The Huron Signal, 1887-12-2, Page 7Old. Eomostead. "Hale, Jim ! Where have yes beat laid, t sbutsted a brukee the alter tuneful% to • portly,fiuely dressed men tie the corridor a the St. Jame& Tke radioman stopped, amok betide with his friend, ,ad replied, "I've been hums to see my ad tuber end mutber, tie bra time in siateen years, seed I tall yes. old man, 1 wouldn't have tuna d that visit fur all my fortune.guod to visit Loo) hued hume, els." "You bet. Sit down. I was jest thinking about the old folks, ..ad foal talkative. II you have • few momenta spare, sit dose, light a art, and listen to • story of • rick man who I ad & leout forgotten Isis father and usotter.•' They sat down, sad the matt told bis 1 ie whirred whoa child:ea, au skis - peneg. 1.1 tat supper tiro, mum, and • Mew twilit oat tu repave it. 1 weal lee the kkelhes with 1 er, "Where du you live, Jimmy she &eked. "la New York," 1 replied. "What you surlily' at now. Jimmy r "rat wurkitut in • dry gouda atom." "Then I suppose you don't live very high, for 1 heir o than aty &treks .bat duo% rt unmet malty 1 keep budy all • tul togethor. S. IU just tell you, Jimmy, we got nativebut roast opus - ribs fur *unite. We ain't got a. y sainey now, Jimmy. We... pourer nor J:b's turkey. "I tad bar that I vt ould be delighted with the spareribs, and to tell the Itch, Juke. 1 haven't eaten a meal in New Yori that tented se well u those twit') roasts' spareribs did. I @pint the (mu • I0$ playlet( checkers with father, while mother sat by telling ine all about their THE FiURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, DEC. 2, 1881 against's. But nut many days eau I 1uiI a awl, sad better way of making tee, tont that tit. tus41.seiliu4s should 'vet b. etwred e p and owed settling uric* again warpage ad me. Mother's way of issaktug it Aad seemed isequeatioitable st brat: Our tesapousfel of tut, wee oupfut of boiling water ; steeped, s 04, boiled, five sweet es. Set eight aiter wilts there domed rey huabasiti's cup 001, 1.0 r a doses tial parties' of stens and Isif until • antauer there mat 1. but "A prete• silver oar," 1 said, "And I will Wait lill Chriatetse." Thee mine my best uushaude to the rescue witha mild seeettetioa : fur he is lung aull,ring and * either deniaude impruveutent aur fiuds (milt with present methods in my bouus- Ile peposed teaching am his niuteer's way of tasking tea. It was to ass the same proportion as before, but not to pour the whole &mount of boil- ing water un the leaves uutil they have first steeped iu just etiough u cover nun, three intuutee. If tits water 'sally boils there will b. no "Ikiaters By the new rule, found in our duly tee it utiv'e with cold water and is "11511 I cams to .1511 .57 b°•w1°C hal). 1111.4"rten"' 1 ru4a t" white 1119°1.y lie;tre's.dua to be used teed in " tenth:eta Pinin • cwi`••••••/' Siz nkil ptting groaned in the p gni to father's ba eecidentally we hews discovered that I went down to Firs Island hing. - signing a note for a fraud amakes superior but tea also. Four yg: fisI bad • lunch up at Crook & Nash's, and mortgage the place to pay it. The mat• five hours before usinf, putrvIi.puoo.inuel utouptt eat can imagine my astoeishineut whin gage was due leads a a seek and not a oleal weAtter ova 05 tsr 1 egmeed the hamper to lied • package eau to meet it writh-just $800. She iced tea. or heated in the teapot. Th. 105 timlie Want and ve of crackers wrapped in a Isen• easielai they would be turned uut of straining before heating gives unusual onvolooPtI• That SP1' wssth• filmes sod boom. but is my rated I sup- delicacy to the navur• little patent inside coun'y weekly pub- lished at my hems in Wisconsin. I read every word is it, advertisement, and all. Timm was George Kellogg, who was a schoolmate of mine, utter - tide; bents sod salt pork, and anal sr boy was postmaster. By George it made cue homesick, gad I determined thee and there to go home, and go home I did. "la the first plass I must tell you bow I ease to New York. I had • tiff with nay father and mother and left home I finally tensed up in New York with • dollar in my pocket. I got a job run - jog a Leight elevata iu the very house in wl nth I am bow a partner. My hate to get rick drove the thoughts of my parents from sae, and when I did thiuk of these the bard words that my father I& g spoke to me rankled in my bueotie Well, I west beam. I didn't see much difference in Chicago, bot the inagni- ti mut new depot in Milwaukee I thought vela they wouldut. Al last 9 o'clock father said : "Jim ; go out to Wm bum ..did see if Kit is all right. Meg in an armful of old shingles that set jest tends the door and fill up • water paiL Theo Tell go off to lied anu get up early and go -a fishing" "I didn't say a word, but went oat to the bens, bedded down the horse, broke e? an armful of shingles, pumped a pail of water, filled the woodboz, and then we all went 10 bed. "Faber *allot me at 4;30 in tbe mornieg, end while he wee getting a cop of coffee I skipped over to the depot cress lots and gut my beet bass rod. Father took scathing but a trolling line in his mouth, while I stood in the stern with a silver shiner rigged on. Now, John, I never saw • man catch Ws like he did. Tu make • luag story alefit, be caeght fear bass and fire pickerel god 1 never got s bite. chandeliers. with Guilts% drop, ; heavy At none we went ashore and father (1111121", koPed back °V er lace onto. and Was an improvement on the old shed MVO! Siemiaele. Liv• liduee• *54 MI BLOOD 1» VI ( 4. Ala ..1411••••••• 11) ore pais ver taisiotalste licatansbes toilY. Vey Apple Mood lamp' Menbotaf, euk auesigtheae and M- t Ma XXXII. Por sal. by Jamas McKay drugglat. gamma Pries IlIets sad - - "Who Jenny Lind, the papers are making such a fuss about 1'sled farmer Just.. laying down his paper with a tired look upon his fees. ••Why, Jenny Lind is • celebre • l vocalist, who has just ,'"replied young Swift, who is reengnized as the know - ingest young fellow iu Berryville. "She is sad to have bee* tint greatest singer that ever lived." "Ifet !" grunted the old gentleman ; "I game the folks that my so never belied our Entry Ana sieg, "Whoa the spring time comes, Stabile Annie," 00011 When she tures up ;food and strut)* We as gaud se a dish o' cured beef end cabbage." 'Wed Vaaasisetr trawling Suitt*. OBAND TBUNK EAST. Expresit. Mixed. Hiss& Godericb I Lv. 7liSii.01l1L1hP.t 1P m Stratford I Ar. SAO awo I Eltlisala I 111111 w sorr. Mixed. litzed. Exeress. 'Watford Ls. I SAKI a.in I Lie p.m see p.m tioaaricsk 1Az. MAO a.in 1 1:15 p.m I 1:11 p.m FANNING MILL AND PUMP FACTORY, GODERICH, ONT. MOM DEPUTSENT. FANNING RILLS, 520.00 EACII, ONLY A Yk.W LEFT. .A.14.2eilEITEI-ODTC3r13 Pat. Grain and Seed Cleaner 5 RTHIS;' READ ran O$3 WOMB. F011 ONI DIONTS. 20 PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH I Felt and Straw Hats Done Over at Reasonable Rates. for thoroughly separating at one cleaning Cockle. Chem. Wild Peas, Mustard 0eed. Thistle Seed. trot Tail, .54 other obnoxious seeds and refuse grain. from Wheat or any animism and saving s11 grass seed at Ilse ..we Ume. Cleans Gram and Clover Hord. or separates them. COMET PAIUMEE %LEM. ONE. Firs •ttlf *ILL. Exclusive territory allowed to good &goat& with home, waggon and cawitaL 1-101.,IDMIR8 for roan or boy to till begs alarm ramie, Hui Me% ea and S,creena for any MB Ola Mills Repaired and itesieN ed. PUMP DEPAITIENT. FtsT-C1...A.83/3 "011 fashior.ar room& are rather a fad jest now. They are furnished just as handsome rousts were furuished be- fore the aesthetic craze .et in, with hair cloth furniture. picture* in the regulation 20e --over piano end ea. ; cut glass went home, while I went to the poet_ all the other adjuncts of the "test par - tat they weed to have. It was old, office- I got a letter from Chica101051 itate Bogo with lur" of the past. Strange though it may Iid Ginty wile. from Milwaukee to my •• check (..r $t,000 in 31 With some eatelitiess of their owe,and rather re- main, Mal & certain home end 1 WI you, John, that train trouble I got it cashed, getting paid in lie... the eve, wearied with the wilder- ness deatration that marks the nitalern erawing room -New lurk Commercial advertiser. The world is but a huge spider's web. and man the poor,tiuttering fly caught in its meshes. The devil's banquet never meted to creep. 1 was actually wur• $3 and $10 bill*. making quite a rull. I it • school boy going home fur viten- then got a roast joint a beef and a he n. At lust we neared the "un- a: delicacies said had them seat hums. miler sights met sty eyes and, darn 3.1 After that I wait visiting among my o:d they filled with tears, There • " schoolmates for two hours sad went • Lyman's red barn, just the seine ; hum°. The joint era in the oven bit, great Scott ! what were all the Mother has put on her only silk dress, other houses 1 We rods nearly a at.'it aud f.ther donned hie Sunday -go -to - ole ensuing to tke depot, though meeting c'othes, nen° too good, eithsr. toasi where UCCII"jallnY 1055 (Al• Tout is where I played • ju'Le on the old t was familiar. The town had grown fiat M„ther was is the kitchen tee tinier its size when I knew it. watching the roask Father was oat tu e train stopped and I jumped off the barn, and I bed a clear °oast 1 ot a face in sight that I knew, and 1 dumped the Barer eut of the ad we. rted down the pia/offs to Ru hone*. bowl, put the thawed dollen it, n tke office door stood the etatit utast. I walked up sad .aid: "How- dy, Mr Collins r "He started at ilas Mid replied, "You have gut the best .1 .55. it." "11014 lea who I was nod what I had been doing is New York, and he diOn't make any bowels is talking to me. Said he : "It's about limo you came home. Yoe in N w York rich, sad your father scratching gravel to get s bare living." "I tell you, Jae, it knocked me all $ heap. I though my father bad emeeflh to live upon comfortably. Then motion struck me. Before jaw home and Vzsceal the cover ow agate. At Mt, supper was reedy. Father asked blaming over it, and he actually trembl- ed when be 'truck hie knife in the roast "We haven't had a piece of meat like this in five yeara, Jim," h. said ; amid soother put it with, "And we haveal hed any coffee in a year, o ily whoa we went a-eisitin." "Then she poured out the cuff.* and lifted the cover of the auger bowl, &st- ing as she did so. "How many 'peons, J immy r "Then the struck sonwithing that wasn't segir. She peeked up the bowl to Chicago to one of our and peered into W.. "Paha, Master cOrreeposideate Ulan 10 send ate $1000 Jimmy, playing your old tneks ori your by filet sail. That I west into Mr mammy, eh I Well, boys will he her,. Collins' beak ernes, got say trunk ia "Then she gasped for breeds. Obs then, sad put oet 50 .44 hand•nmedown saw it was money. She looked et me, e wit that I ass for fishing and hunting,. then at father, and thew with Umatilla, 111 Plug hat I rsplsood by a soft bat, baud drew the gnat roll of bilk out. took my Talkie in my hand sod went "Ha ! ha ! he ! 1 sea me father sow bows. Son -show the place didn't look as b. .teed then pi *gee, ,,th me right. The entrant bushes had been dog up from the front yard and the isms was goat All the old latest tree, Whom cut down sad young maples sere pleated. The hoses looked mail - is, too. But I went up to the • t door aed rang the bell. Mother Now to the door and said, "We don't wish to hey anything today. sir." "It WHO On a minute to survey her bus haul to feet. Neatly &limed, Joie, Int a patch mid a darn here and then, her hair streaked with gray, her face thin, draws, and wrinkled. Yet over her eyeklaises shone thine gnod, honest, bensivoiont eye.. I stood .tart - 3g at bee and then she began to stare at as. I saw ties blood rush to her face end with • great sub she threw herself me sad nervously (leaped me about plS. Pa& eye" fairly bulging out of hie bend. But it was too much for 'bother. She ma- il ber eyes to beeves sad said slowly: "Put your trust in the Lord, for Be will provide.' Then abe fainted away. Well, John, theare's not much more to tell. We threw water in her facie and brought her to, and thee we demolished that dinner, mother all the tints saying, "My by Jimmy ' My boy Jimmy r' "I stayed hotne • mouth. I fixed op the piece, paid off debts, had a good time aad came back sepia to New York. Is. goiug to send $50 home *soy weak. I tel you, John, it's mighty nitre to have a home." John was looking steadily at the head o' kis eau*. What be spoke lie took Jim by the hand and mid "Jim, 01 Info•ki bY•torken/ crying ; "It It. hies& what yes bate tad ase hes Jimmy, We Jimmy." affected me greatly. 1 havea't heard "Thou 1 WWI. too, John. I loot from my bowie way up in Melee fur 1. a inake down ead mita like a baby. fit• rem f keieg hew tomorrow.. expiate°, a trees et weeTh sw4i t." or emptiness of etomnell la the more- C or beating after emege ere of "gone - tag. tower vetted. blase er bed taste la WELL & CISTERN MPS, An Apprentioe Weeted us the Straw Hat Liss. MRS. C. H. GIRVIN. MRS. SALICELD'S FALL MILLINERY! LADIES' Dralltnete sad Sum Ion Piping. Lc, kc. Wholesale and Beta& peaters %applied at Prices Mat ray. THE AiiiTRONG - 11ANNINO .5515. *58 rrisr GrOZ,MRIC113- 211.4in GRATEPUL-COMFORTING. /PPS'S COCOA BREAK FAST. 'lir • thorough kAolwiedge of the mature) laws which govern tbe operat looser disables iuml nutritionand by a careful application of the nee ororerties of weleeetected cocoa. kir. has provided one breakfast tables with fricateiy flavored beverage which may sere as many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the Judicious use of such article. of diet that a coostlt LP ion may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist erete tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladtes are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is w eak point. We may escape many • fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortifi- ed with pure blood and It properly uutirtaned frame." --Civil Serviev Gazette." Made simply with bolltag writer or milk. &lid. 0107 in mews by °rears, labelled they . • 11111fin£ CS.. Heinampaibie chemists. London Entriand M.= AIDS E(13C VT A."2". FELT HATS, ov:14), VELVETS, Plain and Fancy, PLUSHES, FRIZETTES. 4, 1' MOUNTS, WINGS, Etc., 17'14;; • nus, tridts Isar sesortment si 11..11 SI ANI) FANCY RIBBONS. Moo Anent for 110E -PARKER DYWORKS, Toronto. micRs_ s.A.1,3Frmr:), its At tee old stand on (he moare, Goebert/A. - . WI S 1E3 R 0 S , - GRANITE & MARBLE WORES, ST. DAVID—ST., GODERICH, GODERICH BOILER WORKS & Black awe Doors East of Hotel.) Manufacturers of Marble Monuments. Headstones, Mantlepieees, and all kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and American Marble; also Window and Door Sills, and House Trimmings of ail kindg In_ Ohio Stone. All wort: debated .04 'scented in best style. tirwikeos BROS. deal lamely In all kinds of European and Omaha" which special atteetten le called It will pay to tall before ordering olarwhafe. 1=1104 Godorich, June Mt*L . RO 4* "I NEW FALL coops :=6.irreguise appetite. ffewhaefie frequeet blurred arraltha."Iloatteig 'pecks" Massfacturere of .11*154. of Wore Ilk ("TM PM81:1111k1 STATISIEST. MAIM. MINT AU TOMAS bamboo. irrbobtildr of bliwPw• but thillbelk eitenstang with cidateresematimme. alma biting transient plane and them feet. iiroweancee after was. wakefulness. or dbturbed and uneetresbling Mom constant. inereenbente feeling of dosed. or of wpm& bag calamity If YOU illIVC en, ar 557 Adookkinsble number et this. symptoms. you ar• aut•=a= tromeioat memos *1 American or ?mad Wee, aiweelseed with Dyt=l1Lor Indigindies. Tits more complicated your dieter Mrs bermar. the g reater tar number sad Ovessity tare= toms. No matter what glow X ha* ate !tercels Goidom 11111ms• istairovery set salaam It, if takes according to tame - tam for a rewsonoliii=et time. If not rem= sot sossar 215. grorsitiesh.r tSerlZsss e&powsmwteaulpeittittreLahterI. 514 Ssblood- s ts• Ete 1,110 51 Sitpt=- nsliovremrsiasdsfaroiotsmlea, ts wreahrl=ovr emzzb.......Imt s aanay 'eionnmapes OS Egm eer:=iM an me into the house, heparin* sed.adjY. sus. VW*" ale, and then she west is the SS „-.4 551510151ralaarialb bask door and shouted "George !" Mode et 05045, Ledge "Father owns ia • ateieset at/ f out the kitchen asked, "Wlhat yoe wan., r "He thee came in. He knew me In a acesent ttlestoek net hia heed and goaaped rise, and said, stsewly, "Well, roses men, de yes remota to Whims youreett now I" 'Ha trimd to pot rin a rove eon , iletnerl "kgarAMS dierANS. I dal MO. CURRIES ALL HUMORS. trwzse:g sr.sgmeizatte Nay et PIM: an man' W blood= seequered ealiM Sean nee Its at si one» egg Mils MOM tbss1=1.11 Putimaies. te their gra.011 asursiso sit rotes afitteriEt 6:1&paterya Sores IP- *yelp la mid Mt Rs: Ip-_ " White tits,gandess Iliftlexicores A=asm• ossiot stsmps for 0 4, FOE TEM 1111.000 Ult TM LAM" MIL= 81reeillevyar,•=44 mess* sois soinsiltsas so wriest= CONSUMPTION, 8 leerietala eters Lemift is asuman Mond by Sep reiltrt Wan in Um ~se .1*5 /bow les slim =soma evergreresew tata elosess. easel er=Isalrilriar i=hipmr. .t...... Liver, Blood, and Lunge BOILERS. CALT PitN13, SMOKE STACKS aed all Wads of skeet Iron work. ABRAHAM SMITH, TAILOR & CLOTHIER Has test reet ed. and a now opening a large assortment of READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS. Also ou head a large Mock of the LATEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS AND CLOTHS For tAit inake-up of SPRING SUITS. ORDERED WORK A. SPECT.A.LT 11134CEM. Sat Side Square. Goderich. bfateli 141b.10W. 1111TAX Ass wittiest rsra 11111TINCII creastaatly ea hand. Oa Wed. ready for delivery : 1 a.r. Sew meet 1 m.r. New Boiler. 1 Collets 2-baad TbmIthig Mat Boiler. Regina, Separator. deo.. MI Is good working atm'. be mold cheap. Mail orders will receive prompt atteatioa. Walla t Mee. W. IL Iliation. P.O. BOX WI Roderic\ May SIM IMO God witlithsws flow the Per WM, oval all His tweeters@ sad t • moieties sot ogreatk liecworok without depriving it fif grata inemat Courage that grows frees sonstitetios LIME DANE19.1 GORDON, CABINU1YAKER UNDERTAKER. • '•-> Anyone can adverUge. but I can show tire Stock. 1 have more stook on head then say two booms ta town to oda" from. The rabooribers bare just completed their large lienekils. which can tern Sat X0 lituabe els every twenty -tem boom awe are sow Mongrel' to tin eristemege with • 1. essliry of good frit* lime daily. la sill be to the advantage of every sae re- quiring lime tir call er trerrespong with as. as we are prepared to drat liberally wait par Ms wishing to pet rehear. Tim kilo is Stoats' ea rbe Gotierich Mae of the ran:Reserve. BJOIILEB BACICER, TJ 1%q rr TJ IFE I hare non nn hand 10 different styles X Bedroom Softies. 8 different styles of endeared., 3 Parlor Suites, and almost anythiso in the furalture Hoe. all of whkh le sold AS CHEAP A8 THE CHEAPEST. AND DONT VOL' FORGET IT. la the UNDERTAKING I give personal attention. ant ore benefit now of nearly 40 yam experience. 1 think I bare the belle Hearses in the Coosa, ot Rtiron-1 will brave tbe reale woodier I bare ever:thing usually kept in • first-class establishment, such as Caskets. Shrouds. Habits. Gloves. Crapes. de. Embalming done when required. Ramsairre to give satisfaction in every ease. OLD STAND BETWEEN P. 0. AND BANK OF MONTREAL. Oedertch. Sept.. OM, IOW 1111-11a PROPRIETORS. law ran. Ism Ildidass PATENTS 1837 vIVAT REGINA 1887 The subscriber wishes to infornt ail loyal subjects et ISsr Meat °melees Malesty.Qam • eleterie, that 1 so dots/ tor 005051 10 keep my stook replete with evernhilill sod vole ful in all department*. NEW' GOODS himunr;rnrci DAILY OUITABLIE FOR Autumn Wear. The Correct Thing in Dross Goods, Buttons and Trimmings to Match, Ribbons, Frillings and Fine Laces, New Shades in Plain and Panay Opera Flannels, with gmlbroiderles to Match. I am not seivertisiso goods at oust 'w under. thanks to my wamerees customers. Ibises ee overeat of any see Ilea and that is eayteg • grew deal whom me herr se ego* about bnolooss depression. bard thew to. ALL GOODS WARRED IN PUIN FIGURES AND STRICTLY ONE PRICE. XACCTINT=0, fAVIAT1. TIME allfill MS carnations Obtaised. mid all business In the 1.8. Plaint Office attemeee te at efonAgied TX PRAIA. Onr °Moe Is opposite the C. S. Palest W- are. and 're ear *MILLS Patriots la NMI thee than those remote trete Ple MI/ NO TON. *sad MOOR/. OR DR .4 WI NO. We ad- visees to patentabititr free a charnel eon we esteite o E UNLESS WS Op - TA_IN PA TKNI. W* refer, Itere„letbs Peetmaster.the Sept. ef Matey order Div.. ruin to (Metals sit U. ft Paseo% 011ise. Tee eireelar, &dual. tame eat reference* to seta& elisate Is your 1 ewe.11.10 C 'LW 4f8 OlOssito Figaro Odioe. Waiddaaats• D. C. AIM stew itte balm f - f‘YAli 1)-1 • BALSA f,„ Oedersm. Aug. *8. 118. Draper asd BUGS, PERF11 Y AID FIE ozioni =its sgmtarb.PIMIPPIA1 • Jest nonvila wirorizymosgra vs nninvi. aim win to ona_ %stn.* 011116 , a aim dety sets fa • eaters eon bad Aisolisi iota ishgerinswiart% jamas alliMedi011.1"b1111"...gelilliklUal,Maddle often forsakes the man whew Ite hes ortosaiett foe ; tenses shish arises Oil Min 1114. 11117110111"11... ,40,7 A lk. broke doers. There we Wes nal, I soisisg.