HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-9, Page 3W • THE HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, DEC. 9, 1867. _ In Gras's hiliukk Calm. "Yea," *aid Mts Comfort Ore's, :• au1 sly, "yos sen jest mind your own beelines", Job Moses, tool so can (rand - shire Tuflit sad Auut Per.tec at. I ain't .tad over • red hut stove all the sprit g a-scaldiu' meal porridge, sold tried and lugged Gout Inset real cokes from the viciuuseet hind legs that ever kicked w• over tome and again, to hate the psr- ped• of 'me, when they are sold, go to build • triose wall around the sheep pus MAY, or lay in • stock of halibut; fits and .atter provirhuus afore hays,'' teats come on, hot by a goo.; de.I ! Alo re I law say upper teeth, and 1 get many balder where ear frizzles (smelt ono 1 siti determined to appear out to neortin dressed jest Ilk, a fashion plate to asks up for baso' emu there every Sunday with graoldw n!.er Skidner's old black straw 1 u inet on Grandmother loeghs 1 for herself alta .inter ehe was eisl.ty I tor, seventeen veers ago, aud Aun Pdnteeust trimmed it w.th green and blur plaid ribbon, and yeller dowers sad • white rotshe, end two red wings, &od a a aged bard an frost. Aunt said it •: a bird of per.d•se, but I &Iles knew at 11.41 nothin' but a bush .parrer. Yes, my calves will fetch me twent j fire do!. late, and I calculate to hire we an ele- gm: spring costume, and I would like to • . a person on .he fan .1 this 'ere sink n olertake to hinder me!'• And Mrs Green, a Roman tf mama liz pup'-rtiuna and agrfrassiv upset, was,, if ueitnbo•rhood gong) was to to c edtted, had proven anything but a comfort to her meek spouse, pruned to take breath, and gene defiantly at the diminutive, woe begone -looking indirid• sal designated as Job Mose). "Twenty five dollars it a big pilo of money.' remarked Job Muses, solemnly, "• big pile of money, and I would advise you, Comfort, to consider well afore you throw it away on such pomp. and vani- ties. A buanit is a bunnit, anyway, an' bean' as this 'ere one has been in the family so many years, and taint got but one toyed plans in it as 1 kin diskiver, wbich 'pear, to me you might kirer ore Wath • scarf, or a green veil or within', 1 don't sea why-- "Why hy—""Why I could make it last me my sstural life, along with my other ol1- b.bionod duds, I suppose," interrupted -Comfort, sharply. "But I taint a goin' I ' ii, jest the same ' No ; I vowed the WO time I went to the sewing circle and .tore and lug them home on my back omen the women of my age all dressed I than to undertake to ketch thet old out in ruffles and flounces and breast- hum ! (h. 1 spect ire might borry oti the yew that I wouldn't stir • foot not of s"ighbors jest for a few days, cause I the house agin, not even to hear the new telly feel as if I was a gcing to hies an minister till 1 could cut as big a fi,;er as e eny of them—nor I wont : • Jinxes Gies was a teltin' me the oth- er day what a lung -headed, good ealcn- later my woman was," said Job Moses, in an insinnating tone. "He's got a dreadful baesnm shots to sell,that would mate each puny eatin' this winter i was • goin to oak you to lend me your calf money." "Lend t" snapped Comfort. "Why don't you say give and be dune with it 1 Wu you ewer known. tc pay me back a cent of the money you're botryed of me! I guess not. No, 1 shan't lend my mon• pilier r ey to anybody'" "Job Moos !" Will you strikes bet "You s•edn't get huffy, Comfort, I line for that old horse i I cum, I- waa only jest a grain to propose-- Here you grow stupider and sprswl•leSi- '•Well I don't propose, and that's the erevery clay of your life. But what and nisi. I wait orm this morning airly !More can natrally be expected of a man w hile you was a (merino in your besd,aadthat sleeps so muck of his time and never so them poutws was a loom' to be turned I looks into • paper from one year's end to into the parolee, and use the dressmaker ttho .tier except the agricultural column and got a look at the styles, sod a mem- orandum of what I as. tying to seed. Twenty-four yards of drew et•terial—" "Twenty-four yards'" gasped Job and of all the idle, lazy, shiftless, gad• Moses. "Gand of liberty ! My mother forsotbim'—.' miles got a gaol dress out of seven yards !" "Aud your grandmother might bare Eget tom oat of siz, for all I ,are," rstoet ed Comfort. "It's a going to cost awful, wool it 1" resumed Jcb Moses, with a show of in- terest "Pears be se I should hanker more after that 'en shots which wosld be good pork a growing while be was • Gleepin ; het if you have got your naiad sot us • gown, I a pita it would pay to get a richt aim ole while yoe are about it. A llamas' gingham now, of lively .mets --bow world that look 1" "A gingham !" asswered Comfort, scornfully "A great florin' ebeeiered thisg, that would make mw look broader .eyem the back than a barn door 1 Why der; t 7Oe my a Bossy woolsey t No, I ere going to have an elegant eeahyme e, with six big reMes and boar little ones erased the bottom, whisk is jest the wery latest fashion, mad king draperies, sad side pesnyseers, and • woleair fMet." "A mole -hair front !" exclaimed Job Maines. fa an. iccredeloss toss, sad he opssed his little Moe eyes to their widey "stoat. "W i -s s! Well, We11, what • peek of fools women folks is i kstowd they was hilliest of all the birds to stick e the top of their basalts, bot 1 mover Ir heard of tate Weenie mnlss osis Heir *UMW aMe When for the (hod'• abs, Oemfst,d• yes over most to Sod isles sass. be Mess the fate of a "...e..:`.t. _ _ , _-........ - '.:d easytktog shoat melee,' would like and l taint dose the first this, toward to know 1 M u let -i -r•• ---tot's hew getter ready fur .,sting, and it begin Mise Smith spells it oa dm wemora$- at half pest tent Pe.haps though, you luso, and she calls it a a deair frumt,•ad bare forget it's Sunday and you have sad it was Jest the atylishest and *le- Rol to stand sod try ou all my fs'hion- g iutiet way ..f trim•aiug the back of a ane costume, w I eau see if all the kepi sastume that ever was. I told her I and puekeea as right. Mina Snaith dad- w•.slJu't iotre uotbiug but jest the very n't have omits time to Busk it test sight Utast for nor new casbymere, arid 1 woe Weird to tare it cut real short so It wuulda't draggle in the a.nd nor ketch S i the cooper -shop ehavins that pesky res 1 surveyor has tilled up the spring was touts with ; and seeing as nay feet is • going to show the whole bigness of 'em, i ata a going to send to L'..stuu and rot me a hansum pair of button kid shoes, with heels on em—No. b." "So b !' echoed Job Moses. "Jum1- in adders, Comfort. Whatever air yi u tblukin about 1 Don't you remcmbtr how you pulled, and tugged and sweat to get your feet into that met pair of e:uth gaiters No i, and boated the injy- rubber io the odea of booth of them sod hal to sew in patches ! I would really advise a woman at your time of life tett to go a raising crus and bunions, and squeezing swat po .,iu their toe. "I don't care if it pains me so I au't able to stir out of the house agin for a year," b.uke in Comfort. "I aiu's a going to meeting with • pair of feet showing under sty new cashymere like a coup'. o1 Galt -fish under •n au,berrella ! No indeed. I don't believe in doing things half way. When I start out kill- ing ester -Luca on a but afternoon while you air a sleep:lig on the haytnow or dozing under an apple tree, them tater bugs ha+ got to die, and when I start in on a fashionable costume I aw • Ruin the whole fi;ger or nano and you can de• pend ou't ! And now you jest march that 01i harness you'ze brought in here to mend right straight out of my clean kitchen and or over into the back pars- er end ketch tide old h ass ; rode, got to start right of now to DAnvers on m very important eud pertickerler errand for inc.' "Oh Lord a massy, Comfort, I can't it is so dreadful hot today, and I've got an awful headache and a sharp pain in my side, and the told horse is so skittish I'm afeard of her heels, and the parster is so big and I don't know what direc- tion to hunt in. Can't you put it od un• til tomorrow 1 ' 'No." "Oh dear. Air we all out of provish- ens, Comfort 1 Cause if -re be, 1'd ✓ uttier travel three miles to B,b Black's ill turn." "Pervishuns enough," answered Com- fort shortly. "Aad don't stop to cackle cony longer. I expect Mia. Smith bore thia afternoon to fit my linin', and she can't snip her *cissurs till you make haste bock from Dancers with a patent excel- sior bustle.' "A beetle !" groaned Sob Moses. "A bustle ! Drive • pour fellow nine miles • bot day like this when there ain't • breath of air stirrin', to get m pesky Waste. Oh' Lard, oh dear '1 Can't you use a cheer•.ushin, or—or—a feather of the New Turk Farmer. If there is ,anything I do rally at their highest watt, it is a stirring enterprising man, "dompin' adders, Comfort !" broke in Job Mosso desperately. "Won't you stop a noggin and a nagging at me ? I some is hen to .sod this 'ere harness and have a minute's peace, and you be- gin on me game as you allus do, sad Rot me so discombobulated I bate stook an awl right through the palm of my band ! Ob, dear, get a rag quick ! What an unfortnit moo I be !" "Props it will learn you not to fetch your old rubbish into ay clean kitchen to tinker oa and dose over," answered Comfort in a far from ;sympathetic tame. "Yes. I are ready, but I am jest about I "There, you eon tie that old Hband T . dead ; I've bad the **West tamale to THE NEW PAPER chief round your hand, and afore Too nato lay, frizzles lay, and I've split my I an the dsli•gteut Jub Moses was miming is with a rail of Ovate( from the well. "Job Moes Green "' she demanded wrathfully. "West doss this ere .son 1" "Mean 1' seeded Job Muses, "it otewa, 1 sit;,posse, torment •ouwgh fur BA oils day ! I don't mini beim lade( at National I'i:la are favorite pnrgativ. A Wafer of orommay- and anti-bili,as esedieiao ; they an min' Aa a .atter of eeosu l IS. Ii. 13. is n aad thuorb. 1st the eheapoe& melodious" is e toe st Whoa Wes to cure "brook damages of the stone - sick, liverhickory.adloo a abd, and of stem other hoorays remedy. 0 B. B. si f ale. Dollar a bottle, D UNN'S KING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND but I was bound to have it to wear to- by gsgglln Stria sod empty headed b' y. , day, sold told her I guessed I could fir 1 but when 1 go to weetin with • big tat it myself. Job Moses, air you • coin- dapple om woman that enters • thing with great so'I" dapple snip and yards and yards of "Yes yea, 1'°n a getting up," called • ribbon spin, and bear a lot of men out sleepy voice ; and Job Mases appeared wader the ht mise shed, say as how •11 they at the heed of the stairs, rubbing kis could think et when we both walked in, eyes with one band and carry lag • pair was a little tog boat • tuwin •grist ship of rubber loots, •u old linen coat and a of war under full sail, it is more than I straw hat in the other. "Whatever in oat stand, and when you go w aisetia the world, Comfort," he whined, "is the matt° and wear that there n»tume you nee of keepin a hollerin and • hollerin, will t., alone. That's sartin." and rout a sea out of his bed afore the bens are off the Host 1 I was jest a bas- in such • wonderful dream, tow ! I thought I had drawn s hundred -thousand d .(lar prize in the Louisiana Lottery,and it was all spreai out in yeller gold afore my eyes, and jest as I was • calculating int it entirely remodelled.—George A. up bow I should never be obliged to do Ilam.. aoother chore of work as long as I lined —you hollered. I have a good mind on the strength of that 'ere dream t., set, the old gander and buy • ticket. I al- ien thought I should strike a fortis seine hue." ., The human digestive apparatus is one "1 shush' jest like to ketch you a of the most towl.!ic•teoz and _wonderful o things in ez,steuce. la is easily put out es11un that old gander aril a sluanderiu : Uf order. the money. Fortin ; fiddle sticks ' I Greasy foul, tough foo ,d. sloppy f. od, wouldn't give what I could earn in one bed cookery, menial worry, law hours, •fter000u pickin huckleberries for all irrhettuch il l•r habit+, eud wavy tetter thing- inwht t be, he ,' the the tons yon or ennybody else in the Atuieritaaonugpeopnole atmatio ou ofatd�smprpa town will sink, in • hurry. Well now, But (Ireo•ol's August Flower has done if you have got your eye' fairly open,you a wonderful work in reforming this sad eau come here and begin puffin on this bu.turss and waling the American people so Healthy that they cau enjoy their meals sed be happy. Remit other :—No happiness without health. But Green'. August Flower �b�rines health and happiness to the and things afore 1 have had a mit, o,f Yspefoie. Ask your druggist for s And Job Moses remains firm. No amosut of persuasiuu or nagging can in• duce him to accompany his wile to church when attired in hot fsahiouabls custom., and much against her own in- clinetion, lira Ilreen is thanking of hav- lawetet. now tette Peter. -- Drip/mit is dreadful. Disordered liver se misery. Iudigeation u a foe to gond nature. 'ere costume. Try on the hoop -skirt f est. " "Oh dear, Comfort ! Have I got to rig 011 all theta petticoats and gowns breakfast 1" "Yea ; now du stand still—I daaso— yeo—I guess you may put on th•oowMit-- if they are big enough," "Big ennff : Fur a feeble man Ike t me !" ,aid Job M.sw, iudignautly. "They look as if they mteht fit around a burl !" "Yes ; them is all right. Now for the bumla. I'm a goin to twist tk:e ere newspaper around it fur fear it won't stick out enoukh to show oil my hanscm new dolmas. "M7 yesterday's Fanner And it's got a vailyahle piece in it about '1.g weakness in tut keys ' Oh dear ! Cana you find something else 1" "I ain't a goin' to try. Now you put the dress on. Now stand stock-still while I loop it up—now set down—now walk out—now walk back—now turn rotund so I can sea how it hangs. There, ain't them three great plumes lovely ! I want them long red bannit strings to tie oo the side so to fleet behind when I'm walking. I do admire all Them tows and loops of ribbon, and the big sash on the dolman is juts elegant' Now spread this here parasol, and I can get an idea how my whole atstume is a going to look is ass. Now I want to know If it ain't jest hansom 1 What do you think 1 "I dunno," aaid Job Moses, in a dis- consolate tone. "I ain't much of a jedge and I'm awful hammy." "That's notban' new, Now I'm ruing op -stain to fix myself, and when you hear the last bell ring you may be ready and holler for me. You will find yore breakf th tab( d 'f th t I ast on a e, an 1 • ea t mold all you have to do is to kindle a fire and make rime mon." And Mrs Green eardol!y gathered op the different articles of wearing apparel that had cost her so mesh hard lab( r the Seventy -tile cents. eowly Waimea •meNeay Pashtos s. Many fashionable French ladies are akiug to the study of astronotoy, and are having ottservatoties erected In se- cluded parts of their gardens. A tante for rare books, cart .us editions and fine bindings is anothe: ta•hi'u snong French society !adios. It is Absurd For people to expect a caro for Indiges- tion, unless they refrain from eating what is unwholesome ; but if anything will sharpen the appetite and give tone to the Jigestire organs, it is Ayer's Sar- saparflla. Thousands all over the land testify to the merits of this medicine. Mrs. Sarah Burroughs, of 248 Eighth street, South Boston, writ/* : " My hos. band has taken Ayer's Sarsapartlla, for Ityrpepsia and torpid liver, and has been greatly benefited." A Confirmed Dyspeptic. C. Canterbury, of 141 Franklin ,t., Boston, Mass., writes, that, suffering for years from Indigestion, he was at last Induced to try Ayer's Sarssparill• and, by its use, was entirely cured. -• Lars. Joseph Aubin, of High street, Holyoke, Mass., suffered for over a year from Dyspepsia, so that she could not eat substantial food, became very weak, an.1 was unable to care for her family. Neither the medicines preeeribed by physlcians, nor any of the remedies advertised for the core of Dyspepsia. helped her, natal she commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. "Three bottles of this medicine," she writes, " cured me." Ayer's Sarsaparilla, P::?A&:D ST Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., Lowell, Masa Pries 31; alt bottles, $3. Worth aS • bottle. both meatal and physical and sougbt 1•• /► m isrAH R ►a>< a chamber and was seen no more for sever- CA EREAM BALM al hours. "The last hell is done rin'in,Comfort, Mint you about ready," called Job Mos- es. who at half past ten precisely was at- tired is his Sunday wit and waiting on the doorstep. Tb. Sunday suit was a sermon in itself, the rusty broadcloth and usenet tall hat telling a story of woman's trismph with needle, three 1 and glue pot against the inroads of frisky moths and ambitious mice with a tenden- cy to explore oedsr chests and dilapidat- ed band -boxes. 1S %VI.RTH $1,000 To ANY MAN. w ei me se CUM n.feriag fres,' CATARRH. NM L'4nld ermoor A part(,(, ',applied ate es, b nostril and 1s agreeable. Trine Se c. vita at Drawees: to mom registered. a carts. lit, colors free. 1101•ty ! ILLY BROS. Ile-as,tlats, Owego N.T. . tumble down and break your sow or I sew kid tlures from one sad to anther ---- seek or Duthie, you jest skip for that trytn to get them 00, and my abase are 'T`n now ('an.wretiv. Jnev.at about old buss." kill. my heels by inches. 0 dear ! I I A "we'd tr 1.'1°. 1° 1" .arced "Oh, dear, I am jest about noshed," hardly m e how 1 eau walk so far, but I said Job Moses to himself when an hoer shall lune to go on your arm all the way, later he drove away over the dusty,stosy we'll ad to walk loss." ���iii/// rand in the direction of Danvers. "1 With head erect and countenance fair- 1 demi upole� ea er shotu'tztb S ib evse sere I shall have a awful eek ly beamiag with gratified vanity, Mrs Maks the paw wailer, dwtbr ma Wog ref w tope(( after Oda lay bones were eerie Grego followed het hoeband up the aisle, Prat aiteii41,-,,,,,1::,:„ M tb. » diad •.oath with Amin miles and miles mid took her acseetosssd seat. She ser - b be e Olniptre, ever rooks and break after the old hoes or heard • word of the sermea— ezealt- tai! of Brilliant writers afore I stabbed my toe sod tell planate eat tbootk it was—for she felt that the i'd'es. teen tWM tmpwwyet d iswie .at The os a stump sad snooped the skin •11 of oyes of obs eeagr•gatios um lied no I woo rum. sees am aiaeswe, both my two lop nod bruited my elbows bet, sod enjoyed the •ssgatlon abs im- I Abbe serteAeb, erfblank sod MM Aad sow, whoa 1 am igised she kes •reading. Oka looked as p. m c.memes. A�~~ ems ~ •sm-a-sweat dame, ripe got to dries wine Job :eieses, expecting to see his face rad- 1 adieu. t'.mmer.•.t ISeavw miles is this biting bot ma—jest to Ret kaat with mmjega1 pride • instead. it i esseressing nesemem'ser'Ufwe. FM -vcr Pointers If Toy Want a DINNER SETT, Look at NAIRN'S Stock If Tou Want a BEDROOM SETT. NAIRN has them at all priers If You Want a TEA SETT, NAIRN has a full assortment If You Want Apjthiog in CHINA, NAIRN has the finest display If You Want Anything is GLASS, Try NAIRN'S before purchas- ing elsewhere. For Pure, Unadulterated FRESH GROCERIES! CNAI A. —HAS THEM — KVEf.YTiiINO WARRANTED. YOUR TRADE SOLICITED Coder' h. A HI lath. 1lfl. 1888- Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. Hasu•sai astute has a wielestablleihr plater as the leading illustrated newe�a�er `` .ant-rtca fain: tale fairese of 1n ,.(;turn MF menu oft current politics baa earned tett It this rt•spect and co,:theaoe et all ImpwrtglaaIl read- ers aad the variety mid tmelinemi.o of Its literary ouetenta which include serial aad short sterile by tae bast aad most writers. fit it fur the perusal of people obs widest rase of tastier amid pursuits. Supple- ments are frequently provided. and no ex- pense is spared iu bring the bigheet order of artistic ability w bear opus the Mutation et His changefulhaae* of boats and torahs history In all itta features H text••,; s tt'tait- LY u admirably adapted to be a weloemel guest la every huuaebuld. HARPERS PERIODICALIS. Pita TEAS: IIARPIIR'S WEEKLY ... _.jt COP HAKPER'S MAOAZlvb; • tri HAKPgK'rt a1*UAZINg t SD HARPER'S YOUNO PEON/ 1011 Postage Pree to elf suharribers t• M ratted States. Canada. or (feet,.. The volumes of the Wat:ter begin wltb tM firm Number for January of each year. Weil no itme a. mentioned, it win be understood that the subscriber wishes to ooasaeeoe en the Namber current at the time of tie rte apt of order. Bowed Volumes of HARP:R'e wolone ape three years ba. -k. In neat cloth biadhag, win be sent by mall, poetaais�ts, paid, or by exp•es� free of ozpand +e ;proded the trclght dem exc.-ed one dollar per volume(. for 37 mese col otos. ('loth ('ase* for each volume. suitable kr binding. will be sent by mail, postpaM. era reoeipt of $l Bleach. Remittances should be made by Past -Olio, Stoney Order sr Aran. to avoid chance of lust.wspapers-iit to (copy 1M. nde•rebr~ ,,, -re tr,thotst tie express *raker of Hear= eei IllotTBi* Address HARPER & BROTHER. New Tort i Protege Free to all subs, nbera in the Unit- , ed rtates or Canada 600 HORSES WANTED To carry off the large and well -assorted stock of ,zi s, Cz.z s /Jai/essay t• Now offering at !:EDUCED PRICES at &c 8sorT's Mammoth Hat -stem ►repot. Having secured a large stock of Harness Mountings. Rohm and BWkete at wholesale manufacturers prices. I am eonddent I can supply alt n need se Harness, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Sleigh Bothe. and everything to be found in a first-class shop. at prices never before offered in the Cswaty. Having determined to bell off the whole of my large stock. ',attics baring Cash .aa bay at prices that will satirise everyone. so come along and try the Mammoth Harness Depot and you will save money. Remember the stand : WM. ACHESON'S HARNESS DEPOT, Hamilton Street. Ootteele4 tl.l it Book .tccou nta must 1* settled at once by Cash or Note. !1c .3m We hare now in Stock the following NEW & VERY FASHIONABLE SHADES IN DRESS GOODS Heliotrope Island Blue Mushroom Brown C3eobelin Mineral 3 req_ J. C. DETLOR & CO. HEAL QUbEiTJCRB Tr OR BOOTS AND SHOES. E. DOWNING The Old Established Best and Shoe Man of Ooderlob. still to the heat with one et the idelwws Stooks le the Dom algia. comprising EVERY STYLE, QUALITY, & PRICE AX IMMENSE ITrOCK or Ladies' Fine Goods la Button Boots, Balmoral.. Congress. Oxford Ties. Sheen different styles of Kid -7' - from the. up to any min. yes like. reit. Plush. Repp, Penult", Cape,. Wigwam aad German Slippers is prufesioo. OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS Of every deerripthen (loth of Canadian and American make(• i would also call the attwtlata of l'A R>rt ERS to that part et ay stock especially suitable for therm, suet as Long Boots in Calf, Sip and Cowhide, FELT BOOTS AND MOCCASINS. 1 have a 11.. of Pelt Boats, my ewa make, ackaewledi4d to he the Rest Felt Root made ba Caaeda. Prompt aad careful attention •leen to ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. tsPlwae hear three fads to salad • - i hove byfar the lar=e.a t stock of Rases aad Shoes he teem • They are of the very Ms: quality peeewrae, being aaaa.•ddee by the best sassofactwteam is Camila : Aid I will all at prises es low or lower thea teepee else. ttoltelth.g s coatis uses oe year vetoed ewstowa, se liberally accorded me durteg Ube peel fenrtee$ years. 1 remain. yours faithfully. a scrag beech" wore • eery lugubrious expreesios, a rid wart. T ultRal l w _ a�bl I s • • • • "Job Mom I JibMuss Orem 1 Ds yes tea tae r ,oiled • high-014mi le Med all etas the veer;,• was csfli,.sed she Baer hay [•este flea a All .lead 8004 w tuned to take his sits —lo, be had Cs - s,pnsed, -d mstbsring bee kdigsa. I =Iowa I "1ltRsntEit i.euts sista staff false* vary list lotted sues,- l..eismosernwrelsroca MILT E. DOWNING Crab.* Om tome a tad ammo NEWM 1 LLINERY AS P*IVIOU$LY ANIIOUNCID MISS C.A.1ER0" H.s epeasd net her New Millinery Establishment ea 1'3AM'LT ON STREET, ()Kra Mitchell's old wand( Awl Is new prepared to attend to the Custom of the !Adios of Oalselek aad vtlaBF. Ladles' Underwear, Kid Gloves,, &c., A SPECiALTY. and . (arils assertasmt eon be toot toes eetly ea bead. Ltest Novai$ s in *Wipes and Style. Oen be Seem