HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-16, Page 1.71, PORTII TII TSAR. l WNOLL.NUKBYR 11* p Evor Eo o c0U NT GODERIOH. ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 16, 18b1. ANO GENERAL �NTEl,1,IGE.Nub. - I D. YcOILLIC 'DAY. PC i ,I.3' A VILLA IN AD'Ai1Ci • w 4t turon #ignai rom.mtta VERY FRIDAY nominsk' a* THE urncx : NORTH - STRXkT. OOD[RIOI L it Is • wide-awake local newspaper. devoted to coiaty news and the dissemjatien of aim f al Itnswlsitp. MAIMS tic/ M "8.s . three 1t TIf ba.fee he N�teption i s not paid in ears** sabscripiioa wUl be ch,s,rgedrat the rats of fILD a year. AMrs:TNtnsi a (Tel t Legal aad other casual advertisements. Ie. per line for ere insertion. and 3 per line for each saD.eqseat insertion. Measured by a woapareil scale. Local notices la soups. -:el type 3.7 per lime. Local notices in ordinary reading type lc per word. Business cards of six lines amt ender 6 per year. Adrertbemento of Lost. Found. Strayed SitustlasYawata. Situation Wanted andYawata. Bminees Chances Wanted. not exceeding II 'lase mewled Ill per month. Mouses es llab a.4 Farina en Rale. act to exceed Slier,$) for trot mouth. SOc per sub. segac•t manalth. larder ad -t. is proportiea. Any geetsi Notice. the obiec. of which Is to promote Use pseosiart benefit of arty indi- vidual er emmpaey. to be considered an ad verli.smeat sad chanted $ocordlaely. Them terms will In all cares be strictly ad- hered to. special rates for Inver advertisesests. or advertisements for extended periods made knows at the umoe et pubticatioa. J8881N8 DEPARTMENT. A fully equipped Jobbing Once 1e- carried oa In connection with Use ordinary newspaper boosees. where Srstclass work Is tensed oat at reteosabte rates. Rverythiag la the Print- ing Zine can be demos the presoak from aa illuminated poster to • vteit cord. AU esssss•imtlsas mast be addressed to • ImoCaLllllNY. a'Alter of TU. Sof iL Oodericb Oat. 4,UR NEW STORY. is issue w• begin the publiea- t. ww serial story of enfiagtgimg iiesrest. "Helm Lasso•, or the Foes of a How.ehold," is • domestic tale c f littlish life, and will be read with avid- ity by all who took pkasure in perusing "John Arsastroog, Mechanic; ' which ran through est soloing some time logo. Doa't fail to read it, and after you bars read it, let your neighbors know that it is au eseelknt story. Tawa is *eery indication of $ warm time sanioipally in the wards this year. The lack of a progressive policy oa the part of the moribund council will likely lead to empty saddles when election day niece around. A MAX near Loudon dropped dead tf s kelpies kis wife to lay oarpete.aad 41rw ever? Isar donor is this section is psisthng to the visitation of Providence as a direst token that laying carpets 1* Mi mit a co s work. W 11 AT/S UP? day to this bad luck to the tap av work Tams Dave Cease le Mead, 'Ting* That Are Hoppe: Ing that has btu done by anny ar the b'Jm Hon Jostles Falconbrldgw a Fite Ith• waffler warts poipea wad he cote- WEST HURON. i THE EDITOR'S TABU. I mingled. 11"wwwirer, to a day or two - — A Word ter Twe About new rabiteateass the a:e.temint died out and from that ---- Around Us pubuick works, nor a+ytber by tb. Visit to Goderich. -- onb'ya' father ; an' the mischief av the thing ---- is that nobudr on the council boo.rd can . A new flaw 'e rise wseet Lover lawkasy t•II fwhin will the work begin although Friel N Me realties sae 1 re.wrrtr *a Ise U.atrfpal sMsataes A I'm tuwld they spial thousands is 1 ties -The relines rtsmimed, sad rtemosest Dream *ad elm lea at er-vee imam aa.- eN Awabitsa- putties' •bole in the ground loukiu" ter 1 missed wilb root*. wafter, an' in payin' mon to eon's bore, f the wan to toll that the adtber didn't - - I wt* going to write • red hit es. know what he was talks.' about. Wir The count for the trial of the West an of some of the peculiar ways of rAsthsw, aehunc !hob" but it's a c .sial day I Huron Doolinion chimew peritine• wee Pa Pro y foe ocr mit* l'elate=t• esiif who, have to � �� reed Moeda mnr0in at 10 $0 Mt doing bastnees at the council board, but pay taste upon w is the 1>a:• Justice Falconbridge presiding. Garrow, before the 'Maus seized me in an over- bit ar land an' the 'beetle', so that Nurs I Q C., cppeared f..r petitioner, and masters:'g grip, I received a note (runt an' the childer will have n r o .. over their I Campion for respondent. As this is the m Limed, L y. kS$ds, even if their rittak aro scarce, first court outside of the city of Toronto y Lary btulcah which totes ( t k th !d 'th t H Lordship h b deal t or wan av wur by e ow mau an + is . sip as presi • , up an impottsot phase of the question. the big b'yt -- TxcSi .i nun • .such pleasure in presenting I bilieve Larry's letter will "s long felt To the contrairy. notwidstandin', as want," and hopiog that your readers will the lawyers say. In the division co..rt, find as much foo in it as I did, ( hit*. ..II b. heart" the candydetee gine ;chi tIirney, as with give you an opportunity of placing aroun whet thr,y bar• dun, frotm:aggniowai auntil.outl it in Tws Stnxnt 4 sparkling columns, or new years, an' the self-craisin' apalpeer.a sonde to that effect. AJAX. will be truttin' an.uo' betune now an' Ms Bowie AJacs1.-81:ete an' it's • thin tbryin' to get the free and indepin- long time since I wet me pin to rite to eleotbore to wt.to Sid . tk_ _e o0 yes, but, by me eogsins, it u Sid IS ____.61#4;ni f But they twaiait men b imply woodshed &It' a hard wintber me, bakes* I have thin waxed, as' ham foruiost in., that I dbrop ye: these few hien fooled by thim wanst too often. lines, hopin' that ye:'ll be better cir- But there's wan bit ar a pinther I'd be • vin thin' an I do t oldie t bra v the Labor Commisbum (whatever that fee or reward. They don't know tubal manes, I do uoo,j will find party hard to do wid the bole in the ground np work here thryia' to interview the l;'as.t street, an' I'll be Other tellin'thim laborut' min' av Gsdrich on the ethate how to Milne it. !t isst:d av blathcno' av thrade, b.kase there isn't Ory'thate to the electhors sheet what they have av thrade at all, at all, bad luck to it, dose since lasht May, Bich, an' an more'• the pity. I think av the wary nimber would they an' crawl into elekthurs cod scbrape sp a few abased the hole, it's quite likely that a bigom min wid brains in their simile that cod enough vo1oe .1 natural gat wad enure ll w n tell whore we are an' (wbat won i out ar it, to du for illamiu&tin' purposes for all time, widest the aid av the Elicthric Loight. From your owld friend, LARRY MCU'ART. oumstanoed nor I ass at pnsrnt. I think i o pe a goin' to dhrift to, an' mid give as may sisaihls idays as to what to do to help the owld town out av lbs min into which the bed management se the Inst batch av city fathers has throe it, they'd be as welcome on nomynaehun day aa an angel's whisper to a mortial man. Shure last twelfth av May, fwhin I put eve crass upon a bit av printed paper an' put it in the tie ballot -box, I Sint bons fid • light hart, feel» as proud as • young psycoek Sid a six mootb's tail on him, an' fakes I tuwld Nora - that's me sdther half -all about the grate whams av the wather-wurks, elicthrie lcigbts an' anything else that wed help as to rout in riches in • few years, 1 Lir to oke pest weak, it looked it U (lnd•rwk was going to bay a contest fon' the mayoralty between the present in - rowboat and his opponent of last year, Mr Rsdeliff.. Tb• latter has, however, withdrawn from tk• ooutset, and at the tit• of writing it looks as if Mayor Seeger will walk the •owns. 8o S000wearvs bas the phew for redoes ing the Amoebae latter postage to 2.?. Al,,, Ifialliha Re., as fe,=wly, been found, 4'41116T a further snort is to be made to Mdse. the rate to Ia. This will entail 1 -• premed leas to the U. S. postal d.- 01 about $6,000,000 annually, ' Dalt it believed that semen will ulti- mately •rows the *fort Is it mot taw.* that a redefies a the Canadian letter postal rano was trade t MowTasas bee jut bad its eyes opos- ed to a Mata of stairs that bids fair to oaten anything 'war written by William Harrison Ainsweeth is his orimioal so- nata A private detective anted Fahey, an ea city deteetiv named Naegeli, sad a ample of poli'smm named Barna. and Pleats ham hoes arrested, charged with having for years hash tarried oe a wholesale spire of robbery, while oe- teosibly guarding the inkblots imtsrest. They ars alleged to ham, amongst other *rheas, Nola $1,210 frees the G. T. R o wns, $osis, who was at that time a G. T. R eOsM•bie bairns wowed the key of the sale sefi'hstfy long for his 'evemplioes to take an i ernissioe. The *widows against the prbomes on this Mid other seems is said to be mos ass - elusive, .ad a feeing of ,wrest prevails thre.yhont the mare day. The sere against the prisoners was wicked up by • Pinkerton deteetir, sat two drtee- THE mayoralty contest in the Queen City of Ontario at the present time 1 ooks lite the most jagged kind of a three - corner smitten. The combination that successfully elected Howland for the last two years appears to be with Mr R,:gets, the liquor interest have espous- ed the cause of Mr L F. Clarke, and •z -Mayor Manning, and a goodly see. &twin' tion of the old time municipal warners thought she'd niver stbop daseio' sod croon' the bouse, wid joy is hoe seem to be holding op tb• hands of hart ao' lightness in her heels. See I to littleness Defw. Rogers is a Quaker, m•Gilf, soya 1, airs a poor slainnerd nradd Larry Clarke Episcopalian, and Defoe a Roman Iver gee agin, either (what 1 of eau av them square •v papa that was av the bye- to tee down at the shoe •there, trivia' ch. cast at leery - thing at $G:,,OJO, fait, mousy *sough to b'y a dozen tuioe farm& Aftber lay was over I lit me owld dNdero, an' Lakin' a sate ou the May ind av the the long bluets forniwt the atoye, I was soon as happy as a king, Sid the schmoke curl» all around is beautiful ciroies,ao' me ,noisd thinkia' av the (lorioos tonnes is Abure fur us all. Soon 1 rowled off to .bleep, an' had was av the most beaotif•l dhnmes that o man cad wish to he blessed Sid. Th. doio'• io the town for the past 40 years ras up before into loike ' the orasoroua toiimss Catholic. Rogers is supported by the Qlotlt-, Mail sad reborn -ems, Clarke by the Neons, and Delos by the World. If the three candidates keep 1e- the field until election day the voting will be somewkat tangled rap, socially, morally, religiously and politically. Tao attempt mad* by the G. T. R, at the last meeting of council to secure • right of way over 300 feet of additiotal dock front, is an •video• that that Company believe the C. P. R. is coming hither at no distant day, sad is anxious we had labia we had Racipraaity tak up to checkmate the scheme, if possible. a big part av the protan, and a pdrty Piauseble excuses are betrg advaaoed for past it was ; but icer sloes that tbavim' .cba=e, the Bashkiria' Policy, which has Iia stalls' from the poor maim is ab• towns ao' the small far=ces is the town ships to give timbtl's and iris's to the manofacturia' halfsirsin the big cities, sorra bit av oom*artial sunahlse bas smiled upon this iod ay the pravioes. Aa' the years cowled oe, se' ayteen ban- died a0' ayty-sivio was rivaled to me ?khan. A new council was elicted ss' • boo now mayor, au' iverythisg looked prow sin'. In the picture I thought 1 could see the most illegaat fountains pep west to hamper as mach as ptisal- pl•yin on the Blear. beyast, benailh hie a line of railway that would be swot the rays av the 111.1bri. Loight, so par- to put a competitive line of steamers os 11, • kao ' ea' the Pea" all areas the route between this port and Port so 11.0.0*. and timely wallowed as' plasia' to the flys, as' ivory lawn to Arthur t F.,r our part, we believe the gsrdsepotoh loukia' so lovely the lie* G. T. R. is as dmo in the teed as the losg esm'wr. an' $ wtbsr-psips tee' Beaty Co. is in the mire is this little .Mast aich mats door. In the diseases whets, to gobble a the entire habor I I end hear the whistle av the loka=otiv p oa the new raleway, as she kens,hlamia' frontage. If ones the G. T. R. Co. gets croon' the curve av the river beyant, possession of the additional frontage it from Gwelf, or some edifier place ; w' would maintain its position against all the wether wsa fall of stlusseboal• u' •omen, and litigation would drag its 1 all adduce kinds av crafts ; and owld man Polley. athreet-ears was raisin' io weary way from Ib• primary court to all directions, and nut to the Pint Farm the Privy CoulonWore they would on wan side and hall way to Hayfield oa maks a enesessioo to the rival cowpony. 'the udtber ; sad new buddies'. guts' •p At the present tires de e • termined fight on all sides ; an' the new pot dies sad is heing made by the G. T. R. epicielthm oeslom boom, and board as Andsl biildin's, an' semseer bath maws_ , • C. P. R. in lbs matter of the Termiteeverybody as busy as nailers,wid la' auhim's stplanads, and the former is usiag every &e mousy is their lists, as* - aa'-- iseort to debar the latter fro= eeterisg Juts s i man, seem sh&r., Nor• had gtiw'thitee & cep aa the pate,for eayis', the city. it has always bees thin, and •'lis M bad toot •v that, h 0.14 sewed- will always continuo so, and if olio• the hews, se' des't be tbryiti' to setele a won=der is made to the 0. T. R we asir►hsayer, .loin' a the bitueb, .s' sou look out for setae* litigattc a in the j bb..ia' swop 10 peered(, like a woo set dis►aat furter'. The G. T. R. has ssae &skpewsbarliwl• .4,k 1..,s•h aseIsm sheAss'1 adv sow all the rousing way neeemary sed ds' gnssfslly es oke broom -bar e mon doekrnem thea it require', and the lobie she irk' it, as' fwbis .be takes prernt whim. is reesaly to foresail the that posWisn a say quisabon it's 0. r. R. Like the erestoes MAi wO eel w well b germ rosin aee.irdityg- heard o(, the G. T. R "wants the earth Am' i did so, widest 'nay mors , petleverbe. and wawa 11 well fea•id. ' The silt day the b'ye was busy taints' the rest off Asir epodes N' Atka. sad RoM 11. Bomber, ssrtlary, sed J. ether misstate Implying*. •let hadn't W. Hakes, 'hist "lark of Cu.tiasnt•1 sow the �t e. dray sinus eitis nett*Ufe isasse eaaOetapssy, Mortised. Rotolo • Lata Herm bred wee bilk Coven., were arrested Maeda, for making as' the iday wee &dressed time party j f eeterns to the footrace" C.smmis- giving up the (rootage to the G. T. R. by Dome of our town councillors, bat w• oro not think the large majority of our ratepayers will fall in with the plan. It is claimed by some that the application is rot mads by the G. T. R. Co.. bot by the Beaty Steamship Co., to facilitate their transhipments. Admittiug, for the sake of argument that this is correct, docs it not mean that the Beaty Catsa- i on readers with t It eaccom - panting cut of the hon.gentle- man. He is 41 years of age, r sad is the yoss$ess judge that has ever ..t on 111. Su r perior Bench. %�,, I J, He is an affable � gentleman, of a - - =.scholarly turn, and will no doubt prove an ornament to the exalted position which he now holds. The three Judges of the Court of Queen's Bench are all graduatts, and gold medal- ists at that,of the University of Toronto. Is 1864 Chief Janke Armour was gold medalist in classics. In 1466 Judge Fal- eonbridge in modern languages, and in 18366 Judge Street in law. Mr Carrow, on behalf of the petition- er, addressing the court, stated that there were no charges of corrupt prac- tice* against Mr Porter personally. As to the charges of corrupt practices by agents, some were of a trivial nature, sad he submitted that the interests of public mors•it, would be in no way pre- judiced by the arrangem.ut proposed by the parties, namely to ask that an order be mads diarniasiug the petition without costs to either party, and allowing the deposit paid into court by the petitioner to be paid out again to him. Mr Campion, on belie!( of the res- pnodent, consented tc this order being made. The order was granted by hu Lord- ship, on the grounds set forth. Mt Holt, for the respondent in the •roes -petition against Mr Cameron, said he had been served with a notice on be- half of the petitioner to the effect that there was nu evidence to offer in the case, and asked that the counter -petition be dismissed with costs. No one appeared on behalf of the pe iltiemer,and his Lordship made the ceder as desired. COUNTY COURT. "'ase. Tried al use December Mllti.s tar rete C usessy of Mares. Defers His Senor ledge Toms. Court opened by proclamation at 12 o'clock oa Tuesday. Following are the maces that came be- fore the court : McCosneli v, Guilin -- Interpleader Wee. Campion and Hastings fur piff ; delesdaat sot represented by council. On hie own *colon' His Honor struck out the jury notice, and gave judgment for plff in terms of consent filed. Gamow v. Dillard -Action on bill of wets. Campion fee plff ; Holt for deft.. Counsel oom•.stiog, His Honor directed that judgment be entered against the d•fendamts fur the 'woof $146 sod Boats of action. Leitch v. Aldwoelb d af-Aetioo oa promissory note e4 amount. Dicke- 'oe for plff ; R. H. Coilins for deft. By consent of o.unsel His Honor direct- ed that jodgtnent be mitered for pif against the defendant, C Aldwortb, for Nb without ousts, against the defendant, Thus Cameron, for $160 with emits. Morriaw v. Craig -Action for wages. By oonsent If oousselur notice struck out. Seager for Off ; Halt for deft. Adjourned until April aittittgs by con- sent. Campbell v. Hay. -Interpleader issue Cameron, Q. C., acid Beat for plf ; Cam- pion and Hastings for deft Case ad- journed for farther evidence. Court adjourned at 3.10 till Dec. 17th, 1687, at 10 o'clock • m. itemise stets& All parties nettles their lab Mik primed at this alike will eel • tree make Inserted b this lin a0 to the time of tete. Anstios rials of goods and chapels, biosging to the estate of Sipbon Andrew■, at the Colborne hotel, Gnde- tiisb, by John Knox, asstiseser, onm- =•sreieg at 1:30 n'cloek p.m., on Ram - day. Doe&. 1716, Item. Torsos cash ; see posters for list. Ta. 1111161n11Mesar le I ma dietaneed by a 11 tont bottle of Pelee% a BerytIi.., the newest and beet pais remedy. It mum colds, erasip., mho, pain ie the head, sciatica, a hi oke Awe ; it last it is equally mass external or letterset remedy. Try a 10 .set .ample bottle of the greet pais remedy, N.rviIine. Bold droggtatt Largo 1.411es ea 26 amts. Try • sample Ao the of lier.riliea nate to aimsr 'ILL. "Oa. TzaysLLsa Rivt'Rre."-We hay recairsd from the publisher, Willem Bryce, Toronto, ' 1)ae Traveller Returns," the strangely mysterious story of ancient Druid and early Christian 11.1e, by David Christie Marey, author of "A Life's Atonement," "By the Gate of the Sea," "The Way of the World," •e. Canadian copyright edition It 30e. "A P111:411, or Tux BLOOD."—The Cansitisn copyright edition of "A I Prins• of the Blood" has reached ua. It ie a highly interesting story of' thrilling adventure on land end sea, by the wan known auth'n James Payn. Ii is pulitiaked by William Bryce, Toron- to, and is ors sale at 30c. A WrwtLv M soazies. -The library Magazine is now issued in weekly t parts, these being at the close of each month brought together int' a monthly astaber. Those who receive the periodi- cal week by week get for a cost of about ton cents, nearly as much of well-chosen and solid reading as most perones wilt bare time to pursue. The Seise for November 13 contains the f.Atowine papers : An article by Mr Avybib•Id Geckle giving s full moment of "The recent volcanic eruption in New 2.. lank" one of the most remarkable of the modern phenomena of this ekes. An exhaustive paper by Mr Andww Lang presents $ popular view of the "Egyptian Divine Myths." The lam J. R. Wood, perhaps the foremen Naturalist of the any, writes of "Mho - Eating Tigers," m s graphic maimsw. A Loudon Mechanie, gives a plain, al- most homely aocosnt of "A Month in Search of Work," during which Ile traversed most of the great ioduatrisel districts of England. There is a curios* paper by Dr P•rsifor Frame, upon the signatures of Washington, ahewieg the manner in which he wrote the semerous extant signatures, all of which, written from time to time during many years present each a rwtarkabes onifmmity. For $1 a year The Library Msgsmne gives 1848 small quarto pages of soeh literary matter se here indicated. John Y. Alden, publisher, New Yosk, oleos a specimen copy free to any ap- plicant, also, free, his wonderful "Literary Revolution," catalogue of standard books. "Srr.Aa Nauss "—fns of Gimp EliDt's best stories is "Silas Mooser," and wo bars received a copy of the latest edition published by John 111. Alden, 393 Pearl St., New York, who has revolutionised the =akin; of books during the past few years. The copy before us is printed from handsome large type on good paper, and Delia ak the low pike of l0c. A repaly Literary Week. The third volume of ALDItx's "Cyclop. edit of Universal Literature,'' now ready (cloth binding GO cents, ball Morocco 75 cents), contains 496 pages, and represents eighty-six of the most famous authors of the world, of all N ations and languages, including actions others : Boucot, Boswell, Bronte, Brougham, Browning, Bryant, Bullon, Buckle, Burke, Burns, Burroughs, clos- ing with Byron. There are nearly three hundred choice literary selections repre- senting these authors -a truly wonder- ful amount ..f entertaining literature for a little money. The following are re- presentative opioions of this work by impotent literary critics : "The third volume strengthens the good opinion formed by its predecessor. • articles, though brief, are remark- ably comprehensive, presenting in a few pithy paragraphs the very facts the reader most wishes to know, while the extracts from the writings of the authors described, are selected with discriminat- ing taste. We are much pleased with the work. It bids fair to be, when com- pleted, the best cyclopedia of literature is the language. '- The Interior, CU- esto- ' Mr. ALDUI•x idea and enterprise in the execution c•f it should be encouraged generously. He places within the reach of all who read, a good knowledge of the world's literature and of these who have made it, and helps theta to form • good literary taste, and to desire literary cul- ture. To know whet is for him to read, is the first difficulty of the self -instructor. This cyclopedia talk him, with illustrative quotations. To all it ie • complete and reliable guidl 1. the best te•dieg.e- Cumm.rosal Advertiser, Detroit, Meeh. "The articles are remarkably comps" bowie*, presenting is a few pithy para- graphs the very facts the reader most wishes to know, while the extracts from the writinn rel the authors desrribed are selected with discriminating tam We are moot pleased with the work." - Standard of the Cross, CI•velasd, Ohio. The work is designed to be completed is ib volsmet The pnblishar offers a sample volume, pest -paid, for the nomi- n al pries of 35 cents, os condition that within them day alter receiptoe win either remit the reesainder of the pries or return the book, in which ease yew meeey will be rwl.nded-hall Monism Medias 60 mute, ea the mw* eoadi- MeseD Dsesriptire eatalngs* of the publisher's toy large hist of .asuls,d books, stet fres. Jowle R. Au'sii, Peblisher, 808 Pmol Si., New York. Prise. Namara wee sewed with a sudden Memo 0e- Ilaterdeg. The attack n_ �___.I _� ► . , _ 'COUNTY CURRENCY. Penoillings and Scissoring* fl:,.m Bzehsngoe. Mems from alt over Mares t•esaty. t'MON custom ase t'eadease4-nos and teem- Tae rick el the &riot from ear ItseMaars. 11. Motel!, of stingham, has oar_ dialed J..hn Brennan's "King Wilhelm" hots• for which he paid $190. Mn ?snow, wile of Thomas Farrow, •x-M.P., died at W.ngham during the past week after a liege/in? illness. Mr Andrew Mose has purchased Mr Moore Boyd'. farm, part rat lot 42, 2nd concession of East $ gwanosh, paying therefore $5,1100. A telegram was recwi7ed at Brussels front J. D Rosati that the contract with Wiarton io connection with the water -works *choose has hsw..itga•d and sealed. The contract to 500. Prior to lair deparAterw 0,r llt/wl �► Wm. Mollis, telestespe' dill ewer agent, of loclnrow. was preemies', with a purse of some $45: and an• acc-nslgssy- ing address, by his friends at the White- ly House there. The three little sone r•( Thomw 2(c - Callum, of 11Cowark, N. J'., who clave been living with their grwndtnnther ir► Brussels for some time, started'for tfteir meters home kat week, role,- alone: The oldest boy is 12'or 13 years'of age. An exchange warns the public to boo' ware of shoddy peddlan who are visit- ing fanners' houses- throughout the duo triet, and in order to make a tele talc bow they have juin sold ao mango hun- dred dollars worth to awn beepers- in. the locality. Whsle Mr Win. Oke, of Kinbsrnf was engaged m crushing grain • recently, ho had the misfortem to get his arm caught i• some of t)e wheefs, which braised it very badly. Albdicat aid' waft proesred at ones sod' we are gad, to bear ire is improw(esAt. ehesplaints haa-bess•asade by di$frest- pimpis of the numbs,- el •harper► wait- ing at different Plasmis.Bdu..&eto beat green horns oat of eseneye An example should be made of a hewn •them, ad the -gramma shoal& basw..•tiou,gb not his be caught by every ittie chifdM► kicks Memoir William QseesMek, eldest mu el Mar J. Govealoeh,. o(• the Gravel Road, north of Sasiart t, . tact with a. very painful socidewk last• week. Bs was firing off • gun woes. the powder lbw back in his facts, eojsrimg on* ey eo eewar•ly that he will lase the sight of it. A big potato is making mouths be. water to lirueseis. It grew in the gar- den o1 Wm. Pieper, formerly assuager of the Brussels fiat mill, new of tiler - den, Man. The murphy weighed threes pounds, and was brought to. Brussels b7 Wks Hulling. He says. there an plena, Of potatoes a groat deal largiry some weighing as high as firs poutnds. (.In* day recently an 8•yesr-old son of B. Ward,BrusseM,b•d the-misfartene to haws the third linger of his lett hoed et off by as an in lbs hast of bis emaltem brother. The injured digit IPSO radar=g to its proper plaoe.ani tbn.patiest ie d- ing as well as could he expected. Ibis boy is rather unfortunate, as he weaselled very serious injury by being hickait by a bone a few years ails. At about daylight es Saturday masa- ing, the inmates of Mt George Cr.t•s- =an'a hors& on the 0th otm. of Ne1**t, were startled out of their alnsnbe.ft In find the tear part of the house is ►Ise. They dressed and gook out as quietly w possible, managing a. ter• 0017 • •w things bolero the chole-plso• was imam - ad. The evening Before a Name is • Gook house to the rear of the dweiner had been used, mid it is supposeeb that the tin must have originated from obi.. Several neighbors at ones oilfired Me shelter of their /homes to Mr Criminate sad hi. •on -in -taw, who eeeopi•d the house with him, and they sees44•d the offer of Mr James »sell, and .15 ea joy the brick hoot* owned by this gamesrsan, on the gravel road, until a sew human can be erected. The loss by tore win b.► in the vieinity of $2000, on which Amer was no insurance. From the annual report of OM 7 of the Missionary Society of the Methodist church, the following figures, showing amounts eoetnbuted by the adherents i• the planes m.etioa,J, are taken :- Goderiek, Novtb street, SUL4ti, Victoria street„ $70 ; Chintoo, Rates - bar, street, 8107 07. Olttarto street, •191.64: Sesforth. $861.04 ; Holmes - wills, $223.40; Bayfield, Vents, eld, J166, 75; Yas, $142 Oil; Hessen Nowth, $141 06; H... soil South, $56.67; Let deebeve, $203; Dengannns $233.65; Aober*, $176 62; m Bmiller, $142.66; tri ham, $147 lids Brussels. $70 M: taloa, $124.37; !Myth, $166.08; Belgrare, 1111.66; B:ae- • , 8101.35. The arenests soheerihsd is the different districts of He confer ane* were :-Guelph. $1796 13; Gels, $1438 01; Stratford, 81600 67; Sttlavy.. $1880.80; Goderich, *2810.94; W' `- hem, $1008 19; i ietowel, SIAM jt; Voest Forest, $1351 05; Walkersan. $1300 41: (Swot Stored, $1167.28; Kms - dale, 8A15 e7; Conferee** =tasismmry emoting enlisetiss, *8310; total, 161 44 d3; set istsswes seer lee pros ,388.76. _Mr potyper, i P., has bees umiak 1