HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-9, Page 7THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. 9, 1887. 7 Fun sno F*ncU. A wind lees A "gabby' girl - A putty woman Y like • mustard planter. She alleurbs all • 'eau s sites - tem. The great trouble with men a h.d bor row from Peter to pay Peul is that they dust pay Patti, A Ind erswled into a sugar ho.g.hsed, sed Area eaol•I•atws .a• --"On fur a thousand tongue, r "What is it that ceases the whams of the Nessa 1" 'squired • Wacuer, "flu' codfish," was the reply. "Don't you think it is gettii.g pretty late, Choate t" "Yes, deer, it is, • lit the late foe one W be out, but not so very fur two." Nies Dewdrop ---Don't you think Mr ltne.bse► has a very mos titre mouth )Miss Rayne (Washing violeuily) U. should I know 1 A Wit/cousin unman re:enlly deliver- ed • lecture ••n "Fifty Years of Progress fur Women," but she mentioned uu new way of daruing sto:kiugs. A man should never be ashamed to owu be has boss in the wrong, ■ht:h is t saying in other words 'list he is wiser today than be was yesterday. Ma1setiet-Yee, waiter, I am a mag •Niel. Would you lila to see me tip the table 1 Walter -Nu, .ah ; but if it s all de same to yuo, sib, Jar might "tip' du waiter, nab. Deme -What do you tbiuk ? I have a girl who dote up in the mururng witti- est bola, sailed. Chorus of voices - Impossible. Dame -But it u true ; she is in love with the milkman. He had lent his .tylogrspbic pen to direct w envelope. She -Oh, doesn't a write beautifully 1 I declare 1 am in love with this pen. He -I am in love with the holder. She saw the "point-" A photographer is oat with "Kedges - time to Sitters." We hove seat • mark- ed eery to • man who allows his w.f.. to take coal up three flights and black ail the children 'a shoes. Miss Flonne Bookmark (to new comer a town) -Yes, we have two churches here, the Church of the R-deemer ar,d Mr Cooper's church ; and we all like deer Mr Cowper so much the best ' W.fe (1.. husband) -There were two hats that I liked, ot.e for $13 and one for $18. Hwbmd-Which did you finally decide upori 1 Wife --The $18 one. I am • little superstitious about the number 13. 'lies hen, O.irg14,',. said a fold mam- ma to her .mall cos, *e they walked on the beech, "what • lut of nice small stooge." "Yes," grumbled Oeorgae, as be glanced • sesrcbtug grance around, "and not • single thing to throw 'em .t r An old count paid the addresses to Mkt of the richest heiresses of Paris. In mg het hand in marriage. he frankly to her : "Mies B., I am eery old you are very young ; wi'1 you do tie e hoax to be my widow 1" "Hum up, c•.eher," cried Aimee to Aran. stickioq her rouged sad face out ot the wirduw ; "hur- t If you go as tike this we will come in time fur the wedding. H'e'll then for the divorce." "You must be a good judn of human ate," said • young lady of a scientific rn to a photographer. "Would yos ind telling me what you find to be the common type of men." "Tin - ma'am." replied the photograph. "fuer for 26 cents." Agricultural fain are working the museum fake of having loses faced plea married for keeps is the sight ot audience. This. however, is mote Iteral than lawyer or -Micas and borne racing ; because it leads to raising .sentry pumpkins. Customer (getting measured) - How much are these trousers going to cost ass 1 Tailor -Twenty-two dollar,, sir. How sassy pocket. dorm wast in them? C.. Omer- cop I won't need any pockets after I hare paid for the trous- ers 'Wort* of BIisttofn. It is'a sign of infancy when only • few help interest as. Ito money is better spent than what i• laY out for domestic satisfaction. No gnat 111gBtgters an formed in this world without suffering self-denial. The bread of life is love, the salt of is work. the madams of life poetry, the water of life faith. Yoe Now lay yourself out not for rest. let fee great patience. Oa a an dial which stands upon the t •t Brightus is inscribed the moat 1 line : " "1'i. always morning .om•where in the world." Re1ectioo u as angel who every day bees reports to heaven of our doisg. illd when the boob are opened we K far the mooed kept. ✓ la oboe w.uldst find mush fever and pesilifirith God and rasa, be very low in thine Men eyes, Furgiye thyself little and others acek .tee• memateusiemMIM. Fouad at last, what the true public hes been lookiag for these man yeses and that is a medicine whish bet lady ietrodueed, Aga math 11116666tgge itself a reprtatioe sussed to nate, the medisiee is Jthson's Tock Bitters whisk in moajseetto. with Johaass's Tonle L'ver, Pills hes performed same most wonderful cores impure or im- yu►eriehed Wood soon bemuses purified sad earished. Bttho.ataea•, iadlgs.tisa, Mak heedsebll, liver complaint, languor, weeklies, Atm , soon disappear when treated by these excellent torte asedi- dam. For Aske by Ooc.d, druggist, Al - bite black. t3oderieb, sole moot. RI titanaMessome et Feller. 'lila rowelling Manna se Ca1ld4Wewaber. It M nut generally realised to what as •itest lose to h.res*.ch ia sawed ea mourst if exposure in stormy sad said weaker nut sexy in sties, t at •1s.•, om terms. When the horse m driveu rapidly or required to drew heavy loses, she action a the heart is inereeeed, the blued arse rtes wore freely and rapidly to the lune, and the sortie. . f the bade, and be becomes heated. Then Vie boras sweats wore or less, and whim in dila condltiue is more sensitive and more liable to be injured by currents of Gold air or by exposure to reit'. This is • 4 'sufficiently a►mside/red, and it is a very common occurrence to see such a limos 'eft by his 'driver to stead on tl e street without any protection .haters .aril he is ohil!cd through. Evcu where then is some appearance of care, ill the w ay of providing a b'ankat kr use on etlok occasions, this is frequeutly ,:et on in such • way as 10 leave the most sensitive parts of the body expos- ed. spyed. When • horse is allowed t) stand so that caveats of cold sir strike the breast, the result is very likely to be more or less serious lung trouble, and tau any be brought about in much lees time thin many suppose. The hone is lee liable to be injured ly'street* cold when he is kept moving, than by s mod erste?), cool current of air when he is .ied and compelled to _stand for eves a short time exposed to it. Particularly is this so when a horse, having been fed iiberslly, Ties laid on Meeh rapidly, and having had little exercise, is soft, so be sweats easily and Is susceptible to even produce inflammation of the lime tis- sues. Such • horse needs to be driest' 'reworked moderately, and shook! be well protected when it is necessary to leave him standing to harness. As wiuter ap- proaches this subject @hould bay° due consideration by owners and driven of both roadster and work horses.- Na- tional Live Stuck Journal. A rnN-/reef Wall. An excellent wall for a house in a ct.ld climate is made of hollow bricks used for the parpoee. A cheaper and we tbit.k more effective plan is to build a double wall with a apace of two .r three or more inches tied with cross bricks or bands. To fur oyer the wall with three a three straps and lath and plaster on these, leaving an air apace, is also a great protection. Stone is itrpenetrsble to sir whi'e brick is so easily permeable, that it ia possible to blow out a candle by air force through a brick wrl1. To paint the outer wall and wash the 'aside w ith water lime cement is also • protect• against ould and winds. The •easekeepasea leereakos. A woman can be a good housekeeper w ithout taking all bar time to do her housework 11 she cannot let her, after all, be Rativ6.d to be an ordinarily good one, end take some of the time from her pros mealy self imp..eed drudgery for recreation. Then u no reeaou whya long programme of work oilfield be aid out for every day, nor why it should be carried through at all hazards. If each hour of the day us arranged for some kind ofwork, one hour at least t ught to be art apart fur recreation, and th.t boor, o Lll others, Avidly observed. "If any man," says the Nashville American, wants to know bow it feels to be the victim of unjust sespieim, let him buy a half gallon of vinegar, have it pot in • small brown jug, and start throsph town toward home with it. Ona man did it yesterday afternoon. Before he got a block away from where he bought it, a friend met hint with a smile and asked "Is it good r' "It's vinegar," he answered, and his friend's smile spread till it extended half way across the sidewalk." illskeliable whether her two pet geeggtm gemmed the sages of color. a oleir /fid Wort theft two ri e,� i4eredid �a . A wan, After • 1tsa 1's the birds Nusaed I .Ihe orasi owl Area awe re. awed gam...ribs". Turk grade.Md. • Go es /e. Please. but if you aro oonetipated, or have sick - headache, bad taste in the mouth, rush of blood to the head, bilious co.nplaint, or any similar ditfasulty, you should it at este to your druggist for Dr. Pierce "Pleasant Purgative Pellets," the most efficient anemia for eradicating it. by cor- recting all disorders of the liver, stomas!' and bowel*. Baall, s.,l ir-mated, agree- able to take, sad as no paha or grip- ing. By dr.gj t. Whew hope is 4a1,104.4 blast- e d, submissive should be a virtue, sot • n atality. Toldt your promises faithfully to God and with a hulk and eampltte geoero.ity. Home is Moons sweet thing en earth. But home is built sot of stones, but of hearts. Pnelios solid pisty sad do not be taken up with H• abort -lived devotions, which are only a kW Mess. Menulay aye that proy of tbooghi sod propriety of are eommoaly found togethdt. Obscurity of expression generally springs from con- fusion on•fusion of ides. When the devil suggests discouraging t t, we tenet seek help is the ro- ams of the blessinat, without saber, that we have ressived farm God. The pablie welfare is too often 'seri- Geed in the istecest of personal intamet•, which aro the rich taboo, so ems estop) worked by detigsisg sad •ha.repelous politicians. Rome fsehieasbl• women in Phil- adelphia have have backs and seats of bedroom .hsbn epbolet red with silk sad filled with broke. balsam hoogha, shish give fragrant)* for the whole a•aaon. An EaRlisb phyeieles neommunds football for girl•. He Rays it is as ex - Worsting geese and wo.ld prove highly bAast:al to young ladies who aro apt to be moebld or kyeteriesl. Viemee are h.aesforih to b. admitted to tate eompetitioaa of drawing and watteliag is the Pari. &shoal of Deems the Art. °reseal lemakege should be kepi when It i• dark and dry. Light Jejune them erir � i ri.sibts flti QtM aM Aar sad fiat .deers hailer kevce'sLtblibdTL, !�N , v• LIVER lib 111 PILLS. AllWAAIOIIMiTATION& ALWAYS 481 SVA PI AAOI'I rKLL t7I, OA LITTLI 110174111-OOATID r.L44. sear` metlrelp •en •Soil., they op- erate w*bout awn.b•seeio the • dist. o, or eup•thw. Put up* gime r atm, ally sealed- A Ie ys fresh and bis. As • laxative alterative, ur per•at _ e, these little Pellets aha the must peri or antifadlon. SICK IMILE, Dlllew• 1111eadarbe, Isal rees, C.sealps- tier, Indig`eetl•n Dillon* Atleeks. and .11 deraagrmest of the Itom- ch -^d bgweh, are prompt- ly raii•ved and permanently cured bythe uof Mr. Pierce se s Pleasant Irartalle. rates& 111 explanation of the Peak* oter so great a of may truthfully Ate said IMMO the systems is universal. not • or tisane ..raping their atu,Uve hawses., Sold by druwgWa,M) *•uta • vlel. Maeufattnmd at th:• c,aea/eal Laboratory or Wosu,'. Dtersesanv Mg•Ics1 AssoCi$Tios, Du*alo, N. Y. CTS UPON r, iCWeerk see . BLOOD sae WILL i't'ns msoroncos ileas thos~er t.sama.aat rp ue.c. wu.aw, 11, the sperm - Fee SOP Ly Jame. fileNday drtrWist. gan.ea. Prove Wets sad Si. Due- foveae Mkt y. staay r aa rheas .4ia- S,ravelling Suitt*. GRAND TRUNK •.sr. �M�f{�•� !speedo. Mixed. ]heed. Ntlmm•• I I:.I t. Aa.a tut: 17 s �• ](}� • MIrted. Exseee& dtrat ford Lv. 6i0ll soar 1:15 p - ash N Gedericb I Ar. 1115a.te i am Y:1a p.m I Lar p m $5OOUAB0 FANNING MILL >• uferwf 6y abs manufactu. p i I A A D r ars u1 SW. Oa CaaarrL „ , . r r►CTO RY, ('ronnlo .01 Catarrh T b b 1 I\ the casket sora. GODERICH, O N I . GYM • Q L. 01 W a ifs ehatmMl 1�eegma7 and acrid, at otfet..•rmtsi.•, Y.narfarr, tmsaatfrt purulent, bloody sad ptttsld • the eyes fipt,•e weak, watery, end sties.-i►vpa•• 1n the sars, deaf nem, er snug 10 clear tie 1100.1, ex Ot .pterin wetter, t�gether w seals ham name: tlis %oloe 1. changed .red ha• s .�aa1 twee.: TM breath Y otensive; amen ane taste ase im- paired; there is a se•rtsties et with mental depression. a lackie/I eM •.c- oral debility. Only a few of the symptoms are tit to be maws' in any one haffsod Wees nilrlly, without itis ..11=w........e A .w i aniMit, . ewes time a US eel 1 Ike ke keit +t Cry, hal Headache. No1d bf druggists everywhere; fel cents "Untold Agony trona Catarrh.„ Pref. W. H • r asuri , the farrow atcemerte. '.r Itheos, N. 1•., w rem; " Shine GM yea* ago I suffered unto* agony from chronic nasal catarrh. Aly family ph, stelae Pae me up se Incurable. and said I must dN. My we. o uch a bad one, that every day suss- Incurable. ay robe would beaten. .o ti.gtos could barely speak above • whimper. 1n tllMe mcenioag my coughing and clearing of roat would almost strangle se. By the use of 1)r. ragr's Ottani Remedy, in three montly i was a well man, sad the cure has been perulaoeuL" "Ceastartiy Ilasektng sod spitting., Tuor.ta J. Rr.atau. )req., 003 Plat area. fit. t..... Mo., writes: "1 was a great ee��.ss°er� from catarrh for three years. Al tlti.�.l..ttN awklok a�y�gI . ssdd for flim y emus ames could" net 7wa/fe thro�ef w aostrlt . I Nought couldhe Lars ter me. Lttck- d�)) C �sees to try Dr, hge's Catarrh Reatsly, and 1 ate sow s well man. I believe a to bs the noir sero remedy for catarrh now manufactured. end one born crly to give Ita fair trial to experience astourtdlug vault and a perm went cure." Three settles Care Catarrh'. Ito Roasters, Busiessi P. O_ Columba. Co., P0., says: "My dao titer had catarrh when she was live jjean badly. I saw Dr. Sages Catarrh �d, and pro- cured • bottle for her, sad saw that M helped her ; a third bootie .lected a pour . n eat cure. She Is now eighteen years cad aN sound and hearty." Litioll's Liviu die. N MSS THE LIVING AGK eaten upon its • hrrf-ltsi voter having met with constant sad •l *lateens. A WamrLy Mtustusg, it gives aftyiwo rtumbers d sixty-four pages each, or more t TJr<IGS and a Quarter Thousand doubts -edema octavo paces of reading matter =iffiest,: presents in an expensive form its great amouat et matter, with heebsags. °Whig to its weekly issue. sal with • eampisiea•ss nowhere else attempted. The beet Essays, Review*, Criticisms. Serial 5.1 Short Merles, Sketches of Travel mad kat H ltltallaiter h . ,oaths the satire body of Foreign Periodical Litera- ture, sad from the pens of the Foremost Living Writers. The eldest and mast mall voted intellects, la Pol- itics Art of Literature. Science, d - foal literature of Euerope. sed the especially of Grout Brits*. espac411y of Tag Livia* Aar.. forming four large vol- u mes a year, fursMbee. from the Freest end te.srali isaooes•ibie mass of this literature. the .MNlatio. that, ww nae► .IL 1..a ldset.ry Iahile the oompl•tcithin the- sam with which It embraces whatever is • Immediate Iate.tel. or of solid. peruseses.' value. It M them/are l.dhps dbie to every one who wYkae % keep pace with the event . r taaIsSual a the time. or to culti- vate is hi rneel( or Ws fanny geaersl Intent - gems mad ilaw.ry take. y�� O�spsbel�gl�� Z 0 1'g 8 . ) Min Saes =grew better de.chhbeatyear. we re- geed It as the rest m.rrelle.s pobiie.t ion of the Uro'--Cbrt.tlaa at West, New Vert - a7 k iso eta resp aMr.of the mpiddleC.eteat .� lMmary a sad pe mit1RLes. Tpr_ t .tori rhever � llnism a- sai la tmule. ester lab 1t soepe, are repre- p ate pages ...Marty all the whole et anthem cad wvttira appear 1. it is bestm.ed• ..The redsn miss very 1�_Imppttant is the periodical de- Ileoftemly misted pages owe 1. madam with the mon who are opinion/ she world over Always new. sl . etwortiv.. always exbttftiig ed. Natal er it le as e.esstial as ever to TWAT miter of keepusg up with the searrttewst �E ltsgl*Idktob literature.'-- Epleoepal Re it at edl'ed wlik Brent skill and care. and its weekly appearaner gloss It metals adeas- tepei.'Flu�tese t.e•t iy rivals." -AlkaaT Anew It "It may truthfully rrv b k•t York Tribes.. page.--New -At Uspiblicatiee prem It V the cheapest reading oat Batt erecure.'-listen GNIm. It saves mesh Phar few buoy psipii whe bare we tease to ge _ wbq oris t1. wrl various rowe mod magaslaeu. hatGM wish te keep t►.nnelreo well -Is the ersetaieae er the dray.' -Tho A leases. "It faratehes a templets eS of a. 'ispensable uteratnra-Chiesge ivenl.g "1t e•abks Its made, to keep fully abreast of the best thought sad ret .re of Menke- Geo."- -Christian enke- flaw."--Christian Advocate, *berg- "Ii I, napealled."-Nerth Presby- terian. Wllm *etas. 7t is absolutely without • rival"- MeaereeI assorts, PubI10hehde�weeeklyy''Id HIM • yew. tree et =law uatoes tor the yew IMP remittingq.� dike 11. nests � salkeriptthni, *111 bit esnt 1,ws . r•eb-rsfes IN Ike lest Ukase and pee. tyre Uleselker . TIM nWOa. aisdwieeSpee r essama mmid an, gaynellell :sat err •�� LtW sem aim Ldro. nesem. aklela• i er„I.e fAMMIgB pelt DEPARTMENT FANNING WILLS, 510.00 EACH, ONLY A YEW LEFT. othiriMOT MCC) l+TQ'S Pat. gain and Seed Cleaner for rhorougbly separating at one clbanine Cockle. Chess. at old Peas. Mustard Need, Thistle Seed. Fox Tall, and other obnoxious seeds and refuse grata. from Wheat or any grain, cleaning and sea in all grans seed at the saute time. Cleans Erass and Clover Bead. or.rparatcs them. KIER% /A•MEa \CE11' SIM Fora A\T IY•Sellial MILL. Exclw:ve territory allowed to good agents with hoax. waitron and capital. BACK HOLDERS fur man or boy to all bags alone. Fanning Mill Sieves and Screwy far say ]/W. Old Mills Repaired and R.eM,id. PUMP DEPARTMENT. FZ R8T-CLd8411 READ THIS. FOR ONR MONTH. FOR ONH MONTH. 20 PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH 1 Felt and Straw Hats Done Over at Reasonable Rates. An Appresti.e Wasted is the Stew Hat kine. MRS. C. H. GIRVIN. ][RB. B6L8ELD'S FALL MI-LLINERY! L HULL 13121 TH lE LADIES' FELT FELT HATS VELVETS, Plain and Fancy', PLUSHES, FRJZLTTES, MOUNTS, WINGI , Etc., Together with • large assortment ut PLAIN AND FANCY RIBBOXB, Also Agent for the WELL & CISTERN PUPS, Drainage and Suction Piping. Le., tc, W Missals and Retail. redter. Supplied at Pekes that ray. THE ARMSTRONG MILL A]• rL1r WINS, (21-OX)ic RICH_ 11143m GRATEFUL -COMFORTING. Errs COCOA • BREAK FAST. "By • thorough knowledge of the several laws which govern the operations of dipslkos sad nutrition. and by a careful aopMeMise at the Stas pper'ertice or w. -11 -.sheeted Omen, Mr. alded our breaktant tables with t Savored beverage which may save • may Ty doctors' bills. It is by the jedldpee use of such articles of deet that a eeetlltetlnn may be gradually built up until steetts eaeegb to resist erery teadeacy to dieeemn. Hundreds of subtle maladie are emoting around us ready to attack whererer there Is • weak point. We may escape many • fatal shaft by keepingourselves well foeti ed with pure blood an=rely nourished tramue."-"e',r.i 8o -wire t?weft ." Made simply with boiling water or milk. Sold only in packets by Grocers, labelled thus: JAME y CO., HomenopuokEnnzumILouddngad GODBRICH BOILER WORTS Chrystal & Black 1 Manufacturers of all kind. of STATIONERY. MARMME. UPRICNT AND TNDYLAN BOILERS. CALM PANG, SMOKE STACKS and all kinds of *Sheet Iron work. STEAM Ail WATER rum FITTINGS constantly es head. 0• head, ready 1.r /slivery : I Ale •.r. New Meet Midler. 8 a OLP. New •Mev. A templets ss2.ell-beel Nubia( Miteki• E. wes .wisp Rl lvsbsold liebt Mall slew well r.edve prompt attention. Meets s app. G. T. 1. Mattes. P.O. BOX 361 Odmrlcb May Mk MM. LIME IIt.uub lb r abire jest eempieted their Willeeareas tura set WI bud- rai 51 15gWi iWhels. sadaan*111 k he • to the migrantes, , yme re- lu1fse lame mean or walk twee assiarasgsba.e bar- on ▪ ibe Ocd le iM of the elle Reserve. B. CHLER & BICKER, 1'kOPRIETORS. June 17tb. 18117. 1105d. PATENTS CAVEATS. TRADE IMDRM w aPTIIMT1 sad all iia i eew{a the U.aa Palest arsesded to at MODRNATX lr7l11a. epee r •,$..free the U. S. Patent Of- aee, sad we ase a ala Patests is tote lime thee these reunite hem WAfafffIVOTOM fiend MOOR,. OR I41.113'ING, We ad- vise hese tole . 14 h tree of t/ and ! mmak.1. i NA BOX UNJ:ssa°haWSoA- Weetsielyer 10 the Peeameeaer.the �.pL t 1I .ii Order •.. mod le sunhats et 11. U.Ouse. for etteuter. advice. terms and to setoel Meats te your ewe Matti t A. . I. write,* W OvesNae P.Mat WeaNagtos, D. C. .. NA0Y1i$ r..:.Ac.,1',a r- 'A ill V/ t L _/ Q l 11 ! r ,t PARKER DYE WORKS, Toronto. QRS_ S A_I EI D, 11S At the old stead on the square, Gotlrieb. WILSON PROS., GRANfTE & MARBLE WORES, ST. DAVID -ST., GODERICH, 1 no Users (fist of tt hitcly's Hutt; i Manufacturers of Marble Monuments, Headstone., Mantlepieoes, and all kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and American Marble; also Window and Door Sills, and House Trimmings of all kinds im Ohio Stone, All work designed yid murcutei mbar mon, 'WILSON ititog. deal Anel, ba all !lade ot Earepsea and Canadian Granit., which special attention is called It will pay to call before ordering elsewhere, Godertcb. June 28th. lle7. WZL$ON 333R.061.. 1106-3m NEW FALL COODS ABRAHAM SMITH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER Has just received, and s now opening a large assort nicer of READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS. Also on hand • large stock of the UTEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS AND CLOTHS For tie make-up of SPRING SUITS. ORDERED WORE A SPECIALY 1 A RAHAM SMITH'8_- !set 8ide Square, Ooderich, Marsh 2111. 1867. 10 PAICLS REASONANLA AT SIGNAL DANIEL GORDON, CABINET UNDERTAKER. Anyone can advertise, bat I can afewthe Stook. 1 have more Meek ea hand than say tea houses is town to select from. FURNITURE. I have now on Lad le dittbtvat styles of Bedroom Halos, 8 different styles of Bid bed Y Parlor Oeltes, sad a) "Wag in tb. 'wafture 11se, all of which will be sold AS CHEAP es CHEAPEST, AND DONT YOU FORGET IT. le tee UNDERTAKING I penosal attention. ani the benefit now ot nearly N years expertesoe. I think I have beatin the County of Harms --I will kayo the public to jedge. i 10,. eyerytlrtag assaDy� In • erst-clees lWat estaent, such se (Auks*.(Moves,Case. Shrouds, Habits. (Moves, Crapes, . Embalming dose ekes regafred. rI Ousttsatee metre satisfaction is every case. OLD STAND BETWK N P. O. AND BANK OF MONTREAL. - Oedericb, dept. auk. UM.Bal.Rn 1837 1807 The subscriber widosViototle, that t s 1115 - lster* WI merest to keep al �ktre Her Mee! OnsclotwerIttn Majesty, tine . fel 10.31 depaKmea 7 p my Nab with evorTtkiag saw •ad ars lav GOODS AppRETta�a a�zY WINTER WEAR.' The Con sot Thing in Dass Goods, Buttons and Trimmings to Mat oh, Ribbons, Frilling* andneI,.�, New Shades in Plain and Fancy Opera Flannels, with Rmbroidenes to Match, i an not advertising Roots hi meet w wader. thanks to my numerous e.atemsr. 1 have ao overstock of any one Ilse, end that U saying a great deal when we bear so meek about besieges depression. hard Mises. Os. ALL GOODS BARRED IN PLAIN FIGURES AND STRICTLY ONE PRICE. fiederi.b. Awg. *1. Dr. manor XICCTINTISO. Draper and Hsb•edasiar. IIRIIS, ?EREOIERY 1J1I FA}(CY coons Jest itnoeteed die the illes eel Ni.1 by D. JORDAII, and wiD M ee =h=ues N gat y lar. Tates. i'� _sad •Ra them M4.i ismtMlts IN.r F. JORDAN, Medial Mil,