HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-25, Page 3t
The Commercial Metropolie of
A W.SI.a.tlt (My with a Large nod Ft
.rete sees* r.patallea New the
Fortee ei1.pewa e1 Their
We have taken the patient reader •
Lee race through holy HiuJo.0 cerise,
wstb their stormed and shattered walls
•ud palates, over fertile plattta and
valleys, through wide tracts of Mufuse l
country (es the "hush" is here called,
through thick jangle* and sandy deserts
and uuw we etaeryte eutu the open on
the west coast and have before us the
ttsstrupuli• ut Baia. Bombay is the
great sea gate tc India un the west, and
to point of business and commerce it
may be said to bear the earns comparison
tit, Calcutta that Montreal dues to alae
bee. It u the principal *report, Itaa s
population of eh ,ut 1100,000 t f many
colon and creeds, and is a live b a :nor
city. The fact of its lyit•g c'user to
Europ.,eni particularly Enitlsud, makes
it the brat great seaport ; Hien its rail
way cummuuieatiou with C.Icutte melts
it the enfrepd for all mails and light
meretandise, thus, in • manner, cutting
off • certain amount of Ilia slog -ping
tale between Europe abd that city. Its
harbor cannot be surpassed in the world.
The English quarter ul the city is well
laid out and the main streets are
traversed by a first clue •treat car
ear crTT
is built on an eetmid e,1 the same aster
with an aroma about twenty *quereewelee,
• ud from an elevation • plraselt peso
✓ unt: of island, see and mountain say
be seen. The hotels and principal conn
mercial buildings are of a size and style
to equal some of the better park of
New York. This place shows more
variety of religious denominations than
any other Indian city visited by us.
Here are Hindu°. In holy proximity to
Buddhists ; Parsee., who worship the
sun as the fountain of ill light and ge;oel,
rubbing shoulders with the crafty Mo-
hammedans ; Protestants, Jews and
Roman Catholics all, chile trading fir
Eogl.sh cloths, sugar, indigc. Beene
brocades, leather, drugs, gold -lace, silks,
carpets, cotton, and belle., have laid
aside creed and odor, and are struggling
together for the best of the bargain.
Tae raeseZ'
have long monopolised the financial
business of Bombay ; the,; are the Jews
or money-?enden of the city, and nose
Of them ate second edits,ns of the Roths-
child, in wealth. Sir Ja'meetiee Jee
)eabhoy, a great merchant who ass
kalgNpd by Queen Victoria about fort',
ritalliego, was one of the meat remark -
of the Bombay Parseec. He began
haying and selling empty bottles *ed
d worth several minim's. He grand
son, his heir, has been wonderfully sue-
oeedul io scattering to the winds the
• enormous fortune left by the thrifty old
Parsee. Their religion is a very elabor-
ate system, formed from the teachings of
Zotos.ter wbo it is said, lived six bun
dred years before Christ. They have a
temple on Malabar Hill, overlooking
Bn'mbay, in which is s sacred 6n sent
direct from Heaven by Zor, eater, ap-
proachable onlyby the high priest. with
facts veiled. ey consider this fin the
"robot of the "eternal light," which
nest ultimately burn op the dross of
the miasma A Mohsm'med.a will oat
drink wise, a Jew refuses swine's desk,
and a Parsee as religiously simians from
the use of tobacco, simply bemuse it
would het sacrilege to pet fire to such a
ba.. ass. It is a enss.on thing to e..,
whale strolling through the parks or
along the seashore, these people on their
knees, with their facts temente the sun
offering up prayers to the greet (esoteric
of light. Unlike the fligaloos, they do
not burn tsar dead, but haws • custom
meek mase objectionable. On Mdabar
alias is
Tie "TOWER Or estnace,"
aeons, sad reliriuus mesteegs of the
gods, grim se grand, while aU amend us
are pillars, mama, aleuve• and aisles,
ia.piring WI with lofty and reverential
iltmrhts ou the power and patience of
man to esetsute such wonderful works as
MR hen epee.
But we have now 6uiabsd our Indian
trip ; we are lunging for
new annoyances in the shape of bipeds
wdh remarkable begging prudtvities, •
new °innate, a change (roto thio debili-
tating ateauuug-roma we are bow in, so
we propose to let the curtain drop on
Hiiduue bathing end burning their dead,
monkey temples mud munkey•worship,
domed wusques, and Hindou pagodas,
costly tombs, rich palaces, populous at
les and peculiar people, and for a lime
act as the reader's guide to old Cairo,over
the site of sucked Heliopolis, up G.
the apex and into the interior of the
pyramids, up the Nile in a "dhow," •
visit to Sue. /'ort Said, Ismailia,
Alexandria, and then across the Mediter-
ranean Sea to Joppa ; from then we will
proceed to Jesuitic', tbebo. to Beth't-
nous, Bethany, Jericho, Head Sea, Jor-
dan ricer and outer interesting scenptu
ray plans, and land rho reader in Italy,
in a few letters if he has patience and
furbrareuce to hold with us,
D E.Mi.0
Tem sears' of Ttelare.
Mn 'num.'s Acres, of Huntley, Ont.,
was ?or ten years a sufferer from liver
eomplsiut; whish doctors' wrdieiue did
not relieve. After wing four bottles of
Burdock Blood Bitten ate was entirely
cured, mud staid., that she is like • new
wu:uati again. 2
To Kit • Ettesiaal s y ■1s Malt.
t curious study has been made by Dr
Persccbia col the difference between
criminals and law-abiding citizens, se
exhibited by their walk. He finds that
in good people the right pace is longer
than the left, the laternal separation of
the right from the median Site is less
than that of the left, and the engin o
d -dation of the axis of the foot from a
straight line is greater on the right aide
than on the left.
The following ars the distiogeisbiug
characteristics which his obserfrutions
have enabled kim M tinnendeie :
1. Thiev.a--Is tb.e wile are pc.
disposed to appropriate the property of
other then is • pronounced widening
of the base of support together with a
very long step.
2. Assesine.—In those who hare
murder in their hearts, the base of sup
port is nut as wide as it ea in thieves,
since the angle formed by the axis of th.
foot with the median line is less obtuse,
bat' the sintstrality betrayed by their
lout prints Is very marked.
These discoveries are of a very inter-
esting character, and if the criminal
could be induced to walk before the
honest man, instead of following him as
he usually doss, they might also be put
to • practical see, for then good ciliz.aa
eoold diagnose the rogue by his trusts,
and might thus be enabled to escape
robbery, or assassination., as the care
might b..
w yyosaa.d by high thick walls within
which are walks, .eats and s number of
very lofty resod stone towers covered
over with iron gratings. Cres these the
dead are pl.oed, and over and about
them hover docks of scavenger desb-
eeting birds, ever waiting to devour the
flesh from the body as coos as plcedon
the sower roof. No pavansn
within the wells but the particular caste
who are employed se of$ciels or bearer
.r( the dead. sad the priests. When the
body Ilse returned to the elements or
been devoured by the birds the booes
elide into the s.pslobnl vaults beneath,
and we redid wimp the last trump shall
(,oted by Gabriel, there will b. •
teed fees to net than
selves properly shook terabit again.
7ermr the wmoent of ee iptere that will
be'tlisgeoted when Kerbelab Meshed
has found he bus
n ittiked glyhimpets on
*WWI Maede's tib a,
(hmusd Absra's elands, Meek on Zara
Tlttats's ante errpes, food the right
stella .assure ties 110 left or the right
it rafcis stiskisl oe fart .T behind ban
the left. The Pusses b original
Pensions, they still retain their Or
ieslal robe -shaped apparel and the Per-
sian's love for rieb jewels and *aptly dis-
play. Their complexion i. meek fairer
thaw the Hindoos or Mohammedans, and
they look epos thews latter with no atm -
mos hatred. They eossider themselves
the shows of Ood, they are elannieh and
do not 'statuary with other Dation*,
and they te..eion ly retain most of tea
cinemas a their aeeestora hone. the
'Esplanade biota, ea a desmy merging,
we started with • I•aneb for
Mee Them a /'\scoot
)Oat is to say, your tangs. Also 1el
peer breathing machinery. Very wee -
Aerial machinery it is. hot only the
larger air passages, but the thousands of
little tubes and towels leading from
When these are slugged and chocked
with 'matter which oogkg not to be then,
your longs eannct half do there work.
And what they do, they cannot do
CJI it cold, cough, croup, poeesouia,
catarrh, ooasumption or anyof the
:amity of throat and nose and ead and
lung obstructions, all are bad. All
ought to be got rid of. There is jest
one sere way to get rid of them. that
is take Roaches's German Syrup, which
say druggist will mil you at 75 cents a
bottle. Even if everythng else has
failed you. you may depend upol this
for oetrtaio. lowly
Art rewaeaws-
Washington Irving Bishop told mo
the other eight a story about Dr Joon
Brown, who wrote "Rab sed his
friends," pee of the most delightful of
books. Sir Daniel MaeFee, the tele
heated pointer, had jest finished a pie
tear* of Mrs Brown, the doctor's wife.
They were both old people thee. The
paten had been sent balsa, and the
doctor sad his friends went in to look at
it. 11 wag hanging oa the wall and the
old man had bees gazing .t it for some
time in sirens. Bio nephew, a young
man just back from 'volley', stood by
"A 6n. picture ; but don't you think,
o.ele, it rather dattere the .old lady r
Ise said. rather flippantly.
The doctor, without taking his eyes
from the picture, put not his hands and
drew the boy to him.
"My boy," be said, "it is the truth
b.esiifolly told."
Shackled oe the island of Gariperiz.&*w' tt
silt miles from the Pity, out in the hay.
After a de/elitist prone of an hoer and
a half awing i fade sad amnia pasta
we landed an a 1000 pier.A Mose
stairway e/ mama busdred sews erie-
dossed os to the .detr'ated caves. Them
se it weed tearv.la of severs.. orig-
inally el and a host of
Brahma, Slava. frestt.A.n. n•o &t t the wild !'M feet is
The wow are hi several tes-
parteeeste, .soh Wise aearty rose has-
• -4 his sear --a, and facto" es tb. 1.
saavessat Aaeeeaalte$.
The media) profession. the el tea
press sod the public alike aeknow
the virtues of Burdock Blood Bitten, as
au unequalled remedy los chrunio the-
mes of the stomach, hr.r, bowels, kid
oxeye and blood. Its popularity MEMOIR
with its years of trial. 2
hew Is tea Time.
To buy weather drips.
To sleep spoon fashion.
To covet a sealskin cap.
To iuy catarrh remedy.
To eat buckwheat cakes.
To let your whiskers grow.
To half sole your goon shoes.
To etud your ulster with straw.
To buy cough syrup fur the baby.
To go Belling fur bum on Sundays.
To take dour overcoat out of buck.
To put your feet in the stove oven.
To take down the 'mosquito setting.
To drink Thistle water (hot Scotch).
To pay 50 cents • ton extra for coal.
T., bring the warming pan out of the
To put a red l aineel protector out your
fa pse Set
Around each bottle of Dr Chic's
Livor Cure is a medical guide and receip
book containing useful information, over
100 ree.eiies, and pronounced by doctors
and druggists as worth ten times the
cost of the mcdtciuu. Medicine and
hook I. Sold by all druggists.
"le there anything more dreadful than
dyspepsia, doctor 1" asked Nr Bran -
bread. "Then is," interrupted Mre
Brarbteed. "What is it, then )" so
quired the doctor. "The man who has
it," said Mre B
Meuse tate.
Io Greet Britain the question of Home
Rule is commanding attention. To the
man with a cold in the head or chest the
attest way to ensure Hcwe Rule over a
cold is to have un hand a bottle of Dr
Harvey's Red Pine Gom. For sale at
J. Wilson's Prescription drug store. tf
Nepplaesa All leer.
Bobby had mien a pretty "put halt
boy all day and hie father was eery
much pleased.
"You will Edd, Bobby," said the old
man, "that virtue is its own reward. I
mean by that that every time you do
what you ought to do you will feel good
over it. Do you understand ?"
"Oh, yes," responded B>bty, intelli-
gently, "and now, psi; if you'll give use
souther piece of pie you'll feel good,
"They bare a larger sale in my des
erect," says a well known druggist, "than
any other pill on the market, and giro
the best satisfaction for sick headache,
biloiousn.s, indigestion, etc., and when
combined with Johnston's Tonic Bitters,
Jobeetos's Tuoio Liver Pills will per-
form what no other medicine has done
before for suffering humanity." Pills
23 cents per bottle. Bitters 50 cents
and #1 per bottle. Sold by Goode,
Druggist, Albion block, Godericb, sok
vent. [o]
Me fest We[.
Man was sent away front the dinner -
table because the misbehaved, and told
to go op -stairs and tell burse to put her
to bed. The family Doming in from din -
ser • half hoar later fond her threading
her way among the parlor chain and
tables in most complicated figures
"Mary !" exclaimed her mother, "didn't
I tell you to go up stain r' Platy look-
ed up placidly ; Yes .. I's going ;
I'm uo the way cow."
Mere Memawaahte $($U.
Found at last, what the true public
has been looking for these many years
and that is a medicine which although
but lately inttoduoed, has mado fur
itself a reputation second to sone, the
medicine is J. boson's Tonin Bitten
which in noaj)utatlon with Johnson's
Tunic firer Pile has performed some
most wonderful cures impure or im-
poverished blood soon becomes purified
and enriched. Billiouanes, indigestion,
sick headache, liver complaint, languor,
weakness, etc , soon disappear when
treated by these exeelleat tonie medi-
cines.. For Sale by (food, dr.g gist, Al-
bion block, Galeria, mole agent. id]
Hay fever is a type of catarrh bevieg
peculiar symptoms. it is attended by u
mussed onndi•ion of the lining wssse-
braoee of the sustrils, tear -date mai
tkreat, effecting the lung. An aerid
enemies u aeorstod, t he discbargeisaeeoe,-
p•eted with • burning sensation. There
aro severe 'patina of weenie., frogeelt
attacks of headache, watery and Wiser
ed aro. Ely's Cream Bels is • reme-
dy that ran be depended upon. 5Orta.
et druggists ; by moll, raglistered, R0.,ta
Ely Bietbers , Druggists, Owego. New
York. ly
A Chess Man.—Lasehton farmer hes
made a cheese in the shape of a man.
The Free Pres, says :—"If the Health
Department don't interfere there will be
*sough life in that cheese man, directly
W admit of him being put to work a
the farm." Aad he will be a lively one
too rather tau mach life for his sato-
Reel emeeeNle.
Ron no risk in buying medicise, but
try tea resat Kidney and Liver reloM-
t w. made by Drawee, author of Cba.'•
reoeippeeas� Try Chase's Liver Care for
sit assumes of the Liver, Kidneys,
Stomach and Bowels. Sold by James
Wilma, druggist.
The Ladies' Frieud!
eletldtlt t tikes M the m st.. wNbwt
vegeta or trimmest..
This else !takes all cakes
per misete, ?Wee. tea
Ott .bseve. the read that toads to health.
Unmarked hi heard or fits
Wisdom avails sot powerless. wealth
To moth drain ache, ll
e• of throe.
Bet do not despair. with We tier'.. hope.
The eland ooaceel. the Ma:
WW1 h Potreo . Fa. urn* theocrlpltea at head
Yoe' lite's full course may res.
More truth than poetry est these linos,
se tbuussu le of ladies all over tt.e land
sow bluumiag with health, testily to the
treat curative poems of Me P,.ree's
Favorite Pecten .m, adapted by much
reeruh and careful study to the happy
relief of all those weaknesses and
mouts peculiar to females. All druggist&
etre resbtsaed.
Mrs Highsiod--"1 suppose you Lo to
church)" Now Nurse Girl- "rah, yea,
sea ate ; every Sunday." )Ire 11.—
"%Vhat teat doss your minister choose.
mostly 1" New nurse girl- -"They're
all from the Bitle." Mrs H,—"I see ;
one of thump old fashiot.1 preachers."
Cleanses the
Read_ Allays
Reals the Sc. -os.
Restores the
Senses of Taste,
Smell Rearing.
♦ ankh Reli/L A Positive Ohre.
A purt!cle M applied foto each nostril and 1s
agreeably'. Price PO mail. registered. m cents. by
cireulare free -ds at Drugvetti'
3*2-ly ELY BR0$. Uraugieu.Owego N.T.
The Laurie, the *Mist, the Deli
"One of the ablest weeklies in existence'
Poll Math (Assent, Lapdogs. England.
"The meet inluestlal religious organ in the
States." Tri Spectator. London. England.
"Clearly starts in the fore from as a weekly
religious n,&g.mint."-Seadat/ School Times.
Pb ilsdet ph r. 1.
Prominent feat news of inc INDEPENDENT.
during the coming year .111 be promised.
Religious & Theological Article,
Die'iop HnnIinzton. Mahe. p Cole. Dr. Theo
Core 1.. ('.ler. Dr. Howard Osrood, IM. How
ard ('ruebT Dr. Wni. It_ lluntington, Lr. Jas.
Freeman Clarke. Lr. Ute,. F. Pentecost. and
others :
Social and Political Articl-e,
Prof. Wn,. O. Sumner. Prof. Richard T. Ely.
Parr. John Bascom. Prof Arthur T. Hadley
and others;
Monthly Literary Articles,
Thomas Weatworth Higggintion and other
critical and literary articles by Maurice
Tsomp.oa Charles Dudley Warner, Jame.
Pays, Ausd
tew Lang, Edmund Hoose, 1t. H.
Stoddart. Mrs vee Lost
Van Rensselaer.
Louise Imogen G eine'', 1I. H. Boyden. and
Poems and Stories,
S C. Stedman, Fdtzatieth Stuart l'helps.Ed
ward Everett Hale, Harriett Prescott tipof
ford, Jn1L `Scbuyer. Rose Terry Cooke, Edith
Al. Thomas. Andrew Lang, John Boyle O'lteil-
ly and otheee; and
A Short Serial Story,
By E. P. Rot.
TER15 Te as11M111DElas
Three moot h. 1075 , One year ......g3 On
Four mouths. 1 e0 'Two yeah. 3 00
Mix [months 1 s. Five years....... 10 d,
Can any one make a better investment of
ttd0 to $10) than one which will pay
52 Dividens Da the Year ?
Every intelligent family needs • gad news-
paper. It is • necessity for parents and child
A good way to make the acquaintance of
THE 17e0araxog,T is to send 30 tents for a
'Trial Trip" of • month.
American Agriculturist
will both be seat one year rub, to soy person
met •subecrlber to The Indepeiulent,tor $3.75.
The regular price of both is 11.30. Make re-
mittance to The ladependeut, P.O. Box. 276.
New York.
Nooare amat to subscribers after the
time a for has ajar -a.
TDs Iadopeai.srs Clubbing hist will be
seat tree to ay press asking fee it. Asy one
wishing to.abeerlbe for one or wore paper•
or msgszlnes In connection with inc lade -
peat. ems save money by ordering from our
Club hist. Address
I". e, lex trig. Sew verb.
This elm hakes et
mhjgg j.► mi"e
��eM •.4
A Rowan.-- Of one dooms ”Teal It mere le So s.�,�o� �e
aT" M arty see eendine aha best fear Ila- set ettlspw.Tlla aMTe -. ~ * �'� ore not to sop, r*i elre.efa •-
Arno its 'suss stnt.Y `' the eemsritaW /•r (telt Acca n to every
t+r .sr'd h .r rb c"Prws crew y RA0wrn er
moo pm for the T. e ' • AGRv e e A ltTEn 1. evvey dews. hggat iNurrMeww
i !raids. _�k P v art a„ �sss
H arper's Bazar.
Ilaareie BazA* is a knee jeareal. it
eow/1Nnea choice literature and Dee set Ulna
teatimes with the latest IntellIRe.es meprdft..gugg
the fashions. Each number has clever sesrta7
sad semi worts*. wankel and timely aoray.
might poems. humorous sketches. anis
pattern sleet and fashion -plate ealiMewxwts
will awe. help ladles to err maw* name the
cess .K the ssbeeriptlon, and papers ea social
Ki.matte. dsc.rstlre art, house -keeping in all
Itsirweehaa, eoskary, etc.. make it neefnl in
every bew.skele. sad a tree promote/
economy. its edinnials are marked by good
seem sad sot • lime is admitted to Its
columns that could oared the Msec fa*ldtous
PER Teas :
HARPER'S wEEK1,Y t ell
P..ryr Price to all w*rrAww do the
United *otos, (bards, or hfe.riro,
me Volumes of th. Ila.:.[* begin with the
Met Number of January cot each year. When
se Liam is meet toned. anbectlptltnu.1(1 Meda
with the Number es"reet at time of rootript
of order,
tows ♦ er k iuu cis a R*LR ISE
thre. years �.,*, swat cloth lending, .111
los omit h argil. postage paid. or by express,
ergo d e.psws.IprovId«I the trvtwht dines net
. xoosd oto dollar pot vo wmei. tar r per
vet nine.
Cash amps for each velem*. citable ter
meet twin be seat by man, pear -post. ea IF
t escb.
ebetgdde made by Pedt)See
m Thnfl. to &vela chases et
The heat regulators tor the st smack
and bowels, the best cure for biliousness,
sick bemdache, iadygeetion, aid all affec-
tions arising from • disurd.rt*l liver, are
without ease Johnson's Tonic Liver
Pills. Kmall emporiums
sins, sugar coated, mild,
yet effective. 241 eta, per bottle solo by
O,eode, druggist, Albiva hawk. Godo
rich, solo *gait- [a]
Et hare.
bid la Hal,
liatal peesys
EASY TO USE. faro Lb* What
and exeseelre sxp.etorettea caused by Ca-
tarrh. Dad by Druggists. or seat pre -golden
tacdpt of prise, era and EL- Address
FVLFORD & Oe., leteeekvllle, Owl.
Harper's Weekly.
Hawrust'. Woman:" has a well.establiebed
place as the boding Illustrated newspaper h
America. The fairness of its ediloriel coin.
meats on current politics has earned for it the
respect and confidence of all impartial read-
ers. and the variely and cccellcpce of its
literary eoateata„ which include 'trial and
sheet stories by the hest and most popular
writers. fit It for the perusal ct people of the
widest range of taster and pursuits. Supple-
ments are frequently provided. and no ex-
pense is spared to bring the highest order of
artistic ability to bear upon the Inmost ion of
the changefulof home and foreign
history In all is features 11atcrER'S iYarse-
LY b admirably adapted to be a welcome
e st la every hott.eltoll.
Yrresaa's Wain Powders are cafe la
all cases. They destroy sad remeee
Worms in chikdga ire &delta 1s
The Canadian Facile Railway
The People'. Fatorite Reale betweea
For )lana, Time T.blre, Fares. Tickets. t:,
&I I? to
0//'iCE -West Street, Opposite Teel/rash
(Hare.isn't Forget the Place.
Oodericb� aa. l l t b. I57. :1e6-
If Tou Want a DINNER SETT,
Look at NAIRN'S Stock
HARPER'S WEEKLY toot slit 00
. t o0
NAIRN has them at all prices
.200 �y
Posta gpee Fret to all suirieribere (a Os NAIA1w has a full i i 71r
f 'nitrd 30'atrs; tmencha ar Nes ek•
If Toe VIA ARytking iR MINA,
NAIRN has the finest display
The Volumes of the WEEKLY been with the
first Number for January of each year. When
no time is mentio.ed, it w111 be understood
that the subscriber wishes to commence with
the Number current at the Woe of the receipt
of orderd.
RounVolumes of Hafren's %reality for
there years back, in neat cloth binding, will
tie Dent by mail. postage paid, or by express.
,vee of expense tprorided the freight does not
exon d one dollar per votumei, for $7 00 per
Cloth Care* for each volume, suitable for
binding. will be sent by mall, postpaid. on
receipt of $1 00 each.
Remittancem should be made by Post-Oiace
Nloss.sey Order or Ltatt, to avoid seance of
. erspopere are lea 1it ropy this sdrertiee-
meat without the erpreas order of Heart* S
Postage Free to all subscribers la the Unit-
ed rttate. or Canada.
If You Want ARytking in KLASS,
Try NAIRN'S before purchas-
ing elsewhere.
For Pure, Unadulterwted
Ooderi b, A ril lith, 1116.
Every Man in Business -should Set
his Office Stationery Printed.
Bill Fiends
Note Heads
Letter Heads
Memo. Heads
Counter Pads
Paroel Labels
Shipping 3.; 3
Business Cards
Envelopes, eto
and then it will be a pleasure tor yotlketo do your corresponding.
` well as helping to advertise your businees-
E3 Our Stock of Printing Stationery, consisting of all
the leading grade -'i of Plain and Linen, riled and un -
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