HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Signal, 1887-11-18, Page 4.1
are showing the Best & Cheap-
est Stock of Tweeds and Coat-
ings that has ever been shown
in Goderich. Suits and Over-
coats made to order in ftrst-
elass style at extraordinary low
prices. Tweeds cut out free of
charge. A special line of Men's
Fine Wool Socks for I5c. per
pair. Underclothing very cheap.
inspection and comparison of
Prices invited at
J. A. REID & BRO.,
Jordan's Block. Court House Square. Goderich
tett Nov.. lt'7. 111•4-17
sew Advesslaeas.r. Thee Ween,
Notice- Peter Adamant.
The iadepeadeat. New Ybrk.
New oroeeries_Nisoie Sturdy.
Strayed Wm.µ --Thus. L. Morrow.
`Jars► Heller-J,.hn Cu Wj. Beemiller.
Tead.rs Wasted-Mechaales' Institute.
Ills Tstee Weskit -Harper Brea.. New York.
H•vpan'. Haar-rtarper Brothers, New York.
The ladies' TriesA-Cleasent d• Co.. Tomato.
Itairics Young People -Harper Bras.. New
II Yrper's Magemime-.Harper Brother. New
cheers wasaa/ da dales' notes.
Ali AMA hill if."
Parties wanting goods for presents will and
Khat they want at Butler's.
Craar Boots. AU the latest novels b
Various authors hum three cents and upward
at Butler'..
Going' Bolas M off plumps. mantles,
capes and flowers. leen prodtNe taken In
exchange. Mrs C, H. B,r•io,
*Tbree-q uarters of all Labe Sewing tchinee
sold throughout the World last year were
Buntline Stagers. C. H. Otrvi.
If you want to (tet aseoallasd satlafactios
,n photographs. ctayJow. oil portraits pr pic-
ture -framing go to (Se. Stewart's studio.
There's a Weak lookout this dull Nov her
weather before the man who falls to
Lb heat y m.rcwt read for winter
Vatican pet a line line and good at at r.
Yridbam e.
It seems new that the C. P. R. to God_.
to a dead sure thing. ter coerci od7 siyffe t
May. If what everybody says hitrue thea von
coat get betser phetegr.ph work is the Pro-
tium than at the studio of R. R. Bellows.
Tat Worax'a CHaisTIAr TWA AAAA NCI
lJaiox will inert regularly for the transaction
« bneiesese every Tuesday afternoon et Ile
e'cbctt la Knox church. grew woman 10-
tdarraaattoeda in the work as cordially in%ited to
Rhea Magee the anarchist committed sui-
cide by putting • bomb with a lighted fuse In
bls mouth. he was just as tar ahead as some
people who drink ordinary tea. Bey the LI -
quer tea. pare and clean. et . It
Ce. oras *tore.
Yes, wive got to admit the fust. to own up.
ackeewledge the corn. to state paataly and
w licltly, an without mental reservation
tbat notwithstanding he large staff we em-
ptey we aro pushed to death with orders for
week. But push or so push. look out for
Xmas novelties at Saunders t Sons, the
eherpeet house under the sus.
rams TAILOSINO.-Castootnen ready tAtand
&peed bereaeured fora tall suit ot overcoat
d strletlr the choicest goods In the market.
w ith a out and make in striet accordance
with true taste and true art. should inspect
31oCormace immense stock et new tall goods.
fall sultanas and nobby overcastings in all
the new shades. iioo't fail to see thew.
Tam Hinton AND Bnt'Ca LOAN AND iNTtrT
a E0T Corraxv. Depc0ron is this company
have the best possible security for their Mos-
el, all invested in mortgage oa term
y. ion bare a gra is all
assts. Riau of intermit paid.
mad dor doto hs of ode sett bsoceeding avliisaiir• tt
pias rens should can sad ten tee menseer.
Ooode i Blsek Cherry MMus is the hest
lareprsuw ret ler coughs and cads. so pre-
valent et iib time et the year. Try it. A
tall stook of everythlag 1a the drug line coo-
Mainlyon hand. Pnnloutar atteetioo is in-
vited Our stook of hair brushes and toilet
articles -good. varied end cheap. Personal
*Unities to physicianuf prescriptions aad
Amity nameless. Cleaners moderate. W. C.
revue. druggist. Albion block.
Mn 8. Magee is visiting her daugh-
ter Mrs Holum', of Stretford.
Dr. M.Mtebibg a•oiis•tly sOwiatld
or of his settles ore day last weak. The
mithe shap p will reeve a lone raiser's& to
Gruel low Waller, whe 'tdimtd
"Bee Her" w "tae wife.4 Jur*"
b the later editions has •',h,
Mall shade* with aa"
Dr MoDus•gh will be i. °orris\ for
esmwketies on t'lettardaJ , the 3rd of
Dsssaher, sod ettsrwe ds ou the int
Saturday of every month.
A dealer is pears said be had some
real "Delay Dangle '.a' It took the
purser some time to realise that the
peers were the "Dashes d'Angouleu.
Rev. Mr. Howell, of Seafurtb, chair -
Man of the Guderieh district, preached
is the North -street Methodist church lest
8w.dey. Very aooeptably both in the
aorwiag and evening.
Dr. M. Nicholson, the %test street
death*, makes the preservation of the
o atmeal teeth • specialty. Gee adminis-
tered from 9 s.a to 4 p.m. fur the rio-
tous extraction of teeth.
O•saroAnime.-J. A. Raid & Bro.
have received this week, smother lot of
overcastings io beavers, mentor and
worsteds, which will be made to order
at very close prior. Call and see
Nixon Sturdy is the latest addition to
Godes/kb', business men. He has just
opened out • new grocery next to Bing -
ham's restaureet, and with new lines
and low prises is making a bid for his
share of the trade of he town.
As Tun Snow. wept to press a day
earlier this week, on account of Thanks
giving Day, osr Auburn and other in -
tereeti.g regular wrresoo-?'re• 4lfi
too late for publiotior. We'll make
for the deficiency oa another occasion.
Meese. Wm. Retro and E- R. Wat-
son tett by the early train on Monday on
• shooting expedition. The gentlemen
proceeded to Winton by rail, from
which place they have to make • forty
melee journey before reaching the hunt-
ing ground..
SLUT Dowt.-Wm. McGuinness and
Thos. Clark were brought before Mayor
Seager on Saturday charged with
vagrancy. The charges haring bee.
proved the former was sectenced to ten
days and the latter to three months
the county jail.
Monday evening the town council de-
cided to purchase a piece of lad near
the harbor, belonging to Jos, Kidd, for
the purpose a sinking a well and erect-
ing a pump -house in convection with
the waterworks, if the property could be
obtained for $900.
Here is a list of wedding annirers•-
ties :-First, iron : second, paper ; fifth,
wooden ; tenth, tin ; fifteenth, crystal ;
twentieth, china ; twenty-fifth, silver ;
tbirtiMtl, Dolton ; thirty fifth, linen ;
fortieth, woollen ; furty•fifth, silk ; fif-
tieth, golden ; seventy-fifth, diamond.
THE gttaOii SIGNAL, FRIDAY, NOV. 18, 1887.
Gorier sen =WO Teesentaa —The
tdlu. sg fere the Guelph Mesormg,
well at, noelp)eeew•e ie err
rem :-Mr Jauiap, C. P. lit, amp-
ere, le in the sky .ed.Herisg tli tome
Hata et marketing a Y for • tdrrtehle
hems& e.sed s kilo. Toe rarest
between the J. R. sod theC.P.R,
collo for • turrt•ble, het Musa the de-
tersoisauor of the 0 P. R to nerd
the 0. J. R. to Gudoeish, a Y wadi
emwar the purpose, ad would bring a
revere alo to the company.
I* Loots BSO. -Most of ear our -
chants get thou bU bends, ebv
letter and note ars busily petaled, god
we mast as it Ieoke like brise ; but
ei• outgo, there .. ere ass *ease who apparently
use any rep of paper they mu lay their
hands on to make 031 aa seamen or to
do their oorrespwdins os, and it looks
like • us". -bore• star -in feet, yon would
not kauw that it was from a busiueas
rasa WWII you rubbed your apses and
triad to decipher the "writing." Call at
Trs BIOPAL u862e and see OUT 'ample
ad int our primas.
Mr Hodgson, or of the Provincial High
School Inspectors, paid •o official visit to
Seaforth High School, on Wednesday
last week. At a meeting of the Beek
8ohoot Board, after the impales, Mr
Hodgen conveyed the pleasing IM.11i-
gence that owing to the ....at improve-
ments made in the betldiag and the
superior qualifications of the Aachen, be
had fully decided to reeosm.nd that the
Besforth High Sahewl be rased on the
Sr of January neat to the rank of •
Collegiate hietitete. Now, what about
't%. Methv14t 06a►rer pootain• every
MTt,i eral columns of latest den.;:ti0•
stional news, timely editorials, article
ty shiest divines, Talmag.'s sermon of
the previous Sunday, steeliest note oe
the Sunday school lissom, interesting
health, household and other
ments, installments of • good moral
story and carefully selected miscellany.
EveryMetltodtet family in Canada should
take it. -Otaly $1 a year with great re-
dubtions to clubs. Agents wanted at
every post office. Big commi..iens.
Sample copies sent free. Address,
James' Publishing Home, Bowmanvilk,
u Lot Friday evening at the fortnightly
meeting of the High School Literary
Society the following program was pre-
sented : Solo, Mies Humber ; recitation,
Miss Mariotm Watson ; duet, Miss Aiken -
heed and Mr. McIntosh ; recitation, Mies
Flo Bali ; chorus by the members, A
debate on the question "Resolved that
the world is getting worse," took up the
greeter part of the mewing, and was de-
cided in favor of the negative, by the
chairman, Mr. H. I. Strang, A.
Messrs Melotosh, Allen and Goesnlock
contended for the sanest ive, and Messrs.
Wilson, Killo•an and Robertson for the
To OCR RtsDSILC-We cannot too
strongly urge upon oar readers the ne-
necessity of subscribing for a family
weekly newspaper of the first clue -
such, fur iostaia, as Tke Independent,
of New York. Were we obliged to
select one publication for habitual and
careful rending to the sutra:to of aft
others, we should choose unhesitatingly
The Independent. It is a new.pap•r,
magazine, and review, all in one. It is a
religious, s literary, an educational, •
story, an art, scientific, an agricultural,
financial, sod a political paper combined.
It has 32 folio popes and 21 departments.
No matter what a person's religion, poli-
tics or profession may be, no nutter
whet the age, sex, employmebt or con-
dition `may be, The Independent will
prove a help,. an instructor, an educator.
Our readers can do no ler than to send
a portal for a free specimeny, or for
thirty vents the paper will seat a
month, enabling one to judge of its
merits more critically. Its yearly sub-
scription is $3, or two years for 83 00.
Thom who desire to subscribe for The
American AOriettltun& as well as The
Independewt cannot maks a better bar-
gain than by accepting The Independent's
offer to .end both paper* tc r one year for
the sum of $3.75. Each subscriber will
thus save s•renty-flys esmts on the two
papers. Adder, The Independent, 251
Broadway, New York City.
Tas BOARD or T■•DL-Al the quar-
terly general meeting of Goderich Board
of Trade last Monde swarma report
front the Executive Monday
was adopted
reeommendiog thet+the G. T. R. Company
be memorialized to improve the train
service between here and Stratford, by
making the 12:30 and 3 p a trains ex-
press trains, (has shortening the time
for passengers and allowing the after
moo mail to reach here in some reason-
able time. At peewee these trains re-
quire from three to four hours to oover
that dietaries, only 46 miles. It was al-
so decided to memorialize the Provincial
Legislature to so amend the Municipal
Act as to empower towns to onset that
persons desiring to sell grain in towns
shall be eospefted to resort to the public
mar bet plass, where ore is provided, be-
fbre offering or accepting Offen for the
sem • elsewhere, provided no market fees
are impmed. The president. Mr Joseph
Willis nu, and Mesta. Radcliffe and
Seager, were appointed • deputation to
wait on Hoe. A. K. Rose, and srge this
atter upon the Government, and the
ou-operattor. of other Board of Trade
and town councils is to be invited in
securing the desired amend meat. Tb.
present habit of farmers selling away
front the public market to the first buyer
they may meet deprives them of the
bst.6t of the competition they wadi
otherwise enjoy and is a positive detri-
ment to the suoc.ss of • muket, which
is w desirable in all towre. The Statis-
tics/ Committee of the Bawd were in-
stroeted to op -operate with the tow'
cooseil in any way booed advieable to
advance the projeet of securing the ad
rent of the C. P. R to this town ; the
Cors ittee M mow .t work collating
M•ti i ice and other information,
"Inoixese."--The time of year is
drawing nigh, when the business men of
Goderich will be sending out their ac-
counts. We have • large stock of bill
hoods, statements, &c., which we will
'print and put in pads in quantities to
tlpit, at very reasonable preens at Tas
SW NAL other.
The propeller Sovereign. of the Beaty
lie, arrived in port late Saturday night
from Lske Superior, with grain for the
G. T. R. elevator. The report that she
had gone down in Lake George, while
ek route, was without foundation, she
having laid over oa the American side
until the store subsided.
At • meeting of the directors of the
Mechanics' Institute, held on Monday
evening kat, the list of newspaper, and
Hragazioes for the reading room was re-
vised, and the secretary was instructed
to advertise for tenders for supplying
thet mase for the year 1848.
A QUANTITY Lary TRT. - We have
still a quantity of old paper on hand. It
to suitable fur wrapping paper, putting
under carpets, cutting patterns, sod
many other purposes. In order to ds -
pose of it as quickly as possible the price
has been placed at 3o per Ib. Call and
get some at the Slower. office
Rev. Mr Wilson, of Toronto, teat San-
dy evening in Knox church, delivered
a solid discourse from St. John x 9, "I
am the door." The Its•. gentleman
dwelt on purity of Christian doctrine,
ad gave • strong rote of warning
spinet all impure theology. He will
occupy the mase pulpit next Sunday
A MOT OLD BI.LIta. -Kr H. H. Rads,
this town, writes the Toronto Globe
oder date of the 10th inat :-I have
reed with interest two paragraph in the
lobe ooeoerning old Bible. It has ex-
plode.% an id.. that I possessed one of
he older Bibles in Canada. I haver*
my possession prioted In Lond,n in
16.U, which will fall some fifty years
ort of the others. Its • smell pocket
aloe in good preservation.
The following is from the Glebe: -St
gorge's church, Ooderisb, was the sere
• quiet wedding on Wednesday ler.
w Ida H. Shaw, daughter of Jamie
aw, of the State of Illinois, and cousin
Charles Dickens, bang united in the
da of matrimony to Edward N.
wis, of Osgood' tall, barrister, the
1 known writer on criminal and mari-
a law. The Rev Mr Young oMoial-
M. G. Cameron visited Toronto on of
professional business, teat week. u
Ws Marlton is making fair progress
with the tog he is now building. fl
Mu Doyle, returned from Boston last
week, Judge Doyle accompanied her , in
brie. in
Colin Campbell has moved into hie eh
Swum recently p.rchas.d from A. M. ed
D. tit: Qtrachan has the contract for G
heating by hot water the residence of Dr of
Coleman, of tie.furtb. 11i
Th. W. C. T. G. held a prayer meet- Sh
tog in the lemurs room of Knox church of
am Saturday evening. bon
Miss 0044e, organist of St. Peters re- L•
tarred home us Saturday after • two mad
eeonths visit to the State& ties
The ooatrsot for the harbor improve.
.rents ka. been let to David Porta, of
Warton, for the sum of $17,000.
The infant .on of Mr and Mn
?horn, d Mostrul, died in that city
loot week a few days after i1 'earth.
For the information of those who have
mot looked it up we might state that
Christmas falls • a tiusday this year.
Mrs Matheson, of Wellington street,
lieu jest returned from • lengthy visit to
the townships on pmf*..ioel business.
Mir MMMatehy, of Norwich, who eel -
Sired at the bands of . vitriol th rower,ia
• sister of Abe. M.Mereby. of Clietos.
Hary Mei ea. who w.. •eeioesty i11
M Beano, had improved suf leieotly to
"Mom hods* with kis p•renta last week. Od
J. G. Ward, formerly of Ooderieh, an
Mow trsawr.r of west Wawanoe5 was is •tai
sows WMsaay lest, seeing old anon- Se
dist lets
Many • 7'mek lady ie perfect is" pews- ohm
ting asters lures who wleaves ell the to
=of her clothes for has OR" as ref
to perform. tint
, assisted by tis Rev Dr 7re. Mi..
wis, of "The Cannons, ' Goderich, was
first bridesmaid, and Mr (Georg.
emmond, manager of the Bank of
ntr..I, supported the groom. The
ppy couple left on the noun thin for
FreRILL. -This is the way the Ilr•
,for pets 1t :-Oa Saturday last • foot
1 much was played on the Recreation
grounds, Sefotth, between the Goderich
Model School club and the Seeforth
High School boy., Daring the first half
time neither oda rand although Gods -
rich was compelled to play mostly on the
defensive In the neater hall, however,
the S..forth boys bad things all their
owe end just showered in the slots. It
was only obs rsgnihe.nt play of the
erieh goal that saved his side from
overwhelming/ defeat. Time sad
s he ",lot there" jest as the High
'tool boys were reedy to throw up thole
and "holler." As it was, Seafertb
i0ed three goals, leaving the sere 3
ie their favor, Mr Oaeyetb.r, set.d
ere* and Ids densities preyed sm•
y satisfactory.
The sew Peas bees.
Poison's Nerviline eerie dateline*,
Milk, erre, tad *ramp&
Norville* cures promptly the worst
eases of nomadsia, toothache, lumbago,
and scutiea.
Nervilie is death to ell pais, whether
external, interest, or Meal.
Ne rili.e may be tried at the smell
rest of 10 herr. Bey et our • 10 met
bottle of Nereilkee the Brut pais se.
seedy. Maid by imgint and aoa"try
Pula° Meeting in the Town Rall
Tuesday ma lag.
A Geed AtewInmee.ad base Lavoie Orme
Arms -Ter. warty harees ef.
Nee IWO reed a. woreir a
eebsr zero ms.
The ..mare of ratapyyeerres present at
the pskBs nesting Tsesdsy emote(
Mewed eoselusivel7 that a deep interest
is t.kes is the wbpet of rammed mil-
ts of Ouderich, if not by the en-
tire ens 'unity.
TM ober was takes" by Mayor Seager
at 8 o'clock, and in opening the 'seting.
bis worship alluded to the work that had
bee done thus far in 0000edioo with
the railway intimate. Cuusiderwble
er.dit was de to the citizens' comrittee
for the efforts they had put forward to
bring the eters est Gcderich beton the
O.P.R. authorities, and the town ooso-
oil bed also been alert in the public in-
terest it the matter of agitating increas
ed railway taoilitir., In reclusion the
mayor ceded for some of the promoters
of the b comae forward and lay
their erre" before the electors
Theo Kydd, the veteran railway agi-
tator, was the fist speaker, and Oars •
history of the work done by the citiseas
railway •remittee. Statistics had been
obtained ail the volume of trade from
(icderitir bo St Jacob's, it 1hr towrsskip
of Woolwich, p1N. _ sold _tp* rsphicol
profile had been had bre outside
points Moog the route had r erre
nic•ted with and brodeet into lime,meut-
ioKe ked hecalled ea nation. oC'. 'ss-
points with aw view Of agitating the q
tioa, and the private funds of the 'nem -
bars of the committee had been freely
expended to advance the interests of the
town. Fur three years the committee
had worked well and faithfully, and the
only assistance they had obtained from
the town council was in the matter of
the appropriation in connection with ahs
obtaining of the charter. It had been
said by • 'elf -styled "journalist," who
corresponded for • Clinton newspaper
that the citizens' committee had
"never done anything except drink
whiaky-and-water in • back room in •
hotel." Such was not the ease, and I.
appealed to the mayor, who was a mem-
ber of the railway committee, if that
statement of the so-called "journalist"
was not a fakehood 'As I right, or am
I wrong, Mr Mayor, in this matter,"
said the veteran, turning to the ehsie-
"You ars correct," replied the mayor,
"the citiseoa' oommittes met for buai
crest •.
Cootinuing, Mr Kidd gave • histo
of railway agitations to Goderich as t
back as 1846, which was a revelation
many of the prsemt generation of ra
way promoters.
C Crabb was opposed tc the mad coon
Gag in from the north, end believed
a line would be a detriment b
R Radcliffe believed the railw
would Dome sooner or later, sad wou
certainly come sooner if • oompetw
committee were selected, who wee
posh the agitation at every stage
The citizens' committee had do
good work, and deserved the thanks
the people of Goderich for their ex
lions in this regard. The present coo
nil had best lax and inattentive to t
railway interests of the town, and shoe
n ot be entreated with the matter of pro
mooting the scheme, or it would auff
from dilatory heading, ea had the oth
public ejects with which it had
deal. Hen plan of cempaigo was to 1.
• citizen's committee, clothed wit
authority to agitate the porion of r•i
way extension all along the lie t
Guderich ; then the C. P. R., manage
moot should be seen sod asked wba
they wanted to enable them to hares
the line hither ; and when the •mooat
required was kuowo, it should be the
duty of the committee to acct their part
is a proper manner in • boom ora
patgn (Hear, hear.) He movel, see
coded by Jas. Sheppard, that the of
citizens' committee be rationed or,aed
that a number of prominent resi
dents, to be named at tai* meeting, be
added to the list, with power to add
their numbers, if nommeary, for the
proper prosecution of the work.
James Sheppard thought now was th
time for action if anything mass to be
done at all
Swatter hadn't a great deal of faith
is the bringing of 'mother line to Oode
rick, especially from the north.
P McKean ex -president of the citizens
committee, explained the manner in
which the work of the committee had
been carried on. He thought all that
eould be done had been doe by the
estigeua' oomsitt.., and wee not anxioat
that that body should be resuscitated,
He was 'stetted the C. P. R, was com-
ing to Goderiek, and that the citizens'
committee had been mainly instrumental
in bringing it. (Hear, hear.)
W Campbell thrombi it was wrong to
place the working of the railway ahem'
in the hands of .a irresponsible c ommit•
tee, and was of opinion that the matter
should be left in the hand, of the rad -
way committee of the town council. The
citizens' committee had not done any
more than had been done by the tour
council. The town council were repre-
sentative sen, doom by the people,
sod were possessed of the ability and
ietelligeoes to attend to the scheme
without the meddling of eut,:ders. He
moved that the railway question be loft
exclusively in the hands of the council.
D. M0 1dI ..ddy paid • tribute to the
work done by Tho. Kydd and L Wood-
cock, in procuring statistics, getting •p
ens] faeilttiee by a roe portico of the
a -
0 -
ting Affirm mem Gal a this •d enter-
p ag b ill their piers, tie sui,gested
that the fullo ving memos be iuerted i■
lilt Wdelills's astir and added to the
ruiners' committee : J Ackesoo, sr., Jas
Shpp•rd, R Reduliffe, A Morton, Jos
Williams, 11 Seourd, Dr Hoboes, W C
D nest,
Itdelit. and Sheppard agreed
b the addle, of the mases above gives
to their motion.
1), Holmes favored the bringing of
the rend firm the norther', as by that
means easy omens would be had by the
toweshipe u< Howick and Grey to
the Bounty town. There need be so
feet of the competition that .veld
ort map st Baktord, Besmillee ad
Clinton coesp.tttios was
keener than any that could be expe liens•
sd from outside points. The Wieldier of
• rued to the northeast would hinder the
wow 000ney scheme from spreading in
Huwisk mad Grey.
After wase further discussion, Yr
Campbell withdrew his Amendment, and
.nggeeted OM the name of C Crabb be
added to the citizens' committee. This
wag agreed torted the origouat motion as
amended was earned unanimously.
The meeting was then brought to a
For the Ione woods, for the winter
soothe, in the lumber comps of Michi-
gan, Chas Yosng sod Edwin Morrie bade
adieu A their many friends on Thurs-
day the 95, be taking the treat to Pon-
tiso,wbere the former will visit his sister
foe a few day' and then go to the woods.
Both Charles and Tod are good fellows,
and will be mach mimed at every ten
by a comber of friends, particularly the
fair es, with whom the leave-taking was
very sad. But the boys bore up brave
1y, promising to send • line.
D. Mahaffy, of the maritime village of
Port Albert, pave our burg $ visit IoM
Tag Soon Arr.-1he third of the
sense of meetinp being held in Col-
borne •geimt Z... repeal of the mal::
Act, will be held is" the Presbyteries
church, Loeber', e0 Thursday mooing
24th inst., 8 p. a. It s expected the
Rev. A. McMillan Carlow and Auburn,
will •ddrem the meeting. Musts by
choir ; collection at close of the ending
in aid to fund. Look out for posters.
A nest wire fame has recently been
finished by E. N. Shaw, which acts as
one of the boundary lines between Dun-
lop and L..burn for a dstanw. There
are four wires topped off with rah pules
or cedar post. and banked below with
earth instead of • bottom board,io work•
manlike manner on each aide. making
rather • leap of ere height for some
of the far•famd breathy nap of Dunlop.
That "White Bess" will have no more
picnics on Lisburn clover, Ted thinks.
A Hand of Hope with a good mem-
bership has been started here, and has
held regular meetings for the past three
months, with lli.. Clutton, Superinten-
dent and Mi.. Edith Horton organs!.
Mrs R. Henderson, president of Knox
*hutch Bond of Hope, Goderich, one of
the most prominent workers in the
temperance cause In this district, gave
'cod counsel e to mode of conduct and
getting supplies in connection with the
Institution. The little standard bearers
in the good old cause evidently men
business, and nothwithatendiog the ru-
nlet disagreeable weather, are roman
in their attendance at the meetings,
where they receive instruction that will
mate them faithful and firm workers in
the temperance cause ID atter life wher-
ever their lot s cast.
Thos Elmo, of Toronto{ s visiting at
1- Robt. Graham's.
Miss Angie Johnson, of Leer, is tbs
guest of her cousin Mrs Alex. Young
Mi.. Margie McMillan left on M•on•
day for Willard, New York. She has
secured a situation in so aaylu. there.
Mias Mary J. Smiley retread to her
house in St. Thrones on Monday. She
was the guest of her friend Mi.. Loci,'
d McMillan during the past mouth.
Kim Katie McDowell, of Ssltford,
- spent a portion of kat week here, being
the girt of her chum, Miss Hattie Ma-
to hely.
Mi.. Annie }terbium, of Clinton,
spent Soniay here, the guest of her
• oroosine, the Mire Lizzie and Maggi.
Mi.. Blair, of A..barley, if oaring a
risk to her friend, Miss Lizzie McMill-
Jas. Mahaffy was down to Hibbert
township last week 'Mendip' the funeral
of hs node.
Ju Youngar., left for the Michigan
lecher woolar week.
ON ens Sits Tern-Corw.Itua Moun-
tensy and wife, lien. Erwin, -Jae. Dun-
bar jr., Alio* Hawkins, Mrs Wet, Broo
m•n, J.. Ftno and Dane Kahat,.
Dave's trouble s a sprained ankle.
The trustees should either pet up
swings on the school grounds or for-
nisb the teacher with a eat -o' -nine tail*,
to take some of the hoyden oat of thew
grown op girls who have a habit of
swinging on the bell rope. Tl.t s the
Imre of the bell getting out of order
every week or so.
e hors would Ilk* b
pion and profl.., and in sorrespond•
inng with the C. P. R. °Oel.li. With .11
de defrosts to Mr Campbell', state -
moots, the railway eom'ittee of the
town soused bed proved itself to he •
useless body for 'ears past, and it was
illy when the eltrme' committee d•
voeeted the getting of • charter that
•aythtug W bre doe by the remit
et all. The si ren' romance* deserved
whet audit was de in remoter wish
the work lbs. far. The tnwr roma-
lora p•re•r.11y were deeest
feNowa, bet if an earthquake were to '
tow them ep, it world he poeisbi• to get.
Some of the neighbors
kww why Wm. Flanigan of Dungannon,
nt the
Should have have b .n jailor Dickson
while 'soy others to the riding who
hare likewise been fined previously, are
let off with $:00. The law a hong be
administered iespartially.
The city of Lim.riek hi, been pro-
claimed under the *rime. act.
The Land Cimesiesion has reduced
rents to Limerick 40 per met.
11 is rumored in Pars that M. Wilms
has fled to Morison, Vasdrey.
Duration tracked Mr Cow, M.P., to
lig hiding place at Kiid eert Lad per-
him. H s •reaped 1. a mull boat
however, and took reface ea an reed:
The wet of the Chimera & Attest/le
Railway at Hearts', id., on Monday
discovered a dym•a its bomb in
•$ freight ..r. It was headed to tit.
Newlin:* sod smemporthip &On
Mesas hese all over (Meer .tent), rani
Clapped .M a esissu _4 -!'am art
reee. The 5150 .ren* Soar
trews w aa50at1Jm.
Juba Downie', lanmarIy el Ooderish,
opened wt • new boot and shoe Moro in
Gerrie last week.
D A Furrester, Cantor, k shipping
premed hay M Tomato ; be hoe arra
ear loads u• hard.
A wild Oat has been seen on two or
three different oces•io.• in • pie.. of
wools ort in the suburbs of °liuto°.
P Kelly, Blyth, refereed home last
week, from the Northwset, where he
bas been purwhesasg wheat for the
8. McKee, Belmont, has two daughters
&heading the Goderiek model school.
They he•.seemed schools for the income -
tot year.
lfr Melkoh, lstnp.otor fur East He-
rr, states that w ((er as his inspectorate
goes, he only knows of ole vacant
school, all the rest being now filled
Mea Oliver, of Clinton, has sold her
200 ane farm, in the towaabip of Beet
Waw.nosh, to Mr Rube lohustoo. of
that township, for the was of 36,508
The farm is • good one, bet the price
would indicate • h.vy depreciation in
lad vales,
W Cob, (son of P Cole, formerly of
Cliotoi,) of Mioki e, brother of Mrs Jas
Thomppn, remedy gave up fanatic w
that 8yts, peened 51. ease i est ion lar
the Methodist 'ministry, ed is now en-
gaged in the regular work of the mmural&
Joseph Whitehead of Clintoo, has ut-
tered an urea in the Hahhegeee Garet
against the Driers Government lot
alleged bench of contrast in .wecti.a
with hie centrad for the construction
of the somewhat celebrated ''Section
15," vs" tbg Maeda Bay btaech of the
.aeries F.ciGc Ralfeey,
A rather novel marriage was cekbrat-
brsted at Bayk a! kat week, by the
Rev Mr, Hill, al the Methodist Church.
The groom was Mr. Sii ilbuet TMm.r,
and the bide Mins M h.w, late d Corn-
wall. England. The foresee . 77 y.an
of age, and the latter seemly 13. This
is Jur and Deeseober and no doubt.
Aa emerged bull rem smack Ihroogh
the streets of Exeter the other day,
resift a young lady into the air bus
not injuring be seriously, sad goring a
hone and suashieg a t uggy belonging
to Mr. John Speakman. Mr. and Mrs
Bush, who were ndiag with Mr. Speck -
Imo, were seriously injured, the •
being thrown over a bluff. The boll was
finally shot by the caretaker of the ceme-
The following of8 ors of the Seefmrtb
Caledodian Society have been steeled
for the cornet yesr : Chief, Alex 84.w -
art ; First Chieftain, Dr Campbell ; Se-
cond Chadian', John Lyons ; Third
Chieftain, John McIntyre ; Chaplain,
Rev A D McDt e.W ; Secretary, W G i{
Duff ; Amine/at Secretary, A Dewar ;
Treasurer, J 8 Roberta ; Pipers, George
Smith and F Beaton ; Baud, W G Duff.
when he
ere with
It s reported in Monis township that
a printe runts was recently held by
some of the Cuo•ervati•es of that moron
and the oou ted seleet.d for next yuan,
It is mid by their •rraage.ent that there
will be a change in the reeveehip sad a
new man will ore is to take the seat of
the lucky oouncillor who steps in to the
reeve's shoe&
D Stewart, of Clinton, was sworn in
se a special rorty u...laN•, and lie
Stet duties were to wire wmsooses on
the Varna and Bayfield hotel keepers
for violation of the Scott Act. He
started out on Friday, sed performed
hit mission at Varna, but inforsatiom
of his coming bad reesded him to Bay-
field, and whim he arrived ae that plea,
be was est by a mob who thresfimd
personal violence if M.1L..$ed to serm
s summons. Berg are sad aa•rasd,
he thought demerit the better port d
valor, and he recurred to Ginnie with-
out nerving a solitary .stamens
Then was very little b-iness of public
interest transacted at the Presbytery
meeting, in $retorts, last week.
the following bed are
be rmtiod : A re-
mit upon the onrstitation of the Omelet
Assembly and payment of Cemaiurion-
ers' expenses was pomend with some
amendment. ; Rev. R. Y. Tboapeo.'e
'enigmatiw, tmsdersd M bet meeting,
was accepted, elthou,tk it will not tab"
effect till the lith of Deo.ab•r nett ; a
all from Komi Church Ood.r.h, b
Rev. J. H. Simpson, of Brumfield, was
sustained. sed it was agreed to dispose
of it at • special meeting to be bold in
Cllntos, on the 645 of Deo•ab.r. The
next regular meeting was ordered to be
held is the Thames mad church on the
third Terrey in January, and arrange-
ments were mad. fur • Sabbath Scheel
convention in the sante place, o0 the
tullowiar day.
A photographer prints a ekealsr eo.-
taising the following advise :-"W ben •
lady attar for her peters would ore
pus• her mouth to • serene cbaracter.h"
should, )tut before entering the room,
en 'hoiosa,' said keep the uxprw..iar
into which the .oath subsides. If, ora
the other hand, she wisbes to armee a
dstingoshe4 and somewhat noble bear-
ing, .be should may 'break' the remelt of
wbieb infallible. If .he wi.►en to
rake bar smith look small rennet .y
'fip.' bot it the smooth be already too
small and needs enlarging, .b. mar may
'cabbage.It resigned, .he mad forci-
bly ejaculate '.eat.
Common Demise -- Alt),. resldewoe of the
brides Lather. ea Oct. 1105 Iha Bev. 15, O.
Aahaeld. ' es ti
mu..t Rtlloct At Me ar*e, (►wsoa
w Nes. 1i.d. by the iter, 1). ta.g.se ,iia
Iles lames ttliott, et pe e township, A
des lase Itlllott, of West'N•wasosh.
•sVeenaeto** - Alba - 44 the .tb.diet sorer
MRA of irorK` _ant. .11:11.1h51.
laN--HaW - Os the Rh lazes Bev.
JaJreSdlease ofas. 1
Wardle/ d.ef rat ro
es Colbert'.
Aim . the tMh For ,s1 4 0,
•a•3 yemitr ren s-1ea TM ni