The Huron Signal, 1887-11-25, Page 1Wen s NtUMBER INK . f
) D. Yc, m,y'CUDDY. Pvsraaaa.
1 1114 • ti IN •DV &NCS
11),c iuzon #i$naL
IA et-au.asn
AT Trim orrice:
11 is a wideiterate local newspaper, devoted
to meaty news and tbe dissemin•tlua of moe-
tul kaowledae.
RATES EMI miNas'*a►Tl•x
41.4 • year: 7$e. for six moods ; Me. for
throe months. If tare mb.crlpioa le sot pp id
in advance. sea rriptlo• wall be chorsed•at
the rale of tits@ • year.
legal sad other arrest advertisements. fie.
per hoe for fief insertion.. and 3 amts per lino
for each aubsequetal assertion. Measured by
• nonpareil wale.
Local wale.% in nonp•rlml type Se per Ilse.
!.oral amide" in ordinary reading type le per
Malone cards of six lines and soda.*S per
Advrrt•etnest.. of Lost. pallid. WStrayed
Situation* Vibrant.. yy,,tuation Waisted .aidCaecaB°slnses Cecee Wasted, not seediee 5
!toes Rosario, $1 per math..ito
Sews ea Sale and Parma on Sole. not to
exceed 111s.s, $1 for drat swath. sue per sub.
eases* t°oettb. Ismer 'Arts In preportios.
Asy special .mtlos. the street of which b
preemie the peoustary hearth of aay 1.41.
claim! or company. to bra eesaidered aa ad
vsrtieemeat mad charred •aoerdlndy.
As. e� terns will la Al oases be strictly ad-
gad vertieemal.. t�
knows at themes
.t folly equipped Jobbing Once Is carried
oa in ooaasriien wit! laordinary .ewspaper
bushiest, where lint -ciao work 1s turned out
at reae°°able retie, Everything in the primi-
ca v be deme on tie premises frost an
poster to • dads, lag
All communication mast be ddreeed to
p eflf &sry •w.
Rdltee of Tun 8mir.L
Oedertc! Ont.
oo to dB P01ldW-OFF.
soonrxed that the 1etNl@. acaleam,at West Horse hes been dropped
-Mr.paying the .ares--bsoaee. Mr.
M. C. Carnes Mines M Memo the Liberal
candidate 1° the 'rot of a woes mer beteg
-eeaW. 11 is difaosIt to rashers tart these
M N saw -erg Piero -
The foregoing is from the Toronto
.Vail, of Nov. 17, sad as oar co.tem-
ionry Wan under an erroneous im-
pression, we lu•tee to set it right. There
wsa no saw -off in the matter of the
- petition and cross -petition, and so far as
the withdrawal of the partition against
Mr. Porter is concerned, the facts are
simply thew : The protest ag .inet the
return of the rifting member was initiat-
ed at a time when it was believed Mr.
M. C Cameron would be the candidate
Ill the Reform interest slosh& the else -
tion in Wast Huron be voided. Sines
that time Mr. Cameron, owing to busi-
ness moons and • precarious state of
health, ham seen 6t to retire for the time
being from the turmoil of political lits,
and publicly stated that he would not be
a candidate, .hole a bye -election he
brought on in West Hueco. The Tory
party signihed its intention of paying
all oasts isewtrrd in connection with the
petitioa, and as the promo -Bien of the
cams wool•J in all likelihood ninth In Mr.
Porter being allowed to walk the course
is the sweat of • new election, the Ad-
visory Committee of the Reform Asso-
ciation deemed it best to withdraw the
parcitios. Mr Cameron and the Advisory
Committee distinctly and empbatially
deehsed to pair off the petitions, and the
foot that the Tory party hes assumed the
payment of all mists in both wits is
pretty positive that there was
I. this soas.otion the follow-
iag is tbD charas) " throwing tip of the
spomAs" is the gait against Mr. Camer-
on, ass la it all mite incurred by de -
fondant are gummed by the petitiammr's
,olisitors :
new DOMINION C077nmrawrmn ULSCnolm AOT
p.oetse d • iik, air ter the Hese of
Cemmene for the =intend District of ib.
Wee* Rid'.; of the Coot, st Huron. hoiden
ea the twooly eeeasd day mf February. !tor.
o5MIwlew Os. CANADA.)woen Seery
Pwovewra Oi Ofi7Aaw . )} Piton 1tell. t -
Towt ad al-
OsWa e sma'ss�
�jwtt&s stymies"
t tea
=alto the elan de-
wOl eqtqe7 eeWsre at the
DM tittal that mss M a tbmi.w
= et att�t I
wawa ea Inbar ed the
e�gm�maM r default alt the
pame.Mm .isne.e��r/wilt claimserene mf tam/ i re-
gitpaibm w14I s.4 w pstNlmb the eneridastes art
�M Omar. dllgdivmetesr, GYwet�
tO eu Altria=G� !t ,Genet ton
tr t.
The following, from the editor of the
Mitchell Adruc.ite, will be news to the
Reformers and Conservatives in this sec-
tion, who know the oiroumatauces attend-
ing the withdrawal of the protest against
Holten Porter, M P., fur West Huron.
It will also be news to Mr Porter, W
John Brown. and t,, Robert Birmiag•
ham. It fully exemplifies the adage that
"one has to go away from home for boom
news," and it also proves that lbs talent-
ed liar who wrote it to endeavoring to
rival Tom Pepper, that well-known truth
e conomiser, who is reputed to have bees
exiled from Hades b:ause Beelzebub
couldn't stand his repeated falsifications.
Hen is the bids "gook" in full :-
woo o•s Rloll? t -A couple of meathe age
ahem In Toronto we were informed that a
few of the Liberak (titbit cavy had h-
ad Mit Birnw,gbam. Nseretary of the Con-
serr&tve Provincial Aae°eiatbn. 1. tbe moa
ter of'awfeagg of OW Drew* libel wit spinet
Um (iodartch Signal amid dm Grit piMesa
sat Mr Porter's election la West Roo..
e gave the ppttitlesl•rs as we heard times.
was to sclfesseeited but empt -headed
editor of that paper mow Sato tree d his obar-
ac°riatc ssaltsms °ad denied 1* his enema
vulgar sod deagy style the crani .f our state -
meta, bot although be was not tbegbt of
milkiest espeseuenos to be consulted in Me
[wetter we knew that we were cornet. ad
refused to eiteset ase weird tit we had writ-
ten. Late earns saw that 1s tits we were
,11 nettled. Some days erre the libel sett
awes take est of by Mr Strews ad
Auton withdry ew ibm preis test at�btLiberalsor-
ter, Mr Cameros Int pavtmT tMi@ 'OF fee than
Pep psllYbl.g •Muer to t
to be • s omisdidattr ender 11•11
sbeu►d he seheseg
the Hidieg be thr,V. 1
who was correct t
Why, of course, the Adrenal,' is u near-
ly correct u it usually is Oh, yes ; the
Reform party were so exercised over the
fad that • person by the noise of Brows
hod entered an action against Tits Ski -
NAL claiming $10,000 damages, that the
prominent members went to Bob Bir-
mingham, • Tory hanger-on in Toronto,
and with etruamiag eyes begged that the
protest in want Harem be paired off with
Brown's libel sat ; and thea they went
to Brown, and that pint of perfection
and gentlemanly demeanor at onee sow-
nsn►mously allowed the alined $10,000
smirch to continue to sally the "white
rose of his blameless life," and said i.
broken •eaenta, "Inst Wets be a pair, sad
I'll be the ase et epodes on this oosa
. Soo." Another ass of twedle dee,
twedle-dam And it was thus denim -
sleeted bow pleasant it was for brtrthren
to dwell in hareosy. Bat the Adserwle
stops there -and it should not do ea. It
' honk'. show that there was a ptir off im
the matter of the cross -petition against
IL C. Cameros. Now. as it was im-
possible, so far as the Adrocestr'r know-
ledge of facts is eose.rnsd, to withdraw
the petltioa again°[ Mr Porter without
pairing it with the alleged libel suit of
Brown, w also was it impossible, on ale
auto reasoning, to withdraw the ernes-
potttioe against Mr Cameron without
psiriag it with some other imrortsnt
was. The Ada,rate has omitted to
state that the cross -petition against Mr
Cameron was paired with the $10
board -bill at Bailey'' hotel that Blown
left town without paying. It would be
me boar the truth if it made that state-
ment as it is in the sa.ertion it has made
meet the withdrawal of the petition
spinet Mr Porter. We print the Aden-
oate's hill. yarn to show the kind of rub-
bish the Tory papers serve op to their
radon se faces.
A saoeosr hem item germ e. i. Hai-
litmamed tinning the pest few days Wore
• Judge Upper. We weld like to knm
if the Reformer &spook to Isenefit any
Now let M hay. those Oover..Mt
buildings that there has bees go mush
Wk about
Tut citizens' railway esmeektee evi-
dently means baleen. A msstisg of
the member of that body has bees sailed
fee meat Monday evening M 7.30 o'elnek,
M org•siee mew for the foribecasies
it understand oar townsman, F. W.
Juhaston, is likely to recoils • mon
Government appointment at an early
day. He hes always been willing 10
spend and be spent is the interest of the
Tory party, and if billet' are gain`, we
brow of no use is this district who is
mon deeerviag of recognition •t the
kande of the Tory Oov.,n meat
Joao Dnlow, speak* to a Lomita
atdieaee the other mains, stated that
there was tot era law for inland mad
I.glseJ mad Beotlmad, as the Tory
Olsten sod newspapers contended, anti
posted net that be scold @peak in
RegWtd or Seodaad en the question of
Homo Rele without molsiMiee, whore
es la Ireland mush meetings etings wen pro-
etaim d, and the weaker* liable to ar-
i Z. Sw bas, had emelt to he par
marten of the Toronto Neva He made
of the hotels, and as a result, what should
have gone to procuring food sad raiment
and other necessaries for yourselves,
This That Joe isenmsfasyour calces and thoea dependent upon
/Instead IIM you, wont towards purchasing luxuries
.-...-_-___--- he furred overcoats and sealskin sack
for other people. It isn't much fun to
• eleameipel Cycles@ dmmlmitet Ta*
elided N w litre* a. tae great r. mr-coed Boller'@ corner when the
steetervilSims Rewlaaeeeer- wind is whistling op West street from
e.- • Ward t. tan the take, snd solace yourself that what
/sasermea. should have been spent is procuring
suitable el thing to withstand the blast,
-It wouldn't surprise me • little bit to was spent in the buying of liquor whish
sem a good, solid, old-fashioned, square- was net only of no earthly benefit, but
toed, rough-mod-tue,ble, go 'oyes- which was ao absolute injury to the
please. best -three - in• Eve to - harness, system. I'm not going to read you a
cstdb-as-catch-can municipal fight at the temperance lecture, or blame you to any
New Year's elections. The present great extent for what you may have don*
office holden aro not blessed with a pre- in the pat, bu', as an old stager who W
g t.aive record for the work of the put knocked about a good deal on sea and a
year, sad 1'r@ been told quietly that shore, I want to take you kindly by the
then aro plenty of good men left i■ hand, and tell you that you work too hard
town, who, are ready and willing 'o serve for your quarter dollars to fritter them
the municipality next year, if the electors a way carelessly, and if you have been io
are anxious to effect a chants. It public the babit of doing so in the put, haul
opinion bolds as it is now to the begin- in your slack and make things taut for
✓ ing of the New Year then is going to the comi.g winter. AJAX.
be • number of empty municipal saddles - - - -- - -
when the next pull closet And mebbe Wynn O'W°° hoed so breeches to weer,
So he bought him a sheepskin and made bum
such • result would not prove inimical to •pair:
the beat interests of the tows, after all is With tb wafer side out awl the fleshy side
said and dune. in.
-I remember then 1 meet IS 11e w
They'll do ,.yrlty Inc, said Bryan O'Lyea,
LaJms use two of a rw1iiekies Trish ditty
OOaessiJn Dui i the tetrailitip emote that was well known in Ireland Sat ky-
of the councillors thought tbat they were goes year* ; but when it was written
raid to the municipality w hard snd nobody ever thought that • question of
fast that Death on the pale hones alone Mit against might mould be determined
Goold them part. As • rosult, if you by the obtaining rat • pair of nether gar -
wanted a ditch dos or • culvert made, moots by an Irish patriot. Lest week
sod applied to their bighmightloess, Yoe we alluded to the fast that William
were snuffed out in a minute, if you made O'Brien, an Irish journalist and mem-
vsrbal app!icatioo, or if yon app'id for bet .of Parlumeut for Eat Cork, had
redress by communication, your little been isaleented in Tall/Loon jail, for
document got the &x months' hoist in a political offence, and efforts had been
.bort metre. It esu no as. W re•soil made to despoil him of his garments and
with the nemben of that Oorpunte body, make him don the habiliments of the
for they knew it all, and wisdom would ordinary orinimai . O'Brien resist" so
mem to be when they retard from public strenuously that the authorities had to
service- •t Inst that's what they art to the trick of stealing his stables
thewallt. W611, lif. was too shaft for while he dept, and placing a suit of jail
the broad decimate of the municipality "dada" in their stead. But O'Brien Pre-
to Baal such very king, leered to nee • blanket fur •
amid the result was that we put ear imsds toga Cath.,
mot to build • than invest his anatomy in the bald nni-
K- � , form of the British Bean:*, and breathed
but to devise ways sad mew to rased/ ..Mho..s against the thievish Saxons.
misting •bu•sa-mod when the met And •o matters stood until • new days
slender oma •round there was a ticket eases when the
is the bald governor of the jail was
informed that, in some uneceounfable
who bad so long gmenipal•eed the town-
ship affairs in the village ravers, betweensummon, the bold O'Brien had obtained a
snit of
drinks. You talk about • revolntroa in lavish tweed, mai was awe hors
mruisipal affairs, but nvolutioa is a mild and intik right mind A tint to
Ment to sea with regard to iii lambast- the political prisoners cell proved this
b be do Gass, and •t I•st 616, ob
lug that old township council got from 0 Brie. was roaster of the situation, ao
the mew ticket. They were licked, with toe an having ebt►es to snit es eo.eers•
aliarge L, they were relegated to the ed. When the dry -goods came from,
sad sold shades ; they were retied, with Ithe manner of their coming to the
Ps., 6 still worry." tlhe
the accent on the tired, and the
people authorities.
were triumphant And in the sowing
after the battle had been fought mad
woo, the victorious council -dant and
their supporters suet in the Larne dialing
room of the hotel, and made the welkin
ristg with recitations of tn. "William
Tell" order of architecture, and p•trietis
choruses that told that "Britons never,
m -a -v -e -r shall -ll be alarm." In this
latter regard, I might state parentheti-
cally that they met in the dicing -recta
of the hotel because there was so tow.
hall .t Connersville, mid not bemuse they
were &axiom to enthuse aft., the usenet
of men who look upon the wine when it
M rad, and when it /troth its oulor in
the cup. Humor bright, now, it was
rally bemuse then was no other hall.
-I tamely give this little
to let you know that no body of nee
ander the bine empyrean, owe the earth
sad aha fellness thereof, and shea you
see anybody rushing arou.d betimes
sow and New Year's telling yos, "We
did this, sad we did that ; Dad nobody
else could have done it," yos ear bas curse. as it neeht to cell down ma's
eurses. He had nothing to my ie refer-
fereoee t.. [Mir particular form of epee
•tions, but then was no way by whish
the poor poops* meld seemed eseept by
standing moocher. It was easy for •
rich, powerful landlord by the proms or
law to take one, then another, earl 11wu
a third, sad so es, but .bb kis power
would be of we avail he had feid„they
stood together -"United we stand ;
divided we fall." (Lead dime)
The following is the (Loudon) Vass
dies News' report of the speech deliver.
ed in Indeed by Hoe. Zdwerd Blake, of
which $ partial vsport by able has bees
already publiMad in this c000tq :-
Mr. Bloke, who received a most en-
thusiastic reception, mid that as a repro
mutative of the people of Canada he was
glad to have an opportooity of address -
lag a lea weeds to theta, bet it was ant
es a °median w ranch me • broth.,
Irishman that he was then. He had &i-
temised to come across to me ice him-
self what their condition wm ; mot that
he had not rad and sot that he bad not
herd of their sallerines, but he wanted
to Rut smog** the people sod aee.,tua
their wants, gra that he might be able to
tell the people of his own happy land
what M bed ma. He was grieved to
may that the dietrmss he had found pre -
valise is the &sethwest of Inland was
tar worm theta he had oon jeer uredo It
was a ahem mad homtliatios,
emeteries aft., Christ name on earth, to
find men hill eg i■ luxury *bile hemsbeam depending on them were in math
a wretched eosdition as he had food
the people he had amen that day. Such
a meta of things would all dolma God's
your life that lie depends upon straight
Tying for re-eleetio.. The best men in
any municipality rarely seek paths
honors, bet are mtia6ed to let the helms
seek them ; and I will venters the pts•
diction that wen it not for the bottom.
holing that will be resorted to by the
pieties who now bold omat• of the PM -
mil board, not three out of the whole
hes -end -diem *meld ewer •pin grace the
'handier im a mwsieipal capacity,
- i observe our Iahermen have re-
melted from their toil, sad i rejoinste
learn that the eeaaon bee proved to be
fairly remeseemtive ; and I would like le
have a weed ., tee with the lade whe
mmapes, the Imre d sue Ida* !lest.
You haw jest 'shed year bsewtt, us
to speak. said a Meg std mane waist
is probably bslalm yes. OO previews eo-
mime snore of you have so sewer
tk.. ...” 1... .. a.. ••Lr--'-" -----
aalrymw • •meef e ed viewers e..
terThe seam) eoevwtioa of the above
serieimties will be held in the tows of
Limtowel on the 1116, lata mead lith
days of Jemu•ry next. Dairying*, •ted
all interested in dairy products, nos sr.
wetly ,invited ta &teed. Parties ttf•
Sandie( the mammies are advised to
parshme return iekets, se the mama -
tee have heretofore faded to make say
tiMis-steey arrsegenmets with the rani.
twine ester -ti . for • redaction of terse.
✓ t' • nwvwr
A Glimpse at Matters and
in the Queen City,
The iasee*Ny-Tits •'Bea ..,. -reuses.
-TM camas 'Nana P.,. -..e.
T. B. rarrdee% ■sols[, -Arlt.
Dlekaas sae iswyre-in
It blob at present as it the mayoralty
contest will be cua6ued to L F. Clarke,
M.PP., and Elias Rogers, at present
an alderman. Mr Clarke is • practical
printer, who has owned and edited the
(►mase'e,! for bums years put, and
who headed the poll at the reoeut elec-
tions in this city, when earn elector
could vote for two out of four mud idate°.
He is personally vary popular, as he has
a big heart and a kind word for every-
body. He is • young m•o, perhaps 37
wears cf age. Mr Rogers is • coal deal-
er, and has been :root successful in busi-
ness. He is a Quaker, and has been one
of the pillars -commercial) of Pickering
eollege. Hs is a progressive man, bob
made an excellent councillor, and has a
big grasp of municipal affairs. 'Some
believe he is just the man to solve the
waterworks problem. As between the
two, Clarke has the call among throe
who profess to know how the majority
a will go. He holds his tint meeting on
Thursday, November 24th.
The Empire, the new Conservative
organ, will appear in about three weeks -
"on or about the loth of December" in
the official declaration. David Creigh-
ton, M . PP. , will be the manager. H.
u • respectable man, but whether he
has the ability to manage -a great party
newspaper is to be aecided. Living-
stone, a well known New Brunswisb
journalist, • man, by -the -way, wbo GOOD
Anted for gubernatorial honors mud
milked and kicked because he didn't get
ensconced in Government house at
Frederiektoo, has left the Mootreal
Herold and will be one of the leader
writer ct the new Conservative organ.
John Lameden, the well-known Toron-
to printer, will be foreman of the print.
ing department, Tha new paper will be
kept up to the mark for a few years, but
mnwapaper men do not believe that then
will be any money in the vesture for the
stockholders. The name is two batty
• one for a daily newspaper to carry.
The shorthand chows at the Y. M. C.
A. will be in charge of Mr Thos McGil-
licuddy, formerly of Tee SIGNAL_ 0. -
log to the new building being opened
late io the year then will be be: • single
course of lessens this winter.
Th ere has been a panicky feeling in
financial circles all week, on accou.t of
the suspension cf the Central Beak
The hank is said to have dons a good
business, bot it traded too much on a
small espital. It will not resume, but
those who hold bills are not likely to
lose. Then wen tumors of other bah
failures during the week, but so far so
other suspension has been ofcialfy re-
corded. It has been a week of trial aed
seepease (if act suspension) for the weak
Fears were at one time entertained that
He.. T. B. Pardee would never return
lei public life. I am pleased to say that
a lengthened sojourn at his old home in
Sarnia bus had • roeoperstive effect, and
that he is steadily gaining strength.
He will won be able to return to his
varier* with his energies revived and
his capacity for work increased.
Charles Dickens, son of the mueslis[,
gave readings from bis Father's works is
Association Hall on Monday night.
Kra Batt Siddeas, the great eloeotiea-
ist, will road bee on Friday and gator-
trbeve h ewe Dsrees da°•assar.
Te tbe Editor of the Huron Sigel,
ile.. Stat --Can you or any of yoer
readers inform me wh Mr Bingham,
chairmen rt the Public Work Committee,
has been allowed to eemet,a he W done,
*lam wooden building in rot of hie
hotel. The boilding is not only within
the fire limits, bet is on! • few feet
from the Mean, and in tam midst of the
worst rookery of wooden shanties in
town, and tbaf,loo, bet a few yards from
the eeetnl portion, when all the pripoi-
pal Aloes are situated. This lea bee.
s11 d. to under the very noes of street
%vpec4u Gordon Mayor Smear should
have the building rcmovd,or bricked up
at oven, as others have been compelled
to do rat groat sepses, althoegb In .orae
lestaneme they have been at the "streams
osseade of the Are limits. The chairman
• Wawa or TWO MOWN sew r..sltrd leas
Elias Wave Came Se nand.
L KroiVe imbed pedisbmd N„vem.
-barIbt�, an 11/secreted
'1lhanksgiving,stnq, "Whether or No,'
by Mrs Row Terry Cooke, morn two
moo of ill uet rations from the exhibition
at the rooms of the Associated artists.
Haarwx'* Mendrals —It is • peonliste
ity of ltur,w,'s M.npsiate for Desember
that it contains no uontioud stories. k
i♦ • volume oomple% in itself. The
short aterier and skoahes are exeeplion-
a1ly good, however. 'Asia” is an al-
most painfafly realistic We by Amelia
Rives. "Annie Laurie is a pleasing
bit of fiction by Elizebeth Stewart
Phelps, with -four illustrations by Rein-
hart. "Captain Santa llama„ is by
Captain King "Oraddock's Mildest" iv
by Franca Cewrtenay Bay *,r„ and a
delightful sketch of "His 'Day in
Court"' is by Mattes Eldmert Crad-
LnrsLL's Limas Atte roti 1888. -
Th is standard w oekly m aik tri dee goon
eaten upon ata farcy -fifth yeast It is
the only eatiefaotosily fresh and .ompleto
compilation of the best periodical litera-
ture of the world, and house /Or le.
continued success. Io the multiptoity
of periodicals it is well nigh isdispessabio
to the American reader, as it macro ea-
aoles hut, bath a mall outlay of time
and money, to keep pace with the best
literature of the day, and abreast with
the work of the meet eminent helot.
writers. Its prospectus for 1888 is well
worth attention in &sleeting use's read..
1.4 softer for the new year. Reduced
c obing rata with other -periodicals are
given, and to new anbeetribe,s-rersittisft
now for the year 188" tiffs intervening :
numbers •re sent gratis. WWI h Cu,
Boston, are the psbliahese
"Tits Faure', Piaors,"-We haws ra
ooivd from the publi.herl W. Bryce
Toronto, a copy of W. Work Russell's
latest novel, entitled, "'fie Fronatt
Pirate." The story is s1 a castaway in
the am,tarctie regions, sad is full of
thrilling interest from beginning to
Gore's Con.' Ai..axat.-For 1888 has
been received. and is certainly a credit
to the p&hlimhers, The .ix calendar
pages are from deeig*. by. J. W. lien -
Rough, and the whole was are about
the best specimens of caricature drawing
that we hats yet seen from the pea of
this clever artist. A. M. Howard, W.
Bengougb and other artiste cootribote
sketches -a series of pictures illustrating
the House that Hash Built being parti-
cularly good, while the reading matter
throughout is even better than bas ap-
peared in ptevious years. The price is
only 10 cents a copy, andou an get 11
at the bookstores or seed direct to Grip
Office, Toronto.
A Xmas tree in connsstion with the•
Methodist church S. he is is contempla-
Tom King, cf Beach Hill, two miles-.
east of hen, cut his foot very badly ono
day last week.
We are sorry to state that Mr Badge*,
schoolteacher, is laid up with mtnmmlln.
We hope to see him around won.
The newly organised choir in connec-
tion with the Presbyterian churck, ori
this place, under the leadership of Met
Budge, is programing favorably.
THAN Run 80Selena. — Mashie.
giving .services owe condscted at A..-
burn and Smith's Hill on Thursday s.!1
last week in the Presbyterian charube &
by the pastor, Rev Alex McMillan.
There was m good •ttendana at. smolt
Samos] Scott, of West VWasraaosh.
bas rented his farm for a term of throe.
year*. Sam intends going iota bw°incsa
with his broth.,, Charlie, of Malthus._
and his mother and sister will reside is
Auburn, "sweet Auburn, the loveliest*
village of the plain."
We are sorry to state that Moodmhps
morning of last week. J. P: Broca ed
this place while feeding his hone oats,.
was kicked twice by the animal in bia
right side, breaking one of his ribs. ilia
suffering for a time was veru sever'.
He is able to move around angrily
A to meeting will be bold ha cost+
n&etiom witil the Presbyterian drank
here an Friday, Dee Ond, at which .A.
dream are expected from Kew A Me•
Leso, Blyth. Rev Kr Ramsay. Ie<aodea-.
born, Rev. D. G. Cameron. Dnapminee.
Rev H. Irvine, Nile, end Rev T. (lee.
Auburn. Tea from 5 to 7.30p.m.
1><.•&irate Malta mow _Roe Ales
McMillan, the mew pastor or the Preeby-
teeri•n church, has beea quite taeoesaful
thee far in adding to tM Merck mem-
bership hen and at Smith's Hill. The
inerwe ham Leen as follows Asbmla
ehurrb, P for first ono. sod 5 by mei-
teats ; Smith's Hill. f► for Int brimmed
1 by certificate ; thus making a sn b1,.
ed additional membership to the tat
charges of 24 at the Iwai enmmewmw seen
vice, whieh was held os November tlt1N
M.m.*,.n Tania 304.. I. Q f,, 'Q
Lest Moseley *vetting a debate
gasatwn, "Resolved that Cearada wow
be the bet to of annotating with tam
flatted State'," took rp
part of the evening. y� „a te lo
raver of the affirmative by She shrines.,
T. Cea mJ.y. lllsmsea Menne., Wethewp.
J. Z- ea
Caad.y, mad Nokomis enetesd-