HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-12-2, Page 66 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY. DEC.!. i 287. Jig the Poet's Corner. I }iouseholb }tints. 1 _ sp. Sate. , .. www She Freed top arse r..ala.. I 4.ur C.tra-A pu d f um o roger, .me of our, • half pound of butter, the Warm the frost is on the mashie sa the rod- whites of sizt.en alas. Rub the butte. dens u the rock, and the sugar to a cream, odd a little of Aad yea haw the kyo.sok as rebbl• o! the each of lk• eggs cud dour alternately. etrwatla turkey cook. Limon CAKC. - - Thtee four'bs of • And lbs deckle' of the the Week- pouud of dour and two ounces of butter of the hens, rubbed tog/ether iu a ur ` stat.) ; Iheu add Lad the ruoser'a tall)Ioocrae be Uwoyte a three-fourths of a pout.J of ■hit. sug..r, Ibe feasts ; the Juice anal rind of a lemon and one O. ft's theta the lases • feller NA • teens' at hi. egg. }lake in small cakes on \ ttu beet, withamp Ago. Boo to\ree'him frum • uirht TATTY. Three pounds of treacle two of peaceful rest, pounds of moat cigar, one halt pound of As 4*. 1.404414*. b4)* barobeade.l •ad surf butter, flavor with a few drool' duly of wet le feed the etyrk, uesel9Ce of lemon or ,.f p.ep oe int ; boil Whyte the trot 1e on the punkin and the fed- it ot.e and • half hours, watching all the der'e tet t shock. tittle that it does no; :,011 over, ma it is Th.y'.ionic, bin. kind°' hearty-Ukr abo.et the apt 11 du if Dot attended to mud stirred atmosphere now and then. Whoa the heat of summers over and the 1'1.: I'l:.rt]..---t)..e half pound 6ae, coolie' fall is hero ons -half pound breed -rumba, sir °union moist sugar, six ounces beef aunt, two r,^,tps, a ;;rets uutlrueg sod a cup of m lk Figs and suet t-. • cl:..epewl s•r. s6•ir; mi> all well and •term iu n mold or steam.': three hone.. MILK FR -•-TIN.. --Ten labletpt'pnfula sweet milk, one and a half c -.pa •,f su- ar ; let bail six minutes , take off and stir until quite white : put in a let% n,rprcad quickly fxf.•rr ,rtttu tuo land, wttttul; the knife in cold eats. Very nice. Wu►rr, CtKr-.-u.:.• half •)sip butter and tau cups of sugar, worked to a cream, the ahites . f eeYin eggs beaten lb a stiff froth, one third cup e.f sweet intik, three of 11.ur, flavor with vAuilla, two: teaspoonfuls of baking 1..:wd. r. HAtr Cr:.i.lt-trrr-r ---Chop the hani racy fine and eeae'.o with pepper and mut A.d tie mumble of the hummiu'-birds au buzata' of the lues; Hut the air's so apuet lziu', and the landscape through thy• haze 01 4 crisp and sunny morning of the early autumn da)'a l.the ptetur' that no painter has the culorin' to mock - tt' Geo the from is on the pu..kln and the kid- der'• lu the shock. The husky, rusty rustles of the trade's ut the COM. Aud the raapin• ut the tan!•Ied Ies%es. u gold- en as the ruorn ; The stubble in the furries kiadu' lun.•some- like but still A preachiu' sermons to us of the bat nu t hey grow ed t° fill; The atrew-atack in thcmedder. and the reaper in the shed : The homes in their stall below -the clover ueerhead - O. It seta niy heart a-clickiu' Ilk* the tickis' of a clock. W hen the frost is on the :mut in and the fod- der's in the shook. �•me. N'baconlb Rllsy. tar up small pal's end dip in b'aten eggs. roll in cru,tbs of bread or cracker, and fry alight brown in ho: tart. Je:-t.Y Watts -Two cups wh,ito s+Irtr, three eggs, intelup lard whipped with a fork uutil It is Tight aud smnoth, one eon --..-_.- . -. sour aesm, one teaspoon sada, two lo► Fashion's Fancies. *potato mroa" tartar' sy map' doer. d. WI a little hour in Grad, make' Black is combined with every color under the sun this season and taped y stylish w•th either. Hamburg. of fine patern are very etyl ish trimming for gowns of cashmere or other soft woollens. Old English silver ware Is Going reprn duped in largo quantities and is quits as desirable as the_genuine• Beautiful jewels in quaint designs are, very fash'ouable but only those ahich are desired or desirable. A shoulder cape and mull of ostrich feathers is a novelty here this season. A trifle clumsy, perhaps, but unique. Colored pearls are among the most beautiful of gems and just at present are very fashionable for engagement jewels. The hussar jacket is a favorite with young girls and metal braid and a bind- ing of fur combine to beautify the gar- xneot. Far trimmings on morning >;. wns, is • Russian fancy which has come •:th many °then to be • la mode dere ti::a season. Byzantine bands are beautd,tl on soft white dresses of soft silk or mull and will prove one the most attract:ts trim- mings. The ostrich trimming is seen on some elegant velvet jackeu and wraps. and is a nch and appropriate garniture on this fabric. Tee gowns are to be more generally worn this season than usual as they ars tending more to the pictures'tue than ever before. Cock's plumes in all diffent shades are made to do duty on the round hats which young girls have • loaning towards this season. Braided stuffs at twenty dollars, per yard are very desirable and if somewhat expensive weer uncommonly well and twee wide. One breadth of China silk or a half breadth of muslin makes a Russian apron sad as are wo.•n with tea gowns after the Russian model. Brawn and green autumn leaves com- binations are very fashionable, and on velvet bonnets particularly it is consider- ed very elegant. Bulgarian squares of embroidery are row used for the decoration of .bale Amar(. and other pieces of decorative works s• well as for doylies simply. Dog collars of silver jewelled with semi precious stone., such as garnet, quarts. crystals. 'topaz and rr,.lachite are worn by athletic young damsels. While velvet is a fabric which is rarely ...d but it is introduced this season a forming the court trains of elegant evening and dinner costumes. Two shades of yellow make very ef- fective embroidery on table hnen which is now properly decorated in at, artistic manlier by art needle work. The preens with biscuit shades are very lovely aid in dinner costumes these two colon form the foundation of many rich and beautiful models. Rosman peasant costumes are to he the ieoh;e'' things for young ladies who will preside over the Russian samovar at Eve o'elock the coming winter. Blaek and white always an elerant and attractive eombiaation was never more stylish than .t the present time ft is in .11 sorts of plaids and stripes. Lon, garments have trimmings only down the front and back opehing, no 'armrests except the short wraps hating any trimming around the bottom. Rule is.uiumanding ■entw*. To the rase Mils *cold in the howl or cheat l • .nf.e way to minute Howe Rel. ores • sols is to have on hand a bottle of Dv. hasvey's Red 1'ua ilium. Fur sale at J. Wil.a' us 1'ros:riution drug store. tf la' tt rs•ary Hard reeebera rive.. Tho liberality of the Rev Henry Ward Beecher's d is illustrated by Uie fal- lowing : He never smoked tobacco him - elf, but often presented his friends with • pipe. He was always very paitic..lar in the choice of the design, and tried to find one that would nun the taste .1 the recipient. For imitators', for • lover of the turf he would buy • pipe with • race horse carved thereon, or for • friend rho loved dries, lie would select • hand- w.WdIy carved head of • Nesfoundlaud or sus: • other breed. Ile also had • great fancy far molter, that beautiful mineral se highly prized by on •kerv,aud never failed to buy a hoe,peciinen when- ever he saw it. we e. twee Guard. Don't allow a colt in the head to low• ly and surely run int.. Catarrh, when you can be cured for 2:u. by using Dr Chase. Catarrh Coro. A for applica tions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 looses is gesrantetd to cure chronic catarrh. Try it t)nly lac and aura Curr. Sold by all druggists ly A Pretllab a Wte- Few men hare arcomp:ished the same summit of work and good iu this world .ts the celt•bratel D: Chase. ()VIII 300,000 of his works have Won sold in Canada alone. %%.t want every person troubled with Liver Complaint, Dys- pepsia, Hrrdsche, Kidney or 1'tuty Tr.eiblee, to bur a bottle cf Dr Chases Liver Cate, • it will cure you. Medicine and Rfc'i.e Book 51. Sold by all dra gists. Cootie's. -Two bespini cups ofalgpr, • one half cup of lard, one cup of buttcrmiik ; dissolve one tea. .p..ouful of sola and twii °f baking pow- der in the buttermilk, darer with lesion, dour .neugh to rill any. SALLT L1 -'I Gets•. --One egg, two tablespoons of su•.zr, two tablesprona of butter, ot.a cup -of sweet oink, two cup. of dour, one teaspoon cream tartar, one half tea.ponn . f soda. drake fifteen miuules • *Nods &tuns is alga the result of "bad blood ' is a family or erwrisnlaity, bet nowhere is bad Mond more destruettre of happinese and health than In the human system, When the life e.rrent Is foul and slug- gish with impurities, and is slowly die• tribiling its poisons to every part of the body, the peril of health, and life siren, is imminent Rarly symptoms are dull and drorep feelings, severe heedaehes, en.t.d tongue. paw appetite, Ind tweet ins' and general ltasit.ret Delay 1. trait - meet say mated the nine serious ott.se. gainless DJin.'t lot demise gust a strong bald ns ynar enwelitvtien, het treat IIn.rs.ef otiose iDr Pianos.' lotde. Itlrjie $I i)isen�ery, told M tmltorwd 1161 Go as r.ss nesse. bat if you are - nstipated, or have sick. headache. bad taste in the mouth, rush of blotsl to the head, bilious co.nplaint, or any similar difficulty, you .Goold go at once to your druggist for Dr. Pierce's '•Pleasant Purgative Pellets," the moat eflteieut means for eradicating it, ny cor- recting all disorders cf the liner, stomach and bowels. Small, sugar-coated, agree- able to take, and cause no pain or grip- ing. By druggists semetidaa •heal r.rk- For'molted hams, bac .n and tongue, a smoking closet or small outhouse can be built for extensive work, but an ordinary family's sm..king can be done by suspending the meat upon bars rent- ing 00 top of a large barrel open at both ends, and set over a smouldering fire partly smothered with hardwood saw- dust. Dried corncobs make a good fire, or green hickory or maple ; and sweet herbs and spices, bay laves and juniper bet:les, burned with the fuel used for smoking, give the meat a alightly aro- matic flavor. In cutting op the carcass ofa pig, the following disposition of the piocesshould be made : The Bone, tenderloin'', rib., spore -ribs, neck and tail•piece aro to be used while fresh ; the trimmings made into sausages, head -cheese and scrapple, and the leaf or intestinal fat "fried out," or "rendered" as lard. The thick outer fat of the sides is salted, the feet and port of the head taadd into jelly or souse, and the Rank and brisket are salted or pickled in brine. Tbs should- ers are usually pickled or corned for about a week, and then either boiled or baked ; the hams ars first mitre: and then smoked. To pielde the fat perk, cut it in pro per pieces fer packing, see that it is c!ean, rub it thoroughly with salt, pack it in kegs or barrels with layers cr salt, shutting a bushel of salt too barrel and pour in enough cold water to fill the barrel : lay a heavy store on the pork to keep it under the brine, and keep the barrel covered ; if all the salt is dissolv- ed In two or Are* days, more is to be add- ed, until all is taken up the* the water will receive, and • little remains undis- 1 AovERTisER solved. The pork can he used In about Mx weeks after It is salted. 1Swaim Owl . the cooipleaise is only rendered un- •elhtly by Pimples, Liver Spots and elles. urea These at u well hews w are mowed loon •u inactive Liver and bad blood Dr Cheers Liver Cure purifies the bi.oud and whole system. 'See Re- cipe Book fur toilet recipes, hints •ud ae,rtestion• on how to preserve the com- plexion. Sold by all druggist. 11111•••••.•.! HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY Tie Company is Luaa,nq AlounJ en PIMP Security at Lowest Rates of iatrnst. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. .4, 4 and ; per ('.nt. Interest A:Tetred en Deposits, aer.irditq to url0eni avid time left. OFFICE.: -Cor. of Mirk—et Square and North Street. Godericb. HORACK HORTON, Massaro` Ceder ietf' lROrr. lett C. L. XcIITIV311, Next door to Rhyme' Drug Store. keeps constantly addling to Lis well - selected sock. cboi,;e Fresh Groceries, wbicb will be tomtit to compare favorably both as regards quality and price, with any other stock in thin vicinity. TEAS AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY. In returning thanks to my customers tot their pat. -nesse. 1 would al.o invite any ooh en who w111. to cast and inspect my stock. O. L. MCINTOSH. South-West aide of the Square Ooderieb, Feb. lath. 1011. QOD1DFtIO PLANING MILL ES'ABLiSIikn Is Buchanan, Lawson i Robinson M V.V.-MILERS w - Sash, Doors & Blinds LL•Lrwa It( ALL r1SDs °r Lumber, Lath, Shin (glee aad builder's material of every dr•scrtptlea, SCNOOL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. Jr.;er prontptlyfattended to. Ooderich ;Aug. 2, 1313 :i-ly GET the BEST! - THE WESTERN Hay fever is a type tf catarrh having peculiar symptoms. It is attended by an inflamed condition of the lining mem- branes °f the nostrils, tear ducts and throat, affectiog the lung. An acrid muems usecreted,the discharge issoccm- Denied with • burning sensation. There are severe spasms t,1 sneezing, frequent attacks of headache, watery and Inflam- ed eyes. Ely s Cram Balm is • reme• sty that can be depended upon. :,(A:ta at druggists ; by mail, registered, tiOct . Eiy Brothers , Druggists, Owego. New York. ly CURE S er (-nmplsint. I )l spep.ls. nl I ionwsest SIM Headache. Neer Tronblea. Rkeuinet Ins. Skim Diseases, and all npuritl.'a of 1hr Slang frown w hea- ver •suer arleinq Pewee le wrek- •1e Giese- IetlseNt . WI Vegetable. le- sesteenera•• •1 p',Brant, effectual, safe. At3Y SOI; DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Tote teaaglher field E.rrywbeee. Prier. fa serves p. berate. DR_ 1-1ODDER'8 COUGH 1111 LUNO GORE. 8.4 every where. Pekoe, to da and fie et. plc Wale. Prespowers mind t.aseteetWwtt. ear t;Y +nr r Vtamrr_st,Ln . n a__- _r -_rta- OF LONDON. ONT. VASTLY 111PROYED' ILLUSTPATEO ARTICLESI All THE NEWS' POPULAR DEPADTIEUTI1 NOME READING ' 12 PACES F.EGULARLI Balance of 1887 Free To all sow subarr,binr for the year I at the low prier of $1 PER ANNUM SI rol.inpr'•nend other Sermon..,' /t;rrr/fraf Alwadenl 4.Jr-ero•a' 10Mrn'eirwd 9.*dap Wheal Lesseaa "TWIG SOLI QVX13C241" .A limited nominee of title Mrwllfel �!eslege Fns erto Maw«, .nlwerlber. IR N coats extra 'Tb. Wester. Adverl/nee and PRONOUNS, fee a1, Ie. Agents, wanted everywhere. Twenty -(Its yalasbie prise to be •warded ever and atter. wale. Registered letters ammo atoti' Ithe omit cesamisalda to the .eel • addrara ADVERTISER 1iObrtree sampleIR(O w. (Int. TRS "t$ewatir dNtAMt)s WP r[Nw *ISIAL /Yews sew woofs lea. t, NNW see Mtr 1.1.11, �M eremataa w., ON.Sew s t P rat.s.t. • u a avow at• new a Delle Caught d std. A shut young man in the height of fashion was violently enee ing in a street MI, Is hen a companion remarked, "Aad, Cheek:., deah boy, how d'ye c.t.h that dw.ad(ul curd." '•Aw, deals frllab, left my calm in the I•.wer hall .other day, and in sucking the ivory handle, so dreadful add, it chilled na *!moat to death If Ch,rles had used 1)r. ilar- vey's Red Vino Con hu c.•!.1 would not tn.uble hit., eery much. For salt, at J N 11111,'s prescription drug store. 11 Te Ilse Aledteal trrwr..las. ass all whims 11 may nesse. Ph••st-o-hatine, or Nerve food, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific }'acts, Founulate d by Pr•.f.:as'r Austin, 1st. D. of Boston, Afaw., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption. Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia and all wasting diseases of the human system. I'h..sphatine is not a Pledecine, bun a Nutriment, because it contains mo Ve,etable ..r llinrral Poisons, (►piste• Nirc.'tics, and no Stimulants, but 'limp, ly the l'h.aphatic, and Ilartric Elements found in our daily foil. A simile bottle is sntlicioat to convince. All Druggist• sell it. 51 0) p,r 5 •'t!a. JwweN ,t C• ., so',e agents for the Dominion, 5t, Fr.•ut `tr.et Foist Toronto CJRC OR REUEVE /:U° 7 S IESA DIZZINESS, 07 Si- 'V•t, DROPSY. fNDI;;E`7 IOM, fLUTTERINO J' LA:DICE. OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACiOITY OF SALT RHEUM, 1'HE STOMACH, Ii_'ARTCURA, DR' Y£S8 ADACIfE, OF THE SKIN, And wary ap.e:.s of spateom frac di.orsered L, VER, MONEY a ST BOWELS OR Otoop, T. MILBURN & CO.- Pr"'IMINis 1\TMw Goons Fall and \A/Inter. Ready -Made Clothing and Ends of Cloth ,. , Alas' be ele.rrd eat at fora sad 1 eider goat. TF1 u G -H 1J 1i NI 0P FASHIONABLD TAILOR, //tt.•member the flat. -West street. nee door to Sank of Aloetr uL71 Asleetmh. Sept. road. Iter. P-Q"RE - PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INS]ECT POWDER AT TiRHYNAS' 3.= 7=7.70 -C1 -IST. N E'W FAMILY GROCERY The tt.de[dgned tag most re.peetlally to roues She Ica alettewt. of eaderlrt and t• minding rcountrJ that ha% ins bought ('lirA 1• bOlt CAPII to tie heel ma L.te of Cana and the t:aned rilate.. a trrl superior ►tour ur 1-'1Z=SI3 GRCCERIEa ! *1 Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com- prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth- er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Fibs, Nuts, Or- anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits, Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicelle, Tapioca Sago, Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, and other caeft.l articles usually kept is a Snit -clam city establishment. A. 113 Pt(Tle7 OF et -O Caello W\Ota aeuflrrrO, WANT TO BUT A OUANTITT OF BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES & POTATOES REES PRICE & SON, -'1 $t:71‘ on the Square, Between B. Downing a and 0. Crabb'ts. Ooderich, Amens'. is :. ser• HAVE YOU Liver Complaint, D,geps Indigestion, iriTumemai (aundiee, Headaclie, Disse*, Pam ie the Back _mwive.ese, « say disease swishy frost a damage Wer. I).. Cowes's Loves Coat will be imed a ewe tad amain NA r• emedy. REMEDY rhe segeaItrd Became( Dv. (Case'. tire- Can 1 Liver Castplaint rests solely ie:rk the fact test M i xapound•d froautent's weltttoe.s hoer ief.les«a MANEIMAN& AND DA.D.i,o., co.bi..d with NAND xher inealeabis roots. Lob cad herb., lea.. owwfel elect es the Kidre►v, Stomach. Bowels am Stead. 500,000 SOLO ?srr, e•r•h.1/ mum../ De- Chris Ater* Bosh ern sold in Camila ens,. Are *cowl every saes wad -s end ckHd ear le treciife4 11611.4 Lift"' Cam 0 ,4 1 *1 to try ntl, a r. Aril nor ly. RINtretIs Not Qnu1 Amoy Fru Wrapped ascend rr+eer,�y he1W of Dv. Hissers Li.DC.r • a ral.ehl. Hossehdd Medical Guide and Racip B ook (ta pass), eoataiai.r ewer see medal recipes pronounced by medical ..en and druggists ea Meals' sed Irani Ica ices des grime( the medicine. TRY ptalri Como p1L A sale nod positive seandy. Price. re pats. TRY.ttisaW'S Mery AID 11st• PRI:. vs ct* pus bin SOLD SY ALL DEALERS O T 'SWANSON a 00.. &late as.we., Dredier1 HAVING RE- FIRi ISURD sty simples the lazes ma 1n glow Neej% M ( moot theme the rale - rinsed Recbester tittles C b • Ira, and Abid a )eurseyssas Sorbet. we are Im* Malt low le do Sesser IN ear k Was hereto - fere. Lady'.It CbIldret'Haircutting made a specialty onnrall ,�ddays Rar zo,seeptAaa.4 Sci..�Mtr ;round. 3CN'I3-I T, Sol Woo amok two doses wok of P 0., 4N7{bO The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased Vision is a Pair of The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles ! WCard ?DtWDER8. An Fi, Ase r tat Ire. Comair theft. own Pfr•rH-e. Is • sate, lire, ..d .m'.(aal ;susses ..l w.,J+.aa l Crtllta or Adan. BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS As there itriv many � Inferior Beebe. medal .)s, ele.,o1NAwdd •.d mid as me by same use. Mir simassiew lug on the d we warn the Istlfes u.•h impod:Soe by Ira Ina their 44S er y ibe n..cresity of •ectal the{ the n.u.e CROMPTON CORSET CO.' :• elawrpsd tin isnot sMe of ell equalise goods, Without whisk seas are eerie The People's Livery ,Airy wrAftr JO11 11(01, Proprietor, TM s44 3. rs a to valor tM pub He erlell The Finest Riau AT RRASOKAIiR.t POMOO Ghtit♦xH=s 1,0A-001111 Mir Odle, 1Oea.D rt06. _-1•'`1 1Al• - The frauds that have been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing public by most spectacle dealers and peddlers by giving assumed and fancy names to ordinary glaaa, 'peak.* for the ignorance of the public generally, in the all-import1nit sub eet of the preservation of sight. there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can be manufactured. via : Pebble and glass ---call glass by any other name, it still remains glans. Pebble, on the other hand, is from nature's own manufactory. It is a natural crystal found generally in fres. atone formation, and in hander than the ruby and emerald, and near- ly as berthas the diamond. The Pebble is not more or less than a transparent stone, cut by aid of diamond dust, and the greatest amount of power is placed immediately over the centre of the grain found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness, freshness ond a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses cannot bykny possibility impart. All spectacles and eyeglasses are stanipeel B. Land cs,n only be purchased from T nth 1111:. 201►y Druggist, Gods▪ rich. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. C+EO. 113A1FURY, CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Bamilton Street, Ooderich ♦ psi a et flaaob.t. lead eym fleeing •ad par1.� Forsltnre MMww,, ab.M tr oasis Md w ;a9.4 *5 �Wpb.wrda Ss lir a, ire rtrwoq �► tnhb�. ejf aosagaa w debt -Net•, Lootly Olsesea Ix R A e mplete as•sevasseas.1 CMOs' 41.4 Ramods always as \awl ab. Hearst, estate MCHnwabi• reuse. f • +p• (y.- A Alp eSii•itef 1:1i -wP - 1