HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-9, Page 44 THE HURON BIONAL. FRIDAY, DEC. 9. 1887. I1IUITIDI FRU -Or rtlfi NAD RODTJCTS Or w i teL Ottii V o r../ e4' The North -Vest Territories tire! British kolgiiNh. ._ T1E37D O&natdian Pacific Maga LWJY EXHIBITION CAR will M at the lied,' mentioned slat loos ss. follows. GODIasate. December tris t,ee a.o. to 3.13 ppm. eaetertb. •eee.sber ISM sae tatb Sid p.m. to LM p.se. ea 114h. 6.00 a.m. to 2.00 pothole M 13th. 1111KeMett, fertember Latta 3.110 p as. to 6.0ep.m. atraerard. 0eretmbsr .Nb ales.m w 7.m p.m. LWowel. weenies" nab LIIIm . 1U . Iaimm mb :slatb $.M*s. to ILO pin. D.,rsas. Beeember tea 1.3Sp.m. to SA0 p.m. Palmerston. Meeemher nib L00a.us. to 2.00 p.m. •0.• er. flivetmbsr rise 3.30 p m. to 1.00 p -m. Allam oCreiell3 invited. Ilc_.'. tail to see the prdocta of IM7. New A4ventsemeses Ttab Week. Special -B. MacCortnack. rorstture-a. C. Hoberteen. Try it-Oentlessad Hu(ckiwa. li shales! Card-- Miss E. Fraser. patios to Creditors -Gibbons. tiiNab and Mulkern, London. d fou, Great Cleating sole lisuedere N11 Winter Goods- Abraham Smith. rook Wanted -Mrs Cameron, Sesta Class' Headquarters- C. F. ti+1r• ul.et. The Season's Comeliest -Ms -W. C. Good. Neuss l'reseaH P5e0rr. Porter and Gay . Xiectorsof West Wawano.h-('has. (ars in. 'Exhibition ('ar C. P. R. ('cmpany. la the High Court of Justice-- t+. Makansoa. Helver Shield Slap --John Robertson. Notice -This OSce. Hcrihne/n Magazine ('hat. Scribner's sons. New Toni TOWN TOPICS. George lieppmi, jr„ el Gederiela,mel Tut C. P. R rummer EsfllsrTtow e%FSeimmed trseitlg, res bee. wee es ge+d CAa.-Wedw wdw a, lest we Mite Amu& to tplelt at T lea'shook ook. Oerdsssob I b, K V. wt...., MeutIllsg attest a Winship. for 1 0. P. R, sed as ell M(arm so..ty es- ar-n•assh win bele for I boy. He to jest naw plllslitlg elep C. P. '! " f 9 'Whittles ear over rlgd Rir- etoee.ltstios en smarm,. teas "I -w masoeteeity W the et al- Deeamber, and afterwars os the ares mkt •- re.I pin s1 b. Nd t!11 pew• must Saturday el every mos1K w er'r Hi. Hosp. - Horses Horton, bad bis left head severely est Mosdar ewes - Mg Met, while easisttag is placing his w acorea u the welder. A very interesting address os, "Is the Yewuogg ma. Sale r was gives is Kona church. hist Se ada alereoos, by Rev. A. M. Phillips, d Mary's Rsc.rvsz As Arrourinse.-Mr M. Coll sit present Machias the sonar divi- 5ios Si taw mistral school bee reooivd the appointment d priscipol of • school in Michigan. Dr. M. Nicholson, the West street dentist, makes the preservation of the natural teeth • specialty. Oas adminis- tered frees 9 a. m. to 4 p.m. for the pain• less extraction d teeth. The town clerk has been instructed to write to the authorities asking that better ppO sisait facilities be aLrc:Jed (Iod.rieb heuarforward. This shooing veil by freight trains u played out. Mous, ExUIL-Ia.pestor Malloch sod Tum were engaged In esamiuing the Nucleate of the model elms ou ural tach- ing durie a eortivn el the week, Nett Monday the written portico will Gum manes. An appliatioo has been made by the G. T. R Co for an retention of their track at the dock to the cbeckwatet. The matter u now under consideration of the harbor committee of the town QAUDCll- ..w, John Col, for manyyear a resident of' Goderich township, returned from his home in Dakota, with h f , bothh looking bale and hearty. spending a few months with friends io this vicinity. LAtt' ANOTHER Kitt. -t)ur energetic young townmaa, Wm Marlton, h.s laid the keel of another steam tug, making the second now handing. Mr Marlton intends laying the keel el a much larger steam tug shortly. "A thiel'. alta,!, W. fui.e- Herr. An. faith Ae'll preoi if." r It makes no difference whc'Ter Ton want an oil portrait. • crayon or phutuwtatb. Geo. Stewart can suit you. For neat, Rutty. stylish suits. mads of ma- teriel tbst will stand wear and tear. end rut to satiety the Breed fastidious taste. go to F. and A. Pndbam'e Liquor ten can only be obtained at one =Rhymes. taws. and that is at the Pharmacy e also. Rhymes. ahere (beers, liquors fur medi- e ln7ssl Purpose& and the purest thugs can al- COAL Olbtl_a--As I have a large. stock of Ca- nadian and American cosi oil. 1 will sell wholesale for 1S days is aaerbsrml lots or up- trams p warns at Prlrolis Prices. Empty barrels taken in eacbaage. G. N. )Davis. BTttLTasv Court- Goods of various kinds received daily. ('all and see them. the beet floods are not In Ibe windows. poor goods are eeoslrh forpoil with dime and sun. if you Itke • valet, to buy from. see Butler's. TRW WoM*N'e CH*I1TIA't TgrrgRANcg l`w,ox will freest regularly for the transaction }Iia rectified spirit d heathens every Tuesday afternoon at 1:3) Is still a dark red. oarlock. in Kea search. Ever woman in iere.ted in the week Is cordially invited to We have received • letter from Salt - attest,. ford giving full particulars of the dis- OeaTLrwre.- it is entirely useless to per. sato) basxhanalia over st that village scat in emirs me 10 rob fur Mayor for the town to0udericb for 1fi%. 1 can far better riday night last, and giving the names n erve the town by turning out first -clam of the leading blaekruarde who took h \ hold • y ublic oIDce 1f you fail to read the advertisement of we are debarred from publishing it to t,•ta,ders •ad Sea. in this bout. you will full. ruin the greatest onrr oui ity of procuring /• t • end \ten 1'e•srs Ong' ever vffKed in y are of Latins Leo rua. )leas to stating of mayor Sager. reeve John- I.a511e they are bowled to sell t ff. T e cheap t house tinder the sun. To Be ArrsaLlw.-The committee of the county council having granted the application for the proposed new school section In Colborne, the parties oppcsed to it have appealed to the County Judge against esid decision. Receive', Tet BrxsrlT.-The widow of the late R. E. Palmer, of Detroit, at one time resident of Goderich, has re- ceived the nam of two thousand dollars from the A. 1). U. W. of which society her husband was a member. *tease. Mks•.. All . rlbe neesbg thetrttr003. b ee = Imi tale Met up 1e rites.t suis. Amities sale d farm Meek &aid i w1a, w Qar y ei Mr. Jubo Oru- bas.. b1 14, (l++eriMr tvwsls !„ .y"' Gold roe, two ealle1 from Godes-ids, by Join Koos, asetioeeer, eommeweing et ea wry y doors d British Columbia sad the great o'etoek pss es Friday. Dee. eta, Ore Nas Semis. -Next week we will bugle the publiati of a new atery the facts of the case .-As soon as wheat entitled "'The F of a Household." was bong shipped (ruin the :Northwest It is of a most engrossing nature, and ria L'ort Arthur, I tgilvtei & Hutchison, will prone interesting to our large mels ro rietors of the B' Mill,endeavored to of readers. Look out for it neat week. charter vessels to bring to the mill Here is Bill Nye's latest -an epitaph at Goderich 200,000 bushels of wheat, on • deceased moonlight whisky mans- 'ea the 'lusr.tity grown in this sestion has factuter ,n Tennessee : heretofore been insufficient to keep tree i CARD OF inspected while living. machinery working. Only the Miles Fermented while dead. and consort and the Marwood could be Having sold out my grocery busiar: to Mr b• t Northwest He is better a6ltide 13017. See paean for list, terms, ta. rases agent Gould net be found. The ssbibitioe ear will arrive at Oodssh& on esti! fo y dteer will rowan bare esti! Visitoe5 are heartily welenmed. well -trimmed, sad . mus for Aside's sale of geode aid shelties, trek/aging to the estate d bttlphe•. headroom, at the Cutbeces hotel, (We- nch, od. rich, by Jobe Kaes, aeutossatt, cow - swamis( at 1:30 o'eht.li p. m., on Seiler - day, Deo. 17th, 1887. Terms °ash ; leo postero for list. Hs's Item Ovsa TVS Bososa. -J. H. Williams, hes 'Misread from a visit over the line. attempt other Muss he tsr- rield at Erie, Pa, and while there care- fully eaamiusd the waterworks system sod other local attractions. He is losd- ed up to the chin with ioformatiunon the waterworks question. and the ouuneil- mea who have been in • chronic state of "masterly inactivity" on this subject during the past year should call upon him &ud get some pointers for omens tion day. He has also aught on large- ly to the commercial nano schema, and says that he bard heaps about that sub- ject on both sides of the hoe. He re- oommeade a trip across the line and back to any anti-oosssterwl animist. He Dsvwl Lynch, a retired skipb.ilder d St John, N.B., tirelnes to build • yacht and attempt w carry cff American col - !Haulm' is probably nut much cut tinascially by hie Australian trip, because be tread only part of hie stake, got $300 fur expenses end received cowbell the este. "He will," says T:;rj Field and Farm, ''live is history ea os. of Um great athletes of the century. Dentistry. 1VI• Il JCHOL8Olf, L D. S. had a most enjoyable trip, and spent a • D M T ♦L R- O O )[ 8. fin, with his daughter at Niagara on his I Elsblb d.er b!•w tale PuSt W.atst.. way home I QoDSLi'ce SNe U Pt' nut' St -WOOL Buaan Meenxu,-Tri- school board met on Monday evening, present Mesas 8. Maloomeos, chairmen, and Acheson, Bal, Butler. Morton, Nicholson, Pries and Swanson. The minutes of N tvember meeting read and coaarmed. The Principal's report show- ing an avenge aitendance of 282 girls and `'JL boys was read and filed. The contingent committee war authorised to obtain paper and ret papers printed for Christmas examinations. The principal reported that fees of the modeling W beep collected, and paid over to the Iowa treasurer. Accounts :-C Crabb, $6.14, referred to contingent committee with power to pas if found correct. Fraser, Porter & Kay. $12.67, and lata & Acheson $10.96 ordered to be paid. A communication regarding supplies war filed. Moved by M. Nicholson, second- ed by A. Merton, that copies of the book called Public School Temperance be supplied to the osmium of the four senior rooms in the central school -Car. tied. The board then adjotsrued. Tet BIG MILL. -Tet Stc'u. inter- viewed the Big Mill Wednesday Iadt,with reference to the rumor that the latter was abort to be entirely shred down for the next four months, and all hands discharged. We found that, as usual, Dame Rumor had things somewhat tan- gled up, and were given the following se WOOLVERTO IaNl , L D. 8. renews All Narvb 8t« seders*.. A work war Naas Air giros tar calk Met\. lam• less es Domestics 'lanteb. IVANTED-A GOOD PLAIN 000K, also housemaid, by tate id et Jaaear7. Apply immediately. Mrs Cameros SI IL IZhe People's Column. NOTICE -FOR SALE-UROENT- Picturesque Canada complete. net booed, n ot soiled. Offs in ash real, ed at mew omce. iSR. made knows - Lessen sires either par i1 or tailor. Orden len a the bookstore of Fraser, Porter and Kay will receive prompt •ttestton. leis. TO THE ELECTORS OF WEST 1 WAWANOOH. Ghosts eaaex. - i beg respectfully to intimate to yon 'bat 1 wilt not be a eaedid•te for 'sunk -teal brows at the •pproachieg elections. And in retirlvlg i beg to rerun. you my sincere and heartfelt thanks. fur the warm and cordial supp,.rt you have given ore. irrespective of polities. by casettes ane Reeve of the wwasbip for thirty years, twentyone of them by acclamation. ad previous to that time lunym t reposed cos- Lidesce is m, by repeatedly electing me to the position of municipal councillor. Y ours very truly. Cuss. O I Rv, S. 00 1 t. 1llss E. $RAS l will live w piano t• a 11 n umber optiy Teems reaMsaabM. .M 8traQea animals. ST R AmY BltS-{Nam.CAMs ON THE sheet the t« er . •marls twe-yemold better, sew i!aswV_;„;;so peeve pro. pst1..., 7.Yl5+1- ,t, •. M. .1-a Ot `setKA EAD 'LEACHER WANTED - 11 MALE -For 8.8. No 2. Colborne. Appy before Deaf& h.Nai i.g salary and el toJOH'\ STEWAIRT. Benmilier 1'.(. w THANKS. nhwua, then 7 tag • As the information is not signed, Your obedient servant, It H. Se lows. part. .nor arta mai at A committee of the town council, con- Robertwn. 1 take :Lira opppoorrttunity w rc urs secured, owing to the fact that lake my decere thanks to my frtesda who favored freights were numerous this f.11 and car- m- eleh their generous :sinew. during the time i have brwn in business. and would re - tiers comparatively few. The Miles and spec -tine solicit all my mends to continue to consort trade one trip bringing about bestow their liberal patronagen open mf .uc- 60,000 bushels, • portion of which was ttoet dnim . e.rtes u r kis ad imldentl for the Seaforth mill, and then when an tog mac. effort was made to charter the tug fora 17 C. L MclNT00lI second trip, the captain of the Miles NOTICE TO DEBTORS. dated that be had signed for a cargo PI - - to Toronto, as he intended to lay his All parties indebted to me will please all boat up at that port tor winter. The sh p la sty hussarspeed nby dale, a. Ie10tadt (0 Marwood, as our readers all know, was tare town .hortIyi. and must have these ate counts settled before leaving. t?- C. L. M-INTOOH. sten, and deputy reeve Cameros, was wrecked on her way op, and thus the appointed at the last meeting of the I mill hu not been able to obtain suffi• eouocil to apply to the Government fur cient grain to keep it moving at full the dock frontage of the land recently , time during the season. We are also puachased by the t ,wn fur waterworksinformed that wheat from the Northwest purposes. I can be laid down at Montreal as cheaply TEAL estit Sycleau. - The following' as it can at Goderich. The Big Mill, tesoh•re have signed •gresmeets forhowever, sill not be completely cased 1888 :--Central achonl-Mr Allan Em- I down, as was at first stated. A sufficient bury, principal, and Misses Blair, Sher- number of hands will be kept on to run' man, Crong and Kathleen Ball. St. An- the mill if the market warraota so doing. drew'• school -Mies K WatMo. and M The hlgheo market price will b. paid O. C. Robertson. Craft)** (dock. will Eire grog bargains In alt kinds of furniture op to Dec. lack. to make room for Xmas goods. 1 w111 show *bis year a very large aeeortmieet of Xmas goods sad will glee great bargains. 1 will have • 5 sod 10 ceut counter . you will save money by giving ins a call. Goode the druggia. has. beans Out 'rock of Christmas wood.. oomMting of plush dreaming cases, toilet cases, 4:beldam'scards. etc.. now on display. Great variety and prove low. It w1U pay you to look them over. No trouble lo show goods. Drum stack full as usual and eos.tant personal attestin's to prescriptions. W. C. Good. drug/lat. Albion block. Tess 00x10 AND Devoe Inas a..Iimner atk1T COMPANY. -Depositor in this oaspaay hate the bed possible security for their goon- ey. all be invested to mortgagee 4n Caro, tort have • ars* lies is a the esespSy's assets. Bate of interest paid• tram 4 to i per ewL asereig. to amount . ad emaideO of Fatasere banes sir. Dile skeane •kobM eW aid ase the manager. trims TanARnro.-Overwhelming dock of choke goods, always to be found a prices to .msteh the shade leu buy. No trash or Yd rove . bbetygar d goods are made ttoeeweap. r togs no 3..m et rids fart .witgoadsjeut ahem. . 1 elates to give you more ,alis foe your msss espewde than any boos. In town. 1 bv'Ms elaae ad e0000micel be7erw toa11 ad .sasses tbe.seives of my amettioas. R. Next year will be leap year. Girls, get ready to jump Mr and Mrs J. T. Garruw aro visiting in the Southern States. 11r. Thomas E. Dark, of Bu8alo, is visiting frieeds in town. The town ham paid 032.:.0 for the turn- stile for agricultural let k. Inspector Tom examined the pupils in the several ward schools last week. J. D. Ronald, of Brussels, is ass imam to pat to the Goderich waterworks. .K.oz church Demi of Hope will meet on Saturday Dec. yah, at three o'clock. Five adults and one child wale in- terred in Maitland cemetery last month. $SO were deviated to the new town band at the last meeting of tits coun- cil. The taxes have been remitted on the Selvataa Army berneks ane dwelling how. The town treso.rer'S statement for the mowlh of November showed ■ balanw of $6,171.62. II may be that "a woskan's work is sever done," bet enemy • man's work is always doe. Mitt r, of Ethel, war viand.* at the residues of her permits, Mr and Mrs D. Fisher, kelt week. Mien E. Fraser has vacancies for a limited number of pupils u the piano forte. For partic.l.re Mee advt. Yesterday (71.rads') was the Forel of the Imm.eelM. Cosesptios, and was doly alebrdtd in the R C eb%reh. A Salvation Army banquet will be held •t the barrseke os Mudy evwieg neat, begun es( at o'els k. The ad *seems trill be delivered de VMtorie ball, .t $ o sleek sharp Seemed Ire.sbwt Sssr. will nddreen the Ballo fag, sari pfla t Et.enerwn is ogee et NOTICE. Tor Sale oLet. STORE AID DWELLING HOUSE TO LRM a.chases bees in teras • 4 mortes t years. and bwas• UedaeNes Mi1e dwelling ts• g.ged with the aad all bas e avisi esus ea the ere,vs.slpsteas.'v a err tlhadt P l q HO A1`. a ti w PATRICK allow .Q, (•u Iluron. 127 -lm PLR/IDLE LIOIDLE FARM FOR SALE-- -Js.•flcad.-Ooderk\ TownsWIR lib cos. 1M geed orchard art b.tadltt. pis 055.. 333 &cera cumtortabie house and Na Apply to Terms or malarial Ilii rr s f' cP['t.!'WT. Barristers. oto.. BRICK HOUSE AND QUA TEKKaOiF 1I as sore of Isud for sate---TI3• 515,7 .sot a halt b. ad conlatse 3 W roams. • psrbr. salt room. di■Ls shaded paotr7. kitobes ends wood Gala,. Oa y. ap,d elabae 1MAla, sad other osiNad1 00. laud sad soh water ea tis premises. There are a censer oor Pararkia lad Cwit lbria Remit~ FM putouts/sanity ts/s ea the ptosis s, er by letter to )ERRS. JOHN BEN 7i P.O. Hain TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS Ft One le Use township AMbleld. oestalsit( Dae ecru : and OM t Wsw•- noM. oseteisiag NM acres. kuLra Trto Cameros. Holt at ue R SALE. West ►.k ae1t lot lir. Arthur 1beet. with Olean kIte ,i0ks Loss, therms. !N, laS Elgin Sweet1., 8t. Andreae Wtard. Plei ase ti lipasaet Herm ia Kw: leStreet. let and belt lead. Several Nate in Reed's Serve). eppsl1 new Show °remade. via. : Nos !L la. SS 3Q IR SI. ea, FL. OL All a above at LOW RATES. 151-tf 10 DAViMON & JOHNSTON. All parties holding .,counts against the Township of Colborne are requested to send them in tom ogee before the i5tb of Decem- ber. Slit y J. H. ItICHA It DS. Clerk. 'OTICE-ALL PARTIES OWING Sharman. St David's school -Misses for all what brought to Ouderich, as Minnie Cook and Wiggins. St Patrick's usoal, and in no way except by a slack- school-ltissem A Barrett and Thomp- ening of hands will the interest of the eon, town be interfered with EDVcaTIONAL SILlIMO1a4. - Sunday morning the North .t Metk(diat pulpit Colborne. was occupied by Rev A. M. Phillips, of St. Marys and that of Victoria -at by The council met in the iowts'aip hall Rey W. 8. Griffin, D D., of Guelph, and os Wednesday, Nov. 30th at 2 o'clock. M the evening ureic* positions were Member@ all present, minutes of last refeereed. Interesting discourses were meetin, read and approved. The tole given on each occasion by both preachers. lowing amounts were passed : --John After the regular sermon Sunday even- Barker, graveling 8th Con., $25.00; log a joint meeting in favor of the John Symington, inspecting said job, Methodist College Federationecheme was 11.60; John Horton, burying • wogs. held, and the nam of $610 was realised. that drifted to shore and fin.ling oo$n, Nitres A.l(tvaseaay.-On 8anday, 16. Geo. Neibergall, for leather, Dec. 18th, the Rev J. E. Howell, M.A., $50 03; Douglas & Savage, cleaning out of Sesforth, will preach the anniversary ditch at S•Itford, $4; James McLean, services of Vietori•-.L church, moroiog burying horse, $1; °sores Cubbert, fri- end . end evening. On Tuesday evening pairing two culverts, $2.50; Robt. Dec. 20th, 20th, the enamel hot supper will monde, foresees as cowtaole, $1; John be given by the ladies in the basement Barker, cleaning out ditches and remove of the chureb. After supper • grand ing stones frays Duolep hill, 17 50; Wes. song worries entitled "Clops," will be 011ier, filling and repairing culvert, $7; rendered by the choir and local talent. John Mavens, repairing two culverts, Admission to supper and song cervica $3; David Sterling, for 1 load of wood 35 omits, to song service only 15 Dents. for charity purposes. 13: John Horton, Family ticket. of four or more 25 omits opening itch on 10th Cop.. $3; Sam each. Linfield. plank and repairing two cal- BteLTow'• Rtani ret- Tinton/I.-The vane. $4; Jolla Symtpgton, building entertainment give% by C. E. Bolton bridge. $13 83; John McH.dy, gravel- Wednesday evening lest was one of the ing and inspecting, $32.75 ; James most interseting sed instructive that has Jones, cutting down hill and grading at been given in the Grand Open How Walters, $t39; Rowull & Hutchi.soo, since it opened. The lecture was • re- for stationery. $1 33; Star account, pertory of Interesting facts s.ecioetly 18.98. James Gledhill moved, eseo.ded stated. and the view. submitted were by Nathan Jones, that John H Million realistic in the extreme. Ha Wednee be appointed the Person to all a same, day eve%ing's performance was the best ing fur the appointing of treaties for advertisement for his subeegssnt enter- .shoal section No. 6. Carried. lame. nineteen that could possibly have bees. Taylor moved, seconded by A. Young, Don't fail to •steed tba (Friu,) evs.ir.g that David Law... be appointed the per- "ExnAosn." enm•d by tis son to eall a meeting for the •ppointisg Atmate.r Dramatic Company n Goderlab of trustees for the sew school section at oe Fridayevening next week, promises ' Duwlop, Csnid. The council then to be •highly creditable porfermanee. i djoir.ed to meat seam it. December f th ladies bad gentlemen 16th at 10 o'eloek sheep. The names n • ailed Nov. 30th 188; , who have please in the caste area guersn- J. 14 RhH 6*7. Clerk. tee that the parts will be well taken, and - the esesll•nee of the enviedy will be *.- other engaging feature. The perfnr- Hamilton baseball club hes signed masses is ih aid of the cricket club sad ; these players for lust oases* n'o, d town bens. •sot during the *seams( sad Jones, piteb•n ; Moore, eateher ; ealeetioes will be given by the bard, . Vim:•r, eatable, and first base ; Andres, semprisi.p, "Rookie in the Cradle a ; manna bees or richt field ; Phillips, Deep, •Timmy Woid Qaerille," Dud short hold ; Rtissy, third base Mussell "Tb. Wteb os the Rhine," the mases of 1 ventre Gold. and Knight. left field. Eel nig imam brise °imposed epeeist', I Gorman, pitcher. W also Men //geed. by Prot Peet, the able leader of die - Negotiations are Ruing nm with Tiaras W. Mae d hall nu thaw at Fraser, I lathe lire.., with Waller Peres sad Pastas A KIVs with ea 'lar wteree. the late firm of J. Downing 4 Co.. ere hereby notified that the books will be die FARM, TOWN AND VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The Executors and Trustees of the Wale et the late JOSEPH HERR, offer for sate the asilowing valuable Property. t>w,et!I 11uildit( Lou tubers HO and el is the Town of Oodertcb. t of an acre each. Fairly teased. and very desirable for butldiag pur- poses. ur- e Half acre Lot treating Nat Road. Township a Godericb. being part of Let 3 1a the gait - lead Cenceasien of said Townley. Nies Fume Pottage amid Frame Baba. Lot ameb.e 3. South side of /Mar street. Ben.Uler. i of u acre. soma frame await 1. BuIIdiott lets number ISI and me in the Town of Chaise. 14 of an acre each. Bea 11 fully situated on South side of liarsa street. raid, fenced. The East j of Lot 3t. Cos. 1a. West Wawa sank 1m acres. good land. st acres a ..,.' dd aa..fenced. remainder timbered. About 4 miles from Luckaow and i silks from Wlag ham. Good roads. Por further particular.to E. CA applyION, BarrWer. Oederiob Nov. I. 1011. 2073-tf Ts ay(arBargaias LY Dress Goods, Shawls, Mantle Cloths, Ulsteringn, Flannels, Blankets, Cottons, Linens, Hosiery, Gloves, Undurcloth- ing. Tweeds and Men's Fur- nishing.. J. A. REID & BRO., Trariali nisi& (least rises. setmre. Sederieb lith Nev.. 1118. 11114 -al }turon Lana Agency. A RARE CHAICIL FOR 6ALY -A e11tEAT BARGAIN. Maitland Plies --The gauntry seat of tate late Hun. Richard Hawley. This rateable property le heated e.ly Gni: Non hem the beetadary of tate Tewn of l:ode- rtck. is aseurf.s.•d In natural bes5ty .wt tease,. sad Moor as sour re earn!' L'P reit gsT*Tu. It eespKses tet acres of dote hrai.g land - [e fired enter. Large well hast laser. us Milwaukee bri»k.witb Ohio freesteeet ctng.. Farmer's cottage. carriage beim .ad boa. Ilsa y. ard renLin ew. he Three with halts of all kinds, also •p we0 teeked trent able garde.. AMll a a Lad fM sty. or to E 1N MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST 1 wallet taterut. Apply to atom. Lead A4saty. - L -30e 8ALEHOUSE ADD IAT ON 11 Cambridge at. Cheap -MIL Moroi: Lead Ayyrisey. VOR BALE -FINE PROPERTY 1N 1 Town. Geed hose. nun. Leal Allen ety. EOR SALE -3 GOOD LOTS WITH lire bosses Pries 8415. Hawn Lead 4+ecy. FOR SALE -BLACKSMITH 8801' DWl, with tools e•motoreretn . A gust banurse Lase Amway. EDWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. PROCTOR iN MAItITiME COURTB. C'ONVEYA.':• ('ERs, dc. MONEY 10 LOAN. Stnt'gbt Loss. Private Funds. LOWEST RATES Or INTEREST. Orrtem : corner of Hamilton a51 Nr to streets. opp. Colborne Hotel. Goderich. 2111- SEAGER & HAR1T, BARRISTERS, ke-. Godetieb ad ('Rate.. Oederteb sr - Ice opposite Martin's Botch 110 tf C. HAYS, SOLICITOR, &c. • (Mice, corner of Square and W est street Goderich. over telegraph ogee. Prt trate funds to lend at 6 Yet cent. ' 0• CARRl1W & PROUDFOOT, BAR T RISTE(s Attorae7Ts. Solicitors. etc Oedertcb J. T. °arrow. W. Prondfoot. 315 ("CAMERON, HJLT & CAMZROI(, Barristers. Solicitors la CheaOerf, t 3oderich. M. C. (omeres. Q.C., P. alt. G. Cameron, (' C. Roes. 111*• pored of after the first week 1n January sod Societies. a ►11 account, not settled by that timewill hare to los paid to the holden of the boos* after that date. J. Dowsing It Co. (1 16. MR. J A II ES COOK E, ORGANiST AND QHOIR MASTER. Knox Church, Ooderich. TRACHEA Or THY OMAN. rt*RO, al No IN(; ASB HARMONY. Spe art terms to Choral Societies. Choir and Schools. LS Pierson and Organs carefully tuned and re- paired. 7124- 1T0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN F(►R- RIDDING anyperson pureasing the late CASE ALLEb 'S horse from JAMES BAILEY as It doesn't legally brlongtobailer. for it hes not been paid for. Mao an payee indebted to the late CASE ALLEN please pay op and mare carts. 11! tt Mots. CASE ALLEN. iN THE HIGH COURT OF JUST- ' ICE. CHANCERY DIVISION. krtwrw Tus WATeox MAxt-.aryv. !els ('orrair.'limited,. hoeing on behalf of themaelres. ad all ether creditors of Mut defends&4, .ad Moire' W ILLI At H. Ramo. the eller. ROMANY W. Reap. and AOCLIA Rtsn. DAP wdants. i'urea•nt to the Judgtneat beetle dated the (th day of Marsh. 1047 all press b.Ming a ,taloagainst William ll. Rad. off the sow. - ship of Ashfield. In the (-entity ei Huron, ler man. who an ad willing to nal. is aeontrl- bate to the expenses of this action are to file before me os or before Tuesday. the tMh day of December. 1117. • statement of their claim ver.fied by atad.vit. and I appoint Friday. the r rd day er December. INC. at le a.m.. for std. i odiration n e .00h claims. Dieted thisOth day of Deeemb•r 1067. 8. atALCOMS0*1. *et Mester a Gederi•b. ANCiENT ORDER OF UNITID WORKMEN. MAPLE LEAF LODGE, No. 27, A. 0. C. W.. Meets in their Lodge Room over Tin SIGNAL Once. Goderkob. a the SECOND AND roURTH MONDAYS of EACH MONTH. VISITING BRETHREN ARE ALWAY± WELCOME. 8. P. HALLS, M.A. REES PRiCE, M. W. rinsscler 0. W. THOMPSON, 1011-17 Reeord.r. NOTICE TO CREDITOR& I. Lha garter of J S. HABKIRK .f the Village of Auburn. la the County of Hume, Notice Is hereby elven that the above nag, ed J. S. 11.bkirk hes sada an aseimis s t se me. oder the provisions of chasm of 11 ViMoria.Oster* 0tstete5. of •11 111s Rooth ..d eLibcts le trey fee the boreal of a8 his creditor.. A seetine of the eaeditere of the said estate 15 hereby onnesed. sad will be held at th law ellen .1 QQinhume. McN•b t Motets. Landes. en WesdeeSd.y. the 1113 dy of 1,e- oembe,. A.n. r0► o ifs o clot 1e 815 ahp- woes, tee Ile a6 5letseet of Inspeetere a5d the giving el lees with referee.* te the disposal of the said .Sate. All creditors of the said ENSts are requited to tie their claims with my sM 013. bees. McNeal le a Meikors. Landes. s dtrom ed by the said statute/ea or faciee the day et sorb .setts' attar Fpre- med t reeareery 1rd. i shall pced to distribute the said s.r1s. hashes re- ird rely to week aloha* ea 1 shall hews satire it; and 1 Mull Sot h far er tab of the mill! Nue or say pt., 1bss .f te y ywhgi er unser woes Mass or her Mall wet have Use tied. Dated Dee. A41.,101", 0101110N eNNI• ter Trainee S A. INC A TCA W 3lillwrtght, Valuator, &c. C. A. HUMBER, -- - MILLWRIGHT. MACHIN EST. VALUATOR. AGENT. die. Eetimates Made .ed (:oatrects Tska for !louse Heating by tbe Hot Water Systes. Hot Water ad !teem Bollen. Little Giant and other Water Wheels. Agrieuitsral lm- plemeata. Mill Machinery. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. VALUATIONS MADE. EAST STREET. - - OODERICH. rib. 3.1N1 swam Executors' Noties. 'vac CTORS SALE if TALC .tILtFARMBiN WAWANO*H AND EINLORR. ANTED TO BUY -HO FT frontage es the Mtaru. Mesa Loma Amery. IL 4 ONEY TO WAN AT LOWEST. lip 1 states ale w hot 0 AOiCNCY. xvtitoN WANTED TO RENT-HOt'SE T r *kb ostler and stales: rale abut .tie. Apply tO Rens Land Aga._y. FOR SALE. -000D FRAME hose. Lint elms e•ud[tie.- Ku unbar& 3 minutes walk hem teauecu re. Apply to Huns Land Agway. OodsrlM LIST OF LANDS FOR SALE AND retereerares fwrairbed respecting Canada C•mpsa7's Leads. Hama land Aresoy. The Kneeler of the lath John Fraser. In- vites earn ter the purchase et tbe icatewtnr Earths. 1. Let. 14 sad W 3 of 17. in ash Ce.e•seiea W. D. Weymouth. out, R6 acres. M agree Mare& best tee acne fray treat Nampahum barn.. clay ism. a welt lam, 14 acres toed hag dwood from Lacknow. Lot 13 In loth tee. W. D Wawa5ash. 1M serer. 101 gores cleared o1. J lass. Ing home. frame barn. creek. wuY or ber e'e. 3. Leto 43.51alathe 1stCue . 0lal..s caw, U sena cleared. rent Is beer •reed...ueell wlos )nom. welt.te ones m1 I. Lem A saaddre111a and M i M 41. is Village of y lo Themes l(a)ws. owe entas the Lnaimrst n st rots * HARTT. Ire.. (looted t\. Out. 11 11. FR further wheals,* and list of leads we y had for at the ogee, of wales to HURON LLN p i CY. LAMEti >LiI►wderlea. Out. Canada. Loans ants 3nsurance. MONEY TO LOAN -PRIVATE INA !UNDO. 8 dCENT. Interest Peptide Toady. E. N. (,kyr t+. 0, rums -Censer opposite Martini Hotel 116 - ▪ }PER CENT -ANY AMOUNT OF CFA messy to teed et M Mr Bent per a. ve re - tr ll& loess-tatoet yearly W• Moo OS Ow M to hied is este or more aims et b pp1s* CE\T. Next deer beetle of bat's ltedt karaom shop MAGE11 & H . 5500,000 TO LOAN. APPLY To ► CAMERON 1101TRCAM1i*O1't!Cede rich. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE mews •e Private pints far Investiant tt llo wyreas t1551.5 Nnest-otss5 Mer iliPwi to°ARP.OW a PROUDVOOT WY E. E. SEALER,• oGENERAL INSURANsCsE, AGENT. ICRrift . a ... WI tO Vales the M - INN 5- R RADCLIFFE, GENERAL IliSCiRANCE, REAL ESTATE aero MONEY LOANING AGENT. Only PTrWde.s ter Mosey r Leadds. t a tale Imo rate of merest aim (a any way to suit tta oerrewer. • Od Oen West Street. Oodsrth. deer • $7-0,000 cTOZNILOAN AT 6 PER T. THE TORONTO OSN0RAL TROUTS C6'T are !w tered to leu mosey 515per • ah. w TERIRII& TISITUIT BORROWERS, ea lr.iclam tarn etearty. Mid to AMERON. sm. a CAI[1im ►wsattsfoe the T., / bar xeelre Carew 11ior r 7yYM.JI. MI save Msut et @nosey fahs to los . O•stm4.Liw I- Moot $900,000 PRIVATE FC N DS &uctioneertng. sad JOHN KNOZ i GENE RAL Alla TwistR s.deMmw (sis.Ravingled thiBeett•g trade he it M a_ -- Nytn eeirMNM dlwlh•rp• with rises tthhe C t C.mp.ay 13.Tsw Lala ysssae efN.R.. Ilserowers o..'sl0aia'iien.p( Is. ' day. if ref1. DAVHIDM nfl El1/g MET row nam IT Mai lt 1 I