of pictures. In 'enmities. and interest.- Christina Adrwocate. Tula aim bakes six cakes t.. -r monose. Mire. tsr. Tl.ia six• bakes eigh cakes per minute. Eerier. *1.s. It ihr'•• if no agent in your town. we w111 ere' you either of tbe above by express. and pay the freight upon receipt or the price. AGENTS WANTED us every town. Great Ieduce nicuts offered. Send for circular. 2123 CLaIBMSINT & Co , Toronto TKRMS : Postage Prepaid. $2 le Per Year. Vol. iX. e.msse !bee. Neeember 1. tllp. 1888. liCa,r9er's Bazar, I LLI-tTKATED. H.vnraa= BAZAR fs • home journal. it eomlein," choice literature and floe art iilus- tra:Ions with the latest intelligence regarding be fnshior.. Each number has clever serial and abort s'orles. practical and timely essays. aright picnis. humorous sketches. etc. Its ,att+-tn sheet mot fashion -plate suppttmcnts wi11 alone help laden' to save many times the feet of the subscription. and papers on social etique;tc..iceorattl'e •rt. house -keeping in all its bran. hes.-ookery. Pte.. make it useful lin every household end • true protnnter of teconomy. Its editorials are marked by good seam. wet nes • line is admitted :u its columns that coed otTs,.d the most fast :drone cite. IktRPER'S PERIODICALS. ripe YEAR: HA1:PE : D CZAR 111 110 Il.tla'EB-y TAG *ZiNE H 4RPER'ta WEEKLY s M 100 HARPER'SYOUNG PEOPLE 100 Footage Frei. to alT tuArrrib: rs It Ike Calvo!Matra. ('aaoda, or .11(rtco. The Volumes of the BAZAR begin with the Ant Number tit January of cath year. When no time tr osentiot:td. staLscripricns will begin with the Number current at time of teeelpt of order. Bound volumes of HARI'EK• Rixon for there ye.ra trek. in neat 'orb band IOC will be sent by mail. protege paid. or by express. tree of expense 'provided the freight dues not exceed one dollar ter volumes. for 57 per volume. Club eases for each tulnmc, suitable for binding. will be sent by mail. post-paid. on re- ceipt o1 r1 each. Rematlancer should be triode hy Post Ofiloe Money !Order or Draft. to avoid chance o loan We mien liar - worst Nciwithout trpc crrrr a o-deore not to copyrot llamas Rn rrnsats. Address ARPER BROTHERS. New York. Aperimen Copp arta on rr rip( of a rico-erw! arawip. Artists Nt'SIRESe. /'Ire cents earth. Remittances sboald br smdc byPoint-OMce Money Order or Dralt,to avoid cance of lona. Newpa,1np•-a are wet to top" lair n./ecreiar Wrist u'IIhenf the espartos /eider of Haarao & DaorwgRs AddressHARPER ! i1ROTNEBl. New York. CIFODR7kZO8 PLANING MILL 1880 Earper's i agazine Rat1 ARLI I1LD 11 Bachanan,Law son / Robinson r 1t?ACTV TAas ILLUSTRATED. WINTER C000S! ABRAHAM SMITH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER Has Jest resolved, and • now opsaing • large assortment of RZADY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' WINTER SUITS. Alea on hand a large stock of the LATEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS AND CLOTHS For the euake-up "r a 1K I Eft SI 1 1 - ORDERED WORK . SPECI6LTT bJ31sAaA a eDaz•r> Lost nde'leears. Oedericb, Dec. Db. 1547. 5 Change of Business! JOHN ROBERTSON The Grocery Business formerly carried on by C. L. McINTOSH, and has made lacwoeddillons to ties stock in evens departmcnt. SILVER SHIELD SLUGS. 5:2r1IcALPI N E'S TOBACCO. Plugs full weight and best quality. and in every thind plug will be found a bright C'anaelitut 5c. piece. "Try it and see. The investment doesn't alt go in smoke. NEW GOODS, GOOD VALUE, AND LOW PRICES 4149AIN n AT X NolisrS!Xa. BOOTS 86 SHOES A Large Assortment of Fall end Winter Goode Jeer arrived a/ H. CUEST'S C -SEA1 CASH aT0= Front the very best manufactory in Canada. LADIES FINE BOOTS A SPECIALTY, RUBBERS. OVERoHOE8. FELT BOOTS, kc. BIG DRIVE IN SLIPPERS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. All Cheap for Cash. H. GUEST 2117 , West Side Square, Goderitrh. TO FARMERSI AN THE PUBLIC GENERALLY! As I have commenc- ed to buy=HOGS for curing in the factory, Iwill pay , Hent-ali. MAGA71:4C l an organ of pro grees'.t e thought and movement is every de- parmentof life. Hendee other attractions. it will costal •. during the coming year, import - am arteries. superbly illustrated on tbe Great West : ankles on Amerltwo and foreign in- dtrtry: beautifully illustrated papas on &Island. Norway. Swltaerland. Algiers, and the West Indies: new novels by William Hack and W. D. Howell : novelettes, each complete 1• a single number. by Henry lament. Lateadlo Aearn. and Amelia Rives short stories by Miss Woolson std other popular wetter": and Illtrtrated papers of Tc tat artistk and literary Interest. The F,dltortl ilepartnwnta are conducted bh George William Curtis. William loran How- ells. and ('barius Dudley Warmer. Sash, Doors & Blinds eULO/ I: ALL gives. of Lumber, Lath, Shin fles and bender's .*ketal of every description. teffea AVIMIT- i Ulf OMIT. /54A (Inter peampetyj•tt sd to. tttg.icrleb A. 1l, Ulm 16y HARPER'S PERIODICAL& PIM TZAR: HARI'F.R9 MAG 4ZINl[. 11AI1-1CRK/./' HANPRR'+1 NAZAR.. HARrF:R's MUM.,PXOPLE 400 54 /e ... 4 M . f M Poster Pro, M all awasrrueri In Her Ua4 cot State& Canada. sr Mereee. obtainable for LIGHT Ho ;s, and also MED- IUM. Heavy hogs are not in so good de- mand, but I will buy them for what they are worth, anti take 2 lb& per hundred off. Hogs require to be opened right through the breast, and net rsee igr thick. 1 have always ea h,ad la sempas s►moot et Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Pork Hams --sugar cured and smoked, Breakfast Bacon, Spiced Rolls, Corned Beef, Poultry, Game in Season, Tenderloin Spare Ribs, Pickled Tongue, Pigs Head and Deet, Sausage, &c. "larrms, 3:Bacon., dc_., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. As 1 here been getting my Mop refitted. and getting ready for Cbrtattnaa. i would invite all to call and inspect my stark sad prices before purchaslag eI.ewhnre. Thanking You for past furore, and oolkltlag your patronage, 1 remain, yours respectfully. the rehire's*, the MAeirieabegin with the Numbers fee Jon* and December .1 each year. When no time M specified. asbeerip Doe. will Ir.gln with the Number current at time of ree•,•let of order. Rnend Volume. of iIARp.w's MAO sil iR. for three peers ba k. In neat clef h hineliag..ill be arnt in mail, pnstbssdon r+wfpl of p M per vol.me. ('loth 5'atw, for kl!Alan. le emits each by mall. posaprid. twins to H a.r5a'e M An t rs v n, A 1pphha holes! M A.alytk I. aged (iaa.Iat. for Vnleases 1 to f5 Iaclusive. from J on', M/s.. to Joao. 1541, nae vol.. eon . a'1te 1., 00. lteminaacee.hnnl made N Peat 0111010 owes Order or Daft, to •veld chose* Of net oaf to =this f H a titt ea eatta tar astpreor er4r HARPER BROTTIEME. New Teel. ROBT. McLEAN Eau Side Court (louse Square. Gederieh. Godericb, Nev.;>Nth 1541. Hiram rn THIC F'INTST FALL MILLINERY ARRIVING DAILY AT Tse WEST STREET EMPORrtTM. ._ A. J. WILKINSON. IMPORTANT NOTICE. 1 hare at present • large stock of RehaW ter 'hie season d the year, which 1 offer at PM Lowest P.rtW rdgwroo. Oats. Pei, Harley. Eggs. Rutter •std ('ardwood takes 1n exchange. for which the I0liglsest Market ec .111 he paid. Full Stock of Fresh Family Groceries CURED MEAT';. NRMT ROLLER FAMILY FLOUR. ALL EINDI OF FRRr1, or... LOW PRZClIC5 1 OALL Al'QD SRR 1 arGoeds delivered free. 212: -11 R. PROUDFOOT.