HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-9, Page 50 Jr; THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, IEC. 9, 1887. a 1 Ihmisa lie Yams tlist resident thismeta al u.er passed away et the maga of Joseph Monis es !lev. SOtb. Mr. Cotta.ii. Wieldy weft bora es 1.1. , int emigrated hem 4qi- . ttire in an, t alliwe i. Beverly los a- • Nse w,.11 married t. Jose. Witster s▪ hortly Am AA asst der i eisead was killed b1 helms thrown frees the soave. • sees i• shish he was ridit.g ea traisie g day Jesse {N Ifs. Mrs Winters onetime ed Io Ire i. Beaty said 11160,whisebe veno". d to C.Nsasa,sad toot up her res• iataes at the hese of her m ic.,Ur. Jos Kerrie, where .ks remained ..til h r death,. Desseeedgestic* eldest italicise the late Mr. Desbp. Her 'caber died at the adrmaed alta of 1.1 year.. She wee belted et the best!, plot is tlarbnid. Tb.es wag a soeisl held is the (Image ball here last week seder the auspices of the =piseepallaa chunk Sabbath .ehoil. There was a good taro oat and theme Feat e5Jryad themselves. We pr eaMe it Is .a iatrod.etioe to ethers tb sear lister*. Another Ball roastedi*R as of the ea- o.resi.ty of life occurred Isere recently. A palm tetras named Joie Yowler, sea et tie late Thos Yowler, W Wawanroeb, eget ever Wren, sad a victim of coo- sagties. Be wee interred in Danga.- a MOstery oa la.t Sabbath afternoon the rename hag followed by • very )ar�e.enee.*M et sympathising friends and ..gMistaneea. Rae J Carrie cos - dusted the impressive obtwiaies in cua- nedioo. We extend t err sympathy to the surviving mistiest Y.eiaipel matters, except payment of UM m leg. rent year, are very Oil Oalleetee l a Ade..ss i• still on tLe met. Ail ..seemed are hereby remind- e tt. t 1b'�e R..tor has it tit -4 out pons's, sed ".terms nsve. Chea threw, Fig , is about to Leader his resigsttium. Tim. will develop. Weather Isere at present is tieag�stiet, taking Tutu considemties- T1s time d the year. Tb. correct Tvesa, Thereon very fee wee who loo's pride !HININl"ea os a.,ays having the correct is.w 1 ad, sr.nderlu1 mid delicate me- :Usm are devised to enable them t , tis q Bet the more delicate a cbrono- lrrtet is mad., the more subject it be ease to derangement, attar unless it be kept always petfeotly clean, it sone loess fleuestulas. What wonder, then, that th1 ham .seedier- so meet more deli- cate and dottiest* than aoy work of Ilam _.should require t., be kept thoroughly cleansed. The fiver is the mein spring of ibis complex structure, and on the imperities left in the bl.><d by a dis- ordered liver, depend most of the ill* that flesh is heir to. Ere, traceable consumption (which is lung ettrutula), the ifoci action of this organ. Kid - akin diseases, sick beat - diatom, dropsy, and a lung of grave matadtea hese their origin M a torrid, or alegg,eb liver. Dr. Pierce's °olden Medical Due..ver f, A by establishing a healthy, normal action of the liver, sets as a care sad preventive of these diseases. %sties has been gives by the Sepsrt.- te.dest that tsavigetioa through the Wetland Canal will ekes es Dee. 10, if net dosed wooer by ioe. GREAT DISCOUNT SALE sosx Barrs mays. DRESS GOODS, SILKS, PLUSHS,MANTLES, M1LLINERY, &r., &c. Clothing, Carpets, Lace Cutaia^, Oil Cloths. Extraordinary Bargains. In order to reduce our immense Stock, we have decided for the Next Sixty Days to give on all Cash Purchases of Two Dollars and over a Discount of Ten Per Cent. This, with our already well-known Low Prices, is Grand Opportunity for Securing Great Bargains. a big thing, and gives a During the same time we will offer our Entire Stock of Staples, Grey Flannels, Cottons, Shirttngs, &c., Nett at the Mill Prue such as THIS 15 A GENUINE SALE! STOCK HOST BE REDUCEii Ten Per Cent. Off Our Prices Means a B5z Bargain. in. H.W. BRETHOUR & CO. O.4oe.+ laroliel OoosstcH. Dee. r. 11117. bluest. t telt old, ...bash .. _ .. M 1q 11101 M Wb. t. tri11 sewm 7* e 0 Wlwt. trod wtaterl • ba,il1 sees . 75 • • .r • ttlpeeel IPibah s e e s, ... 0 i • t 7: II old 0 ne• ar. t b owl 1 111 • e M ext 111• ,1t mar' (Waa�b•akers. n cwt.:.. 1 .. • 1 M .wt 2>N• qM NEW GOODS. We have over Three Thousand Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS GOODS just arrived, the best value ever shown in Goderich for 124c. a yard. Call and See Them. BR A SfTPORD- 111►sm Br.attord. Dec. 1st. MI. s.owawr+r"e`^' HAVE YOU SEEN The crowds that congregate on the street corners, not talking Commercial Union, but about PRIDHAM BROS' CHEAP SUITS GOLBO rl BROSI. and the verdictthat P 'dhow Bros "are a wonder" selling those elegant suits, cut and Mr: .1, weft nteli ......;......... .a• iM les...................... 7 tm • s M Ci�w ... ..0 .H �mrb, "• MM wM Brea >tl' a ........ SONE i/cwt...... .... . •. ". 11 II ewe. . M ; 1 �••.........".."sees of every one i t la Il tna.le right in their own establishment, and every one fits like the paper on the wall, FOR $7.00 A SUIT CODERICH_ IMPORT. I" i NOTICE. 1 Imre et present S ' de else': of DRY GOODS! Suitable for this season of the year. which 1 offer at the Lowe. t I•a Bible Figures. Oata. pre,. Barley. Eggs. Butter and Cordwooditaken lt be nate exchange. for wht. h the Highest Market Pull Stock of Fresh Family Groceries CURED MIA'r8. BEST ROLLKR FAMILY FLOUR, ALL BINDS OF mem. all. LOW PRZCRB 1 CALL AND BJCJD 1 a1TOoode delivered tree. 0 and upwards. They are selling like hot caes Of co course you iddo not what you notice them because the habit of are 5 much like the ordinary orderedclothing youy day pay- ing $16.00 and $111.00 for. If you wish to save stoney just call and see them. You will be more than pleased. OM=FP z'MZONir The needs of our patrons in ordered clothing are various, anti thev require careful stud-. It has been ours through long e: rience, appreciation of a FIRST CLASS TRADE, and careful selection, to create and foster a for high-class good", and we have the satisfaction of knowing that in excel- lence of quality, combined with moderation in price, our patrons are agreed that we maintain the reputa- tion we have earned as the leading tailors in the County of Huron. Our FALL STOCK is now com- plete, which is this season the finest ever imported into Ooderich. Elegant Overcoats, Beautiful Troua- enngs, Magnificent Suitings, kc. Your early order is solicited. F_ 8z A. PP ID]E-1 M 2127tf R. PROUDFOOT. TO FARMERSt AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY! ARMBRECHT'S TONIC COCA'4WINE, —FOR— FATIGI-UM - or— THE MAN �N D and BODY N AND— SLEEPLESSNESS • and scientific analysis reveal to wee r the roe tonic plant in the Verge. .� • t is06. teee, t Wet area O.ca Wire. tneesb mere tome then Ins K false. river C'oastt.ates. Sas X Reviews. Armbrecht, Nelson & Co., I pate St_ Grooves*,er10.4 ver sols by leed1.1 drupelets tbregeheat 2121 I. JORDAN, �.TiOb• wbe Stooine to do the beet by the people s the en• who will do the best trade with ties. sad In this belief I bare determl0M to span so endeavor to meet WITH their approbation te the eisetesl of pods le thalliums white I have the hisser to else to the piebtla. My atm M to try ssdd Sas. sad the lar t hems mel with THE neat an ,aa1Wt ..yeses. J..h Billings los said. "To ata? 1..te eels. sad I have made so air salad to HAMMER eway.uatU i knock the better cwt of high pry is Dry:Ooods of every depeegytlea. as bring newt' Groearis% to bort pot. Glee me to all end I'll gwsraates satislao- ttw all the way rowan. 1111- Maaa.er of the Tomato Banes. �i WILSON' As I have commenc- ed to buy1HOOS for curinglin the factory, I will pay The Highest Price obtainable for LIGHT Roos, and also MED - MIL Heavy hogs are not in so good de- mand, but I will buy thew for what they are worth, and take 2 lbs. per hundred off. NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, AT =ON sTVRDTB People's Grocery. TFROM 15c. UP. No old Stock to work off, but all Fah and New at Prices Mei res rrom *sr Maar ase 40- 08m0.her tiresome -0a the Square. sect to S1.gbem's Restaurant. 2111 Hogs require to be opened right throagt, the breast, an I not ah I hare ai wa3 s o i h Ind in stearin a stock of Beef, Mutton, Lamb, Pork Hams --sugar cured and smoked, Breakfast Bacon, Spiced Rolls, Corned Beef Poultry, Game in Season, Tenderloin Spare Ribs, Pickled Tongue, Piga Head and Feet, Sausage, &c. ▪ $a,coi -,, �ic_, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. As I bare been getting my shop refitted. sad getting ready for Cbrt.tmL. 1 would invite alt to call and inspect toy Steck and prices before purchasing elsewhere. Tbankiag Toa for past favors. sad soliciting your patronage. I remain. yours respectfully. ROBT. McLEAN ,alder stuck. Change of Busiuess! JOHN IOBEBTSON rakes axaseil elect We week that be W purchased Ooderich. NOT. 1M b. 11117. s Bast Ude Court Hones Square. Goderich. 2127.11m BOOTS & SHOES A Lass* A.s.rtmeat of Tal and winter thrusts hat arrive. H. GUEST'S C� etA. C.A.SH STOP Trots the very best s,antthttory to Canada. LADIES FINE BOOTS A SPECIALTY, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES. TELT BOOTS. he. BIG DRIVE IN SLIPPERS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. All Clasp for Cash. 2117H• G U EST, West Side &Iaare, Godeeiah. The Grocery Business formerly carried on by C. L. MINTOSH, I A. J. WILKINSON. FALL MILLINERY ARRIVING DAILY AT TH79; WEST STREET EMPORIvat. and has moa largo .ditty.s to the stork In every departsieet. SILVER SHIELD SLUGS. 17 McALPINB'S TOBACCO. Plugs full weight and beat quality, and in everyr11 a pld ug will oil a fouinves"ttmentrdoesn'tt aht ll go its sian Sc. miece. oke. NEW GOODS, GOOD VALUE, 1si1iit Drug Stort. AND LOW PRICES 1T NN IOU MK AT SIGNAL JOB IOIEt1'SOX'Si NOTICE. i hove d.ciesti to mottoes bsoIngis for ~mks swiss. sad Bays will Gad my stook v 1 FALL --MILLINERY-- FALE WONCL'altZle�05>P>noTzlctrel}- I MEAN TO SELL CHEAP ! STOCK M PULL 1K EVERY D7I'AItTME•IT MISS GRAHAM, TEM SWWAIM GODNR1011