HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-25, Page 6• 6 THE HU1toN SIGNAL. FRIDAY. NOV. II 5 1E87. the Poet's tomer. Se se /sea. Iluw dues the Illy go Is sleep lis Iia sliver cradle, suloolb and deep : ('lauds of purple. crimson, Kuld, Melt lis azure. foil tau fold . Stars lock down. w mild and clear (tweet winds w4lpper : "Hy -b, dear. NAo the Illy goes to deep JO as direr cradle, smooth rad deep. Ilow dearth. robed go to sleep le its leafy cradle. aur and d.arp f /Mater alines the deleted hall ; Use by o•e the •urine trmw .sill (bathe tree-tup..ate aur high. Leaves are tiepins •' heck -a- hie •.. .`to the robin gory 10 sleep la its leafy cradle. butt aud deep. How does the baby ire to deep In Its downy cradle. warm and deep: Pearly eyelids bonier a low. A• the leaflets of the roar Mother fondly watches Mob. Softly singing : ' l.ullab: '- so baby goes to deep In its towel cradle. warm and deep, q' ho is it w atrl.es while they 'deep I n their nightly crad leas, Cala and deep l (. the Father'. lis. ono care For His children et cry w here ' fishy. Illy, robin. rest safely on His buundl.•.y breast ! S , Ile watches while they elrrp lis titir ashen cradles. calm and deep s -bane) l).i.'t motor. sneer., haw.;, hawk, spit, blow. and. distrust everybody with your offensive breath. If you hare acrid, watery discharges (torn the nose rid eyes, throat disease, causing cheinu_ srisa tuns, cru{h, ringing teems in head, splitting headache and other symptoms at of nal catarrh, rem"saber that the manufacturers of Dr Sign's Catarrh 0.1er, in ,tee.' faith, EGO° reward fit a case of catarrh which they cun .•'t curs. Thu remedy is sold by di ugguta at only KIND WORDS TO GIRLS. Mr l/.diel ofls•Iseatleg Vein nil ens Se hair' ktoms. A word of advice to the young girls: Never contract acquaintance with strange y.uo;t men unless they come in company with those in when' you place c't.lidenco. Even then be oil your I guard and ace that the proprieties of life l aro not exceeded. There is not a day but we read in our exchanges of ...mei poor girl who, from her confiding nature, 1 has been basely betrayed by wine heart- less scoundrel, and thus placed on the high road to dishonor and ruin. The libertine is always cautious in his move- ments and sly in his approaches to the human heart, and unless his intended victim fortifies herself by the principles if virtue and refuses to place herself in his keeping, except with honor, she le lost. Girls, guard yourselves against the vices and follies of the world, and let purity of soul, integrity, virtue and honor be your guiding star. and then, when age comes upon you, you can read the book of your life with pleasure, find- ing nothing written therein of which you would be ashamed when it shall be opened in the light of divine truth and read by other beings than those which inhabit this earth, Girls, talk to the young men you meet as unaffectedly as you do to the boy friends of your brothers . or, if yon have no brothers, and therefore no brothers' friends, as yea do to the neighbor lad, who, mayhsp, "does chores" for your father. DO not imagine when you meet a gentleman that your conversation must be remarkable or unusual to be entertain- ing. The bearing of an intelligent, gracious gentlewoman is one always to be cultivated, but this should be your every day behavior. You should kimono company manner. (.(arra le t./ a deed Disease. No matter what parts it may finally affect, catarrh always starts in the head, and belongs to the head. There is n t mystery about the t•ritti- •3 this direful demise. it begin, in a neglected cold. One of the kind ihat is "su:e to be better in a few days." Thousand@ of victims know hew it is by sad experi- ence. Ely's Cream Balm curs colds in the head and catarrh in all its stages. Not • snuff nor • liquid. "Speaking -about the artist who paint- ed fruit so naturally that the birds came and peeked at it," said a fa reporter, "1 drew a hen that was ro true to life that after the editor threw it into the waste basket it dry then." sa/aabl. N Know. Consumption may be n.ore easily pre- vented than cured. The Irritating and harassing cough will he rreatly relieved by the use of Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam that cures coughs, cads, bronchitis and all pulmonary troubles. 2 Is tract. mem loth* Pelee. 1)rypenaia is dreadful. 1) . ogleved liver is misery. Iadigeetion is • foe M go'id nature. The human dipeatiee apparatus is one of the meet complicated anti wonderful things in existence. Its easily put out .4 order. G foxed, tough food, sloppy foxed. bed cookery, mental worry, late noon. irregular habits, and many other Ihinja whirl' ought not to he. have made the American people a nation of dysp.ptiea Ret Green's August Flower has done; • wonderful work is reforming this nd Noah..s and making the American people so healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember 1 -No happiness without health. Rut Green's Attalla Flower brings health end happinsas to the dyepeptin Aak arose' that le` a rear r...s NNWThere is nu better remedy for frost hits., chilblains and .tsilar troubles, than tlaKyard'a Yellow Oil. It also cures rheumatism, lumbago, more throat, deaf - nem, and bonnie' and pain generally. Yellow oil is used internally and eatur- •tally. 2 I 1 "lies, Tommy,' mid the teacher of . the iufeet clam, "that is ri,(ht ; vane (Ades ceine Imm the ground ; and now ,•art Willie Wafe.0 tell us a here wool! Le .was 1. hiders! Pb/terpky. omen from f" "Yurum," responded Willie, sith the air of one familiar with the suh;;-ct, "moat cones from the '.utcher's. " National Pails arc unsurpassed as a ., .f••, m444*ild, yet thorough, purgative, i• erg upon the biliary orgens promptly and effectually. lilt s Nark Twain's lersae.l Masi eatduae. The Brockville K...o4I-r publishes the Widowing : "The weer way on the road on !h'armereville and had t.. wait some time at the Elbe toll -gate, whloh .as blocked up by a waggon with a hay •-:ask. As we firas'ly drove up and hand- ed over our four cents the old lady in e'harge of the ;,(ata sad : "If you wait kik enough I'll tell you why that man tem en keg here. You see alit _lnura- rag he welt pest with a load of hey so laths it would not n thron.h the unto. To help him•out of the trouble my hue band and myself Kot rails from the fence and fixed lip the si.ie of the, road, s o that he could drive arooid the g-tte, and he tit by without uolutt'ing. When he same tack lust now he refs« -d to t...y ugly ...it, war, as he mid lie had oily gone Omelet' tit. ,;au ?nice, What do you think ,of that ? said the old hely as -drove on." -- KIND on." nervation filcher'.. The most precailiny rnnpinints at this sareson •re rheumatis•n, neuralgia. sore thrust, inP.i.mm'ih.•ns and ran„ e.tiono. For all these and other painful tr..ubles Harvard's Yellow Oil is the best Inter- nal and t sternal remedy. 2 • lhlradlat tame. One of the managers of a home for dt.•titute tailored children went to the institution the other day to nee how things were going on, and found a youngster, as black as the inside of a coal mine, tied to a bed post, with hi. hand. behind him. ''What's that boy tied up se for T" she asked the attendant. "For lying ma'am ; he is the worst lying nigger I ever saw." "What's his name ?" "George Washington, ma'am," was the parlyzing reply. Meat Apeeslate. Run no risk in buying medicine, but try 1'e great Kidney and Liver regula- tor, made by Lir. Chase, 'wilier of Cbave's reosipes. Try Chase's Liver Cure for all diseases of the Liver, Kid- neys, Stomach and Bowels. Sold by all druggists. The dtatresefns paleness so often ob- served in young girls and women. is due in a great measure to a lack of the red oerpueeles in the bl.a,i. To remedy this requires a medicine which producer thew necessary little blood constituents, and the hest yet discovered is Johnson's' Tonic Bitters. Price 5(1 cents, and $l per bettle at Goode • drug store, Albion block, Goderich. Sole agent. (bJ Merchants can wet their Rill Hearts. Letter Heads. Ac.. Rc. printed at thio oflle. for very little more than th.T g�t�eenerally pa for the paper. and It helps to adverts.• thetrinear•en. tall and see samples and get pride, LN • seek Meat Mr Goode, druggist, is not a book afoot, but has the agency in Goderich fur Johnston's Tonic Bitten, which he an heartily recommend for any com- plaint to which a tonic medicine Is ap pliable. This valuable medieine has beim with moat astonishingly good ro- sette in eases of general debility, we tic - nem, irregulanties peculiar to females, extreme paleness, impoverishment of the blood, stomach and liver troubles, loss et appetite, and fur that general worn out feeling that nearly every one is troubled with at some part of the year. Don't forget the name Johnston's Tonic Ritter 50c. and $1 per bottle at Goode's drag store, Albion block, Goderich, sole agent. • .. Me t was.lcd •,ata t' No "hardly ever" about it. He had an attack ..f what people call "bilious - nen, -and tc smile was impossible. Yet • man may ''.mils and smile, and he a villain still, still he was no villain, but a plain, blunt, honest man, that needed • remedy **eh as Dr Pierce • '' 1'leawnt I'urgative Pellets," which never fail to cure bihoueness and diseased or torpid liver, dyspepsia and chronic constipa- tion. Of druggist& • alley aea85 Saes. The worts uul, 'rate and puis000ue nutter to the .eastern should .seas, throueh the secret of the bowels, kidneys and skin, or serious disease re- sults. B. B. B. opine" these ustural out- lets to revues di: este. W er the LHl/e Dasa, This morning I read this beautiful ex- tract, and 1 watt to imprysa it on your minds : "It is root what we read, but what we remember that does us good ; not what we earn, but what we save ; not what we eat but what we ditteet ; taut what we intend, but what we L,, that makes us useful ; it is int a few feint wishes, but a life long struggle that makes us valiant.' This struck me as all so sensible that 1 felt it would du great goo,' for ail the children to study and remember It. Dr Law's W..rm syrup all linds of Wurtw front adults. will remove children or tut me sm T.wrooesed. Don't allow a rale in the head to slow- ly and surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured for lac. by using Dr Chase • Catarrh Cure. A few applica- tions cure incipient catarrh ; 1 to 2 boxes cures ordinary catarrh ; 2 to 5 bears is guaranteed t.. cure chronic catarrh. Try Info Linty 25o and- iii cur. Beebe by I all druggists ly I .5 Pr.att(ble lire. Few men have accomplished the same amount of work and wood in this world as the celebrate 1 11; Chase. Deet 600,000 of 1:u works have been sold in s Canada alone. We want every p#Nnn troubled with Liver C,.mplaiut, Delh- i pepaia, Headache, Kidney or L'tiny Trouhles, to buy a bottle Lf Dr Chases Liver (`ore, it will cur you. Medicine i' bud R -veil.. Book Ill. Scold by all 4dr'lg^u • . HURON AND BRUCE I LOAM AND INVESTMENT COMPANY Tbia Company is Laming Mowry on Forst. &rarity at L..we,f Bates of Ikterrat. I )MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 1, 4 aiut 5 per Cent. Lama dlluteeJ ow LkpuaitA, according to amount and time left. OFFICE: -Cor. of Market Square and North Street, Ouderich. HORACE HORTON. MAai aa,a' Oodertch Aue. Sth IRKS. lip/ C. L. McINTOSE, Nest door to Rhynes' Drs Store. keeps constantly adding to kis well - selected stuck. choice Fresh Groceries, which will be toned to compare farorably. both as regards quality aud price, will any other stock in tis ticloity. TEAS AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY. 1.1 returning thanks to my customers to their patronage, 1 would also incite any oth ers who will, to call and inspect my stock. 0. L. McINTOSH. South-West side of the Square Goderioh, Feb. lab. 1855. GC)r)3ERICH PLANING MILL ESIABLiSi1ED 19 Buchanan, Lawson Robinson rAYcru'TctesRa or Sash, Doors & B/z'uds D1ALN*/ IN ALL' MMD/ or Lumber, Lath, Shingles and builder's material of every descriptIon. SCNNNL FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. sir )r.:er promptly:attended to. Ooderick ;ASR. 2. 18'3 1-17 GET the BEST ! THE WESTERN ADVEflTISEH OF LONDON, oNr. VASTLY 1111PNOVED! ILLUSTRATED AATICLES! ALL THE NEMS' POPULAR NEPAATMENTS! NOME AEANING ' 12 PACES FECI'LARLT Balance of 1887 Free To all sow .nheeribiag far the year tI ar the low price of CURES si PER ANNUM $ I Irgmplaint, BIIt ('oTnl..ngpv'a vied nehsr .'ralnwa ' ttt�llttt Erre/tear Mv.irn/ S.la.-l:ens' Nick Headache, /&.ran/ionelasuif.,p 8.•tmwi/ 1.. -areas! ,deer Trnnlnes. Itheumatlam. �kln 1.1..•.... and all mpnHrNs of the head from what .er ramie attains res ale West - memo. ■.d Lew. r.l N.ssIN • •mel y Vegetable. NR;Yi► aetse.trwr.d pi-arne..fbet sal, safe. lt9S P'OR • DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. Tobe N Nb.. field ti.rywbetee. PA.►. DI eve,. per bwul.. DR_ IODDER'S COUCH IAD LUNG CUBE. ROM reerywh.M Priv., IS eta awl at et. par heal. I rwprteters and wrswaWerera. Lsdk.. teal . The eotapleam.0 t• oily rddered un- sightly by Pistil's, Liver Spots mod Yelluwnese Thew it is well Involve ars caused fti,n, au inactive Liver and had blood. Dr Cham -'s Laver Cure I -unties the blood end whets system. See Re- cipe Book for toilet recipes, hints and suggestions ..n how to preserve the eum- p:eaion. Sold by .11 druggist. New a Male Cough/ 4 e1/. A aline young man in the height :A (..bion was viulsot ly anawauiX In r Or. et car, when a companion remedied, "A w, Chawles, deah boy, hew d'ye tat_h that dwe.dful cold " ••Abu, death ballsh, left my ossa w the lower hall t.•thrr day, and in sucking the ivory hand:r, an dwradful add, it chilled me •Inst to death." It Charles had used Dr. Uar- vey'• Iced PinsiOum his cold would nut trouble hire nary much. F..r sale et J N il•uu'a prescription drug store. tf Te the Nellrsl Mises.., ass all wb.sa U 'sap reinvent. 1'bnsphatine, or Nerve k000, a Phos- phate Element based upon Scientific Facts, Furtuulated by Professor Austin, )I. 1). of Boston, Mass., cures Pulmon- ary Consumption, Sick Headache, Ner- vous Attacks, Vertigt, and Neuralgia and all wasting ells:eees of the human system. Ph.isphatine is not a Medecine. Eno a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Poisons, Opiatia N treaties, and no Stimulants, but sing' ly the Phosphatic. and Oartric Elements Omni" in our daily food. A aiiule Irttle is sufficient to convince. All Druggists sell it. 11.0) par battle. T.owsi & CO., sob agents for the Dula an, 55 Front Street Int Toronto WiLL CURE OR REUEVE 9,Ll0/ISHESA DIZZINESS, D?SFEPSIA, DROPS,; INDIGESTION, JA:INDICE. E .; YC!PE11,1, .`MLT !MEL'.'i, HEARTBURN, ADACHE, FLUTTERING Of THE HEART. ACIDITY OF rHE STOMACH, OR' NESS OF THE SKIN, And every species of dlekase aria nt from disordered LIVER, KISMEY%. STOMACH. BOWELS 00 81.000. T. MILBURN & Ce.. Pr."10.4NTv 11E fl N T[D eel :;-vv,D" CSHASES Ntt'MpANO[ ON LIVER CURE HAVI YOU f¢ Liver Cea.plehe,D.tp.p.ia, 1 Bilioasee Heartache, Dt'r ino's, Yam ia w the Luria ...1WWWWWL, or say disease ming from a damage leer, De. Luaus Lavas Ova& will let (bead a ser tad certain' remedy. NATURt'$ RtINCOY tie eeq.sliied success of Dr. Chase's Li,er Ca 1 Lime Complaint rests solelyith the fact tial it i .p ».ounded (roometsri s ....known lister regulator, N AeDItAae AND DA.DsLIOa, combined with MAW *has invaleabla rows, barks sed herbs, haring anneal effect is the Kidneys, Stomach, BoWela ar B lood. 800,000 SOLO 'beer sar-hall million of Dr. Chase's Rarije Beak wee rid i. Cams& alone. We bun leery prow wewis...d r$i/d war 1. rrerblrl Rini Liver Cow free le cry tela a e .5 al erse//y. si_ITas isw. 1tR11 Away Fats Wrapped armed erg boo beef Dr. Chase's LierC.w • • saleableAgue 6e ofd Medical Guile and Reap S oak (aepag L containing weer moo useful recipes ,sronoosee j-reedicel men aud druggists as in.alua 11e, and worth urn twee the price of the saeditiwe. TRY Craft's GAMIN Ciel. A mill mad maid, emedy. tike, i1 Mils. TNT CRAWS Mayr Asa LIRA Pats. s, titper bon SOLO SY ALL DEALERS ' T. aasAw5ON a 00-. Sete As..,s, s..m.,.l NEW GOODS 7'Olt Fall and Winter, Ready -Made Clothing and Ends of Cloth leis be rkaswd was as 1Yat mad 1 oder roma. RZTG-R DUNLOP FAB IIONABI4E TAILOR, Jar Remember the Pious -West street, abs deer to Hank of Mortred.la Ooderlch. Sept. t nd. ISS7. • PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER 1(.11N1 R HI T'= 7,7=7.70 -Ci -IST. FAMILY GROCERY 1 The undersigned beg most resperttutiy to inform tie Inbahisats of Goderich end e■ rounding country. that bta.it.og bo.i*l.t t'HK..II' tO)C l'.5511 its U.. beM markets of Cres and ►Le 1.nited States. a ter) superior scut k of F'RES�3 GROC=RIEIc Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com- prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth- er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or- anges, Lemons, Assorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces, Pickles, Jams, Jellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits, Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicella, Tapioca Sago. Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, and other ase(LI arts, 1••s osua:Ip kept In a first claw cit) establishment. As Itsrarviss Or et t /.Nin MAIMS a•LH1Tti. WANT TO BUY A OUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES & POTATOES REES PRICE & SON, Store on the Square, Between E. Downing. and C. Crabb'. Goderich. April 2let. 18 7. Nias- IIAVING KE - IT rt. R\'SHED my slop la the 1•tee .tyle. put is Throe saw ttsarieraMeN•, wo of them limiest', nested Roeheeter rl Itlwg t' It • Irk and ,trod • joeraeyaa• ember. we ere Ma at wt thei o. tore. Lady's a Chitn's'• ttatrentting made • .pecblty or all days •acept Saturday. Razors and Scissors (round. 4071,44C. 'rhea V ra3-Isr>. esus .r '111 West Sweet. two deots.sest Of P.O., esMqk ,The Greatest Luxury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased Vision is a Pair of The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles ! ".1 -f WO e,M POWDERS. Arl:olearmi t 3 t La Cc_teib t'_•.:r owes Pe: yeti-.. la a as fa •t?". and etleersal da/ragvr .t ~aria CL area or *Mats BEWARE OF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS As abase are obey Inferior corded with lata. lamp .aa,ofered Lod mold Y t5ora/lae by some un- 'etrilditheof /serehaas. tprad- sar es-eaito Verol Ser. we worn eke ladlesweb .Sties i•R their.s ibv the seaaeanyets+eem the /MOO `CROMPTON CORSET CO.' Iu .tanned oa loner sL',, M all ('neap's good*. W1tbat yid& sr ere fsatllb erTH1E HOLLY FF'Tba b % Wray A limited •umber of Ibis hraetlfulreminm, pietas to offered ewheerlhere for - 1e opals eon. ilTb. west.e. Adverelw a.4 Prewsl.a M 81.00. Afoot, wanted everywhere. Twenty valnrhl.• prises to be awarded weer mad •here the rash tvo.nmlsdon to the mint soe.wes/el wets. Reglaterrl letters own* et our rl$. Tet Mae sample papers, terms teanis, etc.. address. AI►VRRTleICR 1'RINTINO (b.. I errors. Owe. Tit •'15.1&L'W' i'LSMMaee errant. Toe ere lave tisk weeded. Ativersteoe atlKa 1•e btessastw/ rreweaen,'.bettor with Tit Mum use%51 loom beam a8538 ass. 1. �� M asly i1M. by 'weal.q se lbs• MRs i 5. les1L 55'lSST. 1' ISL JOHH R10!, Prrprietort Tb• aberlher te prepared to erwteh the pub Ile with The Finest Rigs AT RIASOISAKI.t MUCKS 13A.W ANIE255U$--oplle w Cooter The frauds that have been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing public by most spectacle dealers and poddlars by giving assumed and fancy namea to ordinary glass, speaks for the ignorance of the public generally, in the all-important subject of the preservation of sight. there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can be manufactured. viz : Pebble and glassy --tall glass by any other name, it still remains glaftn. Pebble, on the other hand, is from nature's own manufactory. It is a natural crystal found generally in free- stone formation, and is harder than the ruby and emerald, and near- ly as hardas the diamond. The Pebble is not more or less than a transparent stone, cut by aid of diamond dost, and the greatest amount of power is placed immediately over the centre of the grain found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness, freshness and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses cannot by any possibility impart. All s len and eyeglasses are stamped B. Land can onl bit purchased fmni 7th 1117. _ TORI)..441-1NT, Druggist. Goderich. >111s -Iv Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. OE�. 13.ArtitIr, CABINET - MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Haa�milton Street.; Goderich •��r�twlat-- win{]. lltwfwg R.pme. wwai rNr 1lwrwlfwru T? Sanafes, a eta Um/lbw ter ra MMMede� IWtasewar R a ii R. -A eametetames tweet of Ceftae mad Mime& always es hr ad a'.c Fearer* rollat reasewalite rases. -- -