HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-9, Page 1li legriUMBF tot. R Vs. EAR. t GODRRICH, ONT., FRIDAY, DEC. 9, 18b7. 1D. 1R OTLidf7rll>!PY. Ft - i Shoe ATitan 15AL A 1 ORO1\ TO LETTERo - I Miss Silo Walker is oompletir.g her A motion of the reeves of Raeder t sours of studies in plienotraphy at pay over $200 to that villag3 for a lock Ben ough & Brook's well known op recently completed, was referred to Chat from the Capital of Ontario. Canadian Business G•II. e finance oommittre.A motion by the same that 01.0, pay - What Goeth On. i Clement & Co , who advertise "The able haltearly in adsee, be allowed 1Ladies' Friend" in Tus Siusai, appears to Mrs. Lv Mary Ann Morgan for the sup to b• • reliable firm, and the artiste its port of Annie Mormon, a destitute insane Tee layarsuy t ,,Nall■ aiesMrd .Year person mot fit for admission to guy of the PIPET Tse wens Fer.easulle. Ilse i question is ingenious snit useful. asylums of lbe proviuoe, was reported to weather aev. W. .l. shade.■ell John Swat•on is here liking the fineoce committee. Asa Tr•seraaee Agreeate. The council then sd • urned to meet at Cuiversity course, Dou•Id 11IcGillivny 1" is completing hie Knox College Ceara* 3 o'clock p.w. Already the city is into the whirl of • anJ D. M. Buchanan is attendin bulb Three o'clock, Friday. g Coentil resuming, the following report tnnr.ioipol election campaign. The fight! the University and Kuox. of the finance committee woe read : will be between Caeke and Roger., as! On motion the report was laid ou the Defoe will not largely be taken up by any !— - table until the evening setting. Owls° to the pressure of holiday ad- A motion by Mr, Campbell, in refer - considerable section of the community. I ecce to win fences deferred from Rangers' stock is looking ep. Much of ; vertiseesents on our pages this week we the element thst oarriud Mr Ii•jwland to 1 are forced h crowd out our usual edito- his two great victories will support him, I hail matter and a large share of our and the ligoor party hes been showing local news and correspondence. Weil itself as opposed to his eketion and in,road up the other way next week. favor of his oppossot. The tomes df the city are &lintel solid for Ifr Rogers,' AN •pplieatlon was made by the 3.i - and as the female vote is • big ane, he 1 vatiuo Awiil derive considerable beak from the + .— �3 tondos now being entered upon misaiuo of "I.s, os the _......j."1.11111_,1°,_"°- spiritedring in hie behalf by the W. C. T. U. Mr a religious (organisation. A discussieo lark. s election to the legislature will arose upon the master, and finally the be a help to him, as then aro • many question went to • vote. The application think he ought to be content with • was granted L7 a vote of 6 to 5, but not t in the L cal Clouse The chances until the following had paced them. ere • week ago greatly in favor nI selves on record against it, viz Masan. ken hot party politics naw not Johnston, Lee, Bingham, Butler sed Dr entering into this contest, and as the Whitely, When it cornea to defining emotion of election u taking the shape where religion dames in, the most pious of • Howland man as against a Manning men in the community are always sure to man, there is a likelihood that that "old oos'ehe front and put themselves on Mao of the Sea," the liquor party, will keep the popular and genial Clarke from making the pace be would likely do if he were running unencumbered. E. E. Sheppard's new paper .'oturday .1111glie appeared on Saturday sad made s Wt. It is a handsome weekly, and Man be kept as clean as the first neater, and up to its mark generally, it will score • success. Then is much sympathy for Mr Sheppard in this city, where he is very popular, and then is a field for such a paper as Saturday Night. The personalities indulged in by the Toronto World, in ridiculing and •bus- ier those who differ from it on aconin;e questions, is not adding to that journals popularity. Tb World as pruning very n arrow in its political views of late, but as a snappy . readable new spaper still more than holds its own. Nevertheless it is making a serious mistake is so violently attacking those who stood by it in its boars of trial. My old friend Capt. McMaster, who .commanded the volunteer naval eeet s the time of the Fenian raid, is some- thing of a weather prophet He told me the other day that we were in for a rather bare, open winter. He does sot think time will be more than two weeks sleighing. The observant captain pine his faith to the "Dutch moos," whish he says is an infallible sign of an open winter. I am lot esperstitious, yet I bate adered a ton kw of coal far my Alta 'apply es the strength of she -retartis manner". pregnostisetioe. Rev. D. J. Macdonnell, d St. Andrew's Presbyterian, recently preach- ed • sermon on Temperance, is which b. defended moderate drinking while he .00ssaelled total abetisesue, Rev. E. ____, of the Metropolitan (Metho- dist) ebtinh preached a .arson os Sun- hat from the same text as was by kis marital brother, bet took opposite ground ou the (patios of • slosh driakiag. Both senesces are worth readiest end have been publish- ed in fell is the ()lobe. Mayer Howland reastly threw • good of light upon souse of the tnoseotioee d Gotta Pmwhe Cksespany is oosatelios with the silty and elsewhere. This com- pany had beers bloomed ell over the emulsify as a genies Oso dian one, the neediest of the Natioeal Policy, sad its wryer "Tommy Molloy was landed se a Casaba patriot whom enterprise prevested rapacious Yankees from fwd. hag slaughtered rubber goods into the seestry. ilt sow terns o t that the ee spauy was a Yankee sowers, and that Mara dieted most of bis sales to fin heat by Mases ag" the palms of sayers, alderman, and those in authority with the homes. McIleny was recently die- cAesged from the Company sad iatro- deetd • rival estaeses, and sow his de- ia[Is are ell being shore up by the old emsipsey. A cumber of alders.s of this sky ere implicated se well se some prolamines! wirspullsse sol the De. leidoa Government mast have hoar. that W mosso was net all it ask se - Yr lbw fora arty el ?ria bis a Iles .1 w.wissa Ws osd.rstand the Labor commis- sion, which has been recently sitting in Toronto has been invited by our sapient council to visit Ooderieh, and obtain some pointers upon the 'tate of trade in this locality. We don't kcow what im- pelled our council to do this, but we do know the Royal Labor Commission will not be able to get many pointers from the laboring classes of Godericb, unless, mayhap, they examine the bard -worked and poorly paid court house officials, mod feel constrained to suggest that the born of labor in that institution be shortened and the various stipends in - craned. The simple truth is that some of our town councillors are so ashamed of their pad year's record, that they are going into the picayune business in a vain effort to pall the wool over the eyes of the electors at New Years. ---- HUMIN COUNTY COUNCIL Leartett a mese *beet for fest Tears few.Wl. The December "anion of the County Council opened on Thursday of kat week, the Warden in the chair, and all the members present tot four. The Warden in addressing the Council, stated that all the money at the eredit of the sinking fund had been in- vested ; that the rspsin of the county buildings had been carried out, and all the county bridges hal been satistes- torily completed. He also stated that an aotios had bees brought by the Besets Cum..issiosers sgaiost the county to compel payment of its share for the enforcement of the Canadian Temperance Aet, but the •shun had failed bemuses no put of the fines had been paid to the amity Treasurer. A schedule of the acreage of the n- egative towssbips, procured from the Crown Lads Department sad asada Company, was read and law ou the table until Friday's sitting of Qoeoila The award of the arbitrator 'Vibe sabot ..slims dipete in Whore* town. ship was road and referred to the sohool esssmitiaw A circular fres the County Council of WsUMtd was rad, requesting eo•open- tiea is memorialising the Ontario Gov - ' rarest to made prolate' for the many asses persosrs confined in the jails !brashest the Province. Hafer - ed to Jail and Oar. Meese Committee. A siesta, hem the Casty Cassell of 61pn was read, rsgemtisg eteepersties in petitioning the Ontario Legislature 1e pees an set empowering Oessty O,a eel. te .ppeist )jailors, police emegistrM6 and all other Mimeo paid by the snooty, sad" Ab that srifi and rightists be appwse11 Rs vote aeeist m people. Refined b An elation from Jethro Doyle for 1 for his (banshee was referred b fksnssa omplttee, as were ails a snmbr of aeenunta. A Ltw teas Meas Seaga A Hutt, theodolite suit a behalf of the Liwes 011msissiwnn d Neat and Seal •od- tssm end a reply of the eossty solisitoes thereto. were read and referred is lessee eoemittee. Three tenders for sepplybg cord wood was referred to Jell and Oalrt Matas Osmsskhs, alter whish email sdjnsrs- d sail 10 a. to Friday. June seesicc, was lost by a majority of 38. The following report of the road and bridge committee was read and adopted. The usual grant t0 the Model schools was ordered to be paid over t., We re spectivo boards of Guderich and Clin- ton. The road enmmiesioner was instructed ' to N canoe Beim' Widpt 1 1, Ash - SA -titin iipoet- itirsos- ii-T*nuary session. Council then adjourned to meet at A o'clock p.m. Lght o'clock p.m. Friday Council resuming, the report of kite special committee was read and adopted, recommending no action on the com- mttsieatinn from Elgin comity council bles report of the finance Committee was then taken up. " Moved by A. H. Manning, seconded by P. Kelly, that clause 32 of the finance committee's report be struck out and the following substituted therefor : -- " That in regard to the action of the Lionise Commissioners of nest Huron against the county, the county solicitor be instructed to settle the same upon the followisov basis, and that if the same be not accepted by the pleb that the solicitor further report to this council open the smile at its January meeting. That the Ile.... eummimioners of the three license dietnets, the license inpec ton for the same, and the polies magis- trate furnish to the treasurer of the county $ statement showing the acmes of all parties who have been Bald seder the provision of the Canada Tr pis Act, since the coming into force of the same in the county, the amount ret such thea, and the names of the persona to whom tha same has been pad ; such statement to be given to the seta/action • the county seta/actionator sod clerk. That upon the said statement being furnished, the treasurer do forthwith request the person or persons to whom the said fin- e s have been paid to pay them over to him under the provisions ot the order in onuacil of the Dominion and that the said fines be placed to the credit of the fund mentioned in said Order in Coun- cil, distinguishing between the license districts of the county. That epos. the withdrawal of the suit now pending the payment of coats oy the plf., and upon such payment to the satisfaction of the county solicitor and clerk, the fund formed by said fines be appropriated as follow.: --(1) In payment of that portion of the estimates submitted by the License Commiesrooan of the three districts which the solicitor considers the county liable for. (2) In payment of the salary and expenses of the police magas trite, and that the trworae pa these sums to the parties properly authorised to receive the sense, the names of the dies to be certified bythe solicitor. That in tbe event of tere being any balance after payment of these sums, the ame be retain to the credit of said eoanuot, and it a deficiency the same be supplied from any moneys belonging to the °multi available for such purpose." Tito council then adjourned. Tbe finance committee report as thou amended was than adopted. The warden then vatted the chair, which was taken by reeve threes, and 0s motion of Mr. Johnetow, escosded by Mr. Torrance • Tote cf tbasks was ten- dered the retiring warden, Devitt Welker, for the efficient and eoorteous msnser in which be had discharged the duties of the olfloe for the year 18117. Council than adjourned 1111110111 DAT-1nreAT O,DasO tad d L .'dank heed also approval 1 atiosasom loadso the 11a. osoosluisoor wooNod sad tt La.I So vosipakil0•01OII�a - -1006. Wallis, repairing gulf bridge, 0},fie ; Fraser, Porter & Key, stationary for regietr.r $65, for county clerk 0'1.73 ; and for county treasurer 018 60 ; James Sasnders & Sora, $19.21; D K Strachan, 03.25 for jail, 074 75 for rezistry and So 10, for court house ; Wm Barker, care of D Kinsmen, an insane indigent, 062.50; F S Scat, care Brussels L ckup, $20; for building Exeter lockup, as per motion of Dr Rodlin.. $200; John Ryan, 02; John Ainsley, 08 G8; R M Racey, Oil 2. That no action be taken at present on request of Judge Doyle fur carpet for his dike. 3. That so soon as Dr Williams, police magistrate, pays to the county treasurer, according to the statutes cf 1887, all final inflicted and collected by him, then the treasurer pay him the amount of his account for six months' salary and ex panes, $466. 4. That the account of A Govenlock, $7 15 for lumber, be not paid until certified to. 5 In seamed to the accounts fromlthe License Boards, and the suit entered therefor agerest the county, your we - mattes reoutssassd that whoa the Lieasas Gime s.kners Tor the three Ciliate of the county, the Inspectors of the same and the Police Magistrate, render to the county treasurer amounts, in detail of all moneys colleted under the provisions cf the Canada Temperance Act, and pay over to the county treasurer all such suns to the satisfaction of the county solicitor, sail the present acticn of the License t esesissionere be withdrawn and the costa thereof paid by tbeplaintiff, then the county treasurer be authorized to pay the board. of License Commis- sioners for the county the amounts of their bills That the adjustment of the accounts between the county and the three licesss boards be left in the bands of the coenty solisiturs, and that Mr Ostrow's letter submitted to the eon- eittes be printed in the minutes. G. That as soon as • certificate of in- sanity be filed with the county clerk, the grant asked for by Dr Rollins for the sore of Annie Morgan be allowed, but act paid in advanos. J. A. RoLu' a, Chairman. IMPORT Of JAIL AND COURT &OCaa 1.OM YITrI& 1. We have visited the jail and Load everything clean and in good order. Fourteen prisoners are confined there - 8 males and 6 females, of the former one is insane, 2 are vagrants, t • violator of the Scott Aet, 2 for wife besting and the remaining use leer abusive language. Of the 6 females, 4 are insane and the remaining 2 aro vagrant. 2. In regard to tide circular from the county of Welland, we understand that action has been taken by the Govern- ment upon the matters oomp'ained of. and we therefore recommend no action now. 3. Ws recommend that the tender of J. T. Goldthorp for supplying wool be accepted, at $3 per cord, his being the lowest tender, the wood to pass the in- spe,-tion of the County Clerk. 4. Ws recommend that the supplies asked for by the the jailer be provided, viz., 6 suits of men's clothing, 12 pain brogans, 12 pain blankets, and 12 corer lets. Also that the window sash be plated in the treasurers and clerks allots, as requested by them. WALT= OLIVRR, Chairman. EXPORT OF ROAD AND seams COMMIT - TIM. We recommend. 1. That the report cf the County en- gineer. be adopted, and printed is the minutes. 2. That iron bridges be built at Ex- eter and Fishers, the former to have a sit feet sidewalk, and a wooden sopsr- *traetore at Behrrave : tenders for these to be submitted at January session of the commit. 3. That the engineer, when taking tenders for county work, shall ask the assistance of the nearest reeve or deputy reeve to open the tenders. Wm. MILS*. Chaim an. IMPORT or mance cOWIIIrrT.s We reeomment :- 1. Pa pest of folbwine stososnts : John 11. Too entrance sxaeisatioes u Exeter, $32.00, and at Gedsrtsh, p.f75; DK l4Uoeh, entrees@ essatasslfoa as Witigbaea, 081. 36, at gobs*, pass, at Ghats, 043.08, and rioting usaast, $t ; pristieg and -Gerrie Fidrlfs $1, Goderk& , ela- tes Nets lire 02, Blyth $1 Seafortb Nass $73.4Xt, Wingliatillanderd 011 60, HUMOR 8rowaL 011.19, brussels Peet $2.60; gnats to North Haran avid West Huns Towhees' Assosatine, se Per 11tstote, 021 sash ; W Wassel. re- pairs to broker, wagon, this eseaty's share 01.06; J Gin, este of Lester look- up, f�20, J Baine repairing barrow at jail. 600; John McIntyre, repairs pee order 0 Oirvss. $1' toes Tedfnrd,storage of meet took, �; John Brophy, re- pairs is Out hoses, 01.80; Carrie look 111141161110er, 111111; Alp Wallas*, oksaisg sleek, $1;`�Jtleamees, repsdrieg N.l- mes's brdge, 018.00; Jabs Walker, re• pain at jell, 077.07, avid at Court how sad rvgisdy oisZ$44; 11 McGrattee, iodise weed, 1111* -1 IbrsIha.wr keep lag Wrests,nceis of • lopealagMssksssi gf gook *6 ,bCes11 Aetna,1�j DtelYrlw•t,-1a�r► nth Th s Dee Deward is offend, in geed faith, by the manu- facturers of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy for a cos of catarrh whish they cannot Bore. It is mild, soothing and healing in its effects, and cares "cold ie the bead," catarrh deafness, throat ailment., and many ober complication of this distressing disease. 50 cents, by drug gists. >tt•11illLs. TiTIAuarrin I. —The tees eetisg is sou - modes with Zion Kstbodit shursb, Colborn, will be held (D. V.) os Wed. miday, December 21st, 1808, when sol. dresses are expeetd from the following gentlemen :-Rev A McMillan, Albers ; Rev 9 Irvine, Nile ; Rev T Gee, As - barn ; lir Masnieg, Clinton. Tea serv- ed from 6 to 7 p• m. Prsesede to be devoted towards building addition to parsonage. Music will be forni•hed by RNbel said Zion sharks shone. OVER THE ROCKIES. Across the Continent by the Ca- nada Pacific Railway. Elbow river. it is the ewptta, of Alber- ta, • p. •t of the mounted police, sad the headquarters cf thep wvng industry. About 2U miles from here is situated the celebrated Cochrane Ranch, in which you may see six ttonsand cheep 110 one Bode. Fur the nest Sd0 maim is ons Leavtug t:ederkt Relonseerd at Teresa* charas which must N assn to 1. tee west Over Neste:, Prat• beappreciated, for neither gran nor brush rte mid s..wtal. Tow—•t Oenever paint or describe oce•half of its glories- it is nom ceasgiver canorams which :nanyof our travelling a•mpani ons declared was worth our whole' fare to see. I shall uuly sttem1t to describe a few of the points of interior whish struck tete mnat, and those bet thistly. In ascending the motalalns there are some .1 roc 5105? row -seri (, tau, 0M0Trenet used that sru in the world. They bare eight driving wheels and are monsters in size. The grade is in many places three on the hundred for miles On the right and un the left heed the rooks raise up fur thousands of /loot above ams track, and on the other bead you may look down and neo Kicking Horse, the Thomson, or the Frazer rirere marine. tumbling and leaping hundtnds of feet below. Sometimes ycu are on trestle 'orielges perhaps a hundred fret tar mare in the air, then you are rushed' through a tunnel darker than mtanighX Thera are miles of tunnels eud through the mountain of solid rock. Abeet sixty miles from Calgary we reach what is called i e oar: Here the Bow river issues from the•hillie throurh a confined gap in the rock. A remarkable contrast in appear- ances is noticed between the- tem nines which bound this low; late- ral valley stretching north and sett from Cammore to the Oip between the stain rsugs, and its cuter lines of. bills. On the left are fantastical!, broken and castellated heights. Mas. sive snowc'ad promontories ranter thousands of feet, penetrated by 'a- nemone alooves, an which haze and chs. dow, of gorgeous soloing, lie engulfed. Mount Cascade is perhaps one of the most remarkable et those peaks. Ap- proaching its gsrpendicul•r remains precipice front, stoked with a thoesaod eteb.rs, which glow matte sunshine, an half shrink form what seems •n inevit- able crash. From thileprecipice fait. a narrow cascade making • leap of 1+400 feet. The next place is • LiOyr. Here the national park is situated, and the celebrated Dot Springs of Ban& This ie where the Atm. Alex. Jfackessie spent part of lad amuse'. It is • medici- nal watering place and pleasure rood. The Park is • tract of many square mike, embracing every variety of scenery, Aerating and wonderful. In the lakes sad rivers fish abound, and on the hills and in the forest roam deer, the 'moun- tain sheep and goats, The height above the level is about 4,500, fess. About forty miles further on we came to 1gbuat Stephen, named after Sir George Stephen president of the road The track here etches the altitude of bi80 feet and the taountain towers wee 8,240 fest above this, mating a total 101530 feet tiers the train arouses TUM LleKINu .canna, the river rushing underneath the rail- way through a deep and narrow gulch. Looking across the valley the syn can passing* as a side gorge ihr lie • marvellous vow of snow -idea sad gascier.tudded peaks The mist prominent as Mount Field. This is as of the most memorable sights of the whole journey. After pease aiag a shat dells, Field station is readied, here the company keep an excellent dining room, fitted up in tns moot modern style with an excellent Brea,, served by accommo- dating wailer, and we were oared by Yt1t 5RNIAL tesses'oa that hs would not leave us, and to take oar time, wbioh we did toad enjoyed a gest oleos dinner away up in the Rookies. Ninety seven miles further on we halted for tea at another dining rosin kept by the Company. Thos place is called Glacier Hous., sod, as its sea implies. it feces an insmswee glaei.r nr field of ice, and that is the Browning summit of the range, whose heed is rsie- ed one sails and a quarter vertically above the track. My dear Sous AI.. I did intesd to have got as far as So i finesi so is this letter. but I must now sip *lien. Jose '-carne. Gleeler -.5.4.. San Francisco,, Nov nat. 1887. Dia* 5l4NAL -1 wia oow fulfill my promise by sending you a few notes i took by the way, that may interest • taw of your many realer.. I shall not attempt to describe the C. P. R from eud to end -it has been done en often that it as e� old story now. I shall only describe a few places of ante and give you a taw incidents by the way or a few items that may give you ewes idea of the magnitude of the work and roast. and of the difference in theciimate of different places on the rola at about the swore time. Ne left Ooddricb at 7 &tock on NOY. 5th, • mild and pleasant morning for the season, arrived at To - rent, about 1 0ek.ak, and lett Toronto by special train at eleven o'clock p.m , amid cheer after cheer by the assembled crowd. About fifty more joined :aur party at Toronto. We arrived at NORTH BAY at about 8 o'clock neat (Sunday) morn- ing. This is a divisional pniot on the C. P. R , and the junction of the Northern and Northwestern with the C. P.R. It Nos a population of about 1.000 and is pleasantly situated on north bank of Like N+pissing, and is 728 miles north of Toronto. There is a steamer cruising on the lake between ports in the sr - mer, but she is laid up now, and the lake is froaen for about forty yards out frog shore. The lake is noted for its good fishing, and is becoming a favorite sem- mer resort. But it the land that this road passes over is a fair sample of I[us• koka District, we pity the poor Battler there. Hese wet were joined by the ex• cuniouists from Montreal and other eastern points, which made our number shoot 120: After about an hour's delay we started again through a primitive forest -reserve of the Nipisatng Indiana. The timber is heavy in mae.y places, and the country abounds with game. The nest place of any importance is The attention of the Civil Service Owemwitware has beers sailed tea grave abuse that has crept into the system, is that residents of the Diarist of Cal- aswhla byIraudal qtly tdatasing sitinsu chi is tStaten wase quotas are net tell, as is the sea .1 the Diarist, hams wnugrolly obtained aprobsbasols. Moo .sob psalms trash bo will hs dittlalal•1 f felon saw maalalkos bows baao wefts' llai SUDBURY JUNiTION. Many rich nines of gold, silver, iron, lead and Dopper are found hese, anis Targe crowd of miners were gathered at the station. It being Sunday it was a kind of holiday, but a little further on the sturdy farmers bad forgotten about the day, and had horses hitched op chase log in their crop of grain on sleighs. Therefore about two inches of sets and most of the little lakes were froasa 14 tween here and Port Arthur. Ws arrived AT PORT ARTHUR at about 3 30 p.m. Hero a very import• ant change takes plate, we have to pet our watches back, and live oda hoar over again, and, (mon here westward the 24 hour system is used, i. .., instead of saying it is six o'olock in the evening you would say it is eighteen o'clock. This is • very important statim on the C. P. R., it being their oonsecting point with their steamers 60 Like Su- perior. The town is very prettily situ- ated on the bey, which is • doe open harbor, and bas in view the dark high cliffs of Thunder Cape which towers up al- most parpendieularly for 1400,ft. ,and Pie Iolanda When are extensive docks and elevators here. Tb* town has a popu- lation of about 5,000. has many fine sub. Mantis! bedding', and is surmounted by a large number of vlaabie mines. Nest 001114111 TORT WILLIAM, the sits of the oldest trading posts me Lake Superior. It is situated at the mouth of the Rasinistiqua river. From here to the next 300 miles is barren rocky wldernees, anythink more demo late would be bard to imagine. Theo comes Rat Portage, a large town at the north end of the Lake of the Woods on a drip of land lying between that lake and s bay of Winnipeg river. where the soapy is enchanting - thousands of islands, quiet bays,falb and rapids, 'erre to make up s platers not easily forgot- ten. It is also the centre d a gold and silver mining distrik. There is likewise extensive saw milk here , the logs are floated down the lake and river. There an from forty to fifty millions d feet at bore annually. The next Oboe of any importance is the magic CRT or crank sr., whish hiss grown in a few years hes a tndittg poet of the Hodson Ito Oe - many to a eity of 30,000 inbsbhmtsats. B ut this plea has bees so often describ- ed i will say so more about it. About 00 piles farther :se is Portage L Prai- rie, a town of 4,000 inhabitants. Revos- ty miles farther as is Rondos, with a population of 4,000 For the next 700 miles is one unbroken prairie without either tree or shrub. At many of the stopping please Indians gather around the pessengees in loans numbers east offer for sale buffalo borne and ether relies of the past, and we see also many of the masted police, some se duty, who exsu lns all trains as they pees Arent' to 11x11 that there is so wbiehey es boor. On the sasd.a of the sixth day abed d&yltshl ae nosh .M.h ase bre . pep lstiw of N ero we pet IIie Walt MOO mesa 110681111 air t. ILbl1111Ii— Irish Ads tturh11 et To rare • Cass. There is no lack of sr. -celled cures for the common ailment known ea versa The vegetable. animal, and mineral kingdoms have been ransacked for cares. it is • simpl. sweater to remove ,mews without pain, for it you will go to any druggist or medicine deafer sal hay a bottle of Putnam's Painless Cora ba• trader and apply it as directed this thing is done. Get "Putnam's" sad au t they. • acoreasy or paces Taps. Mane ettrNo�bh ae.d a ?tmellPir It trade the Ass7i recoil. satteoem. greasy anew ell ! Ds.royeb�row earls slow. Ill N do eked soother SIM Aframe N Vt tket t rills) erweath the IM M s greater t.errtu' Id. seat of all 10 sad ertp11rt ttbl 1si.► swima esstrcet to Iba mlM sed at Dr. Plosee's Plassaat floe rah* stlsrw.esal.d, allaT .l...ebts. r..aa..atlos...rra1.. ta.