HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-9, Page 2THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. 9, 1887. T "VOMM*ROILL" ORO'K8. Sow Power, Gonery Meewkeun Awe Swindler/ [very Dep. Two respectable looking "comatettsial telco" have been rubbing country raw - chaste b as old pow Reports from m.mruus villages tell of their visits. A victim says : Huth mitered the More to- gether. One asked fur a tem -scot plea ad t•b•oso, whit% was beaded bis by the ptopr Mot. •Mr Thief throws down • Dent, and on being told d it by the storekeeper, excuses himself, saying be thought it wase dome, then prudeoea a ten -dollar bill as the smallest be has. Storekeeper hands him . tive-dullar bill 1. change &ud it 90 in silver. He folds • p the bill, puts it in his pocket, and in doing w disooven the missing dime. He doesn't want all that IN.90 in elver ; would proprietor take the Bk. and give him another VI Certainly be will. Oa second thotagbt Mr Thief would awfully like to keep the oetginal ten dollar bill. thruld he trouble, et. Storekeeper bites, and the rascal then pushes the m- ooed fire -dollar bill and the silver to- wards his victim, while the tint bi!1 is safe in his vest pocket. The confederate then chips in and draws the storekeepers attention by asking for 10c. worth of candy, and between the two the unfor- tunate storekeeper gets bewildered and laws his hood and his tire dollars, and his two customers tad him'good day and [glide out. As a general thing the der c,very is not noticed until the aaan is counted in the evening, and by that time the birds have flown. The descrip- tion of the men is as follows : The tall- er is about b feet 8 inches in height, black moustache, wore rquare topped blast Derby hat, dark green coachman's OVIIIIIMMI and dark tweed suit. His con- inee % somewhat shorter, heavy moue - tache, black Derby bat, dark clothes and overcoat. new le Lie Wises Asleep. Dmaid seem on the first blush of the tlaattat--that the posture for -that is, to favor-diep must be generally the same Ss tial voluntarily or instinctively as - seated during sleep ; bat a little con- •idention will make it apparent that t Pe 1. not correct. It may be granted Cat, supposing a person to be sleeping lightly sod uncomfortably, the posture will be changed half -consciously to one o' ocm(ort. It would be more correct to a ry that it is cbanped in the endeavor t . avoid distress or discomfort ; but even to fact that sleep is quieter in the new p eition will not suffice to prove that t as is a better one, because the sleep m 'y meanwhile have become deeper. It t, on the whole, impossible to ascertain, •:tber by experience or observation, which is the posture most conducive to sleep, and attempts to lay down rules fax the guidance of bed sleepers are al- ways arbitrary, generally empiriat, and rarely of any practical value. Those whc think "astomia of the cere- brum" is the canoe of sleep, and those who think that, though not the cause, e� diminution in the quantity ;ut blood in the vessels of the speephalon is • name - w ry concomitant of sleep, prefer and re- commend that the heed should be high- er than the feet ; while those who adopt the opposite view and think passive con- gestion causes or promotes somnolence, would bare the feet raised and the heed 1 rested. The eoofuending of stupor with sleep may and probably hes some- thing to do with these differe,ce of opinion. Meanwhile, • oommtn-./ass view of the subject would conclude that, as there is evidently some change in the Wood state when the Mein (alb asleep, the beet plan must seem to be to place the body in such position that the flow of blood through the vessels of the heed sad neck may be especially easy and free. The way to secure this is to allow the bead to lie in a posture and on a level that cannot offer any obstacle tc the free return of blood through the veins of the neck, and don out tend to make the blood flow specially in any particular diiiecti'u, but leares nature at liberty to net as she will. For folly years, Ayer's Cherry Pea ti.rml has teen demonstrated to be the most reliable remedy in see, for colds, coughs, sod lung dieeeaes. $light colds should n"t be neglected. Th. Pectoral win prevent their becoming chronic. sastems M.�g •.I. Then is wailing among the button - makers. The rorgeous buttons that have illuminated ladies dresses by the d races and downs are good out of fish - 1 ia. The entree! thing now i to conceal 4'. faetseinge. Bozos sad boxes of but- t ons he unsold on the shelves of the dealers. Bat such are the *ompeus& Hon of trade- tba book and eye sellers are delight( d. ..roes a weee..e. The folios lag le absolutely true, though K woods remarkably like Wine. Ia Nottinghase there lived •e old couple, Mr. mad Mr. C—. Tb.y were ea. /./dimly nob, and .ioc.dintly close. L.tely they both died, and the Min berried down to Nottingham to hunt up the good things which the miserly couple had been obliged to leave behind them in their journey to a better world, parti- cularly the die/weds, a magnificent collection of which the lata Mrs. ('--- bad been known to pessssr. But, hunt as they could nothing could they find. la their search young Mr. C---, however, discovered in • luinberroom an old trunk, which on being opened, was fosnd to be cull of old stays. dirty old curl papers, and • quautity of odd hair combings. So exceedingly nasty was it all that she Immediately ordered tee contests to be turned out in the court yard and burned, and even herself w penntended the work of destruction, oocasiosally aided it by flicking in stray pieces with the point of her parasol. In so doing, however, she notated one of the curl papery slowly, through the action of the heat, uncurl itwlf, and to hoc:horror discovered that it was a 1:50 note, 1 hear x800 were saved but it i• estimated that nearly 4;26,000 have been destroyed. However, the diamonds ati11 remained, and a dilligent search wee instituted for thee. Iu the mean- time Mra C--- jr., to remove from her husband's gaze the er,pleaeant heap of cinders that constantly reminded him of his loss, had called in the aid of the local dustman, who had carted them off without delay. At length an old woman is the neighboring workhouse was dis- covered who bad formerly lived with Mr. and Mr. C., and, on enquiring of her as to the diam000e, she immediately said : "Oh, certainly ; Mr. C, had some beautiful diamonds ; but much good they were to her, for she sowed them all up in her old stays :" over 1:60,000 is said to have been thus burnt and thrown away.-Glaagow Herald. Tone op the system and improve the appetite by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It will make you feel like a new person. Thousands have found health, and re- lief from suffering, by the use of this great blood purifier, when all other means failed. walnut. **mews and Cruelty. No, the pathos of life-ia not exhaust- ed in the sorrows of women ; nor is its cruelty altogether the prerogative of men. It need not be told here how merciless are the exactions of social life in our great cities, with their inexorable "must be's" and "must bave's," yet women,;wboee eyes will overflow as they talk •,f the burden. of human sotrow and who honestly believe the law of lore and mercy rules their lives will accept these killing sacrifice. They feel no com- punction ar they put on graceful cos- tumes and wraps which express, perhaps, a month of toil, ot anxiety, of heart- ache, and, Was ! even under too great a pressure, a departure from a strict ideal of honesty. Do we not all know that lila 1. full of wrecks made is this way - men each of whom, like Lydgate in George Eliot's story, starts with pure white sails on what is to be • triumphal voyage -no mistakes such as other men have made -but, she who should have been bis inspiration, hi3 star, is his ruin ? With her inexorable needs she is the in- sensate rock upon which he wrecked, and his lofty aspiration and fair ideal go down fathoms deep in mud and slime. -- Mary Parmele in American Magazine, The best medical writers claim that the s000essful remedy for nasal catarrh most be non -irritating, may of applies• tion, and one tbai will by its own sotioo reach all the remote *ores and ulcerated aortae's. The history of the a&crt• to treat catarrh during the past few years obliges us to admit that only one remedy has completely met these conditions, and that is Ely's Cream Balm. This safe and pie• ant remedy has mastered catarrh as nothing else has ever done, and both physicians end pa- ti.sts freely concede this fact. The more distreming symptoms quickly yield to it. Tbe Mewsp.per at dem.. v In many (sanitise the newspaper has become • forbidden object $tu the bands and eyes of the younger members. Their parents bare become unwilling that they should familiarize themselves with the records if crimes to be found there, with the fact of the frequently light and flip pant ways of meotionine them, while is many cases the advertisements hare be- come sources of apprehension. It is a pity, however, to deprive the growing ehildryn of .11 knowledge of what is go- ing oa in the world in different reigions frown those of crime, and households hare always their safeguard in the pro - vistas of a weekly paper which, while keeping its reader abreast with the cur- rent ur rent of the world, to not hound ea a at ., ms sever seceded Again r atter of news to the daily c..riaiders- No "hardly ever" about it. H. Aad lion of the last theft or murder. If sr - an attack of what people mill "bilious- peri Baas'. nes,"and tc smile was impressible. Yet a mea may ''wile and •mile, sod be a v liar. Mill, Mill he was no villain. Mut a plain, blues. bones( loan, that needed a remedy sueh as Dr Parce s "Pleasant Pergetive Pellets," which never hiI to I it, bet when I used Hagysrd's Pectorral cum bhr.w,w and Cawood of torpid Balsam I had reel and was quietly cur- 4ver, d tact &s /catnips- f ed. All druggists will the invaluable 1�iebm, lmalI cotygh remedy. 2 as irs.df.t re.eseten. Hattie S stanches, of Mill Pillage Ont., says, "My sough was dreadful, I would not sleep at nights ..n aecouat of a were seams M• Are you &Heading s leeid this wiater 1 ♦.d rf you are As jos pat 1. fid time ia the stedy of year lestmee sad i. as summit .Hort to learn 1 Do you Medy as hard during achu,l as you play at teasel Are you aware ot the fact that your parents are seeding you fur the beaeat you may missive and for the trood that mai follow is alter years. Do you go beaten. yua love to learn or bemuse your parents demand your going. Are you es animators to your books se you should be, or is it necessary for the tracker to keep you reminded of your studies. Thew are important gnestioas, and we hope you an answer them in a truthful, wanly manner. 1%'. have noticed in our ramblings so malty farm era boys who seem to here no ambition to rise to a grater level than that of a common farmer -the kind that depends upon what be sees others du, and with- out any desire to elevate Ilia along. There i. such a vast difference bellies(' the oommou and the cultivated farmer that all the young men should have no trouble in deciding where they will be classed, There are steps in all callings, and we should cot be content to console at the bottom when there is room at the top. While you are at school you should be learning that which will be of use to you iu your Isle work. If you farm y,u should pay strict at- tention to land and cubic measure, and weights, together with simple interest. These you will tir.d of use to you and you should be familiar with then, Yuu should uuder.tand the divisions of geography relating to your own Province and oountry, and those countries with which we held commercial relations. You may then understand more cles!ly the relations in respect to the produc tions and markets, and as you read the news oontained in the papers, you may better understand the situation of affair. There are are so many things depending upon the proper training re- ceived at the country school that each and every parent should take special pains in seeing that their children are learning that which will be of use to them in after years. D., not go to school to keep from work at home, or to obtain amusomeu.t, but for the good you may receive, and rest assured you will never regret the effort it may have coat you let a meek Agent Mr Goode, druggist, is not a book agent, but has the agency in Goderich for Johnston's Tonic Bitten, which he can heartily recommend for any com- plaint to which a tonic medicine la ap- plicable. This valuable medicine has been with moat astonishingly good re- sults in cases of general debility, well- ness, irregularities peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and firer troubles, loss of appetite, and fur that general worn out feeling that nearly every one 1. troubled with at some part of the year. Dunt forget the name Johnston's Tonic Bitten roc. and 11 per bottle at Goode's drug store, Albion block, Goderich, sole agent. about Loampe. Du.'t bus in every treed s beautifel lamp, massed and shelled so that it is "just:light e.wagb be see how dark it i." The "Via rwlfghvse light" is be- aming ad aesthetic. het somewhere -- wherever aha most reading is dew --we want • good, strong light. 1 bate in my .Mud • picture of a great tri bout man, whom I Uwe, wandering helplessly around, from ow shaded, laoatriesmed lamp to anutbee, trying to find • lamp without a petticoat, by which tc read his *veoiog paper. let the useful Ger- man student, or the Argaad drop light, hold a place of honor especially if there are very young or uid eyes to bend over the printed page. Then are many lamps, bewails! to lighten • dark corn- er, that are useless oa a oentre tab's. There has been s species of carved bares shades invented Lenity, set here and then with great bull's-eyes of colored glass. Beware of it' It is fait to look on, but difficult to red by. First, the light through the red bull's eyes will saute your ltwg suffering optic, and if you dodge that, it is may to fall into the more pensive blue. After prancing around ow of these shades • whole evening, I went to bed and dreamed I wee hooking at fireworks all night. Wise is the prettiest all-over color for a shade, and yellow next ; blue is apt to make people look a little ghastly. There are all kinds of crocheted, alk, ribbon, lace and gaper shade*, but they all lose their color before lung if put on nest to glass shade, and then they look so scorched and forlorn, and show so plain- t) that they "hare seen better days,' that one regrets the time spent in mak- .i%g them. 1 saw some pretty shades lately made of pick and yellow crape. They were just big circles of the crape, with a hole cut in the imitate for the chimney and top of the shade. The lower edge was trimmed with lace. They fell in soft folds, and shaded • lair") without extinguishing it Now • word as to the cure of lamps, which few servants understand. They should be kept perfectly clean, and filled every day. The wick should be rubbed off, not mut, and the chimneys washed, whenever they are the least smoked, with a little ammonia and water, which clears them instantly. There is nothing that will reward your are mere, fur a pre:ty well -trimmed lamp lends beauty to • whole room, while a smoky, bad - smelling use will destroy an entire even- ings pleasure. -Congregationalist. The best regulators tor the st imsch and bowels, the best cure fee biliousness, sick headache, indigestion, and all •Hec- tione arising from a disordered liver, an without exception Johnson's Tunic Liver Pill. Spall in size, sugar coated, mild, yet effective. 25 cts, per bottle vole by Goode, druggist, Albion block, Gode rich, sole agent. (e) A few York paper publishes • pathetic story of two young girls in that city who attempted suicide. One of them had • situation in a cheap museum. The other could get no employment. The income from the museum was not sufficient for bath, and so the, calmly decided to die together rather than re- mitter. sort to • life of shame. How many pour --- and unfortunate creatures are then in The sight of • mother and child who are quite inseparable, not merely through the mother's solicitude or the child's helplessness, but through genuine preference for each others society, 1. one of the meet beautiful in the world. Motherhood, beautiful under all circum- stances, takes an added embellishment from an affectionate companionship of this sort. There is such an attachment between little Daisy and her mother, as if they were not merely mother and daughter nor woman and child, but jolly good friends as well. You will scarcely see one without the other. Not long ago, Daisy was induced by a lady who was on terms of Palmate relationship to go and visit her for a few days. Daisy spent the time alletted, and then was brought back by her hostess, who remark ed with a smile : "I am afraid that Daisy didn't have the best time in the world. She wept slightly once or twit's." After the lady had gone. Daisy's mother asked her : "Were you homesick, Daisy ?' "No, not hcmeeick, you know, but I loses I was . little mother -sick, mamma 1 - After 'After the demonstration that follow- ed, Daisy asked • "Were you happy while I was away, mamma ? ' "Not very happy, Daisy.'. "Then I geese you mutt have been child -sick, weren't you, mamma 1" nil Mepeeandues "Never despair," se a good motto for all. If afflicted with any lingering dis- ease, remember "while Then is life there is hope." Never despair of relief until you have tried Burdock Blood Bitter. It cures ;disease of the stomach, liver end blood wb.,n all other .ediaaes tail. 2 Menet ase UI.r..gk. If you ohaeld have bieeough try one of the following remedies, every ono of whisk is vooebed for by different aoth- writhe. Alightly refrigerate the lobe of listhe ear. Clasp the heeds with arise hove the head. Prem the finger sash aid. seder the ear, ser *rhos*. In- hale shIe.efeem midi reM.rs1, all our great cities and towns standing close to the verge of self destruction, or about to anter upon a living death, be- cause the world will not 'steed them a helping hand. And yet we hate breed in plenty and to spare. Wises eke nedeas osiers Alone. Most men like modest girls beat. Modesty is discretion ; that's all. The modest girl won't let you held her hand when there's anybody to see ; but she's whole-souled when here's nobody look- ing, acid gives you both her hands. I have known young ladies who would .quee.e your hands tenderly, look into your eyes and do everything that was agreeable in the moat shameless manner before other people ; bat when they are alone witheu they'll sit a half a mile off and talk primly about the weather. I don't think those girls would make good wives. At all events they don't good sweethearts, and about marrying it is mach the see as with boys satin* cherries. They lay aside the best to finish up with, but when they get to what they've laid &glide they're so full of cherries that they can't enjoy any more. Of course there are other boys who eat all the good ones first But it mems to me all rules work both ways anyway, and end in discomfiture of some kind. The only rule of life experience brings to is never to lose • chimes/ for fun when we an get it. Hay fever is • type cf catarrh having peculiar symptoms. It is attended by an indented oonditioa of the linitgg mem- branes of the nostrils, tear-dects and throat, affecting the lung. An acrid mucous Is secreted ,ehe discharge isacoces- paoied with a burning sensation. Then are seven spasms of anemia', frequent attack. of heedehe, watery and Oaten - ed . e eSly's Cream Balm r a reme- dy that an be depended upon. 50ct. at draggiata ; by mail, registered, Wets. Sly Brothers , Druggists, Owego, New York. ly rteekl.a 4A *tee. An •,,parent surplus at *Yellin, en- tertainments is r.ekeeed aanng the vol. pr things of social life. The time has gone by when people staff their guests. No dish a filled, and si.ptieity of mese and service is the charai of *Umbel line- phent7• A Caviare Sett.-Chd dreet are often fretful and 111 when worms are the eases. Dr Lowe Woven Syrup solely ezpels sad Woema. lm a flet t. 1.s..b• a ).rat bin Robed N'il:au.aue. ut Ols•Yi, Parry Staged, Out,. syr, "I mould net keep house without H.eyara's Yellow Oil at hand. 1 have u..d it iu my fact ly cur croup, sore throat, as 4 a cat (cut •acct een highly recummetid it to stry• 1 ody..' - What a Time People formerly had, trying to swallow the old-taskluoed p111 with its film of magnesia vainly disguising Ms bitter- ness ; and what • contrast to Ayer'e Pills, that hate bees well called "m.ed- icaled sugar -plums"- the only feat be- ing that patients may be tempted tato taking too many at a dose. But the directions are plain and should be strictly followed. J. T. Teller, M. D., of Chitteaango, N. Y., expresses exact Iy .hat hundreds hategwritteu at greater length. He sayer• Ayer's 'Cathartic Pills arc highly appreciated. They are perfect in /Orta and coating, and their effects are all that the most careful physician could desire. They have supplanted all the Pills formerly popular here, and 1 think it must be lung before any other can be made that will at all compare with them. Those who buy your pills get full value for their money." "Safe, pleasant, atad certain in their actlou," is the concise testimony of Dr. George E. Walker, of Martine - Virginia. "Ayer's Pills outsell all similar prep- arations. The public having once used them, will have no others." — Berry, Venable & Collier, Atlanta, Ga. Ayer's Pills, repand by lb J. t'. Ayer/ Co . Lew.tl, lfam. beta by all Dealers to Medicines tkas*egret. Dumas P.O.. Oat. MN' MIX tor. wife sabred -foe Eve years with that .listrwing disease. catarrh. Her case was one of the wont known in these parte. 1be tried all of the catarrh reme- dies 1 et er saw advert ism'. but they were of no use. 1 finally procured • bottle of Nasal Balm. She hie used only one half of 11. std ww feels like a sew penton. 1 feel B my ditty to ay that Nasal Balm MMet be 100 HIGHLY recommended fisr arena troubles. sad am pleased to have all sack sufferers kilo. tkrougb its • tbey wW rtceite instant relief sad CURE. ClI.t .McOILL.Farner. A AMm feast//. 11 B B. claims to MN all curable 41.eeeee of the stoaseb, bowels, liver, kifneys and blued. That it actually performs all it elision, is proven by tee- ti,avttiah frus•parti.s .hick no ea* eau devote. geed for testimonials of re- . atkable stens. 9 Meat juine and the aerapiege of raw beef see sometime• awes to aiekly chil- dren. Th. /finds sol lapse°, we might in that way find eitrsi.ce into the iotes- tinee. Worms often destroy ebildree, cwt Freese.'. Worm Powders destroy Worm,., and expel them from the syr tom, 1m The Canadian Pacific Railway Tbe People Favorite Route between MONTREAL, - TORONTO, QUEBEC, OTTAWA - KINGSTON, BOSTON DETROIT, - CHICAGO 8T. LOUIS KANSAS CITY, AND ALL POI%TS EAST AND SWEET. For Maps, Tia Tables, Fares, Ticket. es. &web to R. RADCLIFFE OlTICE :-wast Street, oproz.TV:rtpa Once. Don't Forget the Dederick, J... 1118, MNl, !)IL The ladies' Fnolld! /:riddle takes nor end 11111111111en WMM.e Smoke se Treem/. Tnis else bakes six cakes prr easter. P7..e,15.. 1'81. dm bakes eight .Mipe�rr minute. palate. 411.00. If there is tat agent la your town. we will emit you ettbrr of the shove by expense. and Pay the freight upon receipt of the prior. AGENTN `VANTiD ia every sewn. Great Indo osZrats offered, Send for circular. 2125• OLI MHINT &Oo., Toronto 1888. Harper's Bazars II.LCSTRATED. Hanrxi's B%,A. 1e a bens/ journal. It continues choice literature sad line art U1aa- tntiess with the latest isieli sea/. resaedt.t he [widen. Lela ■ bell elver srial • rid abort sissies praettml d esas�s, Younagt mea ekeald beautiOtw.bo.1.1t'nd oryrht po.ms, k is, lIs Ing t'oller(ea, paylaz missy tsar, glvtna ya[teru.bs•t ate/ e1e11_ cheap tuittoeorany induc-ement bet a cline =slows( W1mtoeaseamgYmm [b. oudih .•Dune. R'rite for our ndu.. tai cats wd.esealftNerR� w molal N'a yTE1tCELT it YUItC. t oladoa.l►u1. ►5 ea 'oesbsry. hese f a 1888. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. 11 Yorxo Peoru. interests all young reader by its carefully selected varie- ty of themes and their wcllcoestdered treat- ment, It contains the best serial and short stories. valuable articles on scientific sic is and travel. historical and bioglitical sketches, papers on athletic sports and gamer. stirring poems. ere.. contributed by the brightest and mast famous writers. Ira Won trations are 0 .- trattonsane numerous sod excellent. Occa- elonal Supplements of especial interest to Parents and Teachers will be a feature of the forthcoming volume. whirh ,.111 comprise fifty-three weekly numbers. Esrey line in the paper is subjected to the meet rigid edit- orial scrutiny ia order that nothing harmful may enter its columns. An epitome of everything that is attractive sad desirable in juvenile literature. - Boston Courier. A weekly feast of goat things to the boys sad agg1rte ie every family which 1t nidb.- Br*eklye union. It is wonderful le its wealth of pictures. in- formation, and interest. -Christie% Adrerale, v•Y • TERMS: Postage Prepaid. Sate Per Year. Vol. IX. commescee November 1. the . Spe-,nren Copy semi es receipt of a hro.ernr stamp. Ptxo, g N—twos. rive Ceuta each. Remittances should be made by Post-0ewi Order der or Ir•ft,to avoid chasms of les. Neieaepyanp+r are net is espy Ms advertise- ment w.itho.l the express order of Hart,.. & BROTH LIU. Address ARPER k RROTHERP, New York. HEAT HEAT SAUNDERS & 13O N Are prepared to rarane estimates ter beating PRIVATE HOUSES PUBLIC BUILDINGS terra Hot Air or 1101 Jator SANITARY* 5PLOFBOB. Pole Agents for THHEESK. & C. OURNMY Wes, Ranges and Furnaces e int *en •$T Milo R. The Cheapest House UNDER THE SUN. West.eL, Best door to the Pest Olive. Oelmbek 3* Iii 1*. e W , its ara.eW every ho• t-'- $. eos.omy. Its some. and set a columna that mould • de. thml.msstrM�r y Its �slt�su. SLilLPSRS PERIODICAL& —.-. .-P.a Teed : HAItPIOUS BAZAR HARPER'S MAGAZINE HA Itt'ER'8 WEEKLY HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLS Nat •M tri• Postal", Piee to all ,it rribreit f. w Called Slake. Commits, or Assure. The volumes rot the Ratan begin with time first Number of January of each year. Wb.. no time ix mentioned. sub.crlptlose will heals with the Numbercurrent at time N r pt of order. Bound volumes of three years baekk la seamt cloth •btediem will be see' 8y mall, pastas* staid, er N express. free .f expense (provided the bob& dens not exceed one dollar per robusty, ter *7 per .0wa. Cloth cases for each voume, ssitabte far bledfag .ill be seat by mail. peat -pale, es re. celpptL of i)1 each. Rrmit'aaces should be made by Peet -Once IMssmey Order or Irate to avoid abuse e s. 1Vew-.poprrs are end 1. rep, this advertise neat w -...0.f rte express order of Bowan st RV= HARPER BROTHERS. New Tet#. 1888.. Harper's /iambic ILLUSTRATED, H*.rga's Maoaxrwa is as oegaa ar parr straiw/ t and movement la every M sartmeet of We. Besides saber attract .111 oa t, dwttrug tb.___ /saint yes,, t..p..rtt- W ti • art.e se As maMeasa sk w tasass grid. Wes*: •ni.lee Orn Arn.1NM read la- ls Illestmeed the Wes 'ga^�levee ; wow Revels end Meek w. D. Howells • eeveletteeeerbry la . aegis auda oeba 1la= Men stories 87 AMIs... Am Weeks. bedhalm ether wewriters: bumbumiMaspyM wd poems orDep tial / yTheeeest �twegw�ga awed Edit ell dOmits tCibor`�Iw y' waramel New ee. 4 HARPER'S PERIODICALS. Pet TZAR: • NARPRRS MAO ZJJV& HARPBKS WRRKLF- NARPKR'S 1'OUNO PRiOPLg.. 00 ib Peeler, Free roan swaarribers he the Vest N Mafia. C'.aada, or Accrete, 1 he volumes et the Maeaitg. biota with 18e Numbers far Jesse and Deessetser of OBIS year When we elate 1s m.dM-A stalbeariln Gees w111 heals with Ube Xiatker germ* at time of read* of eider. Deland rebuses of HanropUter be yI* back. h area meth n' p.y went ea pagtyaN p se �felt ♦ M Ie Hhyaitrmt .lehab�yt�.1 .r '_ • t. ashes , 1 . 4. .41=6": e ars4eu,'*,fN Narams• ltlt'Et MItOTtg11111.1M.w Tesla.