HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-18, Page 8.0111 THS HURON SIGNAL. FRIDAY, NOV. 18, 1887. NEW GOODS, FRESH GOODS, CHEAP GOODS, JT NIXON STURDY'S People's Grocery. TFROM 180. UP. No old Stock to work off, but all Fresh and New at Prices to suit. dpOlghss Vasa Mee Sr Buster ase W. Remember the Stand Oa the Square. sort to INag►am'e Restatusat. Mli Locihalea. Mies Flora Finlayson is home Detroit. The Bible class, which meets every Tuesday evening in the church, under the tuition of Rey Mr McDonald, is very largely attended by the young pen. pie of the congregation. The farmers hers know exactly how to spend their .pare time Lenehcially. They have made several "bees," and have turned njt in force to haul gravel and improve the condition of the roads There were sixteen teams engaged one day. Our roads will noon be among the Lest in the Conntya The young mess .1Ibis place have or- ganised • debating elub, which: is to meet Friday evenings in the 'clued house. Jan. McIntyre is president, John J. Olbsnn, vice preadent, Duncan Rus, secretary, and Finlay McLennan, treas- urer. \1'e expect a Targe membership for the club. and commend like orda,.l- L ttlUne to other places, as it is a Mthly beneficial way of aper.i1 ng the lung win- ter evenings which will shortly be upon us from Kitty tare, new members joined Wein Bold congregation in col.necttou with the Auburn circuit, last Sabbath, which to a splendid result from the six 'week's *pi- eta' services that bars been recently held then by the indefatigable I.utor, Rev Thus Gee. Some 51,600 have also Leen secured towards the erection of the new ch urch. .tee �--- E1t117i11. 'The boys aro very busy kicking foot ball the last few -seeks. Mr McPherson has cot rid of his spirited young driver "Nettie Mc• Kenzie." Michael Nichol is the lot addition to our village. We are always glad to see • new resident. There area few eases of meae:ee ; it w in the country however, and may nut reach the i illage. Wm. Messer• our enterprising merchant. is relishing his store. He is bound to keep up with the times. The Leech mill hands have almost got all the logs in the ricer out. Mr Leech has had a long run this year. John Johnson is gracing the town by s very smut pair of Arabians, they are very good vera and very graceful. Miss Balla Dancan, of Clinton model, was home nn a e isit last Saturday. May she be successful at the eomung examina- tion. xaminestion. We have an opposition mill in town now. Robert King's steamer came home from its threshing lately and be- gan running • chopping and grain grind- ing machine. Mrs Deft returned from her visit on Tuesday of last week, very ill. Since her return Dr McDonald has been at- tending her, hr,! it !,: *tat pleasure we .`�.sie she is much better. The Orangemen held their annual denser in the hotel on the evening of Nov. bth. Afterwards they assembled in the Methodist church. Dr Chisholm and others addressed the meeting. A new blacksmith hoe opened out in the Nixon shops. There is lots of room for two blacksmiths hero. Mr Stott oould not possibly do all the work, and • great many had to go to Wtngham A general acre was the order of the week, Mr Reeding left his house on the farm and went to his house near the station, Mr Duff took Mr Reeding's house, and Mr Thompson took Mr Dufl's. Wm. Smith is at hon. again drawing milk was not so pleasant after a11. He is studying for • third. There are six in Bluevale studying this winter for eertibo•tea So Mr T. will bare his bands fall. Mr Many, agent of Bible society, de- livered • vert tome/Live address in the church last Moday eveningym•rteet audience ever at• tending • meeting in this place, of this hied .0 present. The address was very automating, being illustrated by agape and aborts. A mtittbly (airis being `it•tod ben, S.terday last seals of stock was held, end the nooses was so marked, that our hominess men are bound to see that it is regularly kept up. Joe. Ka/lough, ear popular aectiosseer, is (see of the prism moven. A misstate of ohm Rand of Hope w.s bold Saturday last in Era ins church. West Wawanneh conned will meet a' the tows hall os Wednesday next, Yard 14 or. Reseeaber Weeebmv mem -- now fee w.�11ew. As the wind is in the month of No- vember, so it well be in December. Thunder in November indicate • fer- tile year to Some. if Mere be th lee Is November at will bear o as*. There will be nothing thereafter het Moet ad if et St Martin's (November 1161) it is fat,. dry mod cold, the cold is ulster ▪ will not In low!. if the gems os Maitis's day Mead os tee, they well walk in wed u. eltristowe Dee. h.a is November the water rises, it wiU obey Beal the whole winter, Aa 1teMIMt 11111, eq llbe whsle wig. Al e. at OaliasiBi's (Mu er Aar, a wi. be t.eN Ae Dddmhae es tam following .mels d repo If lbw leaves of the bass .. J. ..,s f.11 before Martin'* Thee, s_ Strove) Animals. STRAYED VW?K THE PREMISES of whscriber. os the Nh of October. a pp11�ee�Q� red cow. three years old. with the tip .tote eta. Any person giving Inturwatios that win toed to Its recovery wilt be suitably awarded. Tbs. E. Morrow. Kut -M. op melte Ituscimsas foundry. 161t. QrRAY HEIFER -CAME ON THE 1_7 premises. John Collie sons. Maaabstee. Mete ohm 1M of Octoser. a two-yeareld red heifer. The owner inrequested to peeve pro- perty. My charges std Woe away. JOHN (71'LLIS, fr.-41 Manchealsr 1111114. FSTRAY STEER --CAME ON THE / premises of the subscriber. Lot 7. coo.!, E. D. Colborne, about Sept le, • rei steer.! Tears old. The °weer is requested to prove property. par expenses and take a he animal swap. IL J. WALTER.* 21-14 Beautifier. P.O. 1I 'JSTRAY HEIFER --STRAYED from the premises of Robert 11e11. lot e. cow. (. Goderich township. during the month of May last, a roan heifer. with sur on fore- head with dark body end lighter on tall. ris- es three yearn old. Information leading to its recovery will he suitably rewarded. 12341 ROBERT BELL. T IIIIE?ENIIENT. The Largest. tlbe AIMS. the Best RELIGIOUS & LITERARY WEEKLY It THE WORLD. "(one er the .bled weeklies in existence." Padf Meal (iarette, h sdon. England. "The meet tnfloeattal religious organ In the Stats-' The Spectator, Load's. Kngland. "Clearly stands in the fore front as a weekly religions magazine.' --Bandag School Tiases. Philadelphia. 1'a. Promised features of Tits iIDereeneve. during the coming year will be prombied. Religious & Theological Articles eY Bislaow Haatiogton. Bishop Coxa Dr. Theo- dos 1.. Zoller. Dr. Howard Chimed. Dr. How- ard Crosby. Ih. Wm. R. Huntington. Dr. Jas. Freeman Clarke, Dr. Us. F. Pentecost. and others ; Social and Political Articles, Ur Prof. Wm. G. Sumner. Pref. Richard T. Ely. Pres. Job. Bascom, Prof Arthur T. Hadley gal ensue; Monthly Literary Articles, le Thema Woolworth H son and other critical and literary by Maurice so • pa Cbsres DM Warner. Jamses Andrew Lug. Andrew Otiose. R. H. St Mrs Schyler Van Renelaer, Louise Issngen O.isey, H. H. Boysen. and others. Poems and Stories, RT 5 C. Stedman Fliaaletb Stuart Phelpeled- ward Everett Bale. Harriett Prescott Spof- Mrdl Jana Scheyer. Rome Terry Cooke. Edith • 'llhoss,ea, Andrew Lawg. John Boyle O'Reil- ly std others ; and A Short Serial Story. By P 1'. Roc =EMI T'e k1'BW'RISItItat Three wreaths 70 73 One year 13 00 Four mowtbs. 1 00 Two years 350 Mx menthe 150 Five years.. .. 10 01 Oas NM ewe make • better investment of Mete il 00 than one which will pay 52 Diiideds Darin the Year? Every intelligent family needs a good news Meer. It is • .eeeatty for parents and child raw. A good way to make the acquaintance of TUB IIDwwJIUgaT V tit send 50 cents for a '1Y1a1 Trip' of a month. sPECIMEN COPIES FREE. THE INDEPENDENT AND American Agriculturist will beak be sent one year each. to any person, set • niseriber to Th. independent.for 1175. The regular pries of both is P.M. Make re. mRitaee to TM ldependent, P.U. Buz, n87. Nee York. mw Kis pa s see seat o becriben after Us T1a wea&esW bdg is Clubbing List will be seat tree to any person asking for it. Any ore wishing t.nhecrlbe for one or more paper or maga*Ines io ron•,eetinn with Tne Ind*. pent. ore save money by orderisg from our Club lie. Address THE INDEPENDENT, r. ss. Nes SiSI. Sew Turk. lig �ilillwr1ght, Ualuator, tic. C. A. HUII$I MILI.WRIORT. MACHINIST. VALUATOR. AGENT. ie. Estimates Made ad Contracts Taken for Hose Heating by the Het Water system. Het Water and intern Boller*. Little Giant .d Mber Water Wheels. Agricultural 4.- ptessssta Mill Machinery. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS. VALUATIONS MADE. EMIT Fob. 3.1 i!T' AOD M The ladies' Friend! Griddle fC-* _Ar ebe 11B1Mw MN WI1 SmoM or Msssar. This piss bakes Mx robes per sslswtm PrSrr. 71e. This .lar Saks MgN .km misM.. Mgr. *SAs. Tether* is is agent is let eases. we will mal Feu MS/ M thus K 1Mee rs set tin, 1 �������.�:� Orme 1088. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. - Dentistry. -A4- NICHOLSON, LD.ft 1A1.DENTAL - ROOMS. Eighth door below the Pusi O50ee, Ouotuueu. fele-Il �% L WOOLVERTON, L D. S. HAIWItut's Banat la s bate journal. It f . Otis - Odd Fellows Hall, North Bt., combines choice literature and ere art Ula.- 1 Oodertcb. Charm.. 'moderate. AU work war- t/Sloes with the Sleet ►taeltl.eaee regarding 1 ranted. Ota or Vitalised Air given fw ,h s- ite feeblest Each smiler Wclever tieredcletiereds r,traction of teeth.. lig► and short Nevi r. practical sad timely Doak. f kg _ • -- 1 She People's Column. bright ,Dear, \amorous sketches, etc. 4. patters siert and taehlo.-pialo wppleaseats will alum help SAHs to sere may times the cwt of the ea and /apaflea etiquette. decofativiieMkespiag la 116 brace bra •wukwt. eta. maks it useful in every hotiesbold and • true promoter of nooswny. Its editorials are marked by good seas, and not a line Is admitted to IU callus that could MISS the moot fastidious taste. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Pmt TSAR: itARPM'S B.iZAR $1 ee itARPEit'8 MAO ALINE .. 1 H • 111•1101113 WZEE LI' 1 011 HARPEW0 YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Pasta's Prof to all Un States, C0441410, or Marko. n (a the The Volume of the BAz.tlt begin with the firm Number of January of each year: Whoa no time isnsruttooad. wbseriptlone will begin with the Number cur eat at time of receipt of order. Bound volumes of HARPERS Bazan, for three years hack. in seal cloth binding. win be sent by trail. postage paid. or by express free of expensetproeided the 'reedit does net exceed one duller per vulu.e', for 77 per volume. CIMS case for each volume, suitable for binding. w l be sent by mail. post-paid. on re- ceipt ceipt of $t eacb. Remittances should be made by Post-OISce Mosey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Tues. Newspapers are not to ropy this adrertasr- went ors/hand tie crones* order of Hamm* t Iirurrnsata. Address HARPER BROTHERS. New York. 1888. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. II ARPRNa 1'o17so PsOPLR interests all Yonne reader by its carefully selected varie- ty of themes and their welucoosidend treat- ment, 1t contains the best serial and short stories. rideable articles oa scientific subjects and travel. hietorical and biographical sketches. papers on athletic sports and games, stirring poems. etc„ contributed by the brightest and most famous writers. Its iUus- trationsare numerous and excellent. Occa- sional :+upplenients of especial interest to Parents and Teacher' will be • Rater-- o: tie forthcoming volume. which ,will comprise Art, -three weekly number. Every lire is the paper is tuthe:ted to the most Meld edit- orial scrutiny in order that nothlsg harmful may enter its columns. ° ODERICH MEOBANIA' INSTI- 7 TOTE -Towles .111 be delved be the Ilbrara• at the rows up to Meaday evening the Hat ism_ .t 7 o'clock for the furnishings/ the newspapers sad wgsains for the year q11. The lowest or any tender not serestar- Ily accepted. The list of required can be sewn .t the sow. and information wUl be given oa applbaties to the .eersary or Ubrart.a. Ila 1 NOTICE. The Cwncll of the Corporatist of the ('ona- t of Herm. will meet la the court Hose Is the Town of (loderick on Thursday. the Ort day of December text. 1'E'flt:ft AD,AM5ON. Co. Clerk. Nov, 11.3 50. JAMES COOKE, ORUAN'11T AND CHOIR MASTER, Knox Catarrh. Uoderivh, TitACilSR Or TOIL tilt.. r. Po ASO, SINGING ADD O A IKM ON T. Rpeeial terms to Choral Hocietlrs, Chairs and echouls. Millan.. and Organs carefully tuned tlrll re - mired. X11 NOTICE. Tenders til le rr4Alved hr the undoes until Mur ay. the lath test.. for one h and thirty cords of green wood to be deliver- ed at the goal in quantities of not less than thirty curds per month. computing front 1e January eels. The wool must be hardwood, tree feint knots and backlogs. four feel long. and at leafs one half of it maple. Parties may fonder for thirty cone or upwards. The lowest or any lender not necessarily accept- ed. Security will Le required for the cos pietist et the contrset. PETER ADAMSON, Cusaty Clark. 21 -it Nov. 7114. 1517. VOR SA Ll: --A GOOD COAL STOVE 1' tselefeederl. Suitable for store or hell. Price 17. Apply at this .mee. 10. flLTTEIt WANTED- A COUPLE lJ of linnets of good better are wanted im- medialely. Highest coat price Apply at this oslce. TAXES. Ratepayer will please take notice that 3 per cent deco. ,t will be all•iwnd on axes paid during eeplember ; and : per oest. dur ing October. After the 14th of December 5 per cent. stn b added to all unpaid axes, J AMES OURDON. Collector. Oederir b. Sept. e. 87. 1 PJ-tf c• Tories IS HEREBY GIVEN FOR- '• RIDDING anpergola purchasing the late C ARE ALLEN'S hors teem J Ali ES i BAILEY as it doesn't legally lxlouglo Hailer. for it has not been paid for. Also any person Indebted to the late CASE ALLEN please pay up mad save (..Ila e8 41 1dne. BASE ALLEN. An epitome of everyt►in� that is attraetii Legal Sates. and desirable in juvenile Itteemtus.-Bestow Courier. ei weekly feast of good thongs to the boys and girls in every family which it visits. - Brooklyn U.tom. It is wonderful In its wealth of pictures. In- formation. and intent. --Christian ddroeale, N.Y. -- - TERMS : Postage Prepaid, r 00 I'er Year. Vol. IX. commences November 1. INC. Specimen% Copy sent on r•rerfp( of n troerea stamp. llxoe.s Ncnssws Tire Cents each. Remittances should he mad. byPost-Ofece Money Order or !banjo avoid unce of ion. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise- ment reamed the erprraa order of Haat'&* t BROTRr ISA.. Address HARPER k BROTHERS, New York. 1888. Harper's 1Viafgafzine ILLUSTRATED. HARPSR'. MAn*Etra is an organ of pro gfeaslve thought and movement in every de- par!ment of life. Besides other attractions, It will contalx, during the coatingrear. import- ant ant articles, superbly illustrated. on the Great West; articles on American and foreign ia- derorv; beautiful) illustrated per on Scotland. Norway. Spa Switzerland. Algiers. and the West Indies; new novels by William Black and W. D. Howells; novelettes each complete la • Magie number, by henry James. tafcadio Awn. and Amelia Rives: Mort stories by Aller Woolson and other •ppular pscial artistic and literaryrs: and nteed re pers et • .t. The hditorW Departments are conducted by George Willem Curie. William l)c.o How- ells, and Charles Dudley Warmer. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PIER TEAR HARPER'S .%IAOAZINL 4 00 114 RPRKS II'ERKL 1'. et M HARPER'S BAZAR... 1 ro HARPRIr.S YeerNt1 PROPLR t M Puree' Free to all saasrriiers to the Ogg ed States, Canada, er M ries. 7b volumes el the MAnazI%n kegin wile the Numbers for June and December of each year. Whoa no lieu is epeeleed. aubserip lions will begin with the !V' tardier current et time of receipt of order. Bond Volumes of RARt'Lpt's Maaazi R. for three years back. in nest cloth binding. will be seat by mini, ppneoettteid. es receipt of e3 o• per volume. ('loth ('um for blttdiag. N emits ea'b by mail. ps trald. Index to Haarni'. MAOARtwR Alphabetical Analyticity]. and 1'laaalSed. tot Valuator I to 70. Inelndre. from Juts. lax, to June. 1114. one vel.. eve . Cloth. e1 en. Itemlttaaees should be made by Post 04lee Money Order or Draft. to avoid chalice ei leas. Newspapers art set le mpg teas *deer, km meat wifhoof the express order .f serest 41. Boors ma. AddressHARPER BROTHERS. New Ysrk. Societies. ANCIENT ORDER OF UN WORKMEN. MAPLE LEAF LODOE, Ne. 11Z, A. 0. w: W.. Meets In then Lodge Room ever Tse rt,awat 011... Oede,4e8, .a the SE(IOND AND FOURTH MONDAYS OF EACH MONTH. v1S111N41 RR�1lKN ARE ALWAYP w 11111 R. P. HALLS, M.A. REES PRICK M. W . Ft�� MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE PROPERTY 1N THE TOJPNBHIP OF COI.BORNE IN THF: COUNTY OF HURON. Under sad by virtue o- f a power of sale con- tained in • eertate Iadenlure of a .orttwe bearing date the 7th day of December. A.. D.. 157. ntade by ore Allem Nixes to the late Jamie Herr. whose executors the vendors are. and which will be produces at the Use of sa there will be sold bypiddle ascites at the a Hotel, to the ows of Ooderieb, on Saturday. the I1th day of November. 1117. at 12 o'clock. seas. by John Knee. Amiens - seer. the following valuable real estate, maim 1y t That .-,Mala parcel of logo boieg in the Township of Celanese. in the County of He- rm. being composed of a part or porion of enbdivinies lot Lo, bloe4 "B.' is mid Town- ship,which said part or portion nay be dot *NAed ea follows : Commencing at the eagle formed by the Northerlyside of gravel read ia devtlon.wlt► the .Dotside of sawmill read. thence due West along amid Soot b side of saw• till road a distance of 7 chains. 10 links. thence dee south !.alas and 82 links. more or less, to t►e nortberly aide of road deviatlon,thenoe n orth-easeerly following northerly side M road deviation • distance of 7 chaise .ni 12 links more or lass, to piece of bealnntng. the whole containing aq * t'0 Of land, more Or st one 11 liter, wood The house. !0 xndiest con0ist 21, with .dditie. 10 1 N. The vendors .re Melted that the title to the property is oerfeeGy good, but they will t et !tarnish other title papers than those et which they are in possession. The vendors reserve the right of owe bidd- ing in respect to the myself. TERMS OF' !SALE -Ten per cent. of tet purchase mosey shall be psis to the credos or their solicitors at the time of the sale, gad the bilascc ea may Mt then agreed ups.. For farther particut•rs .aJ oondltlone ap- ply to CAMERON. NOLs a (*AMER./N. Vendors' Solicitors. or to JOHN KNNOX. Acid lama. 24-11 Dederick. 1888_ Harper'$ Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. HaRPRR s W URL, leas a well-established place ea the leadiag slluerat.d sewspaper fa America. The fairse.s ot ie editnrl.l men - siesta ow .arrest politics has earned for it the respect aid oo.Sdess of all Impartial ryRd_ ere. mad the esteems el and eteems. of Iq Ilterery °entente. which Inwde sena ad .1st Merles by the bee .d east pspuyr writers. et it for the perusal of peep a et the widest mugs of ImM.r and pta.Nta. Huppie- meat/ are d ao pesle sewed beteg the highest order e z. as aM e• ihemR6glollsthtobear>p epee ttIllBrationof thebegan Iso ell eign u tamtares HAvannes Wf ang LT a .!.trebly adapted to be a weldeme got Is every he HARPERS PERIODICALS. PIR TSAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY ... ......... 46 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 14 A HARPER'S MAGAZINE 1 M HARrLR'8 YOCNO PEOPLE.... 200 PwMys Peer to all sukteerflors 4a 1 the United Moyes. Csnaa.s. or Atomism. The Volumes of the WEEKLY Merin with the Orel Number for J•nmry et leek rear. Whoa Ilse is mmetlse.d, it w111 be understood the .ubserib.r wishes to eemsseser with Number cermet at the time K the receipt of order. Bound Veismes of HARPavi's WEggt v. tot 10twos tMom brae!. 1w wt .Jct, binding. impress. bo sass u1 re_ i rp'u'i r the M ht dose. het avfsheupuletse�fasex�paMaw ssa 1 per volumed. er 17 M per Cloth Cams ter asM vMuuse, ..lt.blo Orr Medly, will be stent for wail. postpaid. es receipt of h N snob. Bsmfuad 'MoldM swift M Iffo.l order w Dott hi avoid P.otse. Olo err net 1tbts_asooriUt- tee anpues ase ler (V Yi aarin & Ilerenewasi Addru. -N A RPL* sM1Tuwu11 w.w wet FINE TAILORING New has the tins* antral( whea ml Meek et New mil 8sasoaable Uswceatlage ad hustings le Complete. Nothing slomLl pert cut you from giving it as (mall •d � ct41icsl lnapect.uu. Noshes !las smith oars been taken In buying goods, -Thep are In vyery way suitable to close sad careful buyers. Never were goods of the Highest Quality and Latest rowan offered at such Loot Prices. 1 do not ask you to by, -Jest conte and see them. B. ItiCacGor131ace Ooderleh, Sept. SJtb. 1117. ISus. Tor Sale or to Let. 'OTICE-HOUSE AND LOT Fait ♦, nide--owwed one occupied ay seiner, adjoining the beautiful reeldeieelof J. ♦. Mattel. k.q. )tcDoaald street. Fut . oil. water and lue•ulos this property ito be surd cheap for eSSbl with a small Judtcloes outlay. mold be mal. • charming tome. It commands • Flew of the lake and agricultural show 'rewinds. A grape -vine covered arbor and summer -house put on the rear ofstn w . hs limed bythe show -ground farce. la rood beetle timid be made • lovely gad profitable spot. The owner could then truly say. "Hes will t ley me down sad reel my refreshed sod.' For farther particulars apply to the Meal. JOHN RUSSELL Uoderick, Nov. 10th. 1117. LIGIBLE FARM FOR RALB- "JaaeReld•-Goder(cb To•: nebip, 2tb come 110 arse good ore and and buildtag s. 0th con.. 301 acres-.,omfortaae bowie •ad stable. T Huron Lana Agency, A RARI oeANG& FOR SALS-A GREAT 84110415. 11a1tLnd Waite --Tb Delonry seat of the Late Hen. lt.iabard Hawley. This valued/1e property In situated only mg mite from Go bosadery of the 'russet Oodw rick. V nasnrpa.set In natural beauty .al scenery. and .L'er at sow Tu aa'rrl•s yr T/ta 15711 . It tvr�psi.es Ile acres of Awa faresis2 lam& in coal order. Larms we built house. of Milwaukee brick,with Ohio rirstowelaotses. Farmels cottage, .string, mid Yarns oompeta. Bowling alley, billiard room, tee - 01. lawn. to Three targe erebards, w411 fruits of .11 kinds, also • wellatocked easel - Mie gardes. A_ppiy to IP urea Laval Agency. or to LEN'IH. 111 tt `I ONET TO LOAN AT LOWI $T rates of Wares*. Amity to rI nee Issd eras of payment easy. Arply. to Agency. • UAIIUUW ! PROU IWOOT _-- Urrillie'e'e0e'- pit SALE -HOUSE Awn LOT ON 131•Im Gaterieh pit SL ('Resp -$71.111, Herm <77 @ //0�0� ON EASY TERMS WILL BUY land Agency. 111111 Marna of land in tet Township ! i of Colboeus.long site of Nr D. Fisher. Farm FC)It SALE -FINE PROPERTY IN ei seine from the Tomo of Uoderteh. About Tuwa Geed house. Mania Lead ASaa- NOacres cleared . bslaL..e Lush. with • lot of es. cedar timber. Good orchard and fair build- • ingot Also 217 acre. ou Lake Shore rod, d miles from uodericb. Foe full particulars AOR SALE -8 GOOD LOTS WITH appl toIB m out. NSEttHO 14 two hoses. Price *IA Huron Lead RICK UHOUSE AND QUARTER OF L an sore of land for .age -The bus b ewe story and • half high. and contains 3 bed- rooms • parlor. sitting room. dining room. pantry. kitchen ad a good cellar. (1m the IM tea good cable. t8 • 21, and other outb:winp. Hard and soft water ,.n the premise.. There se • number of MSc, holt trees on the lot. Corner of Park -t. an l Cambria Road. For pert ieulars a 1 on the premises. or by letter to Rd 5RdJOHN HE NKT1, AlbertPort P.O. TWO FIRST-CLASS FARMS FOR sale. (lee in the tewaekig et Askeeld. containing Macre* ; gad me It Rant Wawa - nosh. containing IW acres. For patc.W7 •Filly to Cameros, Holt t Camera.. slu- rtc , !0! FOR SALE. Nest half of lot 51*. Arthur Street. with small brick cottage thereof. Hymens, Lwnn.--let, 194. 244. 213, Elgin Street, St, Andrews Ward. 431, corner of Herod and Britannia Road. Frame 1i story house on Keay. !Street, iot and half land. Several Sts In Reed's Survey, opposite new dhow Grounds. via. : Noe 82, M. M, 31, S9, 51. 441 8i, 11. A11 the above at LOW RATES. 102-e0A1'DIT u DAVLBON Ile JOHNSTON. FYRM, TOWN AND `ILLAGE PROPERTY FOR 8ALE. The Executors gad Trustees of the Estate of the late JOSEPH HEP -R, offer for sale the following veloable Property.namely : Buddies Iota amnion 4and 121. 1s the Town of Goderich. i of an acre each. Fairly hoed. aid very dsirable for building par- ttime,. acre Int erontl*g MUt Read. Tow nah� M Codericb, being part of Lot 1 in the 3I- land emersion of said Township. Mee Frame Cottage and Frame Stable. IAA number 3. South side of Millar stases. Benmlller, COI an acre, small frame d wadi Building .uta number ted and 001- a UM Town of Clinton. 1 of au acre each. ilea tl hilly situated on South side of Huron street. Fairly fenced. The least 4 of Lot 22, Con. D. West Wilt/( nosh- 1110 acres. goal lead. M acres .IeRres and fenced, remainder timbered. Abeam 1 miles from Luckaow and a mils from Wing ham. Good roods. For further particular,to E. CAMPION, Kos. 4. 1111, 1811141B•sTletor. Geiaelai Legal. EDWARD N. LEWIS, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, PROCTOR IN MARITIME COURTS, CONVEYAN- CER, dr. MONEY 10 LOAN, Straight Leans. Private F..4. LOWEST0.r er of R ni INTER Orrm�:-(?.rserof Ramillies and anew app. Colborne Hotel. 1113 SEALER & HARTT, BARROISTER$, ate G.derloh ad metes.. ederleh 01 Ike opposite Martin's Hotel HOW 0. HAYS, SOLICITOR, to Mto • Meek ram Square West tat. fess.pLeoalDtrdtpeae S ae. oa .!MLri► °ARROW & PROUDFOOT, BAR RISTERA Attorse's, Solicitors. etc Ooderlcb J. T. Garrote, W. Prowdhet. 171 CAMERON, 1t1LT & CAMERON, Barrbten, Solicitors in Ce iseer� 3ederlek. M. C. Cameron. Q.P. 13.41 M. O. (cameras. C. c. Ras. 1711. Amusements. GODERICH MECHANICS' 1 iMT1- l7�TUTE LIBRARY AND READING R0011. cos. of East street and Sgwo.re Isp stars. Open from 1 to a p.m., and frees 7 be Nowa. ABOUT 2000 VOL'S IN LiBRARY Leaef.wq Day", Wes*y end Mestrated Papers, Atee;,nietea, de., Mw Pile. MEMBERSHIP TIC=ZT ONLY •, granting free en tit besr1.N y gad it.sdlgg Application ler 5Nmbeeehip resolved w Librarian, in rooms 8. MALCOMSON, E10. BTivs57. Prandial. Secretary. Oederl.h, Mash 41506 Isp. Executors' Notion. EXECUTORS SALE - OF vAtuAsi.g TA rags iN WAWANOSH AND EiNLO11t. The Exeester et the lata John Fraser. In vitas Wee for the purchased the delbwlag farms. 1. 1/Ms I5 .d W i of 17, la eth C.eteesete,s W. D. Mawasesh/ mo soca MO seem clewed. •bets Ill♦ aerie frit* from .Ram i0 hyPrune hew. Muse *rook, well. bLae screotb5dwsul busk 0 nines hs. ! feet u h et► W. y Aswtgy 110 e0}yBw. ItsssmmN t� awe ySl4r� 1 1 Loi V ad ala t dp.eerrrim& semi lelt Mimi Noru a..s e4�ofoe� tlwl terim M.�10}sa•!,'ai"iI IIIM one ori III 181 I. Mrs et fsrlher partis.ls'e a j le Therm Told t.. H.4.".::'.►1b:' ewdwslgRad I- [)R SALE -BLACKSMITH SHOP 1' witb tool* tvmslete. A great bargain. Huron Lasa Agency. WANTED TO BUY -30 FT. Agms x. frontage a the Square. Hume Lied ONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST OA rates and on best terms. HURON LAND AGENCY. WANTED TO RENT -HOUSE with cellar and stable: mat abort ill Qt Apply to Heron Land Agency. FOR SALE. -000D FRAME house. Art class coarlitlos- One orchard. 3mio.ts walk treat the.sqqum*. Apply to Berea Lead Agency, (ioderfeh. LIST OF LANDS FOR SALE AND Iaformatios ftvnlsbed rspeotfsrltCmsala ('umpany's Lands. Huse Land Agesey. For further psrticulan gad list ed lath wanton and fore 5 sp9y! at 50..1.4 er write to UUIION LAND 'AGENCY. Loch 11. 121. 2110 otrderlcb OnL, Canada. ifteeical. DR` W. K. ROSS, LICENTIATE OF Offlx om.8ealih lode of F�IamUionot. Edinburgh.0 DR- Mi•LEAN, PHYSICIAN, SUR GEON. Coroner &c. pace and roses Bruce direct, second door west .f Victoria Street. Ito. j )RS. SHANNON & SHANNON, 15 Perak -Wm eurpe.Ra, Aceoucben, Ito. melee .t Dr. 8bssne.a's resdeace near the gate God.rlah 0. e. Sascxo.. 1. R. Sna( ewe. 17111 Loans an insurance. MONEY •TO LOAN-PMITAT■ 1LY. Ft' N DN. 5 1-2 PEA CENT. Interest Payable learly. E. N. LEAVES. Orra ce-Corcer oppoa a Martial) Hotel. 1PEP. CENT -ANY AMOUNT OF t)2 money to lead at 54 per coat per wawa --eragbt Lass -Interest yearly. We have also MAIMS to led in one or more suseat PERCENT. Next door south of Strsubeia harness shop. 8EAu R t HA 11,144 . $ 100,000 TO LOAN. APPLY TO CAMERON HOLT & CAMERON}&edit rich. MONEY TO LEND. -A LARGE animist et Private Fends few ieventeseas at lowest rates on are -elms Mortgages Apply teGARROW t PROCDFOOT 11 E. E. SEARER, GhNERAL INSURANCE AGENT. OFF7(?, opposite Colborne maw. 0oierleb. Risks taken at LOWEFT RATES is the tot - lowing Arlo class Cosspaniee The London Asearaso-Eeta*lia4M 17fe. The National,of Ireland-1•oorpgrated um. Hand -In -Hard -The ealy Coles •ep ant herb- ed ed to insure ate Wass la t7. 4s. PIsa1 Moral Life Assure... p, _ IHlttw's R RADCLiFFE, , GENERAL TN$URANCZ, REAL ESTATE AND MONEY LOANING AGENT. :nosey Com? q4.. Represent.A MI osey to Lead on straight loam& at the lowest rate el Inters.t going• la my way to enll tet ser, wastQ Oolo b.d door from � ogre. $-'Ariv v CENT. (kJ LOAN AT 6 PER THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUtfM COY •r. =red a lo.a mewy at 0 per ane. pay TILIllgarli SUIT BORROWERS, App( ea arab Wet security. to CAMERON. HOLT t ereTVgsCAY4erilh. { Mter the Torah. °ruralCAi.ns. HOLT tC}Cy. ilitmasa terse a.eset at private tss4e alest en era -erase tarn sse.rey. Oeidsteb, Oet.4, /8113. lytl+g $100,000 PRIVATE PtIIDR chargedTo liene ea fame and tows est letterset. Marlene@sownsou 05.57 yet Oa - Company. the et Canada. iatrine* N• E.-Berrnwwa era pt low ► ler rat. i'Isa 1ef •... 0o4100Mn _ Auctionssrtng. OE1�Nf E hNmy�OX), ORMWRAL A ; ettemeentr resile+ ., 10 a-s$.twesG Aare•• with ttewomgl, mkt Wirt logo • ifeel Sts sew,r.rt.st 1. s+. (t-.-.