HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-18, Page 5THE HURON SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 18, 1 ass"'""'`"' 1 POR PALL AND WZiTTER DRESS GOODS '1771 " O To' 5311417a TO IS'.......r0: 000 t 11«w41 ':it:'a • io H MOM ........ • •••••••••••••••••••• Dal ••••••••••• ' M • NM_. .MH y Y 1... i1w f . • tan ......N 000 '�Y1wNw •jM.10 •>r '...0 111 012 BIN 1�w• a %WE • owl.• • • •.. w i II w We send Samples on application, Goods by wail or express. Wev expre charges on orders wee,. 'tea P:•„; ;'; ,, ; Y a of Five Doi:ars,—(foods to be returned and money refunded if not satli factory t — -0 . W. BRETHOUR & CO. BRg1V TFORD_ OUR SPECIgL OFFER. het b. h. tae .1. at Nit 1 o r ad . t a tee in Von me. should beca.teu.about etteed- Ini palls" railway fare. wirier cheap tuft or Gay 1nduce,ne.t but a thor- orsa write for MAP oatelgtua. W wEB V ELT t YOWL. Lo.do.. Oat. u des New Butcher Shop VlinaJEPRACHAN will ilea a new Buteiter Mhos OPPOS�ThE COLBORNE NOT O. TUBIIDA Y. OCr. std. where he will beprepared to terabit custom- ers with Fresh Meats of sn kinds. or Beat Quality. Router attention w111 be given to allotifers. Od.reb. Nor. Ord. INT. T123 -2t s th Pr ■t as k - ✓ s Ib ed s- td re T. at r. re a of e 1 t . 1 a et t r ' - sct� oo Drs Stoft. ARMBRECHT'S TONIC COC4 WINE, -441s1– FATIC UE -or- MIND and BODY -AND- SLEEPLESSNESS rmssz re asJrt1. r v.gyl I. m t(ho�.tiirD•••maul at ie. tote lite to wise. MIMI* mereReviowarir .a Armbrecht, Nelson & Co., : D. Bt.. Grosvenor M . Imola. tiMdaad roe sale by leading druggists throughout the world. and 9121• F. JORDAN, Goderiob. Z7RESS C-OO=S_ We sell Good, Useful Dress Tweeds for 12}c. Handsome All -Wool Cashmere Cloths for lac. Beautiful Checks and Stripes for Combination. We have the Very Newest Materials and Colors. TRIMMING -S_ Silk Pluahes in all the New Colors, Very Cheap. Handsome Stripes and Broches in the Newest Designs Dress Ornaments, Braids, Buttons, etc., etc. 1\r-.11,A7-6T.INTEMY MANT��S_ Our Millinery Show Room is now open with the Latest Styles. Ladies' Mantles, Dolmans and Tailor -Made Jacket& A Large Stock of Children's Mantles. " ' SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES OR COME AND INSPECT OtTR STOCK. H. W. BRETHOUR & Co., Brantford. Brantford. Oct. Ire►. 1007. !MS= HAVE YOU SEEN The crowds that congregate on the street corners, not talking Commercial Union, but about PRIDHAM BROS' CHEAP SUITS awl the verdict of every one is that PridlhM ITER "rl1s a wonder," selling those elegant suite, cut and made right in their own establishment, gh aaa`-s*wy one fits like the paper on the wall, • FGR $7.00 A SUIT and upwards. They are selling like hot cakes. Of course you do not notice them because they are so much like the ordinary ordered clothing you see every day and what you have been in the habit of pay- P,gg116. 00 and 118.00 for. If you wish to save money just call and see them. You will be more than o== T V T_ The needs of our patrons in ordered clothing are various, and they require careful study. It has been ours through long experience, appreciation of a FIRST CLASS TRADE, and careful selection, to create and foster a demand for high-class goods, and we have the satisfaction of knowing that in excel- lence of quality, combined with moderation in price, our patrons are agreed that we maintain the reputa- tion we have earned as the leading tailors in the County of Huron. Our FALL STOCK is now com- plete, which is this season the finest ever imported into Goderich. Elegant Overcoats, Beautiful Troua- erings, Magnificent Suiting», 1.c. Your early order is solicited. P ID EC M THE MAN who le pia( to do the beet by the people is the ems who wet do the but trade wails them. and 1a this brief I have d.tsswaned to .pare as utdsaver to meet WITH their apps.batlea hi the deposal .f Sas& la thettla.e wblah I have tSs humor to eft to the pubUe. My aim 1. to try sad Mmes. sad the. tar liters met with THE atom =quailed success. Josh Mime has said, -neat i::to win." and 1 bare weds up my mind to HAMMER 7 until ibises the bottom out of high M is Dry Asada of every daurtMlm4 as brim down Groceries to brei pea. Oleo me a .W sad Til geareatos .5.o. tt■e as the way rwmL P_C=Wa ., MA- Kanomer et the Tamale How. ISTOP! WHERE ? ♦T ERASER, PORTER & 8AY'5 GT A $3.00 ALBUM FOR $1.50 A $1.25 ALBUM FOR , moo. AM all aha■ at Malty Low RMee Our nook oesowea em satts1�t111T e OVER 200 ALBUMS Ingo we Woad w sell of bu0/e Tee. W..10 se mmh@ calm ate Oneleinee Sleek. FRASER, PORTER & KAY. eV- 3331LA-1:0QTY.A311=11131111 7'0311 BOOTS AND SHOES. E.DOWNING,t•h.a soot aad ghee Man et ()Medals. 5101 to the treat with nes of thLrrpsst Stooks in the Dssalnioa, esus EVERY STYLE, QUALITY, & PRICE. .AN IMMENSE STOCK OF Ladies' Fine Goods 1. Batten Bseta Balmoral'. Oxford Ties. fifteen diS�at_ sqletsoriper RW Slippery Slippers Arum Me. up to wC prise yes like. rek. Plush. Rapp,Pnn.e■. Wigwam and Oer'ala esip..rs ie preemies. OVERSHOES AND RUBBERS ([.very deorHpte. (both et Cambodia. Gad America. atakrl. I would also call the atteatioe of FARMERS es that part of my stook specially suitable ter them. each as Long) Boots is Calf, Kip and Cowhide, FELT BOOTS AND MOOOASINS. I have a IIs of Telt Bees. m7 own make, eekaswedged to be the Beat reit OW nods 1. Camila Prompt sad careful attester siren to ORDERED WORK AND REPAIRING. arP$es.e bear three bees la mind : - I baretar the lagged stook .f Beets .ed 'Shoes 1a tows • They are of the very her quality procurable, , betas whit by the bent maau1aeitners mbla Caia • And 1 will sell m prim as low or lower than sae sobs. bael lag a owtlauaae..1 year valued cosmos. sa y accorded ass during the put Tears. I remota, young talthfaliy. E. DOWNING Crabb'. a..k. oar. )sset•et sial Meares TIE ,.GOBd&Y" AOT ¶ATEII I1ATEB Adapted for heating all classes of Public and Private Build- ings. • /1 is unsurpassed for simplicity and economy. Send for Illustrated Catalogue. THS 1. A 0. HIM OOIPAJT (Limited), TORONTO TO az ][ZD 3111110nit Jas. Saunders & Son c3ODERIOH, OTTZ►. nlsaa 4 We have over Three Thousand Yards of New Heavy Cloth DRESS GOODS just arrived, the best value ever shown in Goderich for 124c. a yard. Call and See Them. COLBORNE BRO&. ANTED To carry of the large tied weSrssorted stock of rissr-Ciass a ''sxess Now ofbriag at REDUCED PRICES at .ACID s ON -'s Mammoth harness Depot. Having secured a large stock of Harness Mountings. Robe. and ItIanketa at wholesale manufactured~ pricer, I am confident 1 caa supply alt in Heel of Harness, Robes, Blankets, Trunks, Valises, Whips, Sleigh Balls see thew ed firmbe towin a fir -clam shop. at prime never before *Erred In the (Meaty. to soli of tee whole of my large stock. parties having Cash can buy at price. Met will swrprf.e everyone, so Dome along and try the Mammoth Hames. Depot and you will save mosey. Remember tie Maud WM. ACHESON'S HARNESS DEPOT, erAIl Book Aus.eew meet be settled situs. Hamilton *reel- (loderich. y (rah or Nate. OOTS & A Large AmsNMat.1 Fall and Winter Goods jam arrived at H. GUEST'S STORE Were Use very beet manufactory is Canada. LADIES FINE BOOTS A SPECIALTY, RUBBERS, OVERSHOES. FELT BOOTS, &e. BIG DRIVE IN SUPPERS. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. All Cheep for Cash.17 H• GUEST, Went Sidi Square, (3oderieh. We have now la Stook the following NEW & VERY FASHIONABLE SHADES IN DRESS SS GOODS Heliotrope Island Blue Mushroom Brown G obelin Mineral Carey. J. C. DEMOB & CO. FALL MILLINERY ARRIVING DAILY ..T TH30 WEST STREET EMPORIUM. A. J. WILKINSON. NOTICE. I have decided to o abase besieges Oar mealier seats, .rad IME■ win sed my stook et .y FALL-- MILLLNERY-- FALL WO11T3K r171DF1�T1'Q vIci- I MEAN TO /SELL CHEAP I STOCK 15 rum IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. MISS GRA.H A M, THE SQUARE, GODERIOH. NEW MILLINERY'! Aa PREVIOUSLY ANNOUNCED MISS C-A-MRON Ilea eersd .at bar New M 11Nmer7 B tabYshsawt • r HAMILTON STREET; Aka Mitewl•. ell .tonal AN a maw prepared to MI Ie Me Custom et she Lets .t O.iw'.b and vt lyty' Ladies' Underwear, Ma Gloves, &C., • A SPECIAL 1.TT. sad a lama ase rtmr.t will M Wet esm*smllg ea hoed, The Latest Novelties in Shapes and Styles Can be Seen. Ps- ALL ARE II1Vi'1'ED TO GALL AND IARPDGT OOOD3,1R2117