HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-25, Page 44 '-1
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GaNMs a. MsOt.
Gas Night Kerry tow.
Yale. -J. min
Moose ettoe-J H. Mcks,deiarb
deka tMbrtnss.
�berse set' M..Nag -J. M. Rtebseile.
. 1
ok ehief'e were
+r ge, resin seem.
Ani JsuA As fl prof u.~
IM1 (uses Pangs was belie - ease.
the o to take part is the demnittwo of the
i1i.sksgiviog turkey. She is well sans -
led with the tuities of Alma Cuil•rsa,aad
inteade to spend the neat two years at
that seat of tsarinas.
Mem Asch Knox, so °ndergradeate
of Toronto University, Sod formerly s
resedent of Goderich, baa been appoint-
ed oo the staff of the Pheldelpbia
tkbool of Oratory, of which she is • dis-
tinguished graduate and gold medallic
There are lots of editors like-minded
with that oos out West, who having heard
that poromas in • drowsing oumdition in-
stantaneouslyrecollected all the tnosac-
tiooe of all tlives, wished that some
et hi. aobsriban would teke to bathing
in deep water.
STat. a TILL BAD. —Wednesday even
nes of last week the tug Myles with 38.-
000 bombes of wheat for the big mill.
and having in tow the t:ulnair, laden
with 22,000 bashes of wheat, struck un
the her at the entrance to the harbor,
and it was about three hours before she
reached her dock.
tee Swanson desires us to state that he
is not against the railroad, but would
peeler to have the line Dome from the
Borth. He says be waste t0 las God. -
rich keep in the front soak, affia will do
his level beet to help her onward.
SAD.—Mrs McDougall, who recently
came from Leadville, Col., to visit rela-
tives in this section, has met with a dou-
ble bereavemeat in the death of her
only child. Ernie, and the demise of her
brother Rev Charles McManus on the
same dry, She has the sympathy
of a large circle of (trends.
Mn. W. Watson was ageriiLT�Mitt-
prised on Monday evening last by re-
eaivfng favi ter St»day - school class,
composed of boys, a very handsome
album as a token of grateful remem-
brance to her, and to remind her when
looking at it of their appreciation of her
as a kind and loviest teacher.
A gr•iTIrY LEFT YET. — We bave
still a quantity of old paper oa hand. It
is suitable fur wrappiog paper, putting
e nder carpets, cutting patterns, and
many other purposes. In order to dis-
pose of It as quietly as pnssib!e the pries
baa been placid at 3c per Ib. Call and
pt some at the Sl000 _ office.
Families or &•saints.—Step by step
science is taking all the poetry out of
life. Some ingenious fiend has now
contrived an electrical attachment to a
fishing rod which nog* a bell when a
tiah bites and thereby dues away with
-the neceesity of 'wog at a cork or
keeping alert the Reuse of touch along
tie line.
Ax ELOVUE.4•r Pa;A HER. —Iter G. R.
Turk, who recently resigned the pastorate
of the North -et. Methodist congregation
in Gaderich, to accept a call to the Con
gregational church at Atlanta, Georgia,
will get $3,000 • year in his new poli
tion Mr Turk is described by the At
lents pipers as one of the must eloquent
preachers in America.
A Com• twioe To THE PcBLI'•.—Hith-
erto return tickets bought at railway
stations have only been fur • limit of six
days, but the different railways have
manifested a disposition to deal more
liberally with the travelling public and
have made all return tickets, good foe
thirty days. This extension will no
doubt be appreciated by the travelling
Charles A. Nairn recently spent a week
to:Detroit, and amongst other things ss.•
'mined minutely into the working of the
new Edison incandescent light. He says
it is far superior to and more workable
for store and office use than the old sys-
tem of electric tight. Cn•rlie ought to
be on the'muncil board nett year to en-
lighten the darkness of the present
Wm Babb, of the lifeboat service, Godes-
tab, has been presented with a gold
medal by the U. 8. Government, for
saving the crew of the American
schooner Maxwell, the vessel haring be-
come disabled by the storm of December
5th, 1885. A silver medal also has been
awarded to each of the men who man-
ned the lifeboat on the occasion.
Mies ►trr'+ 1xvrTT' Ta. - At a meeting
of the director held oo M ,°day evening
Mean Frazer, Porter Sr Kay were award-
ed the contract for supplying the maga-
zines and news papers for the year 1888,
their tend..r being the lowest The
secretary was instructed to tender the
thanks of the Board to Mime E Skim-
mings, for her kindness in regularly
e sneing two newspapers to the reading
FIRS —On Friday morning the house
in St. Anirew's ward owned and oocu-
pied by Richard Ald.worth took fire and
was burned to the ground. Th. furni-
ture was in greeter part sated, bat a
large quantity of vegetables stored in
the eller was destroyed. The fire ori-
ginated around the chimney, and the
high wind prevailing caused it to spread
with such rapidity that the hoose was
totally destroyed when the engine ar-
rived near the amine.
1 a. Aar cam banish fifty coats worth
Hl• lte.F, will Amt a wood Dictionary free at
Werk Inas, awl that's wby Oeo. 8l.wrt
hams* stay orders for cnyoas. till paintings
sad *steigt y►lc views.
topeseiadl bowers. MFirs plumes.
produce taken 1n
sachem's. Mrs C. H, Ufrvta.
Three-quarters et all tie Bowies !outdoes
Maid throughout the World last ser were
aenuiae ettween, C. H. Quota.
The rush ot work to F d' A. Pridhasn'■ hos
bona plieseatsasl this fall. sad they are kept
at it hard and fast en featuring to overtake
o rders. lis the good fits that do the busi-
n ess.
tmtde ss l.e sawed In all kinds of
furniture op is 1)ec. f•ti, to make room for
Christmas goods. i have • large stock of
:Xmas goods cheap. 0.1'. Robertson. Crabb,
A number of candidates are mentioned in
commotion with the mayoralty contest. bet
when it comes to taking Ont class photos. R.
IL Htheallows ecand gracefully to the treat as
Ge.. lawns, t the Vocal agent for the Li -cruor
a, is bias a good line la that trade. lout is
still prepared to all orders. and give Induce -
mar ranee
a. also headquarters tor
drugs aad cbesicas.
Twos Wormr's CHat.ru4 Trrrcearca
Union will meet ratably for the trane•ction
ai buMaess every Tuesday afternoon aI r]I)
o'clock. In Roox church.. Every woman in-
terested in the watt is oordlatly Invited to
Fish TAiioai'a.--Customers ready to stand
upend be measured for a fall suit or overcoat
of strictly the choicest goods in the market.
with a cut and stake is strict accordance
with true taste and tree arkshould inspect
Menem•c's immense steak ereew taU good%
fall settings and nobby ov.rceatines in au
the new shade.. Don't fall to see them.
NEXT Cerruti.- Depositors in this company
have the bed possible security for their mon-
ey. all being Invested to mortgage on arm
property. Depositors hare • first lien in all
the company's assets. Mate of interest paid.
from 4 to S per cent. according to amount
and duration of deposit Farmers haring sur-
plus means should call and see the manager.
Goode's Black ('berry Balsam Is the best
preparation out for coughs and colds, so pre-
arvalent at this time of the year. Try R. A
full stock of everything 1• the drug line con-
stantly on band. Particular attention is in-
• fled to our stock of hair brushes and toilet
articles good. varied and cheap. Personal
attention to physicians prescriptions and
(molly receipts. Charges moderate. W. C.
Goode, druggist, Albion block.
Knox Church Band of Hope will mast
- bo Saturday .t three o`clock.
Iwpectnr Tom ate his thanksgiving
turkey in Guderich this year.
F. W. Johnston, barrister, returned
from his Ottawa trip on Saturday•
Wen Kyle, returned from • five weeks'
ns. to Dundas Saturday evening last.
Mrs Ann Morris has returned after
having • pleasant vest with Mrs Gentles,
John Galt, of Moncton, N. B., has
been iu town during the past week,
visiting hiends.
Chas A. Vanatter, of Stratford, spent
a coup's of days in town last week, the
guest of his brotber.
Rey. G. F. Salton was suffering from
tLe effect* of • severe cold during the
early part of the week.
Mr and Mrs E. N -Lewis arrived horn.
Monday etening, and have taken rooms
at the British Exchange.
H. I. Stung. B.A , headmaster of
G..derich high school, was in Toronto on
educational business last .week.
T. B. Van Every has received his lip.
nonan ent as Deputy Marshal of the
Marine Court, Godertch District
Reference will he made next Sabbath
evening in the Victoria st. Methodist
church, to the death of Mies Grace Boll.
Robert Porter, of Elmvale, Simco•
county, M.I'. for West Iluron, was in
town during the early part of the week.
Wm. Marlton is making great haste
with the tug be us building, and bas •
large number of hands employed on the
Ed. Stotts, of Detroit, formerly of
Godsrich, spelt • few days last week
visiting his many old friends in this
n eighborhood
The mailman rate of growth occurs in
giro from the eleventh to the thirteenth
year, and in boys from the fourteenth to
the eixteeoth year.
Helen—Mamba•, what is a cases
bell'? Mother—My child, never speak
of anything so indelicate. It is the
Latin for stomach ache.
Nicholas Austin returned from Dako-
ta last week, Ioo.kiog hale and hart
after having put in • good season's work
on his farm in that State.
ur McDonagh will be in God.rich for
consultation on Saturday, the 3rd of
December, and afterwards on the first
Saturday of every Month.
Mr and Mrs Alfred Morris hays re-
turned from Dakota after spending •
very pi.ssant summer. Tb.y are highly
delighted with the country,
Ni the �reet
Ir. M. Nicholson, t
dowdogma. makes the preservation of the
natural teeth • specialty. Gas adminis-
tered from 91. m. to 4 p.m. fur the pain-
less extraction of teeth.
RAILWAT MsgT14°.—A meeting of
the citiz.ne omnmittse will be beld in
the council chamber Monday seeming
next, Nov. 28ih at 7.30 o'clock, for the
parpou of reorganinstioo.
Caownsn OUT.—Owing to pressure1
upon our columns this week thecnmmunt
cation signed "Sensitise.' and
quantity of interesting local and township
news is unavoidably crowded out.
J. A. Reid A Bro. will this week,
open • new lot of heavy melon dries'
good@ at very low pries. Alec grey
flannels, all wool 26 iambs* wide at 18e I
per yd. The best and cheapest goods it;
&two ma Tu it. —Colin Patterson
was charged before Mayor Seager last
week with the larceny of a billiard ball,
the property of the proprietor of the
Albion h..t.l. The defendant was com-
mitted fur trial.
Mr and Mrs W. Watson. Rruee-8t.,
;steed leaving oa Wednesday nett to go
lase besieges is C..itos iota. They
lura a number of panes of feraittere yet,
w yamid lila to dispose of at
THE LATEST Swienta.—One swindle
on the fermisg community is hardly •x•
posed before another crops up. Here is
the latest. Two or three men have
been tnrellir g through • neighboring
county, arrying with them hen's eggs.
They inform the farmer tbt they have
• new variety of fowls, the stook of
which they desire to inertias. They
will sell him the eggs for $2 50 • dozen
and maks a contract guaranteeing to
purehaw every chick hatched and living
for six weeks at FS each. The eggs
hay. been dipped into boiling water be
fon their delivery, and can be warrant-
ed not to hatch any $5 chickens, but the
fi2 50 is sure to be promptly collected
before the eggs are lett.
Th. entertainment under the *apices
of Court Godsrich, *2. (t. F. held In
Victoria Hall Tuesday evening was not as
largely attended as the program deserv-
ed. The eiagisg of Mies Wilkinson and
Messrs Bekher and Bonnie was of a
high order, and received high ea -
mamma from those present The read-
ing. character delineations and ymn-
tTelo.loial performances of Woo E.
Burgess were also well rendered, aid
were s ppreeiatd by the a ud i ence.
Character .eases, the "Dude" and the
"Stare irieiwme" were also given by
Jas Tim.... Misses Treenail and foestess
Dough presided at the s�ta during
Hutment's/ is a estidastsey �sagee
The Rinse dine Riese•. says : Asim -
rich i• to have .salter lumber yasi. J.
Label, of London, hes decided to heals
IT Looe Bao. —Must of our ammo
cleats get their bill beads, envelopes,
knee and auto paper neatly pnuled, sed
we must as it louts like biennium ; bet
we Duties t� are sense who apparently
w any scup of paper they eta Isy tb r
heeds oa to make oat as ••asset or to
do their eorrs.podioe os, and it looks
like • o°e-bores affair—is feet, yon wand
not knew that it nom (rum a benison
tato until you rubbed you epees and
tried to decipher the "writing.' Call at
Tea Stoseat Whom and see our ample
and get our pewee.
A country editor is ass wbu reads
uewapapers, writes on any subject,
sticks type, folds papers, makes up
made, runs errands, saws wood, works
in the garden, is blamed for • thousand
things be Dever thought uf, works hard
all day, is subject to spring fever, helps
people into office who forget all about it
afterwards and very fregesotly gets
cheated out of bis earnings ; he pale up
and does more to build up the town
than any use clue, and the miser and
fogy are benefitted, yet they will nut
take the paper, bot will borrow it and
read it and cuss the fool editor.
Tim Cuta.awousa'n GI'IL) —A
series of At Homes ars to be given rabic
George's church school biome, by the
ladies of the church woman's guild, dar-
ing the winter moatbe. The tint of
theme social eotertainmeots will be bold
on Tuesday evening next, 29th of Nor.
At which the followintl ladies will pre-
side, Mrs hewer' Jars Geo. Pane•,
/In Holmes, Mrs IL B. Smith, Mrs
Meyer, and Miss Cattle. Daring the
evening there will be a sale of fancy and
useful articles. Musical entertainment
and refreshments from half -pant seven to
ten. Admission 13 costa, refreahtneuts
Btxsnr PssroajAxo•tt—A number
of the ladies and gentlemen of Goderlch
have formed • dramatic club, and pur-
pose giving • benefit performance short-
ly, in aid of the cricket club and town
band. Amongst those wl►o lune kindly
come forward in the maw are: Miss
Zephie Williams, Mw Bade ChtTtoe,-
Mies Maud &art, Miss Hattie Smith,
Miss Fletcher. S. Malooteson, Jas
Strachan. R. G. Reynolds, C. A. An-
drews. The piece that will be placed on
the boards will be Gilbert's pleasing
comedy "Engaged," and it will be pre-
sented on or about the middle of De-
cember. From the personnel of the club
the success of the venture u assured.
Methodism of Victun•-St., started the
"Snowball League" yesterday. They
hope to clear of their church debt this
winter. Thirty-four workers from sister
churches are needed before the scheme
can be suoc..fuL Thais are needed at
the fountain -head as A's (not as B's or
C's). To those who have friends it is
easy work Will thirty kind Presby-
terian, Episcopalian and Methodist
friends assist them ? Rey Mr Salton
will be pleased to send full explanations
or all upon and explain the scheme to
any who wish to help. To east in
this work is to draw the churches elo,r
together and help answer the prayer
of "Thy kingdom come." Rally friends
and encourage them To DAY by your
StoroANrr'n MA&TTasi.—A Lecture ins
to be given oo, "Scotland's Martyr's
and the principles for which they suffer-
ed," on neat Wednesday evening in
Knox church, by the Rev. A. Wilson, of
Toronto, who has been outing Dr Ure
for a few Sabbaths. There is to be no
•dlri.•ion fee, but • collection will be
taken up at the close. This lecture has
bean very favorably notioed byseveral
of the leading paper of the rovince.
The Presbyterian lOria.r says : **It is a
very able and interesting lecture." The
Toronto Mail mays, "It was an able, in-
teresting and iomtructive lecture." And
the London Fra Preis' says, "It was de-
livered before a deeply interested audit
once, in the lecture room of St.
Andrew's church." We would advise
all who can to go and hear it.
Oarr.—Then died at Windsor, on
Wednesday, Rev Charles C. McManus,
• native of Goderich, aged 27 lean.
The rev. gentleman was mon of our
townsman Charles McManus, sr., and evidently intended to go, and she did intimating features, may be meed to hare
Notes by the Way and Incidents
of the Triµ
eirmewwwd etemefeey .'vary Mend
meas w mrd owed Sp tie Wadeew
Sarapwed as roe UMW,' "rea-
mid tar Sew Teri rare
No. 7.
After atrollis, leisurely woes the
bridge to the Brooklyn aide, and pro
imputing aruuad fur • short time, we
took the street car fate
We had frequently heard of this place,
sod felt a desire to inspect it. As we
were totally unacquainted with We lo-
cality, we hired • ooaveyenes to dace
around, and as we weal, cabby obliging-
ly pointed out all the celebrated Clot o
menta and vaults. I hare seen • few
cemeteries, but newer wow one W
picturesque in situation, r so beautiful-
ly kept. Not a fallen leaf is allowed to
retest°, numbers of men being con-
tinually employed in sweepingthe polite
and gluts. The amount of sculpture
displayed ie both lavish and tasteful,
Many of the Monements being perfect
works of art Some of them nave
evidently cost a large sum of money,
at.tably that of Miss Charlotte Conde, •
lady who was killed by being
where the traitor Arnold met Major
Andre duriu2 the Revolutionary Nr.
Just before entering the Higblands
we pees Verplank on the east bank,
where the soldiers of 'Stn were drilled by
Baron Sleuba'. We are now approach -
tor the wildest and most romantic potion
of the benutitul of the
—the Highl.rrds before reacaiii.;
Kidd'. point ; Ih. ►sat appeared to be
running stem tie to the bank with no
visible outlet, rounding the point, how-
ever, we found that the ever made a
sharp turn to the left and parting the
en the oast eburs from jest outside New
York for ovum miles above Vueltas.
This, our brat eto'ppi•g place; eeveateea
miles above New 'Oak u evidently a
best' sad tbrivie city. Peasant Pier -
meat, at thi head of the Palisade, we
our enter Tappan Zee, where the river
widow oat almost into a kke, being io
some places four miles accuse Just op-
posite here, on the sae bask, Is Jay
Uwmld's benison's reeid.sce. "Ignd-
burst." A hill• further on 1a Tarry
town with Nyack °D the opposite bank.
Further on we pass Stag Sing on the
sae batik, the location of the titans
Prison, when some of New York's boodle
alderman are at present rusticating.
Rounding Teller's Pmut we enter llavr-
strsw Bay,where the river widen out to
nearly five mile. Ou the west bank is
Haverstnw, remarkable for its brick
yards which eateud for two miles. Just
north of this is
Duaderberg mut:ntain, some 1100 feet
thrown out of her carnage on per high, on the left, we altered the uatrur
eighteenth birthday, some years ago. channel known a. the Hone Race. The
This mnoumoat, which is all of pre rugged grandeur of Obis wiW and mouu•
ledges marble, was enema 4 bar be. WOOos region cannot fail to iwpin
teawed father, and u sail Lt v. sttimt admintiun. Ruuwlie,t Ai/thong's Noss
$300,000. We saw the vault containing soother prominent mountain on the east
the remain* of the Ree. Henry Ward hank. we find ourselves approaching
ileecher, also the tombs of the old Sea
Captain, Jaa Fisk, jr., Wm. M. Tweed
and others of New York's men of might
in their day. Returning through the
beautiful gothic gateway of brown stone,
we left our rig and boding that we still
had two or three hours w spend, took a
run down to
We Huse awe whirled down there by
flki "ear, Its on getting out observed
that the most prominent feature of the
scene was the enormous figure of an
elephant. I don't know is height, but
should say it was about big munch for
the Liberty Statue to ride on, if that
brazen young female should feel inclin
ed for • little exercise of that kind. 11's
quite a unique looking affair, and we
were rather purled to decide, whether
it was intended tor a summer boarding
house, an observatory, or merely a
monstrosity. As the weather was Some-
what chilly and the water feeling cold, isle relic of the t, For miles along
we did not take • bath, iu fact nobody bete inc railroads closely follow both
appeared to be bathing, although then beaks, skirting the water's edge in many
were a good many People about. Here
the seat of the great military academy,
where all the most distinguished Ameri-
can officers received their early training.
A more romantic spot oriwebetter adapt-
ed for the purpose could hardly have
been selected. On the west bank is
Fort Putnam, a relic of 'iii, at an ele-
vation of utterly 1100 feet above the ricer.
The West Shore Z R here tunnels
tinder Ilse Foist and emerges a little
further up. The most prominent ob-
ject are the library and Kosiiusko',
monument. After • short atop hers we
assn proceed pest the Old Cru' -Nest,
Storm King and Mt Taurus, all over
1400 feet iu height. Emerging from the
highlands here we approach Newburgb
which is celebrated as bring been.
waillIN.:TON't HEAt.y(A&TILL
during the war, of Independence The
old building where Washington made
his headquarters still stands, a tonere-
also were the tumorous attractiuw of a es' Our next stopping plate is
suede resort, merry•go.round., coast- owghkeepne, koowo as the y teen of
sts, museums full of monstrosities, lager He Haden, •arty of some 20,000
her saloons, and clam restaurants hebetants, picturesquely situated on •
Lipoid refreshment u expensive down plasmeasome bec200 ,est above the neer.
here. No Scott Act evidently Though rasing nRdingbplac which is merely a
I differ from Americans on wine points, further on
co place, we ase ii few miles
I must pay them the compliment of say- further Robert core known as North Bay,
ing that their beads appear to be pretty where Falcon built his fent
level on steamboat, the Claremont Along here
we catch eight of
As a rule they ars a temperate people,
rarely addicted to drunkenness ; yet no
people are greeter sticklers for the fres
citizen's privilege of taking $ drink
when they feel like it. - They take a
drink when they want it, and leave it
alone when they don't, and this I take
to be about the true philosophy of the
thing. Cranks are at • disoount in New there are few places cf historic interest. ; prioci
York and vicinity. After taking in the
sights till about desk, we boarded the
The tnp bad been enlivened at short I ever. t
train to return. Reaching the bridge, intervals by music famished byan ex- , which were
we took another train and rode across to eslleat stung band, which helped to pass land horticultural
the New York side, and were soon the time and added to the enjoyment of After pnyr by Rev.
"taking our ease in our inn," after the
fatigum of the day. Saturday morning
we wen
This way for Bargains in
Dress Goods, Shawls, Mantle
Cloths, Ulsteringa, 1''lannels,
Blankets, Cottons. Linens,
Ilomiery, Gloves, Undercloth-
ing, Tweeds and Men's Fur-
J. A. REID & BRO.,
frdas's Utselr,Asart Hems Square. solaria,
The United Empire, of the Sarnia
loo., has been seized by the Customs at
that port for not reportlno certain re-
pairs executed in the States.
"Doxxus."--Thee time of year is
drawing nigh, when the boaine.a men of
tindeneh will be sending out their at.-
essfls. We bare • large stock of hill
baso, statements, *s., which vs mill
lane* .sd vet is pia Is gesso . 10
auk at very m isoba l& prices at 1T
SIONAL °flies.
Partraasu rola Telt Rete.—We have
had such a rush oI orders in letterheads,
note heads, bill heads, statements, cards,
envelopes and several other lines of war:
that our stock got pretty well rat down
daring the last couple of weak*, bet we
have jest received two large oases of
fresh, new stationery, suitable for all
classes of printing, and although prices
have advanced in some boas. our prices
will remain at the masse low figure,. We
ped all work reggiri°g it free of charge
at Tea SlttxAL alien,
THIS HakvaoT HOWL —The eons.!
entertainment known as the "Harvest
Home," under the management of the
Ladies' Aid Society of North Si. Metho-
dist church, was held on Tbankgivin;
, Day. There wua large gatbering, as is
always the case with (hu particular en-
tertainment, and lbs prootedings
throughout were of a moss satisteetag
character. The tables were well filled
with the delicacies of the season, and
even after the large attendant» of peo-
ple had partaken to satiety of (be good
in the distance to the west, sod shortly cheer, there appeared to be plenty and
reach Catnkil!, the connecting point for I to spare fur another such entertainment.
the summer resorts of the mountains. The concert in the body of the church
Just below here was the highest point was a very superior effort on behalf of
of the river reached by Hendrick Hud- , the choir member• under the leadership
nen in 1ti09, from whish hes orotinned of 8 P. Halle, B. A. The church was
his explcring in small tots. From here bedecked with a lams number of flags
to Albany the scenery is less varied, and and festooned with evergreens, the
decorative features beige. bow -
and the char gallery.
with agriesltersl
eats is prolamin.
. F. Salto°, tae
the scene. Approaching Albany we saw I following program was pmodtesd in a
some miles distant the impo.iag build• manner that did credit to the ebnir and
ins of the its leader : "Lies Domino Memos,"
NT ATE .'APIT°L, choir ; Greetiog Glee," eboir ; "Coder
the Moonlit sky," Misses B. Wilkinson
by way of the Hudson River to I which occupies a commanding position and Graham, Messrs. Passmore and
Albany, by the day line boat. Finding on high ground. This city, which has Halla ; " testes of the West," Miss Ida
that the boat left at 8 40 a.m., we were I • population of some 80,000,u a startling 1t,'ilkir-.on, with violin accompaniment
stirring pretty early, and going down to ' cnntrs.t to the hurry and bustle of New by Miss Dooagh ; recitation "Belle of
the pier, saw the boat by which we were I York, tied Presents mors of theter of Shandon," by Mr. Wallwin ; "Awake,
to travel. One glance at her beautifully , • deepy, old-fashioned cooatry town 0, Happy Nation," choir ; "Rocked in
fine lines and broad, powerful wheel I than of the capital city of the Empire the Cradle of the Deep," E. C. Belcher :
"Friendship, Lore and Song," Misses
McIntyre and Graham, Messrs. Halle
and T. Armstrong ; i.iOewsental darn,
En Route," Mimes Pries and Sleek
"Sing J.bovah's Praire," •bens ;
"Burial at Bea,," Mears. Belabor and
Halls - recitation, "Lteeea," Miss True-
man ; "Lullaby," Mils Id. Wilkiaeog
"Star of Desesediag Night," choir
"Moonlight will Come Again," Misses
McIntyre and Graham, Mesar' Botcher
and Hall ; "Goodnijbt, Geatlefolks,"
choir The soongp°gitt was Miss
Andrews, who did her pit well, as is
her custom. Altbottgh it was a000°aged
that ',worn cold not be rsepoadtd to►
the Largs audience insisted epos Mir
revealed the fact that she was a clipper, I State• Our trip, so far as regards its
was well•known and highly respected by
all who had the privilege of his acquaint-
ance. He received the redrawing of his
eduatien in Goderich, and after leaving
school, went to learn cabinet-making
with our townsman D. Gordon. From
childhood, however, his bent was towards
religious matters, and some twelve years
ago he entered upon the regular coarse
of studies in connection with the R. C.
priesthood. H. was ordained in 1884
and was in turn curate of Windsor, and
pariah priest of Woodalee, Essex county.
His funeral will take plans from St.
Peter's church, this (Friday) morning at
9 o'clock. A large number of the R. C.
go when she got fairly under way. 1 ended here. Leaving Alb•ay by the
sever saw • boat that answered the , night express we arrived at Budelo
touch of her wheel so quickly ; within a! about 7 a.m. Sunday morning, and there
miouta'or starting abs was ander fell ; changed an for the Suepeneioe Bridge
headway doing 20 masa an hour. Step- where our baggage was checked. After
ping on board we found that her interior i • dight delay we crossed the Bridge
decorations were quite in keeping with !and arrived
her outward appearance. There was' ON CANADIAN SOIL
also an excellent band on board which in time fur breakfast. It was about
disagreed sweet movie at intervals time we got hostess we were almnet in a
thougbout the day.
THE M'INtla l" AI THE HI"nt101
is varied and iater...tine, being nowhere
monotonous, end almost every mils has
some hiatoncal association connected
clew of the London diocese ars szpeot- with it, dating back to the stirring tinsel
ed to be present at the obsequies Thr of the war of independence. i t�tg't
sorrowing relatives have the sympathy pretend to give a minute description of
of the entire community. every point of Interest, sa it would mew
moth ofyour
a and
Test Ku><r G°w.—On Wednesday
P7 paned be too
evening next, Nov, 30, the distinguish -
besides : seven a trial of your readerspatience,
ed Isiah comedian and •oalut, J. S. besides which, "it iso't my torr.," as
Murphy will appear at the Grand Open 'Artemis Ward would say, When fairly
House, supported by Miss Virginu ,oat into the stream the bony scone
Marlowe and a firet•claas company, in comes into toll view. Jersey City and
Fred Marsden's greatest n( all I,i.h ' Hoboken with their miles of ducks and
dermas, "The Kerry Gow. " Piker of train elevatorson the west Sed., and on
admission 25o... 35o and 50. The fol- I Oke east the city of New York, reaching
lowirg from the Roston Globe spooks from the Bait.ry to the heights of Fort
volumes for the perfo.rtsawes of Mr
Washington. The neer is crowded with
Murphy and his company : Therm were cnfm of every Nxe and description, from
no •.cant places at the Howard last the stately ocean ho.r.o too little puffing
evening, Manager Harris had put out a tug, with $ stunt of bargee in tow. All
bill that rr,red to be magnet_, and is hurry and bustle, part of the busy lite
every seat and available inch of •teed and ceaseless activity of the commercial
ing ram whence s view o1 the etas• I metropolis of the new world. As the
wield he obtained, was recopied. Ti. boat heeds up the river under a full
attraction presented was the aver p'.pu- head of steam we take our last Look at
lar Irish drama entitled "Kerry G ow,.•the Liberty Statot, now tut ladies in
J. 8 Murphy appeared in the character the
distance. and tern our attention to
of Dan (1' an
the Kerry Oow, and he
was war
welcomed barn to the seen., W AGNIFVENIT *4)1050)14
of many former triumphs. Hoe wit and • continually opening before os. Opposite
humor was as rieh as over, and ha kept I Fort Washington us Fort Lee on the
the aediae«, in constant laughter by hie west bank jest at the soslhern end of
state of Impecuniosity. Uncle's supply
of evadable ash had givso out in New
York, ar:d the consequent extra drain on
ley own exchequer having reduced me
to the moo of insolvency, we reached
fair Canada with something under two
dollars in the treewry. A judieeous sue
of the telegraph wires however obviated
tbs difficulty, and we were once mon
rolling in wealth -comparatively t el speak-
ing. 1 Peek.
ing. Sunday was spent In loafing around
the Falls, but as everyone oowaday, Isom
seen the Fella, or heard all about theta,
1 will not inflict on your readers any
lame attempt of mine at describing
Nature's greatest wonder.
1N' riNr LUAt°4
i would express the hope that nn re-
mark, of mice have hurt anyone's feel-
ings In any way. 1 have simply com-
mented on men, manners and things ae
they have eppea ed to ms, without
prejudice of any kind, national, political
or religious, and as I hare always pre-
ferred • humorous view of lits to a
gloomy one, I have endeavored to look
at things on the bright side, whenever
then was one. Any faults of de.erip•
tion or other error" mud be pardoetfld me
the score of Isesperience, and from them
fent that I had no inteation,when leaving
base of writes* any amount of nor trav-
ois. i would conscientiously advise any
dyspeptic eodividual with • disordered
Sony Irish savings. Mies Virginia the Palisade, •akar wall of rock, from uvet to give himself ■ jaunt to the salt
Marlowe appeared as Ncra Drew, the 300 10 :.00 feet in height, watts, and he II corns back •few mat.
sigh sad tatendites jtsdgiag (rim the foot that my jetty
sweetheart of Dan O'Hara, and she per- for • distance of fifteen mile rap bks
neer, nearly' to Piresost_ The speed
of the boat is seep that when steditg
en the upper desk, the draught mused
sIb her Penner 111,0160 the inter. is
m. et esoegh to blow one's net off . 1n
flout, we kept risk and seek with a train
.oeel.4 the role in a manner satisfactory
to her auditors and usa p•reistestly M-
etmrsd. The remainder of the pee
flayed their para admirably.
The ssemnry was all Hist mould be deeir•
ad be Hie aedtpan
somp•nion looks more blooming than
over, while I bre gained in weight a
dcsea pounds or en, it is quite evident
that we were hensNtted mentally,
morally NA bb y nag.,ly by our little
trip "Dews O. B. O.
Wilkioene repeating the last welts' .f taw
"Lullaby." "The Star of Dasasadinw
Night," by the choir, woe tis &erns el
the evening, and was mush sppresiated
it the audience. At the close a vote of
thanks was moved to S. P. Rella'ed the
choir, and to the ladles will had been
instrumental in getting op Obs enMrtaio•
merit. The vote was moved by Geo. •
Acheson and seconded by R. W. Mc-
Kenzie in laudatory eremites. The net
proceeds of the *entertainment amounted
to $135.
Higgins. --De the 111th feet. at (tie lmatlierm
fat.. Tomato. the wife of M. Higgins. Coe -
darter O. T. R.. of • son.
Mtwara -MacMorran - Ai Bt. James nate
ere. Tomato. ea leth bot.. try Rev. (dames
Dumonlla. M•illtes Mlles Macara, el
Winnipeg.Man.. barristerat-law, to Mary
Albla.festh A• ter et /leery l�aef1emott
ISO.. Mader is y. Goderieh. that.
Corbett -Hawkins At Hoderieh ow the sat
of November. try 14.} Re.. ur Ore, Mr W.
S. Corbett .f McOUllrral Teenhip. M loses
Jame Hawkw
Hawkins. et Poet Albert.
Snyder - !lake -At Oho et the
bride . p•rena. by Rev Jen [.M1e. Nev.
Ord. Mr Levi Balder. W dyes Illonww. ebbe*
daughter of Mr Win. lacks, beta of Nil -
McManus -la Wieder, Wodaesdy.
Nev. fled. l , Rev. rather Mamea aged
IT rear*. hmerul WIN owes
Si Peters R C. al t.rih Amdsrte ons
mmning. Nev, oath. ai e e'o1ek. F
•nA •cgnalatanens w PMees •asset •le 5.
lest., At•arleii
ter t late t set u.etl o
Iidsabrg�.t ee prove -Nene
Awe t