HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-9, Page 66 (he Poet's Cornet t • •>ry Tltalca ... , . .iniad.' Posts' st•I% Felber. 1 Lace lk ...t at toe le portal . eh ant ., ms : A..d the char •e ins .... sur.to 1 do sot Poe. . , .aa . But 1 ask Ura two leis latest oe ploeae-ua a 1 eek Gil 'r .! w.. . .att. Taraurth edam w. w , ...qg sur. . To meet theft's.: sea . u. ew•.toe Aud 1 0 -.its. e And a hart .' lei.. T•. eke les 4...1 . . i woal.1 . : 1 a.. u. That hurray& le a.sse Seek,nd for evm: g • Or scare• flit g ru 1 would ;,e a....:.M A04 gt.taw ...: Whenever la L►. a. In el..leue: .3. 1 have • blb,.. T• keep and • u. . Asa `►'. W .J'• For for L•. - . .11 ...rt.. ..e. .. Y le _ ..u. e: . I ask thee for ::.. . To1•4..•e.t4atr-s .• Aud • u11nd te'••r.:d .. a .,u .' a. While keep. t a. la • ... • Content t,HIil • tied. afros, It thou be earthed. And i; soma tie.det I d4 eat rat. In w1 ccooi 111.:1..4s Lr. 1 would have tui .War.' Salmi .he mot. With grat:tut love 10 Taee-- iforee•relul thau to ewe. Tor Iuw h To leek, rb.+r perfcetly. There are briars besetting every psi': That call far patient rare: T ur rr .., a .. "re.; la .vera lot. Aad a nerd for rarest prefer Hu: afowi),h t toat 1•4uun ray-, Is Mop. nnyw.wre. In n sere dee 1!.ot -'•..y lore appoints. Then are o.. l+ondl ter me. THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. 9. 1E87. —T - The 64.4 TSI HAIR. a fneesammege s.l.lsa. 1 have greet pleasure In tweedyiyt to II arl ex 4rcat,seles Se tt.ev the uesfaJnmes td Hs,tytttrl's Yellow Oil, e:sewsis. .rites D Kavanagh, $.foster, of L'm- (raville, Out., "baring used a for wren noes of tht h b bad nothing equal to it." 'l A nausea show hair reaches to ler waist, Hoek as ones wrist whoa brained, n eeds uo artificial oruamenls to adorn her heed, and abundant hair needs lean 'Sr% to arrange than a scanty crop. All sunless can possess such hair if they give the props( carr. It is not best to keep the hair c'osely cut ; after seven years it need not be touched by the scissors •xcpt to clip the forked ends once every n 1(.uth. Costant brushing u the secret of luxuriant shisiug tresses', as itre : strengthens the hair and bgs out its natural luster, and, by brushing, the j •irLest red hair can be changed to s' warm gulden tint. L. a hard brush ; j I,, not peas it lightly over the hair, but with firm, steady strokes brush until the I scalp glows. If just before retirng you Immo your hair and brush it this way you will find Ice can deep much better Braid it in two Ionia plaits, or, if very short, Irate it unbound, as the hair should always be well aired and need not be;uud D unnecesiianT�. o not use pomades, dyes , r prepara- tions of any kind, and above ■!1 things don't wear night cap' ; covering the head with a cap is almost as bad as putting a clothes pin on the nose at night to keep out the colt. Many ladies have the mistaken idea that the heal and face should be closely covered when walkiu;{ even a short distance in : ,tc sunshine ; ming often into the air and eutili.la, excel t at noon. benefits he c•�mple*IJn as well as the hair. Tor tieedrd perp'e sheltie' remember that the son chau;j.'s the colt r of their hair to r more agreeable shade. C..oabs are not a necessity for long htir, except to comb c ut tangles ; the sharp teeth io�•Ire'he scalp and produce dandruff. V. asluug the hair in cald sage tea promotes the growth and pro - vents falling cut ; burdock root tea is also good. Washing the ''air with torp renders it coarse and brittle and splits the ends ; instead of which take the yolk of an egg, beat slightly with the hand, adding a few (very few) drops c.f water and rub well into the roots. Thu cleans the scalp and finales the hair soft and silky. Allow about two minutes tb get,neuly dry, then rinse the head well w' In tepid water, into oh pour a few drops of ammonia /ammonia is the mod healthful stimulus known for the hair and quicker' its growth when nothing else will do leo. After washing wipe and rub the hair dry with a towel ; brush and part carefully with the fingers or dry in the sun, in winter, dry by the Are. Neter go into the open air until the hair u thoroughly dry. Shaniit„inq the hair every morning in cold water and then brushing until the scalp glows u good for the hair when it u abort and will not grow. Crimping pins do not injure the hair, unless they are of metal and the hair u put up too tight on them. if the hair is unnaturally dry, a mixture of half an ounce of carbonate of ammonia in a pint of sweet oil melees the best hair invigorator. Por m! t.erret heart is taught the truth That makes ray children -frets" And • lite of eeltrenouncing leve is a lite of liberty. Fashion s Fancies. The royal a..ti p*,hslaine tourney is a favorite under glaze decorate.: warn very much sought by livers o t heautiitd ceramic,, and nen table Rare is Inure durable. Good pasaenienterie is seen on some of the prettiest ?lush or velvet wraps ah�wn by the leading New York houses. A fur trimming usually finishes such dressy rarmet:ts. Little Latch caps for tiny toddlers are considered the prettiest of all head coverings, for little children. They may be made of velvet or plush with a little trimming (,f fur. Russian aprors heavily embroidered on the bottom, finished by a hem over which is the double heiu sti.ch, is one ed the pretty things which you: ; Kirin wilt rejoice in this season. Tinsel cloths are made to d . duty as a trimming for some of the dinner costumes. The front breadth is of this rare brocade and on it may be wrought 5 0015 pretty (ius.,u iu m.tal beads. Perms violets are still the moat beautiful of winter blbssorns, and are be- ing more geu.:.sl:y cultivated each year. As a .reset k: oat u,.thing is mere truly refined in the way o i ti ,wer*. The new row floe+ a••aaon is the white and spotless "puritan." "Her heart has the shadow . f tate summer Sun set deeply hidden in the opaque peal. Very lona hetet also is this rose. A dark green ht:csir jacket had lapecuff*eu. and Duller of biscuit color on which was laid fist gold braid in simply device. A binding of astrakhan finishes a love ly garment for a young girt. The tea colon which are s.. stylish mason ason are only less w than the various light shades of London smoke, w o always elegant. Thetwa.l.,rs are particularly stylish when trimmed with black.wool,White lamb's wool, soft and fleecy, is seen in some attractive muffs and boas for young ladies. lu tlutfineu is very bcooming to youthful faces, and it will Sart according to the present mode be au ewnspcuuw. A creamy whoa chadder cloth morn- ing gown with dark brown fur trimming down the front makes a most charminge;h and becoming nere costume, and was of the pretty things in • wedding 1 rewrote. Tatler made garments of thick cloth have a clumsy etiect which is not veryss desirable but none the leare to be stylish the coming winter as bnadcloth is too thin when unaccompanied by • fur shoulder cape. A Peru tashion which is very popular is colored embroidery on silk ur Galin Bands of this hani wrought trimming are sold for the purpose of trimmingm evening and dinner costoes. Flowers and thin foliage are usually Seen in their designs. The comfortable panes* is a garment objets is always appreciated in such climates so this and as it is • fashion inn MTarthes moment no one need far Mem as being out re. Fur a used in the trimmtotc, but • rich and elegant lining b indlepemeshle. Mew ■ole. m In Great Britain the question of Roe Role is oor manning attention. To the man with • .told in the heed or chest the safes.safes.way to ensure Howe K. over • cold is to have nen hand • bottle of Dr Harvey's Red Pip Own. For Gals at lever Tried 11.' What ! Never tried Johnston's Tunic Bitters ! Then do so at once, it's posi- tively the beat general tunic on the market. I've often heard of it but thought that it was to be placed on the list of the many trashy preparation's that flood our market, but since you recommend t. so highly I'll give it a trial. DJ so it's good for any complaint in which • tonic isof benefit, and can be taken by man, woman, or child. 50c. and $1 per both+. at (node's Drag store, Almon block, Godes icl,sole agalit. et 7'a• Illsads. I • rut, urns, co de, rot., 1 The ocoasional washing of the hand. with c,rrwest and borax seep in let id water hell.. to keep them soft and smooth, and glycerine mixed with lemon juice 1s exeellee.t to apply at night M w Tear sivavd. Moil elbow • cola in the bead to slow- ly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can he cured for 15e. by using Dr Chases Catarrh Cure. A few applies. - tier,/ ours incipient catarrh ; 1 to 1 boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to b b.:ies is guaranteed to care chronic catarrh. Try it. Only 25c and sure cure, SSrd(I dry all drultttt.t. ly Never use a sharp knife in cleaning the nails Fill under the nails with soap, and then remove it by brushing with • nailbrush. Tu Remove Dew YY. —Cleanse the scalp with Psi Low's Magic $ulFhur Map. A delightful_ nae ig4_wi so.ii' fu: ;he -toilet. lin A Prwfilable 8.1*.. Few men have accomp'-ishod the same amount of work and t;•:t•d iu this world as the celebrated D: Chase. Over 300,000 of Ins works have Irene sold in Canada alone. Wu want every person troubled with Liter Complaint, Dys- pepsia, Head•ciee, Kidney or 1'1My Trouhles, to bur a bottle if hr Chanes Laver Cure, it will cure you. Medicine and Reeaike Book 31. Sold by all druggists. 1.irer Cont plaint. Iryspepsts. Bitiuuanrre. Rick Heaedaehe. 0Inee Tmouul.•f. Rheumatism. Skin Irfernree. and all mpurftles of the Mood from etbat- s er cause aria: ng I sieves *al . The resold/Tina) is only readered un- NEw GOODS sightly by Pimples, Liver Spots and I FOR Yellow.-ess. These it is well known ars blood.d hem an niacin,'.LiLiver and i FaH and Wlnter. cause a Can Cure {-orifice the blood and whale system. 8.. Re- cipe B.w.k fur toilet recipes. hints sod suggestiuue on how to preserve the own - mold by all druggist. Sew a Mie Caught (olds A slim young man in the height of Nahum was, violently •neexing i11 • airt el tar, when a ctuupawon remarked, "Aw, ObNwler,, drab by, how d'y• cat:h that dwesdful o,ld." '•Aso, drah fetish, left my cane 111 the lower hall tither day, soul in sucking the ivory hand!., ae .dwe•dful cold, it chilled use abort to death." I1 Charles hod used Dr. Har- vey's Red Pine Omni hes r'td would not trouble hiee eery much. For salt. .1 J 11 ❑,cob's prescription dru. sb.re. tf female Wesb-' sled heal. - n1 Meablrley. rarely Vegetable. Highly _eacentrated. pleasant, effectual. sate. df3M FOR DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Tithe me miller. MIA 6terywbere. gait". U erste per Mixte. DR_ HODDER'S COUGH AND LUNG CQREI Sold everywhere. I':iee. >S cta. and 50 cis per bottle. Proprietors and rwautacturcn, TIIE UNION MEDICINE CO.. 2121- Toronto. Ont. HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY This Company is Loasiug Monet/ one Fano &e'.rity at Lou-e.t /Cut.:' of hatred. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAGS BANK BRANCH. 1, 4 and 5 per Coat. Interest Allowed en Dopxits, arcordiitj to. amount and tine left. OFFICE •-Cor. of Market Square and North Street, Goderkch. HORACE MORTON, )1ANAGIIR` Ooderich Aut-Sib IA's. Logi G ODIERICH PL fI NING 1l IIL L £31 ABL1t!IIED 18 Buchanan, Lawson : Robinson MANUVACTC IMAM OV Sash, Doors & Blinds Dili Lcn. it ALT. It rwD* ow Luna bee, Lath, Shingles aa3 builder's material et every descrlptloa. SCNOOI FUR'IT'RE A SPECIALTY. There is no reason why a worker //A )r.: -r promptly;■tten.t,d to. tioderlcb :Aug. =. 1180 2-17 should abase her hands. It is natural for env reseed woman to desire to keep her hands dainty and fair, Delicate while hands are not inconsistent with hard work, and any worker should be as much ashamed of • carelessly kept hand as of • careless dress. Rubber gloves are not expensive, and can be worn while the worker la washing dishes sad doing any work whish will make her bands rough or chapped. No woman with many household cares can devote much time to the care of her hands, but she an keep them smooth and neat. This old-fashioned recipe is still one of the best for .ofteniug and whitening the hands a s household worker : Mix • wineglass of cologne and a wineglass of lemon Juice ; scrape two cakes of ilroen Windsor seep to a powder ; mix with the lemon joie* and cobgne mould in • coke ; it will dry in • day sad night. Ifseto, wash the hands. After 'sing an alkali soap, washing the hands is a tablespoonful of vinegar mesad with two tablespooafols of milk will prev..t their chapping. .1. Wilton's Preseriotion drug store. if -- The report of the third ssaisiast peat- , master general shows that ilio total re venues of the department for the year wore 11411,847,0101, nod the total .mons of the espouse of the postal service otter the ne.ipts was IS,Utl,BBA. The re- ceipts of the year were stout elites per - emit Larger than those of the year pre- eeediag, while the isertwee of the dile barsement wee 'at a retb of sheet three per emit. it is eetisastoed that if these ratios shcold be asisteiad till ale w d of the year, ale petal 111.1410 v* leis be epos • yeeilte iasis Is Aa Oevere- !HA R« melt a resell is bively pee. Mn Pertingto0 gays et ler new conk bo>A : —"Now. a book lite this will mom Pato a house like as wain in the great desert of Barak, and be a .luaesn tine of perpeeta•mama sea' The bitter taste is eider iasow. meet jsswl is t btedly ceased by B the jaw w Tying is heaps estil sofas of theor ors ata ekd by a dry ret, wilts* eerily nano es few me test as W s fates'. of the apple .L q u fortis manta are prasest le al* INJ!lIN. GET the BEST ! THE WESTERN ADVERTISER OF LONDON, ONT. VASTLY If/PROVED! ILLUSTRATED ARTICLES! All THE REWS ' POPULAR BEPANTIENTS NONE AE110111 ' 12 PARES RECULAALI Balance of 1887 Free To all now subscribing for the year ISM at the low prior of $1 PERANNUM$I To emspr's and Misr Arrsinaa Isrr.Urwf Af.,WeI lislerriows ' tweerasftsael M whip Wheel Leases, ! 1t H HOLLY Qtr RI HIzQ" A Ilmised ausaborgif tab neeetltol pewmlam pletaee 1s mewed •eheerlb•n for SO sots extra. .arThe wamees roeverttserr seta Premium for 08.110., vetiabl,'Mase wasprime !»'v:!w.K ori aMu the sada steen to slot vim mMa *ma tartar' mum at mar ebb. awe saimis r�RbTiskR PR tl'Nt •Ns* it'c 1rM ' ' s.Arms j. rhe Ment.../ Msew 1ee.n. set all heal \ It may resew,. Ph•sphatine, or Nerve loosen, a I'aos- p[hate Eleur ret based upon bcieutific Facto, Formulated uy Professor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Ilona., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting disease' ..f the human system. Phosplrt ne is mite Medecine. but a Nutriment, because it continua no V e,etable or Ilineral Poisons, Opiates N trcotice, and no Stimulants, but imp; ly the Phosphatic and Centric Elements found in our daily foul. A single bottle is iutticiont to oeuviitce. All Den, gists sell it. 61.0) par boats, hawse & Co., sole agents for the . Dominion, 55 Front Street East Torrents 4�r• [J ei PI 0 flt V/Ill CURE OR REUEVE �;CI)U3!IF^S, DIIZIHEC3, D.!:rc""?'!A, DROPSY, I.'IDIC STION, 1 FLUTTERINO ef.1 U1.'L'ICE. Of THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS ACIDITY Of SALT RHEUM, t'HE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, . DR' .ifE38 6_ ADA(VIE, OF THE SKIN, And every species of diems avis*.( from Wsord.eed LIVER, KID.(EYtt, ETOMACIt, e owat.8 OR *4.000, T. MILBURN & Ce.. (a Ca��taitK� l�HrA Ready -Made Clothing and Ends of Cloth husk be t'lear"d Oat sl Cod maxi 1 oder Conk. HIGH 1:31-31\TLOP FASHIONABI..E TAI?.QR, ttltemambwr the Place -West Agrees. tea door to Hoak of $entrsaL7s Ooderich. Sept. 21od. M7. PDT1R, PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER RHYNAS' FAMILY GROCERY 1 The undersigned heft mint respectfully to Inform the tatabitonts of Goderlek snit in round tug rname, . that has ,ugbougl.t ('HEAT' hilt ('AMH is the best markets of Cana and the United States, s tory superior stock of I II C -RC 4= Consisting of FRESH TEA° of this seascn's importation, com- prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst which are to be found some cf the very choicest imported, and desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth- er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or- anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits, Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicelle, Tapioca Sago. Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, and other useft.l articles usually kept In a tlrcI (Inas city establishment. A� 1%$rtatTI•% •r •t S t.ND+ &MK% taus MD. WANT TO BUT A OUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES i POTATO' REES PRICE & SON, Store on the Square, Between E. Downing'. and C. Crabb'.. fieierlck. April Oat. It 7. HAVE E YaOdU�a� * (sitar eaaerbe. rrtetea ea Pea Silkworm a Sack �auadree, H m the -.ethane/as ae awe dimer ori inle from a dwas s erre, Ili. Lassa. 11vu (.Lea will be found a sur ertan,ta weeledy. N ATURE'S 11CMEDV 'v" rho aaq.a56ed sacceseed9Di. Chase'. liver Care m. t Liver Complaint rewith the fact that is i ze.pounded from mature'. nelt.k• oon lies, regalaton Wtwoa..►a AND DA1.DPLlOx, combined with mar Aker invaluable roots, bests sed Lrbs, having . sowerful .factor ii t Satinets, Stomach. Bawls ear Blood. *00,000 SOLD 'tr.rr rev -.tel/ lilies .1 1)r. Chau': Real., Nei Weft said its Cassels abet. We ani ervry mat excuse ei chat' n•ie is o.'/ref sur Lass esus gain! ts t.;.MIserre ftN i New. Con Alar Feu Me•ppsd around �erreerr�y tette of DT. Muse's laver Cw is a valuable Pone hdd Medical Goal* and Recap sank tee pornI containing over roe useful recipes pronounced try medical mss ami drupii.0 a. invalea W, and worth ten times tie price oldie usedicae- TII COWS CaTaMu COIL A safe and pooh. weedy. Peso, ss cents. T1T Gnaw ravel. Ari Inca Pita& es as- pus hon SOLD SY ALL DEALS III e T isMatesos s 00-. $se. aa.,wu, trainers HAV1NO AN- FukxlMIcD my slop t. Um Ivies et. !e. pat In Thew Sive librberChines. wo or them the cote. rated Hoebester rating C h • Ira, mad ilred a joarseym•u Darter. we ere Is a oesittoa to dolle4Mr $ carr HAM hereto- fore. Lady 't it Chilres' • HaltcntJlt made • messiah ea MI Oars Ray.ts as�d /ef�me�n /re and. WM_ �NIGIIT, 2011 Wee: str. a+, t0eu duos eaat of 1'.0.. Oode fab The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or *eased Vision is a Pair of The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles ! WOU z POWDERS. £n pIcar at to tr.ja. Ccatala tbr'r own lar ret! -e. Is a lade, mer+, and e/reereal deK„yrr et worm la C:ll,lren or Adults BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONI Illhthssuseed•i1 w11Y ao.einamsd eel seem Me ie� sebealu =.5aMladr Mi t11n11a~Mttab mltysessslag .s that the ORSI'TOR CORSET N.' b shminal ea Sow slbof all Cer.tb.ened• wttbat wtdea SOS ars femme. ThePeople's Livery �•'vwl JO111 11101, Pr store Tllo abaerlbet is pewee b terata tb rib tie with The Finest Riga AT RRAe078A1r.1 MOM The frauds that have been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing% public by most spectacle dealers and peddlars by giving assumed a fancy names to ordinary glares, Speaks for the ignorance of the publie generally, in the all-important subject of the preservation of sight. there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can be manufactured. viz : Pebble and guns—call glen by any other name, it still remains glass. Pebble, on the other hand, is from nature's own manufactory. It is a natural crystal found generally in free- stone formation, and is harder than the ruby and emerald, and near- ly an hardens the diamond. The Pebble is not more or leas than a transparent stone, cut by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest amount of power is placed immediately over the centre of the grail found in all pebble. It will give to the itpectade wearer the coolness frenhne_se and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lens's cannot by any powtibility impart. All speetaclen and eyeglapeea are stamper' R. Land can only bo FoopurKfrom TOR.Dmi.1•T D"iiiot, G o d▪ eioh.rlhfaal. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. GE�. CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER teHamilton dtreet, Godericb e:ci !) mkigiossme��"orudis' st N'.a —x a0 LM aka Meas*s it.i.