HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-25, Page 88 THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 25, 1€81. orbita. !lion HIM Stlnmm Carratua. -- Our busy architect, Win Morro, has r. - tensed from Ashfield, wheel M plane d and put up surae stamwoth buildings for some (4 lbs lhnfty farmers, and &moots' them the baro of P l►'Councr. Inmate of the stone work Mr M has hued up for the stabling of the farm stock, with tnapfe and cedar timber for !be stalls. We erre informed that several others o•1 the oral' put in tenders fur the work, but our architect of 27 years' experience swept all clean with hs kn..aledke During his stay at Mr C's and utl.er plates be had • good time, and bad to fell many sager heternare about the gate poet sn Goderich toswhip which he had plautd upou s bottle -o( whisky to make of stand straight, and wanted the ) oval lads of Ashfield to do likewise when they put up a new Yate. Dan1o>s. • Two firma of hay packers have been Breusing hay in this neighborhood, the ate@ hay press of Guderivh, being one of them. The lads from the Kahn's city like our harm, and their comrade J. Hexloo, • krrwter maiden., who acts as ciretarte, showing thew all the objects or tett rest in our drachm'. Our former resident, the jovial York. .hireaten gave our burg a visit the other day, with a gleaming butcher knife, •nd arai.ted in killing • number of porkers, the first of the season, at our farm- houses. The done, IId chatitif6Tooun(enanco of our sturdy collector u( the township, gathering iu the shekels ft r the uhunici• pal eieiegtt.r was here last week. One tot the ret.pgera growled loudly un the high rote of school tat in Nu 6, which led to William loud him havnae • grand debate over the new school about to be Lamed here. Port dlbfi J. . , of Manchester, furs.. r.y ' .' • testvh, has commenced busu.erie here ►u the shoemaking line. Mr Mennen, we understand, te a brai- ds/Is shoemaker, slid being s oxer, in- duaU-inu., hard working man will no doubt du a thriving biomes*. Serves. to num Messrs. Hamilton .t Matheson hate commenced work on fellow's bridge. They expect to have the piling complet- ed by next Tuesday. Mrs Sanderson, of Godench, is the guest of her brother, Rands! Graham. There is • good opening here fur a wagon maker, there being no wood worker of any kind here now and none +tearer than Dungannon or Goderich. A -wagon maker should certainly find this a good place to locate. The onmmeot• of "Aju" in last week's SIONAL, on the withdrawal of the petition aasinat M. 1'. Porter, were thoroughly appreciated by t).; Re- formers of this auction. Some of the f•'° . thought there was a fire or • d',R.firth'. or sortie! hnig guicg oa at the "Royal" on Tuesd:1y. Seeing so many of our residents hurrying in that direction. But it proved to be only Robert Porter, our worthy M.P. oho was un his way to Lucknuw, and had stopped to take dinner. Mr Porter, who was seated at the table when the mob of Tories commenced to arrive, hurriedly finished his ['span, buttoned up his overcoat. remarked to the as- sembled multitude, who were pushing and elbowing and tumbling over each other in their eagerness to have the first "shake." "It's a tine day, gentlemen ; beautiful -weather for thus time of the year," and got into his rig and escaped. The Tories present were terribly dis- gusted ingusted at this treatment, particularly an old granger, who, after gazing long and earnestly at the retreating forgo of the redoubtable Robert, remarked. "Well, blame these infernal rascals, anyhow. N Den they're sneaking around the country looking after votes, they'd climb over hen -roosts, wade up to their knees in • manure heap, or go down as the bottom of • well, to shake hands and ask you how you're folks were, but once they're 'lected, they'll hardly look sideways at yen." Yoe, you're right. Bob, •'Yor ways that are dark, and trick@ that are vide. The Tory M. Pe.. are peculiar. Which the sante you aro free to maintain. )ter A McMillan, Smith's Hill and Manchester station, preached in Erskine church last Sabbath. Sobject--"Thank.- giving for the Harvest," on which be wave a good and practical discourse. There was a large attendance. Rev D 0 Cameroo conducted services in Manchester and Smith's Hill, by way of exchange of pulpit. with Rev A Mc- Mtnade, Sabbath last. Thos Stothers, of C'ulborne, bad an e motion sale of .tock, etc„ on Saturday beet. The popular autitmeer, Jo. Mal - lough. wielded the hammer, and as usual succeeded well. John Washington has retired from (arming, and taken up his residence in (loderich. W. aro sorry to lose him as he was a good farmer and citizen. fl.WCTIJinthis viler, uto meet on Saturday afternoon in Erskine church. We understand that they ars doing • good work. The Band of Hopo also meet* on the the same day in the same elem. There are upwards of thirty young people in cosmetics' with it. tir-cess to it. Winter apparently is aq.uming its pre relative, as .suite • quantity of snow has fallen, Mother Earth being clothed in • white garb at preset. A largo quantity of worse grain is be- en= hooted through this village from Col- borne and this locality to Leoknow, Query What aro Gderieb grain bow- els doi.g i W ASakland, ~rise maker, we an happy to state, is rotting bolter and W nNnsd work. and will promptly snood bo any orders In his line of business. Thos Saader.on, we tears* to ovate, is sillldtad with erysipelas, and what reeky* hi eawditinn more deserving of stairs - thy is his daughter has bees alwwtd 1,r .rine 'rias.. We siHite that they will .earn resever, and Ssrtsoant Ow trials whit% thee are at prosewt ea11- .4 spots to endow •The pupils of 8. 14 Nu 6, are nsakiag preparations lot • Christmas unt.rtaui- mens. The officials of th't church and Sal. bath school at 'Zion are mak iug arrauge- mionts for their annual lea w«ting. Water sa again getting very scarce. Some of the wells are giving out. Th. measles have broken out in the vicinity and in consequence quite a number of the puptia are down sick. :1'e are glad to hear that Mr Reid who was daugerousiy ill is now cun- va:esoont. We regret to learn of the death of Dema Ford, at hie home in Caseelt(rn, Dak„ where be had resided for the past niue years. I'revat•us to that tome he bad boors •'rodeos. of Aabheld for some 27 years, Deceased was well and favor- ably known, and had proved himself to be a man ..f earnest effort, sterling iu minty used good neighborly qualities+, H. was a native of the parish of Larrey, county of Kerry, Ireland,' came to Cana- da in 1848, and remained with his fatuity in the township of Tuckers.ith for anew lears,after wbiclllhe removed to Ashfield. Ile leaves • widow, six sous and four daughters, and a Inge uumbcr of other Irii.nda to mourn hu loss - Loebtisa reaSOn.L -Mis J McIntosh, of Hul lull, was the yeast of her brother, Jos Healy, last week. - Jas Lioklater has erected a large shed 50 by :It; to store away his firming iwn plensests. Master Albert Carter visited his cuu• sinsiu Gtderich township last week. The coming week will be marked 1•y communion on Sunday, and alecture girth Monday evening in the church by Ile. bit Wilson, on "The Scottish Martyr*," and on Friday night the 1. 0. G. T. No 213 will hold a free entertainment in their hall, at which the Rev'blr Salton, of Guderich, will give an address. The folk/wing are the officers for this currentt uarter el the I. 0. G. T., No 213 :-WC'I;broR-6Wtllulu;- bro A Gordon ; W .A B, sister Edith Horton, sister M A Clutton, W V T; sister A Cumming, I G ; bro G Fulford, W F 5; btu W Green. W M; bro W Maculation, W C ; bro J Horton, W T. During this quarter the lodwe will hold its annual supper, which will start its 13th year as a lodge. Th. annual bee of cleaning ani scrub- bing out the church came veriest week, a fair turnout of our buoy women doing the church, and two Dunlop lassies the schoolroom, giving the stove ruck a pchah that the canny bachelor who best- ed the water and carried it for the women could see hu shad',w in it. He astonished his benedict brethren ty having afire tyetcide, and heating !`e water Ina swan .at etlle,tItus keeping his .air friends in good humor, all after- noon. A cart and two teams kept 8 spades in rather fast motion leading earth, under the lead of Wm. Green, while • number of other* unloaded it under the shed and banked up the church, with D Sterling as supervisor. A load of wood belonging to the church was drawn ty 11 McManus, and a load of sawdust by A C McDonald. All who took part went to their homes happy and content over the afternoon's work. A pleasant gathering of the relatives of Mr and Mrs Joun Hoxton met at their resideaee on the 16th iuct , to tend- er to them their hearty congratulations , n their silver wedding sod giving a nun.- ber of preseuta. Both old and youug spending a social time. The parting words that "we may all join in your golden wod(iing," was the hearty wish of all. In a residence of tire years hero both Mr and Mn Horton have confirmed the words of the address presented to them by the Holmesville parish of St John, "active and earnest workers, and ever ready to promote any project for the good of the church and Sabbath school work in our midst. We hope they will to spared to their family for many years NEW GOODS' FRESH GOODS i FINE TAILORING! I CHEAP GOODS ' y Now has the time arrived wbw my stock of New sad AT Srsosable oiermatione aid suCta )Umfss 1. mppde. =ON STURDY'S People's Grocery. TFROM 15o. UP. No old Stock to work off, but 1'aU Fresh and New at Prices to suit. / ' Ue,bew rash Fries wr tosser ass i. Remember the Was/ On the Nome mot to Bila/Mm's Restaurant. 2116 on M. R., 31 50; J Kirkpstriok, repair- ing culvert 1st con, 33; M Elliott, grav- elling on 4th con, 37.50; W Cr.tioks, gravel, 37.50; Wu. Jenkins. gravel, 320.114; J Calb-vk, gravel, 315 12; J Elliott, gravel, 315 72; J Perdue, road- way to gravel pit, air; J R Hoboes P.M. shoveller* for gravel, r; G H Johnston, o0 1d and 4th ton. 315; J It H.•Imes and J A Ford, auditing township ao. aunt,, e6 each ; J Hobe, ersat1,$8 04. Council adjounted to meet again too Monday, the 12th December nett. at 10 o'clock a m, sharp. JAleln PATTON..4 b. Grid Opera Hoose. ONE NIGHT ONLY, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 30. The distinguished Irish Comedian 1 Vocalist, J. S. MURPHY, In Fero Mattsus'.'n greatest of all Irish Dramas, -TIRE - Dentistry. Ikt, N ICHOLSON, L.D.S. DENTAL ROOMS, Eighth door below the !test Oaks. Weal -.t., uopaatcy. 20d, lF 1'1 L O WOOLVERTON L. D. S. • ace (Md intoes Halt. North St., Oederleb. Charms moderate. All work war- ranted. Gas or Vitalised Air nit en fpa ! _ls• Mer- les* extraction of tees I,. For tis. )Mea. It is not neceseery to_buy corn cures. Men and women should remember that Putnam's Painless Coro Extractor is the only safe, sure, sad painless corn re- mover extant. It does its work quickly and with certainty. See that the signa- ture N. C. Poleoe E Co. appears on each bottle. Beware of poisonous imitations. eodaetch Tolraahlp. IlolmesTille, Nor. 14, 1887. Council met today pursuant to adjuor- mest. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting road and paired. Moved by J McClellan, seconded by J Isith- wait. that the nomination of candidates for the municipal onuncil for the year 1888, be held in Knee's hall, Holmes - rills. t n the last Monday in December, present year at 12 of the clock noon ; also that the following be the polling places and deputy returning officers for No 1 b. D., (range hall, 4th outs. D.R.O. Sa.nel Johnston . No 2, house of Nixon &tardy, Nixon Sturdy : No 3, hoose of Thos Harrison, Thomas Harrison ; Nn 4. house of Wm Herbison. W Herbison ; No 5, hoose of Herbert E ford, Herbert Ilford ; No 6. house of Wm Cro',ka, W Crooks -Carred. Bylaws Nos 10 and 11, eonbrming above wen road and passed. The following persons were re- funded 31 each dog tax, T Henning no dog when aasetmrd, Wm Cokrly no dnq, J.. Perdue and 1) Conk no dna when se-resed. Moved by T Churchill, .e eondd by J McClellan, that the clerk to paid 50 Dents for each school section tosses furnished trWoee- Oarned The following amounts were paid, vs : sell a Hutchison, Toronto, for blanks for township election, 37.10; Onderich Star, for voters' lots and other printing, 3,32, Dr Whitely, professional wetness for township, $1:1; selectiltg piton, sleek, El, nese 32, esnoson $2; haul 1 Cox, gravel, $22.80; S Bothwell, gravel, $111 50; W McCabe, one year's board of I W Dean. indigent. $62, mass for suit ; of elotha, 313; P Cronyn. travel, 312 70, 1. Meanie,, gravel, $4.92. J McClellan, gravel, $12.72; H HerPINT. gravel, 3:l00; .1 Teetrartba, gravel. 01 emits, 0 Sterling, gravel, $1.110; A Drys dalo, gravel. 34212; J L MsC.rtsec gravel, 3e.; asosesor'c salary 370; pesfe�s, •a , 34, J Por•er, eedu 'inborn, 33; J W 1450,1vel Played by him with unparalleled weceeu for coueevutire seasons Ln all the principal titles and the leading theatres in America. "A 6ontody-Drama Without Equal. Presenting not only Realistic Pictures of Life & Love in the Emerald Isle But an every -day 'ale in EVERY LAND. Supportc.lby the talented young leading Ac1re,s. 1188 VIRGINIA MARLOWE and a Superb Dramatic Company. IRISH WIT, IRISH SONGS. PRICES Aa USUAL : 25, 35 and 50 Cts. Resereed .tau can be had at Fraser, Porter eh Kay's Bookstore. Dila She People's Column. 1)ULL FOR SERVICE ON SOUTH Street. George tithe'''s old stared. 8. It. 31e1R)UG.t1.I.. 21 -It 11HE TAX SALE OF THE GOODS and (lust tele of JOHN .COIN lss.ijuurn rd till December Ph, (5(7. at t orient in the afternoon. It G.,derieb. Nor..i. 1567. NOTICE. All parties holding accounts against the Township of l'ulborau are requdroted to seu.d them lir to n y otbce before the 16th of Demon- ber. Date J. 11.ItIUILtRile. Clad - COLBORNE COUNCIL MEETING. The Municipal Caused of :' ,- T ',reship of Co:beree willym•v.t for the .rauaauttus ut bestows at me row Reis un. t:edneed$3 .1e1i. Nov. 1111. e.1 2 u clock p.m. 14.11 J. 11. ROA tltuM. tlerk. 0TIUE-ALL PARTIES OWINf. the late fro of J. Dowsing a Co., are hereby notified that the hooks will b.- dis- posed of atter the first n-ek in Jenuary.. •rad all account, nut settled bJ that time, will have to be paid to the Worm of the ooks after that date. J. Dow meg a- ('o. tf Dot. NOTICE. The Council of the Corporation of the Coon- ty of Hurts. will meet in the t'ourt (louse in the 'Town of Gudericb on Thursday. the first I December next. I'ETEIt ADAMSON, ('o. t'lerk. Nor. 11. B 1i VER. JAMES COOKE, ORGANIST AND CHOIR )(ASTER. Knox Ceurvh, tioderich. ICU: IMR (.Y TUC uta: 1N, ..ANO. SINGING AHD UARnOA V. Special terms to Crust Societies Choirs and Schools. lir Pianos and Origami (artfully tuned Sad re- paired. 2121- • OTICE. Traders will be received by the en.d• es:sued until Monday.the 2Rh inst.. fur one buoIred and thirty cods of green wood to be deliver- ed eliver ed at the 1 is quantities of not ler than thirty cords per moth, computing from 1st January sees. Tbt wood mum he hardwood. ere from knots amid backless. four feet long. and at least one haU of It m'pie. 1'ertles may cinder fur thirty cords or upwards. The bitiell's bDiiig Ae. TN 1868 THE LIVING AGE eaters upon its 1 forty-fifth rear. having met with conauat oom,neadalo and succiwa. A W Mame',', It gives fifty-two -umbers of silty -four pages eacn, or more than Three and a Quarter Thousand double -column octavo pates of read! Int mat ter yearly. It prtsenta in an expensive form. I coatderiug its great amount of matter, witb freshmen. owingto its week!, issue. and with la completenem nowhere else attempted, IThe best Essays. Reviews. Crttictstn,, Serial I+ and Short Stories- Sketches et Travel and Diaoevery.lteetr . sett oliac. Blograph- !al. Historical and Political infor- mation- from the entire body of Foreign Perindical Litera- ture. and from. the pets of the Foremost Living Writers. The ablest and mat cultivated intellects in every department of Literature. Science. Pol- itics and Art. find expression In the Period" ;al Litentnre of E -trope, and espy* ia11y of Great Brltatn. THC Lwow Aur. forming four large col- umn a yen, furabbes. from the wrest and generally tnaccetietblc mass of this literature, the only compilation that, while within the ouch of .U. is satisfactory in the complete- ness with which it embraces whatever is d ' immediate 'ete.e.t, or pf solid. permanent cal u,. ft is therefore ;ndispew:ble to every map who wishes te. keep pace with the events et ;atellectual progress of the time. or to culti- vate in himself or his family general intelli- gence and literary taste. OPI°STZ(a'INs- • We;iave thonsbt that It was impossible to improve a this grand publication, vet 0 doss seem to grow better each )ar... We re- gard at as the moot marvellous publicatlos of the time' Christen at Work. New York. "By refuting 1t ore an keep •breast of the current tbo.$bt upon all literary and public Matters.'-Aew York Observer. ' S.cb a publication exhausts our superla- Uvea There is netting noteworthy In science. art, literature, biography, philosophy or rell- eaon that teapot be found la it It ooetales near! all the good literature of the time." -- The Churchman. New York. "Fiction. bl.tnphy. Releaser. criticism. his- tory poetry. art. and in tote broader senor. politics eater into lir scope. and are nem - mated Is its page. Siren) all the whole world of authors and writers appear In k In their batt moods .Tb. reader. miss very tittle that is important in the per,odtuet de - mala." Reston Journal. In roadie, Ile closely printed page. oar is brought la nontaet with the men who are =eking opinions the world oser Always new. always attractive. always exhibitin• a- rias' wisdom, it is as essential as e'er to every one desires of keeptng up with 11.. carted Enetiah I l tensa' ora '- tfptscopal 11* corder. l'h i llede l pbia. It is edi:..d with groat skill and tare, and Ito weekly appearance gives it an advan tare ever its month) rivals." AI y Argos It may be tent brolly and cordially saki that i1 sever offers 1 dry or valueless page." -New York Tribune. "At its publication price it is the ebt.mpt t reading ewe an procure.-. Bostot Globs. "It saves 'noel labor for b.sy poopes whe have no time to eo over the various reviews and waeaalnes. bat who .1111 wish b keep Imemaely . well-informed Span the quostloas at IAD day." Tye A 1.•arfee. ('hieaso. -It fu-nhhe.a cempiete rompll.tlon of as iadispensable liters tnre. '-I'kl.ago ETeeing Journal. it enables Its readers to keep rally Setas' a the Ise' thought sad literature a civilise tlea." -Christian Advorst., Pittsburg. "h is ppn.gnalied.- North Carolina Prosily" torten. Wilmlts�tsn it 1e absadtssely whbewt a rival." Mess .el Oassttw. =Tim weekly at N. • year, free of ap7'Ra imw srusre6ssas kw the year 1s�e remittingbefore Jas. 1st. the awts.bers (4 Int ies.sod alter the menet .t tear embark atiw, will be seat graata slsb•Priree lter the ''!roan Mee and /two pigs rlsersmas•e. of Twit Lrtvieci AA..a and ore Of will Sod h g. rsmmebm etteaC,sa - - M Tea Ltvtaie� re. ea.Ae.a 11' et Addfesk &ItT*7I di r0.. anus r. ifs , 31 9O, same 3rarollis3 . a em. Ase tgal 'owes' orany tender not ncersearily accept- ed. Security w,U be requtr d for t►e comt- pletton of 4.e contrwct. PETER ADAMSON. County Clerk. Nor.;th. IBM K. 21 -It FOR SALE -A (1000 COAL STOVE feeders. $Mll uable for stere or ba. Pricer. Apply at this office. 124, BUTTER WANTED -A COUPLE of Homer of good butter are wasted lee mediately. Highest cash price. Apply at this ogloa �OTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN FOL . BIDDING sm _mem purchasing late CASE ALLWra burse from JAMES BAILEY as it does'' lewdly belong to Bailee. for it has not been paid for. .5110 any person Indebted to the late CASE ALLEN please pay up and este coats 1y It Mea. C.iSF. ALLEN. Societies, ANCIENT ORDER OF UNITED WORKMEN. MAPLE LEAF LODGE, No. 27, A. 0. U. W., Meas is their Lodge Room over Tim Stamm. Office, Goderich, os the SECOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS OP EACH MONTH. VISITING BRETIIRP.N ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. S. P. HALLS, M.A. REES PRICE, M. W. Pisaacier 0. W. THOMPSON. 20521) Recorder. Ifii lafcight, Valuator, 4c. C. A. HUMBER, J MILLWRIGHT. MACHiNES?. VALUATOR. AGENT. e. Estimates Made aid Contracts Taken for !louse Heating by the Hot Water System. Hot Water and Alam Rollers. Little Gloat and other Water Wheels. Agricultural Im- pk.mente Mill Machinery. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. VALUATIONS MADE. *Syr STREET. - - OOD BCH. Pah. 3. Ufa Strayed Animals. STRAYED FROM THE PREMISES of .ebeeritrr, es the Oh M October. • awnsn red aw, three yens .1d. with the tip erase ear. Ace passes etetas batortnatla that will lead ss Its recovery will be suitably R Thus. L ]�er,ew, Kama. .p- puefts rashness, ftwndry, ftft TRAY HEIFER -CAME ON THE 1J premium John ('allis' twill.. Maachtbr, abeet the let of Oeteeoff red • two-year oeel sewer. The *snow la requested .. Prov. pre. piety. way obarnes aid I to rtni- fla4t Maa.Aooter KOHL ESTRAY STEER --CAME 01i ?BE 1, n. eossi net dmo.iMr. i.et 7. ow.; Sept.Rlet. • M sees. fl years opt. The ewes. le requested so pPevs operty, PIT "Ism"tars t Nlnsel away. prR. J. WAI,TERAL Wit Bsemll.t. P.O. EBTRAT HEIFER -STRAYED tea prie:1"..f Reber& B.U. tote, Win. 4, b tsvr.Nslp. daring the ..oath or may bat a ran halts,. with Mar on fere. Mad, sirtth dark WIy and lighter oe 1, rtie tag three years Mi. iaferi aUen Seal las will suitably se ROBERT B[Ll. ENVELOPES Nantes snouted prevent you trim g.s tog It an early and critical leapvctloa Nowhere has each care bees taken Is Molest soods, Thor are 1n every way suitable to dose Sad careful buyers. Neter were goods of the Highest quality and Latest FarbNn o8bred at such Luw Prices, 1 de sot as. Jos to bay, -Just tensa Sad see them. B. Ma►cOormac Oderleb, Sept. IL71b. MQ. 11f1► For Sale or to Let. NOTICE-HOUSK AND WT FOR aale-owsed and occupied by Mre Mauler, adjoining the beautLful�reeideoce of J. A. Nebel, fray , Mclluuald .tree-'. F.r soil water and loertlun this property Ito be sold cheap for caabl with • entail Jslictoas o utlay, uuuld be made a charming home. 1l commands a v le w .•l the lake and agri.+ult ural show grounds. A grape -vin- covered arbor and .umwer-house put on the rear of inevet • behe..d bythe show -ground fence. in bands. could be mad: a lovely and profitable spot The owtior oou.d then truly may. ' Hery i *011 lar me down sod resat my reftoahed !tout" For further p.u-tieulare aVpp17 t.a the Aden JOHN R 'tb Ki.1. Goderich, Nor. lath. IMT. 121-31 LiGIBLE FARM FOR SALE-- "Janctleld.'Ooderlob To•rnahip, fib con. 105 a -ns, goat orchard and buildings. 6th con.. an acres comfortable bootie and stable. Terms of payment esay. Applv to u &Ilio''' t• PROC.D►OOT. Bn arrt•ta, alt,. L'l 1 m Guderieh. C'ARlV00 ON E A'IY TERMS MALLMALLBUY as acre ..r land la the Township of Culborae,alonii side of Mr D. Vie her. Farm •jj mtilca from th.• Tow a of Godeneb. About *acres cleared ; baleen, bush. with a lot of cedar umber. Uood .orchard sod tar 6.144. ingi& Moo 217 aures on Lake Shore road, 6 miles from Ooderich. For fuel particulars apply to GEO. N EIBER°ALL. 2120gm (loderkb. RICK HOUSE AND QC.ARTER OF an acre ones/ for sale - The house to ane ,.tory and a half high. and mutates 5 hod - mama. s parlor• sitting room• dining room. pantry. kitchen and • good .:eltar. On the lot it • good stable. las 31, and other outbil.tims. Hard and soft water on the premt•ee. Thera see a number of choke Ruth tree• um the lot. Corner of Parket. Sad Cambria hosed. For particulars apply on the premiere, or by letter to MRS. JOHN BENNE'TT. 111-3m Port Albert P.O. TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR 1 sale. Oae la the towa•bip of AabiteM. contenting Macros ; and one la Fast Wawa- Apply to Hums lead Ages:y. nosh, roataining 100 acres. For particulars •`ply to Cameron. Holt t Cameron, Gado rich. DD c OR SAL E. -000D FRAME 1, house. first class osaditios- dee orchard 3 minutes walk tram *be square. Apply to Huron Land Assay, Aodricb 3turoa Lana Agency. A RARE CHANCE. B'OR BALK -A GREAT BARGAIN. Maitland Place The country scut a the We Hon. Richard Hawley. The valuable property is sta'l'ed only nam MILK from the bounder) of the Towe utGed.- rirh, is uuaurp.aaaed in natural beauty it'd .emery, and MIST ass 0,1. To * eTTne t 1• mu smarm. It comprlace IJ8 ty..rca of fine farming lands la good .Mer. Large well built house. of )illwa:,Lee brtvk,wltIt Ul.w freestone facing& Feri.i,rs cottage. carriage louse and bares .complete. Ituwltag allry, billiard roma. tee uls Lawn. {Lc Thee large orvberda, with fruits .1all kinds. also • will -mucked veget- able rardes. Aypa, to Furore Load A(asc� or to E. N. LEWIS. lilt 1(0NEY TO WAN AT LOWEST rate/lel later -at. Apply to duron JMad Agesey. FOR SALE -HOUSE AND LOT ON 1 Cambridge St. Cheap-t30aA0. Harm Lead Apiary. FOR SALE -FINE PROPERTY IN Tows. Good beuse. Hume Lead atm Of. LI4)R SALE -3 GOOD LOTS WITH 1 two houses. Pow 3136, Huron Lad Agency. JR SALE -BLACKSMITH SHOP Jr with Isola cti iblefe. A IOW- bargain. Huron Lase Ageaoy. WANTED TO BUY -20 FT. frontage on the Square. Hares Laad dieter. 10NEY TO WAN AT LOWEST 1 rotes and on best terns. HURON LAND AGENCY. WANTED TO RENT-aHOUSE w it b cellar Sad atatak ; rat •best KJl1 -FOR SALE. l'''est half of lot let. Arthur Street, wick small brick colta.t thereon. T IST OF LANDS FOR 3A LE A N D Brn.uttto Lora. -tit. 191 244, 215. Elgin .1A information furnished respecting Camila Street. St. Andrews Ward. Company's Lands. Huron Lad Agency. 431. oouaer of Huron and Britannia (toad. Frame 14 story house on Keays Street, lot and halt Isad. Several lids in Reed's Survey. opposite new Show Gruunts• rfz, No. 22, 14. 30. Sit 51 34. 5.. e4. et. All the above at LOW RATES. Apply to 102 t DAVISON ft JOHNSTON. FARM, TOWN AND VILLAGE PROPERTY FOR SALL The Executors and Trustees of the Estate of the late JOSEPH HER R. o8br for sale the following valuable Property. namely : Buildlag Lots numbers leo and 421. in the Town of Goderieb. l of an acre each. Fairly (weed, and very desirable fur building. por- ▪ alf acts Lot fronting Hill Road. Township at Godetieb, being part of Lot 3 la the Han - Mad Cor-eseton of maid Tow 'ship. Nice Prime Cottage and Frame Stable. Lot number 3. South .ids of Millar etre* Benn,itler, 1 of an acres small frame dwell) Building Lots °umbers 504 Riad 804 in ter Town 'of Clinton•of an acre ch. Ike ti fully bleated on Soet South side of Huron street. Fairly fenced. The Rest ; of Lot Et fon. 11. West 'Wawa n osh. Ito a. -res timid land. 50 acres clearer[ and fenced. remainder timbered. Abewtt 4 miles from I.ucknow and is miles from wing ham. lion! rood+. For further part onion. apply to E. C.t3I PION, Barrister. uoierl+ Nor. 4. lab *734f Legal. EDWARD N. LEW'IS, • BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, PROCTOR IX MARITIME COURTS. CONVEYAN- CER, are. MONEY TO LOAN. IBratmht Loess. Private Funds. LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST. Orness:-Coraerof Hamilton aid Newespt* streets, opp. Cdberne ibis!. O u1.. L.b. ltls- SEALER R HARM', BARRISTERS, 4e-, Goderich and CUatos. toderich of- I ate opposite Matte's Hotel. 11011 C. HAYS, SOLICI FOR, Asa Office, corner of Square and Wert street, Goderich, over telegraph e Tate edam M unds to lead et 8 per sett'*. *80 ("JARROW W a PROUDFOOT, B A R 'MITERS Attermsye, Solicitors, etc tederick J. 'T.Oarrow, W. Proudfoot. CAMERON, HJLT d CAMERON, 7alerlob. Il. c. Cameras. Q.C.; P.Holt, ll. O. Cameron. c. C. Roes. 1731. Amusements. f ODERiCH MECHANICS' INSTI- TUTE LIB ARY AND READiNO 31, ow. lei 1O .team and !iguana tap Opera trent i re 6 p.m., mad from 7 to le p.m, ABOUT '2000 VOL'8 IN LiBRARY lasdissy Daily, Weeekly demi IUwstr-ntd Papers, M. 'cans, eke., on File. MEMBERSHIP TiCKET. ONLY 01.81, $rastlag fres u.. of Library and Resdleg Application for membership received by Libraries. Is room.. S. MALCOMSON, ORO. STIVENP. President. secretary. Oderkel. Merck Ifth, 1155. Executors' Ilottss. EXIBOLTORS BA's Eof VALUABLE FAI K8 i wAw&wo,tu AND KINLOSIL Tbe6tteenter et the Mee Jobe Trager, lm ase etws for the pureness or tb. following Iwtr le and W o1 17, 1a etb C D Iva woos*. iss scree. M lee ghost too err,, tree from stomps, eyy Pram* hoes.. frame hare, .rust wet Ie 11 ..ors geeMFyowl iwoed b :Tits now Lwabm.w. } 5. flet 111a slh Con. W, 1). Wyewarsh. WS lee aerie loam Meow. helm bat ers6R (.. 14 ,sen. i Lets . weand s arras .Icg wowin s istwN�4gea mist iraNweed, .meg faro,!! Lectoow. w Ftw 5e,ewpwmr4 Loss si and n M My o�f.1. is tom. et Tedd PJs•. ADA.l@sa. or RTT DEADER em eta. rawketvh. tr_ For further particulars and list of leads wanted. and for male, epply u the ogles, et write to HURON LAX aUENCY, Lock Box 121. 211e.Godcriat. Oat., Casella. Thee l.Rl. D". W.K. RO88, LiCE:3TIATE OF Royal college of Physicists!, 1disbsrgb. 030'. oa Mouth star of Hamilton -fit. 1•7410rt DR. 51.'1.EAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR O EON. Coroner /re. OIBee and resides Betio. Street. Sussed door west oe Victoria dieter'. 1751. 11 IRS. SHANNON & SHANNON, l lJ Paydcmae• elur*eoss, Aceoucb.rs, sr:. Ake at Dr. t.haamen reeideace newt the Rauf Goder;ch G. C. 8ga2i'ox, J. R. 13n•,- 4743 LOOM arab 3nsurance.\, �1 0NEY TO WLIr-PRIVOtt$ 1't Nnit. 5 •t -Q PER CENT. Mitered. Payable 1 early. L N. 411% IX. Orrics's-Career opposite ]lards), Hotel, rlin- X13 PER CENT -ANY AMOUNT OF V 2 money lobed at Si per test per assume -straight tow-Isterew yearly. We have also Motet e6 to lead 1. sae or mere saw a6 PER ('ENT. Nett door Beath of Seeashol% harness shop /MEAGER R HAAR�L 110.11 ,000 TO WAN. APPLY TO CAMEEON HOLT tCAII1RO Nf Gods rleb. lIONEY TO LEND. -A LA RG E assess' of Private roods I.r lmveeltsws >t IowesI ratans on aryl -dans y Apply toOAKROW a PROUDFOOT _ - E. E. BEA'IER, GINERAL INSURANCE AGENT, tOFFICE wpm*Colborne Hotel, Ooderkb. HRisks tame at LOWEST RATES is the Fol- lowing ars' class Owe,aalee : The London Assurance 8:stsMlet.4 17M. The NaiunaLea eland Incorporated ISR, Hand -it -Hand -The may Compaq out herb- ed to Inmire' Piste Glass Ie ':ands. Federal Life Asaar see Co. tHomaa's Plan 1. lett R RADCLIFFE, GENERAL INSURANCrit, REAL ESTATE eau MONET WANING AGENT. OozyJTr ''-cher Osmlpsn/er Represented oney td Lead se straight loans u the lowest rate oof btBBeaerppm��t eosin, la any way to wtts Air WrestrriL, O*4.tsb.d deer Mens Square. tt vox', 000 � ♦N AT 0PER TRE TORONTO OEAERAL TRUSTS CO -It aro pr.pan d to loan messy 1116 po mat., Pal able halfearly. a TERMSiTO SUIT BORROWERS, on &est eyes faro sear' . A�ll to CAMERox. HOLT A CAMERON. Barrio =rs for the Tes' Ooeral se Tempts Hoses & Carsttwoae Marcastanet'.. also • tutee amsoaat of private, htada to lest an s.stlasa farts searfty. Oodoricb, col. 4. 1111 11111d2 $900,000 PRIVATE FCNDB To lemi. es farts an/ town pity eat tawnier. Mortgages -- charged .4 arabfor the •�' (lnmpsq. the LowlemCosmos' of • s. lateral* t. y Sed 7 par coot. iay. U ttO rowan e.mi stale moose In Mee DAV 1 N blINt 075 Barrslers, gle„ �� Aktioneering. ot.NHKNOZ 0ENZILALL �TsRMa'�re1<s't as' it ;boo tor• Pewit�soMrA ZoS tom~ he la hal= wrested to him iretisfeets AU tons b er'• Ielr Iwt I oor s►M mall tom , rasa tl 4!'A/iM ✓ 0 11