HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-18, Page 61 Yashion's Yams% .. All franks, unless letlogy`te have full draperies oe the lame, Jackets are W..rn by y raglans by older ones, Bo. All sorm taiicy r •.: i made, vermin, ors appear on mow handkerchief. Salver braid on silver er•s amen a beautiful trituusing. New red Illigotee 'reek ▪ a inch of the 1.110tiOn1 t he •k ir t All house dresses be., eyelid one kind or another Silver, geld and et...1 braider, pea: on dressy jacketa Coat sleeves are a motel 'ref on tailor made suits. The ragiau is the vor.i. f passing RIONstit. The Boulanger us the .1 oat for street wear. The short dress ‘Ir noo e wrap Dor full dress. Stemsare undergo!, - Dark green k It lesi• Attire is the ra.t...f et Tea Iran' of trisme.. Mrs Thou's.. Acres, of H • ' , Ont., was fur ten year. • ...M.o. hrer oomplaiut, which docter.' lie du Ilse did iftoe relieve. After using four ho,tles of Burdock Blood Heti rs el e entirely cereal, and states, that she is ilk. • uew woman epic'. V limps aw-Mereeisite. Dogs are stUl put to draifeht work in Geruiany. Mak carts, 'sue/trees' meta, and other small vehicle. are 'y fre- quently drawn by A dog alone or e dog and man side by side. The •iiioial from the chest ; he goes to 'biol. I. rt. tally, wagging his tail,and looking him lik• the intelligent, sympithei.c Creature that he is; and of course a ...rea it vi •••• is sufficient to guide him. Thine set - 1%114 does are meetly very affectiemeely treated, at any rate in south Gertuany, and earldom appear •t all distreasel It i: a question whether any physt::.3, durance cf the kind involved in the IWS, 1 Assi See • 110101041. -.-- - I draw a sharp tatioa between r- hewn and ethics. Religion pertains Ito the heart. Ethics desl more with asetwsrd oundeet. Religion inceleates ; priacoples. Ethics lay down rules. Re- ligion without ethics is like a dieent bodied spirit; ethics without religion ia • 4 idly from whites the soul has ILd. The most intelligent form of heathenism, namely, Confucianism, never taught the re:aliens and acts of individuals tuwards Ood," the ruler uf the universe. C.in- fticoss inculcated • lofty inuntlity, but left religion to shift for holt. 'Born sod rai.ed • heathen, I learned and practised its moral and religious cods, by worshipping the preacribod nainl.r of idols, and I was awful to others, though hot to myself, because I helped tojaaten the lessees of the temples, in totem vendors and idle priests "3,1% Conscience was clear," because I kriea not vhat I was doing, "and my hopes aa Lithe future life were undimmed by die treating doubt," simply bemuse they were never very bright. In fact, I wa. not preeonnims enough to thiiik much on the sebject * • • Christianity has demonstrated its fitness to supply my spiritual needs Its molienticity as a history no reairenablo mon v,.in deny. I believe, I accept, its truths, as I hetet to be happy in thia ltfe and to enjoy • blessed immortality in the life to °Lime. Do you wonder that I am a Christian I i out -dial), invite all hasthen, whether American. IF.:nglish or Clines*, to come to thr Saviour. —Van Pbou Lee in liorth Ainetican Review. The Cutest Lilil. Thlags. 'CJIe" En echoed. "Well, I don't dog's incomplete fitness t.r build for each work is Dot tO a well-treated ani- mal wade amends for in the keen pleas- ure most obviously afforded to a canine intelligence in doing what he can and in obeying the will of • frieud. The breed of dog ofteneet put se draught work is the grest smooth -haired grey, yellow or brin- dled dog, but other large kinds are also harnessed. Formerly, in Bavaria, and still more recently in Austria, dogs figured in the army. Each regiment possessed its "Nero" or "Cmsar," whose office was to march with the bacd on all occasions, in peace and war alike, drawiag the big dram un wheels during the playing of the music. The animal. so toed, •cquired the melt perfect precision (I psce, never blinging the diumuser out of line tir his drumming out of tune, and meanwhile responding to the officer's 0-.1.1.411'nd. and directions,etc.,as prompt. ly as the men themselves. "They have a larger sale in my die trict," says • well knows druggist, "than any other pill on the market, and give the best satisfection fee sick headache, hiloiousness, indigestion, etc., and when combined with Johnston's Tonic Bitters, Johnaton's Tonic Liver Pills will per- form what no other medicine has done before for suffering humanity." Pills 23 cents per bottle. Bitters 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Sold by Goode, Druggist, Albion block, Goderich, sole agent. [c] - - - - -- - A London oorreepondent gives Immo new anecdotes about Jenny Lind. Demi Statile, once offered himself to her in s marriage, bat was refused. The whole' Stanley family, including Bishop and Mrs Stanley, were devoted to her. The invitation which the former gave her to the Episcopal palace, at Norwich, creat- ed • *rest sensation. Her husband, lioldeehrr.idt, w. cruelly and unjustly libelled, till in self defence she brought an action and got $2,000 damages. The libel being disproved, sho privately re- turned the money. film lived in perfect retirement of late years, spending moot of her time In her charming palace at Malvern. Her great musical accom• plishment was her shake. In a piece which Bette wrote for her, she made three forte shakes successivly, rushing n e the wale at he top of her voice at the end of each shake, with an OWN that no singer ever rivalled, She was besets - tad with rootlets for her autographs, but only ;gave it ia support of charitable in- stitutions. Mendelseohu write "Elijah" for her, and declarsal thst such a music- al genius only appeared one* in a cen- t u ry. Tberse Cliaaire. - -- TWA is to say, your lents. Also all yoer breathing machinery. Very wove dais! machinery it is Not only the larger air passages, but the thousands of lotto lobes and cavities leading from teem. When them isee clotted and ehocked with matter wheth might not to be there, your lunge mere t half do there work. And what they do, they cannot de wail. Call it oold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the fatally of throat and new sad head end lams ohetrustione, all are had. All might to be got rid of. Them. is just oae sure way to get rid of theme that is tske Rosettest's (Seeman Syrup, which any detainee will mil you at 75 meta a oofle Even if everythng elm has felled yon. roe logy depend spots We for airtain. *owl, •i. But *toot work , in...., 1,ri Liss &lout it : cause no is or weskits's*: aid, in short, are ever)thind that a pill ought to be, and nothing_ that it oueht nit, then I agree that Pierce's Pleasant Pureative Pellets are *bout the %test little things goiug ! The trees raw. —1 - There is • suggestive little peewee to be drawn from the following remarks fit the most deserving dames of the poor— those who suffer in silence rather than be: : "It is fcrgotten thst while to the lowest scale of human life poverty is • hard lot somewhat tempered by habit, to higher grades of society poverty is a real crone. They dare not show to their neighbors and acq mitoses:es any outward evidences of their. poverty—they dare not reveal the terrible pinchings and strug- gles they go through to keep their little hems together,or the anxiety they suffer ln raising the little rent they have to pay weekly for a humble lodging in a re- spectable house and neighborhood. The poor gentleman, tbe poor lady, the poor clerk out of employment, must maintain their respectability, for their pecuniary ruin means also a Mal' ruin. There is a point in certain gredus IA human exist- ence where respectability becomes • burden aed • tax. It is all very well tc say, "There is menial labor open to them." There is no greater cant abroad than the affectation that menial labor is a disgrace. But menial labor requires skill, and unless a man or woman is rear ed to it he or *he is celestes. in that ca- pacity. To be a competent navy or laborer requires a certain muscular de- velopment and training. To be a skill ed carpenter or bricklayer requires as Much knowledge, skill, and nicity of touch as many callings of higher repute. I am purpowly putting aside all consid- erations of Om natural and sett's' horror and pain felt by all refined natures at contact with sordid surroundings and coarsely 'wear associates. But to the well-bred and educated man or woman all this Malin trial and suffering, and it is a specie. of trial and suffering quite unknown to the inhabitants of • slum. The popular journalist can make no sen motional oracles on the lives of men who conceal their sufferings under decent black ooats, arid nearly *terve in dingy two -pair backs. The sufferiog is silen t. it is not advertisedla the privacy of their poorly furnished morns the tears may be bitter, the sighs heavy, but the world kite,s nothing ef all that. The poor tradesman, embed, perhaps, by no ault of his own--erushed by competing with huge capitalists --who will set him on his legs mail. ? A eemful study of the annual statistics of suicidal will show that nearly ell the 'came' found are respect- ably dressed. The inhabitanta of slums seldom commit suicule." .. me sever Ileosied Apia r No "hardly ever" about it Re had an attaek of what people call "bilious- nees,"and Missile was impassible. Yet a mall May • 'inane and smile, and be a villain Mill, .till he was no villain, but a blunt, honest man, that needed a remedy such as Dr Pierces 'Pleasant Purgative Pellets," which new fail to cure beitinenees and dieeased or torpid liver, dyepepoia and chrome constipa- tion. Of druggista. Rheostat Ism kla Diaroveic tied all topertiirs of the mod fmn% what ver name misled Viemalle Moab. sad G.. .5 Pettily Vegetable. Right y ',,we. ?, -,.l,.1 plearant. PROW safe. A. El PC tra DR. HODDER'S COMPOUND. TNO woo NM". Saildl Worry whose. Mee. Ill swats per hotele. DR_ 1-10DDR'8 0OUGH 11111 LUNG CUR Amid everywhere. Pelee. t ota sad SS sin per bottle Proprietors sad etemefsetwore. 1:111. L MONKaancusiumt..". an- Oat, The distress.% palettes. tee sleet ote served au young girls anti woman. is dee 111 • Ens, isteamore to • Molt of the red empuseles if. the toluoi. To remedy this revues' a mediate elsieh Plod oms Oleos neoeseary Ingle afoot oonstituents, nod ihe heat yor dieb...'eaml is Johnson's 'fooic Bitter. Piles 30 Genus, and $1 per to tile at d -tile &lure, Album eget'. 114 there leo i eisough tad luck iu the • i 4/4, II, I . 111111 WWI reel live men. boat reperaisisi. Raft ne r.a• Ittal.ab.r asediane, but ty 1... gme Kidney ...it Liver rentals - 1,„e. 'HAW, IWO, Mello( of Chase's reetr•,.;-... "fly Cliam's Liver Cure tor 41141., ..1 the Liver, Kid- St- ausci..int Bowels. $u d by all druggist.., A Hisv•ite Of tie. atonal.' "Titabsts ItY"to4oy seinli.14:11os heist four lin- rhyme o .111.46M.W%, the remarkable little gem too 1.•.• Bell.. Ask your 1.1.4re,e. •• ed... se hterciiaio• oat thou' bin Heads, Letter Haub.et,. .eyte• Om* intim for fen issue in.,. leen ti:e, acuerally PIO for tito paper, rad it limos to advertise their emisiess. till and Mx fasuri.:,. 41,1 .Crt Oncost, Piot L.• • alairic Suiphur ...ob.,: nod elettising for all eruptive thaea re al t:ie skin. Delight- ful for 'osier me.,liti "Ts there is.•Ythieg more dreadful than dispepaia, d 1" &eked Mr Bran - bread ''There is," interrupted Mrs Itraiinirad ,-Wis4t is it, then 1"414 etuired the Miretort. 'Ti. Matt who has it," said Ms B. • Prolliabile Life. Few men have accomplished tile aame amount of ties L and good in this world as the celebrated Dr Chase. Over 500,000 of his works have base sold in Canada atone. We want *very person troubled with Lore Cetue:toot, fiv,••• pepsin, Headsehe. /Wm., er C, in) Treubles, to bur a bi.ttle cf Dr Chases Liver Cure, it will care you. Medicate and Reccips Beek $1. Sold by aU druggists. HURON AND BRUCE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY This Compa y is Logruirty Homey art Faroe . Security et Levert Rotes of iuterest. MORTGAGES PURCHASED. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Ceett, Interest Allotted me Deposita, aecorditte to amount and time left. OPTICS :—Cor. of Market Square and North Street, OodericA. HORACE HORTON, M 4X Aeon' Ooderleh Ace. Sth I. IIGI C. L. XcINTOSEC Next door to Mynas' Drag Store, keeps ceastaatiy adding to his welt. selected stock. choice Fresh Groceries, 9 which will be found to compare favorably, both as regards quality and mire. with aay Stier stook la Mis vicinity. TEAS AND SUGARS A SPECIALTY. la returning thanks to my customers for their patronage. 1 would also invite •ay otb ers who will, to cab and inspect my stock. 0. L. McINTOSH. Solith-West side of the &Pram GoderIch. Pleb. lath. ROL GhOIDICEITCEL PLI4NING MILL Itri A HI.Ii411RD la Buchanan, Lawson 1 Robinson SI•Nt /I•C MUMS OF Sash, Doors & Blinds DEALCOA IN ALL CMOS OF Lumber, Lath, Shingles sad builder's material of erery descriptive. --- KIWI FURNITURE A SPECIALTT. /grit 9r'. -r promptlytattendrd to. Ooderich IA us. S. 151111 sty GET the BEST ! THE WESTERN ADVERTISER OF LO4D3N, ONT. VASTLY IMPROVED! ILLVSTRATED ARTICLES! ALL TM NEWS' POPULAI DEPARTIMITS! NOME READING' 12 PACES RECOL4111.1 Balance of 1887 FYN To all sow subscribiag for the T•fm se the low priee of Si PERANNUM$1 Talonner'n nett nadir Rernsana ' Mrssirisi Seiertions lietersoinfienol Sandal, Wheel Lesions, "T. /CIGL.t. Q 1Z 3131.7. " A limited member of this beautiful 'revalues picture is ofeerett eutorettiers fee IN root* mom 111,111se Western AdvartMer sod reunites ow • ...e. Ageism waisted everywbera vabasele poses te lor awarded ever sae the ems\ eammisalmi to the meat sat lboristered itetters mime cowrm addrma, A DT IIRTISIC Plt I NT I NO LIM. semple pap.,ra, tense to MitC. Lownow, . LaMar. Sol I. The maple:ma is oaly roadered ars sightly by Pimples, Leiser Spots awl Yellow:am& Thew it well kuuwa ar asimed front an snacitiv• Liver and bad Wood. Dr Claime4 Liver Cure junfies the blood and *hole system. Bee Ha - cope Book for toilet recipes, hints sad suggestions ou how to preserve the oust, Moak's. Sold by all droggist. SIM a bode trasigat II Mg. A slim young lean in the height of fashion was violently sneezing in • street oar, when • ounspanion remarked, "Aw, Chawles, dealt buy, how d'ye mach that dweadful cold." 'Aw, deeh follah, left uty caws in the lower hall tothrr day, anal in sucking the ivory hand's., so tleradful cold, it chilled use almost to death." If Charles had used Dr. Har- vey's Rod Pine 0 his cold would not trouble hit., eery much. For oak st J prescription drug stem. U Te lI.nedlisal Tiolossbew. wheal 11 may 'listen. Plioephatine, or Nerve boot, a Phos- phide Element based upon Scientific Facts, Formulated by Profetwor Austin, M. D. of Boston, Maas., cures Pulumn- ory Cousumption, Sick Headache, Ng/e- ra/Us Attacks, Vertigo and Neuralgia aud all wasting diseases of the human system. Phosphatine le not a Medecine, but a Nutriment, because it contains no Vegetable or Mineral Potauns, Opiates Narcotics, mid no Stiniulants, but gimp; ly the Phosphatic and Gartric Elements bound in our daily food. A single bottle is sutheiont to convince. All Drugglas sell it. IV 0.) per Louts. Lowsx & Co., sole agents for the Dominion, 33 Front Street Kist Toronto 1\TM-W- G-OODS Fall and Winter, Ready -Made Clothing and Ends of Cloth Mast be cleared Pot at Cost toad I Nee Cool. laTTG-11 ID 11 NDOP F.A.81-1101\T-A..JB1,33 sr Remember the Piece—West street. se: deer to Web of bloatteelAll OoderIch. dept. Mad. ISM. PARISGREEN, HELLEBORE, INSECT POWDER RH YNAS' ratT.7011-0-IST. 7 01111111•111, E FAMILY GROCERY The undersigned beg most reepertfully to Worm the inhabitants of htederIch and sai rounding country, that ha% tug bought l•IIKAP kOlt CASH la the best markets el COM and the Cubed Stales. • *err superior stock of WILL CURE OR REUEVE 8; lb) 'JS.VE34 0 Y riEPCIA. IN.:1,0E5710k JAUNDICE. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURN, E.TADACHE, DIZZINESS, DROPS r, f LUTTERINO Of THE HEART. ACIDITY Of E STOMACH, DRS 88 THE SKIN, inionterod L:VER. KIDNEY% 11T And every speeles of disease from BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. MILBURN t ce.. P-Pormares FR=31-3 C4-ROC=0 Consisting of FRESH TEAS of this season's importation, com- prising Young Hysons, Gunpowders, Japans and Blacks, amongst which are to be found some of the very choicest imported, and desire to call special attention to the same. Also a Superior Blend of COFFEE, French Broken Loaf, Granulated and oth- er Sugars, Syrups, Molasses, Raisins, Currants, Figs, Nuts, Or- anges, LemonsAssorted Peels, Extracts, Flavorings, Sauces, J Pickles, Jams, ellies, Canned Goods of all descriptions, Biscuits, Pure Ground Spices, Hominy, Maccaroni, Vermicella, Tapioca Sago, Rice, Brushes, Tubs, Pails, Brooms, aad other usefid articles usually kept is • drat -class city ortablialustat. AO seem -run Or 050ILININI ssaotvSOLIOTTICO. bet ".11 WANT TO BUY A QUANTITY OF BUTTER, EGGS, APPLES 1 POTATOES REES PRICE & SON, _p Store on the Square, Between B. Downing's and 0. Crabb's. Ooderirh. April no. 11 7. 20I6. HAVE YOU Lies, Coegrisis' jaeadwe, H the back 24410veaese, or say ;Moue wisiakbes• • &ramps Wet, Da. Cuallel Lavas Crrat sti b. brad • sot sod metals remedy. NATURE'S REMEDY uomarified soccessef Dr. Chases Liter Cam my Complaint mu foleiy will the het thst It 1 frees mowe's we114moon livw regulators AkmprAus Aso DAstsaLSOm, combined ebb was slier invairtablo meta, hark. sod berbk baying rowerfel Nu so the Messy, Stomech. lestels as Mood 500.000 SOLD • eine-141 million V Dr. Chimes Roarfre Asedh w ow sidd in Canada slow. We sans n•ery wawa • .01 child mho Is inside, MIA Laser Cissis 0;nassi in 1.7 daii entslIeni min*. ItoutroosIkw.Sou Awn hoz Wrapped around bottled' Dr. Chases Liver Cm it a valuable )4..e.s1.45 Medical Guide and itecip boa °(11,1mags). caralainisag met WO eyeful recipes stedkmega al aad drost ggi• a% invades a:d worth tea Moss ths price 01the medicine. MCoan't Imitatel hot. A win owl Melds y. Price, vs mete BB Caws Kamm ASO Usti Pius. WS eft- Per boa SOLO SY ALL DEALERS al 1' ROMANSON OM. 5.10 Ageote, Illeadfort HAVING RE - Jut trUMMUMMLY lay Ma" 1. 15. lame - dale. pet la Three low 1111wboo05allifa, -we of them the este. waved Reehtist•r Minas C h•lre, mot mired a jorreermaa liktber. we are Iasi WMae berme. se demean. tem jartagehtlereses made it meek*, ea all days -seep* IlatortLer. Rosen and mewed. 11161 West Street. tire doors east of P.O., Goderick The Greatest Luzury Obtainable for Impaired or Diseased ision is a Pair of The Celebrated Axis Cut Pebbles 11:2 IFIV.1/1 woaa POWDERS. Ars ylsarast to tr. Contain their owe rzr a. 1. a Salo. Inv; sad *Deets*/ diteentrur et wseree ta C Ltea re AdMis BEWARE OF WO RT H LESS ninTATIows AsSisreeriassathbateriat J.1.. sta..ellmted sod .414 by some un- merebootetred. se cot the resa==if gpsowelassi wawa= *5. 154*.. slia seob tameettlous hytstri- lag their assontlos to Um Oloosolity or sodas Matithe MUM CROMPTON CORSET CV le sesareal ass teaser .14.01 .11 Coronae goods, Mama, mIlla awe ass goallw The People's Livery Teo ems bevy Moe TNT "NOT 411.111OR .NLTO R& Adtteettopr Ha easamewo reassfwea a. sagemew wits iall MOW SIMMIL Ahem sew own .1loo._ _. Ma. Newest? flmelk•rf 44* as Os IOW NMI s . P. 111441111.17 WI, !NM. SW • JOHN DOI, hiprietor. The tabeerlbor le preperml 1. %WNW& the Pelli N. With 'rho Irinest Rigs AT MIASMA 111.11 PRICES CAL:W=11-0ippe the Glass eahmob, um war The frauds that have been perpetrated on the spectacle wearing public by most spectacle dealers and peddlers by giving assumed and fancy names to ordinary glass, speaks for the ignorance of the public generally, in the all-important subject of the preservation of night. there are only two articles from which the spectacles lenses can be manufactured. viz : Pebble and glass --call glass by any other name, it !still remairut glass. Pebble, on the other hand, is from nature's own manufactory. It is a natural crystal found generally in free- stone formation, and is harder than the ruby and emerald, and near- ly as hardas the diamond. The Pebble is not more or less than a transparent stone, cut by aid of diamond dust, and the grestewt amount of power is placed immediately over the centre of the grain found in all pebble. It will give to the spectacle wearer the coolness, freshness and a pleasant feeling that the ordinary spectacle lenses cannot by any possibility impart. All apeetacles and eyeglasses are stamped B. Land can limits. parch from Druggist, Goderich. Extensive Premises and Splendid New Stock. ratiartiaRiri, CABINET- MAKER AND UNDERTAKER Hamilton Street, Godericb 1:4Ki41.4iphas.dikpri_oreales.:=48114,:gziassill.aZies. vvIrsurstlerolreaxa;11 Laisaipsa. ai eseaseaable mow L-A essiskitesauguant Oases* sow. lihreuito always es heal also Prem.. foal Tiiirreilliatit ft ionelao- Any this jam ova ow« 1 ia 14 the ed 1 Porl MOO as 1 /V hair by .44 pine appo 1)i som grail aid half - tato to $.1 Prim vane Se to ea r,. ell oil sad I ghoul pane oftee mewl omit t gem fled, tirefj Mi Sop' Oa SOO 31. g sod thes b.r. tsar aim Iwo f, hod, Win Bin milk preet Moak, mote t sprint miner feed t with I melt. ahem Milk