HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-25, Page 7v , r 1 • TIIE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 25, 1857 IN MAGGIE'S GARDEN "I hope they'll be aim,' said Celia, thoughtfully lining her ourebet-ueedle, and kaki sa through the pureb• cines to- ward the Seat ►Disc. "They wos't be," said M•Agie, swit g• i.g her pretty foot from the railing on whish- she was perched. "I m contain of it ; and besides, Celia, what if they are 1 It nsa't likely they'll have mesh te du witb_us. Anybody rich euoegb to buy tie Mouto° Huws aaeoaietiug with the poor little dut of • house next dour ! ►b, ae '" Maggie spoke with calm e',oviction, and an satire absence of despoode.cy, 749 Wm a eeiisible and indepmkle-t little person. Celia was watching tie unleadiag of a is, at their now neighbor's gate. "I am afraid they are awfully r'cb she admitted "T1+y've unpacked surae a the things out of doom, and the fur- niture is lurely--plush and stamped leather, and cherry bed -mule NA ; and they've a grand piano." - "Well," said Maggie, mitt "let 'em have 'em. We've gut esa.-seatd chairs and a cretonne sofa and pine bed- steads and • melodeon ; and whet more could you ask for 1" "Well, • few things, MrLp ," sad M her lel& lwtecrie Dieter. "If Tom Come pts rich in Ibis gro- cery bttriuees—" said Maggie hester- i ngly. "Palter !" ..id Celia, getting rod. "ID all probability you an bare them," Maggie concluded, and jumped down and tripped away, She went around to the rear of the home, and down to the order. 11 was not • large garde., and there nes ast .silt in it net hsl iemembess earaim itSbea But is was a remarkable garden, nevertheless ; for Maggie had made and tended it herself. He mother and Celia bad protested, but Maggie had gone determinedly to work. Fur the possession of • garden substantianlly re- duced the grocery•bills, if Tom Carson was in the grocery line ; and Maggie bed decided that they couldn't afford to biro PM Murphy this year. And she was pend of her garden. They had had bottom and onions, and b>,aw and peas ; and Maggie's round face was browner, and her robust health more robust. than they had been in May. It was Maggie's tomatoes that made the trouble. She bunt Tutu the sitting - r •gym, a week later, with excited speed. "What doyou think 1' she demanded, vihlemly. "They keep bass --yes, �smsw fifty, if then'• obs ; and then ain't a sign of a hen -park ; and I've just been chasing them out of my tomatoes-- toy omatoes— t oy tomatoes '" mid Maggie, almost teen fully. "The fence- pickets are so wide apart they au hop right on. They'll have have to pet another fence, that's all." "they seem like nice, quiet people," (i1ia commented, ••I presume they'll be wining to do soating." ••ldics and quiet ! Slid Maggie, with air assn. "I *braid think so. The pokiest old maple you ever saw. Seven- ty, if they're • day, and --well, just enure ; I know they are. He—what's the telae 1 Tisdale 1—Well, Mr Tisdale, he wean the dreadfulest old clothes,. a eoat that. jut shabby, and • bent -in h it And she gees about in an old blue storm that must bare Dome nut of the ragbag ; :and you ought to use her boo - a rt—ouch a thing !" 'Perhaps they're in reduced einem- stances," said Oohs, reprovingly. "With that lovely hoose and furnish- ings ' said Maggie, unanswerably. "Ok, .o ! And—to emmu back to the hese-•-they mast fix that fano*, I can't lose my lovely tomatoes. Think of all the cans we were to have, Celia—Chili same and Makes, and the little yellow MIN is preserves. Ob, I won't give them up to Mr Tieda4's hens !" And Maggie wandered into the yard again in aimless anxiety. Mr Tisdale was jest over the fence, h about the roots of a grape -vine. looked at him is oostetrptuous sstooisbment What niggard.ess ! to do himself, and at his age, work which he could so well afford to biro dune. He was decidedly common -looking; he had a broad face and .mall ey., and a .tubby gray beard, and he had on • out with frayed sleeves, and a patch on its back. Maggie stood irresolute ; Mr Tisdale did not look inviting, Then eh* stepped to the tense firmly. Ryan then a straggling Rock, headed by • highly -soloed, pugnacioo.•lookiag rooster, wee coming through the pickets and toward the tomatoes. "Mr Tisdale," said Maggie, timidly. Mr Tisdale hoed on witbcat response. "Mr Tisdale. " she repeated. He did not tarn the fraction of se Mach. Maggie rued at him. "if you pieaee--,' she eried, with the strength of indignation. But her neighbor stooped to unclog hie hoe in utter mile -nee. Mlaggin gaped. What • boar ! what a bras I What would Celia my sow 1 The Seek had readied the teemtoea Bite seals .se them enatestedly psskb'g flet►—S dress of them. Whet s►wld She de 1 . The old mean raised hie head at Otte Juie.aure, and looked at her. Maggie looked sternly into his stria Gula eye* "I want to wk you, sir," she sad, with esv erity. "about your beus. They're raising my tomatoes as fast as they eau, sed I've worked over them all .umtmer ; a rtl we oral afford to lees them. Won't y,ru� Mho stopped -nut became she had fin- ished, bet become Mr Tisdale, alter a Winking inspection of her, had turned about •ud guise on bcetug without a re- .pouaive syllable. 11l.gKw's face burned hotly; her putt) hps trembled. "If I wire • man she murmured, with her little brown hands clenched. "How can lie I What duos be mean by it 1 The boast ! ' The .,.uctlag in the tomato patch had reached a triune hang pitch. sad a fresh flock bad waoderd through the fence, Maggie forgot Mr Tisdale. The hack was coming down the street from the noon train, laden with passengers ; but she cared nut fur the ob.ervatiou of back passengers, nor, fur the matter, cf kings sud queen.. She mixed her white, beruflid apron in her trembling hands and rushed to- ward the garden. There was • wild cackling,* frightested -`peeping of tittle yellow balls, and iTen- Med Battering. "Shoo— ..alb ' cried Maggie,ber voice unsteady with indignation and apiroach- Ing tears. '.-V44.1.• 1f the hew were alarmed and tempor- arily routed, the brilliaatly.tiated,.utk)- eyed rooster was r.ot. He motel motionless ou the .pot where Maggie's oo.lau*ht had found him--mr- tionlw save for • rising, • .welling, and a trembling (if his me red mesh, while Ma eyes grow Maggie shook her apron with cyclonic energy. "You impudent old thing !" .be cried, the laughter struggling through her tears, and charged upou him valiant- ly, She tilt • sudden twirl in the air, an angry upraising of yellow legs and trigbt gathers, and she put her bands to her ace with • little scream. A scarp Deck came down ..n her 6n - ere ; she heard his fluttering wings in the air, close at her face. .p' r b. espiaind, ssaUing. "They same ahead, you know --ie your hand better be and the Iluesekeeper to get Vii s tiled • little. Why, you didt.'1 think, he queried, studious her pus fasted e, "that they owned the huuse—that the were the ,so* 1" He could net help laughing And took • card (rout his pocket-bouk, stave it to )Iaegie,gettin0 up to lbw wit burlesque torment,. It bore the nam 1 Harlan C Tisdale. "I't.—yes, we did !" mid Maggie, rather faintly. "Mercy, I'm so glad !" And then she blushed, and meld have bitten her tongue ; but Mr Tisdale look- ed delighted. "I ---you see, be was so horrid," Mae. - (hi eaplaiued, conteeed. "I spoke to him about the (coos. and he wouldu't even •weer me ; ►e Jido.% lay the slightest attention. ' "Oh, Wilson ! Did he hate his ear - trumpet 1' said Mr Tisdale. "E•rtruelpet i No," said Maggie, d wonering what was coining next. "Oh well, he's awfully deaf ! "her Dee neighbur observed, l ith ter kitties ayes. And they both laughed again , he gaily, she bewilderedly, and both shy with enjoyment. "My mulber came with me ; we're all the family," said Mr Tisdale, hastily, as Wagsi.,lNlf•irighteod •at the old. new pleasure iu her heart. ruse. 'You must come over and see her. You're sure you're not hurt 1'' "Very sure," said 3l tggle, flushing under his eager eyes And she put her hand trustfully into the one lie held out to her. "I was mistaken, Celia," said Maggie, when she sat down, with restored cool- ness, at the dinner -tab's ; "they are very nice, indeed, the Tidaks—the Th- iele." •• What t' Celia. And Made explained at enthusia.'ie length . "He wants us to all on his mother," she concluded prettily, "Of a,urse we'll go." 'llut it isn't likely they'll take any motion of us," said Celia, slyly. "Bit—why, Cilia, it's different, you koo.'," said Msggie, with a blush. "Ah, yea ! ' mid Celia, smilingly. And with shrewd foresi{bt, she was Minuet as certain at that minute as she was some months later of Lying Me on 0 he and h e f g She lowered her bead into her apron, Tisdale f',r a bruther-in-law. and fought at him with one e,arageuus (i.t. Ard then she heard rapid stridingI Prof Lowy Magic Sulphur S oap,— steps, and • rattling crash through the Mealier, soothing and cleansing for all dry bean -vices, them there wai a punts. eruptive disputes of the skin. Delight - stricken squawk, chokedin its Ent fnl for toilet U.S. lm stage, • tapping of winp, and silence. Made toot her head out of her ap- ron. It wee as as though her fairy gdretb• sr—if she had one—bad been at work. Mr Tisdale's .)tater lay on the rrousd is an expiring butter, his sheeny Desk twisted, his warlike eyes forever dullest And close at her side, anxious and ag- itated, and withal scot attractively nice- louking, stood • strange young man in • well lilting, travel -stained suit, and a soft travelling -cap. Fallen among the tomato -vices were a ane and umbrella, strapped together. "Are you hurt !" be said. He had taken out his handkerchief, and was pressing it to her baad,on wkieN the blood had started. "I mw it from the back, you see, and I lost no time in getting over. Do you think your hand is hart r "Ne,'' said Maggie, Lewilderedly. But she was not quite dazed. Elbe saw that the hack had stopped at the Tu - dales' gate, and that • trunk was sologd- iog float it. Ile had ease on a visit ; • retells*, perhaps. She felt a thrill of regret .t that "No," she said, gratefully ; "it was just a peck. How very good in you ! and look at your handkerchief !" "My haodk.rebief r' maid the rens man, reproachfully. Fur Maggie, her pretty brown hoe Bushed and her eyes softly emiling,laok- ed very sweet, deopit* her rumpled hair and rtokled apron ; and there wu mou- thing more than mere polite oomeern in the young man's pleasant eyes ile took her arm, Kill anxious, and led her to an upturned box at the edge of the garden. There was room for them both, and they both eat down. "Thank you ! I do fed a little queer. I was frightened,," Magee admitted. "And --I can't thank yon immesh for your goods''* What should i have dos. ! I think he really meant to kill ase --and just because i wanted him to ge home t" He joined in her laugh, reentered by her brigh teem. "Homer' h. repeated. "Wheat ! seat door r' Maggie nodded. "They have .o massy ebiokeim, and they're all .o fond .J my tomatoes." They laughed. Somehow they telt .s thoagka they had bees acquainted a long thea "I .teat tem to that," said the young man. desiivelp. "I'll speak to Wilma shoot it. He mod bases park built, eert.t.1y. "Wilms r said Maggie, timidly. "My mt's--gsrd..er, or what you pierce—he deem W/l• *f evwrythiey,• The reutaeat ot many thousands of of thosechronic weaknesses sod dot aliments peculiar to fensales, at the 1n Hotel sad Surgical Institute. Buffalo. N. has afforded a vast experience In nicely adapt- ing and thoroughly testing remedial for the cure of wotuan's poeuliar maladies. Mr. rl.ree+n Favorite rreeeriptlea ✓ the outgrowth. or result, of fhb great and valuabls experlur.co. Thousands of testimo- mine. received from patients and from physi- dans who have tasked it In the more rated and ottdlnate swiss which bad baAled their skill, prove it to be the moot wonderful reused ever denied for the relief nod cure of wetasw. It Y aot reoowu•e.ss,d as • " " but as a host Ferrier etpeciSe tor emotes peculiar •Utpeut . Asa peweriu InvIg.ratl.g toale, sad it imparts et and Its appendages whole system, particular. rue overworked. �nout," rme-dows," &Niigata.' leocher., miWne s, dressmakers. oeamar+•sso, "•hop -girls," house- keepers• a motical. and forble women }gsns--.r-�-y. Dr. a Favorite Prescription M can greaten boos. being unequaled as as appettaiiwg cord I and reetorwtive tonic. As la ...tf1M g and strengthening aerw nh vorllte le is une- �aad r ll excitability to and sub- Mier prostration, h Iysteria and ober disressing, nor eons symptoms cons- ha attendant upon !unethical and le abases of Me womb. 1t lsdteoes rad«nebmn sleep ▪ drand � relieves mental anxiety and de- >te. Ir(ereewa Paver Ile PreeerIptle■ 1s a 1eB Itlaraie m.edlelae, carefully ua>ded by *o experienced and .klllful flclan, .od adapted to wom■o•s delicate eg salaatlo.. 1t Is purely vegetable In les Lon and fectly harmless In Its las any condition of the system. For atomise* sickness, or games. from whatever eatsse ertmeg. wesisk atomsrb, indigestion. d pspsi• tote kind aymptoss. N• Ins. 1.1 does• will prove very brneMial. /tavern* lreeerlptlea n 1s s peek titre wore for the ob- stinate mere of Is Gorr eo, eremites et Ism Sowing, palatal tueostniaUon, wenetural prolapses, or facing of wonkier' realtrie= female weakens& r beariatg•down ssw•luo.a, ckroale ougnrtlm•. Inflammation and ubardlnn of the wonkier tlamt.dloe, pain and Imedereem N overall, accompanied with " laterwl beat." �ppssl5 regulator sod promoter oft era. ttio.e it sir wotueabood ` Puvonts Ptd egearlut/•st1lk.e r • Iarfeou1b y sate r.seeal yat, iVh•.i keneir ebw sees sus tetsaa it Ir TeheahM b its rfo•ole fr (Asim drrxd.vs •nes dn,a.gw known isi.reee end ordeal v eel to slawethinDr Plovers Dlrsevarr. atA raw vitt .= IasRrle. tsar iM. ritteltairerree Muer. Wray and re P =Laments. maso//4 nisi weull=M �►'s.�.riu *sees ensm *Me goig pa sa1a cee5Ie Mr woma:4rm .. sold ay drwei sL wassi Ose titre marten tee in vestry qualmsee .trend triol '114 iYwb� b.I1 L therWalle decalSaII-IS, Ow at 'Ilemta B es ~ '"al�.at&D " e11g ars ae NogrAgas a IF *Mt BLE AT $IBNAL sc�s Pox :au,..a. h, hr READ THIS. ,. li.ano)s and ..c ret Mea iss net.•e the easter. Fur gale by Jaw** McKay druat,Iat, cameos. Peke sects and St. Leta. a3D WILL ulna OI..s.ess I eers • er 4 oe•Dlalat Y /eadaehee *rims. lllner• Nay Apple blood etreugtheae and 1a - travelling i&uibe. GRAND TRUNK EAST. Express. Mixed. Mixed. llodertcb I Ly. 1 IAO a..m 112:15 p.m 13:m par Stratford Ar. O:&Oa.m 3:lap.ne ; 3u pm wtT. Mixed. Mixed. Express. Stratford fLv. SW/a.= 1:IS p.m sEti p.r audcrick 1 Ar. 110a1ea.•e I a li Rm I ir.15 p.m FANNING MILL anis PIMP FACTORY, GODERICH, ON'1'. WA IE N MILL DEPARTMENT. FANNING MITIS, 520.00 EACH, ONLY A FEW Le.rr A.1112C112210.11WCI Pat. Grain and Seed Cleaner for thoroughly separating at one cleaning Cockle. Chess, NOld Peso. Mustard Seed, Thi.tle Seed, Fox Tall. rod other obnoxious seeds and refuse grain, from Wheat or any main, cleaning and sewing all grass seal at the game time. Cleans (;ram and Clover Seed, or separates them. FIT/ Aria rand%G BILL. Exclusive territory allowed to good agents with horse. waiIon and caplW. BAC. HOLDERS fur man or boy to fill hats alone. FMil Sierra and aeriesa for any Milt Old Mills (repaired and &telliesed. PUMP DEPARTMENT. H'ZREIT —0 Elt3 WELL & CISTERN PUPS, Drainage and Suction i'ipping. Lc., kc. Wholesale and !fetall. redeem *applied at Prlves that ray. THE ARMSTRONG rlttI\tt MULL A]5 rt fir Weak•, QODTCRZCFI_ 2110.3m GP.ATFFUL- COMFORTING. EPPS'S COCOA • BREAKFAST. "B3 n thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition, and by a careful application of Die fine moron -ties ot well -selected t'.o.wa. Mr. Epps has proTided our breakfast tables with • deli favored beverage which may gave us many heavy doctors' bills. it is by the Judicious use of such articles of diet that a comfit 'Ilion may be gradually built up until *trona cuo.th to react every teedeacy to disease. hundreds of subtle maLdtee are Sort ing around Ra read) to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may caapi essay • fatal *haft by Lreping ourselves well fortifi- ed with pure blood and a properly nouriased haute.'—"Civil Service. Gazette." 1554)lae amply with boiling water or milk. Sold ouly to packets by lfrocers, labelled : d JAiE i A G., Hemaropathic Chemists, . 1 Loudon England GODERICH BOILER WORKS Chrystal it Black Manufacturers of all kinds of STATIONERY. MARINE, UPRIGHT AND TUBULAR BOI LERS. SIALT PANS, SMOKE I3TACR 8 and all kinds of Sheet Iron work. •T[il]l ANS WATBS Fort "wrung coestantly es hand. 7 On hand. ready for delivery : 1 JO U.P. New Neel Seller. 1 It O.r. tear Beller. A Complete 2R4-buu1 Tbr,abirgOBtit Butler, Login.,Separator. Ste., all T. gond working orer. Will be said cheap. Mail orders will receive prompt attest loa- Works t Opp. C. T. B. Natle., P.O. BOX 361 Ooderkb May ISh, tell LIME The subscribers have Just completed their 1•rge lllwe51 1, which ran turn oat 3M busk- er eve.�r twenty -foto hours. and are new eeed to supply all customers with • 1WrMty of stood fresh lime daily. 1t will be to thus advantage oil every .ae re- qulrisw lime tiecall or oorreepe.d with e.. as we are prepared to deal liberally wilt► par- ties wishing to pnrrhase. The kiln is situated se .he Ooderieb side of the !tills Reserve. BACHLER & BICKER, PROPRIETORS. Jos* 17th, Lep. PATENTS CAIMAT1, TRADE MARKS Ace tEPflaMTS Obtateed. sad all bonus.s la the U.l!- Patent 08100 attended to at MODERATE rags. Our Mile, ie opposite the U. S. Pates( Of - gee. and we oar obtain Patera' Is less thee than these remote from WASHINGTON. Send MODEL OR !)RAWIVO. We m. vles as to pp•ttsstabllityl free of sod ereb F) r 7 SOlt CNLXB1 E OR- T ' PATENT. W e refer, ben le the PodmoMsb. oa�of Manley Order Dir,. and to D. P. Mutat Owe.. For cireulae, settee. terms and reterewces to ant nal ensue 1. your own State or Cu�nty. write to Opeeslt. PUM .gtOM:ai�amh'l.gw. D. C. AP#:1 s SALSA ler 41° " t- fir*FC x,04; ►.c rot( FOR ONII MONTH. FOR ONH LIONT$. 20 PER CENT. OFF FOR CASH 1 Felt and Straw Hats Done Over at Reasonable Rates. An A'press, ice Wanted in 111e Slew Hat Line. MRS. C. H. GIRVIN. mss. asaa n•s FALL MILLINERY! LMAL IDS THFi WJY_ LADIES' FELT HATS, VELVETS, Plain and Fancy FLUSHES, FRJZET`FES, MOUNTS, WINGS, Etc.; Together with a large maort:arm of PLAIN AND FARCY RIBBONS, Also Agent for the PARKER DYE WORKS, Toronto. MI.S_ SAI..$ET,,D Ill At the old statues on the lktaare, Ooderlch. W'TS BEDS GRANITE & MARBLE WORKS, ST. DAVID—ST., GODERICH .7 sTwo Doors East of Wbit.ls's !Totel.l Manufacturers of Marble Monuments, Headstones, Manttepit cis. and all kinds of Furniture Trimmings in Foreign and American Marble ; also Window and Door Sills, and House Trimmings of all kinds in Ohio Stone. Ail work deafnesd Sal eaeeuted le kin style, rlWILSON BROS. deal largely in all kinds of Eurepeas aid Canadian Granite. which spat -4a.1 atteatloa Is called. It will pay to call before ordering elsewhere, Ooderch, June ^J+th. DOT. WIL80N EROS- --- -- _ r103 -3m NEW FALL C000S- ABR4ITH TAILOR & CLOTHIER Has Just received- and a now opening a large assortment of READY-MADE MEN'S AND BOYS' SPRING SUITS. Aro on hand a targe sto.k of the LATEST PATTERNS OF TWEEDS AND CLOTHS Tr the make-up of Yl'RiNU :sun 's. ORDERED WORK A. SPECIALY )fast Side Square. Oaderich. March Nth. 1887. 8Bii.fhZ1bM $LIZTla' IS- ,. 3050 DANIEL GORDON, CABI1\TE ` MA ER AND UNDERTAKER.Anyone can advertise, bat I tan show the Stock. i ha houses 1s town to select (cernstack ea Mad than any tire , FURNITURE. i bare now on head 15 diglre.t styles of Bedroom Suites, 8 different dylee of Sideboard., B Parlor Suites, and almost anytbiat i. the Furniture line. all of which will be mold AS CHEAP AS TUE CHEAPEST, AND iDONT YOU FORGET iT. Is the UNDERTAKING 1 give personal attention. ant the benefit sow of nearly l0 years :e perlewce• I think I have the beat Hearses In the County of Huron i w111 leave the pablb fehres.dire- I have everything .raspy kept In a Arst-class establishment, such as Sbeud., Habil, Gloves, Crapes. !o. Embalming done when re aired' till Oaareatee to give eatiefactbn la every ease. V OLD STAND BETWEEN P. O. AND BANK OF MONTREAL Roderic!. Sept. nth, 11A8. 1A6i-Sas 1837 VIVAT REGINA! Tbe subscriber r'io'ts, that i sin doing my utmost to lateens I loyal k p may stock rktects Her Most every Gracious Majesty. Q ful la all departments.replete with every Wag sew sad ass - 1887 .w 1887 NEW GOODS £ E,IVIrTG DAILY Si'ITA(ILE FOR Autumn Wear. The Correct Thing in Draw Goods, Buttons and Trimmings to Match, Ribbons, Frilling* and a Laces, New Shades in Plain and Fancy Opera Flanne*, with Kmbroideries to Matob, 1 am not advert ming *mode at met 'kr Rader, thank* to my name row0 camomile. mi leave no overstock of any use Ilse. and that is swift• great deal when we Mar seabout business depression. hard times, &r. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES AND STRICTLY ONE PRICE: IBebrieb. Aug. 10th. 1857. f .. w 2\27.7 -INTRO, Draper and Haberdasher. DRMIS, P IID FANCY GOODS twat iltoestved 45.41' a s ten.,4 s. tient p.yhag..t'rlees » .sit ly 7. JORDAN, Medial Ea, Godieriah.